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Governor bill weld gets tonights last word. Coming up on msnbc this independence day, the democratic debates. Both nights in their entirety. Thats next. Good evening, everyone, im lester holt, and welcome to the first democratic debate in the race for president. Hi, im savannah guthrie. Tonight its our first chance to see these candidates go head to head on stage together. Well be joined in our questioning tonight by our colleagues, jose diart. What sets them apart and which of these president ial hopefuls has what it takes. Well, now its time to find out. Tonight, round 1. New jersey senator cory booker, former housing secretary julian castro, New York City mayor, bill de blasio, former maryland congressman john delaney, hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard, amy klobuchar, former texas congressman beto orourke. Ohio congressman tim ryan, and massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. From nbc news, decision 2020, the Democratic Candidates debate, live from the Performing Arts Center in miami, florida. And good evening again, everyone. Welcome to the candidates and to our candidates and all across the country. Tonight were going to take on many of the most pressing issues of the moment, including immigration, the situation unfolding at our border and the treatment of migrant children. And were going to talk about the conditions with iran, Climate Change and the economy, those Kitchen Table issues. Before we begin, 20 candidates qualified for 24 first debate. Well hear from 10 00 tonight. The breakdown for each was selected at random. The candidates will have 60 seconds to answer and 30 seconds for any followups. Because of this large field, not every person will be able to comment on every topic. But over the course of the next two hours, we will hear from everyone. Wed also like to ask the audience to keep the reactions to a minimum. Were not going to be shy about making sure the candidates stick to time tonight. Well well start with senator elizabeth warren. Senator, good evening to you. Thank you. Good evening. You have many plans. Free college, free child care, Government Health care, cancellation of student desk, new taxes, new regulations. The breakup of major corporations. But this comes at a time when 71 of americans say the economy is doing well, including 60 of democrats. What do you say to those who worry this kind of significant change could be risky to the economy . I think of it this way. Who is this economy really working for. Its doing great for a thinner and thinner slice at the top. Its doing great for giant drug companies. Its doing great for people who want to invest in private prisons. Not for the families whose lives are destroyed and whose communities are ruined. Its doing great for giant Oil Companies that want to drill everywhere. Just not for the rest of us who are watching Climate Change bear down upon us. When youve got a government, when youve got an economy that does great for those with money and Isnt Doing Great For Everyone Else that is corruption pure and simple. We need to make structural change in our government, in our economy and in our country. Senator klobuchar, you called programs like free College Something you might do if you were, quote, a magic genie. To be blunt, are the Government Programs and benefits some of your giving voters a false sense of whats actually achievable . First the economy. We know not everyone is sharing in this prosperity. And donald trump just sits in the white house and gloats about what whats going on. When you have so many people affording college and trouble affording their premiums. So i do get concerned about paying for college for rich kids. I do. But i think my plan is a good one. And my plan would be to make Community College free, and make sure everyone else besides that Top Percentile gets help with education. My own dad and sister got their first degrees with Community College. There are many paths to success as well as certifications. Secondly, id double programs from 6,000 to 12,000 a year and expand to it the number of families that get covered. To families that make up 100,000. And the third thing i would do is make it easier for students to pay off their loans. If billionaires can pay off their yachts, students should be able to pay off their student loans. Thats time. Thank you. Congressman orourke, what we have just been discussing is how much fundamental change to the economy is desirable and how much is actually doable. Some democrat want a tax rate of 70 million on the highest earners. Would you support that . And if not, what would your top individual rate be . This economy has got to work for afternoon. And right now its going to take all of us coming together that it does. [ speaking spanish ] now we have a system that favors those who can pay for access and outcomes. Thats how you explain a economy rigged to the very wealthest. A 2 trillion tax cut that favored wealthiest while they were sitting on piles of catch at a time of historic wealth inequality. A new democracy because we returned power to the people. No pacs, no gerrymandering, automatic and sameday registration and a new Voting Rights act. Congressman orourke. Thats how we each have a voice in our democracy and make this work for everyone. Thats time, sir. Ill give you ten seconds to answer. Would you support a 70 individual marginal tax rate . Yes, no, or pass . I would support a tax rate and a tax code that is fair to everyone. Same rate . Take that Corporate Tax rate up to 28 . You would generate the revenues you need to pay for the programs. Thats time. Thank you. Senator booker, there is a debate in this party about the role of negotiations, as you know. Publiced to break up Companies Like facebook, amazon and google. You said we should not, quote, be running around pointing at companies and breaking them up without any kind of process. Why do you disagree . I dont disagree. I think we have a serious