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Good day, everyone, im Andrea Mitchell in washington. As china in a tit for tat escalates the trade war today, leading to a reaction from President Trump on twitter immediately sending the markets into a nosedive. All this giving hope to democrats who is a rattled president , despite all the advantages of incumbency. First they have to sort themselves out and their own economic divisions. Today a crowded field of challengers winnowing out again with another candidate with no chance of getting on the fall debate stage dropping out of the race. Massachusetts congressman seth moulton ending his run today, saying hes not ready to endorse, but his preference pretty clear. Telling the Washington Post that joe biden, quote, would make a fantastic president. Hes a mentor and a friend and i am impressed by the campaign hes run so far. Thats seth moulton today. Most of the candidates are in San Francisco today, except for biden and Pete Buttigieg. Biden is in hanover, New Hampshire where we find our nbc news correspondent. Joining us is beth phooey here and jonathan capehart. Opinion writer at the woesh aasn post and joe crowley. Welcome all. Mike, first to you in hanover, New Hampshire. Im heading up there tomorrow. Tell me what about New Hampshire and joe biden . Is electability the best argument to those who are still shopping . Reporter yeah, well i should tell you the weather is perfect. Weve gone from summer to early fall. Youll enjoy it when you get up here. We talked about we were talking earlier about the pillars of bidens candidacy and the strength weve seen so far. One is the electability, the perception of electability. The second is that relationship with president obama for eight years in the white house. Today is the 11 Year Anniversary that president obama announced joe biden would be his running mate. Theres a third factor we dont talk about, thats the sum total of the relationships joe biden has built for decades in his public career. Theres great new reporting from our great New Hampshire affiliates who have talked to the voters who have supported biden in his previous two campaigns. Not all of them are going to support him yet, but he has an advantage now in the resources he brings to his campaign here he didnt have last time. Of course that argument we heard from jill biden so bluntly earlier this week. The other thing that the Biden Campaign was to emphasize, there are stories about an Enthusiasm Gap in the crowd sizes not always being for him as big as what wed see for Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. There is enthusiasm across the board for democrats in beating donald trump and that its not necessarily crowd sizes is the best metric. Of course, also point out that just because there may not be the same enthusiasm among progressive voters specifically for joe biden, theres broader enthusiasm among a much wider swath of voters. Thats what you heard from seth moulton, saying to the New York Times as he was announcing hed end his campaign, its a threeway race between Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and joe biden. And its clear based on the long relationship he has dating back five years where he probably falls in that threeway content. Beth, lets test what youre hearing. You know New Hampshire better than any of us from having spent so much time in new england. How excited are the New Hampshire voters, or is it too early yet . I was in New Hampshire last week and i attended a bunch of events. Id agree what mike is hearing and seeing, theres broad support for getting rid of President Trump. Voters are very much still shopping. That was the impression i got. And more than anything, i got the impression they were not excited about biden. People would certainly support him if he gets the nomination and we know from polling that he remains the top candidate in the field. But there was very much a sense at many events i attended that he had run his course. They liked him. They honor his service. Certainly his service as the Vice President to president obama but its time for someone new. There was no consensus on who that person should be, but just a sense that bidens time has come and gone and its time to look for somebody else. Theyll support him if hes the nominee. Theres definitely unrest out there about who to choose. And amanda and julia who spoke to voters in New Hampshire about joe biden in particular, heres one of those voters that mike was just talking about. Like most New Hampshireites i havent decided yet. I know one of the issues is age. I get upset when people say hes too old, or thats the question, you know, can someone win. I mean, i remind people that people said barrack couldnt win and people said trump could not win. Joe crowley, as the only one of us who has gone out and campaigned for votes. What is your sense of joe bidens place right now as voters in iowa, New Hampshire, are still shopping . What i think is interesting, andrea, is that i think a number of these folks were hoping for a big joe biden stumble and that they would inherit that good will to some degree in terms of middle ground or the