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Please clap. All in starts right now. Good evening from las vegas, nevada. Im chris hayes. Were 24 hours from the fourth con zest in the republican nominating fight, the nevada gop caucuses which will kick off here in nevada and all around the states. A win he credited to his broad appeal among gop voters. We won with everything. I love the women. We won with women. We won with men. Meh. Id rather win with women to be honest, but thats all. We won with evangelicals, like unbelievable. We won with the military. We won with everything. We won with highly educate, pretty well educated and poorly educated, but we won with everything. Tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people. Just won. Now a South Carolina exit poll shows trump lost among republicans with a postgraduate education and we dont have breakdowns based on height or weight. Other than that what trump said is pretty much true. He took all 50 delegates in the state leaving every one of his rivals with a big goose egg. Last place finisher ben carson not noted received as many delegates as all others, which would be zero. He still needs more than a thousands delegates to secure the nomination. You have to conclude history is on his side. Trump has won South Carolina and New Hampshire and no republican dating back to 1980 has won those two early states and failed to win the nomination. Trump continues to lead by double digits in national polling. He appears to be poised to win many of the super tuesday states eight days from now. Here in nevada the latest polling shows trump with massive lead over his nearest rival who is seem to be battling for second place. Donald trump looks like the heavy, heavy favorite to win the gop nomination. Thats left trumps two closest competitors desperate to make the case its not too late to turn the tide. The socalled gop establishment has been rallying around rubio. Today the Rubio Campaign endorsements from develop establishment figures including former governor tim pawlenty and bob doyle. Now that my good friend jeb bush is no longer running, im supporting rubio. He wants to grow the party. Cruz, i dont know what he wants to grow. Rubio made the case that nominating trump would do the gop in the general election. If we nominate someone that half the Republican Party hates, were going to be fighting against each other till november. We will never win that way. I dont care how much you think they are funny or how interesting they sound, if we nominate someone that 40 to 50 of our party cant stand, we will lose. Rubio is yet to win a state. When asked when he might get one, he seemed to suggest not at all. Thats where you really need to begin to win states. I feel good where well be by then. By then, trump will have won a bunch more states and it might be too late to stop. The antitrump faction is not yet ready to throw up its hands. Joining me now is michael steele, in your capacity has head of the rnc, as you look over the nominating process and the contours of the calendar, this idea that the rubio people are pushing, which is were going to lose and were going to lose some more and after that well do a little more losing and well start winning. I know i sound mocking about it because i do find this spin from the camp a little, you have to take it with grain of salt. Is there something to this idea that they can wait for the field to winnow and start a bunch of victories and start getting california and stuff like that . I guess in fairy tale in politics somewhere you can do that. In real life, no. Think about it this way, donald trump is leading in ten, probably 11 out of the 14 states that will take that will be playing super tuesday in that week. At the end of that period, 50 , by the 15th of march, 50 of the delegates will have been selected. Donald trump could be sitting somewhere close to 700, 800 delegates at that point. I dont understand how you think that youre going to make up that kind of a gap if youre going to start winning once you get into the end of march, beginning of april. What makes anyone think that donald trump is going to lose any states after that. It doesnt make any sense. Hes right now beating marco rubio in florida. Hello . I dont understand what people are looking at within the establishment that makes them think that donald trump is just going to give up the ghost come the 15th of march. The case that they are making, and its not one that i buy, but here is the case. A, cruz underperformed in South Carolina. He is getting squeezed. His lane is diminishing. Maybe he doesnt last that long. Two, that trump is someone with a high florida low ceiling, which is to say his supporters are bedrock with him but a small percentage relative to the gop and people that are not with him arent going to come to him. You see in some of the exit polling about late deciders, this idea the party is onethird trump, twothirds nontrump. Those late deciders are a small percentage of the foot. Theres a lot of folks coming out early and backing him. Donald trump is bringing any voters to the table. Hes bridging voters who have been disenfranchised and out of game for cycles. Youve that to offset the late deciders who float toward some other