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For quin. She dropped the cash all right, but who picked it up . And thats where everything went wrong. Thats where everything went wrong. A kidnapping case about to go way off script. Her story did not make sense. What was really going on . Im a cop 11 years. I blushed when i listened to the tape. A story with more twists and turns than the florida roads they raced along trying to find this missing mom. This case was not going to turnout like a lot of people assumed. Hello and welcome to dateline extra. Im craig melvin. Whenever someone is kidnapped, it triggers a race against time as police often joined by the victims family, begin a search. Thats what happened in this story, which begins with a frantic call about a beautiful mother of two young daughters abducted from her home. But as you are about to see, though her family and veteran investigators spent desperate days trying to figure out where she was, they never could have guessed who had her. And why. Heres josh mankowitz. This is the Sheriffs Office. My wife gave me a phone call a minute ago. Called to say she was held by gunpoint. Businessman reid gray was on the line with the Sheriffs Office in a panic. He told the 911 operator his wife had just phoned him minutes earlier to say shed been kidnapped. You probably think its me, but its not. The call would turnout to be the beginning of an unbelievable saga that would baffle investigators and turn this husbands life upside down. The next few days would bring one set back after another. And no one could have predicted how it all would come to an end. It was around 5 00 p. M. , september 4th, 2009. Reids wife quin had called him at work and told him shed just been kidnapped right out of their 4 million home. Reid couldnt believe what hed heard and went to his Office Parking lot to try and think straight. Did she tell you where she was at . No. Theres a note in the house with the gunmans demands. The news was as shocking as terrifying. Quin, a mom of two young daughters, was a trained nurse who was now raising her children full time. Her husband was a selfmade man, who had finally hit it big in the health care business. This frightened husband told the 911 operator he didnt know what to do next. Call the police. They will shoot me dead. A gun is a gun, maam. Reid gray took a gamble and did the opposite of what his wife told him. Soon multiple Law Enforcement agencies would be on the case. Check and make sure the fire rescue is going to be coordinating with us. Saint johns county sheriff david shore. All bets are off. Theres nothing more important than a victim who is being held against her will and who has been threatened with homicide. So you roll out what you have. While reid went to the Sheriffs Office, a s. W. A. T. Team was deployed to his home. They cautiously entered the multimillion dollar residence. The house sat eerily empty. A photo album opened on a couch. A happy quin on her wedding day. Crime scene texts swept inside and out looking for fingerprints, tire tracks. Any clues to the kidnappers identities. On the dining room table, they found a sheet of yellow paper, the ransom note. It looked to be in quin grays handwriting. Dear reid, i need you to read this and be calm. Reid, do not be a hero. This is professional, and there are three men holding me right now and they want 50,000 cash. I will be okay if you get them the money. What do you know about the victim . We knew she was a housewife raising children in one of the prettier parts of our county. Reid and quin gray were new to Saint Johns County. Having just moved into their beachfront holm in upon tra vee dra, its an area known for its world famous golf course and luxe homes. I dont want to use the term perfect kidnapping victim, but it fit. And her husband made a lot of money. Her husband made a lot of money. Worst case scenario, we make one wrong move they kill her. On the day quin was kidnapped, the 37yearold pta mom had made appointments for her daughters to have hair cuts and she was far along in the planning for an Upcoming Party for one of her daughters birthdays. Now reid gray tried to shield the 8 and 6yearolds from the news that their moms life was in danger. He picked up his girls from school and took them to a friends house. While he waited at the Sheriffs Office. Reid was still in his shirt and tie from work, and he was an emotional wreck. He shared more details about quins brief frantic call to him hours earlier. Quin said that there is somebody with a gun pointed at her head. On that call, she said there were three kidnappers and they weral bainian. The 50,000 ransom was to pay back money reid had borrowed from a loan shark, but reid gray insists he didnt owe money to anyone. Probably make 1. 3 million this year. 50 grand doesnt mean much. Why ask 50,000 from a man making more than a Million Dollars a year . Reid didnt know, and neither did investigators. At this point, there was only one goal, quins safe return. It was very disconcerting to realize we had a housewife and mother of two small children and whatever she was going through, it wasnt good. And there was Something Else that wasnt good. This investigation was starting with no witnesses, no clues to the kidnappers identities. And more importantly, no answers to the question, where was quin gray . Coming up, quin appears on the phone, calling her husband with frantic instructions. Get in the car with the money. Just go. Take it, reid. Would he be able to get the cash and find his wife in time . When ransom continues. Im ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . Im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. Smoking. It dictates your day. I didnt like something having control over me. I wanted to stop. The thing is i didnt know how. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke to the point that i could quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. Tell your Healthcare Provider if youve had depression or other Mental Health problems. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. For me chantix worked. Boom. End of story. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Returning to our story, heres josh mankowitz. Reid gray, husband, father, and successful businessman was at the Sheriffs Office near his expensive home in pontra vedra, florida. A wealthy community 20 miles south of jacksonville. His wife quin was kidnapped just a few hours earlier. The ransom, 50,000. Im not going to be able to work, sleep, eat, breathe until this is resolved. One thing you have to understand is that in the modernday market place of crime, kidnapping for ransom is practically an antique. Heres why. Its not difficult to abduct a Family Member of a rich person, but things like improved technical surveillance, cooperation between Law Enforcement agencies, even caller i. D. , now make it just about impossible to pick up ransom money and escape undetected. As a result, the kind of kidnapping you see in the movies, pretty much exists only in hollywood. But for reid gray, this was frightening, nerve racking, reality. And no car trouble, no phone calls in the middle of the night, strange noises around the house, anything like that, right . No. Married for almost nine years, reid told investigators his relationship with quin was better than ever, and that the couple was even thinking about having another child. Shes been just an amazing friend. Shes active in taking the girls to dance, taking the girls to all their after school programs. She was a wonderful daughter, yes. Quins mom, gayle sykes. And thats very difficult for a mother to say who has four daughters, but she was absolutely the sweetest of all the children. That night, reid called his motherinlaw with the devastating news. I was just completely in shock. As a mother, its your Worst Nightmare imagining whats happening to your child. What do you think quin is going through at that point . Being tortured, tied up, fearing for her life, fearing that she would never see her children again. While quins mom waited for news at her georgia home, reid stayed at the Sheriffs Office until about 2 00 a. M. He then returned to his house while his kids stayed with friends. Early the next morning, saturday, about 16 hours after quins kidnapping, reid sent a text to his wifes phone. Havent slept all night. Please tell me youre all right. But there was no reply. About two hours later, reid, who was now with investigators, finally got a call. It was quin, and reid became emotional. What do i need to do . Theyll call you back. I dont know. Theyll call you back, okay . Okay. I love you. She said theyd call me back. They wired the phones. Sheriff shore was surprised to hear the kidnappeds voice. They usually dont let you communicate. He the advantage of the kidnapper is you dont ever hear their voice. Thats true. The sheriff rolled out his mobile unit to survey the home. He started directing the more than 100 Law Enforcement personnel who were working this case. They waited for the next contact from the kidnappers. And then about 45 minutes after that last call, reids phone rang again. The cell reception was poor, but quin gave reid a location for a money drop. Get in the car with the money and go down boulevard and take a left on i have to write this down. Just go. Take a left. Boulevard, hello . The conversation abruptly ended and quin sounded angry. It was easy to imagine the tremendous stress she must be under. Reid was growing increasingly worried for his wifes safety. She goes, you got the cops, you know theyre going to kill me. Shes going to call back again. The first time screaming, crying. Help. Reid stayed at the Sheriffs Office as surveillance teams scrambled to get in place at butler boulevard. Investigators also needed more time to get 50,000 cash together for the ransom. But only 30 minutes later, another call came in. Hello. It was quin again, instructing reid to head to a different location. He was now to go to a chickfila restaurant. Take the convertible top down and wait in the parking lot. I want to see you. I want to exchange you for the money. I am not giving the money without you. Hello . Now investigators rush to get teams in under cover cars in place at the chickfila, but they needed more time. So they told reid to play dumb on quins next call and say he didnt know which chickfila restaurant to go to. Which cell site are you at . Where are you . Youre supposed to be at the chickfila. There are three of them. You said on south side make a left. You need to go. I want to know youre going to be there. Let me talk to them right now. But once again, the call was abruptly cut off. Quin sounded frantic. Was it possible she had a gun to her head . Investigators tried to trace the calls, but they were all so short that an exact location couldnt be pinpointed. And according to detective howard cole, reid gray was becoming unhinged. He was scared and a nervous wreck. He was worried for himself, worried for her, worried for his family. But before reid left for the chickfila, he got yet another call. There was a problem at the money drop point. They spotted three fed cars near chickfila, so i dont know where im going now. You need to wait for more instructions. Were the sheriffs under cover teams spotted at the chickfila . Is that what quin meant by fed cars . A few minutes later on reids phone from quin, i know you want me dead. Reid texted back, i dont know if thats quin. I have your 50,000. Stop with me, just give me my wife. There was no reply. Investigators brought reid back do his house and parked in the driveway. They set up a mini command center in the house using a recorder to tape all incoming calls, and thats when something happened that no one expected. We sent the detectives to that home and we didnt do it surreptitiously because we hadnt thought about t. They walked in the front door . They pulled in in an unmarked vehicle. The minute we pulled in, we received ape text from the victim. Reid got another text from the cell phone. Wait for instructions. Youve up twice already. You involved other people. Whose ford is in the driveway . The ford was an unmarked sheriffs vehicle. Theyre watching the house. Theyre watching the house. Fearing they were being watched by the kidnappers, the sheriff ordered all his personnel to go covert and get out of sight. Were watching ourselves to see if theyre watching us. The kidnappers have you looking over your own shoulder. Thats exactly right. What does it say these guys are playing by a different set of rules . It was early indication s to me this case was not going to turnout like a lot of people assumed. Im ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. burke parking splat. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum returning to our story, heres josh mankowitz. It was saturday afternoon. Quin gray, wife and mother of two, had been missing for almost 24 hours. After two attempted money drops failed, the local sheriff called in the fbi. Almost 150 people were now working to find quin gray. The agent in charge of the fbis Jacksonville Office is james casey. He says the kidnappers appear to be dee activating quins cell phone after each of the calls they made to reid. Somebody in the scheme was smart enough to take the battery out of the cell phone, because we were able to, through some technical capabilities, determine that that phone was not only off, but had no power to it at certain times. Meaning you cant trace it . Meaning you cant trace t. While there was no pinpointing an exact address where quins calls were originating, technicians were tracing pings when the phone was in use. Those are the electronic connections made when a phone hits a particular cell tower. And that gave investigators a general idea where quin might have been held. Fbi agent tony kravit was selected as the lead crisis negotiator for the bureau. Were tracking the phone and were thinking that, you know, weve got some leads. Agents felt they were making progress, but then suddenly the phone was also pinging farther away. The kidnappers and quin might have been on the move. Sheriffs detective howard cole was sent in pursuit. It was believed quin grays cell phone was being tracked to an area west of orlando. But something had gone wrong. Before tracing the calls, investigators had to get a judges approval. And in the rush to fill out the proper paperwork, someone made a small but critical error. When i actually went to get the order signed by a judge, what was typed into the actual affidavit and order, the numbers were transposed. So somebody put the wrong phone number in . Human error. So the phone you were following wasnt quins phone. Correct. How long did you follow that other phone . All day saturday. Suddenly what investigators thought were solid leads from quins cell phone simply vanished. When you realized you guys were following the wrong cell phone, what . My hair was on fire. Your hair my hair was on fire. I thought, how can Something Like this happen . So we were really back to square one. Who are we looking for . We had no idea. The rest of saturday went by with no word from quin or the kidnappers. Meanwhile, quins mom gayle sykes left her georgia home and headed to her daughters house in pontra vedra, florida. I jumped in my car and headed south. How long is the drive . 7 1 2 hours. Long drive with that kind of information in your brain. At around 2 00 a. M. When gayle arrived, she found an unbelievable scene. I walked into like a war zone. The s. W. A. T. Team was hiding inside the house . They were everywhere. I was told that they were outside, in the bushes, that they were on the roof. It was unreal. Early sunday morning, almost 36 hours since quin grays abduction, and 12 hours since the last contact from the kidnappers. Fbi Hostage Negotiator tony kravit decided to have quins mom send Text Messages to her daughters phone hoping the kidnappers would read them. Every 20 minutes, every hour, we send a message. Please call me. I love you. Let me know that youre safe. Im very worried about you. You want the kidnappers to start thinking of her as a mom who needs to go home to her family and not just a cash register. I want the kidnappers to think of quin gray as a wife, as a daughter, as a mother. Finally, a text came back about 9 30 a. M. , this time to quins moms phone. Have the money in a bag, no traceable devices, no reid whatsoever. If he is anywhere close, shes dead. No cops. Be ready to leave at 11 00. The kidnappers had apparently decided they no longer wanted to deal with reid. Why, because the kidnappers dont trust reid . Maybe. We dont know. One of the texts said he had messed it up already. After the failed chickfila drop, another thought was that mom was more controllable. So reid gray was no longer at the center of a huge Law Enforcement effort that was working around the clock to save his wife. How did reid feel about being shut out of that . Made him uncomfortable, i think. He didnt understand it. Nobody understood it, so we moved forward. Quins mother would make the next money drop. It was an unlikely roll for this 62yearold grandmother, a manager at a walmart, and a dog breeder on the side. I was very concerned that if i didnt drop the money properly, that that would be the end for quin. What, in your background, prepared you for what you were going through . I guess just being a mother, trying protect your children. Despite her nerves, gayle sykes was pressed into service. At around 10 30 a. M. , the kidnappers instructed quins mom to go to mikelers landing, an area on the beach. And there she would find further instructions in a bathroom. Gayle left her daughters house. The money was in a blue bag, along with a tracking device, courtesy of the fbi. At the location, quins mother found the designated bathroom. Hidden inside the toilet paper holder was a note. It looked, again, to be in quins handwriting. And gayle read it aloud to investigators. So far, so far im fine. No harm has been done to me. After you pickup this letter, you are going to drive north to joes crab shack. Get the money out of the car and do not look back. Anything goes wrong, and im dead. Up to this point, they didnt want to hurt her. They had no intention of hurting her, but now it says, anything goes wrong, im dead. Theyre escalating it. Yes. Under cover agents converged on joes crab shack, a local restaurant popular with tourists. Weve got surveillance units out. Weve got an airplane out. Youre watching. Were watching. Quins mom drove to the crab shack. I drove through, came around the corner, and there were bushes sitting on, like a sidewalk area. I stopped the car, rolled the