center left. We see with more of these folks dropping out, that hasnt happened. There isnt anything to inherit. Its going to continue to narrow. I do think though that you know, joe biden continues to tout his relationship obviously with former president obama. The 11th Year Anniversary is being selected as the vp candidate. I think hes going to go back and forth. You know, take the good when he can and disregard some of the negative parts of that. Jonathan, you know, is this all too early for us to be fussing over why they havent come up with somebody who excites the crowds . I mean, the one person really exciting crowds is Elizabeth Warren. But i think beth put her finger on it. Democrats are shopping, but the number one thing that unites democrats is getting rid of President Trump. And people might be with biden now, harris now, warren now, sanders now, that come next july this Time Next Year when theres a democratic nominee. The democratic party, which is contrary to type, i think will circle the wagons around the nominee and be for that person, which is why i think you had dr. Jill biden said what she said bluntly as mike said. He might not be your favorite candidate, but hes the one that can win. Democrats want to win. I think one of the reasons why Vice President biden is hanging on despite everyone hoping for some kind of stumble that will trip him out of the race is that he started his Campaign Going after President Trump in charlottesville. He gave that superb peach two weeks ago going at White Supremacy and President Trump. As long as Vice President biden has President Trump as his foil to focus on, the more focused and clear he is in his campaign. The president on an hourly basis gives Vice President biden that focus that he needs. Mike, you know, you hear too narratives. When you talk to the candidates and critics of joe biden, they say, you know, he makes gagffes. And then the Counter Point from biden supporters is look at donald trump. Hes not only getting things wrong day after day, including, you know, which city in ohio had the mass shooting. But hes also lying, you know, repeatedly every day. Theres no denying that anymore. Yeah, they say theres really no comparison. We saw Peter Alexander try to make that question posed to the president the other day and faced aresistance. Thats where the relationships joe biden has built up for years is so valuable. Even the remarks we were talking about a few weeks ago when he talked about poor kids doing as well as white kids. People in the room had a feel for it. They understood what he was saying and they understand who joe biden is. Its interesting, i will say, theres another candidate in New Hampshire as we talk about the Enthusiasm Gap or lack thereof, the president of the Dartmouth College democrats just stopped by. The full University Session hasnt started yet for the year, but there are a lot of students on campus already. He said the rsvps for the joe biden event were much stronger than he would have expected and that not necessarily the same for mayor Pete Buttigieg who is going to be here tomorrow night as well. Well, mike, there on the dartmouth green. Happy birthday, mike. Im told today is the day to celebrate your birthday. Reporter thank you, andrea. Have fun up there at dartmouth, great campus. Reporter nowhere else id rather be. Thank you. Coming up, winning the trade war. President trump insisting that the u. S. Company is not getting weaker as china slaps billions of dollars in more tariffs on u. S. Goods today. Later, my interview with cindy mccain on how shes preserving her husbands legacy a year after his death. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. Th youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. Theres a better choice. Aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid and the 12hour painrelieving strength of aleve that dares to last into the morning. So you feel refreshed. Aleve pm. Theres a better choice. That could allow hackers devices into your home. Ys and like all doors, theyre safer when locked. Thats why you need xfinity xfi. With the xfi gateway, devices connected to your homes wifi are protected. Which helps keep people outside from accessing your passwords, credit cards and cameras. And people inside from accidentally visiting sites that arent secure. And if someone trys well let you know. Xfi advanced security. If its connected, its protected. Call, click, or visit a store today. After a week of political whiplash and a dizzying array of mixed messages, President Trumps combative reelection strategy is adding to the chaos in the white house which lacks any top advisors who seem to be willing to tell the president when hes wrong. This as china today escalates the ongoing trade war, announcing it will retaliate with an additional 75 billion in tariffs on u. S. Goods and cars. And the president today on twitter asking who is our bigger enemy . Fed chairman jay powell or chairman xi . Jay powell we should point out is an aopponeppointee of this president. Joining me is Bill Griffith and david jolly and jeff mason, Reuters White House correspondent. Welcome all. Bill, first of all, this is the jackson hole annual meeting, the fed chair gives a speech. What set off the president today . Is this more scapegoating . To some extent. I mean, that was supposed to be our top story, this speech by chairman powell. Hes been under intense pressure to cut Interest Rates to shore up our economy to protect it from the Global Economy, which is slowing down right now. And as you well know, andrea, a fed chair never explicitly says what theyre going to do. They only hint at it. He only hinted this morning that he is open to the idea of cutting Interest Rates. The president wants him to cut by a full 1 . Wall street is expecting. 