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As the protests sparked by his killing continue in small towns and big cities across america. Undeterr undeterred. In fact, even invigorated by a president who has set himself in opposition to the protesters. The conditions in this country have changed so much in the past couple of weeks, over the past few months. Its almost impossible for us covering it day in and day out, watching the news and headlines, to conceive of where things stand. How much the world and this country changed. Those changes have proven to be a task of a strange nature of Donald Trumps political strength. His ability to hold tightly to his base, despite repeatedly saying and doing terrible things that would sink virtually any other politician. Back in 2016, trump said, you will recall, he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and would not lose any voters. He said it sort of surprised and bemused. It surp turns out guiding the economy into recession and standing in opposition to a majority of americans to support the protests and say Police Needed to change, well, it turns out that all does have an effect. Day by day, more data accrues to show how politically weak he is, imperiled and how much the actual crises of the country are overwhelming his ability to manipulate the media. Polling had trump near 46 approval. And hes seep that erode, dropping down to 41 . That may not look like a lot, but keep in mind this is someone whose polling has been stable. The poll suggests donald trump would be absolutely crushed by joe biden if the election were held today. Get this, in just the past week, polls have showed biden up 15 points in michigan, up nine in wisconsin, up two in ohio. Tied in texas. All states trump won in 2016. A cnn poll showed biden up 14 points and trump announced he attained a pollster to analyze the cnn poll. The terrible numbers have taken such a terrible poll, the Trump Campaign has spent more than 400,000 on cable news ads where . Well, in the swing state of washington, d. C. Over the past month, according to the daily beast, even though he has no shot of winning there or in the surrounding states. Its an apparent effort to show the president who appears to spend most of his day, all of his day, Something Like that, watching cable news and tweeting, that theyre running ads for him. They got his back. And then today, amidst a National Conversation thats moved so quickly on Police Reform that even conservative republicans like former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker have placed themselves on the side of reform. Amidst this absolute sea change of pub luck opinion, the president of the United States today took aim at the frail, cancer surviving, 75yearold life long peace activist in buffalo named Martin Gugino, a man who gently approached the cops to talk to them and was shoved to the ground in front of us all, blood pooling next to his head. Mr. Martin gugino, who has advocated for peace and justice, had to spend nearly a week in the icu. The president today suggested the protester could be an antifa provocate provocateur. By the way, he fell harder than was pushed. Could it be a setup . In response to that insane, disgusting conspeary theory, Martin Gugino said he he has no comment other than black lives matter. Just out of the icu, should recover eventually. Thanks. Theres always been this caniness to the way trump plays politics is this man a master manipulator or just the dark talk fantasies that make up his media diet . Right now it sure seems like the latter, doesnt it . The president is slipping in the polls, but he will stop at nothing to hang on to power, which is why hes been trying to whip up the base. Having making it harder for people to vote, either by mail, despite the pandemic or in person. Which brings us to election day. Five states held primaries today, including this was the scene in georgia earlier today. Voters having to wait in hours long line, hours. Many turned away from the polls amid problems with Voting Machines and a lack of available ballots. To come here and you think youre actually taking an active part in bringing about some change, and you get here and its like, i cant vote. You dont know if this is just negligence or if this is deliberate. You dont know where its coming from. Its just really bad all around. It was really a bad experience. Georgias already well known for voter suppression, where the governor won a narrow election over Stacey Abrams in 2018. In 2013, when the Supreme Court invalidated a huge swath of the Voting Rights protections, georgia has closed about 5 of its polling places. Cofounder of black voters matter Latasha Brown said it took three hours to vote today in atlanta. She drove to a white suburb voting place and there was no town. On my side of the town, we brought stadium chairs, said brown. In the polls in the public imagination, in public opinion, the president and his allies are losing. So theyre attempting, really to undermine our elections. Faith in them, the administration of them. And if that fails, the president is starting to make those noises. And what we saw in georgia today, we saw it in wisconsin a short while ago. Is an ominous warning about what is to come. Look at that. Pay attention to that. Because what we saw is close to the Worst Nightmare for citizens who want to vote, who believe in electing representatives for election law experts and for people who study democracy, for all of them. There are people who have started planning for and writing about this kind of thing, including a book out called election meltdown which describes the