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Keeps getting schooled on the world stage . His former Secretary Of State you canok always find me on socl tells all on capitol hill. Thats next. E tells all on capitol hill. Thats next. Media. Thank you for watching. Deadline white house with Nicole Wallace starts now. Xd x from finding out whats selling best. Hi, everyone. To managing your fleet. Its 4 00 in new york. Are democrats closing in on Donald Trumps red line . Nancy pelosi Todaye1 Needling T to collaborating remotely with your teams. President with her theory that giving you a nice big edge over your competition. Thats the power of edgetoedge intelligence. The speaker of the house pointing outc his tantrumok co silep with a series of Court Rulings that make the banks and thatzv includes his taxnr retur could that havew3 something to with ojnr tirade over the muellr ive always been amazed and still going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin. I want that too. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. It wasjf typicalfa of the presi. Whats next . Reeling in a nice one. He makese1 a boast that he want dont Stop Taking Eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, to do something and then hasok as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Follow through. Xd this administration has become eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. An erratic,i] Helter Skelter ge dont take eliquis if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. Nothing done r while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily sshingtr at and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Against the notionfaxd that he seek immediate medical care for sudden sign of bleeding, thefa rager like unusual bruising. Lashing out at the democraticxd eliquis may increase your bleeding risk leaders. Writing i was extremely calm if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical yesterday with my meeting with or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one pelosi and schumer knowing they cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Would say i was ragingfa withw3 ask your doctor if eliquis always dot along with their is whats next for you. Partner, the fake newsni media. So many stories used the Rage Narrative anyway. Gonna get him a grammar guide, but thats where wei] beginning over all the scrutiny over Donald Trumps tries to russia, Deutsche Bank, follow the money, follow the money. It would appear for whatever the special counsels investigation did or did not do, short of any criminal proceeding we dont know what they had, it would appear that congressional investigators are inching toward getting their hands on some of the president s financial records and may soon be able to follow the money. Heres the importance of you might have noticed this that, nicole already but theres a theme to it relates to volume 1 of the Donald Trumps trips abroad, Mueller Report it is the counterintelligence failure. He got played by Putin In Helsinki and left vietnam early angle that intrigues me the most when we talk about the finances. It goes towards the president s with no agreement with kim motivations to align himself jongun and north korea. Now his Secretary Of State is with putin and russia. Giving us a clue why that thats happens. Thats why congressional its Donald Trumps lack of preparation in part. Investigatorshy want this so badly. In Rex Tillerson voluntary i believe this is more than White Collar Crime were looking testimony this week, the Washington Post is reporting Rex Tillerson revealed that trump was outprepared by at and Money Laundering, this Vladimir Putin when they first could go to the heart of why met at the vital g20 back in hes joined at the hip with russia. Frank, do you think the 2017. That put the United States at a president is going to at some distinct disadvantage. Point long for the days when the Committee Aides to the post only people looking for him were Under One Roof, under the room quote the u. S. Anticipated a of Robert Mueller, looking at potential criminal violations. Shorter meeting for exchanging hes now exposed in some ways on courtesies but it ballooned into many more fronts sort of a globe spanning meeting. Incapable of protecting all of those exposed flanks. That struck a nerve with the sorry for the image. Hes very much corn erred. Hes encircled by president tweeting, the investigations. I think one of the attractive president wrote that his arguments for impeachment is Secretary Of State is, quote, thatim it does put everything kd dumb as a rock. Of e Under One Roof so there wod weve been talking about protection this hour. Be One Centralre Focus and one Rex Tillerson totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be centralnd investigative body. But he cant make this go away. Secretary of state made up a story. He got fired. That i was outprepared by heres the other neat thing i see through my Law Enforcement Vladimir Putin at a meeting in lens. He cant go a week without germany. I dont think putin would agree. Look how the u. S. Is doing. Committing or coming close to you cant make it up, eugene committing another crime. What no one is seeing yesterday is that he came close to robinson. No, you cant. He called someone else dumb violating the bribery statute, as a rock, he called nancy it says whoever offers or