problem in our country with serious consolidation. You see the evidence of that in how dignity is being stripped from labor. And we have people that work fulltime jobs and make a living wage. We see that because Companies Often have monopolistic holds on drugs. This is an economy that is hurting Small Businesses and not allowing them to compete. One of the most aggressive bills in the senate is about corporate consolidation in the ag sector. I feel very strongly about the need to let the free market work. I live in a low income black and brown community. I see every single day this economy is not working for average americans. The indicators that are being used from gdp to wall streets rankings is not helping people in my community. It is about time that we have an economy that works for everybody, not just the wealthiest in our nation. Quickly, Senator Booker, you didnt think it was right to name names, to single them out as senator warren has. Briefly, why is that . I will single out Companies Like halliburton or amazon. When it comes to antitrust, i will appoint judges that will enforce it. Number two, have a doj and a Federal Trade Commission that will go through the processes necessary to check this kind of corporate concentration. At the end of the day, we have too much of a problem with Citizens United and the way theyre trying to influence washington. Its about time we have a president that fights for the people in this country. Thats time, sir. We need someone as a champion for them. Senator warren, i mentioned you. Are you picking winners and losers . There is way too much consolidation in giant industries in this country. That hurts workers. It hurts Small Businesses. It hurts independent farmers. It hurts our economy overall, and it Helps Constrict Real Innovation and growth in this economy. Now, look, weve had the laws out there for a long time to be able to fight back. Whats been missing is courage, courage in washington to take on the giants. Thats part of the corruption in this system. It has been far too long that the monopolies have been funding the superpacs, have been out there making sure that their influence is heard and felt in every single decision that gets made in washington. Where i want to start this is i want to return government to the people and that means calling out the names of the monopolists and saying have i the courage to go after them. Take castro, the next question is for you. Democrats have been talking about the pay gap for decades. What woo you do to make sure women are paid fairly in this country . Thank you very much for that question, lester. I grew up with a mother who raise Mid Brother Joaquin and me as a single parent. I know what its like to struggle. I know what its like to rent a home and to worry about whether youre going to able to pay the rent. And to know that moms across this country are getting paid less simply because theyre women. I would do several things, starting with something we should have done a long time ago, which is to pass the equal rights amendment, finally in this country. And also pursue legislation so that women are paid equal pay for equal work in this country. Its past time that we did that. And we have to this. If we want to be the most prosperous nation in the 21st century, we need to make sure women are paid what they deserve. Thank you. I want to put the same question to congresswoman gabbard. Your thoughts on equal pay. First of all, lets recognize the situation were in, that the American People deserve a president who will put your interests ahead of the rich and powerful. Thats not what we have right now. I enlisted in the National Guard after the terrorist attacks on 9 11 so i could go after those who attacked us on that day. I still serve as a major, deployed twice to the middle east. And in congress served on the Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committee for over six years. I know the importance of our national security, as well as the terribly high cost of war. And for too long our leaders have failed us, taking us from one Regime Change to the next, leading us into a new Arms War Costing us trillions of our hardearned Taxpayer Dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end. As president , he will take your hard earned tax dollars and invest those dollars into serving your needs, things like health care, good paying jobs, protecting our environment, and so much more. Mayor de blasio. Youre the mayor of the biggest city in the United States, but its also one of the cities in the country with the greatest gap between the wealthy and the poor. How would you great Income Inequality . Well, weve been addressing Income Inequality in New York City by raising wages, by raising benefits, by putting money back in the hands of Working People. 15 minimum wage, paid sick day, prek for all things that are making a huge difference in Working Peoples lives. What were hearing already in the first round of questions is that this is supposed to be the party of Working People. Yes, were supposed to be for 70 tax rate on the wealthy. Yes, were supposed to be for free college, for free public college. Were supposed to break up Big Corporations when theyre not serving our democracy. This Democratic Party has to be strong and bold and progressive. And in new york weve proven that we can do something very different. We can put money back in the working hands of people. Every time you talk about investing in people and their communities, you hear folks say there is not enough money. What i hear every single day, there is plenty of money in this world, in this country. Its just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that. Congressman delaney, you agree . I think we need to do real things to help American Workers and the American People, right . This is the issue that all of us on the campaign trail. We need to make sure everyone has a living wage. I called for raising the minimum wage, and creating paid family leave that will create a situation where people actually have a living wage. That gets right to workers. Then weve got to fix our Public Education system. Its not delivers the results our kids need. Nor is college and technical training programs doing that. Im very different than everyone else here on the stage. Prior to being in congress, i was an entrepreneur. I started two businesses. I created thousands of jobs. I spent my whole career helping small to midsized businesses all over the country. 