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Justice, the only way to set the record straight to make the transcript public. The founders of fusion gps warned in an oped last week that the dossier was being used for political purposes, writing, quote republicans have refused to release full transcripts of our firms testimony even as they selectively leak details from the far right. The transcripts released today by feinstein debunk the theory that the firm behind the dossier had a political agenda. In fa he said he was professionally obligated to do it. Like if youre a lawyer and you find out about a crime, in a lot of countries, you must reporter that. Also today were learning the transcript described a walk in whistle blow eer from the trump team who was sharing similar information with the fbi. Quote, my understanding was that the fbi believed chris at this point, that they believed chris might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing and one of these pieces of intelligence was from inside the trump organization. Were also learning steele cut off contact to the fbi in t. Lets get right to msnbc intelligence reporter and New York Times justice reporter, at the table Associated Press White House Reporter jonathan lam mere, elise jordan nbc analyst and former aid in the former george w. Bush white house. Also here, Steve Schmidt, republican strategist and msnbc contributor. Let me start with you and let me ask you a simple question. Why did Dianne Feinstein release the transcript . Well, we havent heard her explain it nicole, but one can only assume that it had a lot to do with that criminal referral against Christopher Steel on friday that was made yuan nauni ly on friday. Accusing Christopher Steele of potentially misleading the fbi. You write most of the stories from which i learn these facts, but Donald Trumps allies in the media and some of them in congress are engaged in the Smear Campaign against the fbi, describing it as in tatters. What i deduce from reading the kra transcripts of Glen Simpsons testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee, is that Christopher Steele went to a meeting with an fbi contact in rome, i dont want to characterize it too much, but it had the impression that the fbi was unfazed by what he was telling them so he left with this belief that it hadnt been elevated. In fact the fbi had opened an investigation, they had this walk in whistle blower, which i understand from some reporting might have been george pop develop li popadopoulos is that your understanding . From what i understand from the timeline, this transcript one of the real values of releasing this is it helps us establish a clear understanding of how this began. The fbi opened this investigation in the final days of july based on the information that the australians gave the fbi about George Popadopoulos who was running his mouth about the russians having dirt on Hillary Clinton russ plus the understanding that had just come on the heels of the hack of the democratic computers and the release of those emails. And our understanding was that the senior fbi people that were doing this investigation, they dont receive the information from steele until august, and ultimately they dont go out to interview him until october. So you can see why steele would be frustrated and think, oh, these guys dont care anything about what i have given them, but really they had already opened an investigation at that point. So it becomes abundantly clear, that far from being in tatters, the fbi in view of the information that was being passed on by steele, so acutely aware of the political climb in which that information was being passed along said that steel did not, doesnt this completely obliterate the critics on the right that the fbi is a biassed corrupted Law Enforcement agency . What we know about how the fbi handled the Clinton Administration and the trump administration, the fbi all thought that she was going to win, they didnt want to be seen as going easy on Hillary Clinton. That was why they released that investigation in october. And they had a super close hold on the trump administration, they didnt want trump who was obviously going to lose the election, they didnt want him to come out and sort of question the results. So they gave trump the benefit of the doubt here. I think its a totally fair point to ask, did Political Opposition Research paid for by Hillary Clinton impact in any way an ongoing fbi investigation involving the Trump Campaign . I mean thats a fair question to ask. I dont think that is necessarily being done in bad faith. But i think a lot of what you call the Smear Campaign is being done in bad faith in order to muddy the water that was already even more complicated. Is there any effort to stop an investigation into getting to the bottom of information that was originally funded by mr. Singer, a new york billionaire associated with republican causes filtered through the free beacon, a conservative website, ultimately the tab picked up by sources and supporters of Hillary Clinton, is there any effort to stop an investigation into finding out what happened to fusion . I mean isnt that white fusion gps has testified before three committees for more than 21 hours . Fusion is saying essentially they did a job, they were like, you know, a guy who goes about doing his job and comes across a crime scene and they feel an obligation to report it. The testimony today indicates that they didnt set out to try and go and fuel this fbi investigation. They did it because they thought a crime had been committed or was being committed and they felt obligated to report it. Obviously you have seen that testimony, im sure thats not going