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His rhetoric is getting worse, teetering on the brink of dangerous. Plus, the growing movement in wisconsin against President Bidens israel policy, they want him to end his support, and this war, now. After helping take away their right to choose, some texas judges learn the hard way that you shouldnt mess with texas women. Im ayman, lets do it. In 2015, then candidate donald trump launched his bid for presidency at trump tower by speaking in dehumanizing terms about mexican immigrants. Nine years later, we saw trump this week campaigning for a second term in grand rapids, michigan, flanked by Law Enforcement officers. He reported is baseless claim that countries are sending drug dealers, mental patients, and terrorists into the u. S. He said of migrants accused of crimes, theyre not humans, theyre animals. In front of a crowd of cheering supporters, he painted a dystopian story of immigrants crawling through your windows and ransacking your drawers, where they loot the jewelry. The Republican National committee isnt shying away from trumps comments. It is capitalizing off of them after the uproar over his bloodbath comments, the rnc launched a website called leiden bloodbath. Com that torched President Bidens border policies. Trump and the gop are making the dehumanization of immigrants a cornerstone of his 2024 platform, and this week the expresident took things a step further by campaigning with former Administration Officials who helped shape his horrific border policies. Former acting icy director tom homan was a key guest during a closeddoor reception at mara lago called the border 911 gala. Hes best known for being an early proponent of trumps cruel zero tauro tolerance policy which resulted in at least 5500 families being separated at the southern border in 2018. He was joined by Matt Whitaker, former chief of staff at the doj, when it implement of the Zero Tolerance policy. The Family Separation Policy was so controversial for republicans and trump himself that the former president had to walk it back, eventually signing an Executive Order ending the practice. But, by that point, the damage had already been done to thousands of migrant families. [ speaking in a global language ] [ speaking in a global language ] last year, tom homan commented on the controversial policy after having time and space to reflect on the devastating lifelong Concert Tenses for family. Im sick and tired of hearing about the family separation. Im still being sued over that, i dont give. Trump has been vague about whether he would reinstate the Zero Tolerance policy if re elected, but if he does win, remember that he will have the voices of people like tom homan in his ear to push the same horrific agenda that tore apart thousands of migrant families without any regret. And it could even be much worse this time around. Lets bring in my panel, joining me now are matthew dowd, senior msnbc political analyst and Chief Strategist for the bush cheney 2004 campaign. Amisha cross, democratic strategist and former Obama Campaign adviser. Marybelle hernandez rivera, director of policy and Government Affairs for border and immigration act, its great to have all three of you with us. Matthew, ill start with you. From doing what trump does, doubling down on this anti immigrant rhetoric. We all remember the outrage from 2015, in some ways, though, the fact that he keeps doing it has normalized it for his base, and the shock factor of what he does seems to have worn off on Many Americans who support this guy. I think its past normalization to his base, its actually, they like it, and the more inflammatory ways he talks, the more they seem to like it in the course of this. First of all, a couple of things on this. Its not surprising that there is a politician like donald trump doing this. This has happened throughout our american history, it happened with my irish ancestors, it happened with the chinese, its happened throughout our history that certain politicians inflame the population, especially if theyre in fear over something, they point at somebody who doesnt look like them and blame them. The height of this, to me, is that he said this within days of easter, the highest holiday of the christian faith, and he ought to spend some time reading his 60 bible that he was trying to hawk, because throughout it in the gospels in the old testament, there is a constant thing about loving, welcoming, treating immigrants well, and donald trump seem to have forgotten that or never read that part of it, and the most of the critical thing about this is, the level of support that he gets from White Evangelical Christians in this, while simultaneously speaks against immigrants, which is of course totally against what the bible preaches, is such a hypocrisy that it points out, the rot in the christian faith, today. And the rot in donald trump. You said trump was recently asked on fox why he does use such dehumanizing terms and language when he describes and talks about migrants. I want to play you that exchange, watch. Why do you use word like vermin and poisoning of the blood. The press, as you know, thats the kind of language that hitler and miscellany used. I didnt know that. Thats what they say. Because our country is being poisoned. I didnt know that, but thats what they say. I didnt know that thats what hitler said but i guess now he does know. I wonder if hes still going to use it. What you make of his explanation there . It wasnt one at all. There is no apology because hes not apologetic for this is how he views immigrants which is ironic, the only immigrants it seemed he does like are the people that he married, in addition to a couple who worked on his campaign, Boris Epstein and sebastian gorka, ironically, someone who was also a refugee when he came to the United States who also goes out and says similar things to what weve heard donald trump say on the campaign trail. When it comes to being anti immigrant and these anti immigrant sentiments for