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Senate today. And what we know about his changing story. I dont think my sirens went up, or the antennas went up. Then after yesterdays deal, the democratic leader goes try it trump tweet. I asked the president to do it and boom, boom, boom. As irma bears down on florida, a look at the daunting task of evacuating massive cities of the. If youre told to evacuate, get out now. Good evening from new york. Tonight, south florida is racing to prepare for the worst. As Hurricane Irma continues on its path of destruction through caribbean. At this hour, irma is moving through the bahamas with massive sustained winds of 175 miles an hour. The category 5 storm already blamed for nine deaths. The Virgin Islands took a direct hit yesterday. In puerto rico which was spared the worst of the storm, more than a Million People are still without power. According to the latest forecast, it is now on track though it south florida by sunday. Forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate out of harms way. The city of miami is in the cross hairs. First lets to go bill of the. It is looking horrible for the turks and caicos. Theres eye of the hurricane right over the island. You can see the sun setting on the storm. Currently, 175mileperhour winds, a very powerful cat 5. You can see the bahamas and theres miami. Thats how close it is getting. We have all day tomorrow for the final prep and then weather will start go down hill. Lake okeechobee is having evacuations. And on the west and east side, we are all at risk for this storm. Ill show you the computer models. These are the two reliable long range models. This is 2 00 a. M. Sunday. As we go through morning hours, the storms, both of them, go right through south florida. We have 48 hours for some shifts. We are very concerned with the west and the east coast. We do not yet know who will be hit the worst. The east side, were especially concerned with key largo to miami all through west palm beach. If we shift further west. On this path thats the area of greatest concern. A lot of the computer models, these are updated about every six hours. They are all pointing there. The strongest of the storm, 8 00 a. M. Sunday morning with the potential for even miami to be in the eye of the hurricane. A category 4 or 5 hurricane over the top of miami is possible. And turn your tv on throughout sunday morning. Then storm races to the north. Were in the potential for the Hurricane Force winds not only to be in southeast florida but the potential to be right through the state. This is another of our short range models. It is starting to approach miami as we go through 8 00 p. M. Saturday. Thats when you see the green flashes, the transformers going. This is a little further to the east. From the west coast to the east coast. We have a big 50 to 60mileanhour range here. Just because it shows it offshore doesnt mean he will happen. The white is the Hurricane Force winds. The Hurricane Center has it over the top. The bottom line is, tomorrow is the final day for preparations. The final day for evacuations. Because by the time we get to saturday evening, the weather will quickly go down hill. I was just talking to my family members in florida. They cant even get hotel roops in georgia. People have to drive further than that. Thats sobering. Well have much more on the storm later. Well be live at 8 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Ill be through through weekend. And then the big news on capitol hill today. Thats the president s eldest son donald trump jr. Going before congressional investigators for the first time answer questions about his meeting during the campaign with russian nationals who are promising dirt on Hillary Clinton from the russian government. The president s son was grilled for five hours by the staff of the Judiciary Committee he with a handful of senators sitting in. The refraction democrats could be sunday up afterwards bark high with don junior wasnt underoath, it important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate Committee is under the restrictions of the false statements statute that says material false statements to congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both. He managed to get in and out without facing the cameras but we received a copy the of statement he made. It offers yet another explanation for taking the meeting with the russians. This is third or fourth version. He described it as primarily about an adoption program. Then after emails emerged after showing that he had information would incriminal night hillary, we wered that seeking dirt on your point from a hostile foreign power was perfectly normal. I think from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting. It is called Opposition Research or Even Research into your opponent. Ive only been in politics two years but ive had many people call up saying we have dirt on this person or that person, even hillary. Now don jr. Says it was his duty. The fitness qualifications, i believe i should at leaf hear they will out. He insisted the whole thing was above board, he now acknowledges the potential red flags. Saying, depending on what if any information they had, could i then consult with counsel to decide whether to then give it further consideration. And what we right here on the show suspected, that there were undisclosed phone cause between don junior and his intermediaries. According to don junior, his phone records show three short phone cause with the russian pop star connected to the trump Family Business through his father who helped set up the meeting bust don junior says i do not recall speaking to emin. It is possible we left each other voicemail messages. I simply do not remember. He said he didnt give it a second thought. He said neither he nor anyone he knows colluded with the government during campaign. He