to end the criticism, but certainly any time you release more testimony, transparency helps us understand whats going on. Theres no doubt that fusion gps is going to continue to be part of this debate and im sure its not going to quell the republican criticism. Chuck grassley was asked by one of his constituents in rural iowa if he was going to release the transcriptnd then something happened. He changed his mind after the simpson testimony, to the position he held today when Dianne Feinstein released the transcripts over the objections of the republicans on the committee. Do you know what changed . I dont. There are some reasonable good reasons not to release witness testimony, its sensitive, you know, it can sort of motivate other witnesses to not cooperate. Well, look, it a good thing that were seeing this, because it clears up a lot of misrepresentation. And a lot of people are getting spun up about the idea that simpson said that there was a walk in source, but two sources from fusion gps told me that that was inaccurate, he misspoke and he was talking about the australia jan dn diplomat that russians had democratic emails well before that was public. It becomes clear that the fbi knew about that well before they debriefed krChristopher Steele rome that happened in september. He sat down with the fbi and told them anything he had been gathering. He thought that trump was subject to blackmail, he thought he was an intelligence risk to russia, and he wanted the fbi to do something about it. We now know that the fbi was doing something about it. Apparently they didnt tell steele. So steele and fusion gps apparently started making some of this available to reporters. And john mccain, wasnt john mccain someone who was in receipt of some of the contents of the dossier and also handed it on to Law Enforcement . Let me ask the question that i asked matt, the general smear against the fbi, from the president who describes the bureau as quote, in tatters, and others from the far right trump world echo chamber, suggests a corrupted, a biassed and unprofessional Law Enforcement agency. Can you see anything in this 10 hours of testimony that was released today that suggests the fbi did anything in its handling of steele or the information created by fusion gps . No, but in fairness, Glenn Simpson doesnt really know what the fbi did with the information, and he shouldnt. This is a secret investigation. I speaking to a former fbi official today who says he really fears for the image of the fbi in Middle America where a lot of people are watching right wing media and seeing day after day, the fbi denigrated. This is a well regarded Law Enforcement whose primary mission is counter terrorism, keeping the u. S. Safe from overseas terrorists and domestic terrorists and theres a real concern that this could have lasting impact. All right, because ken delaney breaks so many stories, we need more of them. The New York Times reporting this hour that steve bannon is stepping down from his position as executive chairman of breitbart news, Jeremy Peters who broke the story for the New York Times spoke to me on the phone. Jeremy, big, big deal and a big statement in favor of donald trump from breitbart. Thats absolutely right, nicole, i mean what you saw happen here over the last few days has forced an inevitable conclusion for steve bannon and to a career at a website that he helped put at the forefront of american 3politics. It reshaped the way we look at immigration, it reshaped the way we look at donald trump and right now steve bannon is walking away hanging his head low. And jeremy, i think we have got the breitbart headline announcing news about themselves, breitbart also normalizing some of the darker forces, if you talk to traditional republicans, people like me in the least, that certainly the reputation of breitbart inside the Republican Party. What kind of a statement is this that they want to stand by a president whose one big legislative accomplishment was something that benefits corporates and who in a meeting today showed democrats and republicans doing something along the lines of daca. Thats exactly the problem, the dilemma that republicans, i think were always going to find themselves in with President Trump. Would he be faithful to the pledges he made during the campaign, and i think for the hard right, the far right, for the bannon wing of the Republican Party, what youre seeing right now is possibly the beginnings of a rupture. And what i cant answer for you, but i think one of the most defining political questions of our era is going to be is whether or not this is the beginning of a break, if steve bannon is just the only one right now who got caught saying what other conservatives we all know are saying privately, and thats that they dont trust donald trump, that they think that he is not going to be faithful to what he ran on anda hes ultimately going to sell conservatives out. Jeremy, let me hit you with one more and then ill let you go. To steve bannon in the book calls ivanka trump dumb as a brick, accuses Jared Kushner as double dealing and lots of derogatory things about the Kushner Family businesses, the only thing for which he apologized was calling don jr. Treasonous, was there maybe a mistake with the apology, did it not go far enough . Quite frankly it was too little, too late, im not certain that an apology the minute that the michael wolf book came out would have been enough. I wouldnt rule out steve bannon working his way back into Donald Trumps good graces, youre never fully out with donald trump. And the moment that trump needs steve bannon, although at the moment, i dont know what that would be hes going to come calling again. I think that though for the moment, steve bannon is going to do what the people around him have been encouraging him to do for weeks, which is to take a bit of a breather, slow down and reassess. Because steve has made some unforced errors, not unlike the president he once served that have really jeopardized what was once a promising political career. Jeremy peters, were grateful to have you jump on the phone with us, and continue the scoop, and the lines open for another 45 minutes, if you get anymore juicy tidbits. Some have described these two as scorpions in a bowl trying to kill each other. Do you think theyre done with each other or do you think theres a trumpbannon 2. 