pelosi crazy. I think he worries someone promises a thing of value to an thinks hes dumb as a rock and official to induce or stop them from taking an official act is crazy. He said i was prepared ask committing a crime. Whatti did trump do yesterday, putin. Said if you stop investigating how about ask mattis. Me, i will get your legislation ask putin . What . I know. Done. A thing of value if you stop you cant make this up. You wouldnt make this up. Doing something of value for me. Its ridiculous. And no one is talking about that. But in plain sight once again tillerson while he was Secretary Of State said the pre compare the president is coming close to violating law. Cl lets talk about that paul donald trump ran the trump organization, which is a butler. One of the places where people boutique branding company. And Rex Tillerson did run exxon on both sides of the aisle from Formerof Prosecutors offices tt mobile, one of the biggest and most complicated companies in say the president has a lot of the world, in the history of the world. Exposure is around the so i think you could just sort investigations that may be of judge whos the bleeping housed out of the southern idiot. Let me press you because district of new york, there may be someri in the Eastern Distri theres a lot of thin skinness of asvirginia. The idea that the Mueller Probe around his intelligence and stability. Here he is moments ago about his has ended and the president s legal exposure ended, is a stability and his intelligence. Misnomer. He has a democratic control i havent changed very much. House of representatives and been very consistent. Their investigations and all of theat exposure. Im an extremely stable genius. If he continues to commit crimes, i imagine new cases can im sorry. Before coming on i didnt know be referred but talk about what he had said that again. That Bigger Picture looks like paul butler. A little surprise for you, my the president s legal friend. An extremely stable genius. Troubles are just beginning. Hes like steph curry in the nba no one that says it if youre telling people playoffs, hehes being double a youre an extremely stable genius, you are not. Triple guarded le hes no steph curry. Isnt that an axiom to this . Im a steph curry fan. He doesnt have the skills, youre right. He does not have currys skills. Its scary because hes president of the United States. So urhes caught. Its a little bit scary. We saw the performance yesterday and were seeing it again, i think he has exposure today. Im with nancy pelosi. In all of these. I think im going to pray. The only thing hes being in the same event that transparent about is his cover happened at the white house, he up. He told congress, im quoting, were not turning anything over. Had several aides come up and attest to the press how calm he theres no legal theory to was yesterday. The cabinet . Support complete defiance of sarah sanders, members of the congress and thats why in court after court this week federal judges are requiring him to turn staff come up and tell them how calm he was. We talked about him being over evidence to congress. Reactionary before. Thats Whats Happening now, and this is incriminating evidence that congress is going to use. Showing a remarkable degree of they dont have to call it an thin skinness. Impeachment hearing. But back to the original point. This is not just a complaint they are gathering evidence of high crime and misdemeanors. That Rex Tillerson has had, but this is my question for you, others as well. Its hard to get him to focus and put in the time on preparing paul bleutler, we know from the Secondon Volume of the mueller for the trips. He puts off preparing for the report frank referenced what we know in the first. Overseas trips to the last but from the second we know how minute, often on the plane over determined donald trump was k t obstruct the russia probe and we there. Know how he did it. Aides said he felt like he was he set out to change the playing the shorter hand in the referees,ge to keep the basketbl exchange with the other leader analogyee going. While president xi or putin was he set out to malign the more more prepared and driving the narrative. They had to be. Referee. He wanted to switch the bodies remember trumps own description in terms of who was running the justice department. Of how he ran the trump this conduct with the congressional probe seems to be throughpa it. T runs organization, which is he didnt plan ahead. He woke up, went to the office hes stonewalling and obstructing those and whatever came up he kind of investigations. Is that into and of itself addi dealt with it. To a potential list of High Crimes And Misdemeanors for this president . You cannot be president of the United States successfully that it is. One of thees values of criminal way. You were there can i ask, i want to get into prosecutionof is what we call the tillerson reporting because deterrence. People know they get in trouble its great. Are we dancing around something . For doing something, then they we came on the air with nancy dont do it. One concern with mueller not pelosi praying for him. Indicting trump for any of those we cut to because in our hour talking about an i rad you can ten episodes of obstruction is presidency, the president that it sends a message to trump calling her crazy. We broke in with the president that its okay. That he can