candidate. Second point, where do we get this math that makes us believe that donald trump is not somebody elses second choice in the field of remaining candidates. Theyre not marco rubio or cruz or anyone else is not going to get all those votes if carson or kasich drops out. Weve seen that play out. Donald trump has picked up support from voters from candidates who already left the race. Again, he has set this thing in motion in a way and the voters, this is the critical thing for me, the voters in our primary are setting this thing in way that they are telling us who they want right now. I do not see any indication that when you get to winner take all that donald trump doesnt win any of those states number one, and number two that voters go, that was a nice fling. Were done. I just dont see that happening and theres no indication out there that it will. I was playing with an online delegate calculator where you march through after tomorrow unless the polling is wrong, trump will run up again. Its pretty easy to come up with a scenario where you get to the convention with trump just shy of what he needs. Thats not a ridiculous scenario at all. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 to 1,000 delegates, thats a real possibility, isnt it . It is a real possibility. Its one of the reasons why you can have this scenario with folks getting out. It may not be enough for the person who stand and go mano a mano with him. All right. Michael steele, thanks for your tonight. Let me start with you. Youve been following the Rubio Campaign. Ive been skeptical of the Rubio Campaigns spin. You talk about the establishment. I think its more abundant because of jeb bush. Theres aenntitrump folks that will not go quietly. Thats a good argument. One of the things they benefitted from is not marco rubio was able to bounce back from New Hampshire and that proved not to be a fatal blow but ted cruz underwhelmed over there. They feel confident that ted cruz is in a position of, not claw his way back but hes the one struggling at this point in time. They were separated. Right. The issue is, the reason i bring that up is say marco rubios campaign succeeds in squeezing ted cruz out. A lot of them will go to donald trump and then theres the john kasich factor. Hes playing the role of spoiler now. You look at michigan and hes polling ahead of marco rubio. And ohio. This idea the consolidation at this point is enough to carry marco rubio into a position of winning, there isnt a notion to back that up. I will say this, that i think what the Rubio Campaign, the reason you started to hear them talk in the run up to South Carolina about going to a brokered convention, their Campaign Manager is talk about it, rubio is talking about it is because of the possibility, the likelihood that you could get there without trump having enough delegates to clench the nomination and once you get inside the hall, all bets are off. If you go through the ballot and the delegates are released, its not about the voters anymore. Its about the bathroom deals and whatever you can kind of cobble together. The Rubio Campaign is not ready to say this quite this way but they are hoping they can prevent trump from clenching the nomination. I think thats a much better way to understand how this is carrying this out. Rubios path to getting the 1100 delegates he needs, its hard. That seems more plausible. It seemed more plausible in terms of the argument they are making. All evidence points to the fact that donald trump is running with the nomination. This would be citing a historical pr historical precedent. Now youre capping off three consecutive overwhelming victories in three out of four of the early voting states. Donald trump is leading in florida. Marco cannot afford to lose his home state. The same way ted cruz cant afford to lose texas. That will be harder to make the case he can remain in the race and be a competitor to donald trump. We have nevada tomorrow night and polling showing up there. Texas is interesting because it comes to where ted cruz is in this race now and today he had this thing where he fired his Campaign Spokesperson who tweeted a link to a video of marco rubio with raphael cruz. This is the video. Rubio says something to a cruz staffer about the bible on his desk that said theres no good answers in there. The staffer is like i hate the bible. He clearly didnt say that. The subtitles are wrong. All the answers are there. Hes not an idiot. Hes running for president who will just, yeah, i hate that. The book of mormon there. That would have been interesting. He was once a member of the mormon church. His campaign is aggressively targeting mormon voters here. Romney behind the scenes. There was a lot of talk of him endorsing rubio. Romney behind the scenes is directing donors and other people. Heres one thing that i find funny. Were at this point where we have seen right to rise crash and burn. Thats the Jeb Bush Super pac. I love this idea of great news. All that money that was lit on fire is now been freed up for marco rubio to light on fire. I mean obviously the days being made there is that the problem with the money with the candidate. Theres also the case to be made it was ineffectual. It doesnt make a difference in