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Donald trump agreeing to that or sticking to that, not to mention that promise will be a problem for current candidates who have already said they would never support trump if he gets the nomination. And then there are other republicans about to jump in, including chris christie, trumps number to bike and north dakota governor doug joining me now on the road, nbc news correspondent Vaughn Hillyard in des moines. , this is the first time we have seen a lot of these gop hopefuls on the same stage, why are these events crucial for these candidates . Hey, right. This really was the Summer Campaign kickoff here. But you just laid out why it is extra important. It is because the debate is just two and a half months away. And in order to spread the message for so many of these candidates to a broader part of the electorate, being on the debate stage is going to be key. You just laid out, they are not 45,000 unique donors. Some of these candidates, they are going to have to work to get to that. 45,000 donors from around the country, also coming consistency with a good percentage numbers. So we are looking at really two months of intense campaigning across iowa this summer, a of the iowa caucus which is eight months away now. Which is why it is notable that each of the candidates were here today and i trust the about 1000 iowans and the crowd, except former the former President Donald Trump. I think we were just talking about visavis this debate and the pledge to support whoever the eventual nominee is, and in as much as this is about iowa, in as much as this is about a presentation to a national audience, where they carry their remarks, there is also the dynamic among the candidates. Do you have a sense, vlaun, of how the candidates interact with each other behind the scenes . Right. We saw the likes of nikki haley and mike pence who were waiting to have his announcement on wednesday. We saw them interacting backstage, both of their spouses were in attendance with them. This is a group that is quite cordial among one another. They only a couple feet separate them as they mingled table to table, tim scott and ron desantis, and that is the part of iowa here. Being an off putting individual is not something that necessarily resonates with the people here that are coming to meet these candidates. Person after person, were demanding to us saying we havent made up your mind in this. But for these candidates, it was kind of an old sort of Republican Party event type of a feel without donald trump here. You didnt have the secret service, it wasnt the big man in the corner, right . It was republicans that otherwise got along and see eye to eye on most things, just without the presence of donald trump and all of them feeling a little bit more separated from him now that theyre running against him for the president ial nomination. He might not have been there, flynn, but the fingerprints of trumpism, i think you would agree, are all over this gop feels. And he remains the elephant in the room. Governor desantis of visiting three early voting states this week including iowa, talk to me about the needle he is trying to thread here, working to build a case against donald trump. Understanding of the challenge of peeling off some of those voters without alienating other voters entirely. Each of his critiques of donald trump were in response to attacks from donald trump. So it was sort of have to fence half offense for him. When donald trump suggested that ron to santas had taken eight years to turn around the country, it took me six months. While ron desantis turned that on his head and said that donald trump had four years in the white house, why didnt he turn around the country enough that. And even just today, ron desantis, when asked about donald trump congratulating kim jongun in a social media post yesterday, ron desantis responded to that post by saying it was interesting to him because kim jongun is a thug and a tyrant. So that is the one way that ron desantis is justified going against donald trump, in sort of the defense of himself and creating that contrast. But we should note that we did not hear the name donald trump spoken a single time from the stage among any of these candidates today. We are eight months out from the iowa caucus and the reality is that donald trump still has a stronghold on pulling. So at what point do they start to turn the needling into really bringing out an ax and trying to comfort donald trump more aggressively as a unit . I think thats the question that is outstanding. Nbcs ron hilliard, thank you as always fawn. Speaking of Florida Governor ron desantis, todays events in iowa wrapped up his first week on the Campaign Trail as unofficial candidates. He spent much of his time at work shopping in new attacks against donald trump, pointing to his work in florida for a model for how he would run the country. Heres how the New York Times puts it. Desantis promised to aggressively wields the power of the presidency in order to rescope that nation in order to which he says he is done in florida. He has often pushed the boundaries of executive office. So what does florida look like under the strong armed leadership upfront desantis . Taxes against the Lgbtq Community, the states dont say gay law, new abortion restrictions, crackdowns on Immigrant Communities to make it more difficult for undocumented immigrants to find work and see a doctor. Just this week, hundreds of students and teachers defended a teacher who is now under State Investigation for Playing A Disney Movie in her classroom. The parents reported the teacher for possibly violating the states dont say gay law. The report of violation, the movie happens to have an out gay character. Among