Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20180518 : co

Transcripts For MSNBCW Andrea Mitchell Reports 20180518

patients. >> you said the male patient is in his 30s? >> middle age. >> chest injury? >> chest area i would describe it. thanks. >> that's our latest briefing from the university of texas medical fwlarcbranch in galvest where a middle age male is being treated for chest injuries. he's described in critical condition. they have two patients both with wounds to the leg believed to be in good condition, one of them is under 18 years old. we are still trying to get a handle on the number of people who have been killed. we know eight for sure but based on comments made by the harris county sheriff's office just a little while ago it may be ten. let us continue with this breaking news here on msnbc from texas where police are reporting as we said eight to ten people are dead after a shooting at a high school this morning. we don't know how many of the people killed were students or staff or faculty, police say one person is in custody. another person is being questioned as a person of interest. both are male students at santa fe high school. >> i have to begin by expressing our heart break over the deadly shooting at santa fe high school in texas that just took place. too many years, too many decades now. we send our support and love to everyone affected by this absolutely horrific attack. we're with you in this tragic hour and we will be with you foreve forever. >> the gunman entered santa fe high school at 7:45 a.m. our affiliate kprc was able to speak to some students who were able to escape safely. >> i was in the history hallway and as soon as we heard the alarms everybody just -- you know, started leaving, following the same procedure as we did because nobody thought it would be this. nobody thought it was a shooting. everybody thought it was a -- you know, normal procedure practice fire drill and next thing you know we just hear so many -- three gunshots. loud explosions and all the teachers are telling us to run, run, go, like run. nobody should go through. nobody should be able to feel that in school. this is a place where we're supposed to feel safe. this is somewhere we come most of the week. nobody should have to go through this. nobody should feel that pain. >> officials are telling the media the situation has been contained, but it's still active. doctors at a local hospital briefed the media. they said they received three patients from the shooting, one is an adult in surgery in critical condition, a second, another adult, was admitted to the e.r., the third, a teenage whose condition is unknown. pete williams joins us live from washingto washington. >> we heard heard so many student witnesses say the first thing they heard was the fire ala alarm. to be clear, schools would not set off the alarm if they thought there was an active shooter because that would have the opposite effect of what should happen in a situation like this which is everybody shelters in place, locks the doors, hunkers down, tries to hide. you wouldn't want to fill the hallways full of people but that's apparently what happened here so one big question is did the gunman or did someone involved with the gunman set off the fire alarm first in order to get more targets? get more people coming out of their classrooms and the school in that's one big question. the second you referred to earlier. we don't have a firm number of the number killed. we've heard eight or nine. the sheriff's office has told us they think it as a student but we haven't heard confirmation of that and then reports of whether there is a second american custody. apparently a second person was detained and is being questioned. it's not at all clear what the role of that second person is. the third factor is the apparent use of explosive devices. several federal and local officials have told us that they have found explosives, we don't know what their vole in this, whether the intention was to draw people into an area where there were explosives. we've heard no reports, just to be clear, that any explosives were detonated or that anyone was injured by explosives. and that the deaths were caused by gunnel schoshots. we have been told they have found explosive devices but we're not certain where. that's complicating the effort to clear the scene because any time there is an event like this, law enforcement has to go room to room to make sure there are no other victims or shooters or anyone else involved be the likelihood of explosives complicate that effort. >> stand by. governor abbot is headed to the school for a news conference. i don't know if he's going in by chopper, if it were austin, it would be by chopper but if it's nearby it would be by car. i want to bring jim cavanaugh, retired atf special agent. so we have an unconfirmed of report of explosives and the concept there is a second person being interviewed. >> we've seen that before. i mentioned the arkansas school shooting where there were two students involved and columbine where there were two students involved. in columbine they also used improvised explosive devices, little pipe bombs they pitched around in there. with these school shooters, you do see shooters that go in and sort of idolize columbine. you