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Were going to suspend immigration from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. Fully repeal obamacare and replace it with Health Savings accounts. We will put our miners back to work. Were going to have the wall. Mexicos going to pay for t wall. We will drain the swamp in washington, d. C. And replace it with a new government of, by, and for the people. Believe me. Good morning and welcome to a. M. Joy. Today marks day 100 of Donald Trumps presidency. The day by which he vowed to make good on so many promises to his base. If you thought he would drain the swamp, locke her up or build the wall, you were very, to quote trump, wrong. Instead, instead of making you tired of all that winning, donald trump has failed and failed and then failed again. In fact, what you may it be tired of is all that failing. So lets review trumps 100 days of disaster, shall we . Take his goal of suspending immigration from what he called terror prone regions. After creating chaos at airports, trumps travel ban is tied up in the courts because multiple federal judges believe it violates the constitution. Building that big beautiful wall, he doesnt have the money. Whos going to pay for it . Not mexico no matter what he says and so far not congress either. Repealing and replacing obamacare, trump didnt have the range and the plan he and paul ryan pushed never even got a vote. Another one of trumps disasters, the eproposing of the relationship between the house and the media. Im not going to give you a question. Are you fake news. I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. As far as buzzfeed which is a failing pile of garbage. In many cases, the very, very Dishonest Press doesnt want to report it. No, not you. Not you. Can you give us a chance . You are attacking our news organization. Lets go. Go ahead. Si can you state. Quiet, quiet. Okay, so i guess its no surpse that trump didnt want to participate in this years Correspondents Dinner. The tradition was started by a group of White House Press corps member whos wanted to protect the interests of white house reporters. Well talk more about that with the president of the White House Correspondents Association in the next hour. But right now ahead of tonights dinner and the rally trump is scheduled to distract you from it, were here in d. C. To have our own version of the annual dinner. So welcome friends to a. M. Joys white house correspondents brunch without any brunch. My first guest at the table this are Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rube been, msnbc contributor e. J. Dionne, lizz winstead, cocreator of the daily show and history professor at the university of texas h brand. Thank you all for being here. Yes, there is no brunch. Jennifer, the set of goals that donald trump put out for his 100 days, they actually wrote them down and had them in a contract with america set of promises. Lets put them up on the screen. Middle class tax relief and simplify indication act. He was going to do an end the offshoring act, repeal and replace obamacare act. On and on and on. Why do you suppose . Is it failure of the white house or congress or ideas . Its a triumph of america. This is the American Institution pushing back. We have an independent court system. We have an engaged populace calling, that is marching, that opposes his things. So part of the answer is this is a victory for america. Its win, win, win for america. Second, many of these things were ridiculous, were never going to happen. And third of all, hes utterly incompetent and so are the people he brought along. He has no one there who has done this job. He admitted the job is not as easy as he thought it would be, du huh. Even if he had positions and had proposals that were interesting or productive, he couldnt get them through. I mean, e. J. , it could have been worse and essentially the fact that hes failed is good for the country. Do you subscribe to that theory of the Trump Presidency . I do think its good hes failed to repeal obamacare that the travel ban was thrown out by the courts so far in all of that. Thats true enough. I think hes got a couple of big successes. One is, he is the first president who made the first 100 days feel like thousands of days. I think its astonishing that we are facing this. I personally think his biggest achievement is keeping the russia story at bay. That he has sort of been able to distract and divert that tweet that was outrageous saying obama had my wires tapped and the other thing is you showed that war on the press. He is trying systematically to discredit independent media so that when the independent media report true negative things about him, his own base wont believe them. Theres a lot of the polling that suggests that there are a majority of republicans believe that obama had his wires tapped. A majority of republicans stand with him on a whole series of things he said that arent true. This war on the media is havin the effect he wants but its not rking with the majority. And thats the other thing. He has not won a single soul i think who thought this guy had no business being president. They think a guy who says gee, as the a lot harder work than i thought probably shouldnt be president. Yeah, i mean, one of the things, liz, that is true is donald trump to e. J. s point he seems to be doubling and tripling down and the same people that elected him. Even when the things he promised them are never going to happen, hes still able to get traction with them on it. He spoke before the National Rifle association before an adoring crowd. The ak47 . 7 . Lets take a listen to a little bit of his speech about a thing that is never going to happen but that he is still promising and getting cheers for, the wall. Take a lis. And so why do you need a wall . We need a wall. Well build the wall. Dont even think about it. Dont even think about it. Dont even think about it. And not only that, but you have the fact that on tuesday, we learned that Donald Trumps own shortterm spending bill this week does not have any money for the wall. He says were going to get it built even though hes dropped the demand to fund it and pro publica went through and took a look at the fact that the amount he has, he said he would build a 1,000mile wall strewn across the border, he has seven miles worth of money. I think first of all, it was americas failing to not build a wall around trump, a. But b, i think we should look to see if hes investing in a ladder factor because whatever wall happens, trump is going to be he knows people will have that ladder thats fun foot higher than any wall he would ever build. I just dont understand, hes like a macys balloon that got loose thats like pounding into buildings and deflating and you could do the litany of things that he has said and its never enough. For a comic, you try to remain with the relevance and things in the zeitgeist. But the end of the day the first thing you said you thought was going to be your Winning Strategy was bottom of the list. Its very hard to keep up. I want to talk about some of the i was watching last night night line had a piece in kentucky and we keep going back and back to trump voters sort of and throw poe logical sense being fas nitted with them for some reason. And they were talking about these coal jobs they want back. They still want obamacare even though they voted for the guy that said he would repeal. On the coal jobs, making it clear those jobs cannot come back. These are things he cannot do. How is it he is still able to get traction with people for things they must know he captain do . Because theres desperation. People really want that to be true and clinging to hope and think that donald trump will bring them with him. Theres actual upward mobility. I think to me Trump Supporters a lot of Trump Supporters are like the kids from high school who used to do the homework for the rich and popular kids hoping they would be rich and popular by association. From personal experience, i will tell you that strategy is not eve. Yeah, clearly not. And hw. , bring us some perspective here, slate had piec askin whose 100 days was worse, William Henry harrison or donald trump. Tough to have question since harrison lasted about 31 days before expiring. How bad is this 100 days . Give us some sort of perspective 30,000 feet. Is it as bad as all that or are we just piling on . Theres a lot of piling on. One of the things that donald trump did that he said he was going to do is fill the ninth seat on the supreme court. Neil gorsuch will be deliver dg conservative opinions and making conservative votes for the next 30 years. The other thing that donald trump has done is to dramatically lower the bar for what constitutes president ial behavior. Theres a brazenness about this president that surpasses anything before. I dont know if that change is permanent but it certainly has changed the way people respond to this president. Yeah. I mean, and i wondered in a sense whether the Gorsuch Nomination really is more on mish mcconnells legacy than donald trump to be honest with you. He is the one who head the seat. Lets go back to the folks on the coal jobs. I think a lot of those folks know that trump probably wont bring them back but its a constituency in america many of whom feel disrespected putting aside there were other things going on, nativism and other aspects. Theres a real anger in that group. When they hear trump say im going to bring coal jobs back, it means he seems toespect their way of life. However, if you look wt hes done in office, this is no populist. Almost all these his real achievements are the achievements for the rich and corporations and the opposite kinds of policies he promised those folks in coal country. Listen to donald trump even when he talks about what he thinks the sort of metric of fairness is. It is only about donald trump and in a very specific and very rich guy kind of specific way. There is trump talking about who has been pair to him which is one of his obsessions. With the exception of fox, fox has been fair, but