Castro, who served as hud secretary during the obama administration. He was also mayor of san antonio. Thank you both so much for being here. Congresswoman, you heard what former president obama was saying there on the stump sthachlt. Is that a message thats going to resonate with voters . When it comes to the electorates were trying to win over, there are a lot of messages that are resonating, but first and foremost, covid is the most pressing issue for our working families. Whether you have been directly impacted by a covid diagnosis, or whether you are a worker or a person thats been impacted by the devastating economic fallout of the pandemic, the fact that President Trump has completely ignored and, in fact, is denying reality on an issue that is impacting millions of americans is politically devastating. And we have to have an administration thats not just going to address the medical fallout, but also the economic fallout with people on the brink of evictions, forecloses, layoffs, and more. Secretary, there is a lot of talk about momentum in texas, and i think were all going to be watching texas on tuesday evening. Senator harris making three stops there friday. There was also an incident outside of austin where an armed group of Trump Supporters harassed a Biden Campaign bus, even rammed some of the volunteer vehicles. Im wondering, are you surprised to see this in your home state . Yeah, i wish i could say that i was surprised, but i was on part of the bus tour that went to harris and then fort bend and then was there yesterday in edinburgh near mccallan when senator harris visited. And what i saw was folks on the trump side that were very riled up that had a hostile attitude, unfortunately. And so its not completely surprising that some people took it overboard today in between san antonio and austin. This is exactly what we need to reject in this country. This is the kind of hostility that donald trump has stirred up, this hate, this division, and i think thats why hes going to lose soundly on tuesday. And i think hes going to lose texas as well. Thats part of whats animating these polls. Congresswoman, lets talk a little bit about latino voters. You had senator harris here in florida. We know that President Trump is headed to florida tomorrow. Puerto ricans, one of the top two subgroups of the latino electorate in the state, i spoke with a number of puerto rican voters during my time in south florida. So much of the overture that campaigns make to Puerto Ricans is about the devastation brought by Hurricane Maria and the response on the island. But you know better than most that Puerto Ricans are not singleissue voters tha, that t care about the handling of this pandemic, health care, the economy. What does the Closing Argument need to be to your foal Puerto Ricans . Well, i think one of the issues thats so important when we talk about messaging to pancreas puerto rican voters specifically is to see the issues and acknowledge the issues of our whole country, but also acknowledge the desperate it has on Puerto Ricans. For example, you take medicaid and whats happening with the devastation of so many people that dont have access to health care. That inability to Access Health care is multiple times worse in puerto rico because the island does not get financed medicaid in the same way any other state normally would. So i think even speaking about the normal issues that everyone cares about, but with the nuance and understanding of the colonial lens that Puerto Ricans have to essentially endure really shows and commutes a sensitivity to issues that puerto rican voters have. Also youre talking to the diaspora, to voters with families on the island. Thats how you want to really message it in an accurate and sensitive way. Secretary, you were with senator harris in mcallen texas. Its not the type of town that often gets a visit from a Vice President ial nominee, especially this close to election day. You graciously allowed her to walk off stage to baila esta cumbia which is your bop. Texas has a little bit of a reputation for being the state that cried blue. What makes this year different . Look, i know, i know. Every four years it seems like, you know, folks start writing and fantasizing about when texas turns blue. Heres whats different, very succinctly. The suburbs have abandoned donald trump and the republicans. Folks just think these guys dont represent our values. So you have that. Secondly, all of the demographic changes that weve been talking about for the last 15, 20 years in the state, the growth in the latinx community, the growth in the asianamerican community, the growth in the africanamerican community, and young voters, theyre making a difference. And then, third, i just donald trump and his attitude have never really played well in texas, even in 2016. I mean, hillary, even though she underperformed barack obama in a lot of states versus 2012, he actually overperformed in texas. She closed the gap nine points. So from the very beginning with donald trump and texas, something has been going on, and this year it looks like we can win it. The last poll that came out that i saw just this morning, biden, 50 , trump, 48 . Congresswoman, we saw a lot of enthusiasm from young latinos for Bernie Sanders during the