see this in a lot of these type of crimes, they idolize someone who has done an attack similar to the one they want to carry out or to the aggrieved part i parties, so we're also at the end of the semester, the end of the school year where the pressures are on the kids and school is going to end in may and early june. so these are ongoing issues. they don't walk the walk, they talk the talk. until a political leadership is not a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby and will take that issue on to some reasonable effect we can have movement there but we're also falling down on school security. how could these shooters continue to keep walking in. we need better work. how can anybody be confused. we need to know the schools, lock it down, train everybody, tell everybody. you need more deputies, that will be more taxpayer money. but are you going to have children shot and slaughtered in every school in america? nobody will do anything and the citizens have to take it on. but it's keep your wits about you, look for the threat, move quickly to get away if you can, shelter in place, get on the phone, you want to call 911 and you want to tell the police where the shooter is. that's going to save your friends and it's going save you. if they can get to the shooter quick and then in a last report fuch to fight like we had the nashville hero who stopped the waffle house shooter after he killed four people with an ar-15, when he had to reload or his gun jammed, mr. shaw took him out. you may have to fight in the end. you get away, run, hide, barricade, call 911 if you can. if you can't do those things then you fight for your life. >> advice that we have to keep repeating so people know how to deal with this when this confronts them. the president did say earlier everyone must work together at every level of government to keep our children safe but as jim says, sometimes words like that at times like this don't feel as fulfilling as they may be intended to feel. i want to go back to our afill ballot houston, kprc. >> searching for students, they're searching for multiple devices so they'll be here for quite some time. right now it's unclear if the school will reopen or return for the next school year. so we're looking to get you more information on this very developing story. >> kathy hernandez reporting live for us. all throughout the morning we've been talking about we don't have an exact number at this point but multiple people were injured in in that shooting. one shooting victim has been taken to utmb in galveston. we're there live with more information on what's happening. >> andy, we just had an update from utmb spokes american raul reyes. i'm getting an echo so i'm going to take my ear piece out so i can talk to you. but raul reyes told us three people were transported here to utmb. one person, a male, is in surgery right now. he is in critical condition shot in the chest area. there is another woman here reported to be in good condition. she was shot in the leg and we're told there is a male here under the age of 18, presumably a student, we're still waiting to get that confirmed, who is shot in the leg but also in good condition. this is a level one trauma center, utmb, they're trained for this kind of situation, emergency situations where there are multiple injuries. they do have social workers on standby if there are family members or anyone having difficulty with this situation, you can come in through the e.r. and they can get hem help to you. if anyone has any questions they said to call the hospital and they can answer questions for family members who may be involved with the patients that are here. they were ready for more patients but as of this moment they told us there's three here. we heard two of those patients were transported by ambulance, another by life flight directly from the scene. not year is in that life flight over to here but they did take someone from the scene directly here to utmb and we are also hearing, you heard sheriff ed gonzalez say a santa fe isd police officer was shot. we are hearing he's a retired hpd officer and the houston police officer union president is on his way over to the hospital. we hear that that officer is over at memorial herherman. that's the latest from galveston at utmb, channel 2 news. >> we are waiting for multiple updates including santa fe isd. they sent multiple notices out to students and parents. >> we have been following breaking news v. i'm andrea mitchell here with bill bratton. we've been following affiliate coverage from kprc in houston. you just heard there are eight or nine victims who may be fatalities. there are three in the hospital in galveston, two in good condition and one in critical condition. a middle age man who is in surgery right now. let's talk about another school shooting in america at this high school in santa fe if in houston and galveston. what lessons do we have. >> andrea, we're hold that the gunman in custody is a 17-year-old male and for that reason we're not probably going to hear from at least federal sources of his age because for federal law enforcement purposes a juvenile is anyone under the age of 18 so there's a strict policy among federal law enforcement officials so they can't release the name of a juvenile. some things are