pre network you see hits me on every topic, made up stories like russia. They do the faux russia. I call it the fake russia story. If i go to one of my clubs like in new jersey theyll say hes going to play golf. I couldnt care less about golf but i have a place there. That costs almost nothing because its hundreds of acres and security and they dont have to close up streets, et cetera, et cetera. And i like to do that as much as possible. H. W. Brand, it doesnt cost nothing. Thats not true. But there is a sense that this is a guy who doesnt seem to know that. Have we lowered the bar on what it means to be president be qualified to be president to the point where its a rich guy complaining that people wont let him play golf . Donald trump has said privately 60 or 70 things in his first 100 days that would have seemed shocking for any previous president. We just get used to them. Okay, well go on and see what hes going to say the next day. Theres been a dramatic lowering i think of what people use as a bar for measuring president ial behavior. Shouldnt your president at least be able to be a contender on teen jeopardy . That should be the lowest point and work up. At this pint, i think the next president might be a contender on teen jeopardy. That is the direction the country is going. Thank you, e. J. , thank you all. Up next, did the trump team lie about whether they vetted Michael Flynn . New details on russia gate next. To do the best for your pet, you should know more about the food you choose. With beyond, you have a Natural Pet Food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. Beyond assuming the source is safe. To knowing it is. Beyond asking for trust. To earning it. Because, honestly, our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. Try new Flonase Sensimistgies. Instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist. How to win at business. 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This time over trumps former national securitier mike flynn who was dismissed after a brief tenure of just 24 days ostensibly for misleading white house officials about conversations he had with the russian ambassador. Donald trump is doubling down on blaming former president obama for authorizing security clearance for flynn despite obama fired flynn from his job. But nbcs andrandrea mitchell reports the white house and trps Transition Team did do a background check on flynn in addition to his already improved security clearance. Joining me is a former state department spokesperson, rob reiner and malcolm nance, executive direct executive. Author of the plot to the hack america. Malcolm, Rachel Maddow had it on her show the claim the vetting should have been done by the Previous Administration is absurd on its own but it turns out there actually was a vet of michael anybody after he wrote an oped clearly favoring turkey who he was taking money from and after the administration including mike pence were informed that he was doing work for turkey. What do you make of the development that they did vet him but claiming they know nothing about it . They are trying to confuse something which is very simple amongst people who have held a top security clearance for a very long time. When you get your security clearance, you are given that clearance and then that clearance is valid for five years. Every five years, they does an update. Once youve had that update done, you have the ability to be given access to top secret or whatever level information that they allow. Mike flynn got his security clearance fiveyear update done in 2016 which is just a standard thing that was performed at the defense department. However, the vetting for the white house is a completely different animal. That is done by the white house by the white house staff, and even though he held a top secret clearance, he could have been restricted to his access, an and there are two entirely Different Things going on here. Theyre talking about obama doing the security clearance but in fact, his access to top secret information is allowed by the white house as the new convening authority that is responsible for him and giving him information. So they should have vetted him much, much more carefully. But he still has his clearance even now he may still have his clearance as opposed to his access. To that very point, you have all these people who should know that. Susan hennessey was a brookings fellow explained the exact same thing we heard from malcolm nance. Theres always reinvestigation after youve been out of access for a while. He was fires from the dia so he was out of government. Inde of e trump white house, you still see this doubling down on ignorance of the process. Jefferson sessions the attorney general of the United States, the one member of the trump team with governmental experience, he was a United States senator, this is him attempting to explain away the nonvetting or vetting and then forgetting that they vetted of Michael Flynn. This is sessions on friday. Hes been was part of the white house adviser on the National Security issues. So we need to do a good job of vetting that, but thats a complex issue and im not sure anyone could be expected to find that. Are you comfortable with the level of vetting that was done . Well, im comfortable that theyre working hard to do vetting but its obvious that oftentimes you dont catch everything that might be a problem. They work hard on vetting. They do the best they can. Its impossible to know everything. First of all, on gma and the second one on nbc. Hes making it sound as if its impossible to figure out how to vet the person who is going to be the National Security adviser to the president of the United States. Heres some additional facts. Cia, doj, fbi and white house are all involved when it comes to vetting and approving and background checks for somebody as high level as a National Security adviser. There is a ton of information out there. The difference is, at some point, somebody has to make a decision of what they consider to be ethical and what will pass. Flags were raised, clear this is the entire Sally Yates Kish her having talked to the wte house having been asked to leave herself because she was questioning account credibility of their choices. Someone is making a Political Choice even though you have somebody taking money from the russian government, who has taken money from the turkish government has then turned around and advocated recollectly for their interests and policy, not that theyre just doing that independently but trying to insert that into our own government and policy system, somebody made a choice that thats okay and acceptable. This is an entire administrationwide new standard of ethics and frankly undermining the system of collection and balances to be able to be have people knowingly working for foreign governments in our government at the highest levels. Rob, rob reiner, part of this feels like its sort of white noise obfuscation. E. J. Said one of the things this administration has been successful at is throwing up so many sort of data points that its impossible to fix on one of them. In the case of Michael Flynn, probably the most damning story so far in rauchia gate, theyve walked it back to the point where its almost so confusing that people forget he was writing opeds in january before the inauguration. Do you think theyve been successful in obscuring this enough that its helped them guess weather it for now . They certainly have obscured it up till this point. That is certainly their intent. But the truth ultimately will come out. It may take awhile and it is a confusing story. But lets make no mistake about it. This man who is the head of our country is a pathological liar. And everybody around him is lying. Theres no way to other way to look at this thing. Not only did we know about miaeflynn. There were a number of articles, there was a letter written by the House Oversight committee. It was wellknown what Michael Flynn was doing. He was fired by the barack obama. So that is clear. And what e. J. Dionne said is absolutely true. The one thing that they have been successful at so far is obfuscating the biggest single story that is that is permeating this country right now, and that is the invasion of a foreign power, a hostile foreign power into our democracy. And the Michael Flynn story aside from the fact that he was taking money from turkey, from russia, from places and clearly thats a criminal behavior, the main part of the story and something that we havent even talked about is why . Why with the white house knowing full well that this is who he was, they still appointed him National Security adviser. And that goes to the story of why sally yates has been kicked off the stage. Shell now come back on and that is she overheard Michael Flynn talking to the u. S. The russian ambassador, kislyak about getting rid of the sanctions. Thats the story. And thats where we have to start thinking about the undermining of our democracy. And lets take the story to the next level which is its not just Michael Flynn. You have people like gorka who are there who is an avowed nazi stliizer in the white house apparent doing counter extremism policy. So the cognitive dissonance is there and present. And trying to cover tt up is part of the administration agenda. And you know, the exact question that rob reiner just asked, Elijah Cummings asked that in a similar vein. Lets listen to Elijah Cummings asking what is the salient question here about Michael Flynn and the white house. I honestly do not understand why the white house is covering up for Michael Flynn. I dont get it. After the president fired him. For lying. These guys are playing games. And when you see mr. Spicer, you can tell him i said that today. Theyre playing games. If we cannot come to a conclusion there and get the documents, then theyll have to be subpoenas. Malmany could, at the end of the day it is not about Michael Flynn. This is a white house that hired him knowing who he was and what he was doing. The Vice President claimed he had no knowledge, golly, he had