5,000 of them i supported. The Obama Administration gave me an award for lending to disadvantaged communities. I know how to create jobs. We need raising the minimum wage and create paid family leave and we need to have a longterm strategy to make sure this company is competitive and were creating jobs everywhere in this country. How would you address Income Inequality . Well, im a little bit surprised. I think plans are great, but im a governor. And we got to realize the people who brought us the weekend unions are going to bring us a long overdue raise in america. And im proud of standing up for unions. Ive got a plan to reinvigorate collective bargaining so we can increase wages finally. I marked with the sciu spokes. Its not right tra that the ceo of mcdonalds makes 2,100 times more than the people slinging hash at mcdonalds. And the next thing ill do is put people to work in the jobs of the president and the future. Donald trump is simply wrong. He says Wind Turbines cause cancer. We know they cause jobs. And we know we can put millions of people to work in the Clean Energy Jobs of the future. Carpenter, machinists. Were doing it in my state today. And then we can do what america always does, lead the world and invent the very and put people to work. Thats what were going to do. Promised Manufacturing Jobs are all coming back to places like your home state of ohio. You make that same promise . Yes, i believe you can. But first, lets say the president came. He said dont sell your house to people in youngstown, ohio. In his administration in just the last few years we lost 4,000 jobs at a General Motors facility. That rippled throughout our community. General motors got a tax cut. General motors got a bailout. And then they have the audacity to move the new car that theyre going to produce to mexico. Ive had Family Members that have to unbolt a machine from the factory floor, put it in a box and ship it to china. My area where i come from in northeast ohio, this issue were talking about here, its been going on 40 years. This is not a new phenomenon in the United States of america. The bottom 60 havent seen a raise since 1980. Meanwhile, the top 1 control 90 of the wealth. We need an Industrial Policy saying were going to dominate building electric vehicles. There is going to be 30 million made in the next senn years. I want half made in the United States. I want to dominate the Solar Industry and manufacturer those. Thank you. Senator warren, are they coming back . Are these jobs coming back . So weve had an Industrial Policy in the United States for decades now, and its basically been let giant corporations do whatever they want to do. Giant corporations have exactly one loyalty, and that is to profits. And if they can save a nickel by moving a job to mexico, to asia or canada, theyre going to do it. Here is what i propose for an Industrial Policy. Start with a place where there is a real need. There is going to be a worldwide need for grown technology, ways to clean up the air, ways to clean up the water. And we can be the ones to provide that. We need to go tenfold in our research and development on green energy going forward. And then we need to say any corporation can come and use that research. They can make all kinds of products from it. But they have to be manufactured right here in the United States of america. And then we have to double down and sell it around the world. There is a 23 trillion market come coming for green products. We should be the leaders and the owners, and we should have that 1. 2 Manufacturing Jobs here in america. We can do this. Were going to turn to the issue of health care right now and understand whether there may or may not be daylight between you. Many people watching at home have Health Insurance coverage through their employer. Who here would abolish their private Health Insurance in favor of a governmentrun plan, just a Show Of Hands to start out with . Senator klobuchar, youre one of the democrats who wants to keep frieft insurance. Why is an incremental approach in your view better . I think its a bold approach. Its something barack obama wanted to do. That is a public option. I am simply concerned about kicking half of america off of their Health Insurance in four years, which is exactly what this bill says. So let me go beyond that. There is a much bigger issue in addition to that, and that is pharmaceuticals. The president literally went on tv on fox and said that peoples heads would spin spin when they would see how much he would bring down pharmaceutical prices. Instead 2500 drugs have gone up in Downtown Digits since he came into office. Instead, he gave 100 billion in giveaways to the pharma companies. For the rest of us, for the rest of america, thats what we call at home all foam and no beer. We got nothing out of it. So my approximately is to do something about pharma, to take them on, to bring in less expensive drugs from other countries, and pharma thinks they own washington. Well that. Dont own me. Your time is up. Thank you. Senator warren, you signed on bernie sanderss medicare for all plan. It would put essentially everybody on medicare and eliminate private plans that offer similar coverage. Is that the plan or the path that you would pursue as president . So, yes, im with bernie on medicare for all. Let me tell you why. One of the number one reasons is the cost of health care, medical bills. Thats not just for people who dont have insurance. Its for people who have insurance. Look at the Business Model of an Insurance Company. Its