starting to be clear here. one is that it was a current student, a 17-year-old male. secondly, somehow two people were involved in this. it's still not clear to us what the nature of the second person's involvement was. it's also clear that explosive devices were involved in this attack on this school. where they were placed, how many of them we don't know, we're told it's more than one but what their role is, what they were supposed to do, i don't know. i should emphasize that we've heard nothing to indicate explosive devices detonated at any point. all the injuries and fatalities we know of are from gunshot wounds. so what was the plan here? was it to cause additional chaos? to go after first responders? to draw people with the shooting toward where the explosive devices were? way too soon to say any of that yet. but i think the picture is becoming a little clear on the nature of this obviously well-planned attack given the fact that explosive devices were used that tells you two things. one is million is somebody had to make these devices in advance and place them in advance before carrying out the shooting. >> you said there were two people involved. was there one shooter or two shooters? >> i don't know the answer to that ch that. we've heard there's only one gunman and what the second person's involvement is i don't know. just shear -- sheer speculatio. it could be somebody who set the fire alarm, somebody who placed the explosive or helped plan it. we don't know the nature of that second person's involvement but we've been told from so many law enforcement officials that two people were involved and what the nature of the second person's involvement is we don't know. >> pete, to recap, are both of these people allegedly involved in custody. >> yes. >> and are both underage or do we only know the age of one? >> i'm only relatively certain of the age of the gunman and that's 17. i don't know the age of the other. >> earlier we've been hearing from our local correspondent from kprc that at least three people are at u.s. miatmb in gv. a male under the age of 18 shot in the leg and in good condition. two were brought by ambulance, one by life flight helicoptered in and that's the man who is the middle age man in critical condition who was shot in the chest and is in surgery and we need updates on the other victims and any others who were both wounded and the number of casualties not yet determined by sheriff gonzalez there. bill bratton is still on the phone i believe. bill bratton, at least there was a law enforcement officer on duty but still this shooting took place. >> andrea, what we have here is just the latest tragic example of an unfolding and expanding american tragedy as it relates to the issue of guns in the school environment, workplace environment that each one of these is a learning experience. each one has some similarities but each one seems to have its own pea call areaties. so it appears there may have been a school safety officer, police officer on scene involved in the shooting incident. we don't know for certain what his role was so after parkland there was the idea of advocacy of more school security officers but as we see in the event earlier this week with that school security officer who was able to stop a gunman from inflicting more harm, it was a benefit to that. but it's not the idea of a silver bullet in the sense that they stop expansion of a tragedy but it's not necessarily going to prevent it. >> bill -- >> and the shooter and having explosive devices, that's an element that occurred from time to time in these events but unfortunately it just is a reminder that that we are entering new territory worrying about these incidents. the people who commit them are learning and watching also and stimulating new ideas in that population. the good news is there's a suspect in custody. hopefully we learn what his motivation was, what he was planning to do. >> and now we're going to cut back to kprc to our coverage of our affiliate for an update. >> we're about three miles northwest of where the school is and you can see down the road where authorities have this house blocked off and there are bomb technicians down there investigating and what deputies told us is that there is, quote, a bomb, a potential bomb is near the road or at the house. that's why they have us stopped here. that's the direct quote we heard from deputies when they stopped us at this roadblock. we're three miles northwest of the school. we've not heard any information or gotten anything confirmed at the scene because no one here from the law enforcement community is talking to us and giving us information as to what's going on at this home. there is a large scene at this home, the road is blocked off not too far from the high school, about three miles northwest. we'll keep you posted and bring you any updates we have in case something changes here at the scene. reporting live, channel 2 news. >> thank you very much. we want to get back to the breaking news. this news that the school district is confirming that there were possible explosive devices found and what that would mean for this investigation and what that would mean for the intent of the person who carried this attack out. >> they're working to determine if those devices that have