window down, threw the money toward the bushes. Did you tell investigators to watch the money carefully . Absolutely. Yeah. I dont want some stranger to come along and pickup that bag. The plan is to see who picks up the bag, and then what, follow them back to where presumably quin is . Right. We knew at their level they were going to be aware of a tracking device. They knew they were going to be surveilled. Really the plan was someone grabs that bag, were taking them down. Sheriff shore and fbi agent in charge casey monitored the situation from the mobile command center. As under cover surveillance teams reported back on what was happening in the parking lot. It wasnt too long after she threw the money out that a group of males walks by. One of them wanders over, kicks the bag a little bit. They pickup the bag, throw the bag in the back of an suv, jump into the car. And start doing kind of a circuitous route around the area. They start doing suspicious things. They drive through a little neighborhood almost trying to clean themselves from surveillance. It was the first major break in the case. Now weve got a lead. Weve got a license plate, weve got three males, and were watching where theyre going. But what happened next was not written in any book. And thats where everything went wrong. Thats where everything went wrong. Ent wrong. Here we go. Discover. I like your card, but im absolutely not paying an annual fee. Discover has no annual fees. Really . Yeah. We just dont believe in them. Oh nice. You would not believe how long ive been rehearsing that. No annual fee on any card. Only from discover. Hi, richard lui with your top stories. Outgoing james mattis recorded a holiday message for u. S. Troops serving overseas, thanking them for keeping the faith. Mattis previously said he would stay on as defense secretary until the end of february, but on sunday, President Trump announced Deputy Defense secretary Patrick Shanahan would take over for mattis starting next week. Thats the latest. Now back to dateline. Welcome back to dateline extra. Im craig melvin. Investigators seemed to have caught a big break in quin grays abduction when several men in an suv picked up the bag of ransom money. Police were tracking the car and were confident this would lead them to quin. But turns out there were more twists in the story than anyone could have imagined. Here again is josh mankiewicz. The ransom drop had been made. Sheriffs investigators and fbi agents believed they might be on the verge of break being the kidnapping case of quin gray. Under cover teams and an fbi plane were following several men in an suv who had just picked up the ransom money from a restaurant parking lot. Investigators were hoping the men didnt notice the tracking device in the bag, or that the bag only contained 10,000. Fbi agent in charge james casey. The kidnappers asked for 50,000. Right. You didnt give them 50,000, you gave them 10. We gave them less than 50,000. And they said, dont put a gps tracking device in. Right. And you did. Right. Is that standard procedure to sortd of ignore kidnappers when they say that kind of thing . Were in charge of how this goes, not them. The idea was to get the bag to them and find out where they are. But then came something no one expected. Quins mom, gayle sykes. Quin called me and said, wheres the money . Theyre going to kill me. Wheres the money . And you said i dropped it. Absolutely. Oh, jesus, quin. What kind of people are these . I told you, you go to the crab shack and theres a huge parking lot on your right. Listen to me, hello. And for the first time everyone heard the voice of one of the kidnappers. Is anybody following me . Certainly not. Okay. Anybody follows you, you know what happens. What im sorry . Hello . When you hear that guys voice on the phone, that changes everything. Absolutely. She said early on its three al bainians, it was a loan shack. At last, a solid lead, but everyone, including the fbis james casey, was perplexed over why the kidnappers were still asking for the money. Didnt they have it . They pulled into a gas station not far from joes crab shack after they had done a little bit of driving around. So, as were sitting there watching them, a Jacksonville Beach Police Cruiser pulls into the gas station and starts talking to these young men. And youre thinking what . We had no idea what was going on. Trying to keep the kidnapping quiet, so as not to tip off the local media, the fbi and Sheriffs Department had not told the local police about the ransom drop. So a frantic call was made to the Jacksonville Beach police, instructing officers to bring the suspects in. Detective howard cole of the Sheriffs Office rushed to the scene. Immediately everybody, rightfully so, says, these guys are involved. We need to interview these guys and we need to find out what the connection is. One man told the detective he was german. Whats your address in germany . Hamburg, germany a. He even though they were from germany, could they have some connection with the with the albanian men in the call to reid . We saw the blue bag. One of the guys was joking and said, yeah. Be sure theres money in side. Thats a lot of money, what are we going to do with it . But in an unbelievable stroke of bad luck, it turned out these men were not the kidnappers a. And it becomes pretty clear pretty quick that these guys were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The men were actually College Exchange students. Two of them played on the same tennis team. They looked at a bag and said, hey, wouldnt it be cool if there was money in that bag . It was that simple, that coincidental, and couldnt make it up. The College Students stumbled onto the bag, picked it up, and then got scared when they saw cars following them. They then called 911. We found a blue bag on a parking lot and there were like a lot of money in there, we want to give it to you guys. They came down to Jacksonville Beach, had some fun. Wound up with more than they expected. A lot more. It was a chance encounter that had everyone on edge. All of the money drop attempts, butler boulevard, chickfila, and now joes crab shack, had ended in failure. Three attempts at a ransom drop, the money never actually changed hands. Kidnappers never got money. I turned to the fbi and said, whats happening with the money . Well, we dont exactly know where the money is right now. I said, great. So youve gotten my daughter killed. The real kidnappers were still looking for their money. And, of course, it wasnt at the drop location. Its tense. And moms a wreck. Mom is getting upset because mom knows she dropped off the money. Everything went south at that ransom drop. And we still didnt know who we were looking for. Were back to square one. Back to square one again. Again. You were kind of at the end of your rope. Absolutely. Its not like a tv show, is it . No. It had been about 43 hours since quin disappeared. As the fbi prepared yet another bag of money, the kidnapers called back. It was the same male voice from before, and he was angry about the lack of progress. Listen, [ bleep ], okay . Im sick and tired of it. Ive been giving me [ bleep ] left and right. The same warning, go to the bank, pickup 50,000 and hell arrange Something Else for me. More bad news for everyone. It was sunday of that Labor Day Weekend. Monday was a holiday. The banks would be closed. Guaranteeing that this drama would last for at least another day and night. Were all thrown for a loop when we hear this. We didnt want to string this out two more days. Not wanting to drag this out any longer, investigators decided to try a risky new strategy. And told quins mom to now take an aggressive approach whenever she talked with the kidnappers. Thats a big gamble. We tried to take a little more control. We were still being cooperative, with you were very clear that we were willing to pay the ransom. I did not get the money, my partner did not get the money. Nobody from us has the money. I tell you seriously, i think youre lying to me. Im what . I think youre lying to me. I think you got it. But then something frightening happened. That aggressive approach might have back fired. Did you hear that . What . Did you hear that . The what . Did you hear the round i just fired . No, my god, i didnt hear the round you just fired, no. Okay. Well, listen. Your daughter is fine, she just talked to you. Keep it that way. I heard a round, you let me talk to her again. It was completely unexpected. I was in a situation of hopelessness. I figured i would never see her again. And that was so sad because she would never be able to be a mother again and she would never see her children again. Was that a gunshot . Investigators couldnt hear it. What did it mean . And was quin still alive . Returning to our story, there were three attempts to deliver the ransom money to quin grays kidnapers, and all of them had failed. With no money changing hands, it seemed that the kidnappers were increasingly on edge, and the situation was looking more and more dangerous for quin gray. Here again is josh mankiewicz. It was sunday afternoon, almost two full days since quin was abducted. And after a terrible morning when the money drop at the crab shack restaurant turned so disastrous, a text message, apparently from quin, was sent to her moms cell phone around 2 00 