to bring in as many dollars as they can in premiums and to pay out as few dollars as possible for your health care. That leaves family with rising premiums, rising copays, and fighting with Insurance Companies to try to get the health care that their doctors say they and their children need. And i understand. There are a lot of politicians who say oh, its not poll. A lot of political reasons for it. What theyre telling you is they just wont fight for it. Health care is a basic human right, and i will fight for basic human rights. Thank you. Congressman. Congressman orourke, when you ran for senate, you also praised a bill that would replace private insurance. This year youre saying youre no longer sure. You explain why . My goal is to ensure that every american is well enough to live to their full potential, because they have health care. In laredo, texas, i met a young man, 27 years old. Had been to a doctor once in his life. On that visit he was told he had diabetes, glaucoma, and because he doesnt have health care, hell be dead before the age of 40. Getting to high Quality Universal Health care as quickly and surely as possible has to be our goal. The ability to afford your prescriptions and go to a primary care provider, the ability to see a Mental Health care provider. In texas, the single largest provider of Mental Health Care Services is the county jail system today. And every woman can make her own decisions her own body and has access to that care that make it possible. If youre insufficiently ensured, you cant afford your premiums, we enroll you in medicare. But if youre a member of a union that negotiated for a Health Care Care plan that you like, youre able to keep it. We preserve choice by. Your time is up, congressman. I do want to ask a followup on this. Just to be very clear. Would you replace private insurance . No. I think the choice is fundamental to our ability to get everybody private insurance is not working for 10s of millions of americans. When you talk about the copay, the deductibles, the premiums, the outofpocket expense, its not working. For those to whom its not working, they can choose medicare. Congressman, you got to start by acknowledging that its not working for people. Theyre able to keep them. Why are you defending private insurance . They like their private Health Insurance. It should be noted 100 million americans. I think we should be the party that keeps whats working and fixes whats broken. Doesnt that make sense . We should give everyone in this country basic health care for free, full stop. But we should also give them the option to buy private insurance. Why do we have to stand for taking away something from people . And also, its bad policy. If you go the every hospital in this country and you asked them one question, which is how would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the medicare rate . Every single Hospital Administrator said they would close. And the medicare for all bill requires payments to stay at current medicare rates. So to some extent, were basically supporting a bill that will have every hospital close. My dad was a union electrician. I actually grew up in a work class family. He loved the health care that the ibew gave him. I think about my dad and anything i would do from a policy perspective. He would look at me and say good job, john, for Getting Health Care for every american. But why you taking my Health Care Away . Let this play out a little bit. Im fascinated to hear the daylight between you. Congresswoman gabbard, why dont you weigh in here . Were talking one bill over another bill. What were talking about is our objective, making sure that every single sick american in this country is able to get the health care that they need. I believe medicare for all is the way to do that. I also think that employers will recognize how much money will be saved by supporting a medicare for all program, a program that will reduce the administrative costs, reduce the bureaucratic costs and make sure that everyone gets that Quality Health care that they need. I also think if you look at other countries in the world who have universal health care, every one of them has some form of a role of private insurance. I think thats what weve got to look at, taking the best of these ideas, but making sure unequivocally that no sick american goes without getting the care that they need, regardless of how much or little money they have in their pockets. Congresswoman, let me turn to Senator Booker on this. Explain to me where you are. This is hugely important to people. Tell us where you are. First of all, we talk of this as a health care issue. In low income communities, its an education issue, because kids who didnt have health care are not going to succeed in school. Its an issue for jobs and employment because people that do not have Good Health Care do not succeed at work. Its even a retirement issue, because in my community, African Americans have a lower Life Expectancy because of poor health care. And so where i stand is very clear. Health care is not just a human right, should it been a american right. And i believe the best way to get there is medicare for all. But have i an urgency about this. When i am president of the United States, im not going to wait. We have to do the things immediately that are going to provide better care. And on this debate, im sorry. There are too many people profiteering off of the pain of people in america. From Pharmaceutical Companies to insurers. Literally, the overhead for insurers that they charge is 15 , while medicares overhead is only at 2 . We can do this better, and every single day ill be fighting to give people more access and more affordable costs to get to my goals which is every american with health care. I want to go become to congresswoman and that is that the Insurance Companies last year alone sucked 23 billion in profits out of the Health Care System. 