Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170818 00:0

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20170818 00:00:00

presented with another opportunity to be presidential and he chose to offer a factually inaccurate tweet. at least 13 people are dead after a van deliberately swerved on to a pedestrian mall in a popular tourist district. two people have been arrested. isis has claimed responsibility and there's police activity in a town south of bars locelonbarce. spanish police are calling it a raid. we'll bring you details as they become available. today president first tweeted his he condemnation of the attack and offered help. then minutes later, there was this. study what general pershing of the united states did to terrorist when's caught. there was no more radical islamic terror for 35 years. to study that, you'll have to go into your spam folder and find the e-mail forward from your
many bloomberg reports the president is abandoning plans for an advisory council on infrastructure after two others disbanded yesterday. meanwhile in congress, momentum is growing for a formal resolution. a move that just got strong from the editorial board of the usa today which is not known for taking controversial political stands. telling republicans, put your votes where your tweets are. something certainly does seem to be shifting among gop lawmakers with two high profile senators expressing deep concerns about the president and doing on it camera. >> started erasing the comments that were strong. >> what we want to see the moral authority. it is compromised when tuesday happens. we should all call that on the carpet. >> the president has not yet
been able to demonstrate the stability that he needs to demonstrate to be successful. he also has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation. without the things that i just mentioned happening, our nation will go through great peril. >> steve schmidt is now an msnbc analyst. today he fweetweeted he. thanks for being here. explain your thinking on censuring the president. it is very important when they're shouting anti-semitic slogans, marching adolf hitler's nail in the 1930s, convenient
rating the most evil regime in all of history, that let loose horrors and human suffering on a scale that beggers the imagination. for an american president to equivocate on the denunciation of that evil is a profound moral failure. the false equivalency is an obligation upon political leaders to fix it, to address it. each generation as we move to the end of the life span of the survivors of the death car. s, the men who stormed beaches in normandy, each generation who willley 100 years from now, we have an obligation to bear witness to the magnitude of these crimes. the prop suspicion steve bannon has on the table is this.
he wants to move the republican party away from its legacy of abraham lincoln and eisenhower and reagan and teddy roosevelt and infuse with it white nationalist who's have a common cause with neo-nazis. that's his vision for a new coalition. and he is very willing, he hates the democratic party so much, to tear at the fabric of this country and to do real damage to it for the next mid-term election. it is a cynical a strategy as we've ever seen coming out of white house. it is despicable, shameful, and republicans should react to protect the dignity and the legacy of the republican party. >> the neo-nazis there are drawing vociferous condemnation because it is so egregious. what the marchers were there to
do was to convenient rate rob e. lee. and you have this debate across the country about that. and republicans are not against the idea of having these statues up. does republican party have to reckon more fully the fact it did take in these southern conservative who's do conveniere it. >> it was the party of the north and the west. hit become nation's southern political party. now trump is celebrating and venerating the confederacy. when you look at the problem in 2017, the challenges we face as we move into the third decade of the 21 century, why do we want to refight the civil war is
beyond me. if you choose to refight it, certainly would you want to be on the side of the union. not the side of the confederacy. not the slave he will pier. >> the republican side -- really quick will, south carolina senators have come out refwoobu the presidentful will a krenls you are pass? >> i think this is an enormous inflection point. he dmeemonstrates a level of unfitness every day, sometimes several times within a day. the congress is on recess. they'll be hearing it at home. our military leaders have delivered a powerful rebuke. and i think that republicans in the congress are also called on in this moment the deliver a powerful rebuke to show the president that they are a co-equal branch of government. and that his moral failure
guilt. donald trump went after the central park teenagers. he was very well known for taking pout full page ad. and this is with a he said when he was asked. >> of course i hate these people. and let's all hate these people. maybe shat what we need to get something done. it is inqulebl a report he asks me whether or not i have compassion for the people that did this crime. no compassion. >> do you see some hypocrisy in republicans saying they didn't thing guy? >> the time for republicans to stand up was in 2015 and 2016 and they did not. the stench of donald trump's lifelong racism will stick to him for a long time. we want to have good debates. trump's race six on full display in the story about general jack
black pershing. donald trump just loves that there was violence against impeachment people. you smng general pershing sat down with those people and he read with them from the koran. >> yeah. as if people could see that, this is donald trump talking about president barack obama's birth certificate in 2012. take a listen. >> if the state of hawaii says this is official efrgs born in hawaii on this date, here it is, why do you deny that in. >> a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. his mother was not in the hospital. there were oom things that came out. if you would report it
accurately, i think you would get better ratings than you're getting which are pretty small. >> is there any way, any adult who has been sentient, can claim they do not know donald trump's racial attitudes? >> i don't understand this at all. i don't know. just look at the policies. the transgender ban in the military. the muslim ban. the doj. look at the department of justice how they reversed core on the war on drugs. this guy has made it very, very clear. that's not an analogy, my friend. that's not how analogies work. analogies have to have a point of reference. not only is this a mythology but there's no point of reference to make it an analogy.