p. M. Mom, please, no cops. I am so sorry about all of this, but they are pissed, and i want to see my girls. The fbis Hostage Negotiator was toni kravit. Do you think about the kids in a situation like this . Absolutely. Reid made arrangements for them to stay elsewhere so they would be somewhat shielded by this. We are in the business of preserving life. Thats what we do. Do you think quin, maybe shes not even alive any more . We dont know. We dont know for sure. Investigators were becoming increasingly worried because they hadnt actually heard quins voice since the day before. Then at about 5 25 that evening, another text message came in to quins moms phone. I do not get access to my phone. Have reid check his email. Pic of me taken. Did he get all of the money . And in reids email there was this photo of quin. What can you tell from that photo . Well, it certainly looked to me as though quin was very distraught, maybe had been crying. She didnt look like quin at all, not at all. The photo was taken using a cell phone, and the background could be anywhere. But investigators got lucky because theres a littleknown technology built into that photo, and it offered investigators a huge break. They didnt know that a photograph taken on an iphone and emailed to somebody else has gps coordinates on it yeah. I didnt know that. We were quickly able to check the photograph and find the gps coordinates in there and we knew exactly where that photograph had been taken. Investigators rushed to this location in jacksonville. How long after you looked at that photograph did you have agents headed to the scene . Where it was taken . Minutes. But there was no one there. Later that night, the kidnappers called back and quins mother, again, at the urging of the fbi, kept up a tough negotiating stance. I want quin in my car. Im just warning you. Im not going to give you the money until you have quin in the car. Im telling you what to do. Im telling you what im going to do. Did that aggressive approach seem to work . I think so. I really think so. Another ransom drop was planned. All right. I talk to her first. I see her. And she walks across and gets in my car. Maam, im making the decisions, not you no, no, im sorry, but i am going to see my daughter and im going to have her in my car. Ive got your [ bleep ] money. Let me see my daughter and i want her in my car. Do you understand . Was this at last the end of this ordeal . It was not. Because the kidnappers never showed, and quins mom returned home. Thats when investigators realized they had a new problem. Deputies in Saint Johns County are looking for a pontra vedra woman did not return home. Somehow it broke on the local news. A story investigators had been trying to keep out of the press. This hits the news. You werent expecting that . I wasnt. Wed been pretty fortunate to have this go a couple days without it being on the news. Quite frankly, we dont want them to see it either. But the kidnappers did see it, and they were not happy. Quins mom received a text. Why is she on the news . That was one of those oh, boy, you know . Oh, boy. Now what are we going to do with this one . Remember, the kidnapers had threatened quins life if Police Became involved. A fact that was now hard to deny since it was on the news. So investigators came up with a cover story. The deputies found quins abandoned mercedes suv, and came to her multimillion dollar home to make sure she was okay. They had quins mom send a text. Quin, the police have found your car. They came here and are now searching for you. Call me as i am now very worried. I love you. Mom. Did the kidnappers seem to buy that in yes, they did. But that good news would be short lived as the next call from quin would send everyone into a panic. Quin, quin, whats wrong . Quin, quin this holiday season, families near you need your help. Visit redcross. Org now to donate. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto with ultra coating. Yand you want to getr an excellent price youd think with all these options it would be easy. But with terms like msrp, invoice, list price, things get confusing pretty fast. 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I am heartbroken and the girls probably no longer have a mother. You have no heart. And i pray that what goes around comes around. She was angry, she was tired, she was worried. Angry at you . Angry at all of us i think. We werent able to bring her daughter home. Throughout the or deed, reed gray, who was pushed into the background after the kidnapper said they didnt want to deal with him anymore, had been alternately upset and angry as well. Detective howard cole spent some time with quinns husband. I think there was times when he actually wanted to go get the money out of his own bank account and make the money drop. I think there was times when he thought we didnt know what we were doing. What was your sense of reid himself . Seemed like a real decent guy. Genuinely worried about his wife . Yes. He was helpless, he was powerless and he was depending on us to fix it. I just really was very empathetic. I put myself in his shoes and i thought that he dealt with it pretty well, considering the circumstances. Reid waited at his home. Everyone waited as minutes became hours, hoping for some contact. But there was nothing. Quinns mom was so stressed that tony kravith suggested a change of scenery and had her brought to this back courtyard of the fbis jacksonville headquarters. It was around 6 00 p. M. Gail picked up the phone, her whole physical being changed. And it was quinn. Quinn, quinn, whats wrong . And she was completely hysterical on the phone, screaming literally. She was screaming at me. Quinn, quinn talk to me, please she was completely incoherent at that point. I couldnt even understand what she was saying. Quinn, did they hurt you . Tony kravith could only hear one side of the conversation. The blood drained from her face, her knees start to shake, her legs go weak. Nobody can understand what shes saying, and then quinn, quinn. She hangs up. You think maybe they were attacking her or killing her then . We dont know. But this is the first time that she sounds hysterical, so we dont know now if shes hurt. It sounds like shes very upset. While tony kravith tried to calm quinns mom, somebody else had already heard from quinn. A 911 operator. Whats your emergency . My name is quinn gray and i was kidnapped. And im not sure where i am right now. It was quinn. Okay, whats happened . She was free. I need you to take a deep breath, okay . I was kidnapped. Shaken and in tears, quinn said she was just dropped out of a white van and was now standing near a Mall Shopping Center in front of a restaurant. Somebody is on the way, okay. Okay, thank you. Sheriffs deputies headed to quinns location, while she stayed on the line with 911. I dont know, like a warehouse or something. He tied me to a chair with duct tape. You have no idea what i just went through. I cannot imagine and im so sorry for you. Deputy trent was one of the first to find her. She was acting very erratic, was flailing around a lot and was yelling on her cell phone. Quinn was brought to the fbis Jacksonville Office, where her mom and brotherinlaw met her. Its not quite the joyful reunion youd expect . As far as being joyful, no. She was hysterical when she saw me for the first time. Of course i was hysterical and we ran to each other, embraced each other and cried together. An audio recorder in one of the fbis Interview Rooms picked up quinns voice from the hallway. Quinn was then led alone into that Interview Room and one of the first things she told the agents there was that she felt her husband didnt really want to save her life. I feel like my husband wanted me dead. 100 . Why is that . The man makes a lot of money. Lets just say that maybe my life isnt worth him paying it back. I feel that there is a very dark and sinister side to my husband that ive always sensed in a way. Was there another side to reid gray that investigators didnt know and could he have had anything to do with his own wifes kidnapping . Do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or one thats good for my teeth . Now i dont have to choose from crest 3d white the whitening therapy collection with new spearmint and peppermint oil. It gently whitens, plus it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. Look for a 1 coupon in this sundays paper. If your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. And then, more jobs robegan to appear. What started with one job spread all around. Because each job in energy creates many more in this town. Welcome back to dateline extra. Ill craig melvin. After telling her family she was abducted from her home by armed kidnapper, days later a florida mom has very suddenly been freed. It is a stunning turn of events, but for everyone who loves her and the investigators who have been trying to find her, it isnt over. Theres another shock in store. Here again, josh mankiewicz. Quinn gray had finally been released after three days of cap at this point, but when she was brought to the fbis jacksonville headquarters quinn started blaming her husband, reed, for putting her through the whole ordeal. Right now i feel like my husband wanted me dead. She said that if reid had only given the money to the kidnapper on that first night