0 . Certainly in trump world, youre never truly out. The divorce with his former Campaign Manager Cory Lewandowski is about as ugly as they come and we know that trump still talks to Cory Lewandowski frequently. And when he needs to fire somebody, he calls lewandowski. Bannon knows and people hes been talking to, hes been expressing privately he knows the white house is angry and that this fury is going tlos a while, but hes already predi predicting that after a cooling off period, he does believe hell be back in the president s good graces. The white house sent out a signal more or less to republicans, its me or him and right now republicans, conservatives are almost to a person siding with the president. I knew that steve bannon was in trouble elise when i called him an incompetent boob on the roy moore story without being any of Donald Trumps other people that he dials up for political advice, he is a lesser political strategist than anyone who has ever had that title in the white house before. I wonder who today hes on the phone with, or who is he at a bar downing v8 with . Or whatever hes drinking . Whos standing by steve bannon today . I think you have nailed the most important point, who at this hour is Steve Bannons con citizen general si. He thought that he had just as big of a constituency as donald trump, he was down in alabama, reporters at his event in lower alabama saying that he looked like he was campaigning for president himself. He had really warmed to that role of being in the spotlight. What utter irony, though, that this comes on the day the President Donald Trump announces he is going to davos, it is fully over, it is dead. Steve bannon is dead. Hes like im getting to davos. Before we put any dirt, though, on the political coffin, i have to say, im going back out to see the trump voters and what they voted for, these were democrats who flipped in michigan, pennsylvania, florida, wisconsin and ohio. What they voted for was the bannon stuff. They voted for and for nafta. They voted for economic isolationism. They were not angry about the wall, they were not angry about a muslim ban. These were all things is that steve bannon had on his white board, whether you want to call them accomplishments or embarrassments, these are the only things that President Trump has gotten done in his presidency. How much of a hit is it for donald trump not to have steve bannon there with the animated and excited to your point of him not being on the level of a david axelrod, i think its true, hes the only one that came in with ideas and with a plan of action and so thats who they have defaulted on for many of the powers they started out with in temperatur terms of the executive orders on immigration and the travel ban. There wasnt another political brain for policy agenda or any plan of action in the white house. And so it defaulted to steve bannon. I disagree with him on policy, but one of the things i think he was correct about in the book was that the legal expoisure to the trump family is absolutely more than has been reported to tate. Ivanka trump is not mentioned in a number of these stories that he has been mentioned, her exposure is the same on the kushner side as on the donald trump side. And that also is contributing to the fact that were seeing this very public fallout. Let me bring Steve Schmidt into this. Under the theory that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, there are some people and some republicans in washington they loathed everything that steve bannon stood for, they loathed him pressuring the president to get out of nafta. However they loved the things that steve boannon said about just what amy was talking about, the trump kids, and he describes ivanka as dumb as a brick, their naive today combined with what is safe to describe as hu bruhun the political front. Look at what steve they dug from the bottom of this toxic swamp of White Nationalism and made common cause with some of the most odous elements in american life. And, you know, he is somebody who has done real damage to the social and political fabric of the country, as has the website. Now the statements that he made in the book, you seem to me to be statements of the obvious and so its an inside account that confirms what many of us believe and know to be going on in the white house. But i certainly dont think that steve bannon is going to have a role in opposition to donald trump. Hes somebody who holds extreme political views, frankly we didnt talk enough about over the last year his opposition to what he calls globalism, these are crack pot ideas that emanate out of him and have always been crack pot ideas and so this is someone who i think touched the third rail here, overcome by hubris, he flew too close to the sun and he did the one thing that you must not do around donald trump, he criticized the president , criticized the president s family and made the point that trump was on his way to being a failed president. And for that, it seems there will be no forgiveness for steve bannon. Let me get