they live in this world of mythology. there are too many support here's are more than happy to live and breathe in that world. and do you get the sense that he is clinging to this base because he thinks he needs them? or because he agrees with them? >> well, he does both of those. i think there's something deeper going. on i've said for more than two years now, if donald could create the circumstances that would allow him to suspend the constitution, formally or informally, and become dictator, he would do so. one thing that's very clear, that donald trump cannot get military to back him to take order this country. that's the only good news in this. donald trump, we have not seen the worst of this. his racism is becoming more and more evident. he is retreating into the evil
inside himself. it was evident to all of us who know him well. this is not as bad as it is going to get. senator corker is right. he is putting the nation in great peril. >> you have private fury, lots of people tweeting against nazis fast that's a high bar to clear. >> it's political coward ice. i don't understand this. are they holding out for tax cuts? for repealing of -- i don't understand what the political strategy is. in not addressing this. unless they actually believe he the core of the base of the republican party is the core of trump. and the core of trump
supporters. many mitch mcconnell has been fwakd this president and when this president stoop ed to his lowest point. obviously he has the power in the senate but i don't understand the lack of courage. >> history will judge. thank you. appreciate you both. we're following breaking news at this hour. a second terrorist attack in a town called cambrils south of the site of the earlier attack in barcelona where' van careened down a busy street. two people were in custody but the driver is still at large. the latest from barcelona.
tell us what you know. claudio? tell us what you know. >> reporter: well, the town of cambrils is about two hours drive south of barcelona. this comes from a tweet from catalonia. barcelona is the capital. they are working on the hypothesis, the police responded to a terrorist attack. they said that they have killed the alleged attackers while the emergency services only said they neutralized him. it is unclear if this was related to the killing of at leaf 13 people today that were rammed by white van here if barcelona but of course it is a strong possibility, especially considering the driver of that van was still on the loose.
>> and we know there was an isis claim for the barcelona attack. is there any chatter that it was involved in a second incident? >> not yet. i think they're trying to make sure that all the people responsible are brought to justice or neutralized in this case. the fact there is a police investigation following another terrorist attack, we'll know more of course as time goes on. it means the peril, the danger is not over yet. so i think they will make sure the towns in spain are secure before they evaluate the claim from isis, joy. >> all right. claudio, thank you vex for that update. appreciate it. when we come back, the interview
trump's brain didn't want you to hear. he is reviewing his reaction to the nationalists who gathered in charlottesville. ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru outback models. now through august 31. and life's beautiful moments.ns get between you flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. it helps block 6 key inflammatory substances
that cause symptoms. pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. flonase changes everything. steve bannon is taking heat. despite running the immediate business, bannon claims he didn't realize the reporter would publish the conversation. one of his colleagues said since steve apparently enjoys casually undermining u.s. national security, i'll put this in terms
he'll understand. this is defcon level bad. he rejected the president's hawkish stance on north korea saying there's no military solution the north korea's nuclear threats. forget it. he was candid about his feuds, specially on china. that's a foyt i fight every day. there's treasury and economic chair gary cohn and goldman sachs lobbying. i'm changing out people at east asian defense. i'm getting susan thornton out of state. >> pointedly smiling and shaking hands with her ahead of a meeting with japanese officials. two reporters who have been covering all the ins and outs of the trump white house, and hunter walker, join me now.
