Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline 20190825 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Dateline 20190825

>> but on a dark highway, the case would take a dramatic turn. >> all the hair on my body was standing on edge. >> he made you nervous? >> extremely nervous. >> a mysterious driver carrying ominous cargo. >> how did he explain that? >> at that time, you don't. >> it's evidence to suggest that there's some sort of conspiracy involved here. unraveling a mind-bending plot to reveal a shattering truth. >> evil is the only word i can think of. inhuman to do something like that. >> reporter: it was a moonless night in iowa, 4:00 in the morning. the quietest of quiet hours. a small-town cop glided down the empty highway out of des moines, bound for the early shift at his rural police department. that's when he saw it, corner of his eye. what was that in the ditch? maybe 30 yards off the highway. a car? in trouble? he swung around. somebody clearly missed a curve on the gravel access road. >> the driver's door hanging open on it, look like airbags deployed, dome light was on. >> reporter: and then suddenly, who was that, knocking on his car window? >> gentleman didn't have a shirt on. >> reporter: seemed agitated, weird. eventually, a second cop appeared. >> he was excited, seemed like a -- you know, if you were to talk to somebody right after they got done running a marathon -- just out of breath, sweating profusely. the entire time i'm out here, it's just a very, very -- it's an uneasy feeling. my stomach was turning. >> but no law broken. he called the guy a cab, sent him home. no idea what was coming. how could they know? >> it makes you question the goodness of humanity, it makes you question your faith, it makes you question your beliefs. >> it is a point where evil outdid good. >> reporter: even here in the heart of the heartland, its lovely capital, its famous state fair, all manner of deep-fried delicacies and presidential casting calls here. des moines. a place known for its sweet and gentle nature, for people who are simply nice. like him. >> he was -- he was just very good. >> reporter: his name was justin michael. these are his parents, weldon and marie. >> he cared about people. he was kind and considerate. >> reporter: just a nice guy. >> just a very nice guy, a very good person. >> the sort of person who volunteered for things, like helping to build houses for habitat for humanity. >> he really enjoyed it. >> reporter: justin was almost 31, the eldest of three. his brother nathan idolized him. >> all three of us stayed close, just always grew up, like, playing sports and hanging out with justin. >> he was just a great older brother. very supportive and caring and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. >> reporter: in fact, said sister sydney, justin saved her life when, as a teenager, she was caught in a rip tide at the beach. >> it was absolutely terrifying. i felt like i was literally drowning. and then all of a sudden there was justin, and he was pulling me up on our boogie board and telling me that everything was going to be okay, everything is going to be fine. >> so you get the idea. just a good person, a nice guy who was about to get as lucky as a person can in life. that is, lucky in love. with her. >> i found him very attractive and interesting and he -- he was fun to talk to. >> reporter: her name is angie ver huel, and what happened to angie and justin was that thing that some people don't even think exists. they fell in love at first sight. bingo. just like that. >> and after our third date, i texted my friend and i said, "i am pretty sure i am going to marry this guy." >> wow. he seemed to feel the same way about you? >> yep. it was very easy from day one. we both knew. >> so they did what people do. they tried out each other's interests. and angie discovered that the man she was in love with also loved things like skydiving. which of course, he wanted her to do too. lured you out for a time or two? >> yeah. >> reporter: he had you jumping out of an airplane or -- >> yes. >> reporter: -- or whatnot? >> yes. >> reporter: what the heck were you thinking? >> yeah, i am terrified of heights, so -- >> reporter: so he took you up there? >> yeah. it was so exhilarating, though. i was terrified until the moment i got up in the plane, and then i was just calm. yeah, and it was so much fun. >> reporter: which was a little like their courtship, really. a jump that some people would find terrifying, but not them. you got engaged very quickly? >> uh-huh. when you know, you know. >> reporter: ever any doubt? i mean -- no day you woke up and thought, "oh, god, what have i done?" >> nope. >> so in august 2013, two months after they met, angie and justin were an engaged couple. in december, she moved in with him at his house in a tiny place called grimes, about 20 minutes outside of des moines. and they planned their wedding. which would be, they decided, a big family event on the beach in north carolina where his parents lived. they set the date -- july 20, 2014. it was may. excitement building when justin's parents came to visit, in grimes. >> mother's day weekend. >> reporter: and on the wednesday evening before that mother's day -- >> we were laughing and talking about halloween costumes for the next year and as it grew dusk, we ended up cooking s'mores over their fire pit, which was one of justin's favorite things to do. >> reporter: justin's dad weldon was on business in minneapolis that night, so marie stayed alone in justin and angie's guest room. as far as she knew, all was well. across the hall, a couple in love. all good things on their way. dark now. moonless dark. she closed her eyes and slept. and then -- >> so i heard the door opening and my first thought was angie was coming in to grab a scarf or a piece of jewelry from the dresser. i knew she kept some things -- spare things in the bedroom. the person just stood in the doorway. >> reporter: what did you see? just a silhouette? >> i saw a dark silhouette. a person dressed in dark clothing, and i could see a red laser light shining in my eyes, and as i was laying there, i noticed the red light shine across the pillow. and i remember thinking -- you you know, that's a strange flashlight. and that's when i saw a much bigger person than either justin or angie, so i knew this was an intruder. and my heart sank. i'm sure i froze. and a second or two later, the door was shutting and i remember praying, just please take what you want and -- and just leave us alone. >> reporter: but, of course, leaving them alone was not what the strange, intrusive presence had in mind. not even close. this night of terror was only just beginning and no one was prepared for what would happen only seconds later. >> i heard angie scream, oh, my god, oh, my god. where does your almondmilk come from? almond breeze starts here with our almond trees in our blue diamond orchard in california. my parents' job is to look after them. and it's my job to test the product. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. blue diamond almond breeze. i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. the way you triumph over adversity. and live your lives. that's why we redesigned humira. we wanted to make the experience better for you. now there's less pain immediately following injection. we've reduced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. and it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. humira citrate-free is here. a little change can make a big difference. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. here's to you. 