growing mistrust in our election. The author joins me now. Rick, its great to get you. Youre sort of one of the top election law experts in the country. Lets start just with the particulars of what we saw in georgia today. You see lines sometimes, theres big turnout, theres lines. Georgia seemed like an absolute disaster in many respects. What happened there today . Well, i dont think it was a single thing. I mean, its the kind of complements of a few factors. Number one, georgia, because it had been sued because it had terrible Voting Machines, had to roll out new Voting Machines and because the state dragged its feet in getting those new machines online, this is the first election they were really in use, the first big election. What that means is that, you know, youre dealing with a situation where you have poll workers, many of whom are not showing up because of covid19, are trying to run these new machines. They dont have a good backup plan. They dont have enough backup ballots for the voters. Theres not enough training of people across the board. And you have a state thats just shown itself time and again to not be interested in putting the voters first. And so i think, you know, georgia is the worst. But we saw problems in wisconsin, maryland, pennsylvania, in washington, d. C. Last week. Were seeing problems in pennsylvania across the board. Its really scary situation right now as we look towards november. Theres two items. In wisconsin, the wisconsin story it seemed to be clearly much of what we saw, a direct product of the pandemic. This is weeks earlier, most of the country was in lockdown. And you had you just didnt have poll workers who wanted to work in the midst of the pandemic, understandably. That shuts down polling places. You had the denial by the state republicans of making absentee balloting easier. What im hearing from you is what were seeing in georgia and other places is just the regular level of Mall Administration of american elections compounded by the factors of the pandemic. Right. But also the fact that you have these brand new machines. Theyre touchscreen machines that produce a piece of paper that produces a code that gets counted. In a lot of places in georgia where they had problems, they couldnt get the machines started, they didnt know how to run them. Part of that is training, because of that is because of the coronavirus, youre not getting people into adequate training. But the state is pointing its fingers at the county, the county is pointing at the state. When you have a fragmented, polarized, decentralized voting system, these problems are bound to happen. The last thing you want to do is go to new rules during a president ial election. But we have to make accommodations so people can vote in conditions of a pandemic. Especially in november, we dont know what things are going to look like. Weve got to have good mailin balloting options and lots of early voting to alleviate the pressure like we saw today in georgia. The disaster scenario are scenes like we saw in georgia playing out across the country, particularly if theyre disproportionate. Sometimes by design, sometimes i think by a sort of cascade effect. I mean, the solution it seems to me is to lift the bottleneck, get out ahead of it. Yet you have the president urging on republicans who generally have been in favor of absentee balloting, trying to make it into some kind of new cultural war enemy. Theres two things going on there. Number one, trump is trying to offer an explanation if he loses, that it must be fraud through these absentee ballots. But number two, my concern is that hes going to try to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election. One thing we know from pennsylvania and from some other states that have got an new flood of absentee ballots, thanks in part to the coronavirus, is it takes a long time to process those ballots and count them. There may be a period, we may have a full week where we dont know who has won in pennsylvania, where the ballots are counted. If trump is ahead, that might be a time to claim im the winner. Even though its too early to call. Ises this is such an important point. Just to focus on this moment. Theres people, democratic right to participate in a way where theyre not unfairly taxed with a poll tax on their time of five hours. The Administration Elections say all people have a right to vote equally and efficiently. Then theres the legitimacy problem, particularly with a president who we know has no guard rails to observe in terms of what hell say. We need to get our act together. That means people need to be requesting absentee ballots as soon as theyre allowed to. We have to flatten the absentee ballot curve. The media needs to educate people, the Election Night, its going to be too early to call for days and days. People will see that. And Election Administrators needed a get funding from states and congress. They need scanners, workers, they need to print ballots. You cant start figuring this out in september. Its going to be too late. Such an important point. We will reiterate that now to election day. Do not expect Election Night like a normal night. Its going to take a while. Rick, thank you very much. Thank you. Joining me now for more on what were witnessing across the country is senator tammy duckworth, democrat from illinois. I was struck today that tim scott, one of your colleagues from South Carolina, a republican senator, with a few other folks, mitt romney, are talking about some kind of Police Reform legislation. I was struck by it because generally theres not a lot from the republicans do in the senate other than pass