bannon is either in, out, up, he's down. after the interview in which he contradicted the official line on north korea. where does he stand with the president? >> ever since general kelly has come in as chief of staff for president trump, it has been made clear to me and other reporters that he's closely evaluating each senior official and their role. and bannon is included in that group. bannon has a rapport with the president and he has a relationship with kelly. they're both military men. >> haskelly met with him? >> i'll told that bannon has been in touch with president trump, with kelly and others. there are frustrations about the interview with the american prospect with the candor he used to talk about the administration. >> i can imagine. let's listen to the new york
congressman pete king. this is what he had to say. >> i think it is important for the president to fire steve bannon. he was saying he hopes the democrats use race as an issue, that's a win for republicans. that can't be allowed. he is undercutting the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, the head of the security council on north korea, his time in the white house should be over. >> and you were there is as elane chao was uncomfortable stlang next to donald trump as he went on that rant, supporting the people who marched in charlottesville. does this make him too tox ib to work for? have we expect to see bannon retired over it?
>> i think you saw after that wild press conference was transportation secretary chao and gary cohn, the president's top economic adviser, attempted to hold a press conference about infrastructure. and i felt it was important to keep pressing the question about neo-nazises who expressed their support for the president. what was really interesting, gary cohen has discussed it and appalled, did not answer at all when i asked him if he had trouble with those comments. steve bannon did address the issue in that blockbuster interview. he did say they were clowns. and i have talked to those people. they've said while they don't see bannon being white national. is, that the rhetoric, the hard line on immigration, the economic nationalism is
something white nationalists can support. >> and thank you for correct megaon that, secretary chao. this is what bannon seemed to indicate that more incidents like charlottesville, where does this connect with the american people with their history, culture and traditions? the race-identity policies of the left wants to say it's all racist. just give me more tear down more statues. say the revolution is coming. i can't get enough of it. a comment like that where he seems to say that charlottesville good for business. how does that play inside the white house? inside the west wing? there are some deep concerns about this racial theme that's popping up. not only from steve bannon's
comments but trump. seeing you oh, that's just political correctness but they're saying this is unsettling to them. >> and no plans to resign among jewish members of his team, people of color? you don't hear any indications that people are appalled enough to quit? >> i can confirm that many of gary cohn's friends on wall street, people who associated with him at goldman sachs and elsewhere, have couldn't tacted him, urging him to step aside for the good of his reputation, the good of the country. he is resisting even though he has been very alarmed by president trump's comments. he believes he can do something on tax reform or even become cheryl. federal reserve. >> that's interesting. what about the trump children? they seem tobl awfully quiet and
both practice the jewish faithful any read on their reaction to their father's, i don't know, the sweet spot for people who protest with nazis? >> well, as robert was saying, a lot of people in and around the administration are doing that old washington parlor trick. where they privately express concern and just how upset they are while still showing up to work the next day. jared and ivanka are not even doing that. i have tried to reach out to their spokespeople, to people close to them and it is utter silence. they had been positioned as liberal voices. and jared and ivanka are practicing jews. coming up, the man known as russia's favorite congressman meets with julian assange. he says he has a men for donald trump. do you think robert mueller may want to know what's going on here?