the primary but in the general. We get to the point where this will be waged more so in the media markets than before. Marco is a lot stronger. A lot of criticism is they werent using the money the promote jeb bush but torture marco rubio. One of the reasons hes saying march 15th is when we start doing well is because they need time to hurry up and get all the establishment cash to come to him and his super pac. Its very unclear whether that will happen before super tuesday. You can just feel, ive seen this for a while. Youve seen it when politico does the polls. The desire to get marco this nomination is so powerful and not incorrectly in the sense they think hes the most electable. My theory is part of the reason the electabilities argument doesnt sell is because in the conservative bubble Hillary Clinton is seen is so despised they dont recognize shes a formidable candidate. You can tell theres so many conservatives and republicans who think shes going to be indicted at some point before the election. That very farfetched possibility is actually seen as like a 50 50 chance among a lot of republicans. That ends up hurting rubio. If the whole argument is you need someone who can win if you think hes going to crash and burn lets put trump up. In the eyes of the voters they are inclined to say is youre the most formidable opponent, why arent you winning . Th they are reaping the rewards of Hillary Clinton. Still to come, 130 million lesson of failed president ial campaign. What we have learned. Why are few democrats shows up to vote this election. This bizarre moment that happened at Donald Trumps rally in atlanta. Lets go, ready. Turn off the lights. Turn off the lights. Turn off the lights. Turn them off. Thank you. Imagine if the things you bought every day. Earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, two united club passes, priority boarding, and 30,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. Hes former florida governor, jeb bush. Give it up for jess mcintosh. Theres a strong consensus you got the bush network. You got the bush last name, which is the bush last night. You have a lot of people thinking this is a consensus frontrunner. Im looking forward to saying im taking my identity. Just a mere 389 days ago when our 2016 fantasy drafter show aired. It seemed that jeb bush had a good chance of winning the republican nomination maybe into the white house. Thats what sam thought who traded his donald trump whammy pick for jesss jeb bush pick. A lot has dhachanged since then. On saturday the world watched as jeb bid farewell to the race. That means jess is still leading our draft with donald trump at 9,000 points. Michael steele is going strong. Jeb bushs president ial quest comes to an end. How jeb and the donor class lost, or did that . Next. Youll ask what body aches . What knee pain . What sore elbow . What joint pain . Advil liquigels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liquigels the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. I really respect their decision. Tonight, im suspended my campaign. Yeah, yeah. We love you jeb. Somewhat stunned crowd listened to jeb bush end a campaign that began with shock and awe. That was the description of the initial Fund Raising Efforts by the bush campaign. In the end bush and right to rise spent nearly 130 million to get exactly four delegates. Not surprisingly the recriminations have begun. Bush supporter designate richard taking aim at the man who ran the super pac. I was told mike murphy was a political magician and now i believe it. He took the most transformational, courageous conservative governor and made him look like a moderate. The question is where does that money go . A certain plan on a skotscooter las vegas, when does he get off. Man who can answer all those questions better than anyone i know. He wrote how jeb bush spent 130 million running for president with nothing to show for it. You tweeted out, i love this list you tweeted out of all the clubs, yacht clubs and private clubs that they stroked donors at. What is your understanding . How do you understand this debacle . We have not seen a more candidate mismatched. A smart guy, experienced but not well matched for this election. I dont think anyone ever claimed that money is the only thing in politics. Its just very important. Who is left in the gop . A billionaire himself, marco rubio, the other favorite of the donor cl donor class and ted cruz who has rallied and cultivate a new class of socially conservative big donor who is are not as active. These guys all have money. I think thats a good point. This is candidates and super pacs combined. You have ted cruz and marco rubio and ben carson after that. The other thing i would say is if you look at policy, say things like tax breaks for the top, marco rubio wants to get rid of Capital Gains. Even donald trump has huge tax break at the top. Its not like the donor class is out of luck. I would say if youre a bit worried about Citizens United is it would bring lots and lots of money into politics and the person who get the most would win all the time, that hasnt happened. If your concern is the elected class in the country has to spend almost all their time m marinating in the prejudices and