judges. It was striking to me that things have changed so much that they suddenly seem interested in legislating a little. Well, its strange, especially since just last week, i asked for unanimous concept to pass my legislation, the independent review act, which is, you know, sets up a Grant Program to help train police, and include a provision for providing independent investigation of Police Involved shootings, and Police Involved killings. And the republicans actually objected to that unanimous consent. So im quite surprised that today theyre interested. I wonder what happened . The president today, i mean, we dont spend a ton of time on the president s tweets on this program. But what he said about this individual, Martin Gugino, i talked to people who are friends with him. Hes a lifelong activist, has been in the streets peacefully advocating for peace and justice for years on this and many other issues. I mean, this is just from some reporting in politico, your colleagues, someone trying to get comment from them. T t from them. T what do you make of that . I mean, this is consistent with where the republicans have been all along. The emperor has no clothes, but now theyre refusing to look at him. They can say i dont know if he has clothes on or not. This is what they do. They enable this president. This is the same president who went down and hid in a bunker at a time when, you know, the Police Forces that he ordered were firing tear gas on peaceful protests. This is the same guy who continued to try to divide us as a nation. And for them to continue to enable him, even to the extent where theyre running away from the truth. Literally youre putting the information in front of him and theyre running away from it is consistent with where republicans have been all along. They have enabled this president and allowed over 110,000 americans to die from covid19, who has continued to divide us instead of bringing us together and heal us when it comes to the issues that people are protesting right now. Im not surprised. But this is what is happening. The bunker was the day before that park cleared people from Lafayette Square just to be clear on that timeline. There was a headline about mark esper. I know you served in iraq, you were also at the Veterans Affairs department. I know you have deep interest in the pentagon and the u. S. Armed forces. And there really does seem there was quite a conflict behind the scenes about the president attempting to use active duty troops on the streets of america. More reporting that trump wanted to fire esper over his balking at the notion. It seems that millie did, as well. Of deploys u. S. Troops on the streets. Theres two ways to interpret this, i guess reassuring they wouldnt go for it, and also terrifying the president wanted to do it. Whats your choice there . Its both. But remember, this president fires anyone who stands up to him. Im glad that mark esper, he got on a phone call with governors and talked about having to dominate the battle space on american soil with American People finally saw the light and im glad he stood up to the president. But, again, the folks around him have continued to be the ones who allow this president to get away with it, and my colleagues in the Senate Continue to enable this president , to show, you know, stick to his very worst instincts. This is a time for us to heal. This is a time to come together and talk about the real issues that black americans face. The system is biased against them. The fact that, you know, this president talked about bringing in not just the military forces, but now the federal Police Forces. We dont even know who they are on the streets, policing against americans. Its very disturbing to me. Final question for you. You were a helicopter pilot and i thought of you when i saw that u. S. Helicopter. We think it was a lakota under the d. C. National guard flying over a protest in what was reported as a show of force kind of flying low, snapping tree branches. What you made of the use of a u. S. Military helicopter over peaceful american civilian demonstrators for that purpose. I was deeply concerned. The lakota is a medevac helicopter. So its a medical helicopter being used to suppress crowds. Ive sent letters to the pentagon asking to who assigned that mission, who did the Risk Assessment and did the pilots do this on their own and why did they not say no . All sorts of faa and Army Regulations about how to fly above crowds and theres some very tight restrictions. So for them to feel free to do that, someone gave them the order to do it and i want to know who. Were going stay on that, because its a sort of small part of this entire story. But there are genuine Unanswered Questions how the orders got communicated and what the chain of command was. I think we all deserve answers on that. Senator tammy duckworth, thank you for making time tonight. Thank you for having me on. Next, warning tines from a state that reopened early. A concerning surge of cases in arizona as hospitals are put on high alert, after this. Ls are p high alert, after this thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. 