primary. I think there was some concern that that enthusiasm would not duplicate for former Vice President biden. I spoke to one young latina here in south florida and she said she had supported sanders during the primary but that she was absolutely casting her vote this year for joe biden, saying i would have voted for any democrat. She even named check secretary castro saying she would have hopped to have cast a ballot for him. I think theres some concern that shes an anomaly, that not all latinos who were fired up about Sarah Sanders arent fired up about joe biden. What is your message for those that are still considering whether or not they are going to come out and vote . You know, i think that the success of Bernie Sanders among latino voters should be a lesson that is Democratic Party really kind of digs into and really understands because senator sanders had a very advanced and sophisticated latino outreach operation. And he yielded the returns from that. His latino support was very, very high. And so, you know, in terms of now and in this moment, first of all, i believe that the party writ large, and i do believe that joe biden is currently enjoying some of the benefits of some of that latino turnout and organizing that senator sanders did in the primary. But for anyone thats on the fence right now who doesnt feel spoken to or seen by either party, i think my message is that this party is ours too, and by choosing to vote for the democratic nominee, we are choosing to take ownership over part of this party. That means we get to have a claim on the other side of this election in saying, listen, our issues deserve to be prioritized in a way that would simply not happen if we did not turn out on tuesday. Representative alexandria ocasiocortez, sectretary castr. Now back to detroit. Well act to meet the Climate Crisis as well. The stable genius calls it a hoax. By the way, today he said he is i think he said a perfect physical specimen. [ laughter ] maybe thats why he thought he was able to write off 70,000 on his taxes but he needed special hair care. Seriously. 70,000 bucks written off for hair care. I tell you what, man, i hardly have any hair, but i would rather have what i have. Stable, perfect specimen. Whoa. You know, we couldnt make this up, you know . I mean think about it. I mean, this is look, well, i tell you what [ cheers ] well, when i hear climate change, i see jobs. He says hoax. I see American Workers building and installing 500,000 charging stations across our highways in this country. I see americans switching to clean electric vehicles built here in detroit and rebased for snech incentiv incentives. The enormous fleet we have in washington. Theyre made and sourced by union jobs right here in america. This will mean 1 million goodpaying jobs across america in the Auto Industry alone. Lets hear it for those honks of the cars out there that are made here in michigan. Look, well act to deliver Racial Justice in america. Look, protesting is not and burning looting. Violence must never be tolerated, and it wont. But these protesters are crying for justice. The names of george floyd, breonna taylor, jacob blake will not soon be forgotten because they will inspire a new wave of justice in america. Look, i believe this country has to come together. Im running as a proud democrat, but i will governor as an american president. [ cheers ] ill work as hard for those who dont support me as those who do. And you know what . In this america, in my america, theres no red state or blue state. Its everybody. Thats a job of a president , the duty to care, to care for everyone. So for gods sake, please vote. If you still have an absentee ballot, get it to drop off at the box, the drop box as soon as you can. You can also vote early until monday afternoon. Or you can vote on election day. But just make a plan. Make a plan to vote. As has been related to many times tonight, go to iwillvote. Com mi. I will never forget the words of my colleagues in the senate that used to kid me, the words president kennedy said as he promised to send us to the moon. He said were doing it because we refuse to postpone. Well, i refuse to postpone the incredible opportunities that the American People have available to them. Theres nothing beyond our capacity. Theres no limit to americas future. The only thing that can tear america apart is america itself. And thats exactly what Donald Trumps been trying to do from the very beginning of his campaign. Dividing america, pitting americans against one another based on race, gender, ethnicity, national origin. Its wrong. Its not who we are. Look, folks, Everybody Knows who donald trump is. Lets show him who we are. [ cheers ] [ horns honking ] we choose we choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. And, yes, we choose truth over lie after lie after lie after lie. [ cheers ] so its time to stand up, take back our democracy. We can do this. Were so much better than weve been. We can be who we are at our best, the United States of america. God bless you all, and may god protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. [ cheers ] here i am baby signed, sealed, delivered, im injuries here i am baby signed sealed delivered im yours if that song is on your brain and in your ear, then you know that it is election season. There you saw former president barack obama, former Vice President joe biden together on the stump together once again in detroit to talk about what it all means, why it matters. I want to bring in telemundo and msnbc contributor paula ramos. Talk to me a little bit about barack obama and sort of the unique energy that he brings to the campaign trail. I mean, i think the best thing obama does is that he inspires. He is right now what is going to take a person that is undecided to the polls. The obama effect that we saw in 2008 is something that i dont forg forget. 