she was abducted, she might have been set free of earlier. But if my husband had just done what he was supposed to do, i would be fine. As it turned out, investigators had been suspicious of quinns husband from the very beginning. Sheriff david shoar first spoke with reid right after quinn was kidnapped. When you talked to the victims husband, reid gray, whats the first thing you said to him . Well, you know, his first comment to me, is the media involved. Thats the first thing he said to you . Yes. I didnt feel comfortable with that answer. Gosh, your wife is kidnapped and thats your answer. And someone else was suspicious of reid, quinns mom. I thought possibly reid might have had something to do with it. Because . It just seemed like a real convenient way for him not to have to deal with his wife anymore. Detective howard cole said investigators had to take a close look at reid. Any time you have a situation of this nature, nine times out of of ten its inner circle, its spouse, its a business associate, a friend. Remember when reid first went to the Sheriffs Office on the day quinn was kidnapped . Did you go anywhere today where you would have to go outside in any fashion . Detectives immediately thought something was suspicious. Do you know how you got blood or mud on your shoes there . Theres nothing on my shoes. It tells me you dont have any leads. It tells us we dont rule anything out. And during that interview, investigators learn that quinn and reid had endured some major problems in their relationship. What did reid gray tell you about his marriage . Their marriage, for lack of a better way of putting it, was rocky. Theres an ugly side of our marriage. She went out and didnt come home until like 3 00 in the morning she was pretty intoxicated, i looked in her purse and saw underwear in her purse. Im like, quinn, its time to be honest. Honest about everything because im going to divorce you. He did explain a lot of circumstances surrounding past infidelities both on his part and her part. Our relationship started to deteriorate and i dated a few people. She dated a few people as well. Reid admitted he had an affair and said quinn had multiple affairs. That kind of admission all but guaranteed more questions. Wed interview him on everything from personal finances to kids or associates, business, everything. And we threw a lot of really hard questions at him. Do you know where shes at right now . No. Do you have anything to do with her disappearance . No. 100 no. And even though reid seemed to be upset while his wife was missing, investigators were keeping an eye on him. Was there a time when you were sort of distrustful of him or wondered what was going on . I was questioning his motives and how he was. Even though he was acting appropriately, that in and of itself is not enough to eliminate somebody. Did you specifically ask reid about the money he had supposedly borrowed from a loan shark . Yes. And he said . He never borrowed any money from a loan shark. I didnt believe him. On that first night of the kidnapping, when quinns mom went to her daughters ocean front home, investigators sat her down with reid. Some of these truths probably will hurt me. And recorded the conversation. She was concerned, and i heard this many times from her, that reid threatened her with divorce and she didnt like that idea, of course. Quinns mother openly speculated about whether reid knew more than he was saying. I also have thought that possibly you could be behind it. Kill quinn and you got rid of all kinds of things. You got rid of a wife, you dont have to have an argument about custody, you dont have to give her any money. I dont know that, reid. I dont know that. You thought he was lying . Yes, i think he was evasive with me to begin with. Suspicions about reid lasted throughout the time investigators searched for quinn. On the same day she was released, they asked reid to take a lie detector test. And he agreed. He was being candid. He took a polygraph with a very experienced polygrapher who cleared him. From being a suspect. Officials at the Sheriffs Office and the fbi came to the same conclusion, reid gray had absolutely nothing to do with quinns kidnapping. I apologized to him in the fbi building and we hugged, and i said, im so sorry that i thought that. But that still left the question, who had kidnapped quinn. I didnt know what was going on. I was crying and i was like, please, just tell me that youre not going to kill me. Back at the fbi office, quinn was less than completely cooperative with agents after her release. Did they say anything when they dropped you off, did they do any threats. Yeah. What did they say to you . Thats the part im not getting into. She eventually became angry. Im sorry, but im going over the big stuff. Im not being confrontation with you. But i think you are. No, maam, i am trying to get the details. Watching from another room was fbi agent in charge, james casey. How did she seem in that interview . She was very disheveled. Her story did not make sense. And immediately investigators were confused. Why was quinn so annoyed and why wasnt she cooperating in the search for her kidnapper . They got few answers that night and quinn returned home. But two days later hey, quinn . Yeah. Hey, im george. Nice to meet you. Quinn gray was a different person when she met with detective George Harrigan of the st. Johns county Sheriffs Department. From the beginning our goal was lets just let her tell her story. Its just been the most incredible ordeal to go through Something Like this and then within a 24hour period to be so brain washed so significantly that you actually believe that your husband is trying to kill you. Quinn said the kidnapper had in essence brainwashed her into believing her husband wanted her dead and that she wasnt cooperative with investigators earlier because the kidnapper told her if she gave away any information about them, they would find her and kill her. But after some restful sleep, quinn said she now believes her husband was trying to save her life. Just all of a sudden coming back into reality, what was really going on. Quinn was finally ready to tell her story of what had really happened during her 72hour nightmare. Coming up just how much of a nightmare was it . Quinns bizarre description of a sexual encounter with her abductor. And i acted like i enjoyed, and im not going to lie, i sometimes almost did when ransom continues. When ransom continues. So, i have this recurring dream. Im 85 years old in a job where i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. What . Wheres that coming from . I dont know. I started my 401k early, i diversified. Im not a big spender. Sounds like youre doing a lot. But i still feel like im not gonna have enough for retirement. Like theres Something Else i should be doing. With the right conversation, you might find youre doing okay. So, no hot dog suit . Not unless you want to. No. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today with Td Ameritrade®. Discover card. I justis this for real . Match, yep. We match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. Whoo i got my money hard to contain yourself, isnt it . Uh huh let it go whoo get a dollarfordollar match at the end of your first year. Returning to ransom, investigators wondered why quinn gray wasnt cooperating in the search to find her kidnapper. It took a couple of days, but soon quinn gray was ready to tell her story. Here again is josh mankiwiecz. All of a sudden coming back into reality, what was really going on, that i knew. Quinn gray was finally prepared to tell all of the details of her kidnapping. Do you feel okay . Do you feel like youre able to talk and get this out. Well, i have to because detective George Harrigan of the st. Johns county Sheriffs Department was chosen to interview her. I asked her to start from the very beginning and act as if she had not told anyone this story before. So go back to you wake up friday. Okay. Tell me your day friday. It was just a normal, absolutely normal day. Quinn said she had a facial at a local spa, went to yoga class and ran errands in her mercedes suv. When she returned home, she went up to her bedroom. So i went up to my closet to change my clothes. He came in this way and said, dont do anything stupid. Im not here for you. And hes got a gun . Hes got a gun and hes got yellow rubber gloves on. Startled by the gunman, quinn screamed, but she was the only one home. Her husband was at work, her kids in school. So he has a gun to my head, and i mean im screaming bloody murder. How did she describe this guy . He was a sharpshooter or a sniper in the albanian military, that he goes around doing these kind of jobs. She said that he had some type of foreign accent. The look on his face and the evil in his eyes, i was like, im dead. The gunman said he was not there for quinn, but for the 50,000 that reid gray owed to a loan shark. I thought maybe my husband was in some trouble and i didnt know about it, was hiding something from me. Right. He said, how much is this house worth . Im like, it is a 4. 