25 when they meet next month. The fact hes only hitting did not sit well with the president , hence he becomes an enemy at this point. It does seem that the trade war is a bigger factor overall, the overall climate. David jolly, as a former republican and former Republican Congress member, what is your take on the president s extraordinary language against his own fed chair . Yeah, so to the point of what powell said today, notably he said if we continue to have these challenges with trade, then well have to look at additional stimulus. Meaning if the president continues to act with this erascibility and wreck the economy in certain industries, the fed might have to react. To your question, andrea, we often talk about whether or not the president is increasingly unstable. We cant lose sight of the substantive actions that are being done here that are destabilizing to institutions. To me, this week has been ana s analogous to when he first came into office. He attacked the free press. Look at this week what hes done. Hes insulted the g7, suggested that russia could come in and know a g 8 again. He said how could powell say that without speaking to me. The whole point of the fed is to be independent from politics. This week he chose to quiet that descent of members of Congress Looking to travel to israel. Hes unstable, but what hes doing this week is challenging the very institutions that our nation is built on. I think we cant lose sight of that. In fact, jeff mason, by going after jay powell this way, it further constrains the flexibility of any Monetary Policy when youve got so much pressure, so much political noise all around. Certainly puts a political frame around anything jay powell would do. Hes had other former fed chairs stand up for the independence of the fed and he, of course, has made clear that he would not resign if he were asked to t. Hell continue to act independently. The president has made him a scapegoat and made him a scapegoat at a time when his policies on trade are affecting the markets, the economy, and the world. We should point out that all of the former living fed chairs, republican and democratic, have come out in joint statement. Thats right. They signed a letter talking about that. The importance of the independence of the institution. Right. So, Bill Griffith, what about the markets. Its really hard to predict, but china is a big factor and china did come at the u. S. Today and the president is going to a summit. Well talk about that in the next block. There is a great deal of instability economically. Germany is seeing a downturn. The president doesnt seem to be responding to the Global Nature of how our own markets are affected. Right now china is the story for the market today. Theoretically if china had not raised tariffs this morning, im thinking the stock market would be higher with chairman powell hinting that he was open to further Interest Rate cuts next month if they were needed. That would be good news for wall street. They hate trade wars on wall street. What they mean is higher prices, Slower Growth and by escalating this trade war is what that means. I should point out, as you know, the mandate for the federal reserve, two things. Full employment and stable prices. We have both clearly right now and chairman powells position is their work is finished. They shouldnt have to be anything. Some fed officials have said this week they dont think that the fed should cut rates even more because they have met their mandate. Those who are advocating for those cuts are because there is the uncertainty put out there because of the trade war and what it could do to the u. S. Economy by slowing it down because of the higher prices and the lower demand. As all this is happening, david jolly, weave got chaos inside the white house. Youve got white house aides warning about the business climate, the president according to all reports nervous about the economy, even though hes trying to, you know, pump it up and he and larry cudloe trying to talk optimistically. Hes worried about how this could affect his reelection. He is. What the president doesnt realize is you cant convince people to be enthusiastic. If the economy is really that great, enthusiasm will be organic. It will be natural. Hes tried to focus on this as a 2020 issue, not because its his greatest strength but because he has to sell it. He has to protect the narrative that we do have a strong economy. And when we talked about him blaming the fed, i think if you look at his tweets today, hes setting