get away with it. Calling himself stable. Heidi, for her part, nancy were going back to his own Secretary Of State who travelled pelosi is watching donald trump the world over who talks about do all the things that frank and how unprepared he was. Your team has reported on what paul just ticked through, continuing to incriminate in some of the military and himself, obstruct investigations diplomatic cabinet officials thought of him privately. Into his administration and but its not normal to be able himself. Her account amounts basically to to Pay Attention to your military leaders, shortly after bless your heart. Watch her praying for the becoming commander in chief, president. I pray for the United States. Again i pray for the president President Trump asked so few questions in a briefing that top of the United States. Military commanders cut the i wishnt that the family or number of prepared power Point Administration or staff would have anst intervention. Slides to three. They had planned 18 said two reporter are you concerned about his well being . Officials with knowledge of the i am. Maggie haberman tweeted this, visit. The commanders slotted two hours for the meeting but it lasted less than one. Pelosis language has grown ive been to briefings in the pointed in talking about trump tank, at air force bases. The way people talk about someone with an illness. Its not fluff. The Military Commanders dont or a toddler. Intervention. Lets be real. Make 18 you slides of stuff you talked about the oranges of the should know, its stuff you need to know. Investigation. You travel with him, there are this is everything that weve plenty of flashes of whatever learned about the president , Rex Tillerson is adding one more the opposite of brilliance is. This is not someone whose public vignette to the broader picture appearancesic depict stability. That weve known for two years. Without getting into we know he doesnt read his daily brief because its not hypothesizing into what his mental state might be. Digestible. His aides know this. Clearly when she came out, i they break things down into one know we talked about this before or two sentences and this is my impression was she was shaken why, fundamentally, hes not able to, for instance, sit down we dont have 100 the full story of the president s and cut a deal, even though yesterday rage in that meeting. I thinkth it was a number of thats his entire image, because things. Hes not patient enough to get he started tweeting before the into the weeds of a deal on Second Court Ruling came out. Immigration or into the weeds of i believe he was watching news a deal on infrastructure. That his art of the deal really coverage of his possible is all about force of impeachment and this was not personality. We see that play out in his strategic in the extent of his melt down. Dealings with congress and on the international stage. Its no surprise he got played it was strategic in they had placards prepared, shades drawn, by putin because the whole narrative when he was meeting no chair there for him. He is legitimately at this poin with kim jongun was that we got horribly played in a way no getting spun up because of the previous president has ever gotten played by the north totality of Whats Happening, koreans, in terms of granting this strategyng of im giving y kim jongun a facetoface nothing, no records whether they pertainet to mueller or my Immigration Policy was actually meeting with an american president. A poor choice because now the thats because his art of the deal is get me in there, get me courts are saying, oh, no, you , across the table, i dont need dont. The white houses argument has to know anything, its the force really been that congress, n of my personality. What has it delivered so far . Unlike what it says in the constitution has no role in nothing. He has delivered grandly in investigating corruption or terms of the public donor providing anyon kind of check o agenda. Theyve gotten everything, the executive, which is deregulation, tax cuts, judges. Laughable to any federal judge on its face. And thats the problem now theyre experiencing the federal court system is biting from don mcghan, nothing. Thats not deal making with back. The question is how quickly is any adversary. This informationqu going to com forward. Not if its going to come right. When it comes to that, thats when he falls short. Rex tillerson is interesting forward. As Leann Caldwell reported because hes one of many. These are all the people that the president hired and then the president attacked. Today, the committee has don mcghan who delivered on the documentation from some n things you just described, Financial Institutions that are cooperating and others like judges, deregulation, kept him out of the criminal side of Deutsche Bank will be soon. I think nancy pelosi is obstruction. Fbi director chris wray, who playing a game around hes been attacking. Impeachment. Shesd playing a game were no going to call it the i word Jeff Sessions who was his because that triggers donald attorney general, rod trump. But he is being investigated, rosenstein, steve bannon, gary they are taking the turning down of document requests, the ignoring of subpoenas to court, cohen, am ma rosa. Sorry. The point is, these are the witnesses that we were talking about because he attacks the and despite the white house lawyers memo, 14 