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Arizona is headed in the right direction. We have a downward trajectory of influenza and covidlike illnesses in our state. We have a downward trajectory of positive tests. Were treating all patients without crisis care, and we are rapidly expanding testing availability with solid data around it. That was the governor back on may 1th. Now a month later, things are going in the wrong direction. Joining me now to discuss all this is will humble, former director of the States Health department. Thanks for making time with us tonight. Ive been looking at the numbers in arizona. Give us a sort of survey of what trends are happening there, particularly on things like the positive testing rate and what you think it indicates. Yeah. So by every measure, were going in the wrong direction. I know that clip was may 12th and things were better than they are today. So the number of total cases is going up every day. And has been since the 24th of may really. A consistent trend. We see the percent positive rate, which is gaining criteria, too, which you just showed in the federal guidance. That is going in the wrong direction. We have an increase in the number of people hospitalized both in icu beds and in patient beds. Then we see the number of new patients coming into the hospital, increasing, as well. So all of those measures are going in the wrong direction. And this came at a time after we had a very successful stay at home order. I mean, arizonans were very cooperative in april and early may. But since then, the bay weve opened has really, i think, been more concerning to me than when we reopen. Talk more about that, because one of the things were learning, and theres a sort of humility for everyone, public experts, reporters, theres a tendency to say cause and effect. We saw this picture on the beaches, a picture at the lake of ozarks, but it doesnt match up neatly. Arizona wasnt a place people were ringing the alarm bells about. What is your sense of what is the cause for this concerning trend upwards . Yeah. So i think its simple. We were doing actually the reason no one was worried about arizona is we were doing quite well up until the middle of may. And then we had the stay at home order that ended may 15th. And one incubation period after that, we saw the increase, county by county by county, when you look at new cases over total cases, which is the chart i like to look at. Every county that we see in arizona has an uptick. And thats a reflection of, i think, the way we reopened, not the timing of it. And i think thats an important take home message for everybody. The date that you do it is not nearly as important as how you do it and what criteria that you use to measure how successful you are. Well, so whats the wrong what is arizona doing wrong on the how question then . Okay. So i think that number one biggest thing, and this is probably the case around the country and many places is we dont have enough focus on assisted living and Skilled Nursing facilities. Those are the facilities that are populating both the new in patient beds and the people at higher risk for dying. So better focus on Infection Control at Skilled Nursing facilities is the biggest thing. More Contact Tracing is another component. Youve got to have Contact Tracing in place if youre going to end these stay at home orders, which are blunt instruments. These stay at home orders are blunt. Its focused with Contact Tracing and focus on assisted living centers. A theory, and its just a theory, you know, one of the things were seeing is that outdoors is a better than indoors as a general rule. I wonder if arizona is hot enough that people are inside more in terms of air conditioning, whereas on the east coast its in that free summer cool period, like if theres and what that can ac might mean for later in the summer. Well, so i was really actually hoping that we would see the same effect that we see with influenza in arizona with covid19. That we would benefit with our high temperatures starting in may. But weve had enough high temperatures, i think, to demonstrate this is not going to help us out this time. But your question is, what about indoor versus outdoor . There is some growing evidence that and its intuitive, but consistent evidence that being outdoors is better than being indoors in terms of of the virus. Will humble, that was great. Thank you for making time for us tonight. Take care. Thank you. Ahead, the man whose death sparked a movement, is laid to rest in houston. Well bring you the highlights for george floyd and talk about the change is already coming in the wake of his murder, after this. E wake of his murder, afte this allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Your bank can be virtually any place you are. You can deposit checks from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. And pay bills from here. Because your bank isnt just one place. Its virtually any place you are. Just download and use the chase mobile app. Visit chase. Com mobile. 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George floyd died in minneapolis, but his hometown was houston. Thats where he was laid to rest today. Hundreds of friends and family members, clergy and dignitaries attended the funeral where the 46yearold father who grew up in a Housing Project in the city of houstons third ward. Joe biden regarded a video message for the occasion, in which he spoke directly to floyds 6yearold daughter gianna and called for racial justice. Members in congress were in attendance, including congressman al green. At the funeral, he called for a department of national reconciliation. And the mayor of houston announced he will be implementing new Police Reforms. People all over the world and elected officials on all levels are doing things that they otherwise might not have done. Had not done because of your because of george. Let us speak right now, the City Attorney is drafting an executive order, an order that i will sign when i get back to city hall. And what that order will say is that in this city, we will ban chokeholds and strangle holds. In this city