up Corporate America to blame them when he says youre hereby ordered to return jobs to the United States. That will allow him to say its their fault. And i think the other question we have to ask, if you look at the president s tweets over the past couple months, but particularly today, we have to ask if this president without a team of advisors getting whipped by china and these negotiations. It may be that donald trump is losing badly in this negotiation which causes him to lean like this. His comments about china today were next level anger from this president that suggests he doesnt have the leverage he thinks he does and hes losing badly to china. And jeff mason, youre going to be on air force one at 11 00 tonight flying to this summit. This president right now is not surrounded by senior people, theres a disagreement among his trade advisors, economic advisors, he just did decide in favor of mike pompeo and the state department against mick mulvaney, the acting chief of staff who wanted 4 billion taken out of this years current spending on foreign aid and that was an argument in the oval office yesterday. Hes flying to the g7 where hell be meeting with leaders with whom he has major disagreements on the economy and whom hes upset with his trade policies. You were referring to it earlier, the china trade war is not only affecting china and the United States, its affecting the entire country. Germany has been affected by that. Hell be sit ing there with ang Angela Merkel. The president says the u. S. Economy is very strong, but he is facing headwinds from the rest of the world. That as weve already been saying, could have a big impact on his own election next year. Thanks so much from cnbc on a tricky day on wall street. Well bring you any updates throughout. Coming up, the trump factor, how the World Leaders as jeff says, plan to avoid a blow up if they can with the president at the g7 in france. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports only on msnbc. Nly on mc i had a heart problem. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, and i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. And President Trump heading to the g 7 summit in france tonight. French president Emmanuel Macron is already nervous. The Washington Post reporting that one of frances main objectives as host of this weekends group of 7 summit is to minimize the chances that the president will blow it up. Trade and Climate Change are reportedly just two of the touchy subjects that the World Leaders will try to side step so as not to upset the american president. Joining me now Kristen Welker and ben rhodes, former Deputy National security advisor to president obama. Ben, let me start with you. As a former Deputy National security advisor, youre going to a g 7 but youre not going to have a communique. You cant talk about Climate Change, which two words that were taken out of the osaka communique at the americans insistence at the g 20. You cant talk about trade. Whats left to talk about . Not much, andrea. I went to eight g 7s, and the purpose of that meeting is to meet with your closest partners in the world to figure out common strategy. Right now were talking about a world thats literally on fire if you look at the amazon and the consequences of Climate Change if you look at the protests in hong kong, iran. You would be wanting to go there, a normal president to forge common strategy with your closest allies. And instead, trump is actually the person that is going to dominate the summit, not because he has an agenda but because all the other leaders will have to figure out how to get through the summit without having him blow it up. Its a missed opportunity to try to address these problems whether its trade or Climate Change. And it speaks to how far the position of the american presidency has fallen in the eyes of our allies. Youve heard the reports, ive heard reports from nato meetings from ministries and foreign leaders who describe really rude behavior on the part of this president walking out of meetings in the middle of, you know, other leaders, Angela Merkel will be midsentence and hell get up and walk out. That kind of thing. So his rude behavior has preceded him. To say nothing of him canceling the denmark trip and calling the Prime Minister of denmark nasty, a word he seems to reserve for female leaders or female reporters. Reporter right. Picking a fight with another american ally as hes poised to head to this international summ summit. In addition to everything you just mapped out, the president calling for russia to be readmitted to the g 7 is another matter thats roiling allies, specifically the host country. President macron saying they violated International Law back in 2014 when they annexed crimea. That situation hasnt changed. There needs to be progress before we can have a real conversation. Really echoing what a number of the other g 7 leaders feel, andrea. When you talk about some of the past tensions, think about what happened at the last g 7 summit when President Trump agreed to sign onto the communique and then pulled out of it last minute, citing the fact he felt as though hed been insulted