pages about not giving them anything, all of people he hires. In the case of Rex Tillerson, since he left the state this strategy has got them so department, hes largely stayed far is a few minutes and a lot quiet. Even by this own report, he ofes losing in court. Didnt go there looking to cast and the white house and washington are under a tornado aspersions against the president in this meeting. Warning at this moment. He was answering the questions t literally and figuratively that were being posed to him there are a few things at play here. About the preparedness, and he yes, hes been upset with some answers them. Of the Court Rulings. It goes to two things, the skin theyre obviously appealing them. Hoping to drag thinness that weve seen, the this out. But these were losses and the comment Rex Tillerson made two speed of the losses unnerves the years ago now about him beeping president and the people around a bleeping moron, still sticks him. He was also upset by what in his craw that the mention of happened the day before. The aides, particularly hope Rex Tillersons name with hicks who he has a soft spot anything is going to send him on a tweet storm. For, he was enraged by that its not just aides talking about the president s lack of people told me sorry to use the Rage Narrative, sir. Preparedness, its himself. He boasted about it like it was and also nancy pelosi using the an asset. Term cover up triggered him. I dont need these hours of this is a long time coming. Briefings. I dont need to be told over and the administration has said, over again. Thats for other president s not since democrats run the house, as good, usually talking about they said you can investigate us barack obama. Trying to keep this about a or work with us. Strength obama knows more on an am bin but plenty have done both. The white house has a strategy they were looking for a moment to doer this, to drop the grena and say were not going to work slummer than this guy knows. With you anymore. Yesterday was that moment. Heres what nancy pelosi it can backfire, you like to tweeted, when the extremely believe the president s stable genius starts acting more supporters would say hes not running the country, not president ial ill be happy to governing for us, not trying to work with him on infrastructure, make my life better each and trade and other issues. So pelosi again and again and every day. You like to think theres a th again getting the last word. Backlash, although you know his thats toddler language, eat most loyal supporters tend to stay with him no matter what your peas and squash and ill be happens. Happy to talk to you about this reelection is notr going dessert. Be about a robust domestic yes. Yes. You want your 15 minutes of policy agenda. Screen time, finish your im going to ban the word feeding. She trolls him and knows his strategy. This is not a white house that soft spots. She knows where to plunge the knife time and time again. Receives the president after she does. Its hard to imagine there hes watched x times four hours were any democrats that did not think she was the right choice for speaker. Of cable news in the morning, at the least shes proven tweeted x times whatever before herself the perfect foil for the what ever he does in his morning president she has gone routine. Heoe reacted a moment ago to nay toetotoe and won almost every pelosi calling him bonkers. Battle. When we come back, mayor crazy nancy, ive been watching her for a long period pete with biting new criticism of time. Shes not the same person. Aimed at you, mr. President. Crm shes lost it. Aimed at you, mr. President. This is the story of john smith. You lost it, nancy. You lost it. My god, get that man a checkup. An its the youre the Puppet Strategy Play from the debate with hillary clinton. T yes, its whatever doesnt stick to me is you. In terms of the president , youre right, there are some meetings held not this john smith. Whoet goes to those meetings . Or this john smith. Or any of the other hundreds of john smiths what do they say . If the president hasnt watched that are humana Medicare Advantage members. Fox news and made his own message for the day, well have no, its this john smith. This as a message. The key word is reactionary. Who we paired with a humana team member to help address hes reacting to what he sees on his own specific health needs. Television, what happens on at humana, we take a personal approach to your health, capitol hill and there are few Staff Members left he listens to provide care thats just as unique as you are. To, certainly Jared Kushner has no matter what your name is. Say, stephen miller. But Mick Mulvaney has made it clearha hes not trying to chec impulses. Hes letting him to do what he wants. Theres little around the president telling him, sir, this is a bad idea. So hes going to go with instinct, his gut and see more scenesmo like yesterday. One of the pat erns was the government shutdown. He seemed to repeat history yesterday when he said i will not govern as long as congress does its job. Frank made the point for congress to take any thing of value t to not do their job wou be a bribe. For congress to say i wont do my job because youre taking the legislative Agenda Hostage would be an abdication of their role as public servants. Thats a stupid thing to say on all fronts but he put it out there like he did, id be proud to own the shutdown. It fuels the growing desire e to push forward toward impeachment that weve seenus so, i started with the stats regarding my thats where the momentum is in the house anyway. Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The house cant get anything else done. Like how humira has been prescribed if hes not just seen as to over 300,000 patients. Obstructing their ability to and how many patients saw clear or almost clear skin conduct investigations. But obstructing their ability to in just 4 months the kind of clearance that can last. Do anything, thats only going humira targets and blocks a specific source of to make this worse, but not inflammation that contributes to symptoms. Better. I dont think this is one linear numbers are great. Strategy. And seeing clearer skin i think these are the impulses is pretty awesome, too. Of the president who are. Thats what i call a body of proof. Sometimes they conflict. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Its the impulse to fight serious and sometimes fatal infections, including democratsul ahead of the electi. Tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, he sees it as a strategy even if have happened, as have blood, liver, and it shoots him in the foot. Nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, its theimpulse to protect and and new or worsening heart failure. Keep secret anything involving tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain his company and his personal and fungal infections are common and if youve had professional finances. We saw that two years ago him tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Saying that would be a bridge dont start humira if you have an infection. Too far if investigators look into his finances. Want more proof . And now hes seeing these losses ask your dermatologist about humira. In the courts, its making him this is my body of proof. Angry. Its not a strategy but every impulse seems to fuel more investigations, its pushing so, look, i dont have a nancy pelosi and members of the house to push more toward problem standing up to somebody impeachment, pelosi giving them who was, you know, working on cover by talking about a cover season 7 of Celebrity Apprentice up, its all growing instead ofi when i was packing my bags for tamping down. After the Mueller Report you can afghanistan, but at the end of say by any measure that was a win for the white house. The day it was not about him. He could have pulled back and startedll talking about do you think he should have infrastructure, started talking served in vietnam. I have a dim view of his about a campaign strategy. Decision to use his privilege he was in a great position status to fake a disability in there. Not the actual mueller order to avoid serving in report, barrs summary. Right. He got a Running Start vietnam. You believe he faked a disability. Do you believe he has a there were ten points of obstruction, but it was very disability . Yeah. At least not that one. Little that the house could do with that. Now hes giving them more he no, i dont mean a no, ammunition to do a lot more and i this is actually really the courts are backing them up every step of the bway. Hes changing Public Opinion important because i dont mean inng his own regard by repeatin to trivialize disability but i the behavior in full view in the think thats what he did. Same context. The Obstruction Volume of the a stinging rebuke of the Mueller Report is hard to wrap president by mayor pete your brain around. Buttigieg. I dont know if the whole the latest poll out today has country has read it all. To go through and read what the him in fifth place behind biden conduct wwas, it was trying to and sanders and a pair of fire mueller, asking don mcghan surging democrats, Kamala Harris to write a lie about efforts to and Elizabeth Warren who are now fire mueller. When you see him do it in the rose garden, didnt read it but in double digits. That was your colleague, robert costa who did a tremendous job. Obstruction means blocking something sthes doing again. That was a tremendous event, the Mueller Report didnt tons of news, but there right move Public Opinion on either side. But this in real time is giving there might have been sort of them something new. That how hard can he go if democrats want to know how hard frank let me ask you about their choices can go with donald the asposter. Hes going to meet with nancy trump, thats as hard as you can pelosi about infrastructure. So maybe they had posters for er go at donald trump. That was hard. That. That was afghanistan hard. But they quickly got rid of that was disability, not that those posters and had a poster disability. He connected those dots. Thosethere, of the Mueller Report and it right. Saidan two curious things, it sd and everybodys written about them and thats what you take no collusion, no obstruction. Robert mueller didnt write no away from what actually happened with trump. But theres something about coming out and saying forceful collusion and Robert Mueller didnt decide no obstruction. What do you make of the efforts to still lie about the mueller bone spurs and thats how he got findings. Hes a verbal liar and now we out serving in vietnam. I had said this before, i have it in writing on a poster think that all of the Democratic Candidates are Getting Better he holds up at a press week after week