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been warned by the fbi russian spies were trying to retruth him to which he said this. >> russian intelligence has been after me since i was a teenager. it is kind of insulting that the fbi thought they had to warn me. >> which makes it more curious that after meeting with assange for three hours in london, the congressman said, assange reafirld his aggressive depend the russians had anything to do with the hacking of the dnc during the election. he has given us a lot of information. he said there's more to come. but now an fbi witness, known only by his online alias professor, turned himself in.
i don't know had a will happen. it won't be pleasant but i'll still alive. >> you were ordered to resign by trump. and a former double fbi agent and author of how to catch a russian spy. on the question of the meeting with julie yandle assange, if you were on robert mueller's team works that prompt you to want to interview him? >> maybe. my resacks he is way out of his lane here. he is really only the executive branch through department of justice that should be negotiating with people. discussing immunity with people. so to be engaging in a three-hour meeting is incredibly inappropriate.
when dennis rodman goes to zmouk visits with kim jong-un. >> a new complaint was filed alleging that they violated the magazine nowitzki whakt they tried to get the general prosecutor removed from u.s. sanctions. that's bill browder who of course prompted that. does it strike you as odd that this congressman would undertake to clear julian assange in the russian hacking? >> his motivations are really unclear. i don't know what they are. but he does seem to be interfering. if write robert mueller, i might want to meet with him to tell him to knock it off. >> >> he deemed wikileaks to be a hostile intelligence actor. what would be julian assange's motivation in meeting with the
congressman? he cannot get him immunity, i cannot get him out of the hole where he's hiding. what would be his motive of thaeg meeting? with a right wing blogger. >> i have to theorize. assange has a great affinity for the russians and for putin himself. and there's a report that said assange did not want to take anti-russian leaks and put them out on wikileaks and wikileaks is quite upset about that. so this is something where assange was trying to curry favor with the russians. else incredibly egotistical. so this could be something to get him back in the limelight. he is certainly worried. i think he is just grasping at relevancy. >> do you think that now the fbi
had the hacker coordinating and talking to them, who will probably tell a different story than julian assange, does that get us close to a conclusion in the russiagate affair? >> counter intelligence resolves itself with a conviction and a trial. it seeks to both identify and neutralize a threat. if we've identified someone involved and taken them off the market, off the stage, that will be a win. to answer your question, i'm not sure that we'll see something publicly mere will resolve itself. that doesn't mean for counter intelligence he operations standpoint that we aren't winning this battle. >> a similar question. >> can you see where we do get
counter intelligence victory that we may or may not think about. that it will be more along the lines of routine garden variety corruption and those kinds. >> it could be we never hear about the outcome. it could be that it is that you one tool. there are a lot of things that can be done to neutralize threats. in addition jeff sessions said in april that they were working criminal charges against assange. it may be a desperation attempt to try to get himself, curry favor and see if he can shortcut that outcome. >> one of the other things that came out of meeting was assange saying he would like wikileaks to have a seat in the briefing room. according to trump, the u.s. is
his home. the absurdity, at the end of the day, whether it is snowden or assange, what bothers me is that he hides thunder broad definition of a journalist. quef to say that this is not stealing. we should take him and prosecute him. hear, hear. appreciate your time. coming up, the unprecedented brawl between the 45th president and his own party in the week of charlottesville. and the president of the united states as defender secessionist monuments.