23 billion. And that doesnt count the money that was paid to executives, the money that was spent lobbying washington. We have a giant industry that wants our Health Care System to stay the way it is. Because its not working for families, but it sure as heck working for them. Its time for us to make families come first. It should not be an option in the United States of america for any Insurance Company to deny Women Coverage of their exercise of their right of choice. And i am the only candidate here who has passed a law protecting a womans right of Reproductive Health in Health Insurance, and im the only candidate who has passed a public option. And i respect everybodys goals and plans here. But we do have one candidate thats actually advanced the ball, and we got to have access for everyone. Ive done it. Senator, senator klobuchar, i want to get you in. I just want to say there are three women up here who have fought pretty hard for a womans right to choose. And i want to make very clear, i think we share the goal of universal health care. And the idea that i put out there, the public option, which the governor was just talking about, this idea is that you use medicare or medicaid without any Insurance Companies involved. The estimates are 13 Million People would see a reduction in their premiums. 12 more Million People would get covered. So i think it is beginning and the way you start and the way you move to universal health care. Secretary castro, this is for you. All of you support a womans right to abortion. You all support some version of a Government Health care option. Would you plan cover abortion, mr. Secretary . Yes, it would. I dont believe only in reproductive freedom. I believe in reproductive justice. And, you know, what that means is that just because a woman lets also not forget someone in the transcommunity, a transfemale is poor, doesnt mean they shouldnt have the right to exercise that right to choose. I would cover the right to abortion. More than that, nerve this crowd knows a persons ability to choose is under assault in places like missouri and alabama and georgia. I would appoint judges to the federal bench that understand the precedent of roe v. Wade and will respect it. And in addition to that, make sure that we fight hard as we transition to one where everybody can get and exercise that right. Senator warren works you put any limits on abortion . I would make certain that every woman has access to the full range of reproductive services. And that includes birth control. It includes abortion. It includes everything for a woman. I want to add on that. Its not enough for us to expect the courts to protect us. 47 years ago roe v. Wade was decided, and weve all looked to the courts all that time as state after state has undermined row, has put in exceptions, has come right up to the edge of taking away protections. Your time is up, senator. We now have an america where most people support roe v. Wade. We need to make that law. Thank you. Senator booker, i want to kind of come back on a discussion we were having about health and the Opioid Crisis. You represent a state where 14 of the 20 Largest Pharmaceutical Companies are based. Should Pharmaceutical Companies that manufacture these drugs be held criminally liable for what they do . They should absolutely be held criminally liable, because they are liable and responsible. This is one of the reasons while before i was rung for president , i said i would not take contributions from pharma companies, not take contributions from corporate pacs because they are part of this problem. And this Opioid Addiction in this country, we in cities like mine have been seeing how weve tried to arrest our way out of addiction for too long. It is time to have a National Urgency to deal with this problem and make the solutions that are working be thely of the land and make the Pharmaceutical Companies responsible. Help them to pay for that. Congressman orourke, how would you deal . Tonight in this country we have 2. 3 million americans behind bars. Its the largest Prison Population on the face of the planet. Many are there for nonviolent drug crimes, including possession of marijuana at a time that more than half the states have legalized or decriminalized it. Despite what Perdue Pharma has done, their connection to the Opioid Crisis and the overdose deaths, theyve been able to act with complete impunity and pay no consequence, not a single night in jail. Unless there is accountability, this crisis will continue. My administration will hold them to account. We will make sure they pay a price and help those who have been victims of this malfeasance in this country. Get them treatment and longterm care. I know immigration is on a lot of your minds here. We need to take a break. Well be back with more from miami after this. You try hard, you eat right. Mostly. You make time. When you can. But sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just wont go away. Coolsculpting takes you further. A nonsurgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. Discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. Some common sideeffects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Dont imagine results, see them. Coolsculpting, take yourself further. Im richard liu following Breaking News at the bottom of the hour. There is a State Of Emergency in ridgecrest, california after the strongest earthquake in 20 years struck this morning. The 6. 