thanked the committee for their professionalism, adding that i trust this interview fully satisfied their inquiry. But the members of the committee dont sound satisfied. According to richard blumenthal, this wont be don juniors last trip to capitol hill. Today was another step. Like a beginning, because he needs to come before the judiciary in public under oath and answer many of the same questions. Because today he raised questions, as well as answering that he raised more questions. Congressman, based on the reports that are available publicly, are you satisfied that don junior answered all the questions he needs to answer . Good evening. With respect to that storm, i want to assure the stranded americans in the caribbean island thats republicans and i are working together in a bipartisan way to get they will out of there. They are already suffering. Im working them tonight. With regard to don junior, it is time for him to come clean under oath. Tell us the prologue and the he said log from that contact at the trump tower. It is possible he doesnt the remember the followup phone calls of this sounds like Jared Kushner who doesnt recall the meeting. It is like meetings with russia conclude in forgetting the meeting ever happened. Do you not believe they will . When don junior says i dont remember, is he lying . It is unbelievable that they would have so many meetings with a foreign adversary during the election and then the just completely not be able to recall. No. I dont believe it. And too many of they have failed to recall. It is a pattern of deception. It looks like a pattern to avoid accountability. There are all sorts of questions about these various lines of investigation. The senate Judiciary Committee. Your committee in the house. Are you planning to bring don junior in . Yes. We would like him in. We want everyone who was part of the email chain and who attended the trump tower meeting. Yes. We want to hear from them all with their hand raised under oath. Do you believe that Nothing Happened as a result of that meeting, that no one ever talked about it again . No. It doesnt make sense. When you read the email exchange, it looks like there was a prior existing relationship. When you hear from don junior and the limited information that Jared Kushner provides, it is hard to imagine that there wasnt followup. Thats why the best thing the president can do is to just come forward and be forthcoming. And also, for republicans to show unity with democrats in wanting to get to the bottom of this. Our disunity only sharpens the knives. Finally, a member of your community, the chair who recused himself in the inquiry, is now threatening contempt for the director of the fbi over any documents not being turned over related to the steele dossier. Whal is your reaction to that . It slows us down. He has recused himself. He is asking for something he has not been denied of the custom has been that republicans and Democrats Ask for volunteer cooperation from witnesses. If they deny it, then we consider sending a scene that. A theres no evidence that they were denied this. What theyre trying to do is to undermine the purpose behind the steel dossier rather than what was alleged. It is just a misguided way of conducting the investigation. Were making it easier for the russians to come after us. Thank you. The former official watergate, what kind of legal exposure do you think don junior has . He has perjury or false statement liability. I have to say that telling the truth is not a multiple choice exercise and that seeps to be what hes doing, as you pointed out. Hes a number of explanations for the meeting. The only one that makes sense is what the words of the emails say. The words say were getting together to give you dirt on hillary to help you in the election. Thats an illegal act, taking information from a foreign government. Especially a foreign adversary. Is a crime in and of itself. And then lying about it and giving multiple choice answers is another crime. So he has a lot of legal liability. Barbara, i do not recall as an answer, i remember under oath testimony. Especially if irancontra. That seems to be a way of threading the needle. Who can say if youre lying about what you do and do not remember. How much experience do you have about perjury charges . Saying they dont remember . Thats a common tactic. Sometimes people dont remember things. It was over a year ago. But there are other pieces of evidence to show that that in itself is a false statement. If he had conversations with others, has he gotten together Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and others to get their stories straight . Has he written documents . So you could find other evidence that he does recall. He just doesnt want to tell you. The statement is at the heart some of inquiry that says mueller now wants to talk to white house staff about how that sting was created. What do you make of that . I think it is strange to have him saying, i dont remember. I dont recall. Not to remember that statement. During watergate, one of the tapes you can hear the president saying, you can always say, i dont remember, i dont recall and it is perjury to say that when do you remember. And barbara is very correct in saying, oftentimes, there are other elements that will prove that they do remember. So that could be a case of legal liability. In terms of mueller going to white house staff, heres whats interesting to me. I would like to hear what you think. Crafting a statement thats not true isnt like. It doesnt run afoul of the law necessarily. It seems it must be related into what kind of conception they have with respect to obstruction. We can only speculate. Is it all part of a big scheme the obstruct the investigation into the firing of jim comey . Into the whole russian investigation. So yes, i think theyre trying mislead. If he can get this out of headlines and get people