the other Desantis Isms that even desantis knows wont fly in some early primary states is the sixweek abortion ban he touted in front of ivan jellico voters in iowa, avoided altogether in new hampshire, the state with more moderate voters. Thank you so much for taking the time. I wanted to talk to you, because here you have ron desantis out on the stump in iowa, in new hampshire, bragging about his time as governor, trying to sell his time in the Governors Mansion as a success story. What should the rest of the nation know about what it is to have desantis lead the place you live . Its a disaster. Not only is it a disaster, it seems like every single day hes rolling out policies that really are fighting our everyday freedoms. We see that with the abortion sixweek ban. We see that also with the Immigration Policies that you talk about. And really, what he tries to do is strongarm the American Public to following what he wants you to do. And it really causes attention in our state and among our business communities. Because as you see, he keeps exacerbating this fight he has with disney. And hes sticking to it, and hes starting to alienate some of our other businesses and people. Everyone tells me theyre afraid to come to florida, they feel like they wont be accepted in florida, there are too many rules in florida and theres a lot of people hate for people in florida. And thats what hes been able to do in these last years. Hes grown the feeling of hate, hes been fueling the fire amongst communities, picking cultural wars, and he hasnt really been doing everything he would say hes doing about making florida more free. He is actually limiting us in florida. His playbook looks a little bit more like a dictatorship, where he believes that his ideology should be assumed and embraced by everyone. And this is definitely terrible for america. It strikes me that you start with this idea of freedoms, as you said, given the fact that ron desantis is championing for right. This idea of florida as a bastion of freedom while fundamentally taking freedoms away. And i guess the question weve all been asking is that what point does that begin to tip . Because this is why i was intrigued, there was a School Board Meeting and you had parents who actually defended that florida teacher whos made National Headlines because shes under State Investigation, Playing A Disney Movie, happen to have a gay character. The Washington Post writes quote, remarkably, this backlash to the backlash is gaining momentum in some of the reddest parts of the country. The School Board Meeting in Hernando County Florida Captioned what is striking about this new phenomenon. Seeing future teachers pointedly declaring that right wing attacks, driving them to quit. Even as parents and students forcefully stood up on their behalf, demanding a halt to the hysteria. Does that comport with what you are hearing from your constituents as you travel through your district . Do you feel we are reaching out for it, where floridians are realizing the impact that these policies are having her on our lives . Yes, were definitely here. And i think its because of the implementation. When youre looking at the policies we passed, i think people thought that they wouldnt be that bad. But its the implementation that it is starting to hold people and startle everyone, because now it is changing our everyday lives. When we are free to talk about our backgrounds, African American history, immigration issues, we are free to talk and live as americans. But now you are being interrupted every step of the way, even in education as you mentioned. In the classroom. Now you have your governor with his hand in your classroom telling you what you can and you cant teach, and in fact hes bringing his wars into the classroom. Disney is a direct war that hes in right now, so anything that youre touching the has to do with disney, now you have the governor saying i dont want you to do that. Its so interesting to me that a republican governor, we start seeing republicans who believe in business and believe in making sure that we dont have big government. Now he is pretty much tooting his horn saying i believe in big government, to the point where im going to strongarm you to believe what i believe. And thats whats making most flirty and say hey, this is too much now. This is extreme. And quite frankly, i think all americans are over these extreme policies, we are over the extreme maga republicans. Now we have this extreme dictator desantis and that were kind of like over, but its scary because if you think about it, most of the world to saying hey, i dont want to come to florida. If he was ever to be a president or even a republican nominee, we would now have the International Community saying hey, i dont want to go the United States. This president is dangerous. And thats what we have to make sure everyone is aware of, of what were going through here. He will put his hand in your everyday lives. In your bedroom, in your doctors office, in your schools, in your businesses, he wants to puppeteer everyday lives for americans and floridians, so we have to get that narrative out now and stop him in his trucks. Because he will be a disaster for us. I want to ask you before i let you go, President Biden signing the deal raising already shunts a debt limit into law today at the white house. Im sure you watched as that unfolded. You voted for the deal, you were not happy with how it went down. I think the question, the forwardlooking question now becomes how democrats, how the nation avoids having republicans hold the nations economy hostage in the future. We are going to have to really Start Talking and negotiating and making sure that all republicans will step up. Because it seems like the moderate