to two of the low points in the trump candidacy and presidency in which steve bannon was about the only one by his side, one was the access hollywood jsh hollywood he kept a list of people that he crossed people like Chris Christie off the list because he wouldnt go on and defend him after the billy bush tape. Any politician who says the things that donald trump said on the access Hollywood Tape and he finds good people on both sides of a neo nazi rally. He was clearly unbothered by anything that trump said on the access Hollywood Tape. Nearly everyone in the country was appalled by it and steve bannon wasnt. In regards to charlottes ville, we have neo nazis marching by torchlight, saying that nazis will not replace us, venerating the most evil regime in all of Human History and Steve Bannons advice to the president of the United States is to go out and say, hey, theres good people on both sides. And one of Steve Bannons enduring legacies is giving room for these extreme elements to surface to feel empowered and to feel legitimately part of the debate in American Society around our politics. He main streamed nationalism, White Nationalism, neo naziism as part of a coalition in support of the trump candidacy. It is an appalling and dubious and ignominius policy that he will leave behind. Who is more responsible for killing the Republican Party that we once knew, steve bannon or donald trump . Well, they both are nicole, but its also the cowards in the congress who say behind the scenes that, hey, this is all wrong, but wont say it publicly, thats what killed the conservative movement and i think will do great damage to the Republican Party. All right, nobody is going anywhere, when we come back, bob mueller is looking to interview donald trump as part of his russia investigation, but the topic may not be russian collusion, it may focus on on struckati obstruction of justice. And donald trump who spent most of the primary raking jeb bush over the coals said that he wanted an immigration bill full of love. But if thats not enoug, we offer innovative investing tools to prepare you for the future. Looks like you hooked it. And if thats not enough, well help your kid prepare for the future. Dont hook it kid. And if thats still not enough, well help your kids kid prepare for the future. Looks like he hooked it. Well do anything. Takes after his grandad. Seriously anything, to help you invest for the future. Ally. Do it right. Seriously anything, to help you invest for the future. They cahow many of em . E, sir we dont know. Dozens. All right lets teach these freaks some manners good luck out there, captain thanks but i dont need luck, i have skills. I dont have my keys. on intercom all hands. We are looking for the captains keys again. They are on a silver carabiner. Oh, this is bad. As long as people misplace their keys, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Brandnew reporting today in the New York Times by one of our guests said that bob mueller is interesting in questioning donald trump about his former National Security advisor Michael Flynn and about the firing of jim comey as a signal to watchers of muellers close counsel that he intends to focus on obstruction of justice. Trump would have no legal grounds other than the fifth amendment to reject a subpoena. Talk about the precedent for president s of both parties, i remember my old boss george bush spent about 75 minutes with Pat Fitzgerald when he was investigating the leaking of Valerie Plames name and theres no secret that bill clinton was in an investigation when he perjured himself. So this is not new ground. Hes going to have to give bob mueller some information here. Our understanding is that this is a primar apreliminary, there we want to interview the president , or we want him to appear before a grand jury or we want him to answer the question, it was just like before we move forward or close the investigation, were going to have to talk to the president at some point. I dont know if were there yet, were certainly weeks away if not more and theres been no date set yet, if he refuses, theyre going to hit him with a grand jury subpoena and he had told everybody in the white house, i want to cooperate, i want to get out from under this, its not going to be a good look if he says no i wont cooperation. Maybe we can answer written questions or well agree on the parameters, but hes going to have to give some information to bob mueller. I thought of you and ken delaney, this is from jab goldsmith, he served in the bush doj, he was head of the office of fiscal policy. Why wasnt rosen steve recused . He possesses information about the president s beliefs and motives in the firing of jim comey, since he appears to many to have been used by the president and was reportedly very angry about it and rosenstein will very likely be a fact witness in connection with the comey firing, its hard to understand why he did not have a conflict of interest the moment muellers investigation turned to the firing of comey. So string together your information there today that mueller wants to talk to the president about the firing of jim comey, and rosensteins role which was to write a memo which was supposed to be a cover story. As though rosensteins case was the one that the white house was suggesting was the reason for firing comey when donald trump told our own lester holt that it was was of the comey probe. Your thoughts . Its a great question and certainly we have asked her and we have been trying to get an answer to, far be it from me to question the Deputy Attorney general. If youve got him on hold and you dont have time for him, transfer him to my cell. I think the general thinking would be, look, Rod