black and brown people because he puts a different ire on immigrants of color than he does immigrants from europe. We have to be very understanding of where he is coming from, not to make sense of it, but to seek also why people rally around that. Because were seeing from the immigrants, the migrants who have been sent from texas, the migrants sent from florida to cities and towns across america, chicago being my hometown but also new york and other places, where the strain on the system, whether schools, health, any of these other areas of focus, those people even though they may not be embedded in the same rhetoric as donald trump, are very upset about what theyre seeing happen. Hes playing on suppression, hes playing on anger of people in cities that cant control and dont have funds to support what is happening right now, but hes also praying on something that matthew alluded to a while ago, the evangelical base, the white evangelical base that he loves, those individuals have often been racist. This isnt new to them, they pushed out immigrants, they pushed out black people, African Descendents Of Slaves who were never immigrants to begin with. That is what they do. I dont think the bible is going to stop them, they use the bible while they were burning crosses in communities of black people of color across the country. Thats not where theyre at on this, theyre absolutely speaking matthew, mark, luke, and john until it comes to a person of color. Marybelle, what is Trump Signaling by appearing with these antiimmigrant hawks like tom homan and Matt Whitaker who were both essential in shaping family separation, and what it might mean if donald trump is reelected . Thank you for having me, ayman. The first thing is we know that the trump campaign, their main tactic is using fear, dividing us, which is why the use dehumanizing language when speaking about people who are immigrants. Lets be clear. Were talking about human beings. Were talking about children, fathers, we are talking about people who are contributing to our society and our economy. But what we have seen, this isnt just rhetoric. This has reallife consequences. In his administration we saw the reallife consequences of his rhetoric. What did we see . We saw children being ripped away from their parents, children being caged, we saw people who have a legal right to seek refuge while being able to protect themselves. What can we expect in a new Trump Administration . The same and worse. He put out his Immigration Plan and said he was going to do that and more. What i want to make sure that we are clear is that this has reallife consequences, and did not only affect people who are immigrants, it also affects u. S. Citizens and it affects people who will be voting in november. We need to make our voices heard, because this cannot be normalized. Putting kids in cages and putting kids away from their families cannot be normalized. Trump has made it clear that hes going to continue this harsh border agenda if he wins, hes been a little bit vague about this specific Zero Tolerance policy if hes going to reinstate it. Do you think hes testing it with supporters, Pivoting To A General Election mindset, or is he going to even upend that policy with something more extreme, more dangerous, more hurtful, more hateful . I think every single indication is that donald trump is going to be more cruel and more hateful in his second term. I dont think he thought, i did too much and now in his second term im not going to do enough. Hes going to make it worse, which is stated eloquently in the course of this. Donald trump is going to be far crueler, and far more anti immigrant than he was in his first four years, and that is a dangerous thing not only to those people, but also our economy as has been studied in the last two years. Our economy has grown deeper and wider than any other european economy, and the main reason cited is, immigrants into this country. Marybelle, trump said in michigan this week at a rally that he spoke to the family of ruby garcia, 25yearold woman who was allegedly murdered by an undocumented immigrant. Though, according to garcias sister, trump never spoke to them and criticized him for politicizing her sisters death. No surprise that donald trump would exploit this family, this grieving family for his own personal agenda, and lie about the fact that he spoke to them. Yes, yes. We see him lie again and again. We see him use cruelty for crueltys sake. Lets be very clear, cruelty is not a solution. Cruelty is not a policy that we should be pursuing. What we should be pursuing our Real Solutions. What are those Real Solutions . We can prove processing at the border. What else can we do . We can support cities that are welcoming immigrants who are arriving. What else can we do . We have dreamers who are waiting for a lawful pathway to citizenship and we have longtime residents who, as have been said, have been contributing to the economy. It is because of immigrants that we did not have a recession. It is because of immigrants that the u. S. Economy is growing. We need to put aside the lies from trump, and we need to focus on Real Solutions and look at the facts, and we need to step away from cruelty. Amisha, axios is reporting that trump is ramping up his antiimmigrant rhetoric, his team is reportedly plotting to change the governments interpretation of the Civil Rights Era laws to focus on antiwhite racism, rather than discrimination against people of color. Its pretty obvious what is going on here, and what hes trying to do. Again, political exploitation with the grievances of his base, the predominantly aggrieved white male. Absolutely. The devil works hard, but donald trump and his White Supremacist days work harder. Its frustrating, because the civil rights movement, the Civil Rights Act and all of the policies that came out of that are now subject to reversal, and were seeing it happen in states across the country in trump appointed judges who are uplifting and upholding these rulings. We saw