5 million house, we have a 25,000 mortgage payment a month, thats why it didnt make sense that my husband would boro 50,000. It didnt add up. Then the kidnaper started to restrain quinn. He sat me down on my bed and he came over and tied my hands, just my hands with zip ties. Then she said the gunman took her out of the house and eventually threw her into the back of a van. Frightened and crying, she was driven around for what seemed like hours. She had no idea where she was being taken, and she feared she would never see her husband or two daughters again. The van eventually stopped and quinn was brought into some sort of warehouse, possibly a mechanics garage. She was strapped into a chair with more zip ties, and thats when she became very frightened. He tied my mouth. He put duct tape on my face. At this point i was like no, no, no, no. Deputies later took photos of the marks quinn said were made by the zip ties being pulled too tight. Quinn was then left alone in the dingy dirty warehouse. She heard what sounded like a tv on in another room, a foreign voice and screaming. I started looking around the room praying for my kids and praying, god, get me out of this. And there was another chair so i was thinking maybe this is a torture room. Maybe this is where they hold women to torture them before they kill them. Quinn gray says she believed this could be the last day of her life. I was praying that whatever this crazy [ bleep ] was going on that i would live and survive. After being left in the chair for hours, the kidnapper returned and eventually cut her free. She said at some point he realized he was going to have to let her sleep or lay down to try to sleep, so he let her lay down. And then a few minutes later, he laid down next to her. He begins to kiss on her neck and i said whats going through your mind . And she said, im thinking were going to have section. Were going to have section. And i knew i wasnt going to resist him, so i tried to make it the best possible. The more he loves it, maybe i have a chance, you know what i mean . It makes sense. Take a couple of deep breaths for a minute and hear me out so that you can get yourself together, take your time. So then sex happens. I asked her to as best she could describe that for me, because it was important if she remembered anything identifiable about this guy. She described explicit sex. I mean we just every position all night long. Quinn said she didnt try to fight off her kidnapper because she thought it might save her life. Its really embarrassing. I know. And i acted like i enjoyed it. Im not going to lie, i almost did. Listen, its not unusual to have weird feelings and weird thoughts going through your head when youre exposed to a massive amount of trauma. Sheriff david shoar late watched that interview. The bottom line is people react differently under stress. It must have been stunning to hear somebody describe a Sexual Assault as something that they enjoyed. Yes, it was stunning. When she was held at that warehouse, quinn said she spent the first hellish night sleeping on a concrete floor. The next day the kidnapper moved her to a motel, the emerson inn. At that point, he makes the decision that were going to go to a hotel for the night. Were going to rethink this whole thing and thats when we ended up at the emerson inn. Quinn said the kidnapper also brought his gun to the emerson inn and threatened to kill her husband and children if she didnt cooperate. At one point she thought about using it on herself. I was crying and screaming and he kept begging me to calm down, i couldnt. I just grabbed his gun and said, im going to shoot myself in the head. He grabbed it out of my head and said, what, are you [ bleep ] crazy. Mentally broken, quinn obeyed the kidnapers demands. The detective asked her to share as many details as possible hoping to glean some clues. She remembered something that seemed incidental but later turned out to be incidental. He got chicken for us, and i think a paper and drinks for us. So were eating spicy chicken. Quinn also told police unlike what was written in the original ransom note, she no longer believed three men were involved in her kidnapping. My very gut instinct now that im clearly thinking and getting it all out is that theres no anyone else involved but him. The interview lasted almost six hours. Hi. But it wasnt the end of quinn and reids anguish. They were frightened to return home. What would be the difference if that guy was in the house right now . Im not going to get my stuff. Im not going back there. Reid later said he was extremely worried for his familys safety. A no, sir, we dont have anybody in custody. I wont lie to you. I need to know that guy is caught, too. And investigators also desperately wanted to catch that guy. Take a good look at the Surveillance Video taken from a and they were about to get some unexpected help. This is communications, how can i help you . I need to talk to somebody about my picture appearing for some kind of womans kidnapping or Something Like that. Is that you . Coming up, the man in the video, the man quinn says abducted her at gun point comes forward, but hes not exactly what investigators expect. He comes from a very good family, has a college education. This guy was no gangster . Absolutely not. When ransom continues. Whes whes this holiday season, families near you need your help. Visit redcross. Org now to donate. Omar, check this out. Uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. For men. Notice that my hips are off the ground. [ engine revving ] and then, im gonna pike my hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. 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Quinn remembered the kidnaper bought food from a publix supermarket while she was in captivity and she remembered specifically what he purchased. Thats where he bought the chicken, he bought a thing of paper. He bought chicken drumettes, you know. Detectives went to the publix where a manager checked the stores computers and found a match for those items. Armed with the exact time the food purchase was made, investigators scanned the supermarket Surveillance Footage from that moment and they found this man. Quinn confirmed it, he was the kidnaper. She gave us enough information to go find his picture in publix and post it on the internet and on the news. Witnesses describe the man to be in his mid20s or early 30s and about 58 to six feet tall and now they need help in hopes of solving this case. Two days later, a 911 operator received a call. This is communications. How can i help you . I need to talk to somebody about i was buying something at publix and my picture appeared for some kind of womans kidnapping or Something Like that. Is that you in. Im actually on my way over to you guys. Whats your name, sir . Jasmine osmanovic. And within an hour he ended up here at the Sheriffs Office. He didnt seem to have a care in the world that he was considered a prime suspect in a kidnapping. Sheriffss detective howard cole conducted the investigation. Lets just get this over with. What did you learn about Jasmin Osmanovic. He is a bosnian immigrant, comes from a very good family. Was involved in the auto trade. Has a college education. This guy was no gangster. Absolutely not. But he did match quinns description of her abductor. While he was not albanian, he did have an accent. I just want this nightmare to be over. But osmanovic said he had no idea why anyone would be looking for him. You had this on he freely signed a document waiving his right to remain silent. He also said he had an alibi for the night quinn gray was kidnapped. He was at a bar and met a girl named stacey. Okay. Tell me about stacey. Well, me and stacey met up. We just kind of had a twonight stand basically. But his story had more than a few holes. Osmanovic wasnt sure of staceys last name. He didnt have her phone number or her address. Hes a character, what can i tell you. Hes like, i did none of that and by the end of the day youll see, im walking out of here. In addition, osmanovic said he saw quinns picture in the media and he didnt know her. Did you recognize her . Sir, i mean she looks like a blonde chick. You didnt look at that picture and say, i dont know this woman . Sir, she doesnt look like anybody that i know. Okay. But the atmosphere quickly changed when cole brought in a photo of quinn gray. Weve already been to the publix. You know why . Because this woman brought us there. Okay. So what did i do . She is saying that you abducted her. I abducted her . Yes, sir. I have more than enough evidence to charge you based on her word. And then the detective started to apply pressure to osmanovic. And for you to say that you dont even know her concerns me greatly, jasmin, concerns me greatly. Because this woman, i can assure you, bud, knows you. Okay. She says she knows me . Absolutely and i know she knows you and i know you know her. Sir, i told you everything that i have to tell you. You were at the hotel with her saturday and sunday night. With her . Yes. And im not going on her word, im going on the clerks word. Detective cole told osmanovic he had been identified not only by quinn but also by an employee of the emerson inn who said on the same weekend quinn went missing he saw osmanovic with quinn in room 207. Its her word saying that i that i took her. Whats the chances of you and her staying in the same hotel in the same room at the same time and not knowing each other . Whats the chances of that, jasmin . Listen, listen, listen. Cole referred back to quinns photo and tauntingly asked if this was the woman stacey that osmanovic claimed he was with the night quinn was abducted. Are you sure thats not stacey, bud . It is her word against mine. No, it is more than that now. How is that . Because i have independent people that idd you together. If this woman is not telling the truth, you need to be telling it, buddy. And if she is telling the truth, holy [ bleep ], youre in a whole lot of trouble. But osmanovic maintained he did nothing wrong. Not only that, he said he could prove it. He had a secret recording that was going to clear his name. Coming up the battle to get a hold of that recording and then what it revealed. When you heard that tape, what did you think . Im a cop, 11 years. Ive been on this planet 40. I blushed when i listened to the tape. When ransom continues. Well, how are the massage chairs working out for everyone . I dunno. Im still a little stressed about buying our new house. Well, its a good thing we dont have to worry about Homeowners Insurance. Geico can help with that. We can get Homeowners Insurance help from geico . Well, sure. And they could save us a bunch too. Mmhmm . Im starting to feel better already. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and condo insurance. Im dara brown. Here is what is happening. An eightyearold guatemalan boy is dead in immigration custody. It is the second death of a child in detention this month. Cpd says the cause of death is unknown. President trump is digging in his heels, saying today the Government Shutdown will continue until lawmakers agree to fund his border wall. Thats the latest from msnbc. Now back to dateline. Despite denying any involvement in quinn grays kidnapping, Jasmin Osmanovic found himself in the hot seat as police started to poke holes in his story. With investigators closing in, jasmin decided to tell police about a secret audio tape that he claimed would prove his innocence. Here again, josh mankiewicz. Jasmin osmanovic was suspect number one in the abduction of quinn gray. You know what . I just have a feeling im in a bad movie right now. Thats funny you should say that. Because thats the way ive been feeling for the past eight days. He was denying any involvement whatsoever and said he didnt know her. He even said he didnt fit quinns description of the culprit. Did she was i was from bosnia . No, albania. What . Albania. Do you know what an albanian looks like . A middle eastern. I mean come on. I mean that, that middle eastern, come on, give me a break. Not only that, but osmanovic, a mechanic, said he thought he was being set up to be the fall guy in this highly public case. He was concerned that because she has money and he doesnt that hes going to get the short end of the stick . Yeah, he did say that. Shes this rich woman from ponte vedra, i know how this goes. He expressed a great deal of concern about that. It seems like since obviously shes rich, its gonna be my ass. Shes what . Since shes rich, its gonna be my ass. I could careless what she is. In an interrogation that lasted eight hours, he tried to keep him talking. Even when the suspect tested coles patience. He thought he was smarter than us, he wanted to control the interview. Truthfully he drove me crazy. You can search everything that i own. Youre not going to find anything. Because just like you said, youve got an iq and ive got one, too. Absolutely. Hes Walking Around the Interrogation Room talking about his iq. Do you hear that a lot from suspects . Not that overtly. It is kind of for most of them to think it, it is very rare for them to actually say it. Im smarter than her and her [ bleep ] husband or whatever. No doubt about it. But alls im telling you is and you know what . This is bs. This right here is bull [ bleep ]. And its bull [ bleep ] because the storm is headed my way. Oh, it is. Eventually, osmanovic relented. He admitted he may have known quinn gray. Do you or do you not know i might have seen her. But osmanovic said that even if he did know quinn, he could still prove his innocence. He kept talking in like code. You know, at one point i was like, you know, i dont understand what youre trying to tell me. Just explain to me what youre trying to tell me. And then hes like, you know how you cops do videos and this and that . Well, i got my own audio. However, for some reason he wasnt willing to share that secret audio tape with investigators. He has this tape thats exculpatory, that gets him off the hook. Yes, sir. But he wont give it to you . No, and it kind of blew my mind because im here telling him hes faced you know, if i dont get this tape and if i dont get it now, you know, hes facing kidnapping, sexual battery, extortion. Osmanovic insisted that secret recording he made would be his getoutjailfree card. And i put a tape recorder with her voice and my voice in front of you, which i can go get. Tell me about these tapes. Whats on the tape . Sir, the tape the tape is not going nowhere out of my possession. Which i hid way off the location. Okay. Why would you do that . Why would what . You tape that . You remember the iq part . Yeah. I might have been played for a fool, but im not an idiot. Even under the threat of arrest, osmanovic refused to hand over the recording or give its location. It was just a war of attrition. And he knew that he was in it up to his eyeballs. The next day after osmanovics interrogation was completed, detective cole received some crucial information about that recording. We learned of the existence of the tape from jasmin. The next morning we learned of its possible location. The location was osmanovics home. His exgirlfriend had gotten ahold of it and turned the recording over to osmanovics sister. The sister then gave the tape to an attorney. We got a call from a defense attorney in jacksonville and he said, detective cole, i think we have something you might be interested in. Finally, investigators had the tape. And when they pressed play this is room 207. They couldnt believe what they heard. That recording led sheriff david shoar to call a press conference. He had a major announcement. As our investigation has developed, we arrested quinn gray. Coming up just what was on that tape . Im starting to feel like im the suspect. Had quinn been the victim everyone thought . When ransom continues. Thought when ransom continues. But we can guarantee the best price on that thar rental cabin or any hotel, home, boat, yurt, whatever. Just dont get carried away with the wild west thing. Hey guys. Get the best price on homes, hotels and so much more. Booking. Com, booking. 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Relief and remission within reach. Welcome back to dateline extra. After getting access to the secret audio tape, police were blown away by what they heard. Exactly what explosive secrets did the tape hold and why were authorities now headed in a whole new direction . Here again, josh mankiewicz. Lets see what happens at the hotel. Shes been staying at the hotel all night long. At least, investigators had the secret recording that Jasmin Osmanovic had tantalizingly refused to turn over. But far from exonerating him, it offered plenty of evidence against him. Its compelling. It was the icing on the cake. It was the point of no return for quinn. It was the point of no rern for osmanovic. Wants you to go back, you understand . On that recording, investigators heard a completely different story from what quinn gray had said happened during her ordeal were staying at the emerson inn in room 207. The recording started on that monday when quinn was missing. Jasmin narrated. As he drove alone to the emerson inn. She stayed the whole night by herself, she didnt want me to stay with her, so im going right now back to there. The recording continued with jasmin entering room 207. Investigators were shocked as they listened. Because quinn gray didnt sound like a captive at all. In fact, she seemed to be in on the whole thing. I dont know what the new plan is. Well, well see. Just tell me you have one. Yeah. They called the cops and everything, i mean but ive got a different plan. Osmanovic next appeared to mock the massive Law Enforcement manhunt that was underway to find quinn. If they just knew that you were here by yourself all night long, they would have a fit. [ laughing ] thats why im starting to feel like im the sinister one, doing this to my family. I wonder what my girls think right now. I wonder if they have any idea whats going on. We went to the hotel and talked to the people that worked at the hotel. They said she sat in the car while he was checking in. They were hand in hand. They said, in fact, he left the room many, many times during the weekend. And remember those bruises and marks quinn said she got from being zip tied to a chair . The recording suggested quinn made them herself. I have to have a few more marks if im telling these stories, dont you think . Are those from last night . Yeah. That was from the rope. I was doing the rope. Oh, you were doing that . Yeah. Youre a smart girl. I have to have a couple. They think that they dont have [ bleep ] and then there were parts of that recording that made even veteran investigators blush. On the tape, the two had what sounds like intimate consensual sex. Nothing like the rape quinn described. Does reid get this much action . You know he doesnt. The sheriff