Rosenstein would say, i wrote this memo because this is what i believbelieve ed and i think there are amount of people who know rod who are inside the Justice Department saying Rod Rosenstein really does believe that memo that comey was off the reservation in his handling of the Hillary Clinton emails and he was repent tent about it in his may testimony before the senate and that we cant have a guy like that and that Rod Rosenstein believes that and see his role in any sort of shenanigans and firings is not relevant to the investigation, if anything improper happened it wasnt at rods level. That was one argument. Another argument, maybe its just better for mueller to not try to jam up the Deputy Attorney general and get him to recuse himself. Because, you know theres no indication that rod has interfered with this investigation, why make it more complicated than it needs to be and just let this thing run its course. But i mean its a great question, and we have tried to put that to the Justice Department repeatedly and all they have said is were going to follow the recusal rules, were going to follow the rules and if there comes a time when he has to recuse, he will. With us now, democratic congressman eric swallow a member of the house intel committee, i know youre running around, thank you for making some time for us. Let me ask you about two big stories in the newsanne fienstd release the transcripts of the the fusion gps documents. Sometimes the best way out is through. And she was running into hurdle after hurdle from chairman grass lee who did not want the document released, couldnt provide any classified information that it shouldnt be released and now its in the Public Domain because theres been a concerted effort from the conservative voices in the media to discredit the fbis work and i think the transcript demonstrates the credibility of Christopher Steele and the timeline of what took place which discredits the republicans line of attack that the whole investigation was driven by Hillary Clinton funded Opposition Research paper. The testimony that describes Christopher Steeles interaction with his fbi contact in rome, also depicts an fbi very discrete, very professional and not even remotely close to the fbi described as being in tatters by donald trump or being investigated by your counterp t counterparts on the republican side of the house intel committee. And thats the opposition that i have had sitting through hours and days of this investigation with fbi witnesses. Now the republicans are attempting as i would see in the courtroom as a prosecutor. I called it the nose against the painting trick, where they would try to point out one little flaw in an investigation and convince you that that is the whole story. And i would always liken that to keeping your nose too close to the painting. You need to step back and look at the whole picture here and the whole picture depicts a Trump Campaign that was willing and eager to work the russians and what we have to sort out is did that amount to any crime. Glen simpson and peter fitch penned an oped, do you think they knew that the referral from republican senators Chuck Grassley and republican senator Lindsay Graham was coming for their onetime colleague Christopher Steele . The only charges that have been suggested to be brought criminally by republicans looking into russian collusion are against British Intelligence agent Christopher Steel, its pretty remarkable without knowing the full picture as you just said. Do you think that the founders of the firm knew some of the political machinations that were to come and do you think that that oped had any influence on either the referral for criminal charges or senator feinsteins decision to release the transcript . Hard to tell, but certainly you cant avoid hearing these republican attacks against the fbi and the dossier. I think its fair, nicole, to ask who paid for the dossier, what role it played in the fbi investigation, but if youre going to ask those questions, why wouldnt you asked if whats alleged in the dossier is also true, so they just want half of the answer, they dont want to hear about the evidence that corroborates what was alleged in the dossier and i think thats going to lead to an incomplete investigation. So where do things stand right now in your committee . Does Dianne Feinstein turning over these transcripts suggest that all is not sympatico on the house side. Hows intel . We dont have too many more relevant witnesses coming in, we have more efforts to discrete the fbi under way, but as far as relevant recipient witnesses, we havent scheduled them to come in yet and testify. Theres still time to keep our investigation alive, to subpoena witnesses, review documents. Nicole, the problem with our investigation is were at a take them at their word investigation when we have subpoena power, so Trump Campaign officials will come in and Say Something about their contacts with russia and were not curious enough or willing enough to corroborate that through subpoenaing bank records or Text Messages or cell phone records, and again, i think thats the wrong direction. I want to ask you about something in the Washington Post today. Who write about the white houses frustration that theyre now dealing in the White House Press briefing at the president s press conference at camp david over the weekend, with questions about the president s mental acuity, about his fitness to serve, i wonder what you made about the president s half a dozen tweets on the topic over the weekend, and i wonder what you make of the work youre trying to do getting to the bottom of russia, or the role that russia played in the 2016 election, while theres a debate raging, inside