to stop talking about it, and get mueller to think this was no big deal, maybe he moves on. Although the act is not a crime, it could be evidence of intent. Some of the grand jury thats are being used, do you expect don junior will have food . I think it is a logical step. If you want to return indictments, the grand jury needs to hear direct testimony from all the witnesses. And i want to add, i think that lying to the public is not a crime in and of itself. Repeated lies and nondisclosures can be the pat person shows you are obstructing justice. And i think we are heading very quickly to the conclusion that all the false stramts done deliberately to throw the investigators and the special prosecutor off their mark sxoo to mislead them into investigating the wrong things. Thank you very much. Thanks. John seifert served for almost three decades in the Clandestine Service where he once ran the russian program. He said it is starting to look more like truth than fiction. Weve been wrestling for months with the status. We cant check it independently. You wrote a piece saying judging generally credible. Theres so much information and i cant keep up with it. It is hard to keep it in place. I can look at that rapport as an Intelligence Officer and give some sense of what that is. It is called a dossier which suggests it is a report with a bow tied around it. Thats not what i think. It is 17 raw Intelligence Reports. In each one of those, youre reporting the goodfaith effort of what your sources are saying. Theres a series going through. What they described was a long term relationship with the trump family, with russia. They described a separate effort to collect information on mrs. Clinton and an effort to marry the two to influence our election, and it talked about cyber attacks, some of the personalities. What i tried to do was then look and see what has happened since that time to see if theres any validity. What did you find when you looked at, particularly thing. The proof in the committee, it speaks to their credibility. What did you find . It does. Theres still difficult things here. Any raw Intelligence Report is reporting what a source says. And the television reporting is, vetting and validating the best they can. We take reporting, with he put it together as best we can. We put out how reliable we think that source is. Was that information first or secondhand access . And it goes together with a variety of other information to analyst whos then connect the dots and try to look at that across. So in the intelligence community, in the investigative community, they would be looking at the dossier as a framework and then trying test and validate each of those pieces. You have two or three different people. If this was an intelligence operation in a foreign country, you would never get that. What an Intelligence Organization would do was push, chile, ask new questions and go back to the sources. Theres would aspects of the dossier that have made it hard for people to swallow. It raises some skepticism. One is the salacious detail which seems bizarre. The broader thing is the scope of the conspiracy, frankly. The scope of the activity it describes of the not if there were coincidental interests, but rather a strategy of adaptation by the russians of the trump family and org well before he ran for president. How credible do you find that . The one thing that is very credible is russian methods. When i was working on it, that part which looks strink most observers is the part that looks real to us. Collecting compromising information. Trying to develop conspiratorial information can perhaps be used later, perhaps not. The other part that is certainly real is the russians intentions using cyber and human and other types of information. That part is clear. The parts related to the trump family, we would have to put them together. You were talking earlier about the june meeting. You were talking about the june meeting and i understand the focus on that. But don junior does not play an important part in that. However, that email, if you believe pits an intelligence operation, and do i, that email would be something to test the waters to see if the Trump Campaign would be interested in that and. And what happened in that meeting, the trump family, the three important in that meeting, did not report to the fbi. That would be a signal to the russians to move forward. That would be a hostile environment for the russians. They cant just show up with the goods and hope the trumps did not turn it into the fbi or security. Thanks for being with us. Ahead, nancy pelosi is now writing tweets for the president. New fallout on the president s sudden alliance. Nancy pelosi took a victory lap this morning the day after President Trump blind sided his own Party Leaders and agreed with Congressional Democrats on the threemonth deal. The president was still extolling the deal. We had a great meeting yesterday with nancy pelosi and senator schumer. It was a very bipartisan meeting. I thought it was a very, very friendly, a meeting that we all wanted to get together and do something. Trump was particularly happy about it because of the Television Coverage it was getting. He particularly mentioned the tv segmented that he was watching in a call with senator schumer. Today nancy pelosi asked if he would compose a tweet for her. He said thanks, people need a reassurance from you, mr. President , that the sixmonth period is not a period of roundup. But it is just, daca is frozen and these people will not be vulnerable. I was reporting to my colleagues. I asked the president to do it and boom, boom, boom, the tweet appeared. Heres the tweet. For all those dakota will that are concerned about your status during the sixmonth period, you have nothing to worry about. No action. Which is not true. They are arranging for depart you are and those who have dlak pro affection