Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20190807 : co

MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes August 7, 2019

Republicans as another congressman calls it quits. And how the man who bankrupted his casinos is gambling with the World Economy like never before. We think its going to be a tremendous success. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. Two American Cities are reeling in the aftermath of two horrifying massacres. One of those clearly motivated by political violence, purposed by someone who wrote a manifesto echoing the president s language on immigration, who murdered 22 people in an el paso walmart. The other by a shooter whose own personal politics appear to be on the left, but whose motives for the act seem utterly inexplicable yet, but who was able to kill nine people in 30 seconds outside a popular bar in dayton, ohio with this uniquely american piece of civilian armament. We have a president who many of the people in these two Communities Just do not want to hear from. And can you blame them . For some reason, donald trump will visit both cities tomorrow. And lets remember, six months ago President Trump was in el paso, one of the safest cities in the country, a city that celebrates and loves and is proud of its immigrant community that is profoundly to its very core binational, where residents flow freely across the Mexican Border to the sister city of juarez. And while he was there, President Trump used the opportunity to demagogue about the border and lie about life in that city. Claiming the wall was the only thing keeping the city safe, demonizing the very people who live in that binational community. He was head with protesters and he left, having used the city as a stunty backdrop to pursue his brand of demagoguery, his campaign was supposed to pay the police and the Fire Department for their hard work securing the rally in that city, and instead the president left behind a still unpaid 470,000 bill, which was increased to nearly 570,000 thanks to late fees. What possibly could this man say to the people of el paso, to the families of the dead and the injured and the people that love them . Eight of the dead are mexican nationals. Some of the victims are of mixed immigration status. What is he going to say to them . How do you feel about the president coming in the next few days even in the midst of this mourning period in el paso . Until the president takes ownership and peels that target off our back and rehumanizes communities like mine, its not appropriate i think. We have a lot of work to do in this country, and we do need to do it together, but there needs to be ownership first of the power of words. And the most powerful words come from the most powerful man in the country. And President Trump doesnt seem much more welcome in dayton, which he referred to as toledo yesterday. In dayton, the shooters motives are more obscure. There are reports that he heard voices, that he had misogynist obsessions, that he scared people in his circle with thoughts of what he might do. He described his own politics as leftist, though yet there are no indications this was in any way an explicitly political act. In this case, its not like anyones putting the blame right at trumps feet, but the shooter did use a weapon with this magazine to kill nine people and kill 27 more in half a minute. And the president and his party have been covering for the people who manufacture these weapons. Im disappointed with his remarks. I mean, i think they fell really short. He mentioned gun issues one time. I think watching the president over the past few years on the issues of guns, hes been i dont know if he knows what he believe, frankly. Youre going to tell him how unhelpful hes been . Look, if im telling you, im going to tell him. He probably will hear it from you all than he hears it from me, but yeah. What are you going to tell him . How unhelpful he has been on this. Yesterday his comments werent very helpful to the issue around guns. Yesterday president obama issued a statement condemning leaders who use language that normalizes racist sentiments. He didnt name names. He didnt have to. Today trump retweeted a trump tv host did george bush ever condemn president obama after sandy hook . Because president obama and President Trump and the people at trump tv all know that trump is the guy who demonizes those who dont look like us, suggests that other people, including immigrants threaten our way of life, refers to other people as subhuman, implies that america belongs to just one certain type of people. Everyone knows who is being talked about there. There is this vortex, this sucking moral vacuum at the top of the country there has been since the moment donald trump took the oath of office. Its unavoidable particularly in the wake of Something Like this. Joining me now democratic congresswoman Veronica Escobar who represents el paso. Congresswoman, i want to ask first how people are doing there. Are there folks still in the hospital . Do people have the resources they need to process what happened, to heal medically, financially . How are things . Hi, chris. Thank you so much for asking. Ive spent the day with el paso families in the hospital here at this beautiful memorial, and folks are doing better. I visited with a gentleman in the icu who is doing a lot better. His caregivers have told us that hes strong. Hes on the mend. Thats great. I talked to another young woman, jessica, who i visited on sunday who it was very painful for her to walk. Her legs were shot. And as you know, with these kinds of weapons of war, the bullets dont just go through your flesh and your bones, it shatters them. Thats the whole point of a weapon of war. So both her legs were shot through. I was with her when she took her first steps on sunday, and she was in a