no idea what he was doing when he did. They were all informed of it, sally yates informed them of it. They knew what was going on as rob said. How do we get to the question or the answer who coordinated and made it such that this many people with ties to russia wound up either in that campaign or in that white house . Do you feel confident that we will ever an get to that question . That answer . I believe we will get to that answer. And you know, to give credit to a component of the white house, there are two white houses going on here. You have the general mcmaster, general mattis white house which apparently has none of these problems. Everybody is vetted. People are cleared. Then youave political white house which are all of the actor whos came in before mcmasters took over as National Security adviser. And they have components of their lives, actions innings things that they have said which stem from just being patently political to in some cases being extremely, extremely tied to a hostile nation and possibly to a hostile intelligence agency. Right. That story up to the minute mcmaster is hired as National Security adviser, everything before that is going to be a dramatic story in the history of the United States and quite possibly the worst scandal. And the only thing donald trump has going for him is that he has mcmaster and mattis to maintain the continuity of this government at this point and they are the only benefit that again he has in his interests. I think its clear this is the biggest story and biggest scandal in a president ial administration probably in u. S. History. Its very confusing and hard to follow. But we appreciate always having you guys to help us do that. Thank you. Appreciate you guys. And up next, the trump name is tanking sales. Sad. 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Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. Most of are you aware that United Airlines and pepsi didnt have the greatest month. United is still reeling from the dragging seen around the world of a paying customer off a chicago flight and pepsi is still squirming over what many are calling the worst ad ever. You can now add shea moisture to the mix. This week the Beauty Company apologized for a new ad campaign that fell flat with its key demographic of black women because it featured mostly white models prompting cries of whitewashing cue the boycotts. A former political will that doesnt need to wait till election day. T the new yorker suggested this could become account beginning of a trump fueled era of consumer activism where they have real consequences of companies accused of supporting is trump. The posh sushi restaurant coy announced its shutting down i location at the trump so ho hotel in new york a victim of ps increasingly toxic brand. The council told the website grub street obviously since the election, business has gone down. But the most visible target of these boy kotz remains first daughter ivanka trump. The antitrump site grab your wallet op org lists the Top Companies to boycott for nine of the top ten, the offending act is carrying her products. More on the first daughter and what happened when she defended her dad in germany when our panel join me next. Its time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. Marlena was a teacher who loved makeup and started creating youtube tutorials for her friends and they spread like wildfire. She quit her job, starred makeup geek, created a product line and today does more than 20 million in sales each year. For more watch your business every sunday morning on msnbc. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Hes been a tremendous champion of supporting families. And enabling them to thrive. And the new reality of you hear the reaction from the audience so i need to address one more point. Ivankas defense of her father and boss on tuesday didnt go over too well with the audience in berlin. Meanwhile, a german daily newspaper called her the first whisperer and asked, is she going to bring her father on a moderate course as some hope or will she be a loyal accomplices . Halle jackson asked her to respond. I dont like the work accomplice because you know, in this context. I dont know that thats productive. I think one of the things i value about my father as first a businessman and now as a leader of our country is that he cure rates ideas and he likes to hear from people with divergent viewpoints. Thats not always true in politics. Its seldom true. Hmm. Joining me now are msnbcs stephanie rule and judy gold. Stephanie, i have been watching your commentary on ivanka trump and am dying to talk to you about it. She seems to want to have two things happen at the same time. To be seen as just a daughter who is not complicit but also to have this incredible immense power as an official in the white house with a security clearance and a white house phone. Which of those two things issley doing a better job at. Neither. Shes r because shes closen her portfolio to be womens issues and child care and if you look at the administration and what theyre doing, its quite the opposite. So while the state department has a specific bureau around protecting womens rights around the world, its being completely defunded. Were learning this the same day shes sitting in berlin ongside Angela Merkel and Christine Lagarde talking about the importance ofwomen, how she cares about these issues. The administrations positions are doing exactly the opposite. So she chooses to make these issues part of her brand. This brand is not about selling clothes and books. Its about protecting the rights of women and children in this country and potentially around the world. If youre going to say it, you better do it. What shes done, the pr world around ivanka trump puts out her whenever she seem like shes softening donald trump saying she was sad what was happening in syria and pushed him to do something about it. But when it comes to issues like womens issues shes completely silent on things like defunding planned parenthood. The last 100 days under the Trump Administration has taken womens rights backwards. You have the gag rule, defunding planned parenthood, an trumpcare 2. 0 that took away essential benefits for women like maternity care, infant care. Sley is the complete opposite of what theyre presenting to us. And another thing too, i always think about, imagine if this was chelsea clinton, west wing office, you know, making money off of the administration, you name it, it would be republicans would be completely lost their mind. Her being the daughter now that she has a west wing office, a senior appointment in the white house, is doesnt matter if you have t sameast name. That may be you gotha job. We are going to hold you account credible. And we actually dont have to imagine what republicans would do. We can look what the media will do, the difference between these twos are treated. Chris cillizza who has become a punching bag because of his praise of ivanka. He wrote an oped defending her against the booing. He said its impossible for us to know what she does or doesnt do the to influence her father views and because of that, and because shes his daughter, booing her for defending her dad is poor form. Meanwhile, this is a tweet he sent out on monday about chelsea clinton. Shes the daughter of a president and a senator who ran for president twice and shes made clear shes interested in elected office. Another exclamation point which seems to have a completely opposite meaning. Your thoughts. I just the fact that we thought that they were going to have such a huge influence, jerryd and her on him, is i feel dissed essentially. You know, it was like they were the great white hope and the fact that you know, she is doing things that they criticized Hillary Clinton for over and over, the entire Clinton Foundation over and over again. You know, obviously, its obvious to me that she, if shes going to do this work on womens issueshen she should know about them firsthand. It seems to me she has no idea what it is to have to go to planned parenthood for will your general care. Theyre so out of touch. And, of course, you know, shes going to defend her father, but if thats going to be the case, that shes so unaware of how he is and how he is perceived by other countries and American People, its just going to backfire. But joy, its not just how donald trump babes. Were talking about ivanka trump, the entrepreneur. Her company, her business does not represent respecting human rights and treating women well. She had a former employee last october put out an oped when that woman was pregnant and went to her and said lets discuss Maternity Leave policies ivanka said we dont have one at my company. I came back to work the next day. Its not just her fathers policies dont reflect it. Her business doesnt. She continues to produce her products overseas while were living under this made in america mantra. And paying about 1 an hour, not paying people well. Her own business practicing. She wrote a book in which she is trying to double down on the notion she is an exemplar of the woman in the workplace but shes quite the opposite. Shes employing women and not treating them the way she claims she wants donald trump to treat them. Theres two things here. She lives in a bubble, ivanka trump. She born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Doesnt understand how the other world lives and theres the other part where she is being seen as shes going to be the whisperer of her father. Shes not a savior. Shes not a reformer. Shes an enabler. She has been complicit and will continue to do that. I think youre right. You have to hold her accountable, as well and theres nothing her histy, her record doesnt show that she cares about womens rights or child care that is important for working women. Doesnt preclude her from doing great things but shes got to the start doing them. The other issue we have to get to is the emoluments issue. She is still making money while shes stepped down from running her company, she is still profiting off of that brand which