republicans have allowed themselves to be led by these extreme republicans. So thats really going to be the biggest fight that we have. And it was really disappointed that they brought us to a point where we would negotiate on our most vulnerable. We were negotiating, whose taxes should be not cut because there are so many tax cuts for the rich, but we were negotiating our veterans. We were negotiating our families, our seniors, people who have paid the price and served our country for years and its debt we need to repay. So thats startling. Moving forward, we are looking to make sure that our republican colleague step up, say something, dont allow this Republican Caucus to be written by these extreme maga republicans and these extreme republicans who dont care about American People. We took this job to serve the American People, for families, and we have to remember that. Its not always about these Talking Points and being glorified for being so rigid. We need to come together and make sure that we can make it happen for the American People and families. Congresswoman, thank you so much. Coming up, the leading contender for the republican nomination could be criminally indicted in even more investigations in the next weeks. How that should shake up the field. And President Biden somehow ekes out a debt limit. Makes good on the campaign promise. Plus then, a super majority in the state senate. How are republicans managing to lose this . We will explain. But first to Richard Standing by with the other big story is standing by. And it is search for survivors and its worst train crash in decades. At least 288 people were killed, about 1000 hurt friday. Indias Prime Minister toured the site of the crash and visited victims in the hospital. It possible signal failure. Theyre the main suspect in the unsolved disappearance of Natalee Holloway will soon be extradited to the u. S. To face charges related to the case. In 2005, holloway, a high school student, vanished while on a trip to aruba. Was then transferred to a different prison ahead of his extradition. He is currently serving a 28 year sentence for the murder of a proven woven. And new details after a partial Building Collapse in iowa. At last word, three people are still missing after that partial Building Collapse in davenport, iowa on sunday evening. And we are facing a stark reality that Police Believe it is likely that the three people missing were at home at the time of this partial collapse. We are also told that the search for survivors, as well as people who may have been presumed to be dead, those searches have wrapped up and this is now a recovery effort. That is how this has been described by officials now. The city says that schools to control falling hazards. We are told this is to help First Responders with the recovery effort. The city also says that it is providing funding and will be providing money to residents as well as businesses impacted by this partial collapse, and all of this is happening as there are still numerous questions out there about how this happened and if it could have possibly been prevented. And we are seeing potentially numerous instances where there may possibly have been red flags. Thats been coming out, those revelations in recent days. So there are still questions as to who maybe ultimately responsible for this if it is a shared responsibility, and if this could have been prevented. And all of that is happening as we continue to wait for a final word on the fate of three people who at last word are still missing. Back to you. If nbcs jesse cursed, more american voices for you after this break. This break iness, you can make it even smarter. Now ports can know where every piece of cargo is. And where its going. dock worker right on time. vo robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. foreman nice work. vo and retailers can get ahead of the Fashion Trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. With a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. Giving you more control of your business. We call this enterprise intelligence. From the Network America relies on. With downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. Feel the difference with downy. Dads are special. Fun. Inspiring. 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Its definitely worth trying. It is an amazing product. Passing this Budget Agreement was critical. The stakes could not have been higher. No one got everything they wanted, but the American People got what they needed. We averted an economic crisis, an economic collapse. I want to commend speaker mccarthy. He and i, and our teams, we were able to get along and get things done. The final word on both chambers was overwhelming. Far more bipartisan than everyone thought was possible. Crisis averted. That was President Biden last night in the oval office. And this was him today behind the desk signing the bipartisan Debt Ceiling Deal into law. With two days to spare before the default deadline. The white house released this photo, The Press Corps was not present for the signing. The law is more than a victory that prevents an economic calamity. Fiscal responsibility act of 2023 also makes good on the president s campaign promise, something that is rare in our political climate. David ignatius writes in the Washington Post, is that the Budget Agreement was in capitulation but compromise. He got the essence of what he wanted which was an accident as the gop hostage takers, its true and outrageous that they were holding a gun to the nations head. And as the fbi will tell you, the hostage situation, someone needs to negotiate with the crises. They will keep talking until they agreed to put down the gun. With now, tyler pager White House Reporter for the Washington