been found are safe. this is a look at the tweet sent out by santa fe isd. i'm going to read it. possible explosive devices have been located at the school and off campus. law enforcement is in the process of rendering them safe. school has been evacuated. call 911 if you see any suspicious item. so that's certainly very important information to pass to members of the public who live in and around the community of santa fe. >> we should note highway 6 has been closed for several hours. that continues to be the case. it's likely to be the case for an extended period of time as they check out these devices. we know the atf has been throughout since early this morning. that could be one of the roles they play in this investigation as they try and make sure this campus and community is safe. they did say the threat has been contained as far as the shooter, a male student who has been taken into kwus custody and is questioned negotiation this other male being questioned. he's only being considered a person of interest and the sheriff says -- the harris county sheriff says that that person is simply a person of interest at this point. >> i want to get to our colleague joel eisenbalm with more information on the suspected shooter. >> can you see that guys vest? here's what i can tell you. so we just came to a situation, this would be a third scene. you've got santa fe high school, the place where jake is where apparently a bomb squad is doing some activity and this would be a third scene where there is a whole lot of both federal and local police. i'll let giovanni push in a little bit. this is the end of a residential block about four and a half miles to the west of santa fe high school. can you make out what that says? state police on their vests and you can pan over to the left giovanni and you can see the work/evidence trucks we've seen people coming in and out of the house. so there are a few things that channel 2 have tracked down that we believe are connected to the student shooter so we have been checking out these addresses, family members and relatives. and this is one of the addresses that we came across. when we first got here, there was no perimeter at all. we don't want to be in their way as they do their work. they have a big section of highway 6 cordoned off. so this is the third scene. this is a residential home at the end of the block in the subdivision. what's the name? lake side village. i think technically this is alvin but we're on the border of santa fe and alvin and the importance as far as we know from our sort of background work is that the possible student shooting suspect is connected to what i see are two or three homes in the area. one of those properties is where jake is. a second property is where we've just discovered it. the end of this block in this residential neighborhood and when we got here and it was 10 or 15 minutes ago, there was no perimeter. no other media here so we drove up, i think that's a big oak tree and we saw a lot of activit activity. it appeared they had sort of ways to notate what they were seeing. i didn't see them carry anything out of the house and almost immediately they had us push back to the end of the street. >> and you're following the coverage on our houston affiliate kprc. they're bringing the evidence in and out of the house. the local station believes those houses are connected to at least one of the suspects. a suspect who is an underage 17-year-old, according to pete williams, a student at the school. right now on the phone is nick powell who is a reporter at the "houston chronicle." nick, what are you understanding? we hear there is going to be a briefing coming up. >> i'm going to have to hop off because they're approaching the podium but we're about to hear from santa fe school district. the judge and several other local officials but we're about to start now so i have to hop off. >> and we'll carry that live as well. we'll bring you this briefing from santa fe regional high school with the school superintendent and other officials momentarily. >> we've received an outpouring of support from across the state and we appreciate your continued prayers from our student, staff and community. i'm going to turn it over to our chief of police to share details that we have at this time. thank you. >> as you're aware, a horrific event occurred today at santa fe high school. this time the campus has been cleared of all students and staff members and the students and staff have been relocated. they're in the processover people being reunited with their families. one santa fe police officer has been shot. we have one suspect in custody and one person of interest detained. anyone with information is asked to contact our command center at 409-927-3310. we confirm multiple fatalities believed to be fewer than ten. we won't release any other information until we have a confirmed number. injured students and staff have been transported to area hospitals. any parents and family members can go to the alamo gym which is located at 13306 state highway 6 for any additional information regarding their student. our primary focus at this point in the investigation has been to secure the schools and evacuate the students to the evacuation relocation facility. . there are multiple agencies on site to