by canadas Prime Minister. So those are just some of the tensions that will be at the backdrop when President Trump leaves. Again, this escalating trade war which were watching esclate in re real time. Vladmir putin putin, g 7, g 8 issue, listen to the president blaming barack obama for putin being putin outsmarting him i guess is what he says. The fact is, president putin totally outsmarted president obama on crimea and other things. Including the red line in the sand. Should we put russia back in . We have spent a lot of time talking about russia at those meetings. And theyre not there. I think it would be a good thing if russia were there. So we could speak directly. Ben, your caultimaomment . I was involved in the Decision Making to kick russia out of the g 8. Thats not something that president obama did by himself. That was the unanimous view of everybody else. Russia had invaded and annexed crimea, violating all the International Principles the g 7 stands for. It was a no brainer to kick them out. Theyve done nothing to earn their way back in. Thats the first point. The second point is, again, the purpose of the g 7 is to forge common strategies. To meet with countries that have common interests in a growing Global Economy in combatting Climate Change and terrorism. Russia is not a like minded partner of those countries anymore. Unfortunately neither does President Trump seem to be. Again, we can meet with russia in other venues like the g 20. Theres no reason to bring them into the g 8. It seems like President Trump is eager to meet president putin whenever he can. But the man seems much more eager to talk to people like Vladmir Putin and kim jongun than Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron. We have to ask ourselves why we have a Foreign Policy thats rooted in the president of the United States who seems to be more comfortable in the company of dictators than he is in the company of democratic allies. And to not talk about Climate Change when you have the rain forest in brazil on fire literally, ben, that is so astounding. Thats what these meetings are supposed to be about. Absolutely. We did a lot of work to negotiate and to craft what became the paris clime accord with our g 7 partners. Emmanuel macron takes particular interest in that because the french feel ownership over that Climate Change agreement. That should be the natural focus. What were seeing in the amazon is nothing less than the worst Case Scenarios of the consequences of man made Climate Change. Its being done because of the decisions of the brazilian president , who has opened that up to logging and created the threats for these kinds of fires. Theyre very real things the world could do to address this by suggesting were not going to engage in trade with brazil unless they take steps to protect the environment. This is something that should be on the agenda. Its an example of an issue thats not being dealt with because of the president of the United States, because he pulled out of the paris accord, because he refuses to acknowledge the reality of Climate Change. Were losing precious time and with all these terrible images of the amazon burning were seeing the consequences of political decisions by people like President Trump and the president in brazil. Kristen welker, the president at this stage, i think he is now said hell have a comment about china later today. Do we expect to see him or will he be issuing a statement . Reporter well, andrea, thats whats striking about this. We have asked those same questions to white house officials and they dont seem clear on whats going to happen next. The president has been huddling with his trade team. It seems as though that meeting has corresponded with some of the tweets. So will there be an event later today . President trump in a tweet essentially saying that he was going to take some type of countermeasure against china. Of course earlier today we learned china had slapped sanctions against the u. S. What, if anything, will the president announce seems to be a mystery for a lot of folks here, andrea. Thank you so much to Kristen Welker, to ben rhodes. Coming up next, preserving the legacy. Cindy mccains campaign for civility and ending washingtons gridlock. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports only on msnbc. Watchinl reports only on msnbc methinks tul pens would serve mlady well. Thanks. And a unicorn notebook get everything on your list. 