expires before the march 5, have to reapply in the next month. They have to take action. Democrats asking for more deals. The world is littered with gentlemens agreements with donald trump. It seems fundamentally like an act of spite. I dont think it is any new era of triangulation or a new centrist period of the Trump Presidency. I think he was mad at mcsxonl ryan and wanted to stick it to them and garn customer momentary good press at the cost of creating much greater lie about its for himself three months down the road. I dont think that there will be any new era of cooperation. And i know that some people on the left are uneasy. They dont want democrats to be making deals with trump. It is almost misleading to call it a deal. There was no negotiation no, concessions. Democrats said this is what we want and trump said, okay. Thats a fair point. I see conservatives freaking out about this. But to turn it around, the fundamental problem with donald trump has, he has a guy paul ryan who cant keep the pockets together on must have votes. What is the drove john bain entire retirement. Why not doctor make a deal with them . I agree with michelle. I think it was Nicole Wallace who said, donald trump doesnt play chess. He plays whacka mole. He has a chance for a win and number two, he had a chance. In terms of long term, a long term pivot. I cant believe how many pundits still talking about whether or not this president will pivot. No question frrgs the point of view of republicans and conservatives, this was a big defeat and it sets the stage for a lot more defeats. How will nancy and chuck use their new clout . How far will they push . How far will the Democratic Base allow them to go in enabling the Trump Presidency . One thing that i think. My read on trump was that part of his genius in the primary. I think it was intuitive to. Realize the Republican Base didnt care about things they cared about. Like big government. He got into office and started doing ryanism. No. The whole point is they dont care about that. The base doesnt care the base does care about liberal tiers. The base doesnt gary. At a cuts for corporations. It cares about the wall. It cares about nativism and it cares about making people like us, frankly, suffer. They dont want to see him tack back or make him feel good. You have steve bannon and he is saying hell be a wing man but he is also an ideological enforcer. I think im street fighter. I think thats why donald trump and i get along so well. Hes a fighter. A great counter puncher. How do you interpret pretty . I take it at face value. Theyll keep the base riled up. And they will use his clout to on, i agree, the base, they dont get you in the morning worried about tax cuts but they do worry about immigration. Which is why nancy pelosi, writing tweets about daca for trump it is so interesting. I hope when were gun the show you check on ann coulter, making sure shes all right. Imagine how thats place. Good news for the trainers. Well, it was not, it didnt dwraps the details. But also, the idea, when i read they had a gentlemens agreement. If come in, youre an idiot. I dont think democrats counting on him to uphold this. In as much as theyve made this deal for the immediate legislation, and they have this gentlemens agreement that they cant count on. It drives a wedge. I think they can make a lot of demands. Theyre not expecting anything of him. It is really fascinating when you dont care about policy. Its been remarkable. Thank you for your time. Ahead, senator Bernie Sanders joins me here in studio to talk about it. Heres what appeared to have happened yesterday. President trump unmoored from commitments seemed willing to double cross his own party and make deals with democrats. The notion is here, it raises real questions for democrats. Do they risk selling out . Former candidate senator Bernie Sanders joins me from verlt. Its been interesting to watch the reaction. I want to get your reaction. A lot of people were saying, this is great, this is great. Take a listen. The Democratic Caucus is not in sync with making this agreement with the president of the United States of america. I have spoken to dozen of members of the Democratic Caucus of the the Democratic Party has to stand for something. When the ceo of microsoft says you have to come through him to get to the d. R. E. A. M. Ers, it is a sad day. What i think is that what trump did in removing 800,000 great young people from daca protection is one of the ugliest things that any president in the modern history of this president has ever done. I think we have to be smart and win that fight. And the key here is being smart. And that means attaching daca legislation to reverse what trump did to legislation that the republicans need to have passed. So congressman gutierrez point, play hard ball now when you have this as opposed to this threemonth extension. Theres to guarantee youll be able to attach it. What we need to do. It is one thing to talk ferventbly the issues. We need 60 votes. If he is get us the 12 republican votes tomorrow, i think were ready to move. Dick durbin is working night and day on this. I think we have four or five republican votes right now. I think we stand an excellent chance to get the votes we need. The goal is to win this thing. Thats an interesting bit of insight. It can be very hard to cut these disease. Let me say this, i think i speak for every democratic member of the house. What trump did is unspeakable and we have to protect these young people. I remember talking to you in the beginning. There was a diagram policy overlap. Renegotiating nafta or killing tpp. And then there are places where theres opposition. The path hes gone down has been a Republican Party path. I would say the koch brothers. Trying to destroy Public Health care in america, throwing 32 Million People off health insurance. So then this happened yesterday that had