may not be he willing is well in this country but is overseas. Why does she not get more scrutiny for the amount of money shes making being the daughter of the United States . I guess, i think its because you know, hes doing the same thing. You know . And so where do we start . With her, with him, with his hotel in washington where hes making money hand over fist being president. And its i guess its part of the family that we dont if we start with her this where do we go. Are we going to get to a point where we actually examine these emoluments issues . Listen, we can say all day long every day were offended and upset. Until this becomes illegal its a nonissue. What we can can do is say ivanka, if youre making womens issues your initiative you have to do something about it because the reverse is happening. This is a matter of life and death for women. The fact within women its all about entrepreneurship, you cannot thrive uess you survive. And we are losing had basic protections. Theyre going to hurt our ability to do that. Obviously, she doesnt. Im sorry. Were out of time. As i cut off women and theyre trying to talk, stephanie, judy gold, Karine Jeanpierre will join us in our next hour. Up next, as todays Climate Change marches get under way, we talk to a man with a plan and the resources to make real change. Next. Lets go, shes a dog. [ whimpers ] find pingpong. Okay, lets go. Find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. Thats amazing knows how it feels to seees your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. Invokana® is a pill used along with diet and exercise to snifintly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. 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Follow the show on twitter and facebook and follow me joy anne roid. And up next, the resistance is on the streets to tackle trumps war on the environment. Details on that coming up. Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist. At planters, we t frh roawhich has its drawbacks. An, guys, know anything about this missing inventory . Wasnt me the cheeks dont lie, chet. Irresistibly planters. Ive gotta hit the loo. We cant stay here why . Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you, big daddy. Aww. avo charmin ultra strong. Its washclothlike texture helps clean better. Its four times stronger and you can use less. Beautiful view. Thanks to charmin. And you, honeybear. Awwwww. avo we all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin . Quickly, new york, new jersey. Statue of liberty. Belong to new jersey or new york . Its americas. Those are fighting words in new york and new jersey. Ill let us discuss that privately. Billy joel or bruce springsteen. Bruce. Billy joel. Staying true to their home states. Mets, yankees . Yankees. Yankees. There you go. Bipartisanship. You would think you would never see it. The chant is drill, baby, drill. And thats what we hear all across this country in our rallies, because people are so hungry for those domestic sources of energy to be tapped into. Who can forget drill, baby, drill now almost ten years later, donald trump has taken up the torch, call for a review of the National Monuments designated by president s clinton, george w. Bush and barack obama. That view to open them you will to oil and gas drilling. And on friday, trump signed another order that seeks to expand offshore drilling and gas drilling in places currently off limits in parts of the arctic, pacific, oceans. Other policies are what crowds are protesting today at the peoples climate marches i our Nations Capital and around the country. Joining me now is tom desire, founder of the Environmental Advocacy organization, next gen climate. Tom, thank you so much for being here. Lets first talk about this mania for drilling. Trumps policies actions have to do with drilling and rolling back Clean Power Plants. He revoked the steam protection rule, the clean water act, slashing the e. P. A. , keystone and dakota pipelines. Dismantling the Clean Power Plan and with drawing from the pour we agreement. What would be the point of rolling back these rules . I think its very simple. I think that they are paid to lie by the fossil fuel companies. And theyre doing everything they can to try and take industries that are on the decline and the inevitable decline, and try and prop them up and to take a loser and make it a winner. And how long can you do that . There is a finite amount of oil and coal and natural gas, and the United States doesnt even have any close to the most of any of those three things. So they even if they could milk this and make it appear theyre making those industries salient or make them reviving them, theres a limit, right . Do they know that . Its not about quantity, though. Its really about price. The fact of the matter is, American Technology in solar, in wind, and in batteries is beating the heck out of those industries in the market on price. So everything theyre doing is to try to take an uncompetitive industry and pretend its competitive. And yet ty say the opposite. They say the Obama Administration was falsely propping up and using federal tax dollars to prop up fake industries, what they see as nonviable Industries Like wind and solar. The funny thing, if you noticed last week, secretary perry said that for National Security reasons, they wanted to require states to use coal and nuclear. For National Security reasons. As far as i know, those have never been invoked ever before. If that isnt the example of trying to prop up a failing industry. Yeah. That is noncompetitive on price, i dont know what is. And one of the other ones is, of course, this keystone, xl and this idea of oil, running right down through where the old is destroyed. The idea of doing that. You have been to canada and looked at these sort of tar sands fields. Can they really produce Energy Independence for north america . Look, the tar sands are gigantic. They look like the mountains of the moon, one of the biggest eyesores ive seen in my entire life. But there is a different question. When theyre talking about Building Infrastructure, theyre talking about Building Infrastructure for 40 years or 60 years or 100 years. And there is absolutely no way that were going to be using fossil fuels that long and be viable. Yeah. So the fact of the matter is, when you look at an investment, theyre acting as if the world isnt changing and isnt going to change. We should be making investments with an eye to the future, not an eye to the past. We should be making investments that were going to look b in 40 years and go, werent we smart . Not look back in 20 years and go, we have to write this whole thing off, we wasted a ton of money, arent we a bunch of dummies. And other countries are doing it. Absolutely. The fact of the matter is, were giving up International Leadership on this to the germans and the chinese. Right. And saying were going to go backwards and try and retake the industries of the past. Yeah. What should then democrats or people who oppose this sort of Old Fashioned thing, going back to the 40s and 50s tell, for instance, coal country. Coal aint coming back. What could replace those kinds of jobs . In coal country . Yeah. When you go, and i went in february down to west virginia, to the heart of coal country, and i went to visit one of my old friends, and he told me exactly how wellpaid coal miners are. Youre in a very depressed area. Where if you have a coal mining job, youre very wellpaid. You can get another job. The next job will pay about half as much per hour. Right. Theyre remote places, which are very unlikely to be developed in terms of industry or technology. So when you look at them, one of the things they have done is they have put in huge solar farm farms. Theyre places that maybe could be developed from the stand point of timber. But the basic point is this. If you believe in government and you believe in taking care of the American People, we have an obligation to coal miners the way we have an obligation to every honest worker in the United States, to take care of them when the market takes them out. All right. Thank you, tom steyer, we have to have you back and have this conversation again. Truly appreciate it. Were going to have more of a. M. Joy, the white house correspondents brunch, after the break. I want to ask our director murray if he could play this little miss flint climate ad that has come out, trying to get us to do better on the way out. I work for america. Im for drinkable water. We deserve better Liberty Mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. At planter we put fresh roawhich has its drawbacks. An, guys, know anything about this missing inventory . Wasnt me the cheeks dont lie, chet. Irresistibly planters. Welcome back to a. M. Joy. Donald trumps decision to skip the white house Correspondents Dinner tonight marks the first time in decades that the show will go on without its most highprofiled guest. The sitting u. S. President has made an appearance at the annual dinner every year since 1981. When Ronald Reagan had a really good excuse for his absence. He had been shot in an assassination attempt just weeks before. And even then, reagan, the original entertainer turned president , managed to steal the show when he phoned in and cracked a joke about his neardeath experience. Saying, quote, if i could just give you one little bit of advice when somebody tells you get in a car quick, do it. The president s routine at the Correspondents Dinner has always mixed the blend of charm and self depthery occasion has, beyond the scope of trumps talents. As we learned when he bombed at the Al Smith Dinner last year. Trumps noshow tonight leads the 2011 dinner unchallenged as the most famous of his previous appearances as an invited guest. Speculation among political insiders is to be believed that was the night that launched trumps president ial aspirations after president obama took the opportunity to get some payback for trumps birtherism. Obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. For example no, seriously. Just recently, in