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three? five seconds? across the hall -- >> i heard the bedroom door open and i had been in such a hard sleep, i just assumed it was justin leaving to go to the bathroom. then i heard a pop, pop, pop. >> and it sounded very muffled, so i'm thinking, that could not be a gunshot. >> and unaware that her world was quite different now, angie opened her eyes. >> and i rolled over and saw somebody running out of the bedroom and i knew that was bad. i nudged justin and i said, "justin, justin." >> i heard angie scream, "oh, my god. oh, my god." i knew something terrible had happened. >> i turned on the light. and i just ran out of the bedroom, down the hall. >> did you see him? >> i didn't. >> you just knew? >> yeah. >> i looked in the bedroom doorway and i saw justin -- laying on his back on the right side of the bed with his head tilted. and i could see a bullet hole in his head and i could see blood running down his neck. >> my instinct was to figure out how they got in the house. we had a really big window. i checked to see if that was closed. and it was. checked the front door, that was still locked. saw that the back door was unlocked, and i went and i opened it a little bit. and then i was like, that's not a good idea, so i closed it. >> did you understand right away that everything was different, that the man you loved was dead? >> it was one of those moments where you just wanna go back two minutes. just two minutes ago, he was laying beside me and he was alive and now he's gone forever. >> but in that moment, her brain, her fingers, wouldn't cooperate. >> what they say about not being able to dial 911 in an emergency is very true. i had to try like three different times. somebody just came in and shot my fiance in the head. >> ma'am, what's your name? >> angie. >> can you go over and check the status of -- >> he's dead. >> okay. >> i know he is. >> marie called 911, too. >> somebody came in and shot somebody. >> do you know who was shot? >> my son, justin michael. >> a few minutes later, deputies from the polk county sheriff's office arrived and looked around the house as the two women sat in the living room in complete silence. >> as we were sitting there across from the tv, we noticed that the dvd player had been pulled out and there was a fluorescent yellow sweatshirt laying there, which -- >> didn't belong? >> didn't belong. we pointed it out to the officer and it was neither one of ours. >> was that what happened? some awful mistake? a robber hitting the wrong place, wrong person? deputies then told them, "get your things, we're taking you out of the house." >> i couldn't go back into the bedroom. i didn't have my glasses on. >> they were in there. >> so i said, "i need my glasses." >> she asked me if i would grab her glasses from the nightstand in their bedroom. so i did go back into their bedroom one more time. i looked at justin and i told him good-bye and how much i loved him, and how i couldn't imagine why that had happened to him. >> is it even possible to understand what it does to you to look through the door and see your eldest son lying there with a bullet hole in his head? >> it was something in a 100 million years you could not imagine. who could have done that to my son, who wouldn't hurt a fly? had never spoken ill of anybody, or, to my knowledge, had any enemies. it just was unfathomable. >> the sheriff's deputies took angie and marie outside and put them in separate patrol cars where they sat and watched the activity around them, quite stunned. before they took her cell phone, marie called her husband, weldon. she begged him to hurry. >> i wondered when i heard the news, whether they had gotten into the wrong house. i mean, it was so bizarre. >> reality failed to gel in weldon's head. >> on that drive from minneapolis down, i mean, i couldn't believe it. i expected to see him there when i got there. i thought it was a mistake. i asked if justin was all right and then she said, "no, that he was gone." >> it was a feeling of isolation and -- i could see, you know, see people in and out of the house. i could see detectives with flashlights combing the neighborhood and all around his house. >> crime scene. >> crime scene. it was a very long three hours of my life, just sitting there not knowing what was going on. >> news reporters were setting up everywhere. and there's so many police cars and they weren't saying, "we got the guy." and, like, i just felt, "they don't have him. they need to catch him." i know i'm safe, but is everybody else i love safe?" >> eventually, they drove both women, separately, to the sheriff's headquarters, where they installed them in separate rooms for separate interviews. because something about this didn't smell right. >> there was just a lack of emotion, and to me that was very odd. >> detectives become concerned about something else, too. >> did it say anything to you, that these two women in the house, one of them lying right beside the victim were unharmed? >> yeah, it was suspicious. we're pretty different. somos muy diferentes. muy diferentes. 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>> and neighbors are starting to ask, "what's going on here?" >> anxiety is like a virus. it spread fast in grimes. >> yeah, they were nervous. people don't just get shot in grimes. and they knew justin michael and angie and couldn't imagine anything happening there. >> and if reporters and neighbors were mystified about what happened, so was detective robyn bartholomew. >> i was the on-call detective, i got called out at 3:30 in the morning. >> who confronted a messy, bloody, crime scene, a victim shot point blank in the head. and here was his fiancee without a mark on her. blood tends to spatter. but there wasn't a drop on angie. >> i mean, how far apart were they? >> right next to each other. >> has that ever happened in your experience that you've encountered that before? >> not that i've encountered. >> and did it say anything to you? that these two women in the house, one of them lying right beside the victim, were unharmed? >> yeah, it was suspicious. >> yes, and also if the killer was intent on robbery, he certainly didn't succeed. that dvd player pulled out of its place in the living room? that was it, said detective tim hopper. nothing else was taken or disturbed. >> well, it didn't make sense. >> did it make sense as a burglary? i mean -- >> no. >> -- as an attempted burglary? >> no. and -- >> so if it wasn't an attempted burglary, why would somebody be messing around with -- >> to stage it. to try to throw people off track. >> mind you there was that sweatshirt that didn't belong in the house. had the killer, in his rush to escape, left it behind? while officers tried to track that down, angie and marie were at the sheriff's office in separate interview rooms answering a lot of pointed questions. >> why not kill you, too? >> i don't know if he looked in on angie and justin and justin woke up and he sensed trouble. i don't know. >> i mean, why not kill angie? >> and this was weird. somehow, said detective bartholomew, their tone just didn't seem right. especially angie's. >> i thought that -- i guess due to what had just happened, that she would be very emotionally upset. and to me, it was just like a regular interview. it didn't make sense. >> shadowy or a black person? >> i don't know. i didn't see any color. i just saw -- >> so you're talking black as in a shadow? >> black clothes, yeah. >> did that arouse any suspicion, that maybe she was involved in this somehow? >> i thought so. >> so detective bartholomew pulled angie and marie's 911 calls. >> he's dead. >> okay. >> i know he is. >> somebody came in and shot somebody. >> and? >> same thing. i just really -- >> curiously devoid of emotion? >> very much so. i think there was panic. but listening to it, i just think that there was some distance there from the -- the -- you know, the caller to the victim. >> everybody's still suspect in this because we have to find out why did someone isolate justin and want him dead. and we didn't see a lot of emotion from the mother or angie. and so that was concerning. but ultimately you have to go where the leads take you to. >> so you do. but just then, the leads were going in circles nowhere. investigators start digging into justin's past, and their line of questioning triggers concerns for angie. >> i was thinking, was i about to marry somebody that i had no idea who he was? 