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horrors fts removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. as he condemns removing monuments of those who fought to preserve slavery. remember, trump wasn't always nostalgic. he demolished a building built in 1929. it included two historic art deck loe sculptures wanted by the metropolitan muse he'll of art. he destroyed them to avoid holding up his demolition schedule. >> you were recently the object of a lot of controversy. you ordered destroyed sculptures on the building that you bought. >> the building was not worth, as a building or an art decco building, they were not valuable. and they've proven to not be valuable art structures. we've had he appraisals done and
they trnld out not to be very valuable. >> that was contradicted by these know something about artistic value. the rare statues were sought with enthusiasm by the metropolitan muse he'um of art. adding they were just jack hammered in half and pulled down in such a way that they shattered. it was just tragic. while trump demolished those structures to build trump tower, he also invented a fake monument for another project and that's thing would in 60 seconds. this i gotta try weekenders. then we've got the bendy... ... spendy weekenders. the tranquility awaits. hanging with our mates weekenders and the it's been quite a day... glad we got away weekenders. whatever kind of weekender you are,
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spot. the casualties were so great that the water would turn red and thus became known as the river of blood. the times spoke to historians and there was no such battle. no way. nothing like that ever happened there. the executive director of the preservation group dedicated to that section of virginia. the river of blood, he added. nope. not there. two other historians agreed that assessment but trump pushed back with well, alternative facts. that was a prime site for river crossings so if people are crossing the river and you happen to be in a civil war, i would say that people were shot. a lot of them. how would they know that, trump asked? when told local historians called it a fiction. were they there? r visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies
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supremacists but against senators miss the own party for daring to criticize him. tweeting this, great to see that dr. kelli ward is running against flake jeff flake who is weak on borders, crime and a nonfactor in senate. he's toxic. the president he slammed lindsey graham saying publicity seeking lindsey graham falsely stated that i said there was a moral equivalency between the kkk, neo-nazis and white supremacists. he noted that trump's response is drawing praise from racist and hate-filled individuals and asking him, for the sake of our nation, as our president, please fix this. history is watching this all. how will history view trump and the party? i love you, basement guest bathroom.
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president, former senior adviser on policy has been talking with several of them today. he joins me now, as does msnbc contributor charlie sykes. lonnie, how are republicans on the hill feeling now that they have under attack by donald trump and donald trump is under attack by basically the entire world except for the white nationalists. >> i think there's no question they look at this situation and wonder how did we get here. how did we get into a situation with a republican president, republicans controlling both houses of congress nothing has gotten done and all we have left is a circling firing squad. i think there's deep disappointment. there's questions about the fall agenda, whether the senate republicans and the house republicans and the president can work together to do tax reform, infrastructure. and the reality is that a lot of the members are only sticking to the president to the extent that they think he can be helpful in advancing an agenda.
in fact it's unclear that he can be helpful at all. >> when longly started talking i thought he was going to say they're incredibly depressed that the party is associated with neo-nazis. is it depressing to you that what republicans are upset about is that they can't pass their tax reform agenda and not that the party is associated with hate. >> there's something deeply wrong with this man, donald trump. and i think this is dawning on a lot of republicans who have been in denial or figured out that this bargain was going to work out for them. this is a hell of a strategy when you think about what is happening. the number of republican senators he has insulted, he's attacked, he's threatened to primary, he's bullied. so what you're seeking is the senate is turning into a hostile place for him. at the very time, though, when he's toxifying the republican party. this is an existential threat to the republican party, a moral,