20 Million People went to the polls. And what were about to see is the reverse. I think we can see young latinos having the obama effect but doing it in the inverse because of the trump effect, which will be a combination of both. Hope and change that obama is now inspiring once again, but also itll be a vote for rejection. And i think that could be a very powerful, powerful force. You know what i have found so interesting, paula, as i have been in south florida, as i have been talking to latino voters, talking to a number of young latino voters, people will talk about the issues. They will talk about the president s handling of this pandemic. They will talk about health care, the Affordable Care act is very personal for a number of people. They will talk about the economy at large. And then theres always sort of an ellipse where they downshift and Start Talking about character and morality and about civility. How much of that ends up being the Closing Argument, the closing frame in the final days of this campaign . And how much is joe biden relying on a surrogate like former president obama to make that argument for him . That is 100 the Closing Argument. I think the best line that joe biden has right now is that the character of the country is on the ballot. That is his Closing Argument and hes particularly using frames like immigration, the family separation to drive that point home, and the combination of joe biden and obama is extremely powerful, right, because that gets through and cuts through President Trumps noise. Thats throu that gets through the misinformation. That is what works. I think it will be an effective strategy particularly in the last two days. Youre staying with me. After a quick break, our latino voter special continues, strategy in the key battlegrounds of arizona and florida. Later, how this election welcomes an entirely new generation. Voters who are making their voices heard for the first time, that and more when we return from telemundo headquarters in miami. Life doesnt stop for a cold. [man] honey. [woman] honey thats why theres new dayquil severe honey. Its maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honeylicious taste. Dayquil honey. The daytime coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, power through your day medicine. Asaving 50 vs. Other carriers built just for customers 55 and up. With 2 unlimited lines for less than 30 each. Call 1800tmobile or go to tmobile. Com 55. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Crest. 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So its a slight lead that joe biden has over president donald trump. And the main reason is the Cuban Community. If you look at the numbers with the cubans, 71 of the cuban voters support President Trump and 23 support joe biden. The Puerto Rican Community flips it around, 66 to 23 , and other nationals as a whole, 62 to 27 . What does that mean . That President Trumps message that joe biden would turn this country into a socialist country is being believed by the Cuban Community. Its a trauma they carry and they have completely believed this rhetoric. Even though its not substantiated, they are passionate about this and this is a very prominent message that is getting across to the Cuban Community mainly. I heard from experts that in 2016 some of those cubanamerican voters here in florida who ordinarily vote for the gop candidate were skeptical of donald trump, but they have come around on him in the last four years. So part of what other seeing is those voters coming home. I want to know, though, how does that same polling look in a state like arizona . Well, in arizona the latinos are mostly following joe biden, 62 to 28 . Its a 36point difference. If you go into the counties, you see you see another traumatized community, Maricopa County and pima county, 37point difference. Pima county in the border communities that have felt persecuted by President Trump, Maricopa County, a traumatized county for latinos especially after 24 years of Sheriff Joe Arpaio where by just being latino you could be taken to tent city, even if you were a citizen. As we know, President Trump was a big supporter of joe arpaio. Two dramas playing on the latino communities, but this time around theyre going with joe biden. One thing we must say is that he does not have the numbers that Hillary Clinton had four years ago. Hes been lagging, catching up to them. The reason for that is President Trump the Republican Party has made a huge effort for over a year to garner support for the latino vote. Well be talking about that in just a minute. Thank you so much for joining us this evening. Now lets bring in some of the people w