4 magnitude quake caused downed powers and gas leaks. A few people reported hurt. And President Trump just wrapped up his speech at his sleuth to america july 4th celebration. The event is drawing some criticism. Critics say it politicizes the holiday. For now, back to the democratic debate. We want to turn to an issue that has been in the news, especially this week. There are undocumented children being held alone in detention, even as close as homestead, florida, right here, less than 30 miles from where we are here tonight. Fathers and mothers and children are dying while trying to enter the United States of america. We saw that image today that broke our hearts and they had names. Oscar martinez and his 23monthold daughter, valeria died trying to cross the river to ask for asylum in this country. Last month more than 130,000 migrants were apprehended at the southern border. Secretary castro, what would you specifically do . Thank you very much, jose. Im proud that in april was the first candidate to put forward a comprehensive immigration plan. We saw those images. Watching that image of oscar and valeria, his daughter, is heartbreaking. It should also piss us all off. If i were president today and it should spur us to action. If i were president today, i would sign an Executive Order that would get rid of trumps Zero Tolerance policy and the remain in mexico policy and the Metering Policy. This Metering Policy is what prompted oscar and valeria to make that risky swim across the river. They had been playing games with people come and trying to seek asylum. Oscar and valeria went to a port of entry, and they were denied to make an asylum claim. So they got frustrated and they tried to cross the river, and they died because of that. On day 1. Sorry. On day 1 i would do an Executive Order that would address metering. And i would follow that up in the first 100 days with Immigration Reform that would put undocumented immigrants, as long as they havent committed a serious prime krooim on a path to citizenship and would get to the root cause of the issue which is we need a Marshall Plan for guatemala and honduras and el salvador so people can find safety and opportunity at home instead of coming to the United States to seek it. Senator booker, what would you do on day one . And this is a situation that the next president will inherit. Yes, sir. [ speaking spanish ] on day one, i will make sure that number one, we end the ice policies and the customs and border policies are violating the human rights. When people come to this country, they do not leave their human rights at the border. Number two, i will make sure that we reinstate daca and we reinstate pathways to citizenship for daca recipients, and to make sure that people that are here on Temporary Protective Status can stay and remain here. Finally, we need to make sure that we address the issues that made oscar and Valeria Come In The First place by making play Major Investments in the northern triangle, not what this president is doing, but by resources that can help solve the problem. We cannot surrender our values. We will lose security and our values. We must fight for both. If i might very briefly, this is an important point my plan, and im glad to see that Senator Booker and senator warren and inslee agree. Get rid of section 1325 of the immigration and nationality act, to go back to the way we used to treat this when somebody comes across the border, not to criminalize desperation, to treat that as a civil violation. And heres why its important. We see all of this horrendous family separation. They use that law, section 1325 to justify under the law, separating children from their families. Thank you. I want to challenge every single candidate on this stage to support the repeal of section 1325. 30 seconds. As my friend here said, i agree with him on that issue, but folks should understand that the separation of children from families doesnt just go on at our border. It happens in the community as ice are ripping away parents from children and spouses at like and creating fear in cities across the country where parents are afraid to even drop their kids off to school or the go to work. We must end those policies as well. Must have a discussion about immigration in this country. Look at the bottom line here. The tragic photo of that parent, that child, and im saying this as a father, every american should feel that in their heart, and every american should say that is not america. Those are not our values. But we have to get under the skin of why we have this crisis in our system. Because were not being honest about the division thats been fomented in this country. The way that american citizens have been told that immigrants somehow created their misery and their pain and their challenges. For all the american citizens who feel theyre falling behind, who feel the American Dream is not working for you, the immigrants didnt do that to you. The Big Corporations did that to you. The 1 did that to you. We need to be the party of Working People and that includes a party of immigrants, but first we have to tell Working People who are hurting we will be on their side every time against the Big Corporation who is created this mess to begin with. And remind people were all in this together. If we dont change that debate, the politics that is holding us back, we wont get the reforms we need. Thats what we need to. If coy. [ speaking spanish ] what would you do day one at the white house . [ speaking spanish ] we would not turn back valeria and her father, oscar. We would accept them and follow our own asylum laws. We would not build walls and put kids in cages. In fact, we would spare no expense to reunite the families that have been separated already. Congressman and we would not criminally prosecute any family that is fleeing violence and persecution. 