we will require deescalation. Reverend al sharpton spoke about the impact of George Floyds life and his death. God took the rejected stone and made him the corner stone of a movement thats going to change the whole wide world. If you had any idea that everybody from those in the third ward to those in hollywood would show up in houston and minneapolis and in fayetteville, north carolina, you would have took your knee off his neck. You thought his neck didnt mean nothing. But god made his neck to connect his head to his body and you had no right to put your snknee on that neck. George floyd has become a catalyst for a movement and hes also a real person. The life and a family, and today, his friends and family spoke about the man they knew. My most best memory of my uncle is when he paid my to scratch his head after long days of work. We even created a song about it, scratch my head, scratch my head, yeah. But after that, i knew he was a comedian. He always told me, baby girl, youre going go so far with that beautiful smile and brains of yours. George perry floifd, jr. , was a father, brother, a friend to many. And he should still be alive today. And i know change is going to come yes, it will [ applause ]. And staying active . On it audrey thinks shes doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk . Maybe not. Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare, but lifethreatening bacterial infection. 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Weve got this flurry of activity in the last two weeks, proposals, steps that have been taken all the way up to the national level. Legislation, personnel, symbolism, even a Republican Senate caucus, which never does anything other than vote in more conservative judges. But you have a lot of trepidation from people who have been working on this for a long time. Their worry is that often it doesnt get to the root problem. Here now joining me is christy lopez, a codirector for the innovative policing program, a former deputy chief in the department of justice and wrote a piece in the Washington Post on what it looks like to defund the police. Great to have you and your expertise. I think theres an interesting conflict that im seeing. And to me it was sort of representative in the streets of d. C. Where murial bowser paints black lives matter and they paint defund the police underneath it. We want to see concrete action and in some cases quite radical and things that may not poll very well. How do you understand where this sort of debate is about what the next half forward is concretely . Well, i think the issue is that people, even people that recognize that reform is important and necessary also recognize that its not enough. And that we have not been having the conversation that we need to have about how far we need to go in policing. And people, you know, people have lived these experiences their whole lives. People have worked in this area like i have, Police Officers who worked on the streets, they all know that police are doing too much and we have come to overrely on police for our Public Safety. And its time to have that conversation. Lets talk about that. I think theres sort of three buckets, reform, which is different training and different use of force standards. Theres reduce, which is reduce the number of Police Officers, reduce police budgets. And theres the hard core abolish group, which is a World Without police. What do you see as the argument in that second lane, reducing, the police should do less or less Police Interactions . How would that come about . First i would push back that theres as much difference with those three groups as youre saying. I think that Reform Efforts are often much more than what you are talking about. They can be very transformative and they can lead to reduction. In ferguson, there are now 38 Police Officers in that department instead of the 54 when we arrived there. So theres not this dichotomy that people like to draw. If you look at the platforms of what different groups are proposing, what things look like on the ground are not that different between those three groups. In terms of everyone agrees that we need to be looking at the roles that police play in Public Safety and figure out whether maybe some other entities could do those jobs better. This is something i wrote about in the book i wrote on policing, which came from talking to Police Officers who kept telling me this. This is ron serpes, who spent 30 years in law enforcement. He said about 90 of all the Police Department calls ive looked at in my life, have nothing to do with rape, murder, burglary, auou auto theft, its striking in the case of george floyd and eric garner, how much policing has to do with things that arent in that category of crime, particularly violent crime. Yeah, thats right. For example, what we saw in ferguson was policing that nobody should be doing. That is policing for revenue rather than Public Safety. And then you have the category of policing that some things that police do that somebody should be doing but not police. Everything from taking accident reports to responding to people who are homeless or people are in a Mental Health crisis. And then you have things maybe police are doing but should be doing better or somebody that we call Something Else besides police. Things like responding to active shooters, investigating homicides. Thats a very small part of all the policing that happens. Another thing that ive heard people talk about, which is clearance rates and solving crime. People will respond when you say, if you get rid of the police, what are you going to do about murder . The