support our district and our communities such as the fbi, the atf, texas department of public safety, law enforcement agencies and first responders. there have been explosive devices found in the high school and surrounding areas adjacent to the high school. because of the threat of these explosive items, community members should be on the lookout for any suspicious items and anything that looks out of place don't touch any items that look out of place and immediately call 911 so that the appropriate authorities can respond. our thoughts and prayers go out to our students, staff and community. please play for sfisd. >> as the chief of santa fe p.d., my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this event this morning. i want to reiterate that to all community members to keep a vigilant watch around the areas that you know your neighborhoods, for any suspicious items you may see and please call 911. like i said, there have been confirmed reports of explosion is found both on the campus and off the campus so that's our main concern is to keep the community safe so make the call if you see something suspicious and someone will respond to assist. that's all i have. god bless. >> i'm mark henry, i'm the county job of galveston county, texas. galveston count yes y is provid assistant through galveston county sheriff's office to the santa fe isd police agencies and the city of santa fe. don't have much else to add. i do want to emphasize this was a tragic loss of life. it's been a difficult time for everyone involved so i ask that you pray for the people who have suffered some injury and loss today and i want to emphasize i was informed they did find suspect material off campus so it's not isolated to the high school campus. anything you see that looks suspicious, don't you have to it, please call 911. and we have mayors of santa fe, the retiring mayor, incoming mayor jason tabor. >> we want to thank law enforcement and emergency responders that came so quickly to the aid of the santa fe isd and our community. i'm asking everyone out there to pray and put their thoughts and prayers into people affected for our community to heal through this situation, thank you. >> i'm mayor justin tabor. please pray for santa fe. if you see anything suspicious, call 911 and we appreciate the prayers, our community is at a loss right now. >> we expect the governor to be landing at the scene. i'm sure we'll have another press conference in the next couple of hours. >> thank you, guys. >> and we've just seen a briefing from the local officials, the local judge from galveston, the school superintendent and others, they say they believe the fatalities are fewer than ten. they did say there are suspicious objects or packages off campus not just confined to the school area and that may be the location where we saw reporters and bomb squad officials and local law enforcement officials. bill bratton is with me on the phone. this is unusual in that it is explosives on campus, off campus, we see the numbers of fatalities one suspect is 17 and reportedly a student, current or former, in custody and another person being detained who is a person of interest but this was apparently a more complicated incident or event. >> we have them saying as we see repeatedly in these instances it's constantly evolving. what you're seeing i think are are the other locations where we call warrants, they've identified what they believe should be the principle shooter. so they're moving on those addresses. see if they can find out what his motivation might have been the second person may have information about the incident but these incidents are occurring with more frequency, we're trying to learn better ways, prevent better ways of trying to respond to them but the reality is it's part of the american landscape in the 21st centur century. >> and nick powell is back with us. >> multiple fatalities. fewer than ten dead according to santa fe police chief. a suspect has been taken into custody. they said they were explosives found on and off campus and there are officials at the scene trying to figure out that situation and if there is any threat there. they said there's also fbi, atf at the scene in addition to local officials and santa fe police, texas police. galveston police. so definitely a team effort here but that's about all the information we got. >> nick, have you heard anything about what kind of weapon was us used? >> nothing on the weapon. i can tell you from talking to students that the few students i did talk to said there were -- they heard loud booms and not the kind of rapid-fire gunshots you would chalk up to an automatic weapon but the loud booms seem to indicate maybe it wasn't an automatic. >> and you didn't hear anything or did the students that you talk to hear anything being detonated? we knowsuspected explosive devices. >> no, one student i talked to is a high school student a few doors down from where one of the initial booms were heard and she said it was several loud booms and then they hid in the classroom until officers came to escort them out of the building. is and another student outside said they were outside in the grass and they heard several booms and everybody started scattering and running for cover. >> nick, did you -- in talking to the