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Chris Hayes discusses the days top news. Collar professional, think of john kasich, congressman from this district. That strain of republican used to be the heart of this district. In 2016, what we saw happen with donald trump on the scene, Franklin County it was dead even when it was obama versus romney. The flip side is when you get outside of franklin, outside of the wealthy suburbs of delaware and into the blue counties of rural. You saw some of the biggest swings in the country from romney in 12 who did terribly from trump in 2016. Obama carried the muskingum in michigan. Muslim American Public Health Official is running the democratic primary for governor. The front runner in the race, the state former Senate Minority leader has been endorsed by emilys list and like every contest, todays elections stand in the shadow of 2016 election and the man who became president and the wreckage he associates himself with. His fixer Michael Cohen is under investigation for tax fraud for underreporting income. Subpoenaed mr. Cohens former accountant back in april before the raids happen. In the trial of Paul Manafort, sat through hours of testimony from his former business associate rick gates, a former Trump Campaign deputy chairman. He said he and manafort together engaged in for years. For instance hiding Bank Accounts in cyprus. Falsifying documents and much more. Gates testimony has portrayed basically a criminal enterprise. And gates described manafort as a man who went broke. Gates also has established conditions under which Paul Manafort who a few months after financial distress would have been extremely vulnerable in becoming an asset while he was acting as a volunteer Campaign Manager. For more on the saga. Joined by ken dilanian who has been covering the trial and Rebecca Davis obryan. Ken, i will start with you. We got the first big cross. What happened when manaforts lawyers got their cross. We didnt have any perry mason moments. I think they did do him some damage. We wasnt a great witness on cross examination. And he started out poorly by coming to grips with the fact that he lied to the fbi. Dancing around the questions when manaforts lawyers was asking him whiether he lied to the special counsel. And it went downhill from there. Gates has admitted embezzling money from manaforts operation. He couldnt say how much he took. There were all these wire transfers that he testified to. Some he said were legitimate bonuses. And it allowed manaforts lawyers, for all they know he embezzled millions of dollars. The prosecution used gates to walk through a series of documents. Saying dont just take his word for it. Here are the documents, here are the emails, the tax records that show both men are involved, evidence strong that they were involved in tax fraud, bank fraud, under stating income. All of these overseas accounts that he was supposed to report and didnt. And when he was broke in 2016, more concerned about generating loans and then overstating the income from the business. And testimony that manafort took a microsoft word document and manipulated it. He had liability on some loans that were 650,000 or something and comes in and he has got the liability on it and puts the value or the income and makes it 3. 5 million. My understanding is that basically you have this thing when they are making a lot of money they are trying to reduce Tax Liability and lying to undershoot. And when they want to get collateral, they are lying to overshoot sometimes on the same stuff. It is incredible. It is incredible that Paul Manafort earned 60 million and spent it all. And Paul Manafort couldnt get clients after his sugar daddy from ukraine fled to russia. One person, the nominee who would go on to be president of the united states. Ken dilanian, thank you for that. Rebecca, i want to turn to your piece. What did we learn about how prosecutors are treating the president s lawyers. Thank you for have been me. My colleagues and i reported on latest development in the investigation into Michael Cohens Personal Business and work on behalf of trump. Prosecutors appear to be looking into potential tax fraud charges related specifically to at least under reporting or potential under reporting of his taxi m medallion business. A Business Fair to characterize as often operating in marginal gray areas of the law and a Cash Heavy Business that would be susceptible. An interesting business because the value of the medallion fell in the last few years because of other ride sharing services. Loans that were related to his taxi medallion business. We are learning also possibility that he underreported his income as a tax evasion scheme. Final question on this. This is all being run in the Southern District in new york. Not muellers team looking into this. Correct. Prosecutors out of manhattan. Thank you very much. Thank you. For more i am joined by editor of the legal blog above the law. And jill winebanks. You got shiraz, popcorn watching the trial. Established narrative is that this has nothing to do with trump, manafort is out on his own, it is all about tax evasion. What we saw today establishes the motive and opportunity for manafort to collude with the russians. He had motive and is broke. From the collusion standpoint, that is what i saw today. And the other thing i saw today and people need to understand this, it is unprecedented for a president s Campaign Manager to be this deep into as you