desires of other wealthy people thats bad for policy and democracy. I think thats probably a concern. In some ways, what the donald trump phenomenon has shown to the extent that creates this mass oceans of social distance between the actual voters and donor class, trump has exploited that quite effectively and exploiting how far the donor class is from the actual voters who should be deciding things. Donald trump is a riddle who is running as a populist of c conservatives who are angry. He has exposed a class divide in his own party. He said its possible to run for president and say immigration is bad for the country as a republican and win on that. Its also possible to say red e reducing the Capital Gains tax rate to zero is not the be all, end all. A lot of Republican Voters say i actually have other concerns. I actually like entitlement spending if it goes to people like me. I like Social Security and im really against immigration which the party keeps telling me is good for us. Theres a huge opening for donald trump to exploit and hes seized it. What do you think the conversations are in the donor class . Will there be different ways to avoid getting burned again . I think we have seen them try a couple of things. We talk about how they set up the super pacs. They hold the pursestrings and decide how the money can get spent. They have gone through the revolution. They have boards of directors to oversee the spending. Some will go to rubio. Some will go to kasich. Well see if the money is any match against Donald Trumps mass free media. Seems fitting as i sitz here in las vegas to talk about fools and their money. Thanks for your time. Coming up, the Enthusiasm Gap. Why republicans are seeing record breaking turn out as more democrats stay home. What that means for november, ahead. vo making the most out of every mile. Thats why i got a subaru impreza. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. is committed to truth on thee plabel. D when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. 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We do not do well when the voter turn out is not large. We did not do as i wanted to bring a large voter turn out. Hes argued his success is dep dependent on large voter turn out. Voter turn out represented 33 drop from 2008. In fact, in first three democratic contests of 2016, voter turn out is down. In iowa the democratic turn out is 30 drop. In New Hampshire, turn out fell 13 . Republican turn out is upsetting records in iowa and New Hampshire. As the Washington Examiner points out 1. 2 Million People voted in republican primaries and caucuses so far. Thats up 24 from 2012. These contrasting trends in voter turn out between democrats and republicans should not concern Bernie Sanders but could be a warning to the entire democratic party. Are democrats suffering from Enthusiasm Gap and will that haunt them in november. Joy, theres a bunch of ways you can read this data. What is your read of this so far . Theres a couple ways to read it. One way is the shadow reelect phenomenon where democrats already have the white house. They are not motivated to take back the white house. They believe a lot of democratic voters assume Hillary Clinton will be the nominee, dont feel any urgency to go out and do anything about this. They may come back in the fall. The danger for Bernie Sanders is in that presumption is whether he has an actual chance of being the nominee meaning theres less nomination thinking he isnt going to win any way. The people northeast motivated to make a change are a small minority of the Democrat Party who want to make change from obama. Thats not a great place to be in if youre Bernie Sanders. Theres some apples to oranges here. 2008 you had larger field. You had larger field in iowa. John edwards still in the race. An organizer i talked to about this today made the point more people campaigning means more people doing get out the vote operation. You wonder how much to the degree theres complacency m manifesting in the primary whether that carries over. Ive had a lot of people saying theres really not a correlation between the level of enthusiasm necessary and the premare. Its not as active of primary but its a pretty active primary. Bernie sanders is making a heck of a run at Hillary Clinton. Everyone should look at the awarded delegates right now. Exactly. About what the current state of the race is, the scoreboard if you take away the super delegates but the awarded de delegate s a tie. Much of the action is taking place among the younger coherts who are energizing the Bernie Sanders campaign. Theres not as much action going on. Theres not as much as a contest between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Thats the bulk of the democratic cohert. Republicans are super motivated because they see the opportunity to take the white house away from the democratics. Theres a more natural motivation on their side of the aisle. Democratic party announcing 14,000 new registrants at the caucus. The 14,000 new rej strangistran down. You can imagine if he had dropped out or polling 40 points behind. Those are 14,000 new people you registered for the general election. Yeah. The reality is that most people at the end of it still vote