Post, it is good to see you both. Makayla, lets get into the timing of this deal and of his performance in office. Chris bidens approval have been down. Talk to me, is the arguments here about competence, is the argument here about compromise . What is it exactly that biden begins to sell coming out of this . I dont think anyone really considers this Debt Limit Bill an outright victory for biden or four republicans, for that matter. It does a very little to advance their key priorities, but the Bigger Picture here is a biden is able to paint himself as a unified or. He is able to say that he is someone that can reach across the aisle if and when its necessarily to do so. And that is exactly the message that we saw him deliver in his address. It was his open and closing prayer pollsters, voters want to see lawmakers work to rkbiden has done this multiple times with the chips bill, with infrastructure, with gun reform. So this is just another piece of evidence for him to push on the Campaign Trail. But that being said, there is still some weaknesses that he is leaving this debt limit fight with. And that is certainly angering people on the left wing of his party, particularly the Progressive Caucus and people like elizabeth warren, roe khan, both of which are on bidens Campaign Advisory board and voted no, and also with Climate Change activists who are not happy with some of the changes to and energy permitting. Climate change is still a huge issue for young voters who have been super influential for the past two elections. To that point that akayla brings up, 46 House Democrats voted no on the bill. One of them was texas Congresswoman Jasmine and i want you to take a listen to what she said today about the framing around progressives who voted no on this. Take a listen. We did not cast our votes until we knew that we were in the clear, but we also did not want to give this false impression that this is how business is supposed to be conducted, nor did we want to give the false impression that this was a good thing. That does not mean that im against the president. The president did everything that he could in a hostage negotiation situation. But the reality is that for me to sit there and said yes, you had a gun pointed at my head, no let me give you all the thumbs up because thats how we did, it know. Thats not right. Thats not what is normal. I mean, this was part of the core frustration, right . Not just the concessions that were there, but the process by which this all went down, an appetite on the part of all democrats to see the process reimagined in the future. But i think part of what congresswoman is saying there is do not compare Progressive Democrats to the freedom caucus. The critiques were fundamentally different, and as we are now in the aftermath of this, i think there is a fear of revisionist history. Yeah, absolutely. What you saw there from the congresswoman and from other members of the congressional Progressive Caucus, and aligned lawmakers is that they wanted to make sure that ultimately the United States did not to fault, which would have had potentially devastating impacts on the economy, not just here in the United States, but around the world. And so this was ultimately a messaging effort by the congressional Progressive Caucus and other progressive lawmakers to take issue with some of the things that were in the legislation, but also as you said the overall process. I think there are going to be calls for the president and his team to explore other options to prevent this from happening again. Obviously, this legislation that he signed today ensures that he will not have to deal with this in his first term. But as i calen shunt, he is running for a second term and he could be confronted with another debt limit by the beginning part of the second term. So the president has said that they are exploring other options, the 14th amendment, other avenues to take this out of the process that we saw potentially lead to really significant economic repercussions. So whether or not that ultimately happens, i think they are going to kick this can down the road a little bit and come back when they might and need to. But thats what you heard from the they werent going to let the country default, and as you said, some House Republicans did not take that. Part of the reason that is relevant and worth discussing, and i dont need you to tell and had this conversation which was beyond the implications that this had for the economy which is what everyone needed to focus on, there was secondarily a test here for hakeem jeffries. There was a test for Kevin Mccarthy, this question of would they be able to hold their respective caucuses together . I am curious about, now that the president has signed this, now that we are on the other side of this, they both managed to get the votes that they needed. Does that tell us anything, tyler, about legislation and compromise moving forward . I think this is a different sort of situation than Policy Legislation that we might see the president try to advance or House Democrats to try to advance, or son minute democrats who have the majority in the house of congress. I think there was a deadline here, congress rarely acts without a deadline, and there were significant repercussions for the action. But i think it showed a lot more strength for how speaker Kevin Mccarthy than many democrats, even some republicans privately thought was possible. He got a lot of his conference to vote for this piece of legislation, despite loud cries from some of the more conservative members of his conference that were opposed to it, and jeffries delivered the votes that were necessary to ensure that it was a Bipartisan Legislation that passed overwhelmingly. Moving forward, i think there are