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His wife is calling on americans to combat a daily act of civility. I sat down with cindy at her home in phoenix last night to talk about the gridlock in washington. What would john mccain say about the gridlock in washington . As you know, hed be very frustrated and very angry about it. I think hed make every attempt he could to break the gridlock. Not just bring people together, but make people understand. We not only have to work together, weve got to be civil to each other. We have to be decent. There is no bad people in the United States senate. Theres no bad people in the house of representatives. Weve come to describe all this as good and bad. Its not. Theyre hardworking people, but we are in a gridlock and were not talking. Its time to be civil and time to work together. What do you think contributed to that . A number of things. Social media is a large part of it. I just think the pace of things and the general attitude, people are angry. I think in some cases people are want sure what theyre angry about, theyre just angry. Youve seen the pendulum, it swings this way and that way. I really believe the pendulum will swing back to the center. Joining me now is chuck todd, the moderator of meet the press. How do you think senator mccain would view whats going on now, mitch mccaonnell nothing being done. His next to last speech was were not getting anything done. Well, i do think he would be probably most alarmed at whats happening with china, whats happening the fact that it feels like every continent has a fire on it of some sort. You have an actual fire in south america. Whether its the dust up between south korea and japan right now, or the situation in kashmir that the american diplomatic world, the john mccain wing of the government id call it on this stuff there was a part of he and biden were part of that same team america type of mindset. I think thats where hed be apoplectic. What im wondering today is would john mccain by the lone voice or would he have people like Lindsey Graham still with him. What i dont know is how much sway would john mccain have today in Donald Trumps Republican Party compared to what he had three years ago . Just in the United States senate. I dont know what the answer to that is. I think because 2020 is on the horizon. I think hed be a lonelier maverick. Lindsey graham is running for reelection. By the way, john mccain knows that feeling. He went through that in 2010. Its not he would respect the pr pr pragmatism. He didnt believe that, hey, theres politics is politics. But there was at least some rules, some place where you stopped it. The waters edge was a big one. Now, of course, everything i think the single most important thing she said about the divisiveness was about social media. I think that is social media, it did it inspires the worst in everybody. And it gives you its too easy to expose the worst of yourself on social media. Meaning, youre emotional. Its a quick emotional moment. I think that social media is not reflective of what america is, but i think on our politics its reflective of our worst moments and now we see. We experience our worst moment all the time now in american politics. When we think of john mccain we know there was so many aspects to his public service. As you point out he did a lot of things pragmatically for political reasons. One of the defining things was helping bill clinton, who had been accused of being a draft dodger, which was a big issue in the 92 campaign, helping him make peace with vietnam. It was john mccain and to a lesser extend john kerry, these two vietnam vets who helped bill clinton get past the political brush fire. Take that metaphor and apply it to all of this. You know, i dont know how were going to reconcile post trump. Ive thought about this a lot. I say this i have friends on either side of the aisle who say im never going to forget x, never going to forget eye. Or theyre johnny come lately on this. If theyre picking up arms, theyre picking up arms. Everybodys got their own line. I do think we have to figure out how to reconcile. And our political leaders, individually, are very bad at it. Collectively they could help us but they choose not to do it. This is to me the greatest failure of the trump era, its exposed weakness, particularly in the Republican Party. One has to wonder how the democrats are going to figure out they havent figured it out. Look, i think theyre caught up in trumps character flaws and think like bob dole in 96, where is the outrage. I dont understand why arent they marching the streets. Theres other democrats who say we cant be status quo. Thats what got trump in the first place. I think the tension is real and its a legitimate debate the party is having. Every day that trump does something thats just unexplainable, like hes done today, it reinforces the notion of why joe biden is the front runner. Get why hes the front runner. No matter how much energy is on the ground for him. I think people are measuring bidens support. Its a hunger for normalcy . Thats exactly what it is. Exhaustion. I think the number one problem trump has is that hes exhausted even his supporters. Hes worn people out after four years. Weeks like this are what wear people out. Amen. Thank you very much. All right. G 7. What a strange time. Neither one of us so weird. Going to be a weird g 7. G 6 1 2. G 6 plus one. G 7 minus. And of course you can watch more of my interview with cindy mccain, her thoughts and how shes doing after this very difficult year tonight on nbc nightly news. You have to tune in for meet the press with chuck todd this sunday. Chuck will be bad at 5 00 eastern for mtp daily. Coming up next, out of line, up roar after the Justice Department sent out a White Nationalist blog to immigration. Nationalist blog to immigration. The Justice Department is confirming