1325. We would make sure. Secretary, let him finish. Let him finish. Let him finish. Yes . We would not detain any family fleeing violence. In fact fleeing the deadliest countries on the face of the planet today. We would implement a Family Case Management Program so they could be cared for in the community at a fraction of the cost. And then we would rewrite our Immigration Laws in our own image. Free dreamers forever from any fear of deportation by making them u. S. Citizens here in this country. Invest in vusolution in central america so there is no reason to make that journey to america. We have 30 seconds. Lets be very clear. The reason that theyre separating children from Trer Families is theyre using section 1325 which is coming across the border to incarcerate the parents and then separate them. Some of us on the stage have called the section to terminate it. Some, like congressman orourke, have not. I want to challenge all the candidates to do that. I think its a mistake. I think its a mistake. And i think if you truly want to change the system, that we have to repeal that section. Thank you. If not, it might as well stay the same policy. Respond briefly. As a member of congress, i helped to introduce legislation that would ensure that we dont criminalize those who are seeking asylum and refuge in this country. If youre fleeing im not talking i want to make sure im still talking about everybody else. But youre looking at just one small part of this. Im talking about a comprehensive rewrite of our Immigration Laws. Thats not true. And if we do that, i think its thats not true. To all our laws when they come to this country. Millions of folks. A lot of folks that are coming are not seeking asylum. A lot of them are undocumented immigrant, right . And you said recently the reason you didnt want to repeal section 1325 is because you were concerned about Human Trafficking and drug trafficking. But let me tell you what, title 18 of the u. S. Code, title 21 and title 22 already cover Human Trafficking. A known smuggler or drug trafficker. If you did your homework, you would know thinking is an issue that we should and could be talking about for a long time, and we will for a long time. Can we talk about the conditions and why people are coming here . Lester. Savannah, i know. We could go on. But rather than talk about specific provisions, we have to talk about why these people are coming to our country and what were going to do to actually make a difference in these countries. Congressman, youll get your chance. Lets continue the discussion. Senator klobuchar. Yes. Lets talk about what Secretary Castro just said. He wants to have it no longer be a crime to illegally cross the border. Do you support that . Do you hit the should be a civil offense only . And if so, do you worry about potentially incentivizing people to come here . Immigrants, they do not diminish america. They are america. And i am happy to look at his proposal, but i do think you want to make sure that you have provisions in place that allow you to go after traffickers and allow you to go after people who are violating the law. What i really think we need to step back and talk about is the economic imperative here. And that is that 70 of our fortune 500 countries are headed by people who came from other countries. 25 of our u. S. Nobel laureates were born in other countries. We have a situation right now where we need workers in our fields and our factories. We need them to start Small Businesses. We need their ideas. This president has literally gone backwards. At a time when our economy needs immigrants. My proposal is to look at that 2013 bill that passed the senate with republican support to upgrade that bill, to make it as good as possible and get it done. It brings the debt down by 158 billion. It gives a path to citizenship for citizen for people who can become citizens. It will be so much better for our economy and america. Thats time. Thank you. Congressman ryan, same question. Should it be a crime to illegally cross the border . Or should it be a civil offense only . I agree with Secretary Castro. I think there are other provisions in the law that will allow you to prosecute people for coming over here if theyre dealing in drugs and other things. Thats already established in the law. So there no need to repeat it. I think its abhorrent we are talking about this father who got killed with his daughter and the issues here and the way these kids are being treated. If you go to guantanamo bay, there are terrorists that are held that get Better Health care than those kids who tried to cross the border into the United States. That needs to stop and the president should immediately ask doctors and nurses to go immediately down to the border and start taking care of these kids. What kind of country are we running where we have a president of the United States who is so focussed on hate and fear and division and what happened now, the end result is we have kids literally laying in their own is not with threeweekold diapers that havent been changed. We need to tell this president that is not a sign of strength, mr. President , that is a sign of weakness. Senator booker, a lot of people jose asked the president , what will you do with the fact that you will have families here. There has been a lot of talk about what youll do in the first 100 days about legislation. What will you actually do with these families . How will you care for them and will they be detained or will they not be . This is a related and brief point. What were talking about, what Secretary Castro and i are talking about is we have the power to better deal with this problem through the civil process than the criminal process. I have been to some of the largest private prisons when are repugnant to me that people are profiting off of incarceration. Our country made so many mistakes by criminalizing things whether its immigration or mental illness, whether its addiction. We know that this is not the way to deal with problems. There is a humane way that affirms human rights and dignity and actually solves this problem. Donald trump is not solving this problem. Under his leadership there has been a surge at the border. We solved this problem by making investments in the northern triangle to stop the reasons why people are driven here in the first place, and we make sure we use our resources to provide health care to affirm the values and Human Dignity of the people that come here. We cannot sacrifice our values and ideals as a nation for border security. We can have both by doing this the right way. All right, senator, thank you. Let me go to governor inslee on this. What would you do on day one . Same question i just asked cory booker. I have yet to hear an answer. Anyone on this