people scratching their heads. Chuck schumer has another meeting with the president. Are there deals work out. And yet at the same time, you have to think, the world is littered with people on the wrong side of donald trump disease. Is this someone the democrats can do business with, is my question. I think you look at i issue by issue. You say to donald trump, what did you with regard to daca is unacceptable of lets Work Together to reverse it. If youre prepared to do that. If youre prepared to put a rid the into infrastructure without privatizing it. If youre prepared to do what you said during the campaign. Take on the Drug Companies and lower the outrageously high cost of prescription drugs, lets Work Together. I saw news of a one last ditch at obamacare repeal. You have this ticking tock. This procedure is maddening to all of us. Theyll take one more run at this. Is this a serious thing in the senate . No. I dont think they have the time. The chairman has been holding a series on some aspects of health care. I want to ask you, ive read your responses to this portion of Hillary Clintons box. Ill shocked that youre interested. This is front tier of the possible. The question of what a president ial candidate is selling their voters. She said no matter how bold and progressive my policy proposals were, bernie would come out with something even bigger, loftier and leftier, regardless of whether it was realistic or not. Bernie sanders just stole all of Hillary Clintons ideas. Does anyone really believe that . The truth is, the real story is that the ideas we brought forth during that campaign, which was so crazy and radical, have increasingly become main stream. I talked about a 15 an hour minimum wage. Hillary did not. Weve got 31 cosponsors for 15 an hour minimum wage. We talked about a trilliondollar infrastructure. We talked about making health care a right of all people through medicare for all. It is becoming main stream within the Democratic Party. Making tuition free. What im saying is that many of the ideas we talked about that secretary clinton, oh, those ideas. One of the things we saw happen with republicans, they told their voters they could do all these things they couldnt really do. This happened during the shutdown. They couldnt do it. We saw it. Is there some line for you, when you think about what candidates in the Democratic Party are pushing, politicians, where you feel like theres a responsibility to give a projection of what is possible . You heard me. I was on your show a dozen times what did i talk about . A political revolution. I always talked about bringing mlss of people into the political process to transform politics in america. You never heard me say elect me. Ill do it all. Were going to introduce medicare for aller, single payer program. That will not be passed if paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell run the United States congress. The only way wee take on the Insurance Companies is that do what every other nation is doing, through a political revolution. So everything that i said. I brought forth ysds. Talking about making colleges and University Tuition free like in scandinavia. And i said thats to have stand up and fight back. And were beginning to see that. All right. Good to have you here. Still to come, as florida prepares for a hurricane wider than the state itself. How do people in major cities get on safety . And why the design makes it especially vulnerable. Thing one, with the thing one, with the hurricane barreling down on florida and most likely maralago, the estate and private golf club owned by the president , the Trump Administration is taking action. Our teams at the Trump Properties in florida are taking all the proper precautions and informing local and Florida State advisories very closely to make sure everything is safe and secure. It was in the path of hurricanes jane and frances and wilma. Maralago was spared any significant dang of the yet somehow the president claimed otherwise and managed to get a very significant return. Thats thing two in 60 seconds. . Gotta rinse that. Nope. No way. Nada. Really . Dish issues . Throw it all in. New cascade platinum powers through. Even burnton gravy. Nice. Cascade. That needed to be done to maralago due to damage caused by the storm, quote, landscaping, roofing, walls, painting, leeks, the great tapestries, tiles, the beach erosion, still not what it was. And trump claimed a 17 million insurance payday on his property but the Associated Press found little evidence of such large scale damage and the description cousin not match those of maralagoers. Take for instance an account from Donald Trumps long time butler who made news last year after calling for barack obama to be lynched. He said that house has never been damaged. I was there for all of the hurricanes. If maralago suffered 17 million in hurricane damage, would trump have hosted nearly 400 guests for the wedding of his son donald jr. Two months later. Two years of the storm trump seemed to admit he didnt need all of that money for repairs. The real estate tycoon said he didnt know how much had been spent on repairs but acknowledged he pocketed some of the money. He transferred some of the money into his account and said under the terms of the policy he didnt have to reinvest it. Ily , ily , so why treat your mouth any differently . Complete the job with listerine® help prevent plaque, early gum disease, bad breath and kill up to 99. 