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Online and at our events. They are being treated badly. What began as a little rebellion has emerged and grown into a full fledged middle revolution. New hampshire tonight has made bill clinton the comeback kid. When all in starts right now. Good evening from manches r manchester, New Hampshire in the heart of the political world. At midnight, just four hours from now, the first polling locations open and the voting officially begins in New Hampshires first in the nation primary. All signs suggest that donald trump having survived his second place finish in iowa and rumors of his demise is poised for his first big victory. The most recent polling shows him with commanding lead, almost 16 points ahead of the closest challenger, marco rubio. The last one before New Hampshire voters head to the polls, trump is reverting to some of it greatest hits to close the deal. On the campaign trail hes been lashing out at the candidate who poses no electoral threat. The perfect foil for his strong man persona. Heres a guy, honestly, if he werent in government, you wouldnt hire him to do anything. Hes like a child. Hes like a spoiled child. Bush raised 128 million, supposedly. They have total control over this guy. Last attack may have struck a nerve. Today jeb bush, the candidate with the most superpac money behind him came out against the Citizens United spending. Across the aisle the democratic race in New Hampshire is looking almost equally settled on the eve of this primary. Bernie sanders is averaging more than 10 over Hillary Clinton in the latest polls. Today, he was campaigning like a frontrunner, doing very little media. The entire Clinton Family was out in full force giving the hard sale against making sanders the democratic nonominee. The most heated contest is the fiveman battle for second place in the republican field behind donald trump. The outcome may decide who lives to fight another day and who reaches the end of the road. After spinning his third place finish into a win, marco rubio seemed like a man with momentum. Enough to close the gab behind trump and squeeze out some of the other candidates favored by the donor class and party leads. Then came saturday nights debate when rubios repeated use of the same talking point. Lets dispel with this fiction that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing. He knows exactly what hes doing. This motion that barack obama doesnt know what hes doing is not true. He knows exactly what hes doing. The memoriedize 25second speech. Doing damage control over the past couple of days, rubio is standing by what he said explaining his canned talking points with some more canned talking points. Im going to continue to say that. Its one of the reasons im running. Im going to keep saying that. Its at the core of this campaign. Even at the core of this statement, i continue to say it. I will pay people to repeat those lines. I would pay them to keep running that clip. Thats what i believe, passiona passionately. It was the biggest fund raiding night. We raised more money last night many first hour. We had the biggest Fund Raising Night of my campaign. Even bigger than any other debate. Obama care was not an accident. Doddfrank was not an accident. Obama care was not an accident. Doddfrank wasnt an accident. The deal with iran was not an accident. If New Hampshire voters are taking notice, rubios stumble, in the eyes of the donor class could create an opening for the governors. There are definitely rumblings of a kasich surge. Hes been doing tons of town hall in the state. In an interview he told my colleague hes staying focused on his own campaign. Im like a golfer. I watch my game, the 17th and 18th hole, i dont look at the leader board. I go in the clubhouse and normally in this business, i win. We marched in a lot of obscurity for a long time. Maybe well get to the point where that obscurity will come to an end. Jeb bush hoping to out perform his poll numbers. Hillary clinton would scrap the bark off rubio. Chris christie said that in race where kexpectations are half th battle, rubio has already lost. Its over. His campaign putting out marco stuff is not happening anymore. The fact is because hes not ready to be president. We had a very good now 24, 36 hours online as far as contributions. Other donors who were maybe moving toward senator rubio are frozie inn in place. Theres so much to get to. So many angles of this glut in the battle for second place im fascinated by as window into how president ial politics works in 2016. Lets begin with the rubio malfunction. Sabrina, youve been covering the rubio campaign. People say hes extremely impressive in person. Hes very good at these town ha hall. What do you make of that tough debate performance . The reason you see him doubling down is their attitude is we have to not go toward the scripted narrative and the essence of the attack he was making on barack obama which plays well with the conservative base. It always does well when he says it at town halls. When i was with him all day yesterday, you start to see the strength of why voters gravitate toward him. Many town halls hes personable. I had a number of undecided voters go up to him in front of me and say we saw the debate. We were concerned but you sold us today. I dont think you could rule him out based one debate in terms of voters. That effects the donor class which where he was coming off of iowa and about to consolidate this lane, so called lane, and that becomes trickier or prolonged of a process. Two audience, voters, donors. Theres this moment when christie says you hear a lot of checks being torn up. I thought god bless Chris Christie being torn up. He doesnt say you hear a lot of tvs clicking off. You heard a lot of checks being ripped up is the moment was about what sabrina talking about is whether youll see donor class consolidation. Iowa changed the game where rubio definitely was the establishment before for those glorious three days of his career. Now its not. I think you have seen on the trail a different