stage, what will you do with the families that will be here . There is no reason for the detention and separation of these children. They should be released pending their hearings, and they should have a hearing and the law should be followed. Thats what should happen. We should do what we are doing in Washington State. Im proud we passed a law that prevents local Law Enforcement from being turned into mini i. C. E. Agents. Im proud to be the first governor who stand up against the heinous muslim ban and a person who not only talked about dreamer, but being one of the first to make sure they get a College Education so that they can realize their dreams. These are some of the most inspirational in our state. I will leave you with this thought. If you want to know what i think. Donald trump the other day tried to threaten me. He thought it was a threat to tell me that he would send refugees in Washington State if we passed a law that i passed. And i told him thats not a threat at all. We welcome refugees into our state. We recognize diversity as a strength. This is how we built america, that tradition will continue if im president of the United States. We will switch to another topic. We have a lot to get to. My grandfather was actually separated from his family hen he came here. Were working against the clock. Tankers have been attacked. And a drone has been shot down and disturbing threats issued by both the u. S. And iranian leadership. I would like if you can to put aside how you think we may have gotten here, but what i want to know is how do you dial it back . A Show Of Hands, who has president would sign on to the 2015 nuclear deal as it was originally negotiated . Thats everyone. Senator booker, why not . May i address that . First and foremost, it was a mistake to pull out of that deal. One of the reasons we are seeing the hostility now is donald trump is marching us to a far more dangerous situation. Literally he took us out of a deal that gave us transparency into their Nuclear Program and pushed back a Nuclear Breakout 10, 20 years. And now we see iran threatening to go further, and were being pulled further and further into this crisis. We need to renegotiate and get back into a deal, but im not going to have a primary platform to say unilaterally to rejoin the deal. When im president of the United States, i will do the best i can to secure the country and the region and if i have an opportunity to leverage a better deal, im going to do it. All right. Senator klobuchar, you said you would negotiate yourself back into the iranian agreement. Can you argue that that nuclear pact as it was ratified was a good deal . Yes, it was. It was imperfect, but it was a good deal for that moment. I would have worked to get longer sunset periods and thats something we can negotiate to get back in the deal. The point is, donald trump told us when he got out of it, he was going to give us a better deal. Those were his words. We are a month away from the iranians who claim now they are going to blow the caps on enriching uranium, and the iranians have told us this. So thats where we are right now. He has made us less safe than we were when he became president. So what i could do is negotiate us back into that agreement, is stand with our allies and not give unlimited leverage to china and russia, which is what he has done. And then, finally, i would make sure that if there is any possibility of a conflict, and were having this debate in congress right now, that he comes to congress for an authorization of military force. I would do that. This president is literally every single day 10 minutes away from going to war. One tweet away from going to war. I dont think we should conduct Foreign Policy in our bathrobe at 5 00 in the morning. All right. Your time is up. Congresswoman gabbard, youve said you would sign back on to the 2015 deal. Would you insist though that it addressed irans support for hezbollah . Lets deal with the situation where we are. This president and his Chicken Hawk Cabinet led us to the brink of war with iran. I served in the war in iraq at the height of the war in 2005, a war that took over 4,000 of my Brothers And Sisters in uniforms lives. The American People need to understand this war would be far more devastating, far more costly than anything we saw in iraq. It would take many more lives and exacerbate the Refugee Crisis and it wouldnt be contained within iran. This would turn into a regional war. This is why its so important that every one of us, Every Single American Stand Up and say no war with iran. We need to get back into the Iran Nuclear Agreement and we need to negotiate how we can improve it. It was an imperfect deal and the issues like their Missile Development that needs to be addressed. We can do both simultaneously to prevent iran from developing a Nuclear Weapon and preventing us from going to work. Your time is up. A very quick followup. What would your red line be for Military Action against iran . Look, obviously, if there was an attack against the american our troops, then there would have to be a response. But my point is, and it is important for us to recognize this, is donald trump and his cabinet, mike pompeo, john bolton and others are creating a situation that just a spark would light off a war with iran, which is incredibly dangerous. Thats why we need to deescalate tensions. Trump needs to get back into the Iran Nuclear Deal and swallow his pride. Put the American People first. Yes out of time. Were up against a hard break. But we will have much more mayor de blasio, well have more. The commercial is coming. Well continue our questioning next with chuck todd and rachel maddow. Stick around. Well have a lot more with some very anxious candidates, just ahead. Oncedaily toujeo helps you control your blood sugar. Toujeo provides significant a1c reduction, and stable blood sugar control, around the clock. Find your groove with toujeo. Lets groove tonight. 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