it, we watched the Affirmative Action coming out of the Supreme Court, we watched redistricting happen across various places, were watching the anticrt, movement, and were seeing donald trump ratchet up hate, not only for the immigrant population but the person of color population broadly. He is attacking directly brown immigrants, and hes attacking black people, and hes doing it in a very cohesive manner, with the backing of the Republican Party. Its very frustrating to watch, because this is 2024. This is not my grandmothers era. This is not the era of the civil rights movement, this is not the era of reconstruction, however, donald trump and his base would like to take us back there because white males dont want to compete for jobs, white males dont want to compete and white males dont want anyone to inch closer to leadership, they dont want anyone to inch closer to having a vote, they dont want women to have the right to choose, at this point, it is trying to take society back to a very scary place because they dont believe in democracy. Donald trump is an autocrat, and he is running on autocracy. He is running on that, and his base and frankly the Republican Party is doing absolutely nothing to stop him. Please stick around, marybelle rivera, thank you much for your time and your insights, greatly appreciate it as always. After this break, how wisconsin voters are taking a stand against the israel hamas war, and President Biden. D presiden. I know what its like to perform through pain. 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More than 48,000 wisconsin voters send biden allowed message of disapproval this week over his handling of the israel hamas war. Protest votes against the president sailed past expectations in this weeks primary. More than doubling the goal of 20,000 socalled uninstructed votes, which represent the margin of bidens 2020 victory in the state. This is not a oneoff, we have been seeing momentum building other Battleground States since the break, when more than 100,000 people voted uncommitted in michigans democratic primary. In tote, more than half 1 million democratic voters across the country are telling President Biden that the assault on gaza needs to end. Joining me to discuss this is a spokesperson for it listen to wisconsin, a Grassroots Group that urged people to vote uninstructed in the democratic primary. Its great to have you with us, thank you for joining us. Listen to wisconsin, your group, more than doubled your goal of 20,000 uninstructed votes. What message do you think this sends to President Biden . I think its a clear warning sign. 48,162 votes, as you mentioned, is over double the amount that the Biden Administration won wisconsin by in 2020. We had very clear demands for this multiracial, multifaith, Multigenerational Coalition that within just over two weeks managed to pull almost 50,000 people to the polls in the cold, rain, sleet, and snow this past tuesday, to say that without an immediate and permanent and unconditional ceasefire, and an end to the war in Gaza Without Serious Steps toward peace by imposing a ceasefire through the end of Military Funding to israel, there may not be a pathway to the white house, or a pathway to victory in november in wisconsin, because for a key margin of voters this is an issue that they want to see Policy Change in right now. Let me ask you about that coalition. Theres the perception of the people behind it, predominantly as it started in michigan, where arab or muslim. Youre talking about a multiracial coalition, Multigenerational Coalition. Do you know who makes up the coalition in the State Of Wisconsin where you guys launched . For the past six months, there has been a coalition of over 60 organizations that have been part of the Wisconsin Coalition for justice in palestine. Members of that coalition represent every single faith background, race, every grassroots organization, in wisconsin that represents minority groups, represents progressive interests across the state. But officially in the past two weeks we were able to get the endorsements of over 20 Advocacy Organizations that include some of the latina and young Voter Organizations in the state, that have determined every single progressive election in the state. For the past several years, and particularly within the president ial election in 2020, these are the coalitions that secured the election for the Biden Administration. This is not a state where we have this majority arab or Muslim Population that we need to turn out to vote, this is a state in which a multiracial, Multifaith Coalition has said that this is the moral thing to do, and this is an issue on which we have heard a majority of americans calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire but we dont see the Biden Administration being responsive at all. That kind of discontent is echoing in every part of the state. Wisconsin is obviously a key battleground state, as you suggested, new pollen from the Wall Street Journal Shows Trump and biden tied in a headto head matchup, there. What do you say to critics who say this movement, that may force people to sit out, may cost President Biden his re election, and by extension of his loss, the demise of american democracy with the re election of donald trump . We would say that the Biden Administration ignoring a majority of voters that call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, ignoring clear warning signs six months in advance that members demand an end to the war in gaza and an end to Military Funding to israel in order to impose that ceasefire, ignoring that is risking our democracy. This is the white house putting the netanyahu far right Wing Administration regime ahead of americans, american interests, and our democracy, when a majority of voters saying enough is enough, this is not what it looks like to secure freedom, dignity, justice for everybody, and thats what peoples conscience said on april 2nd when they voted, and asked for uninstructed. I would also say that in