this white house even about how they deal with it about the president s Mental Fitness . I dont think you have to be a psychiatrist to understand that the president is unfit for office, that he at times is delusional, that hes belligerent, that hes ill tempered. That comes from his own speeches, his own interviews, his own tweets. I think its pretty clear. I was encouraged today to see at the white house, a scene that i think a lot of americans welcome, which is republicans and democrats sitting down and talking to the president for about 45 minutes sorting out some of these important issues that face us around immigration, if we can have more days like that and fewer days where wes trying to spark a war with north korea, i think well have a much better country ahead. I agree with you. By partisan Immigration Reform is better than talking about the size of ones button. Let me ask you something i was asking about right before you came on. Jack goldsmith who served in the administration of george w. Bush asked a question today about Rod Rosenstein, he talks about how in light of all of the reporting out there now that the interview with the president may be around questions that pertain to the obstruction of justice investigation not just thea ar narrow question of russian collusion, i wonder what you make of the question about whether Rod Rosenstein may have already recused himself and we just dont know about it. Its a fair question to ask, and i found Rod Rosenstein to be a seriously prosecutor, and all i know is that he asked for an opinion on this, when senator Jeff Sessions asked whether he should recuse, he was told by lawyers that he should and he did. I hope that question has been asked of independent lawyers because it does seem that there is a focus on obstruction of justice. Thank you for spending some time with us. Were going to get reaction from everybody still here on our panel on the other site of this break, dont go anywhere. Lets begin. Yes or no . 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We have been asking the same questions and getting the same answers from the Justice Department, hell recuse when he feels its necessary to recuse. But a lot of legal experts feel that it is inevitable that he will have to recuse. I have heard that hes delaying that as long as possible because he feels like hes in the position to protect the mueller investigation. Hes supervising the mueller investigation, hes approving the budget, things seem to be going well in that regard and it may just be that mueller likes it the way it is and rosenstein likes it the way it is and theyre going to keep it going that way as long as possible. And just a hypothetical, if he were to recuse himself, with the responsibility for overseeing the Mueller Probe fall to rachel brand . I believe that is the case, yes. And she ees another well respected, highly regarded person to live by the law. What are you hearing about the breaking news coming out of the white house today . And of course we should say that the firing of steve bannon has at its core the things that steve bannon said about donald trump and his kids as it pertains to russia. If my phone is any indication, there are certainly trump allies both inside and outside the white house are shedding no tears about the former chief strategist to the president. It is not just the quotes in the book, although that set the president off, you hit after the president s family, thats the line you just dont cross. But steve bannon had a number of people left in the white house, a number of them had been purged in john kellys shakeup in recent months, and they felt like they blamed him for a lot of the infighting that consumed the west wing in those early months of the Trump Presidency and bannon was considered to have committed the cardinal sin in the white house and that is overshadowing the boss. He took a lot of credit for shaping trumps political message and that was something that the president had a really hard time handling. Nt so the two of them had had their ups and downs of their relationship, although they did talk after bannon left the white house, and they were in contact during the alabama election and of course the roy moore debate. But this was the straw that broke the camels back for the president. But i think they will never speak again. I bannon is proven correct and the things that he says to michael wolf in fire and fury about, i think he calls them jarvonka. You put an r in there. The things hes said about donald trump jr. , and donald trump jr. Ends up being in some sort of jeopardy in the russia probe, if jared and ivanka end up having some legal troubles, do you think being right is the way back into the good graces of a president who is so sensitive to even the most minor slight . And these were big ones. Look, donald trump is guided by transactionally by selfinterest, period. Nothing more. Certainly not whats right and wrong and so steve bannon Walking Around on a stage celebrating a credibly accused child molester who goes down to defeat in alabama may be his high water moment in his shortlived political career. If donald trump thinks that steve bannon can help him, then steve bannon will be back. If donald trump thinks that steve bannon is irrelevant to him, then steve bannon will stay gone. But it certainly has nothing do with right or wrong or whether steve bannon was critical of trumps children. Its about trump, first, second, third, last and always. All right, we have to sneak in one more quick break, its the last one i promise. Dont go anywhere, well be right back. So thats the idea. What do you think . Hate to play devils advocate but. I kind of feel like its a game changer. I wouldnt go that far. Are you there . Hes probably on mute. Yeah. Gary wont like it. Why . 