after week after conference. People need to understand the week. Buttigieg is the most gifted president of the United States had his staff prepare a poster political communicator on the that had lies. Field. Knew right where to go to hurt trump the most. Mueller did not find no i have been thinking about this. Collusion. He was focussed on criminal hes not the first person to go there on vietnam with trump, it conspiracy with russians. And he didnt find that the was bob kerrey, the former president did not commit obstruction, rather he listed senator who said you had bone ten examples of things that spurs . Lets see the mri. Could be charged as obstruction. So the president is at the point trumps whole image is fighting now where hes holding up the elite. And we the media, who come from posters with lies on them at normal, middle class families, rose garden Press Conferences have become the elite. And people need to understand that aside, this is the ultimate when they hit the pothole on the betrayal of that. That he used his privileged Interstate Highway thats not repaired because theres no status as an official, as the Infrastructure Bill or a bridge favorite son of the new york elite to avoid the draft, if he crumbles in their down because really didnt have a disability there is no Infrastructure Legislation or they swear theyll never pass through this and trivialized it and gained a airport again because its not system like that. Getting n refurbished or repair, who are the guy hoz ds who did o they need to understand it was the president who walked out of a meeting after three minutes go . A lot of the guys who supported that could have fixed infrastructure. Paul butler let me give you him, Working Class Guy Who today live off Social Security and the last word. We had conversations about pensions the hard for after they came back donald trump as the subject or target of the investigation, possibly with real disabilities that was opaque, we now see him from serving. As the subject or perhaps target its an emotional and of an Impeachment Proceeding or gutwrenching message. At least investigations from congress. As a former prosecutor, what do here he is on race. Is President Trump a racist . I think so. If you do racist things and say you deduce . Hes running scared, acting racist things, the question of like a guilty man. Whether that makes you a racist if hes innocent you welcome the is almost academic. Investigation or at least youre not afraid of it. The problem with the president the problem though for speaker is that he does and says racist pelosi is there might be some things and gives cover to other tension between whats in the best interest of the country and the constitution, which i think racists, and its not an is impeachment, and whats in the best political interest of accident that hate crimes rose the democrats. So when Speaker Pelosi uses disproportionately in places his words like coverup, those are campaign visited. Which by the way, is another impeachment words. Reminder why it is the conduct sheshm making the case for of our campaign, not just our impeachment. But does she think thats in the outcome, that could affect what happens in this country. Partys best political interest . And theres no i mean, only time will tell. Without having to examine his after the break, speaking of heart, theres no question we have to respond to the racism trumps finances, a bank at the that is emanating from his white center of it all may soon be house. And it reminds me of a moment turning over its records on the todd gillham had, Andrew Gillum president to congressional investigators. A look at that long and some would say tortured relationship. Had, who ran for governor of the president s first florida. Secretary of state dishes on the where he said im not saying president s lack of stunning that youre racist. Separation for his facetoface the racist are saying youre racist. Yeah, that was the governor meeting with putin. Of florida. I dont have to settle out for and buttigieg not backing ba you whether i think trump is a racist. Down in the fight against trump. The racist thinking is it. All those stories coming up next. All those stories coming up next when you shop for your home at wayfair, it shows all of the candidates, not just the candidates of color, have to address the fact that this is often an elephant in the room when were talking about the landscape for 2020. There is this persistent focus, and even more so now, that joe biden is in the race on these white working class, Midwestern State folks and at the same time hate crimes are rising, the disparity despite what the president says, the disparity, economic disparities between blacks and other minorities is still persistent. There are a lot of problems and all of the candidates will have to speak to that. The majority of the democratic electorate are people of color and people in marginalized communities and they have to say specifically how the Trump Administration has affected them and why that is a reason for voters to vote for them. Pete buttigieg has been lagging you get more than Free Shipping. When it comes to minority sport, and i think he realizes that and you get everything you need for he knows how to just as directly your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, as a veteran, talked about the ill take that. Wait honey, no. President s past