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>> no. nothing. there was no children involved. there was nothing other than the relationship that ended. >> but then, angie revealed, she got involved with a guy named andy. andy wegener. moved in with him, lived with him for three years. and then, this was unusual, continued living with him even after their romance ended. andy, or so she said, was well in her past when she met justin. hard to know what, if anything, to make of that. but then angie told the detective about some strange incidents. especially peculiar for grimes, sort of thing that just doesn't happen here. it was one night back in november, she said. she'd parked her car on the street overnight in front of justin's place. and when she emerged in the morning? >> i saw the back window had been hit in. and i thought, oh, my gosh. and then i went around saw that two of the other windows had been hit in. >> she was shocked, she said. went back to the house to tell justin. they called the police. >> a police officer came and looked at it and noticed that it had been keyed, that it looked like somebody had thrown something at the windshield because there was a big dent on the hood. >> but that wasn't the only incident, said angie. somebody got into the backyard, and vandalized justin's prized fruit trees. >> there were branches that were snipped off and eventually killed the trees. why would somebody come into his yard and ruin things that he had tried to grow? >> so was the vandalism a warning? did justin actually understand that he was a target? maybe angie didn't know her fiance quite as well as she thought she did. after all, execution-style murders, as the detectives knew very well, often turn out to have something to do with illegal drugs. >> did you guys get high? did you party a little bit? >> no. >> no drugs involvement whatsoever? did justin ever sell drugs? >> not that i know of. >> but detective hopper felt it in his veins. something about this didn't add up. >> this morning, justin was singled out and murdered. you wasn't. >> i know. >> marie wasn't. justin was. okay. look at me a second, angie, and listen. there wasn't a burglary in your home. that takes away the randomness. >> nothing was taken? i mean-- >> as far as we're aware of right now. >> okay. >> and somebody came in there for one sole purpose and that was to execute him. so someone was very personal. if for any reasons you would be protecting somebody that you care about, i need to know. >> right. >> because this is not acceptable. >> when they were doing their police thing, and coming up with different scenarios, drugs and money, gambling -- the question just kept being asked, "is it possible that these things could've happened?" and of course, everything's a possibility. and for a moment, i was thinking, was i about to marry somebody that i had no idea who he was? >> oh, but there were so many questions. one in particular that angie just couldn't seem to answer. >> just at a bar. >> okay. >> so i was just all right. whatever. >> he said some kind of nasty things about me as a person. in terms of treating sensitivity, 3 days is really fast. the dentist is going to be able to provide that to their patients. sensodyne rapid relief in my opinion is a game changer. it's going to let the dentist offer their patient sensitivity relief in 3 days. it has a formulation that lays down a barrier of protection against sensitivity. within 3 days, say over the course of a weekend you're going to start feeling significant results. to say that it works in 3 days really is a big deal. help protect your pet, home, and yard. ah, it ended to soon. with the advantage fleaction plan. just look at him! he's a wreck without me, ha... owww. fight the misery of infesting fleas. it's my special friend, antonio. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? 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>> oh, very much so. >> detective bartholomew held her suspicions in check while her partner, detective hopper, continued to press angie about the other men in her life. very few of those, according to angie. her ex-husband and her ex-boyfriend andy. and then, three hours into the interview -- >> all of a sudden a name came up of someone that actually she had dated. an acquaintance that she had met in between the break-up with andy and her meeting justin. >> it was not a full-on relationship. >> did you just not remember him when we talked about it before? >> well, i hadn't -- i mean i thought about him but it was like a couple months of hanging out and it was like a here or there. and he, i feel like -- i felt like he wasn't being very serious, so i wasn't being very serious with it. >> and who was this other guy? >> his name is dave. >> okay, what is -- dave what? >> what is his last name now? i just forgot. it'll come to me, i'm sure. dave. dave. dave. dave. i don't know why i can't think of it right now. >> wait, she couldn't remember his last name? >> which was very odd. >> when did you first start seeing dave? >> the weekend after andy and i broke up. it was kind of just like a silly thing and -- >> where did you meet him at? >> just at a bar. >> okay. >> so i was just all right. whatever. this guy's a funny guy. >> angie told detective hopper she didn't spend much time with dave. they mainly texted each other and met up at bars a few times. >> we had kind of had i guess it was this day-and-age relationship, where we only saw each other about once a week and then the rest of our conversations were strictly through text messaging. i don't think we ever spoke on the phone. and it was always just -- it was very, like, playful in nature almost. not like a serious type of relationship. >> but it was intimate? >> it eventually did get intimate, but not right away. >> okay. >> and then it was kind of like once a week thing. we'd hang out on like friday nights, generally. >> and then, of course, everything changed. >> and then i met justin. >> and she got the feeling justin just might be the real thing. so she started avoiding dave. did he sense something? maybe. that's when dave sent angie a text that referred to a reality television show. >> he had made the comment, "i'm going to get your final red rose." and that, to me, was kind of like -- that's a little creepy, knowing i didn't feel that same way. >> right. you hadn't given him any sign that you felt that way? >> right. we have never talked about being exclusive. i mean, when you're seeing somebody maybe once a week and talking through text messaging the other times -- caught me off guard a little bit. >> then, just after her second date with justin -- >> that's when i told dave like, i met this other guy, so i had told dave that i was going to have to cancel our plans friday because of this. >> and, as angie said, when you know you know, remember? so she asked her girlfriends how should i break up with dave? >> like, is it appropriate to do this through text messaging? should i meet up with him? and they were like, "no, go ahead and do it through text messaging. you don't owe this guy anything." >> so she did. diplomatically. she tried to be kind, she said. >> i just texted him and i said, "hey, i want to be completely upfront and honest with you and i've met somebody else that i want to spend my time with and we're done." his response was, "i knew you been running around behind my back." and we hadn't seen each other for at least two weeks at this point. >> it's hardly a relationship. >> right. >> he didn't take it so well. >> unpleasant? >> yes. i was trying to be kind. he was not. >> what did he say? >> he said some kind of nasty things about me as a person. and then at one point he told me to eat [ bleep ] and die. and then that was then followed by niceties and wanting to work things out. >> oh? >> so it was really back and forth all day. and at one point, it became obvious that he wasn't going to let it go. so i just finally quit responding. >> you never heard from him again? >> yeah, he had texted me the next day saying, "i don't feel like this is over. can you give me another chance?" i didn't respond to that, so then after that, yes, i never heard from him at all. >> that was in june 2013, 11 months before justin was shot to death. angie told the detective all that. so odd, to say the least, that angie swore she could not remember the guy's last name. >> did you ever think about what his last name is yet? >> i keep trying to think of it. dave. dave. dave. dave. dave. dave. dave. i do not know why i'm drawing such a blank. >> really? detective hopper turned up the heat. >> about one of the first things that i had asked you at the very beginning is who, before justin, who was your relationship, and you said andy. >> uh-huh. >> and you left dave out. >> right. >> for whatever reason, and it doesn't matter