candidate. He lost his mojo a little bit. Now im not sure what happens. In terms of the donor class, donors like robots. Robots dont mess up. Thats the point. The question is whether or not New Hampshire voters like this robot. When you play that open in sequence it was pretty brutal. Well get a robot running. Thats coming after the selfdriving cars. Youve covered politics for ever. Im the old guy. I guess i couldnt tell, i saw that moment and thought the moment where christie goes there it is in, i thought it was like im paying for this microphone. Youre no jack kennedy debate iconic moment. Maybe the voters dont see it that way. He also lost the vote of english teachers. He kept making the same grammatical error over and over. I think it will be easy to mock him. Marco rubio has been a lightweight his whole political career. Lets go to the rest of what he said. He accused the president of the United States of thats a serious charge. So people understand the context. At one level its like barack obama knows what hes doing. Whos the strong man that you are arguing he doesnt know what hes doing. The context is marco rubio has been compared to barack obama. On the republican side thats been viewed as a liability. His opponents have used that as a slight. Not as a source of any praise. What he does on the stump is try to say, barack obama has been successful at pushing a liberal agenda. Hes been successful at changing this country to his view. We need a conservative in the white house like myself, essentially, who will achieve what barack obama has. If he were saying that, i would not have said what i have said. Hes saying barack obama is undermining the institution. Thats an impeachable offense. You dont say that about a sitting president. In this establishment lane you have voters i talked to since iowa who are trying to figure out, im not a cruz voter. I think Donald Trumps crazy. Where am i suppose to go . No question they were with rubio before this debate. They may still be with rubio but i have other options now. Lets dispel with this fiction that marco rubio is the establishment. He has a very conservative record. Why this might not hurt him quite so much is theres still only one viable alternative. Kasich or jeb could emerge having a better than expected performance. They will not consolidate republicans. This is where theres a delicious, dramatic twist which is the revenge of the expectations game. They leap the 321 strategy. The guy comes in third. Hes the first to come out on Election Night and said they were the first to say this couldnt happen. Sure, fine. He gets that and inflates momentum. If he doesnt come in second, marco coming out of first two contests with two third place fin tiishes is a weak argument say im the guy. If he finishes third after those two guys he may still be fine. Its a question of i think if he doesnt well enough, i think it become a twoman race between donald trump and ted cruz sooner than we thought. We have to decide. Half the problem for john kasich is if he does well, i saw him in a town hall and i was extremely impressed. A persons different politics than i have. Talking about this is how we balance the budget this my third year in ohio. Hes also the only guy not going around saying that america is a smoking of blood and zombies. Hes saying we still got a pretty decent country. He and jeb. We have to get to that. I want to thank the crew at all in for reattached my jaw to my head. When i heard him say that Citizens United should be repelled, i literally stopped in my tracks. Heres whats so great. The context to look at this is the republican donor class understands the electoral weaknesses in their party. The key is to appeal to enough obama voters. From the background thats relatable. Talks about the folks and also wants to get rid of all Capital Gains taxes, which is an idea when steve forbes proposed it, mitt romney said this is a give away ad. Thats what makes rubio this combination of political talent that is for growth. Thats why theres so much invested in him. The question is can he deliver with all those people willing him to succeed . Thank you. Go get yourself a drink at the bar. Bring me back one too. Is that an order . Hillary clinton responds to rumors of a Campaign Shake up after New Hampshire in an exclusive interview with Rachel Maddow. New hampshire primary seeing some dramatic turning points. Well look at a few of the most remarkable moments ahead. Trumps latest strategy. This is fascinating. As he tries to secure his first state win, why he is railing against big business in the donor class and the rigged game. When a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. Faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. Thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. And with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. Chase for business. So you can own it. Chase for business. Dad, yoh no, ill take you up to me off rthe front of the school. Thats where your friends are. Seriously, its, its really fine. You dont want to be seen with your dad . No, its. No. This about a boy . Dad stop, please. Oh, theres tracy. What [ horn honking ] [ tires screech ] bye dad it brakes when you dont. Forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. 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Today a report out from politico that Hillary Clinton is considering making staffing and strategy changes after tomorrows primary. Political reports said mark penn, clintons controversial controversial strategy gist h strategist has been advising clinton. Rachel asked her about the shake up. I have no idea what they are talking about or who they are talking to. Im confident in the people i have. Im committed to them. Theyre committed to doing the best we can. Were going to take stock. What works, what doesnt work. Were moving into a different phase of the campaign. Were moving into different geograph geographic areas. Ahead, hillary and bill clinton are going after sanders supporters. Thats next. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card breaking news as Hillary Clinton defends her husbands charges. Bill clinton said his wifes backers have been subject to attacks that one progressive did not feel comfortable putting her name in an article promoting Hillary Clinton. She posted it under a pseudonym because she and other people have went online to explain why they supported her have been subject to vicious trolling and attacks that are too propane, often, not to mention sexist to repeat. Those comments part of larger broadside against sanders generate a lot of attention. At rally bill clinton, attacks were seen as less than helpful acknowledged he has to be careful. The hotter this election gets, the more i wish i were just a former president and just for a few months not the spouse of the next one. I have to be careful what i say. In an interview with Rachel Maddow, Hillary Clinton argued her husband had a point. I think bill was defending my supporters. We know a lot of them are being harassed onlines, at our events. They are being treated badly. Im all for people who are for my opponent. Its great to bring as many new, young people as possible. I want people treated respectfully. I think thats part of what he was talking about. Joining me now, tad devine. Good to have you here. Senator sanders said cut the crap. Do you does this is this something you feel like you have a problem with . Is it a different side of the same coin of passionate support in the era of social media . Its a fine line between that and getting nasty . Make it clear and unequivocal that we dont want people to do this. I think the reason the clintons are raising this is because only concern about supporters. The polls are very tight here. The polls are tightening elsewhere. Bill clinton didnt just talk about this. He threw the kitchen sink at Bernie Sanders. I think its unfortunate he decided to do it. Were going to stay on message. Clinton had an interesting riff about the establishment. I want to play this clip and get your response. Take a listen. I think its unfortunate that we cant have a debate without rankor. Anybody that support her as a member of the establishment, whatever that is. He made it this point, when i first heard these comments, what he was making with this. Theres a difference between saying lets debate substantively and the other thing which is anyone supporting clinton is part of a corrupt system from which no good faith can be expected. Is that the argument the Sanders Campaign is making . No. The argument is the political and Economic Establishment has put in place a rigged economy. Its what does that word mean . Define it. A rigged economy . No. Establishment. Its the sources of power in our establishment. The political structures that are if place that allow for Citizens United and super fund paccing. 15 million from wall street. Thats the establishment. That theory of politics requires an establishment to be acting in some sort of unified purpose. The Clinton Campaign said you talk about the establishment. Theres wall street Hedge Fund People dropping millions of dollars to defeat me. They dont sue me as an ally. She can make the arguments she want. The first ad we put, he said people are sick and tired of an establishment politics and establishment economic. They want real change. Let me ask you this. The Democratic Party, does that count as part of the establishment . Listen, were running for the nomination of the Democratic Party. Let me define the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party that Bernie Sanders hopes he can create will include millions of people that do not participate in the democratic process. Thats the Democratic Party we want to create. Isnt it the case that the voter has a positive feeling about the Democratic Party and the person who sits atop the establishment, which is the most powerful person in the free world, barack obama. Bernie sanders has been part of that as a member of the caucus house and senate for the past 25 years. Is he part of the establishment . Hes a sitting senator. He said no. Hes fighting against what he p perceives a rigged economy. This remembers me of definition of rich, someone who has more money than you. Thank you. All right. Its wonderful to have you here. Good to see you in person. I want to talk about criminal justice. Thats something the Clinton Campaign is running. Its about the racial double standard. Ben jealous was on the program on friday. He was talking about Hillary Clintons record. To see Hillary Clinton continue to lag behind, this year she was the only democratic candidate on stage who was forthe death penalty. In 2008, she was the only one who refused to support the retro active application of any cha e change. Growing up in the mass incarceration generation seeing real vision and integrity on issues of sentencing is critical. The critique here is that whatever she is saying now that her record is such shes been late to the issue and ergo, i dont trust her to be a leader on it now. She hasnt changed her position. I think thats a selective amnesia. Senator sanders voted for the 1994 crime bill that expanded the death penalty. Im supporting secretary clinton. She supported that bill as well. She supported her husband. Senator sanders passed a vote in support of that legislation. I also think theres an unfair mischaracterization of her position on the death penalty. In the debate she made a point to offer a distinction between federal and state offering a high bar for extreme cases such as timothy mcvey. She acknowledges that in the states, shes said throughout this campaign that black and brown men are disproportionately stopped, searched, arrested and charged. Shes aware of that. Im supporting her because i know shes committed to meaningful justice reform. You mentioned the crime bill which is a touch stone in this. Its interesting to watch people reassess that. Bernie sanders did vote for that bill. Id like to know why he did. This is a clip i saw of her talking about crime and super predators in 1996. Take a listen. Not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids called super predators, no conscious, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heal. I think hear that language and thats hard to swallow in 2016. Have to bring them to heal. Talking about kids. What do you make of that clip . Secretary clinton believes Strong Families make for a strong america. She doesnt believe there are any bad children, only bad social conditions. Thats not what she says. Im telling you now, shes supporting holisticly those that are poor and low income. Every one talks about black and brown boys and how they are a proven risk. This candidate for president , unprompted acknowledged that we have more young woman that are incarcerated and she has a plan for them. You could say she has plan now she dedicated her life to that. She was making sure juvenileinc with adults. Is that the kind of language who has to be brought to heel. Thats a true saying. Hurt people, hurt people. Its a very real thing to acknowledge that because of broken social conditions and larger social determineants are growing up without empathy. The point of policy has shifted in 20 years. Im thankful for that. Thank you very much. Thank you. Some candidates are in need of a New Hampshire mirracles. I am her best friend. I am her ally. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to her Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. And may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. 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I think mickey mouse could run against george bush. The candidate bid better than that nabbing 37 of the vote. Its president of the United States, pat buchanan. He didnt win but he scored, and big. Tonight what began as a it l a little rebellion has emerged into a full fledged revolution. Bush was staggered. Instead of a victory speech he managed over a written state. He said he was delighted with his win but he got the message. He went on the win the primary four years later beating bob doyle. Having rolled a live hand grenade into the living room of the party he talked the establishment. Had the movie sleepless in seattle. They could call this establishment in both parties, clueless in washington. On the democratic side in 1992, bill clintons president ial ambitions were in trouble plagued by multiple scandals. He still managed to place second in New Hampshire finishes behind massachusetts senator. He spun the second place surprise into a victory. Clinton finished a strong second largely on the strength of experience. I want you to know that i know in november well win great victory against pat back to you cann pat buchanan. Hillary campaign was under intense scrutiny. Inside her campaign a lot of finger pointing and possible shake ups. We want everybody who believes in hillary to come in im smelling a shake up. Well bring in more people to help us. Bill clinton was out on the campaign trail attacking his wifes opponent. Hes going after obamas claim that he always opposed the iraq war. Its wrong that senator obama got to go through 15 debates trumpeting his judgment and how he had been against the war every year. Give me a break. Less than 24 hours, everything changed. Hillary clinton won by three points. The story of a second clinton comeback dominated the news cycle. Following the stunner in New Hampshire last night, Hillary Clinton pulled off one of the most amazing comebacks in modern president ial politics just when it was thought she was going down to a double digit defeat at the hands of barack obama. The headline back from the dead. This is a state thats proved time and time again it can deliver a surprise and change the course of a president ial campaign. It turns out in the end for all the flaws of american democracy, the voters so often have a mind of their own. We are just hours away from finding out whats on their mind here this year. About a biologic, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. 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The drug company guys make sure you never negotiate the price of drugs. The oil guys make sure that all good things happen with respect to oil. All of these things, thats the way the system works. I was on the other side of the system for a long time, and a very big donor. I understand it. Donald trump is on the campaign trail making his Closing Argument in New Hampshire. A state that pat buchanan won in 1996 while campaigning as a kind of right wing populist. Trump who continues to maintain a lead despite predictions of implosion and as he attempts to win his first state, he appears to be emphasizing the most populous themes of his campaign. He hammered on sounding like Bernie Sanders than a man aiming to win the republican nomination. I dont agree with Bernie Sanders on much. On trade he said were being ripped off. He just doesnt know how much. I know how much. Hes right with hillary because shes, look, shes receiving a fortune from a lot of people. A week ago things looked very different. Trump was defending himself from attacks from ted cruz that trump was insufficiently conservative. In New Hampshire, he appears to be betting that his strength comes most from his role as an antiestablishment outsider more than from touting traditional conservative traditions. Its too early to tell if that message is working. From the washington examiner, whether its successful is missing the point. Hes doing so on a platform of the Republican Party that would now exist in washington. Joining me now is michael steele. I want to get your reaction to this amazing moment where trump went adversarial on the room. Ive never seen in a debate before. Its a strange choice. Take a listen. How tough is it take property from an elderly woman. Let me talk. Quiet. How tough is it . A lot of times. Thats all his donors and special interests. The reason theyre not loving me is i dont want their money. I dont want their money. I dont need their money. Im the only one that can say that. The rnc claims that only 75 of 1,000 seats went to donors. That was a i welcome their hatred moment to quote fdr from donald trump. Exactly. You