mistaken lee emailed to the Justice Department. Publication and dissemination f of the Justice Department says the blog post should not have been included in the daily morning news. The doj condemns antisemitism in this strongest term. Joining me now is maya wyliley. For the first time it is focusing on Migrant Childrens needs within the u. S. Because the administrations border policies. Maya, first to you of this doj mistake, how did it happen . That thats a good question. If you are doing press clips, you are looking at Credible Media sources that are factbased and rational and having a kind of debate Everyone Needs to know it is happening. Once you are putting out materials like a blog post containing antisemitism and racism at a time we have seen violence perpetrated because of those kinds of views. It is simply bizarre. I want to ask both of you about the new immigration policies, the attempt by the administration toov overturn th flores ruling which says children could not be kept for more than 20 days from families. How can they do that, executive order . As we have talked about it before, senator Lindsey Graham had tried to extend this. It is not brought up in the house. The administration is going right by on the will of congress. It is also dealing with the issue of licensing and regulations that are happening in this detention facilities so it moves from state control to the federal government and it is hiding all that information. Not only we are sorting through the people of congress but we are not clear of whats going to happen in those facilities. The children which i work for is obviously opposing. We have been fighting over a hundred years for these kids. You see families coming up from the triangle country, honduras and el salvador that are fleeing violence and rapes and Gang Violence in the cartels and the treatments they get from the United States are deplorable. What we are doing to these families are deplorable. Without any due process, the president and the state department made this decision to force migrants and Asylum Seekers to seek asylum in guatemala which is completely unprepared to deal with that rather than getting them to a safer place. Thats right. It is arguably a violation of the law which says you dont force people to apply asylum from an unsafe country. They are fleeing because they need asylum from it or having to pass through guatemala. That raises a lot of questions. I want to go back to marks point. Whats at issue here in the flores settlement that the Trump Administration tries to get itself out of is essentially not just out of oversight, we are talking about when children were getting body cavity searched. Kids were being held hostage in order to interrogate their parents and told they would not allow reunification unless parents show up. This is an administration that just in june argued the safe and sanity, thats the language of the flores settlement. Safe and sanitary conditions do not include tooth paste, soap or sleep. Thats the oversight theyll have over these facilities if they are not required to allow sunlight into how Migrant Children are being treated and at some point we have to have a discussion as mark said about. What do we mean and do we care about the best interests of children and families. And the judge challenged the department. Absolutely. After they gone through detentions, u. S. Government is dropping families at mcdonalds and las cruces providing the infrastructure of the people. Republicans and democrats, people have all different persuasions in those towns are rallying around supporting families. They dont care how they got there. In america, we got to treat these kids better than they are being treated along the border. There are a lot of tooth pastes and showers in there and in many cases, talked to families who have not gone through showers or have not had tooth paste or soap and diapers for babies. Families are just exhausted. If you are going to get out of your home country and walk all the way to america, its got to be a bad situation. You are fleeing. When they come here to america and being treated without showers and sanitation, it is outrageous. Thats why i see the children down there putting resources and giving resources to families before they go. Thank you mark shriver. And maya wiley, thank you for all your in sisights. 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Its a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you buy a new samsung note. Click, call or visit a store today. That does it for us, have a great weekend. Here is ali velshi for velshi ruhle. I have a question. The president declared that American Companies should find alternatives to buy stuff from china. Did the president declare anything in your reporting career . No, nothing ever like that. Yeah, thats what i figured. I want to make sure i am having a little sanity check on this one. You have a good afternoon. You too. I declare it is friday, august 23rd, coming up on this hour, velshi ruhle, the markets are falling. The President Trump just told American Companies to stop doing business w

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