at this point either, is there any possibility that with dave or anyone else that while you've been with justin that you've maintained any relationship with anyone? >> no. >> and then, finally, after more than 30 minutes of questions about this dave guy, it suddenly came to her, she said. >> i remember dave's last name, by the way. >> and that is? >> moffitt. >> moffitt. >> moffitt. david moffitt. a name that meant nothing at all. another dead end, most likely. but remember that business about luck? most useful investigative tool there is. >> new suspicions are raised as detectives realize two of the people in the case are connected by one remarkable coincidence. >> a company of 10,000 people here in des moines, what are the odds that they would be in the same -- >> in the same cubicle. protect your pet with the #1 name in flea and tick protection. frontline plus. trusted by vets for nearly 20 years. ♪ at progressive park! insurance themed fun ♪ children: yeah! announcer: ride the totally realistic traffic jam. ♪ beep, beep, beep, beep children: traffic jam! announcer: and the world's first never bump bumper cars. children: never bump! announcer: it's a real savings hootenanny with options that fit your budget. that's fun for the whole family. announcer: only at progressive par... maybe an insurance park was a bad idea. yeah. yep. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief from the standpoint of the united states, what they've done is outrageous. the presidents and administration's allowed them to get away with taking hundreds of billions of dollars out every year and putting it into china. so the answer is nobody told me that, nobody would go there. >> second thoughts on escalating trade war with china? >> for sure, why not? >> second thoughts? >> might as well. >> you had second thoughts about escalating -- >> i have second thoughts about everything. we have a total loss of trillion dollars a year. for many years this has been going on. in many ways it's an emergency. i have no plan rate now. actually we're getting along with china right now. i think they want to make a deal much more than i do. they're getting a lot of money on tariffs, by the billions. we never get 10 cents from china. we'll see what happens. we'll be talking to china. >> are you worried about how the markets are reacting? >> no, the markets are doing great. the country is doing great. people were telling me they try to copy our formula. we cut taxes way down, we're doing very well. our country is doing fantastically well. you people want a recession. maybe that's the way to get trump out. maybe that's the way we get him out. i don't think that would work because, look, if there is anything, we've got to go into trade negotiations to get it right. but ultimately it will be many times what it was before. our country is doing really well. we have horrible trade deals, and i'm straightening them out. the biggest one by far is china. >> i congratulate the president about everything that the american economy is achieving. it's fantastic to see that. but just to register the sheep like motive, our view on the trade war, we favor trade peace on the -- >> you prefer trade peace -- >> well, we think on the whole, the u.k. has profited massively in the last 200 years from free trade. that's what we want to stay. we're working to see -- >> how about the last three years? don't talk about the last -- 200. >> animal welfare is off the table? >> the president made that very clear. there is complete unanimity on that one. >> mr. president, [ inaudible question ] >> we're very close to a major deal with japan. as you know, prime minister abe and i are really good friends, really good friends. we've been working on it five months. bob lighthizer is here someplace. bob, do you want to say something about the deal with japan? >> [ inaudible ] that's all i'm going to say. >> we're working on a billing deal wi big deal with japan. we're close to getting it. what happens in china helps with japan. thank you all very much. >> thank you. >> this way, guys. thank you, president. thank you. >> we have been listening to president trump and his breakfast meeting with the prime minister of u.k., boris johnson. it is the first meeting that they have had face-to-face meetings. there have been several phone calls. both of them discussing trade, especially trade with china and brexit which is a big part of the agenda for the u.k. there. also talking about the possibility of a trade deal with japan, which is possibly coming up. this is the first in a series of meetings for the president today. he will also have a one on one meeting with japan's shinzo abe as we spoke about, and canada's justin trudeau. just about an hour or so, the president will participate in his first working session of the day with the gathered leaders, also focusing on the global economy as well as security. that will do it for us for now. stay with us for the evening. we'll be coming back with more on president trump from france. now back to our regularly scheduled program. flu-like symptoms or sores.ave don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your doctor about humira citrate-free. here's to you. 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"yeah, that's my car." soon as he gets close to me, he has this real -- like a very sweet smell coming off of him. so i automatically okay, this is a dwi. >> why would you say a sweet smell means it could be a drunken driving thing?wa >> just the time of day, and o there's a car accident involvedb single vehicle. i mean, it just kind of goes with it. definitely smelled like he'd been drinking. >> was he glad to see you? >> i don't know if he was glad to see me, but -- >> i mean, you were potentially going to rescue him from a bad situation, you'd think. >> he saw somebody that might be able to help him, but i don't know if he was necessarily happy to see >> reporter: david moffitt told him he was on his way home from visiting his brother that night. >> so then i basically asked him, like, "there's no way in chance maybe you're -- visited a friend in grimes tonight?" >> now why would you bring that up? >> there had just been, within an hour, a homicide had taken place in grimes. the suspect was still unaccounted for. >> and you got a guy who's sweating and smelling sweet. >> exactly. >> hmm. what did he say? >> "i don't even know where the town is." >> reporter: everything about david moffitt made the deputy feel anxious. >> all the hair -- not on my head, but all the hair on my body was standing on edge. >> that's weird. i mean, he's just a regular guy, right? didn't seem to be armed or anything. you're a cop and you got your weapon, and you're still feeling nervous?d >> well, i knew he wasn't armed because i did just a patdown for a weapons before he -- because if you're going to sit in my car, you're not going to have a weapon on >> huh. but he still made you nervous? >> extremely nervous. >> reporter: but turned out david hadn't been drinking. there was no reason to arrest him. still, the deputy's instincts kicked in. >> so i looked through his car and i couldn't find insurance, so i impounded it for not having insurance with an accident. >> reporter: not that it was drivable anyway. he sent david home in a cab. after reading deputy tart's report, detectives bartholomew and hopper knew they had to act fast. there could be clues, still, on highway 141. and surprises, too. the media people angie and marie saw hovering around the patrol car on that awful may morning had no idea what had just happened in justin michael's bedroom in the middle of the night. the reporters knew only this, they had been sent here because of a suspicious death. and it was related somehow to this house. as they waited for somebody to tell them something, they got a tip. local reporter stephanie moore -- >> we heard sheriff deputies were walking the field along highway 141. that would be the highway from des moines to grimes. they were walking through it. we asked them, are you looking for bodies? no. are you looking for someone? no. are you looking for weapons? we can't say. the public is not in danger. what happened in grimes isn't related to this. >> walking up and down. >> walking in a line so they don't miss anything. kind of like they do with a missing