Police Department is only solving about 30 of the homicides in a city like baltimore and things like that. How much is that i mean, solving serious crime, how important do you see that as part of this conversation . So i think its important to recognize that as you know, police dont actually solve many homicides and they solve far fewer of them in communities that dont trust them because theyve been mistreated. And what that means is that the more we have police intruding into peoples lives for little stuff, the harder were making it for police to solve murders. So we need to be cognisant of that link. Thats interesting. This sort of the kind of habitual harassment or lack of dignity people feel at the hands of beat Police Officers that their encounters with priolice neighborhoods with high levels of violence are a concrete obstacle to dealing with the violence. Yes, absolutely. Theres a lot of research on this. If people dont trust their police and dont see them as legitimate, they are not going to work with them to help them solve homicides. The other important piece there, though, is there are a lot of other interventions besides police that might be better at preventing homicides, a lot of violence interruption programs. These are the programs that we should be taking another look at, and really supporting more and exploring more in communities across the country. This part of it is a key part of the conversation, because i think that the people i talked to who are looking to change the way we think about police and sort of under the ruberic of defund the police, theres a lot of things that we need to look at. Christy lopez, thank you so much. Thank you. Still ahead, images of protests in major cities have been everywhere. But what is it like in the rural areas and less zi verse . After this. Areas and less zi verse . After this alright so. Oh. Ill start. Oh, do you want to go first . No, no i dont. You go. I was just going to say on slide 7, talking about bundling and saving. Umm. Jamie, youre cutting out. Sorry im late hey, whoevers doing that, can you go on mute . Oh, my bad i was just saying theres a typo on slide 7. Bundle home auto for big discosnouts. I think thats supposed to say discounts. You sure about that . Hey, can you guys see me . Did you know diarrhea is often causedtry pepto diarrhea. Food . Pepto® diarrhea is proven effective to treat symptoms, and it also targets the cause of diarrhea. The 3 times concentrated liquid formula coats and kills bacteria to relieve diarrhea. While the leading competitor does nothing to kill the bacteria, pepto® diarrhea gets to the source, killing the bad bacteria. So, try pepto® diarrhea, and remember to have it on hand every time you travel. Also try pepto®bismol liquicaps for onthego relief. In an unprecedented crisis. A more than 10 billion cut to Public Education couldnt be worse for our schools and kids. Laying off 57,000 educators, making class sizes bigger . Cmon. Schools must reopen safely with resources for protective equipment, sanitizing classrooms, and ensuring social distancing. Tell lawmakers and Governor Newsom dont cut our students future. Pass a state budget that protects our public schools. Weve been seeing these incredible images of protests from more than 100 cities all over the country. A lot of those images have come from small towns and rural areas, predominantly white areas. This is from kingston, new york. A district that donald trump won by nearly seven points in 2016. But in 2018 the voters in that district elected freshman democratic congressman Antonio Delgado, who republicans had attacked as being a quote, big city rapper. Congressman delgado was one of eight black members that year elected to represent white one of the most rural parts of the country. My experience is proof that voting can bring about change, that once might have seemed out of reach. In fact, its crucial in changing the laws and policies that have caused so much agony. Congressman Antonio Delgado joins me now. Congressman, i know you i follow you on instagram, so i know that you get around that district a lot. Its an enormous district. Its a whole bunch of counties. You cover a lot of ground. I know you talk with your comments all the time. What are the conversations over these last two weeks as this sort of National Reckoning and Street Movement has happened. What have those conversations been like . Well, i think its a combination. Its a combination of selfreflection where people are really trying to do the work of internally investigating how they can improve and build upon the work that we see happening all across the country. As you noted, you know, back in 2018, there was an onslaught of negative advertising grounded in degrading notions of black masculinity. And we rose above that and we leaned on love and led with compassion and empathy and mutualliality. And i think, you know, my district, which is a very diverse, a third independent, a third democrat, a third republican. What we value more than anything is humility, decency. We see things happening across the country, people coming together, multicultural, multiracial, i think people feel hope and want to feel moved and inspired by that. Also understanding, though, that we have a long, long road ahead of us. Yeah, and i wonder sometimes, i mean, policing looks so different in different parts of america. It looks so different in in the corner in minneapolis where george floyd was killed than it does in a real rural county in the catskills. What that conversation even is there if people have an awareness of what their conception of policing is and what policing might mean for someone