lot of emotional and physical pain. Today i went by and visited her again. She had this beautiful smile on her face. Shes been walking a little bit more. She is full of hope. Her husband is doing better. Hes also in the hospital. She got to see her kids. This community is full of hope and resilience and beauty. But the other thing that i heard, chris, totally unsolicited from victims still in the hospital as they grabbed my arm and tell me, tell him not to come here. Thats intense. Youve communicated that message. You said you feel like he painted a target on el pasos back. Ive heard from a lot of folks and read a lot of stories about folks, folks all across the country, folks who are immigrants of different ethnic backgrounds feeling like a target is painted on their back. What why dont you want him to come . I just talked to another gentleman, ralph, a veteran, a vietnam veteran who stopped me and said i am being made to feel like im not american. And he feels that under this president. So as i said to the via twitter and i said before, words are powerful, and words have consequences. And the words hes used to dehumanize us, to dehumanize communities like mine, to dehumanize immigrants, that i have a consequence, and they provide fuel for people who already are bigoted. And when you have a president who is racist and who whips people up into a frenzy at rallies, and when people yell well shoot them and he doesnt stop to think oh my god, what am i doing . Theres such a moral crisis. And, you know, we got a call from the white house earlier inviting us to be part of the motorcade as the president arrived and to greet him. And my response back was i need a phone call today because i would like to have a conversation with the president about everything ive been saying on national tv. I want to say it to him directly. And i want to see if he would have a dialogue where he accepts responsibility for his words, where he understands the power that theyve had, the pain theyve created and says im sorry and takes them back. Those words are still hanging above us. There are kids who are still afraid this is going to happen again. He has the power to take them back. The response we got was that he was too busy for a phone call. So we declined the motorcade. You wrote a letter today. Youre a part of several members of congress wrote a letter to Speaker Pelosi asking that she bring everyone back to the u. S. Capital to take some action legislatively to confront the threat of white supremacy. Why did you sign that letter . What do you want the see happen . So my colleague tom medicled letter. Mitch mcconnell already has good common sense bipartisan Gun Legislation sitting at his doorstep. Mitch mcconnell. We need to make sure that he is held accountable. We need to make sure that we demand answers from him as to why this tragedy hasnt been enough. When will enough be enough . All ready to go back to washington, d. C. At any point in time, even me. I dont want the leave my grieving community. But if senator mcconnell is ready to get to work, we will all be ready to get back to work, and well keep sending him great legislation. But he is the linchpin here, chris. Make no mistake about it. And people need to hold him accountable. Congresswoman, i just want to say ive had the great pleasure to be in el paso twice in just the last eight months or so, and its just a truly special place. Its really one of a kind. It is. And everybody is really sending you their love and their strength in that community. Its a really special place that you represent. Thank you. Thank you. It really is. Thank you, chris. All right, congresswoman Veronica Escobar, thanks a lot. Joining me now is democratic senator Sherrod Brown of ohio. Senator, i want to start with the same question to you. How are the people of dayton in your state doing . Do they have what they need in terms of Financial Resources and Mental Health resources and medical resources to heal from and process what happened . Not clear yet. Its clear, though, that the community is just rallied around everybody. And the police were heroes. Six Police Officers stopped this killer from killing many, many, many more people because they responded so quickly with such great courage. Ive talked connie and i were in dayton on sunday for most of the afternoon, and talked to people who the first we didnt talk to First Responders. They were not there. They are talking to other people now. But the First Responders, people that have watched this have talked about how its really like triage and war where First Responders have to make such quick decisions. Who can you save and who cant you save. Even with all of the family members and Close Friends and partners of the people who had been shot standing nearby, begging them for help. So all of that kind of trauma. And i talked to mayor whaley again just a couple of hours ago, mayor of dayton. And people have really rallied around the whole community, the Dayton Community foundation is people are giving money to them. Thats important to help these families that have survived and the families who have lost people and those who are injured to get some kind of help. But i dont know that there are state or federal resources there the way there should be. I have not been at all thrilled with the way State Government and the federal government have responded to this from the president to the state legislature. When you say that, what do you mean . Well, i mean first of all, that the president the first things the state legislature in ohio has been absolutely terrible on gun violence issues. There is the governor is now proposing some things that who know whats the state legislature will do. We know what Mitch Mcconnell hasnt done. We know what the racist, divisive rhetoric from this president. People in dayton dont feel like they