put it a massive scheme for tax fraud. This guy is like Wesley Snipes with his taxes and trump hasnt said about it. What did he say . He is getting the raw deal. His campaign was managed by blade. They are mistreating him so badly. Paul manafort was exposed during the trial of being a massive tax from a you had a fraud and he ran the president s campaign. Jill, i was thinking about this idea of the fish rots from the head or culture of corruption. One of the things that preceded watergate or preceded watergate bringing down nixon, was like oh by the way, Vis Presidece Presi getting bags of cash. In the case of nixon, you have this corrupt president , and it says something about the kinds of people the president selects. As they say, birds of a feather flock together and the same thing that happened in the Nixon Administration where you had a lot of cash flowing overflowing saves in the white house. And the same thing is happening here, you have cohen, gates, and manafort all underreporting income. And the person that is missing from the list is donald trump. And that is because we havent seen his tax returns. We know he has been in bankruptcy. And he was getting money from overseas. I should note there, Michael Cohen is being investigated for this he has not been charged with anything and that is not true of Paul Manafort who is on trial for this. And rick gates who admitted to doing it today. How we live in a world where the president s closest are under investigation for tax fraud and we still havent seen his taxes. This question i have, Paul Manafort was able to get away with this for years. He was seen as a sketchy guy and in fact even in the opening statements, how come the irs never got to him and how guilty can he be. People can get a lot. One of the lessons of Paul Manafort if he is found guilty. Especially when you have a loyal deputy. His defense besides the fact that everybody does this is that i didnt do this, gates did this. A lot of the documents they have are signed by rick gates and that is why they have to bring him on the stand and expose him to the kind of cross examination. Ken dilanian said it didnt bring a lot rick gates has not had a great few days. Up there basically, i am a serial criminal and defrauded the government but also defrauded my boss, and maybe i defrauded the inaugural committee because i like to file false claims. The good news for the prosecution is there are documents. It is not just rick gates word. The documents prove that expenses exceeded the income and prove he had 60 million in in c income. We have to keep that in mind that the jury will get at that. It is crazy. Everybody should keep in mind the picture of Desperation Distress the prosecutor has painted. Thank you both. Much more coverage on this Election Night ahead. You see the ticker in the lower part of the screen. Steve kornacki, you know him, you love him. Love seeing him at the big board. He is streaming i was about to say, is he talking right now . He is. Because he is streaming line on n nsnbc. Com. Podcast john favro is here tonight. All of that and more coming up. 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It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. There are a number of contested primaries across the country that will help shape the primaries. One of those primaries are here in new york. Critiquing cuomo from his left for a number of issues. I had a chance of speaking to cuomo today. Governor lets start with the nra. Your Insurance Department here in new york state canceled a form of insurance the nra offers. Now being sued by them saying essentially this is discrimination. What is your response . My response is it is a frivolous lawsuit. But they are right, i toodont e their politics. First on the lawsuit itself. State regulates insurance. This state has a very clear law that says you cannot ensure someone for an intentional bad act. Their Insurance Policy, what they were selling was called carry guard. A policy designed for people who carried weapons and ensured them for an intentional bad act and that violates the law in the state of new york. We brought an action against the insurance carrier. And they paid a fine and they are not selling the product. The nra was the broker for the product. And claiming a loss of revenue because the Insurance Policy was canceled. I have no sympathy for a party doing something illegal. We stopped the illegal act and they lose revenue. If i have a kid who is selling drugs and lost revenue. I am a political opponent for the nra. And i have been for many years and my father before me. I believe they are the main Political Force that is stopping common sense gun reform. I believe they are the reason why republicans will not agree to reforms that 90 of the American People want. They bully. They are extortionist and i believe they are stopping progress in this country on an issue that is literally killing people. The last time i had you on this program, we were down on the border, your state had taken action and i want to ask you a broader question on i. C. E. Your primary opponent Cynthia Nixon and senator, do you favor that position . Well, look, what has happened is the president has politicized i. C. E. I. C. E. As a police force their intent, their Founding Mission was right. Which was to fight terrorism. We want a police force that fights terrorism. We dont want what we have in i. C. E. Which is a politicized police force which is doing the president s