going to be a lot more fights over spending, they need to do a bunch of Appropriations Bills into the fall, and we will see how well these two leaders can hold their respective caucus and conferences together, and we are already seeing some education on the right to try to take away or force a vote to try to take away Kevin Mccarthy speakership, whether or not they move into that process is a little too early to say. But it shows that they both have strength, they both have power, but how long that power lasts is a question that a lot in washington are starting to ask. Ive only got about 30 seconds left but i have to ask you. 339,000 jobs added, more in the last months than any president has created an entire fouryear term. How did that then planned to go and sell that to American Voters . This just adds one more piece of evidence to one of bidens favorite Talking Points, and that is the 12 million jobs that have been added to the economy since hes taken office. Many of those jobs just happen to naturally be added to the economy in the pandemic recovery, but it is still again impressive how steady these job numbers have come in. Akayla gardner, thank you so much for being with us. Next, illegal walls are closing in on donald trump just as primary season gets started. New details on multiple investigations facing the former president. Plus, this years pride month happening against the backdrop of rising threats against the lgbt community. A report. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv when you have Chronic Kidney Disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. 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The New York Times reports that the lawyers cant find the document he is referencing on the tape. One of trumps former Attorney Says trump might have been a blowing smoke. Its clear from the reports about this case he was upset about things that mark milley had said, he was pushing back on that and he said essentially, he is lying i have a document to prove it. But i can show it to you because its classified. Was that really a bluff, was that a real document . Unless they can match it up with a document when you say was it a bluff, youre saying your best offense would be that he was lying about the document. Possibly. Joining us now, msnbc legal analyst paul butler. He is a georgetown Law Professor and former prosecutor. It is good to see you, i want to see what you make of that defense that trump was talking about an imaginary classified document. You know, prosecutors will ask which words from trumps mouth is a jury going to believe . What he said in a Campaign Appearance on fox news, and what his Defense Attorney is pulling out, or what he apparently confessed to on this audiotape that we learned about this week, where trump admitted that he had a classified materials. So that makes his former defense that he had declassified everything a big lie. And one of the reasons why this evidence is so significant is because this makes maralago way more than a documents case. This is about a national security. We still dont know how trump used his materials or what he was planning to do with them, and alicia, jack smith seems to be following money by Investigating Whether Trump was trying to illegally enrich himself by selling some of the nations most secret information to foreign corporations, or nations. You have a source telling nbc that that recording that you and i reference has already been played for the grand jury. What does that signal to you about the special counsels timeline here . It means that he is getting close to making a decision. The investigation seems to be drawing to a close. Just from whats publicly known, hes got a very compelling evidence, and we should assume that we dont know when 90 of whats happened in this grand jury. So now, alicia, The Big Decision after the investigation is simply whether to prosecute. Prosecutors do is to draw up a draft indictment. They have a meeting, theres a Prosecution Memo where experienced lawyers determine whether they can persuade a jury behind a reasonable doubt that the former president was a criminal. You also have the New York Times reporting that prosecutors are looking into potential tampering with Security Tapes at maralago. How strong would that be as evidence of obstruction . So, we already know that a federal judge found probable cause that someone at maralago was committing Obstruction Of Justice in response to these subpoenas. And now it looks like trump or somebody there was concerned about what the videotape at maralago would reveal. So, there is this cliche, its always the coverup. For Obstruction Of Justice cases, coverup is often key. So now weve got not only allegations that trump violated the Espionage Act by refusing to hand over these documents, but also that he may have committed Obstruction Of Justice by trying to hide these documents from investigators. It is a cliche for a reason. I want to talk to you about the hush money case. Youve got trump asking to switch judges. Talk to us about how unusual or usual that is, and how much of it is a reasonable request . It is unusual because it is not going to happen. First of all even if you were able to get the federal courts, it would be the same prosecutor in charge. It would literally just be a different building. But a judge is unlikely to grant that request, because hes got no legal basis for making. It i think about what you said about what is a jury going to believe . Are they going to believe what trump said on a private call, you have the former president speaking at another town hall this week. He was not live. How relieved do you think his lawyers were that he was not live, and that that is not what they had to contend with this week . Its always