wisconsin, its head to head every time, the electorate in wisconsin, as goes wisconsin so goes the country, and that is because the coalition of voters that need to be brought to the table, the multiracial, multiethnic, Multigenerational Coalitions that secure vote in wisconsin, less than 1 of the vote determines a win in wisconsin. We dont need delegates at the dnc, we just needed 20,000 people to show up, and we had more than double that. The ball is squarely in the Biden Administrations court to respond to voters, to listen to voters whove made their voices heard for Policy Change, and who made it clear that their mission is not about political figures. They are democrats within his party, his constituents who are calling to finally make a change toward permanent and lasting peace in the region. Can i ask you about that specifically . How does the president earn your vote between now and november . I understand your callings visibly for a ceasefire and a change of policy, but, to earn that after everything that has happened over the last six months in gaza, what would the president have to do, have to say for you to feel that there is a genuine change that earns your vote and others from wisconsin . I dont have to speak just to my own perspective, because weve done the polling on this in wisconsin, we found that 17 of voters in his primary said that the bidens handling of the war in gaza was going to determine their primary vote, and they were strongly disapproving of his handling of it, but we also found that roughly one in four voters with democratic voters in the state said that they would or may change their vote in november, conditional on Policy Change in gaza, and that means that this is a key issue for our electorate, and voters are making very clear what they want. They want to see an immediate, permanent ceasefire. Weve seen the Biden Administration change tune when he sees protesters at his advance, he says they have a point, there should be more humanitarian aid going into gaza. And then he turns around and prepares to approve 18 billion worth of f15 fighter jets to continue the genocide thats ongoing, and the continued famine, forced famine of over 1 million people. Were tired of seeing over 13,000 innocent kids killed on screen. Were tired of being told that thats what it looks like to secure safety for anybody in the region. And voters have said, their vote, is determined partially by this issue, and its very clear what needs to be done. We need to impose a permanent ceasefire, we need full aid, reinstating aid to the only entity that is capable of delivering humanitarian aid and food aid in the gaza strip, and we need to end the siege, we dont want to see the context for further violence going forward. Biden holds the purse strings, thats why military aid to israel is a key part of this. We need to make sure that the Biden Administration doesnt put this far right wing Israeli Regime ahead of our democracy, by continuing to support it when voters have clearly made the case that they need a change in policy in order to win his support. All right, thank you so much. We appreciate your time and your insights this evening. Youre in texas, if you mess around you find out, as they say, next youll see what one organization is doing to turn Antiabortion Anger into political action. Political action. Re sexually ae and unvaccinated, it could still be you. Im too old if youre under 45, youre not. For most people, hpv clears on its own. But for those who dont clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. Wow. Gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpvrelated cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. 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Jimmy, john, and jane are up for reelection this november, and theyre about to see what happens when you mess around, you find out. You find out from all of us what attacking our freedom means. Oh, man. That ad by the new find out pack represents texas women fighting back against the states for coney and antiabortion laws. The campaign is trying to direct voter anger over the states abortion bans to the justices themselves. This is the same court that ruled against kate coxs request for an abortion back in december. Her fetus was diagnosed with a fatal condition and she was ultimately forced to go out of state for the procedure. Republican justices jimmy, john, and jane are all up for reelection in november. When they will find out what happens when you mess with a womans right to control her body. Jean ortiz jones is the founder of find out pac, as well as a u. S. Veteran and a two time Democratic Congressional candidate. She joins us now. What a powerful ad, straight to the point but very powerful. Youve said that texas is providing the playbook for the entire country, talk us through how you have seen his conservative playbook reverberate in other states and the urgency to stop these receptions from harming any more women. Thanks again for allowing me to come on and say more about find out pac, thats our website as well, so folks can go on there, contribute and it certainly sign up for emails to keep uptodate on what we are doing. Our mission is simple, as highlighted in the video, we are going to unseat jimmy blacklock, john devine, and jane bland. These folks are elected, they can be unelected, and i think since we have started the Alabama Supreme Court did show that these partisan Supreme Courts are not going to stop at abortion rights, they are going to go after ivf, Birth Control, and the best thing that we can do is talk about how folks can channel that energy to unseat these three folks in november. As you rightly point out, texas is providing the playbook. Lets not forget that even before, texas already had in place a six week abortion ban, before row fell, for almost a year. There was the New York Times article that was announcing the former president s support for a 15 week abortion ban, in that article, though, it cited exactly what happened in texas and what