political defining moment for the party. but anyone who is actually surprised that we've gotten here, this question of how did we get here, well, who did you think you were getting? were you not paying attention in 2015 and 2016? did you honestly think that donald trump was going to be somebody other than the man that he made it very clear that he was? so no, you actually have political challenge, policy challenge. but this fundamental moral choosing. and i think that the main question that a lot of these guys have to ask themselves is they may agree with donald trump on the policy but is it worth it? i know that paul ryan wants tax cuts but is it worth it to look the other way when he's aligning himself with neo-nazis and white nationalists. if there's a line he's cross it. what's their line. >> it doesn't sound like they've made that calculation. sounds like they think it's wort it. there's a new cbs poll out talking about the handling of sar lotsville. do you approve of donald trump's
handling of it. total it's 33%. among republicans it's 67% are the republicans looking at this is trump describing the blame accurately. are these republicans making the calculation that the base is with trump and that they therefore no matter what they have to be with trump? >> i think that that is part of the calculous. but look, one thing the president has made clear is that no republican is safe. i mean you look at someone like jeff flake as a perfect example. jeff flake is no fan of donald trump. u at the end of the day jeff flake is supportive of the trump agenda in congress. and jeff flake was the target of this crazed twitter attack against a fellow republican. so obviously no republican can feel safe. and i think that is something that enters into the calculous as well now that even though they know that donald trump is still doing relatively well in polls with the republican base, the question becomes at what
point can i get turned on by this president. at what point am i no longer safe? and i think that's the question they're starting to ask. yes, i think it is a matter of raw politics at this point which is a little sad given the circumstances and given the fact that i do think charlie has a point. this is a moment of choosing for republicans. >> and charlie, you have been candid and written a book about what the right did to itself in terms of talk radio. you know, there's a lot of news out, there's a potential for john kasich or someone else to primary donald trump. given that the base of the party has been fed for so many decades on white grievance, that they do believe it is wrong and unfair to take down confederate statues, at least the majority think trump is right about that. would a primary against him even succeed? >> i think to be honest with you, it's highly unlikely. look. that candid on the record interview that steve bannon gave was really very, very revealing. he basically made it clear that
they were relishing this fight over race. they were relishing the fight over the statues. tear down for statues. other presidents may have played upon racial grievance and racial divisions but no one quite this overtly. and i think right now donald trump and steve bannon see this racial divisiveness as something that will indear him to his base. solidify the base. and as long as the base is with him, other republicans are reluctant to break and it's difficult to beat him in a primary. that's where we are here. with the conservative media echo chamber right now, this is all about left wing violence, the attempt to take down the president of the united states. and it's all about these statues. by the way, it is not about statues. look at the posters of this quite the right nazi rally. it is not about robert e. lee. it's about a lot more than that. >> and donald trump got the same percentage of the white vote as