have allies in the white house for sure. To people are looking for leadership. Theyre absolutely getting it from nan whaley, the mayor. Theyll see if theyre getting it from other places they need to get it from. Let me just ask you, then. I just talked to Veronica Escobar who represents el paso. She talked about the exchange she had with the president , a phone call to what this has meant with her community that was clearly a political act. It was motived by a kind of rhetoric the president has trafficked in himself. Its a different situation in your state in terms of what we know what happened. But i will ask you, you are going to meet with the president tomorrow . Why are you going to meet with him and what are you going to talk about . I listened to congresswoman escobar who is compelling and seven short months in the congress, she has already become a National Leader on this issue and other things. And i appreciate her passion in fighting for people in el paso. Its a bit different situation in ohio, but i talked to the mayor. I talked to the mayor earlier this evening. She wants me to come and be with her, and i want to talk to the president. I want to say to the president you talk about Mental Health. If you care about Mental Health, dont cut medicaid. Dont repeal the Affordable Care act. And im going to say to the president first how important it is that he call in senator mcconnell, as i did on sunday, he call in senator mcconnell to bring the senate back into session, that the president tell mcconnell to pass the background check bill and the president promise to the American People and to mcconnell that he will sign that bill. And im going to ask the president that. I will, if given a chance talk to him about the assault weapons ban. This was a this killer in 30 seconds discharged more than 40 bumpertobumpers. He had probably another 100 he could have discharged. Without the Rearview Mirror of the police, so many would have died because of this weapon. Police officers all over the country will tell you civilians shouldnt have weapons like this. These are weapons made for war. You dont hunt with them. You dont protect your home with them. You kill people in large numbers in a short period of time. And they dont belong in the hands of any civilian. Is there any part of you having worked with Mitch Mcconnell, who has batted away this idea that thinks he is subject to pressure on this . I think every he is subject to pressure if enough republican senators tell him that. He is trying to protect his majority. He is trying to protect this president. He fronts for this president all the time. He may be uncomfortable doing it, but thats really irrelevant. He continues to do it. He thinks trump, if trump wins he can keep his majority in the senate. I think he thinks if trump loses, he loses his majority. Its always about power to Mitch Mcconnell. Its always about tax cuts to the republican majority. Its about deregulation on environmental and worker rights. And its about right wing extremist young judges. Thats what they do all day. Thats what they work towards. Thats what trump gives them. Thats what mcconnell is trying to protect. So it will have to be pressure from his own members of the senate. All right. Senator Sherrod Brown, again, everyone is sending all their love and their strength to the folks in dayton. Thanks a lot. Thank you, chris. Next, inside the dangerous and dehumanizing language peddled by trump tv. The vicious feedback loop between the president and his favorite channel, in two minutes. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace lets cowboy up exhilarating speed. Woo precision control. Woo maximum reliability. Access denied. [ repeats ] access denied. If its not xfinity xfi, its not good enough. For wifi with super powers, get xfinity xfi. And go see, fast furious presents, hobbs shaw. Now playing. Today we got an even sharper sense of how much the Trump Campaign has cultivated the dehumanizing language of invasion to describe immigrants. Its the very same language the suspected mass shooter in el paso used in his manifesto before committing murder. New york times reporting that, quote, since january, trumps Reelection Campaign has post in order than 2,000 ads on facebook that include the word invasion, part of a barrage of advertising focused on immigration. This is what those ads look like. But as is always the case with trump, his message exists in seamless continuity with the message of trump tv, which has been banging this drum into the heads of its audience for years. Your state has been completely overrun by this illegal invasion. Yes. I think calling it anything but an invasion at this point is not being honest with people. Look, this invasion of our sovereignty is weve got to stop it. This isnt just a migrant caravan. This is an invasion. And every american watching whats going on should be infuriated. It is a fullscale invasion by a hostile force. Thousands upon thousands of migrants literally marching to the u. S. In what would be a mass invasion. People need to realize that we need Border Security because people coming across our border illegally, its an invasion. We are being invaded. We are being invaded by a bunch of people that has the potential here to totally destroy the makeup of our culture and the makeup of our society. Its not immigration. Its not refugees. Its an invasion. What about our country . Were being invaded. Well, the hosts of trumps favorite morning show even doubled down on that rhetoric this very morning. What the president has during his two and a half years is a major problem at the border. If you use the term an invasion, thats not antihispanic. Its a fact. Joining me now Alicia Mendez menendez, host of amanpour and company and angelo corazon, and to start wit

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