happened to kate cox to demonstrate how, even with exceptions, you can make those optional. You can negate those and its our texas Supreme Court that is giving the country the playbook to do that, so we are laser focused on unseating jimmy blacklock, john devine, and jane bland. As you just said, your goal is to unseat his republican justices, how hopeful are you for that outcome . Texas democrats havent elected any officials in 30 years, no democratic justices have served since 1998, i believe. Do you think because theres more at stake this time is going to be different . Three things. Item one, this is never been done. We have never gone after, even though these folks are partisan elected officials, they run statewide, these are the races that really fly under the radar. But let me be very clear with your audience, with everyone watching, the kate cox factor is real. The kate cox factor is real, people are upset, and as has demonstrated by whats happened in alabama, ivf and Birth Control are also on the ballot, so weve got to show up. Secondly, were encouraged by what weve seen in other conservative states, kansas, kentucky, ohio, the list goes on. Even in these conservative states when this issue is on the ballot folks turn out. And then lastly, texans are with us on this issue. Polling after polling shows when you look at the importance of exceptions, texans support that, the university of Houston Public Affairs last year published a survey, 82 of texans support a medical exception. Its lower when it comes to assault and incest, but it is high in the high 70s. Its not even close, these partisan elected officials are so extreme, theyre out of step with where texas are which is why we are going to unseat them in november, and folks can go to find out pac. Com to learn more about what we are doing and certainly contribute to help us do that. I will also say one more thing. The gap between President Trump and biden and 2020, that is 630,000 votes. That is a gap that was half what it was in 2012. Half. That half in two elections, weve got the number one issue in the country, we are the epicenter for it, and we are going after these folks hard. At the end of the day, this is not a partisan issue, regardless of where the two parties are, they might be on separate sides of this, at the end of the day people know that going to the doctor is being able to trust with her doctor is telling them in the best interest of their health, and being able to make decisions about their own body, those are not partisan issues regardless of what the parties say which is why were being clear, all you got to do is vote in november, show out, and get our state back on the right track. What do you fear might come out if something isnt done to stop these antiabortion measures . Do you think it stops with antiabortion members, do you have their eyes set on other aspects of controlling women and social issues in this country. I think what has apprised me of what has surprised a lot of folks is how quickly the conversation has changed. These folks are blatantly talking about, should women vote . No. The fact that people would say this, in public, theres these types of issues, certainly the ways in which unfortunately our Attorney General has gone after the Lgbt Community as a member of the Lgbtq Community im quite fearful of what could continue to happen if this state Supreme Court, if those seats are not flipped or we dont set a strong signal about what we think is important, and we need justices that reflect our values. When you look at what is possible not just for this court, but also who holds the presidency. This state Supreme Court has shown their willingness to really pave the way for some of the most extreme measures, not only in our state but has proven to be the playbook for the rest of the country, thats why its so important that we take a stand here and have the resources to do it, the votes to do it, and thats what were going to work to do in november. Jean ortiz jones, thanks for joining us and sharing your insights with us, greatly appreciate it. Next up, Robert F Kennedy junior and alabama senator Tommy Turberville are up for our worst of the week. Stay with us. With us. When i was diagnosed with hiv, i didnt know who i would be. But here i am. Being me. Keep being you. And ask your Healthcare Provider about the number one prescribed Hiv Treatment, biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in many people whether youre 18 or 80. With one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether youre just starting or replacing your current treatment. Research shows that taking Hiv Treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including Kidney Problems and Kidney Failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. 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Egglands best. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. All right, it is time for our worst of the week. The conspiracy theorists addition, first up, Robert F Kennedy junior who should really get an award for hanging in there and still running for president. Kennedy in name only is now claiming President Biden is the bigger threat to democracy, not the man who incited an insurrection once he lost an election. The reasoning for this, something about him being censored as a huge peddler of antivaccine misinformation. I make the argument, President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy. He started censoring not just me, for 37 hours after he took the oath of office he was censoring me. What resident in history has ever tried to censor political opponents . Kennedy, who has been condemned by his own family, even his own wife or his comments on vaccines in the holocaust, is now complaining his comments were taken out of context and that he is denying ever saying them at all. Next up, worst of the week favorite and regular alabama senator Tommy Tuberville, the coach turned senator has a new line of attack against democrats. In a recent Campaign Stop he said, ive