child. we kind of thought they were looking for a gun or weapon. >> in fact that small army of cops was looking for anything that looked like evidence. hours earlier david moffitt's car went off the road and facts were piling up. david had dated angie, worked with justin and ran from a car just six miles away. >> of course, that piqued our interest, moved david moffitt to the top of the list. >> prosecutors had been involved all along. >> we sent patrol officers to that location on highway 141 to see what else they could find in that area that might be of use an telling in the investigation. >> that's why locals saw all these police officers wandering up and down the field looking for something. they were. they were. imagine what they found along the ditch in the highway. >> probably the most important thing they found a loaded magazine, the same type found in the crime scene. the shell casing at the crime scene found the ammunition found in the ditch on highway 141. >> right in the ditch where the car crashed. >> on the highway, a little further down, but within 500 yards of where the crash was occurred. they also located in that ditch some paper targets that you would use for shooting target practice. some shooter's ear muffs, a camo neck cloth that you'd wear -- you could wear as a mask. >> reporter: like somebody preparing for an act of terror or an execution. clearly, david moffitt was their killer. had to be. and then? you know what they say about assumptions. those cops found something else near the accident scene. sort of thing that could make a person wonder, what in heaven's name is going on here? it was one little thing. in a shoebox. >> the shoes were not in it but there was various paperwork. one of the things that were found was a receipt from a local car dealership and the receipt was for a purchase of three oil changes, had the name of andrew wegener. >> reporter: andrew wegener, the boyfriend angie lived with before justin. weird. another guy without a criminal record. another apparently ordinary person, a des moines funeral director, in his case. and yet, there it was in black and white, among all of those other pieces of evidence, andrew wegener. >> how do he explain that? >> at that time, you don't. >> so did andy wegener kill justin michael, the man who replaced him in angie's heart? >> so we immediately went to andy's place of business and brought him back to headquarters for questioning, and we ask him about his relationship with angie. >> and more to the point, perhaps, his relationship -- or the lack of it -- with justin. >> have you ever met justin? >> once. >> and where was that? >> it was at joe's pub in johnston. >> just random run-in or was it a gathering? >> no, it was a gathering with kind of a group of friends. it was an engagement party. >> was justin the person who she was in a relationship after you broke up with her or was there someone else? >> i -- there might have been somebody else in between. i don't have any idea. >> but you don't know? >> no. >> the last time you got in touch with angie would have been when? >> she sent a text message to me that said "happy birthday" and i said "okay, thanks." >> and that was it. >> and that was it. >> i'm asking andy about whether or not he's missing anything. and he never tells me about the receipt for the oil changes. >> reporter: the receipt in the shoebox, the reason for suspicion, and all these questions. >> and i stay on the receipt because that's where my interests are at. and he believes that he's in possession of the receipt. >> andy said he thought the receipt was either in his car or in his house. >> if it turned up somewhere else, how would that happen? if it's somewhere other than your car or at your home -- >> it blew away? that's about it. >> any ideas how it could turn up in this investigation? >> no. >> then detective hopper asked andy about guns. >> do you go shooting at all? >> shooting? >> yeah. do you have -- >> i have a 12-gauge. i haven't shot it in six years. >> do you have any handguns? >> no. >> okay. >> and what he did the night before. >> yesterday, what time did you get off work? >> yesterday, i got off at -- 4:00? >> okay. can you walk me through what you -- occurred from 4:00 yesterday until we showed up at your doorstep this morning and you act so thrilled to see us? >> andy said he spent the evening and night with his current girlfriend. >> so you spent the night at your girlfriend's? >> oh, yeah. >> how long has she been there? >> three years. >> do they have good security there? >> uh, no, not really. is it gated to come in? cameras, anything like that? >> no. >> he has spent the night with his current girlfriend at that time. and we verified that before he left the office, before he had a chance to make a phone call or anything else. >> at least according to his girlfriend. >> according to his girlfriend. yes. and -- >> it would give him an alibi for the time of the -- >> it would give him an alibi. >> murder. >> whether that was preconceived or whether or not that was legitimate, we -- we did not know. >> reporter: andy swore detectives would find no evidence against him in grimes. >> when was the last time you were in grimes? for any reason. >> there's a basketball court in the u, is what they call it. that was awhile ago. >> what's a while mean to you? >> three weeks to a month -- three or four weeks at least. it's been a while. there's a bunch of guys that get together, we pay five bucks and are able to shoot around in this place for a couple hours. >> let me double check, make sure we're good to go. >> sure. >> the detectives exhausted their questions, took andy back to work, apparently in the clear. unaware that andy's name was about to turn up one more time in a very suspicious place. investigators have been looking for a single killer, but a fresh clue may send this investigation in a whole new direction. these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. get a 4-week trial plus pand we are well past a diwethe honeymoon phase. oooh lufa. ocupado tom. at&t, what's this i hear about you advertising a 100% fiber network? 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obviously, it looked like a way to make an escape once the murder was done. >> reporter: but then they found what looked like the mother lode -- a bill of sale. >> it was in andy wegener's name -- >> reporter: yeah! >> -- but there it was in david moffitt's house. >> reporter: that is, the bill of sale for a .9 mm carbine. and the name on the document, bold as brass, was indeed andy wegener. how was that remotely possible? >> reporter: it's more evidence to suggest that there's some sort of conspiracy involved here. >> it's too early to really rule anybody out. we wanted to find out -- if andy was the actual purchaser of that weapon. fortunately, that bill of sale gave us the lead to where the weapon came from. >> reporter: his name was right here -- drew bahlmann. and here he is. he's a small-town high school english teacher in a little place called signourney, 90 miles or so from des moines. >> there is something you can do with a degree in english then? >> yes, there is. and i love my job. >> an english teacher who likes to tell stories. and this one? sort of thing that would make an interesting plot for a novel, wouldn't it? >> for a novel, perhaps, yes. >> drew is a self-described nerd. he is also a target shooter, and a metal detector enthusiast. he's forever digging up old coins and such. loves it. mind you, there's only so much a person can ferret out using equipment that's -- well, to say "down-market" may sound cruel, but -- >> the metal detector that i wanted was about $600. >> are you out of your mind? >> no. >> reporter: you buy a $600 metal detector? >> uh-huh. that's even like the mid-range. you can spend upwards of $9,000 on a metal detector if you wanted to. >> you're getting towards being uppercase nerd? very much so, yes. >> so he figured he'd sell the gun, and use the cash to buy that new metal detector. >> it's what the state of iowa calls a long gun. it's something that you put to your shoulder and you shoot like a rifle or shotgun. so i listed it online, on armslist, it's like craiglist for guns. >> reporter: what'd you ask for it? >> $360. >> reporter: about a month later, he got a nibble via e-mail. >> i