students, do you know if they had had drills. were there emergency procedures in place? >> i can't speak to how often they had, but one student, was outside and said they were following normal evacuation procedure procedures. >> and what we have heard from kprc is that one police officer is in surgery in critical condition that may well be the middle age man that was described earlier by a kprc reporter at utmb in valveston because there was one man brought there by life flight so that well could be the police officer nlgs it's a second victi victim. >> i can confirm that there is a santa fe isd which is the school district police officer shot. >> well, there was another police officer shot in the chest in critical so we may be talking about the same person or there may be two people in critical condition. nick, thank you so much for helping us out. the school and staff have been evacuated as we heard the school superintendent and other officials. the governor is enroute, governor abbot. we also understand president trump has spoke within texas governor greg abbot offering his condolences to those affected by the shooting. the president planning to work with the governor and provide all assistance. nick, is there going to be another briefing there as far as you know when the governor arrives? >> i'm not sure what the loyication is, if it will be down here in santa fe but i'll be here on the scene in the meantime. >> how many hospitals do you believe were involved in taking the casualties? >> i'm not sure the total number. i can confirm several people were taken to utmb in galveston which is one of the big facilities in this region. how many grades a >> how many grades are involved? >> i believe it's nine through 12, i can't say with confidence what the school population number is. >> nick, thanks so much. we'll return to kprc and one of the students. >> it was -- looked like a normal fire drill and it ended up escalating into a mass catastrophe into a gunshot we thought it was a fire drill and all of a sudden we heard gunshot s and we had to leave the school as quickly as possible, make sure everyone is protected and everyone is good. >> what did it sound like? >> it sounded like a metal trash can or plastic trash can. if you throw something or kick it it sounded like that sound. i can't describe it particularly but when you kick it, it makes a boom sound. we ended up getting back further like the teachers told us to, then three of them and then the teachers told us to run. this is not a trash can, this is real, this is gunshots, this is happening. we had to get out of there as fast as possible. i grabbed my girlfriend and told her we need to leave now, we can't stay here anymore. >> now i know students are here at the old intermediate school and you got to see your brother and mom for the first time. >> yes, i did. is my brother was worried for me. i ended up calling and telling yes, i'm safe. >> what was the moment when you saw your brother for the first time. >> very relieved. i think he was very happy knowing that i was okay and seeing him in my arms and all the love is very, very treasuring, you can't take that away whenever you need something like that. >> thank you, are you okay? >> i'm fine. i'm just hoping everyone else that was in the accident is fine and is being very careful and all that other stuff. >> we were speaking with your mom over here, we spoke with her earlier. would you mind if we walked this way? >> last name? >> poore. >> rena, i spoke with you earlier. we're back out here live for channel 2. what was it like when you heard your son saying we were running and we're safe? >> i can't even put it into word words. >> first patient arrived at 8:12 a.m. he was transferred to galveston to our level one trauma center. at 8:31 a.m. our first patient arrived by helicopter from the si site. he's in the operating room in critical condition. the first patient that arrived at leek city is in good conditi condition. she's in the or.r. the patient under 18 is still in the hospital in the pediatric floo floor. >> can you confirm the younger patient is a student? >> i don't know that information. >> was he involved with the santa fe -- >> yes, came from that area. >> do you have any idea of the type of gun? >> i don't have that information. i can tell you that the male patient in the operating room had a gunshot wound to the arm. the male patient that's under 18 had a gunshot wound to the leg and the female patient had a gunshot wound to the leg also. >> the male had a gunshot wound? >> yes. >> we were told there was a chest wunt. >> it was close to his chest zbll how long? >> we have no idea how long his surgery will be. >> when you say someone is critical from a gunshot wound to the arm, does that mean like an artery was it? what would be -- loss of blood? >> he did suffer some significant blood loss and that's why he's in critical condition v condition. >> are the other patients scheduled for surgery? >> the female who is middle aged is in the o.r. now and the 16-year-old, i don't think we anticipate he will need to go to the operating room. >> is the 16-year-old awake? talking? >> i have not seen him so i do not know. >> what about the woman? >> she's been taken to the o.r. >> prepping for surgery? >> yes. >> so if the 16-year-old