traveled all over the country, all 50 states, i have been in good places and bad places. One thing i saw, we are losing our kids to a satanic cult. Tuberville elaborated in a totally normal ex post reacting to a debunked story that falsely accused the white house of banning children from submitting easter eggs with religious themes. The van has been in practice for decades, including during the Trump Administration. But, what they say when easter bunny is away, the devil will come out and play. I think i got that from trumps of bible, not a real one. Matthew dowd and amisha cross are both back with me. Ill let you go first. Who is your worst of the week, rfk junior or Tommy Tuberville . That one is so hard. Rfk junior is a classic joke, just really crazy for lack of a better term. Weve seen this time and time again, antivax, antiall things immunization. The man doesnt know what hes talking about and hes walked back at least five different statements in the past 24 hours. At this point hes moonwalking to know and. Tuberville is somebody who supports White Supremacy and for some reason cannot find the difference or synonymous White Nationalism with racism. He is someone who held up the military appointments, shockingly or not shockingly depending on who you ask because he didnt want women to have the right to choose in the military. This is really frustrating at this point, these are two guys who are two sides of literally the same coin. One is openly crazy and the other one has a little bit of common sense but refuses to use it. Matt, who are you going with . Im going with hoping his families are watching this show and they do a Mental Health intervention on both of them. Of this. I would say tuberville, but when you elect a Football Coach who has no experience in office and you defeat a senator who was doing a really good job, this is what you come to expect. Its almost, to me, when he calls the democrats a cold, well hes operating, it would be like david koresh calling up the Dallas Morning News and saying, youre in a cold, well he operates in a cold. Rfk junior, because of his last name and because the only reason why were talking about him is because he has that last name, otherwise we would be saying he should be in a circus act somewhere in the course of this. Rfk junior to me is, when, if the only people who voted in this election were Kennedy Family members and you lose in a landslide, you ought to not run. As you guys know we like to mix it up every once in a while, throw in a bonus worst of the week. Theres so many of them these days, a long list. We decided to throw in House Republican pennsylvania congressman guy, who introduced a bill seeking to rename Washington Dulles International airport after none other than donald trump. He said in a statement, as millions of domestic and International Travelers fly through the airport, there is no better symbol of freedom, prosperity, and strength than hearing, welcome to trump International Airport as they land on american soil. I, for one, would literally take the furthest airport out. If i literally had to fly to california and drive to washington, d. C. , i would do that just to avoid an airport with trumps name on it. Let me say, first, ill let amisha close on this. This is so funny, while simultaneously buildings are taking down trumps name because they dont want to be anywhere near, the republicans are trying to put his name on an airport. The next thing they ought to do is name chicago ohare al capone airport and kansas city jesse james airport. That would be the equivalent. Amisha, you have thoughts on this one . This is why when i saw this news i thought it was an april fools joke. Who in their right mind would want to rename after donald trump . To what matthew just said, every place that has had Donald Trumps name on it has been an epic fail, most of them have declared bankruptcy, its bad juju to add Donald Trumps name to anything you do at this point, and it makes absolutely no sense. After january 6th, i dont know why anybody in their right mind would want to name something after donald trump, but most republicans especially those in the house, tend to not have minds at all at this point. I thought this was a very smart move from the democrats who responded with this Counter Resolution Renaming Miami Federal Prison to the Donald J Trump federal correctional institution. And the bill was introduced by congressman jerry conley, who represents the district that actually includes dulles airport. I would argue that is a little bit more fitting for donald trump for his name to be on a correctional institute. More authentic. At that point it makes sense. I was going to say, if theres anything it should definitely either be that or maybe a Sanitation Facility somewhere. Somewhere in middle america. Matt dowd, amisha cross, greatly appreciate it as always. Up next, i know what its like to perform through pain. If youre like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, Nurtec Odt May help. Its the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. Treat and prevent, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. 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Well be talking to congress when jamaal bolan, one of many members of congress being targeted by proisrael lobbying groups, about his decision to cosign a letter to President Biden urging him to halt further military aid to israel, in the wake of this weeks attack that killed aid workers in gaza. Were also going to talk to you all abraham about the israeli militarys use of Artificial Intelligence in gaza. Until then, im ayman, have a good night. Were looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. Sound like you . Nah. Not me. In a relationship. If youre sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. Im too old if youre under 45, youre not. For most people, hpv clears on its own. But for those who dont clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. Wow. 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