told him that i needed cash and i needed a photo i.d. so i knew he was who he said he was, and that he was at least 21. >> reporter: who did he say he was? >> he said his name was andy wegener, and that was the e-mail address that he had contacted me from, was andy wegener something-or-other at >> reporter: where'd you meet? >> i work part-time at a gas station. it's public, there are cameras in the area and if something bad were to happen, i know of at least two or three people that are in the area a lot that would probably come to my rescue. >> is that the kind of thing you have to do when you sell a weapon? >> that's the thing i do when i sell a weapon because i've got entirely too much to lose. i have a family, i have a job that, you know -- i love them both. i did not want to jeopardize those. we met at the station. i showed him the rifle in the back end of my car, and then i filled out a bill of sale, because i wanted to make sure that this was trackable. i kept a copy. he kept a copy. we reviewed everything to make sure that it was what he wanted and make sure everything was, you know, up to snuff. >> reporter: you saw his photo i.d.? >> i saw his photo i.d. >> reporter: and how carefully did you, you know, store the information? >> i'm kind of a pack rat by nature. it's my -- my teacher nature, you don't throw anything away. so all of the e-mail conversations that he and i had, i kept. all the text messages between he and i, i kept. and i still had pictures that i had originally posted on armslist, those were still on my home computer. and as he was leaving, again, to cover myself, i wrote down the license plate number. >> you are a careful guy. >> i am. >> was he a nice fellow? >> for the very limited interaction we had, yeah. he seemed very nice, very normal. he asked me how to load it. i showed him how. >> and that was it? off he went? >> off he went. >> and then, a few days later, the school secretary gave drew a message. a polk county detective wanted to talk to him -- right away. >> and my very first thought was, "i interpreted the law wrong when i had looked up the iowa codes, and i'm going to jail." >> you immediately thought about selling that weapon? >> that's the first thing that came to my mind. why else would a polk county detective be calling me? and i was going to jail. >> scary thought? >> it was very scary because i had taken so many precautions. i called the detective. and he said, "drew, did you sell a firearm recently?" and that was my second thought, "yes, i am going to jail. i have completely screwed everything up." and i told him -- you know, be forthright, be honest -- i said, "yes, i did." he asked me to describe what it was. i told him it was a .9 mm carbine. he said, "drew, we have reason to believe that that weapon was used in the commission of a crime." and my heart just sank. what happened? i have no idea. and he told me it was used in a murder, and i about dropped my phone. that's -- what that does to you. i -- i unwittingly took part, was an accessory in somebody's death. i felt terrible about that. >> you felt that way, that you were an accessory? >> how would you feel? i mean, i sold the -- i sold something to -- a man, to a person who later used that to take somebody's life. terrible. just -- oh god. and i -- still today, i've rationalized it, i've gone to a counselor about it. i still feel bad about it. >> what's the expression? guns don't kill people -- >> people kill people. >> and i still -- i still believe that. but i provided him that method. >> later that day, detective hopper drove out to meet with drew, who turned over all the e-mails and text messages he had saved them all as well as photos of the rifle, three ammo magazines, a scope and red laser pointer attached to the weapon, part of the deal. >> and i asked him if he had any shell casings from the weapon that he sold. he went, left, and came back shortly after and had 63 casings. >> reporter: wow. he's a person who like to keep things. >> yes. and some -- most of those casings were tulammo, .9 mm. >> the same ones that were found at the murder scene. >> and at the crash site. >> but who bought the carbine? >> we still don't know where we're at with david versus andy. >> so, could drew i.d. the guy in a photo lineup? >> detectives show drew pictures of david and andy. >> he said, that's very odd. he said, this is strange. with advil, you'll ask... what sore muscles? 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>> when i showed him the photo line-up with andy wegener, he looked at it and immediately looked at it and pointed to andy wegener and said, "that's very odd." he said, "this is strange." he was confused. he goes, "that looks like the i.d. that looks like the person i sold the gun to." he picked out both of them, so we still have our questions. >> it was all very confusing. it didn't help that david moffitt and andy wegener look similar. so one last thing to try. earlier, when deputies searched david moffitt's house, they found the bill of sale for that carbine. but they also discovered a receipt for lemonade and a candy bar bought at a dollar general store in the very town where the rifle was purchased. >> so i requested video from that store. a person walks into the store, wearing the hat, but the sunglasses are hanging off of his shirt. and the video depicts david moffitt. >> well, well, well. >> and he purchases a lemonade and a candy bar. >> which may have settled the question of who picked up the murder weapon. but here was another question. how did david moffitt get hold of andy wegener's i.d.? but the detectives had all kinds of reasons for wanting to talk to david moffitt. they picked him up about 15 hours after the shooting. took him to headquarters. installed him in an interview room. and? no dice. >> he requested a lawyer. >> and just like that, you're done. >> i sat there for approximately an hour with him, offering him a phone book, a means to reach his attorney. because he still wanted to attempt to talk with them, even if his attorney was present. he never reached an attorney. >> david moffitt wouldn't talk, but it hardly mattered. the evidence they already had was enough to arrest him, and charge him with first degree murder. by now, detectives understood that angie had nothing to do with the murder. that what seemed like a lack of emotion in angie's demeanor and marie's, too, for that matter, was shock. pure shock. in fact, the thought that david could be the man who killed the love of her life hit angie while she was still being questioned. and finally, after her apparent calm, she was overcome. >> when dave came up and we talked about that. and the detective came back with a picture of him -- >> do you know this person? >> that's dave. >> and i said, "that's him." and i immediately started shaking. and was very visibly upset. >> i'm just so -- that he had something to do with it and what if i have caused all of this? and the detective was like, what's going on? and i said, "if he's the one who did it, it's all my fault." >> what do you mean by that? >> because i was the one who had broken off the relationship. i was the one who ignored him the next day. >> you really think if you hadn't ignored him, he'd suddenly become mr. sweetness and light? >> well, no, but i just felt like it was -- i brought this monster into justin's life. >> but the prosecutors needed more evidence if they wanted to prove that david moffitt was the man angie saw as a monster. how, for example, did david get an i.d. with andy wegener's name on it? unless andy was somehow involved? >> one of the discoveries during that first search warrant was a computer box for a laptop. and that laptop was never found during that first search warrant. >> so the prosecutors wrote a second search warrant. and voila! they found it. but maybe too late. >> they discovered it in the bottom of a red tub that had a few inches of water in the bottom of it. >> and you know how computers hate water. but the waterlogged laptop wasn't all they found. >> the red tub ended up being a gold mine of evidence. >> like what? >> they found ammunition that ended up being consistent with the ammunition found at the crime scene. >> and remember that shoebox they found near the car crash? it was a nevados brand shoebox. and in david moffitt's