political bidding and that is really the problem. We dont want him polite sizing i. C. E. , the fbi, and the u. S. Marshals. We need a police force that fights terrorism, but that is not what this police force is doing under this president because he has politicized it. And we dont want him doing it to i. C. E. Or any federal police force. You are supposed to keep your politics away from Law Enforcement and thats the violation of this president. When we last talked, we talked about the border, there are ways in which the state and local authorities interact with federal immigration officials and immigration enforcement. Are there ways in which the state interacts with i. C. E. That you are considering in Sharing Contracts or anything like that. I will do nothing cooperatively with i. C. E. I have sent them letter asking for investigation. I have said if they do any criminal acts which a police force can do, we will take criminal action against i. C. E. I believe they are politically motivated. Final questions. There is a lot of competitive congressional races in your state and the state that i am in. A New York Times article in which candidates can be on multiple lines. The independent party here is a party in new york. You accepted their line and fear from some democrats that might pull votes away from straight Ticket Voting in those competitive races. And is that a concern of yours, a legitimate fear that accepting that line of the independent party hurts Democratic Party in congressional races . No. That is called fusion voting. And in a perfect world, you wouldnt have it. But it is the reality of new york. Democrats often run on several lines as do republicans. I believe they are in real trouble in this state and across the country. Worse in this state because the republican congressional people took votes that were adverse to the interest of the citizen of this state. That Tax Reform Bill had a penalty for new york and other democratic states that eliminated deductibility and raised taxes for everybody 30 . I would like to see the Democratic Party be less negative because trump is doing the best negative case that we can ever do and start to be more affirmative about what the democrats will do when we get in power. The negative is part of the equation. It is the positive affirmative and i believe that is why the democrats have lost in the past. We have not had a credible vision that people believe would make their life better. And at the end of the day, not enough to criticize the other party. You must have a credible vision that people believe you can implement and that is what this Democratic Party needs for the midterm and beyond. And people have to believe you can do it. It cant be abstract, theoretical pie in the sky. It comes back to the bronx, chris. Whnow you are pandering, governor. I appreciate it. Chris. Bye. Next, why the president that story after the break. Making cars lighter, its a good place to start, advanced oils for those hardworking parts. 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I am optimistic with the president s endorsement. Hopefully President Trump can help them make their minds up. The president is betting the future candidate on kobach and his message. War on immigrants has waged on two fronts. Including the separation of children from their parents at the southern border. 572 kids are still separated from their moms and dads. Administrations systematic 1 9 assaults on documented. If they have ever used a range of popular Public Welfare programs including subsidies on obamacare exchanges. President trump and miller appear their war on immigrants are energize their base ahead of the midterm. Joining me now is michelle goldberg. And john favro host of the podcast the wilderness. You should check it out. It is good work. I think john, miller and kobach and the president think this is our special power. Ms13 is coming for you and your loved ones and democrats are going to be letting them run wild. What do you think about that strategy . They tried that in virginia and it didnt work. It was all ms13 ads all the time and i think this is their best strategy right now. And it is not necessarily a Winning Strategy as we have seen as least. It is going to be rile up the base and i dont think it is going to get him across the finish line in a lot of districts and states that they need. The New York Times reporting on this was interesting. Balderson, i am a christian, i am a family man. And then it is like this is, these are what he is closing with. Check out this ad. The liberal resistance is demanding open borders, they want to eliminate the Law Enforcement that enforces immigration laws. Opening americas doors to crime and drugs. Michelle, that is what they ended up on. There has been this debate going on ever since the catastrophe of trumps election, what motivated people to choose this man. What is racial grievance. We know now what the Trump Campaign thinks. And the other part of it is, i mean, the economy is doing well overall but dont have much of a record running on their own voters. People dont Pay Attention to gdp, they Pay Attention to their personal wellbeing and for most people, they are not better off. John, it is, it is fascinating to me that there is so little attempt to run on the record. Like the tax cut bill they thought was going to be a big deal. Isis, caliphate was smashed and they dont even want to run on that. Partly it is because even if republicans wanted to run on the