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The man who rose to his own political power preaching nationalism and a man of the people ultimately is just another stooge of the donor class at the end of the day. Im reminded, this afternoon, that joe arpaio, sheriff arpaio, who donald trump pardoned on the eve of the big hurricane there, is someone who is going the run for jeff flakes old seat. So trumpism, bannonism, nationalism, isolationism, racism in some cases very much alive and well this the Republican Party . Absolutely. Its really unfortunate. But i dont think that thats a new thing. Because there is always been the dog whistles. I think what steve bannon did was remove any pretense. Use a bull horn. Exactly. So anyone hearing it. People of color listening to truf could hear it when coming down the escalator. Said mexicans are racists. We understood all of that well before charlottesville. He achieved all those things without steve bannon. And had he he joined the campaign it put down a marker. I remember that week when we were trying to figure out how to message, and essentially alarm, you know, ring the alarm to the American People that steve bannon is a white nationalist, right, and this is not run of the mill dog whistles or politics and policies that are not going to help people of color for example. This is nazis, this is Something Different than what we had seen before. That is there to stay because republicans never really stood up to steve bannon even when he was quoted in a book saying negative things about the president. And thats steves point, jonathan, that its neither donald trump nor steve bannon who killed the Republican Party. Its all the republicans who stayed silent to get their tax cut. Right, we need to see what happens. Bannon challenged incumbent republican senators in virtually every state. What do they do . Do they run from bannon . Do they still try to cop some elements of his message . Well see. Also what happens to breitbart now . Will it continue its attacks on paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell even as the president in some issues moves towards them . It will be fascinating to watch. Steve schmidt, last thought . At the end of the day, steve bannon lost his power base. Breitbart is gone. Why would any republican senator care what bannon thinks. As we look at nevada in 2010, the Republican Party has been plagued by the fringe candidates and it has cost them six or seven u. S. Senate seats since the beginning of this decade. That problem isnt going to go away for republicans. You will still see those candidates. And for sure there will be someone new who emerges on top of the pyramid of the freak show wing to replace bannon. Dont know who it is but i guarantee you hes out this. Let me follow up. Mcconnell released a video of him smiling about bannons demise. Is it too early for Establishment Republicans like mcconnell and ryan to breathe a sigh of relief when bannon wouldnt have been as successful and breitbart wouldnt have its viewership if that wasnt where a big swath of the Republican Party had moved . I understand the personal shodden freud that mcconnell is feeling about bannos down fall. But the association of the republican brand with White Nationalism is devastating for the party. With bannon gone, it doesnt mean it undoes the damage that bannonism and trumpism have done to the grand ol party. The scene at the white house today. A well produced today of bipartisan legislating. Im not sure why we are first seeing it more than a year in. I wonder if one it was a shiny object to distract from a news cycle they dont like. Two, i saw donald trump respond favorably to Diane Feinsteins pitch. Then i saw majority leader mccarthy say no no, no, no, no, no, no. It was almost like watching an uncomfortable dinner, you know, with family members. I wonder what you made of the display, if the you are encouraged as congressman swalwell that it is a sign of things to come. Usually a pool spray is a minute or two at the top of the meeting. To be in there for 55 minutes, thats encouraging for transparency. I dont know it is a coincidence, that the president running a meeting like this that comes on the heels of stories that question his mental capacity, that stories of executive time, the amount of leisure, television and twitter time that he demands. I think the white house wanted to present ab image of him in charge running a meeting. But what came out of it was some mixed messages. Yes, perhaps this is the first step to some sort of deal but it may turn out to be a photoon. Final word. Trump was supposed to be scene as in control, but the end result was that he outsores the major decisions on daca and Immigration Reform to congress. How control is he at the end day. President obama did that. This is not an extraordinary moment. He should be doing it. Today he revealed he didnt understand the details. Breaking news, the president is doing his job. That does it for our hour, im micolle wallace. Mtp daily starts right now. Hi, chuck is that work, work, work, work. We are all busy working. If its tuesday, its lights, camera, legislate tonight, the white house goes out of its way to showcase the president holding a big immigration meeting. But does the president actually have a position on immigration . What about a clean daca bill now. We have to do daca first. You are saying daca without security . Are you talking about security as well. Reporter we will talk with senator jeff flake about what we saw and didnt see after the cameras left. Plus new information about

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