red tub? what do you know. >> in that red tub were those nevados shoes, size 11. >> it's almost like he was laying the trap for himself. >> absolutely. >> they sent the wet laptop off to the computer lab, hoping maybe the techs could find something on it. and surprise, surprise, they did. >> and off of that computer, we were able to find the work that david moffitt had done to create a fake i.d. in andy wegener's name. >> that's the one david presented to the school teacher, drew bahlmann. he also created a fake andy wegener e-mail address and stole that oil service receipt from andy's car. all of which made it obvious, said the prosecutors, david moffitt planned to get away with murder by framing a perfectly innocent man, andy wegener. >> what kind of a mind is behind that sort of behavior? >> very cold, very calculating. there was a tremendous amount of planning and premeditation that went into this murder. and he tried to execute it so that he would not be blamed, that he would get away with it. >> and remember that sweatshirt left behind after the shooting, as if the killer had been sloppy? >> in the sweatshirt was a boat registration that we could not figure out why it was there and what its meaning was at the time. ultimately, several months later, we learned that that boat registration belonged to the father of the registered sex offender that lived within a few blocks of the crime scene. so it appeared to us, once we made that connection, that that was just another attempt to cast the blame for this on somebody else. >> so convicting david moffitt of first degree murder would surely be about as easy a task as a prosecutor could ask for. or maybe not. >> revelations no one will believe. >> that's pretty crazy, isn't it? in terms of treating sensitivity, 3 days is really fast. the dentist is going to be able to provide that to their patients. sensodyne rapid relief in my opinion is a game changer. it's going to let the dentist offer their patient sensitivity relief in 3 days. it has a formulation that lays down a barrier of protection against sensitivity. within 3 days, say over the course of a weekend you're going to start feeling significant results. to say that it works in 3 days really is a big deal. help protect your pet, home, and yard. ah, it ended to soon. with the advantage fleaction plan. just look at him! he's a wreck without me, ha... owww. fight the misery of infesting fleas. it's my special friend, antonio. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? 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and he said, maybe, why not? yes, i have second thoughts about everything. notable because, of course, president trump usually projects a much stronger fight attitude about these matters, and that was certainly curious. another reporter followed up and asked again. second thoughts about escalating the trade battle with china? and he said, yes, he does. the president was also asked if other leaders here had encouraged him to back off of his trade battle with china and he said, no, they had not, and yet we had been hearing from especially the coverage from other world leaders coming into the meeting that they were, in fact, planning to try to discourage the president in this way. emmanuel macron himself had addressed the french people before the start of this meeting, talking about the war on commerce as being bad for everyone. there was a working dinner last night, and the leaders of these seven nations sat around a table together and had sort of the initial conversations about a range of topics. so this is well underway now, and this is the more formal part of the sessions. it looks more businesslike, apart from some of the things that include a social element with the breakfast and the dinner and the different delegations as a part of this. in addition, the president has other one-on-one meetings today. he'll meet with the japanese prime minister shinzo abe, cann ka's prime minister justin trudeau and australia as well. it is a significant set of international meetings and yet there are questions about what will come out of this. the president has been pushing back on twitter and in his public statements about the relationships, insisting that there aren't frayed tensions between himself and other leaders here, insisting that things are going well, and that the conversations are good. of course, part of the backdrop is that the president has at times in these meetings in years past had very tough conversations with his counterparts on the world stage. we'll be watching closely to see how we measure that and what the public statements will be, what some of the body language will be, what some of the topics when they take questions, when they talk about the issues that challenge all of these nations as this unfolds today. dara? >> kelly, we know that the president has been discussing this trade war with china and the possibility escalation, rather, the de-escalation of it. what about finalizing a trade deal with japan? we know he's going to be talking to shinzo abe coming up later. has there been any more talk about a possible -- you know, getting to a final decision on that trade deal? >> reporter: the president said publicly today that he believes that the u.s. is close to a deal with japan. perhaps the setting where he is meeting in a one-on-one setting with abe today could be a place where we'll hear more details about that. so the president trying to project optimism. also talking about the importance of trade with all of these countries, and the fact that the tensions with china may make the deal -- the negotiations with japan have an impact there. certainly trying to deal with that. also with the united kingdom, trying to have bilateral agreement with the united states and the united kingdom trying to work on that. so there are several different negotiations that are happening simultaneously, but the president projecting confidence. that is one of his strategies in these sessions, to try to talk in a positive way going forward. but we don't have details yet, but certainly the abe meeting is important. and among these leaders, you've got a macron relationship and an abe relationship as among the closest of any of the world leaders with president trump who has at times had rougher relationships with some of his counterparts on the world stage. shinzo abe has spent a lot of time with president trump as has french president macron. darcy? >> nbc's kelly o'donnell. kelly, thank you very much. as kelly mentioned, the first order of the day was the pm boris johnson and now a meeting for the g7. so we will have updates for you throughout the night and breaking news when it happens right here on msnbc. now back to our program in session. it's ""dateline"." >> in his closing, prosecutor steve foritano told the jury in what must have happened. >> david moffitt, i think, was obviously fixated on angie ver huel. that she broke off with him, which caused him some pain and hurt. a and then that wound was probably reopened when he started working with justin. and justin wound up getting engaged. and david, obviously, would be concerned about the fact that it was justin that was with angie. and that he couldn't be with her because of him. >> so he gradually formed a plan that somehow he was going to gel rid of justin, possibly even get angie back again. i realize that there is a very high bar to cross to -- to be considered insane by the legal system. but that's pretty crazy, isn't it? >> well, he had a goal. and he worked to achieve that goal. so his trying to commit this murder, trying to plan and make sure that he got away with it. >> maybe. and maybe something else was going on. maybe david moffitt could blame somebody, or something else. and, sure enough, he did. with a legal defense that could defeat the best evidence in the world. david moffitt had no intention of going to prison. and then the verdict -- >> it sends chills up your spine. t ls up your spine. ♪ ♪ protect your pet with the #1 name in flea and tick protection. frontline plus. trusted by vets for nearly 20 years. ♪ at progressive park! insurance themed fun ♪ children: yeah! announcer: ride the totally realistic traffic jam. ♪ beep, beep, beep, beep children: traffic jam! announcer: and the world's first never bump bumper cars. children: never bump! announcer: it's a real savings hootenanny with options that fit your budget. that's fun for the whole family. announcer: only at progressive par... maybe an insurance park was a bad idea. yeah. yep. why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief in the human brain, billions of nefor people with parkinson's, some neurons change their tune, causing uncontrollable tremors. now, abbott technology can target those exact neurons. restoring control and harmony, once thought to belost forever. the most personal technology is technology with the power to change your life. >> rarely is a prosecution so replete with evidence of a killer's motives, and awful deeds. rarely does that evidence so clearly portray such planning, such deviousness. a man who knew exactly what he was doing when he murdered justin michael, said the prosecution. and then? it was time for the defense. >> that was the worst day of the trial. >> defense attorney keith rigg did not dispute the wealth of evidence the state presented. all true, said mr. rigg. david moffitt did kill justin, said the defense. because he was legally insane, and, therefore, not guilty. >> what the facts are in this case aren't really in dispute. the fact that this happens because of a mental disease isn't really in dispute, because this makes no sense otherwise. what happens here, for lack of a better term, is crazy. >> and why should the jury believe that? this was the defense's star witness -- dr. peter breggin, a famous, if controversial psychiatrist, with a resume of television and other appearances in which he has condemned the use of psychotropic drugs. dr. breggin testified that david had been taking anti-depressants on and off for years, and that, what david did, was the drugs' fault. so i think the whole thing evolves out of a progressive hammering of his brain by the drugs. >> it was drug-induced violence, the doctor told the jury. drug-induced murder. back in the courtroom, angie listened to this, and "upset" would not be quite the right word. >> it was laughable almost, and just that you can -- how much money they had to spend to find this guy who is going to say exactly what the defense wants him to say. >> were you afraid the jury would buy it? >> um, of course, you're always a little afraid. because it's scary to think that he could potentially get off with the insanity plea. and the more he talked, the more it was -- it was frustrating to sit there and listen to him. >> he walked into somebody's bedroom with an assault weapon. >> yes. it's horrible. >> he told you he thought about whether it was right or wrong, right? >> no, he told me in the beginning he thought about whether it was right or wrong, and then it didn't enter his mind anymore. it was like he was in a video game or like in an activity that was outside of the normal reality. he even thought about killing somebody else. toward the end, he had just become a victim, i believe, a victim of a manic episode driven by the drugs. it's just not him. >> it's the jury that gets to make the decision, right? >> of course. >> you never know quite what a jury's going to do. it's always an anxious moment when you're trying to wait for them to return a verdict. >> oh, but it wasn't a moment. hour after hour, they waited. and then, almost seven hours later -- >> the judge asks "do we have a verdict?" the jury says they do. >> we find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree. >> if david moffitt felt anything in that moment, he didn't show it. >> nothing. stone cold reaction. almost gave you chills up your spine. >> the insanity defense clearly did not work. >> the threshold that you have to reach for an insanity defense is that you don't understand the nature and consequences of your actions, or you don't understand the difference between right and wrong. that's an incredibly high threshold. you look at the degree of premeditation, the degree of planning that went into that. those are not the actions of an insane person. >> it does nothing to bring justin back. >> but it would have been horrific if he had not been found guilty, so it did help. >> and can you imagine if that person was still free in our society? who knows who he would have attacked next, and he would have. >> i think he would have. >> i think he enjoyed -- >> the planning. >> -- the planning, and seeing if he could accomplish his task. >> verdicts are always hard, i think, because nobody ever wins in this situation. his family is obviously still in pain. the moffitt family obviously in pain, as well. so there really is no winner here. we want to hold him responsible for what he did, and the jury's verdict did that. >> would they have caught him without those lucky breaks? had david moffitt not lost control of his car on that gravel road. had the cop not spotted the wreck off in the dark. if you hadn't stopped, if you'd just went on your merry way -- >> my involvement was -- is just the citizen driving up the road stopping to check on somebody that morning, you know? >> had the deputy's instinct not pushed him to seize david's car? he probably would have been caught, eventually. but -- what do you think about this now, when you look back on it? >> thankful. very thankful for that i, one, trusted my gut, because we're trained do to that from day one. because it's the only thing you really got to back yourself up on, calls when you're by yourself. >> sure. if somebody seems a little hinky, maybe he is. >> yeah. maybe you just need to investigate it further. it's not prying, it's trying to figure out if there's something more to the story than what you're hearing. and a lot of the times when you trust your gut, it's right. >> david moffitt is appealing his conviction, and neither he nor his attorney agreed to be there is no suspense in iowa, the sentence for murder is mandatory life in prison without parole, cold comfort for justin's family. only photos now of him, and memories, of the good person he was. habitat for humanity, his favorite charity, built a house in his honor. his colleagues at wells fargo worked on it. >> it's a perfect memorial, i think, for him. he would like to see something good come out of the terrible thing that happened. >> there's a thing that happens to people when they truly grieve. it isn't voluntary, and it takes a long time. >> grief is -- is a wave, and sometimes that's -- it just fills you and it takes you away. and it happens less frequently now than it did six or nine months ago. but it's still debilitating, and we knew then that physically he was gone and in our hearts, we still haven't let him go. >> and it's just still hard to believe that a person could be that evil. evil is the only word i can think of, inhuman. to do something like that. >> he just seems like, you know, he was spoiled. he didn't get his way and he took justin's life for no reason. >> and the woman at the center of it all, what kind of a life would she have had with him? a thought perhaps best packed away. like a lot of things. >> had the -- had the wedding dress. had the houses booked. had the venue booked. had catering booked. i mean, we were just a little over two months out. >> yeah. boy, oh, boy. a wedding dress is such a -- symbol. what do you do with a thing like that in a situation that you're in? >> haven't even looked at it. >> where'd you put it? it's in my mom's basement. she's moved a couple of times and it's in her basement. what are these things anyway? he says they're these little falcons. he goes they watch over the dead, jimmy, he goes they do. >> what if someone asked you to risk your life? >> what if i get shanked, what if i get killed. >> to go undercover into one of the country's most dangerous prisons. >> once they stepped out the door, i was on my own. >> to help catch a killer. >> she had such a zest for life. >> young girls were being murdered. >> i can't imagine sending my

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Australia , Japan , United States , Sydney , New South Wales , United Kingdom , Iowa , China , California , Togo , Canada , France , French , Rigg David Moffitt , Marie Michael , Moffitt David , Andrew Wegener , Shinzo Abe , Justin Trudeau , Dave , David Moffitt , Andy Wegener , Justin Michael , Boris Johnson ,

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