tax cut which some of them do. And i dont think it is a good idea. Donald trump is not going to let them run on anything other than what he tweets that day. They dont really have the message down. Oh, ohio, what a terrible place, i am your president , vote balders balderson. There is also the backlash effect. The idea that you see the republicans use nancy pelosi, the president is a polarizing figure. You see it on immigration, the Immigration Polling is fascinating. In 2010, it was split, by 2017, it is plus 40 in favor of immigrants strengthening the country trumps incredible unpopularity is often uncounted because he is still in office. He is not being held accountable and it makes it seem as if he is teflon. And i think we lose sight of the fact that the majority of the country really dislikes him. Probably a plurality of people probably hate him. The feelings of College Educated people who cannot believe what is going on, people of color who reviled this man, i think those feelings are going to be just as important when it comes to the midterms. And i dont know, you did this great series, about how democrats are dealing with this political moment and i wonder what you think about the Culture War Tropes what do they do on the left side in terms of motivating the other side. Looking at those numbers you put up, democrats should not be afraid to talk about immigration. I believe our most powerful message is economic populism. We should never run away from issues like immigration because republicans are going to make the argument no matter what on immigration. We live in a country where most people think they strengthen the country, most people believe they deserve a path to citizenship. We shouldnt run away from it. It is going to be interesting. Race in virginia was instructive in that respect. We wi we will see what happens there. Early returns coming in from kansas. Thank you both for being with me. Our Election Coverage continues with Steve Kornacki. Fresh results. Going to take from streaming on msnbc news. Com to be with us. The latest from the big board up next. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. 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To learn more about the Community Wildfire Safety Program and how you can help keep your home and community safe, visit pge. Com wildfiresafety all eyes on ohio tonight. Watching a tight race in that special election between balderson and oconnor. Lets go to Steve Kornacki at the big board for the latest. Whats up . We just got a big pile of votes added here. We saw the early vote come in. It was counted and oconnor jumped out to a 27 point lead. We expected that. In the last 45 seconds his lead came down to 11 points. 5544 as you played your music coming back from the break it was 15. That is the story for republicans. Can they make up the gap in the same day votes. Basically can they hang on and you see balderson, he is within 11 points. The story we are seeing and i am going to perhaps be surprised here we go. It just came down. We just got another update. It is now down to a five point race. Balderson is closing fast right here. I am going to tell you right now, if we are getting this out of the key part of the stridist, i want to look into delaware county. This is traditionally the republican backbone of the district. You go down below and i will tell you this though, in the tell Democratic Party of the district, only counted a couple of thousand same day votes. The wild card is delaware county. You want to see, can the democrats improve there on what hillary clinton did in 2016 or does this go back to being the backbone of the district. We are going to look for, when we start getting delaware and and franklin in. That will give a clearer sense of under and over performance. It is small, in terms of the performance of the district. You look at the returning part. Muskingum county. This was trump surge country. He won this by almost 30 points if 2016 after obama carried it in 2012. We figured that balderson would do okay. How is he doing . He is getting trump numbers. He is up 29 points. Were seeing something similar if you look, if you go next door, it is not quite working. I think we are seeing a gigantic, and this is the story of the trump era, a gigantic divide between suburbs right next on columbus and the blue collar areas outside of it. The strategy of the president arriving. And there was some back and forth about whether he was invited, if the place he went in the district was the right place to be. The strategy there is, im going to go turn out my voters in a district that i carry by 12. If in Fact Balderson is victorious, the president will do a victory lap on precisely those terms. And we said delaware will be the key. This was the place. It was the highest Income County in ohio. It is a place that trump won by 16. Romney won it by 23 a couple years earlier. That will be interesting. A very interesting number to look at. All right. Steve cokornacki. Thank you for that. Im joined by the executive editor, and jason, mayor of kansas, author of a new book, out this week of outside the wire. Let me start with you. Ive been seeing a variety of articles with a version of this case. The sort of swath the greater midwest, pennsylvania, ohio, minnesota, the industrial midwest, you might call it. Particularly white voters, white noncollege voters, Swung Toward Trump in 2016. The last two years have seen a lot of those voters move back. At least in