an issue, for Defense Attorneys who have to be concerned about their client saying things that are incriminating or really just giving prosecutors more to work with versus the person whos the candidate and their obligation to inform the voters. This is really unprecedented, with somebody whos running for president who is going to be making multiple appearances. Evidently he will be asked about the now one pending criminal case against him that could grow to as many as three others before the election was over. He will want to talk especially donald trump will want to talk, his Defense Attorneys will want to shut him up, and usually that tension, its trump and the top that prevails. Paul butler, as always, i appreciate you spending part of your saturday with. Us thank you so much. Next, despite a super majority in the state senate, republicans, they are losing their grip on wisconsin. One issue in particular, could be a major factor. And later, vermont congressman on how President Biden silenced his critics, got a debt ceiling in time to approach a major disaster. Stay with us. Stay with us unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. man what if my Type 2 Diabetes takes over . woman what if all i do isnt enough . Or what if i can do diabetes differently . avo now you can with onceweekly mounjaro. 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Away suitcases come in many colors. So you can find your color. Colors. Choices. Happiness. Away. Our heritage is ingrained in our skin. And even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. Because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. But you best believe, you cant take the italy out of an alfa romeo. On paper, it might seem wisconsin is a firmly in republican hands. The gop has a near supermajority and the lizard fletcher, a total ban on abortion in the books, and heavily gerrymanders it could be costing republicans their power. That voters in the chief state are loosening that gop grip. Exhibit a, aprils where democrat won by over 11 points. Keeping the ideological makeup of the states high court. Joining us now, the man behind that reporting david ciders. David, you spent a lot of time in wisconsin talking to voters, pretty facials, activists. What surprises you most . I think the degree of recognition that abortion would be such a problem for the party. But then beyond that, a recognition that there is not a great way out. There is not an easy fix here for the party, because you have this division between people who are maybe think that adding some exceptions to an abortion ban or changing a number of weeks might help, but then this hardline part of the party thats committed to what they know as a political loser for the gop, which is a more stringent ban like the one on the books right now in wisconsin. One of the things i find interesting about your reporting about abortion specifically in wisconsin is really out across the state. It was not defined by geography where it was a hot issue for voters, and i wonder the extent to which the repulsion on the part of more conservative reporters had to be a Government Overreach or the extent to just path to clean their daytoday lives, saying this isnt going to work. I think you are probably right on both accounts. Its so important, because the tale of wisconsin has a lot to do with whats going on around madison and the explosion of the ufo there which definitely happens. But you can wipe that county off the map and the liberal leading candidates to would have one in that april election, same with milwaukee. And i think the biggest concern that republicans is whats going on in the suburbs and what conservative people there who might, as you say, see that we want hands off of this in our parts of our lives. This is the big concern for republicans in milwaukee. There was something that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said to you. He said, wisconsin has historically, and i think continues to be a blue state. He saw his win there as an anomaly. How did that comport with your reporting . Its interesting to me to hear that from scott walker. Part of that might some scott walker exceptionalism, that he could do things or thinks he could do things that other republicans wouldnt. But i also think that its a recognition that, you hear from a lot of people saying this is a purple state. And, it clearly is. Its not going to be a nine or 11 point race in 2024. But what he says when he says its a blue state speaks to how big an issue this was in the april election. The problem that republicans acknowledged they have with statewide candidates there. I dont need to tell you what the amount of money that was spent on that Supreme Court race, the amount of national attention, i think there was an article in your publication that said Something Like the most important race that nobody was talking about and then we all started talking about it because it was like a dare to Start Talking about it. Everything you heard from state party officials, from voters, do you think a democratic takeover is on the horizon in wisconsin, and what would that require, both in terms of funding, organization, and then all of those things that you and i know are sometimes just in the ether or the atmosphere that are harder to measure . I think you raise a good point about the money being spent, and i think included in that is maybe a conversation about candidate quality. Clearly republicans dont think they put their best foot forward in the april election. And, if you are looking to the future, i think it is very clear from the april election that abortion is a problematic issue, deeply problematic issue for republicans. But it is too early to say that abortion carries the issue in 2024. Inflation matters