else. Well, i think the concept of policing, while important, is the deeper issue, and its about equality. Right. And how we treat each and other how we account for one another. And, you know, policing fundamentally is about Public Safety. And treating each other with a level of respect and serving the community and enabling the community to thrive. So to the extent that any community, whether its black, brown, yellow, they have to feel accounted for. They have to feel protected. They have to feel enabled. And so that, to me, is how were able to cross this sort of urban rural divide, if you will, because at the end of the day, its about the humanity, its about the heart, right . And i think to the extent that people cannot see that happening in other places or dont feel it at home, it is profoundly problematic. On a human level it is problematic. Your colleagues have introduced legislation around policing reform. There was there is probably going to be a similar bill moving through the senate. Do you see this as an important issue for the Democratic Caucus this year before before the election . Well, its an incredibly important issue. Even before this bill, justice in policing act, which was introduced this week, it came on the heels of one of the most multicultural, multiracial, Cross Generational movements weve seen in decades. So, first, lets not overlook the fact that this is a powerful, powerful moment where the government is responding to the will of the people in this moment, and we cannot overstate that enough. Weve got to be able to take this thing all the way to the finish line because it is an extension of the will of the people. And so for me doing that work and making sure we can bring folks together across the political spectrum to make real meaningful change, thats how you give people confidence in the system that the system actually can reflect the will of the people. President trump won your district by seven points. It was a district that had gone for president obama. It swung fairly hard to donald trump. It had a republican member of congress who you defeated. What do things look like there . I mean, youve got a rural district. Theres a lot of kind of different kind of folks doing different kinds of work. The pandemic has hit everyone. The lockdowns have hit everyone. What do things look like in term of that right track, wrong track question for people you represent, largely a rural district, majority, 90 white. Well, my district in many respects has been hollowed out. We dont even have Broadband Access in much of the district. Here we are in the 21st century, richest, most powerful country in the world and we have communities living without Broadband Access. We know how important that is with the impact of covid19. Telemedicine. Learning online. Small businesses having to convert their operations. We have communities here by the thousands that do not have Broadband Access. So much of how government is operating isnt about promoting general welfare but enabling private capital. Rural communities who do not have densely Populated Areas where private actors are not prone to invest because the demand not being as high. Right. Where does government step in and do that work . For me its about being an advocate for our community to make sure we are on the front lines being thought of and prioritized by the folks in washington. Are you hopeful about how people come through this . I know theres is theres its interesting, ive hear snapshots from different people across the country, around the state, from new york city and other places about Small Businesses that have made it through, whether they got a ppp loan. People that were able to find workarounds and are in better shape that they thought. And ive heard the reverse, that lots of people have been decimated. How optimistic are you as you look toward the summer and you watch wall street go nuts about what the next three, four, five months look like for the folks that live in your district. Well, for the 27,000 Small Business owners, including selfemployed, nearly 5,000 small family farms in my district, its a tough road ahead and its been tough before covid19. Because we are in desperate need of infrastructure. We are in desperate need of making sure we have workforce development. Were in desperate need of Affordable Housing and all of these issues, all of these trends predate covid19. Right. So for me, its about making sure we utilize this moment to propel ourselves, you know, investing in ways that have a return on investment. Investing in our education system. Investing in our roads and our transportation. You know, people need equal access opportunity here. If theres if theres not state aid coming from federal government, thats going to be tough because new yorks about to take an enormous whack to its budget. Thats why with the heros act, i partnered up on a bipartisan basis to get direct aid to every state and local government irrespective of population and size. For sure. Government units over 500,000 people. We dont have any unit like that in new york 19. Congressman Antonio Delgado from upstate new york, thanks for making time tonight. That is all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, rachel. Good evening, chris. Thanks, my friend. Much appreciated. Thanks for joining us this hour. At the church today in houston, you could see it, we love you, george, painted on pieces of cardboard propped up along the bushes along the site of George Floyds funeral. Today mr. Floyds family, his friends, people who played football with in school, they all gathered o

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