the polling. What do you think of that . Well, lets keep in mind how many wealthy people voted for donald trump. Lets look at that. One of the corollaries, he is doing great in florida among wealthy white retirees. Right, right. Right now the issue is health care. And balderson just last month vowed that he was open to increasing the eligibility age for medicare and disability. Hes trying to walk that back and he has his mother in an ad. I think that was telling. I dont think we should put all our hopes in this race or decide that it is a decider for the entire state or for the country. This race should never have been competitive for the republicans and now it is. Im still looking at polling and hearing from suburban mothers. I think we are not talking enough about. This they care about the family separations. The only way it goes away is if we journalists stick with it. I dont understand why more democrats arent talking about immigration. The majority of americans are so close to what happened to these children. All of whom are not white. That is a great point. The polling on that, the politics, the trajectory, the horror in the country, weve been following the story. 572 children, 460 around whose parents were deported and who the government apparently thought they were going to hang on to. But there is a kind of received wisdom that is not what you lead on if youre running in a competitive district. I think as usual it was right. I think we would be remiss, not to call him an elephant. What did he to the elephants. But the trump in the room. People are angry about this. I think we you a all of these women running thissee. We all the nontraditional candidates come out of wood work. Teachers and doctors and scientists decide to split their hats in the ring. Nonpoliticians for the first time because they were scared that trump and the people he brought in would make this an unrecognizable people in the country. Thats national. Theyre running on fixing the potholes and making sure everybody gets health care. The reason were seeing 84 turnout, up from 2014, thats a insane number. Because of the national mood. Right. Sure. Passion is persuasive. So, voters dont talk about issues the way we talk about it on tv. The way politicians do. They dont live issues one at a time. Thats what we have to remember. Evenly, the could not seat of the issue itself is extremely artificial. It is like your mortgage or you want to go on vacation. In kansas city, do you have to move across town to be successful and move out of town . I dont know what issue you call that but thats why im running for mayor, to keep people from doing that. What i read about in the book, you dont do it from your own comfort zone. It is about what do you care about . Voters can tell if you talk about what you care about. Can i ask that you a long time nemesis, you were both secretaries of state. Our states never went to war so success there. Thankfully. But you have very different perspectives on letting people vote. His political success, the fact that he, given what hes done, the 800,000, getting small towns to hire him. One of the stories is my very first meeting, he came in with this resolution that said we on keep the federal government out of the elections. He said it is partisan. I said one party wants to keep the federal government out of the elections and the other wants black people vote. We havent been friends since. He has this really dangerous, villainous super power. It is to say racist and extremist and horrible things in what can sometimes appear to be a reasonable tone of voice. Thats really, really dangerous. If somebody wants to be the mayor of kansas city, bordering kansas, i do not want him to be the governor of that state. A lot of time theres real distance between what the Macro Top Lines at 3. 9 unemployment and how people are feeling. And im curious what your experience has been talking to folks in ohio. There is no one single issue. If overall theyre scared. Fear is driving this. Im not at all criticizing you. It is not a partisan issue to care with families. It should not be a partisan issue to care about health care and they dont even get Prescription Drug coverage. It should not be, that workers should not have to work beyond the age of 65. Were not talking about people like us. Look at the lives we have. Were talking about people had assistant on their feet sxa ten hours a day. When did it become a partisan issue to care about these people, getting their pensions, their retirements, their Social Security and medicare at 65. So we have to be careful. I say this all the time because of trumps news. He should not be setting the language. Nobody should be telling us how to talk about this. We know how to talk about these issues. It is about the human beings involved with them. The fear thats driving them, thats what we have to address. Absolutely. Thats where it goes to having these candidates to talk to the communities. I think it is incredible that we are seeing nonpoliticians doing it. We have charisse doing it. This is not the kind of Dpat Progressives usually get. As a former magazine editor, i have assigned the profile. Theres nobody Many Congress that looks like her. No nativeamerican women in congress period. And only two lgbt people right now. So the idea that it doesnt look like your typical class of people running for congress is really important and i am really excited about it

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