for the candidate even if their candidate lose. I think democrats will come to regret this idea they had to wipe out any competition for Hillary Clinton and clear the field for her. Without a contested primary or the excitement of a multiperson real contested race, you dont have that native not only enthusiasm and excitement but you dont have what you talked about which is the actual work of Voter Registration that only campaigns can really do. I think democrats are baked in a complacency that they are now seeing reaped at the voting booth when republicans are just s shalacking them in turn out. They have a hard time reaching them to make them think its contested. My brother is a organizer in this state in 2012. The organizers have been doing a phenomenal job. The limits they are reaching are much more structural. Theres a lot of talent in those ranks. Theyre still being commitment off the top. One of the things alarming is ive talked to a lot of africanamericans who say black voters are not engaged. Theres this whole fight about who did what in the 60s. Thats not engaging them. There hasnt been enough engagement and thats not a good thing. Well see if that changes in the next few weeks. Thank you for joining us. Thank you opinion. A very strange yet aptly telling moment during a trump event yesterday. You have to see it. Thats next. My staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. At t can help you stay connected. Am i seeing double . No maam. Our at t buy one get one free makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers. And share promotions on social media . You know it now im seeing dollar signs. You should probably get your eyes checked. Good one babe. Optometry humor. Right now get up to 650 in credits to help you switch to at t. is committed to truth on thee plabel. D when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. And we leave out corn, wheat and soy. Learn more at beyondpetfood. Com when your allergy symptoms start. Ive been claritin clear for 14 days. Doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season. For continuous relief. With powerful, 24 hour. Nondrowsy claritin, live claritin clear. Every day. As much as you want to put them in our jails, they were probably put here to put them they didnt pay the electric bill. I like that much better. Because the lights didnt work, i wont pay the rent, so we get better lighting and we dont pay the rent. Right. No, get those lights off. Off. Turn them off. Theyre too bright. Turn them off. Turn them off. Lets go. Turn off the lights. Turn off the lights. Turn off the lights. Turn them off. Turn off the lights. So much nicer. Thats the way we have to negotiate for our country. Its the kind of sick thinking we really need for our country, isnt that right . Because the lights didnt work, even though its better, we say were not paying the rent. The lights didnt work. This is ridiculous. We will not pay the rent and we say bye bye. That was donald trump last night in atlanta turning his crowd on the light board operator. As it turns out a protester pulled the cord out causing the lights to go out. A prime example of trumps strong man approach to politics. Hes having a problem with his hotel right here. Well tell you about that, next. Cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. To put you back in control. [doorbell] woman coming alkaseltzer plus sinus. Frodoers dont stop. Wake up, every day is a chance to do something great. And for the ones they love, theyd do anything. Sears optical has glasses made for doing. Right now, buy one pair and get another free. Quality eyewear for doers. Sears optical. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive Donald Trumps standing in the primary has a lot to do with his strong man personality. Theres a lot of his bullying that doesnt look popular. Voters voted to unionize. The hotel is refusing to negotiate a contract High Pressure here is Donald Trumps son earlier today. Every hotel in las vegas is unionized. Were the only one. I think its great testament to our company that were not. People love working the building. Weve had amazing success. To be clear, not all hotels are unionized. Roughly 5 of them are including the venetian. A few hours from now donald trump is scheduled to hold rally and his employees from his hotel will be there. They plan to set up bargaining tables where they hope to get trump to negotiate their first contract. You won the election . Yes. You won the election. I want to read the Trump Organization says the Hearing Office Office Officers recommendations reward the severe misconduct which clearly impacted incredibly close election. Response to that. I think what happened, not a lot of people understand how union work. The company has a lot of power to appeal. The company went through the first level and the government said, very clearly, these charges are in no way reasonable. Threw them all out and said the company should bargain. Winning a Union Election without neutrality, the employer is not easy. Its not easy. Its almost impossible, frankly. The fact you won this election, shows theres real support for this union. Absolutely. I think trump would take a victory in any state by 53 of the vote. Hes refusing to negotiate . Hes not