an episode of celebrity apprentice, at the steakhouse, the Mens Cooking Team did not impress the judges from omaha steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, mr. Trump, recognized the real problem was a lack of leadership, and so ultimately, you didnt blame lil john or meatloaf. You fired gary busey. And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. Trump has told the new york times, he actually loved that dinner. It was great. He was, after all, the special celebrity guest of the Washington Post, one of the many shiny stars media organizations invite as dream dates to the dinner. The evolution of the evening from lowkey scholarship fundraiser into an extravagant excuse for hash tag selfies, a gaudy spectacle inside the beltway elitism. Maybe the president free Correspondents Dinner will mean a return to its roots. Joining me to discuss is jeff mason, president of the White House Correspondents Association. Straight up, jeff. Is it better in a sense for the republic, for the dinner to be president free and sort of, you know, lowkey on the celebrity side and not so much about journalists schmoozing with white house officials . I think the dinner tonight youll see is about the First Amendment and celebrating the good work of journalists, celebrating our scholarship winners and celebrating the Award Winners who will receive awards from bob woodwar and Carl Bernstein tonight. You know what, the president was invited. And i think it is good, actually, for a democracy and healthy republic to be able to see that the press can interact with the president of the United States, even when there is tension in that relationship, which also goes back decades to other presidencies. There is always going to be tension between the press and the president that it covers. But we will celebrate those values that i was just talking about tonight without the president , and what is most important to me is that we have journalists in the room. And those are the guests that really matter. Well, the president doesnt usually call the press fake news, though. That is one of the differences. You actually interviewed donald trump this week for reuters. And it produced this extraordinary headline. Donald trump being president would be easier than his old life. What did you make of that comment . Its hard to interpret it. More than just reading what he said. He was talking about the context of 100 days, and what he missed about his old life. And he said he missed driving. He missed having the privacy that he felt he had more of then. And then he made that comment, saying that he thought that it would be easier here. You know, i think this is a president who came into Office Without any experience in public office, and the first office that he has held as president of the United States, and there are lots of things he just didnt know were going to be on the dock. And hes realizing that now, 100 days in. And it was just very straight forward and honest about what he had expected and what he hadnt. I have to ask you this question. I have now read transcripts of three donald trump interviews. The a. P. Interview, your interview and a fox news. I read the fox news one before i saw it. It strikes me there is a particular incoherence, with due respect. This is a 78yearold man, talking a long time. But i think there is a particular way that he speaks that feels like he doesnt really understand the subject matter, perhaps. Doesnt understand what hes being asked. And that his sort of command of just the language is strange. Do reporters try to fill in the blanks and make trump seem more logical, more coherent than he is, and is that fair to the public, if reporters are trying to sort of normalize when you just read it, seems really kind of bizarre . I think the fact that you read a transcript shows there is nobody trying to normalize anything. We have published the at least excerpts in the case of the reuters interview and used the quotes that made news in our story. Do you think that donald trump understands what you are asking . Do you think he has a command of the subject matter that he is dealing with as president . You know what, its not my job to say whether he has a command of the subject matter. I do think he understood our questions, yes. And i think that the answers that he gave reflected his feelings. Both on the big sort of policy issues that we discussed, such as north korea and taiwan and china. To his life as the president of the United States and living in the white house. All right. Well, jeff mason, thank you very much. Enjoy the dinner tonight. I hope you have a great time. Thank you, very much, joy. Now i want to bring in host pete dominic. Washington post columnist, Jennifer Reuben and dean observe dahlia. Jennifer, it does strike me, there is a certain conceit, a certain credit we give, im going to say, ben, not men of color, for being intellectually sound. Being intelligent. That is divorced from the way that they talk. Yeah. And that a woman who spoke this way, the way that we hear trump just the way he speaks, would not be given credit for knowing what shes doing or knowing what shes talking about if she spoke that way. Youre talking right past me. I mean, the elephant in the room is clearly m t youre i dont even deserve to be here, but i dont want to mansplaine. Youre interrupting. There we go. I dont know if its a difference between men and women, people of color, white people. I think we assume that elected leaders are more intelligent, perhaps, than they are. And it is why an opinion columnist to say it i dont think he understands the subject matter. It is like the kid who never read the book and is giving the book report. And you kind of fill in the blampgs. And we even saw it at the nra convention. We need the wall. Why . Dont ask. But theres just no argument. There is no logical flow. Its disjointed sentences, you know, verbs and nouns floating around, be unrelated to one another. Hes the kid that didnt read the book, but read the cliff notes. This week, President Trump said, you know, he used that rhetorical trick, he said, where i think you would probably agree, im a very detailoriented man. And anybody listening would say, no, youre not detailoriented. Thats a huge part of the problem. You dont know anything about any of the issues that youre talking about. Half the time, hell be talking about some, you know somebody that died a long time ago, and hell say, good friend of mine. You dont even know that the person youre saying is your friend isnt even with us any more. So, no, hes not detailoriented. And he doesnt know anything about any of the issues hes talking about. And he doesnt seem curious to. And he doesnt seem to need to, to be president. And its sort of disturbing. And dean, maybe you would think this is perhaps healthy for the republic to bring down the sort of referential attitude toward the presidency, the regal presidency down to size. This is a pretty shrunken size. I didnt know this segment would be as hard as it was. I didnt know we were going to have questions. I really wasnt ready for this. My life before this was so much easier. I was just Walking Around the streets. So this is a little stunning. By the way, good to see pete dressed like a contra from the 1980s there. Im at the peoples march im at the peoples march all day and im just slumming it here on tv. I didnt even shave. Heres you lost your train of thought, didnt you . No, not me. Im sorry, i was just laughing at pete. Look, you know, joy, theres a bigger issue here. Donald trump is not going to the white house Correspondents Dinner. He doesnt like being mocked. He doesnt like the press. He calls a federal judge a socalled judge. He said maybe were going to break up the ninth Circuit Court of appeals. What concerns me, apart from all of the comedic stuff, we have the making of a dictarere. A man who hates checks and balance, hates the media, fol w followup questions. I performed comedy in the middle east. You cannot make fun of the leaders of those countries, because dick dater want to be feared. The trappings of democracy. Thats what donald trump represents to me. Thats why we have to fight so hard. And not only that, jennifer. Hes also somebody who cannot get past the day of his election. During that very reuters interview that jeff masons interview, he is talking about the chinese president , xi jinping. He stops in the middle of the interview to hand out an electoral map from 2016. This is he stops the interview, and he says, here, you can take that. I dont want to do petes impression. Its a final map of the numbers. Thats what he did with the time he had. This is his only accomplishment, was winning the presidency. Since that, he hasnt had any accomplishments. So he goes back to the well. He is desperately, horribly in need of affirmation, praise, add you youllation. And that was his peak moment. Every time he gives a speech, he goes back to the election and recounts the various times when he won. And pete, to the point that dean made, we do have a history in this country of being able to really sort of viciously mock the president of the United States, one of the signs we are a free country. I want to play a version and you tell me whether or not maybe this is sort of contributed to peoples willingness to elect somebody who is, shall we say, not necessarily an allgust figure. This is Stephen Colbert really eviscerating george w. Bush in 2006 at the Correspondents Dinner. Now i know there are some polls out there saying that this man has a 32 approval rating. But guys like , we dont Pay Attention to the polls. We know that pollsre just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in reality. And reality has a wellknown liberal bias. Doesnt even i could have played the don imus, 1996 Correspondents Dinner where people thought he went too far. Is there a too far when it comes to the president or should the president man up and take it . Absolutely not. Respect is earned. And from mark twain to tom tolls, a cartoonist, to all of us comedians, colbert back then, its our job to ridicule, sat arrestize the president. Its the norm. So there was obviously more respect for our last president , president obama, than there was for our current or the guy before him. Bush. But thats because you earn that. We find your faults, we find your hypocrisies. I mean, a lot of comedians, including tim colbert hit president obama this week for taking a 400,000 paycheck. Every president can we just say . Whatever you want to say about that, the point is, if we find a hypocrisy, what we consider hypocrisy, a weakness, its our job to point that out. Thats what we do as comedians and satirists. And we have forever. If you earn the respect, youre still going to get hit at the Correspondents Dinner. Which is, by the way, a roast. Its a roast. But maybe not as bad or as harsh as what we saw just now. Stephen colbert did to president bush, and what any comedian would do to trump or never work again. Donald trump used to not mind being roasted by snoop double gop. Thank you very much. Dean will be back with us later. As Climate Change activists take to the streets today, we will look at the first 100 days of the resistance. Thats next. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. Try new Flonase Sensimistgies. Instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New Flonase Sensimist. Ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. 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Today marks 100 days, not only of the Trump Presidency, but also of the anti trump resistance. From the first moments the country realized donald trump had actually been elected president , tens of thousands of people took to the streets, and as trump embarked on his first 100 days, the resistance was never far behind. Whether in airports across the country to protest trumps muslim ban or protests done in the name of science and environmental protection, the Resistance Continues today. As protesters gather in d. C. To demand action on Climate Change. And joining me now, frank Eric Alexander and paula mendoza, artistic director of the womens march on washington. Thank you all for being here. And palla, i want to get to you react to donald trump reacting to you guys. Reacting to the womens march, reacting to the resistance that has largely been led which women. This is donald trump actually before the womans march. This was back in november on november 13th on 60 minutes. When they demonstrate against you, and there are signs out there, i mean, dont you say to yourself, i guess you dont you know, do i have to worry about this, do i have to go out and assuage them. Do i have to tell them not to be afraid . Theyre afraid. I would tell them, dont be afraid. Absolutely. But thats not what youre saying. I think no, no. I think im saying it. Ive been saying it. Okay. Dont be afraid. What do you ma of the fact that usually the tough talk of donald trump is sort of beforehand. But once he gets pushback and resistance, he fades into that softened role . What do you make of that . I think thats exactly the core of who he is. Hes a bully. So i want to be very clear, the resistance is not afraid of donald trump. The resistance is female. And we are not afraid of him. We are fighting against him. And we have been successful and in trumps own words, we are winning and we are winning with power and grace and dignity, something that hes been unable to do. And we will continue to do that for the next remaining time of his administration. And when you know, erica, when you contrast that with the reaction now after hes in, after he was sworn in to these marches that have gone on, just in his tweets, is a little much more aggressive than when hes talking about it, on april 16th, he says someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies. Yesterday, the election is over, although its never over for him. February 3, professional anarchists, thugs, proving. And way back to november, a very open, successful, president ial election. Now professional protesters, are protesting. Very unfair. It is a weird thing that in speaking about the marches, softens and then goes on twitter rages about them. Yeah. I think he cant understand or sort of fathom that people have this kind of reaction to his presence. In record time, he turned an obama nation into an abomination. And people hit the streets. And hes going to have to deal with that. Palla is right. Its a very women movement. Its walltowall out there. When i went on the womens march, i went to an allgirls high school. Im glad he sees now that women do rule the world and he might have left blood on the dance floor with our rep, Hillary Clinton. But shes the mother of the movement. And what she birthed was at least 10,000 women running for office. And you cant pay them to protest. Thats a commitment. And, you know, one of the reasons we wanted this to be an allwoman panel, it has been true this has been a movement of women. And maybe its because of the reaction to the potential first woman president not getting through. And that sort of being a shock. But it also could be a reaction to what we have seen over the last 100 days. The center for American Progress has put together what the Trump Administration has done with regard to women and families and highlights the things like bringing back the global gag rule, which could really hurt women around the world by restricting access, attacking planned parenthood, appointing three men for every women to his administration, and budget cuts which hit teen pregnancy. Its anti women. Absolutely. And when you have a room full of men, old, white men, making decisions about womens bodies our bodies . That photo of them all around the table, we take away your rights, ladies. Nothing more infuriating. And we dont get tired. Were women. And why do you suppose there has been such a focus . They know this is a weakness for them. While donald trump did win 52 of white women, did they cant think its sustainable to keep on, you know, attacking issues that particularly affect women. Do you think its just an insensitivity or do you think they really believe this is popular with a certain cohort of women . I think he just doesnt care. I think that his his ability to be sensitive to communities other than his own, which are rich, white men, is nonexistent. I think that he doesnt necessarily see the power that women hold. And i think that he feels that his cabinet clearly is a reflection of how he sees the world and wants to see the world. And the world in which he functions. And i can only hope that the hundred days have actually put him on notice. That this is not going away. And that we are only getting stronger. And one of the things that we really focused on at the womens march was this idea of intersectionality. Right . That womens issues actually include immigrants and transissues and Environmental Justice and reproductive justice, and that is where our power lies. And trump, if he doesnt realize that now, he will be losing for sure in four years. And erica, it does feel like this is a bigger thing thats happening sort of beyond donald trump. You had jesse waters gross comment about ivanka trump, now on vacation over at fox news and her microphone. Obviously what happened at fox news with roger ailes and bill oreilly. And this moment. Back in february, liz wearren attempting to speak, and to invoke the words of the widow of Martin Luther king jr. And being shut down. Lets take a listen to that. Mr. President , i am surprised that the words of Coretta Scott king are not suitable for debate in the United States sat senate. I ask leave of the senate to continue my remarks. Is there objection . Ive got i appeal the ruling objection is heard. The senator will take her seat. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted. And erica, of course, nevertheless she persisted is all over tshirts and all over the country. Do you feel there is this moment when a particular kind of man from a particular generation just feels that they have sort of won the battle of the sexes and they can there is no holds barred on the way they can talk to and subordinate women . Yes. This is this moment. Their representative is in the highest office in the land, in the world. And his presence gives them a lot of leave to feel like they can do anything. And by the way, we found out during the campaign that there was no bedrock to how low they would go. And so i want to tell everybody out there to keep resisting. And all due respect to Michelle Obama and when they go low, we go high. Now we need to say, when they go low, bury them. Thats what needs to happen. Fran gella is clapping. Beyond marching, is the more that people need to be doing . The have been a lot of marches. Is there something more people should be doing . People, our women are doing it. Were running for office. Thats right. Were making the phone calls. There have been polls that show most of the phone calls are being made by women. Were showing up to their offices. Were walking into their offices in d. C. And back in their districts. And we are letting it be known, we will not be falling asleep. No. You will not be getting away with this. We are out there in the streets, protesting. Were doing popup protests. Thats right. Popup protests well, we will definitely be watching. Its also spawned an incredible tshirt industry. There are some amazing tshirts out there. Some entrepreneurs are doing quite well. Thank you. Thank you, ladies. Appreciate it. And up next, after 100 days, 42 press briefings, 2,346 questions and 1,983 minutes, sean spicer has become one of the most famous press secretaries ever. Or infamous. Stay with us. Will your business be ready when growth presents itself . American express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Findthats how i feel about exblueemu pain relief spray. Odorless and fastacting. It soothes all my muscle aches and pains. And its convenient for those hard to reach places. And if youre like me, youll love blueemu super strength cream. Its made with real emu oil, its non greasy, ke me, its a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints. Take it from me. It works fast and you wont stink. Blueemu, it works for me itll work for you. The first 100 days are typically the high point of a president s ability for successes and accomplishments. And explaining those accomplishments is the job of the White House Press secretary. In the case of Donald Trumps press secretary, sean spicer, those explanations are often, well, cringeworthy slash hilarious. Lets go to the videotape. This mesh american carnage stops right here and stops right now. We now go live to the daily White House Press briefing with press secretary, sean spicer. Before i get to the news of the day, i think i would like to discuss a little bit of the coverage of thpast 24 hours. Photographs of the inauguratal preedings were intentionally framed in a way in one particular tweet to minimize the enormous support that it gathered on the national mall. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period if the ban pronounced with a oneweek notice, he says its a ban. Hes using the words that the media is using. Its not a ban. Those are his words. It cant be a ban. Im using your words. You said ban you also tend to overlook all of the other sources that because i know you want to cherrypick it. How do you know all of this . How do you seem to be such an expert in this . How do you know its been looked at . Can you tell me how you know all of this has been, quote, looked at . You dont just get to call out questions. Were going to raise our hands. General flynn was a volunteer of the campaign. If the president puts russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow thats a russian connection. Someone as did he say pick bell to hitler, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that assad is doing. Im absolutely sorry, especially during a week like this, to make a comparison that has that is inappropriate and inexcusable. Hold on, let me explain the answer to you. Calm down. And im trying to answer it, major. This is the answer. Thats the old spicy. And this is thw icy. Yre doing a lot better than some of the folks. Oh, spicy. We cant wait to see how you handle the next 100 days. Up next, if at first you dont succeed in taking away 20 million Peoples Health care, try, try again. The jobs illfated anti obamacare crusade, next whoa youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Whats the best way to get v8 or a fancy juice store . S . Ready, go hi, juice universe . One large rutabaga, with eggplant. Done thats not fair. Glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. The jobs illfated anti people will be better off with conditions under our plan. Our job here is to make sure that people get more choices. And by getting more choices, you can get better Quality Health insurance and lower prices, and we preserve those protections for people with preexisting conditions. Despite paul ryans claims, the new and not exactly improved Republican Health care plan would gut the thing eryone likes most about obamacare. Even trump. And thats the guarantee that people with preexisting conditions can still get Health Insurance. Under the current version of repeal and replace, those protections would remain in place, unless states get a waiver from the federal government. You know, the federal government run by people who hate obamacare. Joining we now, kennedy iii. And congress man kennedy, i asked this question, because i truly dont understand it. Your colleagues on the other side of the aisle, when they talk about repealing and replacing obamacare, why do they want to do it . I mean, when obama was there, when president obama was there, it was clear it was because they disliked him and wanted him not to succeed. Now that hes gone, what is behind the zeal to take away so many Peoples Health care . In your view . If its the great question of this debate. Why do you want to do it . You hear from republicans an awful lot of stories that theyll tell from constituents in their districts. Or youll hear from the speaker, i think yesterday, when he said that he felt that he had a moral obligation to repeal the Affordable Care act, because they said that they would as a Campaign Promise. I believe theres a moral obligation to ensure that every single american gets access to quality, Affordable Health care. Not to put out a plan that results in 24 million fewer people getting access to health care and then guts the quality of the care you get. There isnt any real solid justification for this. Other than the concerns, which are somewhat valid, that some republicans are hearing back in their own districts about challenges that their own constituents have with regard to getting quality affordable, Accessible Health care, which, by the way, i my colleagues, democrats, are 100 committed to ensure they do get access to the coverage. Right. When you ask that question to republicans, they dont have an answer. And so youre saying democrats would do that deal, right . If republicans dropped repeal and replace and said, listen, we want to cut a deal to improve the Affordable Care act, places where there are not enough insurers, to fix that, you would do that deal. Absolutely. Thats why i asking for the chance to do that. Weve just been rebuffered every time we try. And lastly, on the question you talked about the moral obligation, Catholic Health came out Catholic Health association came out and described this new bill as not a Health Care Bill but legislation aimed to take significant funding allocated by congress for health care for very lowincome people and said its contrary to who we are. Have democrats won the moral argument on health care . I dont think there is any doubt on this. And this isnt democrats winning it. This is the American Public standing up and saying health care should be a right in this country. It shouldnt matter the station youre born into or how much money you have. Every Single Person in our nation deserves Affordable Health care. And the Affordable Care act made extraordinary gains on that promise. Are there still challenges . Yes, there are. But lets work to fill those holes. Not somehow believe that stripping 900 billion out of medicaid helps solve that problem. Its just its just not true. And youre seeing a consistent push by our republican colleagues to try to make good on a Campaign Promise that they many of them never thought they would actually have to meet. Right. Instead of focusing on the concerns that their constituents have, which is how do i get access to health care. Lets work on that problem. Talk to your colleagues on the other side of the aisle, congressman joe kennedy. It seems so reasonable, it seems so selfevident. Appreciate your time. Thanks. And let me bring in jimmy williams, former Senate Staffer and host of the podcast, careen john pierre and comedian dean observe dahlia. Jimmy, as a legislative matter, republicans have control of the house of representatives. They have control of the senate. So in theory, they should be able to finally fulfill this promise. The way it is unfolded, tdoes i mean they dont want to do repeal replace . Its a promise they have been promising for seven years, and they cant seem to make it happen. Its really simple. Either you have 217 votes and 51 votes in the senate, or you dont. Yeah. Whats the problem . And they cant get any democrats. Democrats are never going to vote for something called repeal. Joe kennedy said something really interesting. He said health care should be a right. I would like to take that a step farther and go oldschool. The republican plan basically says, lets let the states do this. Mark sanford, congressman from South Carolina, said, you know, may want to do one thing and South Carolina want to have a more businessoriented model. This is called states rights. The last time i checked, it wasnt so great for civil rights. Mississippians in the 1960s should not have been able to vote on civil rights. I would suggest that access to health care is a civil right. And if you let states decide 15 different states deciding whether your civil rights, when you can walk into a hospital and get care. Or to that matter, buy rights, then thats nothing but jim crow for health care. And to that simply not okay. To that very point, i have not heard it framed that way and i think its important to. Because, careen, in the state great state of kentucky, right now, the governor, matt bevin, who took over from a successful democratic governor, has proposed taking medicaid and turning it into sort of a points card system. Where you earn points toward getting to go to the doctor. Poor people, working poor people, have to do things like pick up trash on the highway. Essentially a peonage, and there is this ethos that peoe on medicaid dont deserve to have health care and ought to do something to essentially put themselves into the at the service of the rest of the country. Just to get to go to the dentist. Right. And it just goes back to what you were saying. It is health care is a right, not a privilege. And what republicans have managed to do, they took a bill that was already unpopular. 