a lot to wisconsin voters, crime may very well again, ron johnson Won Reelection last year despite the Abortion Issue because he was able to make these other things and his democratic opponent such a big deal in that race. So yeah, i think it does come down to fundraising. The chair of the Democratic Party racist boatloads of money, i think republicans know they need to compete there, thats why they are having the convention there, the debate there, i do think its too early to extrapolate from april that thats what happens in 2024. I want to go back to something that you said, which is the idea that its almost like republicans dont know how to back and out of what they have already done on a portion in the state. What are the dynamics at play that it is so impossible to say, we have heard from our constituents, this is not popular, we work at the mercy of our constituents, we serve at the mercy of our constituents, and we recognize that we need to hold back. Is there an argument that they can make about the fact that that is what governments look like . What is the price that theyre worried about . Getting primaried . Yes. I think thats exactly the price theyre worried about. And the gop base is made up of people who are they may be in the Republican Party base, especially on abortion, people that are very hardline. What is striking to me on the issue is that these are people who are an educated, or dont realize that this is a political loser for them. These are people that you talk to that they say, we know this is a political loser for us. And were willing to lose these elections, because we care about this issue so much. And, if you are a republican politician and staring at people in a base like that and knowing that you could have a primary opponent who will fall in line with that rhetoric, that makes it very difficult to just moderate the view. The other thing i will say, i think theres some merit to this. You do talk to some republicans who say, we could tinker on the edges. Change what we believe should be the right law on abortion. Have restrictions, change the number of weeks. We would still be portrayed in all of the fundraising coming from democrats as extremist on abortion. Because of the last year or two, and there may be some reasonableness to that calculation, if theyre really trying to weigh appeasing the pace of versus making a moderate play. David ciders, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. Next, pride in the face of prejudice. We take a look at Companies Facing backlash for Celebrating Pride month. Nth. Every moment, with glucerna. Its the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. Live every moment. Glucerna. vo this is sadie. Shes on verizon, and she has the new myplan where she gets exactly what she wants and only pays for what she needs. 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Get 2. 9 apr for 36 months plus 1,500 Purchase Allowance on a 2023 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. tap, tap listen, your deodorant just has to work. I use secret aluminum free. Just swipe and it lasts all day. Secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. And hours later i still smell fresh. Secret works. Ohhh yesss. Celebrating pride, coming at a higher cost to companies that choose to publicly support lgbtq communities. That is thanks to relentless conservative attacks and fearmongering. Two things the Lgbtq Community is no stranger to. More tonight from nbcs, stephanie gosk. June is pride month. There is now missing its kick off. Rainbow flags are everywhere. There are tshirts and hats, apple has a watch. Absolut vodka has a special bottle. Companies have got more involved in pride, its a sign of how the whole culture is changing. But this year, the landscape has shifted. You are going to get rainbow founded on everything across corporate america. Some corporations stepping into a fierce fight over transgender issues. It plays out in state houses. When you bought your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands. And on cable news. The same people who encouraged minors to have life altering hormones and surgery on their genitalia, and even begin transitioning without parental consent. They have done, and are doing, enormous damage to young people. Target moved its pride month merchandise, including a transgender friendly bathing suit, to the back of some of its stores. After customer backlash. These are like, naked people on shirts. Its stock price dropped more than 15 in two weeks. I got some bud light for, us but like marketed a customized canned with transgender influencer, dylan belle valley, triggering an outcry. Sales marked 30 . And north face, the outdoor company, as well. We like to call this a little tour, the summer of pride. Chance gender issues, still seem strange and scary to people. 20 states have passed bans on transgender medical treatment for minors. Does this very angry debate cast a shadow over some of the progress that has been made . I think everyone is aware of the issues that seem to be settled just a few years ago. Theyre up for grabs again. Pride organizers across the country tell nbc news digital, that theyre once eager sponsors, are now more hesitant. Growing fearful of backlash will target their bottom line. Stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. At the top of the hour, new candidates entered the gop president ial race and there are more to come next week. Who is the best bet against donald trump . Plus, President Biden negotiates his way to victory again. The congressman, i becca balint, on what it means for 2020. For later, Celebrating Pride month, two men whod fell in love and triggered a movement in chicago are with us. 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