come to the table. Workers have been clear about saying were ready to negotiate a contract. Youve negotiated a contract with your workers at the trump hotel in canada. Why should we have a different standard . He talks about wanting to make America Great again. His workers have said start right here. With a contract that gives us fair wages and gives us a structure and understand what our relationship is with our employer. Thats right. And with Better Health care and ability to retire with dignity which is what all the employees doing the same jobs in the casinos down the strip enjoy. This is not something he never experienced. Thats exactly right. He signed a contract less than a year ago with his workers at a hotel in canada. Do you see this election as an opportunity to force the issue here. It goes back to your point earlier, winning this election is not easy. Workers are going to do everything they can to get the full contract. They will follow him across the country until he sits down and negotiates with them for what they fought for. All right. Its really great plash easure have you back. Still ahead, a reminder of how uncomfortable it was to watch unfold. Those moments ahead. 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So wi got a job ews . Ill be programming at ge. Oh i got a job too, at zazzies. friends gasp the app where you put fruit hats on animals . I love that guys, ill be writing code that helps machines communicate. interrupting i just zazzied you. phone vibrates look at it friends giggle i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs. You name it. Im going to transform the way the world works. proudly i programmed that hat. And i can do casaba melons. Ill be helping turbines power cities. I put a turbine on a cat. friends ooh and ahh i can make hospitals run more efficiently. This isnt a competition if you have high Blood Pressure many Cold Medicines may raise your Blood Pressure. Thats why theres coricidin® hbp. It relieves cold symptoms without raising Blood Pressure. So look for powerful Cold Medicine with a heart. Coricidin® hbp. It was one of the most expensive and least productive campaigns in history. We present some of the low lights. Thats my case is that i have a steady hand and i will lead the country through tumultuous events. I learned how to do it when i was governor of the state of florida. I know you can do it. I think the next president needs to be a lot quieter but send a signal that were prep e prepared to act in the National Security interest in this country to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world. Please, clap. My watch cant be talking. Youre trying to build up youre its not working. Are you there . Is it my watch . Youre real tough. Im at 42. Youre 3. So far im doing better. I know when its ringing but ive never used it. There you go. Underutilized i watch. You started off over here. Youre moving over further and further. Pretty soon youre going to be off the end. You can go back in time and kill baby hitler, would you . I need to know. Yeah, i would. Im talking now. You can go back. You interrupted me. September 30th. Have you apologized . He had the gall to go after my mother. I won the lottery when i looked up 63 years ago. She should be running. Its not about my family or his family. Can jeb bush be a surprise story here on caucus night . Yes, since the expectations are so low. You have succeeded there, governor. Mission accomplished. You have a guy named bush. He was a governor, very low energy. More energy tonight. I like that. What would you want your secret Service Code Name to be. Ever ready. Its very high energy, donald. How many you have are democrat. This is real story here in New Hampshire. I can promise you the best way to show respect outside of rebuilding our military to men and women in uniform is fix that mess as fast as i can. Thats it. Thank you. Theyre kicking me out the door. All right. That is all in for this evening. Tomorrow night well be live back here at the New York New York casino in las vegas at 8 00 p. M. Eastern and our special coverage of the Nevada Republican caucuses begins at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Joining me now in the wonderful city of las vegas, the Rachel Maddow show starts now. Good evening. Good evening, chris. Its weird to go to new york and go to fake new york in las vegas. Its like, yeah. Its very weird. Its very real at the same time. Thank you very much. Thanks to you at home for joining us in nevada where heads have started finally roll in vast republican race. Today in durango hills, hundreds of people, Something Like 700, 800 people were gathered at a ymca for a midday Campaign Rally for ted cruz. Were getting down to the wire in nevada. The caucuses are tomorrow. These are the last things the candidates are going to do. These are the last day events. This is really important in terms of trying to win nevada. This is Closing Argument time for the various campaigns who can get their candidate here in person and on the ground. This ted cruz event today was supposed to start at noon local time. There was supposed to be a Candidate Press Conference Ahead of time. Even with the incredibly tigh

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