does not need surgery, can we assume it was a graze? >> i don't have the details other than it's a wound to the leg. how old are they? >> in their 50s. >> and all through patients s s through santa fe? >> i understood what patient was taken by her husband to league city. the helicopter brought the second patient from the scene and then the third patient arrived by ambulance from the scene. >> we have not heard that we will be receiving more patients tragically. >> what's the most important thing you're faced with? >> our staff are busy taking care of these patients and are standing by ready. there are a lot of personal feelings people are having. as a father of a 16-year-old at the high school, this hurts. >> i know earlier you were getting choked up as well. tell us, what's going through your mind, i think everyone is feeling the way you're feeling right now. >> just know it's a horrible tragedy. our hearts go out to those folks in santa fe and their teachers and students and administration and we're doing the best we can to be a community partner to take care of them. we're going to continue to do that and that's what we'll hear for and that makes you feel better about being able to do that. >> we're getting word that maybe there were more survivors? we haven't heard. >> at the time were you getting word? >> yes. we were understanding there would be additional patients so we made ourselves ready. >> have any of the relatives showed up? >> there have been some relatives who've shown up, some who don't have students here or patients here but they don't know where to go so that information about the family reunification center at the alamo gym in santa fe is very important for parents to understand that's probably the best location to go to locate a child. >> have you been in touch with other hospitals. >> no, we haven't. we've gotten offers of support from colleagues like md anderson have called who said if we need them they can help us. >> you recently completed a crisis-type drill here? >> we do drills probably quarterly at utmb to keep our level one trauma center status intact. it's sort of an expectation that we practice with these sorts of situations so that's why we're good at it, that's why we're ready at all times. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> sure, a level one trauma center in our nation, there's four levels. level one is the highest level. it means a surgeon is always available, blood surgeons alway available. o.r.s available and ready to take a patient in. that's a level one trauma center. so there's lesser degrees of resources available at the lesser ranked e.r.s. >> [ inaudible ]. >> the closest center closest to the santa fe high school? yes. there are three. memorial herman, utmb and -- >> and the -- [ inaudible ]. >> i have not spoke tony of the patients. >> there's a mobile blood bank set up if people are thinking about donating. your message? >> anderson, bringing mobile blood vans in vont front of the hospital. there at 11:30. donations today and if we need them tomorrow they'll be available tomorrow. >> you could use itthe help? >> yes. >> i think what dr. marshall said, we have one patient who is critical and actively ongoing surgery and the other team, stable and in fair condition. >> may i ask, are those bullet wounds shotgun wounds, pellet -- we're hearing different things about the gun used. do you know anything about the kind of wounds? >> i'm not aware of that at this time. >> how long is the [ inaudible ] do you know? >> it's difficult for me to give the estimate, but the next update we can provide that information. >> how are -- feeling good about what's happening in that surgery right now [ inaudible ] -- >> so being critically ill and he is stable. critically ill but stable. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i'm not aware of the number -- [ inaudible ] -- information from any of the patients -- >> i'm not aware of that information. >> on another note, they've located, you know, some ancillary explosive devices and are trying to render those, make them inert. are you all still in a state of readiness should that situation magni magnify? >> absolutely. so as dr. marshall suggested we are level one trauma center and have adequate number of staff and resources available to take care of those patients, if the need arises. >> and you said that earlier none of of you guys met -- as we continue and they hear the medical briefing and we have been watching a briefing from university of texas, the utmb in val v val vest galveston, and joining me, angie, her daughter at the school. a ninth grader. i understand your daughter is fine. tell me what happened, how you got the call. how you found her on campus? >> yes, ma'am. this morning she called me early saying, mom we have a fire drill, and then she started screaming, mom, there's gunshots. there's gunshots, and she heard four single gunshots and i told her is there anywhere to hide? she said, there are bushes. i said, run. run to the gas station. me and dad are on our way. we're going to come get you. we're on our way an then we get towards the front of the school, there was a lot of major traffic and ambulances everywhere and so my husband got out of the car and we -- ran after her for her safety, went to find her at