9 of germs. Listerine® bring out the bold™ its time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. And snoring. Does your bed do that . The new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. And right now the sleep number queen c2 mattress now only 699. Ends sunday ito become dangerous. D for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. Helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. Align, press and unzip. When i speak to you tomorrow night ill be in the city of miami to report on the arrival of Hurricane Irma. It is a return for miami for all in where today the weather was pleasant. Boats still bobbing in biscayne bay. Last year we reported in the city to talk about what makes the city vulnerable to hurricanes. Less than 90 of Miamidade County is greater than 10 feet above sea level. Adding to the problem, most of south florida is built on porous limestone allowing water to moving around easily and seep up through the ground. Flooding happens often here. Seasonal high tides occur when the sun, moon and earth alone leading to flooding made worse by sea level rise. You can see that every day. At least in october well have four or five extreme flooding events when the sky is clear. Its coming right up the sewer drains. Thats a climactic impact that were seeing already today. Miamidade expanded its mandatory evacuation order. Right now miami residents are getting out. Out of this afternoon a third of the gas stations in the miami ft. Lauderdale area were out of fuel. Drivers are facing long lines at the stations that still have gas. Maximum sustained winds of 175 miles an hour, irma caused heartbreaking devastation. This was the aftermath of the storm on the island of st. Martin. A local official says 60 of houses are now uninhabitable. In st. Thomas, the storm arriving with stunning force. Three were killed in puerto rico and more than a Million People are reportedly without electricity. Tonight irma is battering islands. Im joined now by the states director for the Emergency Management division. Theres a big mandatory evac evacuation. There was a concern about rita and how bad and hard it was for people to get out. What are the challenges in florida for evacuation of this size . Just the sheer number of people and the limited evacuation routes. Thats why we tell people move inland. You only need to go tense of miles. But many people try to travel north on limited highways. And part of the reason we have to evacuate while the sun is shining is to give people plenty of time. One of the lessons i learned in reporting about katrina is that a lot of people could not go anywhere, hay had no money. It was the end of the month. How much does that determine whether people can get out, if they even have a place to go . Thats why again the local counties and cities work hard getting shelters open outside of the storm surge area. Using their public transportation, getting people to call and get picked up and moved to a safer location. Even if you dont have the money to go to a hotel or motel, shelters are free, transportation is made available. Counties running hotlines trying to get people to call in that need help. We dont want to leave anybody behind. And were telling people when you evacuate take your pets. Many of the shelters are pet friendly. A lot of hotels and motels relax their policies during the evacuations. Its important that people evacuate. There are ways to get help if you need it but you need to get it now and not wait until its too late. Ive seen a lot of research to suggest that is one of the driving factors why people dont evacuate. Its a lesson weve learned. When the rescue teams are going out, it used to be we wouldnt pick up the pets. Now the policy is well get the pets as long as theyre not dangerous. We want people to evacuate with their pets. There are listing on how to get information about where the pet friendly shelters are. Hotels and motels taking pets. But the key thing is a lot of reasons people come up with not to evacuate are not worth their life. This is the key message, not to evacuate because you and your family have potentially a life threatening situation. Thats why i wanted to be here to communicate on behalf of the entire team, it is not something that you can take the luxury of waiting for another forecast when youre in the evacuation zone, orders are given, time to go. If you need help, call for it. Dont wait until its too late. The current track and we see a convergence between the two models, the european and the american model, really do have a worst case scenario. What are you thinking as someone who has been through florida hurricanes as youre looking at this storm track . Weve exercised similar events. You can go back to the great Miami Hurricane and get an idea of what this kind of a storm is going the do. Thats why we want people to focus less on the track, more on the forecasted impacts. This is a very large storm and you need to heed the evacuation orders. Thats going to continue to increase as more areas go under the orders throughout the day tomorrow. So the track is one thing. But what we really want people to do if youre in the evacuation zone, move to higher ground. Dont wait for another update many the forecast. There is not a lot of high ground in miamidade. My sense is that a huge part of miamidade is going to be both evacuated and probably not habitable if this storm continues the way its going. Lets look at the maps before we make broad inaccurate statements. The counties have done a good job of mapping the most deadly areas to get out of. We try to evacuate where the people are most likely to be at risk. Counties and the have mapped the most deadly areas to get out of. We try to evacuate where people are most likely to be at risk. Thats why they used zones. You have to be careful when you talk generals. These are very specific evacuation zones we need to get people out of. Thats the evacuation zone right there for miamidade. Former fema administrator. That is all in for this evening. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts right now. On our broadcast tonight, in a fivehour appearance before senate investigators, donald trump jr. Says his meeting with the russians was a chance to learn about Hillary Clintons fitness for office

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