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People , Opportunity , Tweet , Van , Tourist District , Pedestrian Mall , 13 , Responsibility , Police Activity , Town South Of Bars Locelonbarce , Isis , Two , President , Attack , Police , Study , Raid , Help , He Condemnation , Spanish , Terrorist , E Mail , Spam Folder , United States , 35 , Congress , Infrastructure , Others , Plans , Council , Momentum , Bloomberg , Republicans , Votes , Move , Editorial Board , Stands , Tweets , Usa Today , Resolution , Something , Senators , Comments , Concerns , Profile , Hit Camera , Lawmakers , Moral Authority , Carpet , Call , Stability , Things , Nation , Peril , Steve Schmidt , Character , Happening , Msnbc , Thanks , Thinking , Analyst , Marching , Slogans , Nail , Adolf Hitler , 1930 , History , All , Evil , Rating , Human Suffering , Horrors , Scale , Regime , Obligation , Failure , False Equivalency , Denunciation , Imagination , It , Men , Leaders , Generation , End , Car , Death , Survivors , Beaches , Life Span , Normandy , Fire Steve Bannon , Witness , Crimes , Table , Magnitude , Willley 100 , 100 , Legacy , White Nationalist , Infuse , Eisenhower , Common Cause , Teddy Roosevelt , Abraham Lincoln , Country , Neo Nazis , Democrats , Damage , Vision , Coalition , Fabric , Strategy , White House , Election , Dignity , Shameful , Condemnation , Marchers , Fact , Statues , Debate , Rate , Idea , Robe Lee , Conservative , Conveniere , Party , Nations Southern Political Party , West , Hit , Confederacy , Refight The Civil War , Problem , 21 , 2017 , Side , Slave , Union , Pier , Inflection Point , Will , Refwoobu The Presidentful , Willa Krenls , South Carolina , Home , Level , Military Leaders , Unfitness , Recess , Rebuke , Government , Branch , Donald Trump , Teenagers , Guilt , Page , Central Park , Course , Hate , Crime , Compassion , He , Inqulebl , Thing , Racism , Hypocrisy , Stench , 2015 , 2016 , Race , Story , Debates , Display , Jack Black , Six , Violence , Impeachment , Koran , Pershing , Pershing Sat , You Smng , Lot , State Of Hawaii , Listen , Barack Obamas Birth Certificate , Efrgs Born In Hawaii , 2012 , Certificate , Mother , Hospital , Oom , Way , Adult , Ratings , Sentient , Attitudes , Core , I Dont Know , Ban , Policies , Military , Muslim , Doj , Guy , War On Drugs , Point , Analogy , Friend , Reference , Analogies , Mythology , Base , World , Support , Sense , Clinging , Circumstances , Both , Constitution , Dictator , Cannot , One , News , Worst , All Of Us , Senator Corker , Fast , Lots , Nazis , Bar , Fury , People Tweeting , Tax Cuts , Coward Ice , Trump , Repealing , Mitch Mcconnell , Stoop Ed , Supporters , Fwakd , Senate , Courage , Power , Lack , Terrorist Attack , Town , Site , Barcelona , Breaking News , Cambrils South , Van Careened , Custody , Driver , Street , Latest , Reporter , South , Claudio , Cambrils , Capital , Hypothesis , Catalonia , Attackers , Emergency Services , Killing , Possibility , Loose , White Van , Claim , Chatter , Incident , Justice , Police Investigation , Danger , Case , Interview Trump , Spain , Towns , Update , Joy , Nationalists , Charlottesville , Brain Didn T , Reaction , Subaru Outback , Love , Adventures , Honey , Woman Vo , Avo , Models , Apr Financing , 0 , 63 , 31 , August 31 , Allergy Pill , Substances , Life , You Flonase , Beautiful Moments Ns , 6 , 1 , Symptoms , Pills , Flonase Changes Everything , Bannon Claims He Didn T , Heat , Business , Terms , Conversation , Colleagues , Us National Security , Threats , North Korea , Stance , Military Solution , Gary Cohn , Treasury , Goldman Sachs , Feuds , Foyt , China , Defense , Susan Thornton Out Of State , Lobbying , East Asian , Meeting , Reporters , Hands , Officials , Outs , Ins , Japanese , Hunter Walker , Line , Interview , Chief Of Staff , Kelly , Up , Group , Senior , Role , Relationship , Rapport , Couldnt Tacted Him , Touch , Haskelly , Administration , New York , Candor , Frustrations , The American Prospect , Congressman , Issue , Pete King , Secretary Of State , Win , Security Council , Head , Rustlang , Rant , Elane Chao , Too Tox Ib , Question , Press Conference , Transportation Secretary Chao , Neo Nazises , Gary Cohen , Blockbuster Interview , Trouble , Clowns , Is , Dont See Bannon Being White National , Rhetoric , Immigration , Secretary Chao , Megaon , Incidents , Culture , Connect , Traditions , Wants , Comment , Charlottesville Good For Business , Racist , Tear , Revolution , Theme , Play , West Wing , Team , Members , Many , Indications , Color , Jewish , Friends On Wall Street , Good , Reputation , Elsewhere , Tax Reform , Children , Cheryl , Federal Reserve , Robert Mueller , Practice , Faithful , Father , Parlor Trick , Saying , Old Washington , Concern , Jared , Spokespeople , Ivanka , Voices , Julian Assange , Man , Russia , Coming Up , Neulasta Onpro , Chemo , Chemotherapy , Cancer Patients , Decrease , Neulasta Or Neupogen , Filgrastim , 94 , Doctor , Reactions , Lung Problems , Trouble Breathing , Patients , Spleen , Shoulder , Kidney Injuries , Tip , Sickle Cell Disorders , Capillary Leak Syndrome , Side Effect , Bone , Crises , Muscle Ache , Shoulder Pain , Hair Stylist , Aleve , Relief , Middle , Flat Tire , Tylenol , Joanne , Home Safe , 2 , Roadside Assistance , Dad , Insurance , Auto Insurance , Jump , Tow , Switch , On Home , Liberty Mutual , 782 , 82 , 24 , Liberty , Quote Today , Intelligence , Fbi , Russian , Spies , Pretruth , Assange , Kind , Teenager , London , Three , Hacking , Anything , Dnc , Information , Alias Professor , It Wont Be Pleasant , Thaeg , Agent , Author , Julie Yandle Assange , Spy , Double , Executive Branch , Resacks , Lane , Immunity , Visits , Complaint , Dennis Rodman , Magazine , Kim Jong Un , Nowitzki Whakt , Prosecutor , Sanctions , Bill Browder , Motivations , Wikileaks , Actor , Motivation , It Off , Wing , The Hole , Motive , Hiding , Blogger , Report , Leaks , Affinity , Putin , Favor , Limelight , Relevancy , Conclusion , Hacker , Coordinating , Affair , Russiagate , Threat , Identify , Conviction , Counter Intelligence , Trial , Someone , Stage , Market , Battle , Doesnt Mean For Counter Intelligence He Operations Standpoint , Lines , Counter Intelligence Victory , Kinds , Corruption , Routine Garden Variety , Outcome , Tool , Charges , Desperation Attempt , Jeff Sessions , Addition , Briefing Room , Seat , Journalist , Absurdity , Definition , Quef , Hear , Brawl , Defender Secessionist Monuments , 45 , Managing , Ways , Humira , Infections , Remission , Humira Saw , Symptom , Medications , Moderate , Studies , Majority , Crohns Disease , Ability , Blood , Treatment , Areas , Nervous System Problems , Have , Heart Failure , Liver , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Tb , Infection , Don T , Sores , Hepatitis B , Gastroenterologist , Monuments , Removal , Slavery , Trump Wasnt Always Nostalgic , Art Decco Building , Sculptures , Art Deck Loe , 1929 , Metropolitan , Art , Demolition Schedule , Controversy , Muse , Object , Appraisals , Art Structures , Value , Enthusiasm , Muse He Um Of Art , Half , Monument , Structures , Try Weekenders , Project , Trump Tower , 60 , Weekenders , Mates Weekenders , Weekender , Tranquility , Spendy Weekenders , Bendy , Left , Erin , Clock , Key , Weekend Break , Hilton , Championship , The Sharpshooter , Four , Event , Deal , Thrill , Aapr Bonus , Room , Uh , Volkswagen , Yes , 2018 , 000 , 1000 , Apr , Jetta , The New York Times , Passat , Pedestal , Plaque Reading , Soldiers , Flagpole , Virginia Golf Course , Great American , Potomac , Nothing , Historians , River , Times , Spot , Water , Red , Casualties , Alternative Facts , Preservation Group , Executive Director , Section , Well , Assessment , Virginia , River Crossings , Fiction , Inefficiencies , Unmanaged Depression , Attention , Patient Recovery , List , Data , Insights , Pay , Care Stop , Wont Rest , Optum , Adults , Thrills , Mercedes Benz , Coupe , Sedan , Best , Cabriolet , Toys , C300 , 399 , 99 , Supremacists , Jeff Flake , Kelli Ward , Tweeting , Dr , Borders , Falsely , Equivalency , Nonfactor , Publicity , Lindsey Graham , Response , Praise , Individuals , Drawing , Sake , White Supremacists , Kkk , How Will History View Trump , Basement Guest Bathroom , I Love You , Odors , Febreze Small Spaces , 30 , Febreze Air Effects Doesn T , Policy , Feeling , Charlie Sykes , Several , Senior Adviser , Them , The Hill , Lonnie , Situation , Questions , Houses , Firing Squad , Disappointment , Agenda , Reality , Extent , House , Longly , Tax Reform Agenda , Hell , Number , Bargain , Denial , Primary , Place , Anyone , Moral , Policy Challenge , Guys , Choosing , Paul Ryan , Handling , Calculation , It Doesn T , Poll , Sar Lotsville , Cbs , 33 , 67 , Matter , Part , Clear , Blame , Look , Calculous , Safe , Fan , Gu , Example , Target , The End , Twitter , Polls , Sad , Politics , Think Charlie , Book , News Out , Potential , Talk Radio , Grievance , Confederate Statues , John Kasich , Record , Fight , Presidents , Divisions , Divisiveness , Media , Attempt , Echo Chamber , Rally , Posters , Percentage ,

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