17 , and made it more unpopular. And its i mean, its just wild. And what theyre learning, you cant govern with rhetoric. And what they did instead is, they catered to the most extreme part of their base to take away health care from more people. But you know that they dont believe in this, because they exempted themselves. Yes. From the bill. Tried to, yeah. And so so youre stuck in this scenario where they just dont want to give. I think what it is, they dont want to give obama a win. Because if you work on aca, if you work on obamacare, then they are admitting that obama was right. Because obamacare, there are some great things to it, needs some little tweaks and some fixes. And all they have to do is come to the table with the democrats and they would be able to take care of i think that is a valid point, important point. To pick up on the points being made here, starting with jimmys point, dean, isnt there also the perception that a lot of republicans, even in the base, even people on obamacare and dont know it have, that somehow the Affordable Care act was a giveaway to people of color. Which is, you know, you look at the places where they refuse to expand medicaid. Its in the old confederate stateshere they ve refused to put about 4 Million People on to the medicaid roles out of the sense its brown people who just want to take. And that is the reason they dont want to have it expanded. That could be part of it. It could be opposition to anything that president obama did. But i mean, to me, the fundamental issue is moving this forward. It is getting to the point of having a Health Care Revolution conversation in our country, exactly whats going on here. Were the only industrialized nation not to provide health care from the cradle to the grave. Greatest country in the world to provide that that we see in country after country. Right now, the trumpcare plan, the 17 approval rating. The only thing less popular than trump is his health care plan. There would be limits on what your benefits can be on an annual basis. This will kill people. Why not just call it death to poor people. Maybe people in the Freedom Caucus would support it then. Theyre actually going to result in no coverage for people. And i used to be a lawyer. I represented Health Insurance companies when there were preexisting conditions that were able to be precluded. And we would find any doctor you went to ever. We would subpoena any record ever, hoping to find one time something you were seeking benefits for now so we could rescind and cancel your policy. Do we want to go back to those days . I hope not. I think some republicans do. And this is despite the fact that the polls are clear. The new kizer family foundation, who was responsible for the aca Going Forward . Republicans and trump, 64 of people say obama and dems. Only 28 . One more. The same question from the kizer poll, but broken down by party. Who is responsible . Democrats, independents, 65 . Will blame republicans. And even 53 of republicans would blame their own party for the aca falling apart. What is the political utility of doing what the republicans are doing . They have to make good on this promise. They said, listen, they were been saying this. Donald trump at every Single Campaign stop said, im going to repeal and replace obamacare with something much bigger and better. Great, whatever. Thatsel. You know what, guess wh, he hasnt done that. Didnt do it on day one, and its day 100 and still hasnt done it. Nor has his congress. Which is, again, controlled by the republicans in the house and senate side. And they have been saying this for seven years. Im sorry that the black guy is not in the white house for them to beat up any more. Im really sorry about that. But his policies are still there. And it is a popular bill. People need health care. Dean just said it. And South Carolina, the former governor, nikki haley, now our ambassador to the u. N. , said about medicaid expansion, hell no. That is a moral statement. Absolutely. And now shes a diplomat. Now a diplomat. Exactly right. And health care is this question of its a right or not is shocking to have in the 21st century. Thank you, friends. Appreciate it. And coming up at the top of the hour, the latest interview with donald trump on whether hell be a oneterm president or twoterm president. Coming up on a. M. Joy, the real stars of tonights white house Correspondents Dinner. Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. Most allergy pills only block one. New flonase nsimist. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea heres pepto bismol ah. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea be sure to tune into a. M. Joy tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Well revisit the l. A. Riots, which took place 25 years ago today. Following the acquittal of the Police Officers who beat rodney king. A new documentary takes viewers back to that turbulent time. Up next, the real reason for hash tag nerd prom, the White House Association scholarship winners will join me. The White House Correspondents Association scholarship winners join me right here in studio. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . 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Thats amazing were going to wait until everybody sits down for these young people. Were going to do it. You and me, well just stand here and talk. One of the highlights of the white house Correspondents Dinner is the awarding of about 100,000 worth of scholarships to aspiring young journalists. Last year first lady Michelle Obama was there to greet each recipient with an enthusiastic hug. This year the president and first lady wont be in attendance, but it will still be a big night for the 23 scholarship winners. Joining me now are two of the scholarship recipients, Anthony Brown and katherine hofacker. Congratulations, first of all, on winning these scholarships. Tell us about the application process to do it and what you guys are doing in school. Well, this was ohio universitys first year in the scholarship program. Were very excited and very proud to be part of it. The way they did the process was just through the normal Journalism School applications. The director called me and my two fellow scholars in and said youre going to d. C. And we said, wow. Same question to you, anthony. Youre studying and i know youre at the great Howard University. What do you want to do . Yes, im a senior. Whats great with Howard University is they have a storied relationship with the White House Correspondents Association so its a very competitive process. But since we do have that open dialogue with the White House Correspondents Association, its something that we know is available and we really go out and seek it. And these scholarships, this is to further your education. Is it for doing individual projects . What are the scholarships for . The scholarships are contributing to our general education, so for me this basically has my tuition covered. Great. So for me this means i dont have to worry about expenses and im focusing more on projects, im focusing on producing content and basically advancing myself through my senior jeer so i can get a job. Same thing . Yes. It gives us an opportunity to do what we love to do. It allows me to pay for my tuition, for housing, so i can focus on the craft and learning more about journalism and the industry. So i have to put this tweet, not to make everything about donald trump, but he did just tweet just a little while ago about the thing hes doing instead of going to your dinner. Looking forward to rally in all caps in great state of pennsylvania tonight at 7 30. Big crowd, big energy, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Does it disappoint you guys that the president of the United States is skipping an event that really is about you guys and promoting actively the fact that hes skipping it . m not surprised, but i am disappointed. It fitsith his brand and how he is seen by the public. But i feel like since they have really given the agenda that the press is the enemy of the American People that it gives a great opportunity to have that conversation and build a better relationship with the next generation of journalists, so in that regard it is a little disappointing. I agree. It is a bit disappointing. However, i think its a very unique opportunity for the press to look inward on ourselves and for us to sit down and say this is our history, this is what we need to do in the future, and regardless of whether this administration is going to cooperate with us, we are going to go forth and report it accurately and objectively and thats our goal, whether or not donald trump is on board with it. I love the fact that youre already saying us and including yourselves in the craft of journalism. Im going to give you a little bit of a critique. Do you think that in the past journalism has become too much about access, that its become sort of the coziness with the white house and not enough of an adversarial relationship. We were having a conversation about objectivity and where you draw that line in the sand. I feel like we as an industry are trying to figure out where we need to be in the conversation. Were not going to get it right every single time, but its a process. You aim to get better and to do better the next time. Im actually the harry s. Mcalpin award winner and he was the first africanamerican man to be at a White House Press conference. So with them giving out this award to me, theyre acknowledging we didnt get it right but were trying to get better in the future. I feel like journalism is in good hands. What discipline are you studying in journalism . Im focusing more on political journalism but im interested in local journalism and seeing the impact local politics and state impacts has at the community level. So important. Anthony . So i really focus on the intersection of culture, art and politics. So i want to give a substantiated commentary on where we are and how we can go forward. I feel like journalism is in good hands with the likes of the two of you taking over and taking the helm. One day i might need a job so keep my information handy. I definitely will. Thank you very much, Anthony Brown jr. And catherine hofacker. Congratulations on being White House Correspondents Association scholars. That is our show today. Up next, what we really know about the president s tax plan. And the latest on the climate marches taking place across the country. More news at the top of the hour. At lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta our own. And some you shouldnt ve to shoulder alo. Like ensuring your family is well taken care of, today and tomorrow, no matter how life unfolds. Visit lincolnfinancial. 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Out west, and day 100 of the Trump Administration. Just minutes ago the president tweeted, looking forward to the rally in the great state of pennsylvania tonight. Big crowd, big energy. But the voters arent quite as upbeat. In a new poll, less than half say they approve of the

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