the gas station. she made it safely to the gas station, thank god. >> angie, i'm so grateful for you, that she's fine. tell me what happened when you found her and how is she doing now? >> she's out -- she's tired. she fell asleep. she was real -- of course, scared. it's a scary situation, because -- things like this incident has happened before but never been a drill as far as an emergency drill. what to do, how do to it -- you know, and so so now -- we found out, we got evacuated. just down the road, there's another bomb threat down by my house. so we got word and are having -- [ inaudible ]. >> so you had to leave your house because -- >> yes. >> -- there was some object, we had seen earlier, there were objects seen in residential areas. were you told by police you had to leave the house? >> no. a lot of neighbors were going house to house telling everybody that they found a bomb at the corner, and so we just decided to evacuate and get out of there. >> are you driving right now to galveston? >> my husband's driving to galveston. >> and is angelica in the car? >> yes. she's asleep. >> oh. god bless her. i mean, how are you holding up? >> it was -- it was a real -- serious to actually know that there was an active shooter in the school. >> hello. listen, i'll -- >> and you said -- other things happened do you mean in your community or elsewhere in the country, when you said there hadn't been adequate -- for this? >> exactly. because we had a drill before, and it winded up being a fake drill. apparently there was something posted up on social media that they were going to shoot up the school and this happened, like, two months ago. we reported it to authorities. we reported it to the school, and they said they were on it. it was being investigated, and then the following day, it happens, and winds being a fake drill because firecrackers were thrown in the hall, and then that person that was -- making those posts posted we were just trying to see how fast it would take for authorities to get to the school. >> do you know -- did they ever take any action against, or find the person that made those posts? >> they never notified us or anything. they just said everything was being investigated. >> and since that time -- did they ever have evacuation drills, any kind of practice? >> no, no. the only thing they've had is fire drills. to my knowledge and my daughter tells me, too, because i asked her. have y'all had any drills before? she says, no, mom. i said, well, me and daddy are telling you if anything happens like this, you find a safe place to hide. i said -- and if you're outdoors, you run. i don't care how far you have to run, you run to safety. >> how old is angelica? 15. >> she is 14. >> well -- >> in the ninth grade. >> i mean, it's awful she's had to go through this terrifying experience, but i'm so glad that she's safe. and you have relatives -- do you have relatives in galveston to stay with or friends? >> no. we're just going to -- we're just going to spend the day with my daughter, because -- you never know. >> you never know . >> it can be here one day and gone the next. >> andrea martinez to you and your husband and angelica, just wish you a safe day and i know it will take a while to get over this shock. >> oh, yes. it is. actually, because a lot of her friends -- you know, she knew were there and some got hurt. you know. so -- yeah. >> and you don't have other children in the schools? >> no. no. she's the last of our children. in school. >> well -- just -- hug each other and stay safe, and thank you very much. it's -- i know it's going to take a while to get over something like this. >> oh, yes. i'm even concern ed about the school. >> thank you so much. and just to recap, what has been going on here, we've just been talking to angie martinez whose daughter is a ninth grader, an. her mother told her, run, she called her mom, they went home, discovered their neighborhood was being evacuated. neighbors going door to door because of evacuations because of other suspected explosive devices. atf and the fbi and other officials, state and local, are on the scene. that does it for us. just to recap again, police have one suspect in custody. pete williams says he is a 17-year-old. plus another person of interest is being detained after the shooting at santa fe high school in southeast texas. and we'll, of course, have continuous breaking coverage. craig melvin is up next in new york at msnbc headquarters. craig? >> andrea, good friday to you. we continue to follow this breaking news on the most recent deadly school shooting in this country that has left at least eight people dead and at a high school in santa fe, texas. the harris county sheriff's office says most of those killed were students. an alleged gunman is in custody, told he's a 17-year-old male. there's also a person of interest in custody as well. both are students at that school. law enforcement sources telling nbc news that they have also found several explosive devices there on campus and nearby. students and parents describing the horror at the scene. >> -- so many -- heard three gunshots, or explosions, and teachers telling us, run, run, go! run! me and my friend ryan calbert ran and -- and that guy comes up --

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