see candidates go after the moderator and score the brownie points there. Who would go after the audience . Donald trump. Particularly, when that audience is not his audience. For him it was a win win. He could go in and smack them around. A lot of people have claimed since the debate he did win. It says something this race. You touched on it coming into this segment. Its not a ideological race inside the geop. The frustration with the washington establishment types allows him to come in with that same attitude, pick them up and carry him on the victory down the road. Im fascinated by him going the full view cannon. Its acknowledgement he got drawn into a debate he couldnt win in iowa which is who is the most orthodox conservative. No one can beat ted cruz. Instead, youre seeing him lean into that kind of thing youre talking about here. The interesting thing about iowa is that in talking with some of the trump people early on, they really werent looking to compete there. They werent looking to play there. Theyre very the same attitude as Chris Christie and jeb bush. Im not that hard, rank and file conservative. Lead that to cruz. Something in his head clicked in. He got a vibe he could do something there. He decided to play and got burned. I think theyve learned from that and now looking to do something bigger down the road. Theres lots of predictions of trumps demise. Hes been fairly subdued. He had this moment with the crowd talking about torture and ted cruz. Take a listen. You heard the other night at the debate, they asked ted cruz a serious question. What do you think of water boarding . Is it okay. I thought hed say absolutely. He didnt. He said hes concerned about the answer. Some people said, she just said a terrible thing. Shout it out because i dont want to. [ bleep ] okay. Youre not allowed to say, and i never expect to hear that from you again. She said i never expect to hear that from you again. She said hes a [ bleep ]. Thats terrible. Terrible. We bleeped that out. Hes referring to a vulgar term of a womans genitals about ted cruz. Hes deploying a vulgar schoolyard insult for a guy who is insufficiently enthusiastic about torture. Yeah. The irony here is, maybe the reality is a lot of folks are standing more with him than with ted cruz, sort of measured consideration of the question. Donald trump is, i want to do that and more. Yes. Its this wild thing. This is the thing. When you get to the general whether donald trump is your nominee or not, all this will be played out in the general election. That nominee will have to talk to the country this Broad Strokes about some of this stuff. Thats going to be very hard to do, i think. That, yes, that approach will not fly. Thank you for joining me. All right. Why theres still so much uncertainty going into tomorrow night. Well break down the polling and the expectations just ahead. Hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. With just 3 hours and 11 minutes left to go before the first votes are cast, Hillary Clinton in hudson, New Hampshire after a busy day of campaigning is doing an event. She is just taking the stage. She is hoping another surprise victory this New Hampshire could propel her campaign as it did eight years ago. Polls show Bernie Sanders up quite a bit. If theres one thing we know about New Hampshire is the polling is deeply unreliable. Were flying blind. Stay with us. 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Hes got a good poll advantage. I think were getting close to the point where people will really analyze if its in the single digits. I suspect the clinton people will say if shes got in the single digits, she really roams. They have set up that benchmark. The money they have, a win and they go to South Carolina, we see what happens there. I think for sanders, it cuts the other way. A major win begins to lososen u. He just mentioned trump. I agree. If trump doesnt win tomorrow. Hes a paper tiger. Nothing means anything. Dance on the grave of the trump campaign. Exactly. We get to call him a loser every day for the next six months. It will be fun. If he does win, marco rubio really has to come in second or he is in serious trouble, would you agree . I would agree. The other thing thats important is somebody comes in second and four guys dont come in second. I was talking to bill o bryan today he said its plausible that tomorrow night there will be four guys all within a point of each other, which is really the worst Case Scenario for moderate republicans. That means South Carolina becomes New Hampshire 2. 0. Its another week. The other thing you have to remember, the expectation game. Theres the donor game. For the delegates perspective is how this scored and the nomination is achieved. If you come in 14 points, nine point, it doesnt matter. Voters arent following how many delegates there are. Second place means everything. The fact of the matter is marco rubio comes in third place after all this. He has two third place fin h finish finishes. Thats bad timing. On the other side, a ted cruz second, you could imagine the kind of like sudden sort of were now getting the trump race that people predicted. It would show that cruz is competitive with libertarians. If he comes in second he shows he can appeal to people who arent socially conservative. If he doesnt do well, hell have trouble in a general. If youre not going to come in second, you want christie or kasich to come in second. Thank you. All right. Thats all in this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now in another bigger, quieter room. Good evening. Awkwardly very near by but also separate. Yes. Pretty much how it goes from here on out. Take it away. Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour from what is our fancy election headquarters here in downtown manchester, New Hampshire. Im not sure how any of this stuff works yet. Lets give it a go. Up north in conway, New Hampshire, its about two hours north of where we are tonight in manchester, up in conway, they have a paper called the

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