said that from the getgo, he and fbi officials were suspicious about this case, questioning if this was a legitimate abduction. But they had no option, they say, but to proceed as if quinn really had been taken hostage. In the end, the recording osmanovic made gave them all the proof they needed that this was not a kidnapping, but rather an elaborate hoax. The apparent real goal, the sheriff said, was to extort 50,000 from quinns husband, reid. We all smelled a rat. I mean it just wasnt right. There were many things that just didnt add up. It started with the ransom note. It was in quinns handwriting and unusually long. Secondly, investigators never needed to ask for proof of life during the abduction. Because the kidnappers regularly allowed quinn to talk on the phone. And finally, there was quinns shocking debriefing, where she said she enjoyed having sex with the man she had described as her captor. And i acted like i enjoyed it and im not going to lie, sometimes i almost did. Osmanovic would later say that he and quinn met by chance at a gas station just weeks earlier. A conversation started and an affair soon blossomed. Something that was strongly suggested by the recording. All right, you know im crazy about you. What . Im crazy about you. Quinn and osmanovic told different stories of how the whole kidnapping plot evolved, but authorities suggest that quinns motive was to get the money, leave her husband and start a new life. Do i have your word . What . Whatever story we come up with, you stick to it. We both have to stick to the same story. Because were both [ bleep ] but clearly osmanovic wasnt convinced quinn would stick to their story. Do you think he made the tape because he thought that at some point he was going to get accused of kidnapping her and he needed to prove that it wasnt his idea . Or it was her idea and i just went along for the ride. It was probably a smart thing to do because it revealed to us in no Uncertain Terms that quinn gray was not a victim. Put your hands in front of you. Jasmin osmanovic was arrested for extortion. And before the sheriff publicly announced quinns arrest, he had a hearttoheart talk with her husband. Tough conversation for you to have. Yeah. You know, your spouse made this thing up and she had relations with a guy that we know were consensual because weve got a tape recording and it is crystal clear. I mean, you know, how do you process that information . One day after osmanovics arrest, quinn gray was placed in custody. We arrested quinn gray and charged her with extortion. This was an extortion attempt from the beginning. It was not a kidnapping. Quinn pleaded not guilty. After her arrest, she was defiant. If i wanted 50,000, all i would do is take it out of the bank account. Did you have a sexual relationship with osmanovic . No, i did not. I did not know him. Why would someone make it up . You wouldnt make it up because its the truth. Im talking about him. Why would he make this up . Because hes a criminal and came in and tried to extort 50,000 from me. And in another shocking twist, reid gray decided to stand by his wife. I want my wife to come out of this feeling wonderful. I want her to feel great about everything after this is all over, and i think thats going to be the outcome. Coming up husband hess seemed to be standing by quinn, but what did her mother think . Do you believe shes telling the truth . And then, what kind of legal price would quinn pay for her escapade . When ransom continues. Ntinues. sighs i hate missing out missing out after hours. Not anymore, Td Ameritrade lets you trade select securities 24 hours a day, five days a week. Thats amazing. Its a pretty big deal. So i can trade all night long . All night long. Is that Lionel Richie . Lets reopen the market. Mr. Richie, would you ring the 24 5 bell . Sure can, jim. Trade 24 5, with Td Ameritrade. This holiday season, families near you need your help. Visit redcross. Org now to donate. And now with the conclusion of ransom. Gray has pleaded not guilty, everyo even though investigators consider gray as the victim to the surprise of many, he decided to standby his wife. Two months after her arrest, reid appeared on the today show. It has been a roller coaster. She was the master mind of this and you have no choice but to believe that entirely at that point. I believe in my heart she was kidnapped. Her mom also stood behind her saying jasmine was the one to blame and not quinn. She was just manipulated and her mind snapped. You believe shes telling the truth . Absolutely. The fbi and the sheriff did not. Well, they dont understand what can happen to a person who has a mental illness. Gayle sykes says her daughter suffers from deep depressions and manic disorder. She was having manic episode and she thought shes going to die. She was in a fragile situation. Quinn had only recently released from the clinic where he under gone treatments for alcohol abuse. Her mom thinks that once quinn stops selfmedicating with alcohol, her bipolar disorder suddenly emerged. Reid says quinns family had a history of bipolar disorder. I know something is not right. Quinns mom felt her daughter had a strong defense. Hell release quinn. It is one of the few places on the tape he sound like her captor and not her lover. And quinns mom who never heard because of quinns mental condition that her daughter had sex with her. I think he wanted to feel the comfort and feeling secure and love, maybe . With the guy who just brutally abducted her . In her mental state, yes. I believe that was what happened to her. It does not make her sound like a victim. You have to think through it carefully. She thought this man is going to save my life and restore me and my family. Quinns mom also points out investigators were never able to document the affair. Investigators could not find a shred of evidence the two had a relationship before the Labor Day Weekend. Does it give you any pause at all that there is no proof those two knew each other before the Labor Day Weekend . It does and it does not. We knew their encounter is consensual. You can tell from the tapes. Yes. Regardless of a relationship started, they knew each other and involved with each other. The prosecutors in this case, Jennifer Duncan says her office never shows any proofs that quinn suffers from a mental illness. Her doctor made the assertion that he believed she was bipolar and although backed off that a little bit and although she did not meet all the criteria. In court appearances, the no appeared looking like a man who has been had. Because hes a criminal. Quinn gray decided to continue her fight at the state of florida, preparing his case against the wealthy mom. The strengths of our case that quinn gray was left alone several times. Over night she was left in cars and trips into various businesses. All proven that she could have walked away if she wanted to. Therefore, it was not a real kidnapping. What was the truth . At one point, gray arranged a private detector test for his wife. The results were not what he expected. She did not pass the polygraph. I believe at some point he indicated that he eventually listened to that tape which he had not listen to it previously. Hes not a dumb man. Hes a smart man. He was connecting the dots, too. Reid gray changed his mind and with it, support for his wife. He was granted a divorce and now shares custody with the couples daughter. Reid did not want to be interviewed for dateline but told us i want to thank Law Enforcement and the state for all their hard work to ensure the safety of my family. Quinn was ready to move on with her life as well. In february 2011, she pleaded no contest to extortion. Something that her mom had encouraged. I did not want a jury to find her guilty and send her to prison. Even though no contest plea is basically i understand that. At least she did not have to go to prison. Quinn sent us a statement saying she was abducted at gunpoint and never knew osmanovic. Because of her mental state at the time and her past experiences and recovery of alcoholism as osmanovic were able to manipulate my every thought and alter my decisions about my life. I made a decision to accept a no contest plea to avoid a lengthy trial that could further emotionally harm my family, my Mental Health and my road to recovery. They were both sentenced to time serve in jail, given probation and order to pay a total of 86,000 in overtime cost thatll run up by all the Law Enforcement personnel who would work that weekend trying to find quinn. Both declined to be interviewed. Both are now free and apparently theyre no longer coconspira r coconspirators orlovers. Whats in this for quinn gray . I dont know. I dont know the answer to that. Was it a desperate act . She sure picked up a colorful way to do it. It is hard to pull off a fake kidnap, it justice. Thats all for this edition of dateline extra, i am craig melvin, thank you for watching. This is a tragedy on top of a tragedy now. It happened so quickly. Their parents spot their mom, in trouble. A sudden slip . A fatal fall . You watch her go right in front of you. Someone else was watching her, too. A curious neighbor moments before witnessed something astonishing. The look on his face was almost undescribable. What had she seen, was this drowning really

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