Military Record or lack thereof, he has to just when you want it. You get a Delivery Experience as directly get to the nub when you can always count on. Hes talking about issues of you get your perfect find at a price to match, race in this country. Thats exactly right. On your own schedule. I do think the president has you get fast and Free Shipping on the things that nowhere to go. Make your home feel like you. The facts are now established. Thats what you get joe biden raised this in his when youve got wayfair. So shop now opening announcement video. The president s instinct, his impulse was to Relitigate Charlottesville for ten days. He defended his remarks, blaming both sides for the violence, including the life of a person who was there to protest white nationalists. I was also struck by the comment from mayor pete buttigieg, the same structure he used when he was asked by mike pence whether hes homophobic, he said i dont know if he is but the policies he advocates for are. I think it shows an adept way of attacking the administration, you raised the point it was joe biden whose opening words were charlottesville, seemed to light a fire under democrats who were not going right after trump, they were campaigning against his policies but not his character. What we are seeing here is lets change now. Democrats, they seem far less reluctant to go after donald trump the man, not just donald trump the president. Women surging in this poll. You know reliable support when you have it, Kamala Harris up 3, Elizabeth Warren up 4, Amy Klobuchar up 2. And that dependability is what we want to give our customers. I think this is because theyre at comcast, its my job to constantly running really good campaigns. Monitor our network. I think harris had a moment with prevent problems, and to help provide barr. She rode it. Shes taking it to the campaign the most Reliable Service possible. Trail. Shes putting down some of the bricks for a campaign. My name is tanya, i work in shes now turned on a more the Network Operations center for comcast. Publicfacing face of her we are working to make things campaign. I said it before, elizabeth simple, easy and awesome. Warren is as effective as anyone in this field as communicator and messenger that the base is starving for. Shes been grinding it out, distinguishing herself and investing in major Field Operations in new hampshire, in iowa. And i think now that they are getting more time with the News Stations and coverage in a lot of these communities, the polls are showing that this is a really competitive race. And they are in that second tier now solidly. They will make the debate stage. Trump talks a big game on and i dont think were going to his Business Acumen but has yet see much more movement i may be wrong, but i dont think to offer a scrap of evidence to were going to see a ton of movement until after that first back up any of his claims of debate. I wouldnt say this is anything success. He spent years ensuring his to do with their gender but just financial records stay hidden the virtue of the fact that they but due to recent Court Rulings are owning their policies and connecting with voters in their those records are closer than states. And they all have an open ever to seeing the light of day. Invitation here, their campaigns the judges decision yesterday know that. Come spend time with us. That Deutsche Bank may comply we will sneak in a break. With the subpoenas they received from congress means congressional investigators could soon be peeking behind the trail to the president s past. Since 1998 Deutsche Bank lent him 2 million and he owed them more than 2 million at the time he was sworn in as president. The New York Times writes, Deutsche Bank recognizes that mr. Trump was a risky client. But as our next guest reports they kept lending and lending to him. David enrich is the financial applebees new loaded fajitas. Editor for the New York Times. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. You were great on the daily this morning, i listened to it on the applebees new loaded fajitas. Train this morning. One of the most interesting with moderate to severe ulceratiyour plans. Crohns, things you described was the can change in minutes. History of deutsche and the your head wants to do one thing. Power to the democrats. You called them possibly the but your gut says not today. If your Current Treatment isnt working. Roseta stone explain. Ask your doctor about entyvio®. Entyvio® acts specifically in the gi tract, this is a bank for the past 20 years has had an intimate to prevent an excess of White Blood Cells relationship with donald trump. And theyve collected an from entering and causing damaging inflammation. Enormous amount of detailed entyvio® has helped many patients achieve Financial Information about the longterm relief and remission. Man who is now president. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen they have his tax returns, his during or after treatment. Companys tax returns, they have entyvio® may increase risk of infection, detailed records about the structure of his businesses, which can be serious. Where theyre making money, how pml, a rare, serious, theyre making money, who potentially fatal Brain Infection theyre in business with. Caused by a virus so all this information is may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection stored in an electronic vault on experience frequent infections wall street and the bank is or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. Basically prepared to hand over a substantial portion of that to ask your doctor about the only gifocused biologic congress. Deutsche bank has been under just for Ulcerative Colitis and crohns. Scrutiny before. Theyre now perhaps under entyvio®. Relief and remission extraordinary political and within reach. Possibly even legal scrutiny. If we look sort of for patterns, for clues about how they might but allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. S is a bank, first of all,. And brake too hard. With a long history of reckless with feedback to help you drive safer. And in some cases criminal giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Misconduct. But the bank has been for the past couple years trying to to unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Turn over a new leaf and the now that you know the truth. Banks lawyers have welcomed congressional investigates with open arms. Are you in good hands . Theyre eager to Show Congress what they have and theyre trying to distance themselves from the taint of being the only bank that has loaned money to donald trump. And so, according to people on both sides of this, they have been very cooperative with investigators. To the extent theyve helped the were oscar mayer deli fresh and your very first sandwich,m. Congressional investigators craft the language in the your moveinday. Feast. Subpoenas. So theyre eager to hand over your bold canine caper. What theyve got and theyre [child] thats not for you, bandit waiting for a courts blessing your dinner in the dark. To do so. Your mammoth masterpiece. [whispering] your 3 47 am snack. It seems to be me that to be the most ominous sign for trump. And. Whatever happened here. The bank is not in a position to because we make deli fresh with all the good of the deli, resist congress, bury themselves no artificial preservatives and no added nitrates or nitrites. Deeper in the kind of holes make every Sandwich Count theyve been in in the past. With oscar mayer deli fresh. And i want to ask you about reporting in your paper about suspicious activity that was detected in some of Jared Kushners and trumps accounts. You said Staff Members reviewed so called suspicious activity report that should be sent to the treasury department. But Deutsche Bank rejected their employees advice, the reports were never filed. Is that the kind of decision were out of time but i making theyre trying to move thank you gene, heidi, kim, thank you for watching. Away from or is that how they thats it does for our hour. Roll when it comes to donald mpt daily with chuck todd trump and Jared Kushner . Starts right now. Thats a good question. I dont know the answer. The bank says that the New York Times has made way too much of this. I talked to a lot of people who were on that Compliance Team that flagged these transactions and they say they were really well, if its thursday surprised and upset by the way crying out for impeachment, the banks management handled Speaker Pelosi said the president stormed out of this. They saw transactions, a number of them, that they regarded as yesterdays meeting because she wont impeach him. Plus, just moments ago the suspici president fires back saying suspicio pelosi has, quote, lost it. Suspicious. These are people trained in identifying Money Laundering and gridlock alert, if nothing risk, tax evasion risk, gets done, does that change Sanctions Violation risks and saw a number of transactions in everyt the trump and kushner accounts. They wanted to report those to the government and they were essentially overruled by bank managers. That is certainly something that has Intest Fied The Pressure On Congress to get to the bottom of the materials that Deutsche Bank has on the president. Stay with us. I want to bring into the conversation, frank figliuzzi. Were talking about criminal investigations regarding deutsche and their records. What would a criminal investigation of Deutsche Bank look like . If Indeed Management was overlooking requests and reports of suspicious looking activities and it could have been and should have been reported, youre looking at Banking Regulation Violations of an order of magnitude that Deutsche Bank may never have seen before if it was done repeatedly. Employees are exposed personally as well. For me it also gets to what is it that causes bank leadership to look the other way and tell their analysts dont report this. Where is the help coming in the form of russians perhaps, who are are they cosigning . Are they pressuring Deutsche Bank to assist and give loans they wouldnt otherwise give to trump . And what does trump know about this . Understand this from a counterintelligence perspective. Foreign Intelligence Services plant people inside major global Financial Institutions. If they cant get somebody in, theyll hack in and observe whats going on. Its possible the russians have knowledge of trumps difficulty at some point in getting loans, someone is tipping them off, the russians seize that opportunity, they get next to trump, we can help you, or help him in advance and tell him, heres how you got the loan from Deutsche Bank. This tees up my last line of questioning for you. Does Deutsche Banks reputation

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