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Robert James Campbell had, through his lawyers, challenged his execution on additional possibly more farreaching grounds that the drug execution policy is unkonl in light of the botched oklahoma execution. But the same court of appeals, the fifth circuit, rejected the challenge. While the fifth circuit stayed campbells execution based upon issues of mental capacity it is left to the u. S. Supreme court, the key issue whether the Death Penalty as it is currently authorized in 35 states has some form of lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the u. S. Constitution. This issue particularly acute in the wake of its disastrous application in oklahoma. Given the stake it is Supreme Court may want to revisit the issue. It turns out there is precedent. In 20072008 term the Supreme Court stayed a Mississippi Execution and as a practical matter stayed all pending executions nationwide. Tonight it is safe to say that executions in this country, at least those carried out by lethal injection, have been suspended across the country until the u. S. Supreme court can rule on whether or not they are cruel or unusual punishment. Barrys lawyers filed an 11th hour challenge to the most commonly used method lethal injection after the Supreme Court looked at whether the sequence of chemicals causes such intense pain that it is unconstitutional, amounting to cruel and unusual punishment. Six months later the court upheld the constitutionality of the sole called threedrug cocktail being used and executions continued. By the beginning of the decade European Drug manufacturers were beginning to limit or refuse drugs used here for executions. That sent states scrambling to procure drugs. To address the shortage in 2010 and 2011 the state of georgia obtained illegally imported, expired drugs from the back of a pharmacy. The state useded those drugs in two executions for the Drug Enforcement agency raided the drug supply. The Supreme Court has another shot at assessing the constitutionality of the Death Penalty. You would think since it stopped executions for six months seven years ago it would take similar action. Bear in mind both oklahoma and texas shroud their drug connections in secrecy, hoping to protect them from protest and legal hassles and keep supply lines open. Texas attorney general greg abbott had already opposed the request to stop campbells execution. Governor rick perry defended his state system as appropriate. So as oklahoma investigates what went wrong there the Death Penalty as a concept and in its application remains the law of the land for now. Joining me now is the attorney representing mr. Campbell, maurie levin. Your client was convicted of a murder of a woman captured at a gas station. Your claim is not innocence. Is that correct . Thats right. There are two claims. The first is that hes mentally retarded or intellectually disabled which makes him exempt from execution according to the Supreme Court in 2002. The second claim has to do with secrecy with which texas is pursuing execution by lethal injection despite the events in oklahoma two weeks ago. Lets take the first claim. I read the fifth circuits ruling today. As i understand it, the state of texas essentially withheld evidence of the intellectual capacity of your client for more than a decade. Is that correct . Thats right. Not only did they hold that information despite specific requests, they then opposed mr. Campbells assertion that he was ineligible because of his mental disability and actively pursued his execution right until the stay from the fifth circuit. The state of texas contended there was no evidence that they had when requested specifically by attorneys to produce evidence of what his iq was assessed at. They said there was no test. There was a test that was given. That test shows him to be very close to what the Supreme Court essentially identified as a cutoff in the case around 70. What is the next step in pursuing this claim . Well, the fifth circuit action was really unusual. Not only in staying the execution at the last minute but recognizing in this particular procedural posture the second time the claim had been presented to the federal courts the validity of the claim. In recognizing the validity of the claim asking the lower courts to take another look in light of the information that was finally unearthed. Or divulged by the state. How did this happen . My understanding is that the evidence of what actually his assessed cognitive capacity is was not obtained by you and his attorney s until the last 15 days or Something Like that. 12 days ago. His prior counsel over ten years ago asked the District Attorneys Office that prosecuted mr. Campbell for his School Records and also asked the Texas Department of criminal justice, the prison where mr. Campbell was housed if they had administered any iq testing. The d. A. S office said they didnt have School Records and the prison said we dont administer i. Q. Tests. Lo and behold 12 days ago there was a piece of paper discovered in the files which indicated the d. A. s office subpoenaed the School Records. They were again asked to turn them over and they did. There was an i. Q. Score in there of 68. This is an i. Q. Score of your client of 68 below the threshold established by the Supreme Court they had for ten years that wasnt turned over despite a pointed inquiry by attorney for it. Thats right. The prison, in fact, had not told the truth. They had administered an iq test and that also put robert within the range of score s that deems him to be a person with mental retardation. Thank you for your time tonight. Thank you. Joining me now the Senior Editor of slate. Com. Dalia, i am amazed this was granted. This is a circuit you dont normally see stays of executions granted by. Im amazed in the wake of oklahoma the court mind much that they were going to forge ahead with a secret lethal injection protocol. Last time the court had an opportunity to think about these lethal protocols was in april. At that time, only three of the justices wanted to hear a case coming if from louisiana that raised the issues. We dont yet have a fourth justice who thinks this is worth hearing. Its worth pointing out even if we had four, if you dont have a fifth thats really troubled by it, query whether its better to have the Supreme Court take this on. In other words, it may not be the worse thing to see state intervention. For people that dont follow this, i have been horrified the more that i have read into the state of lethal execution in this country in the wake of it being upheld constitutionally and the drugs being unobtainable because of pressures on the drug manufacturers in europe. Its essentially an ad hoc macabre medical experiment being run in states across the country. The one saving grace of the debacle this oklahoma is it drew attention to the fact that since 2011 when states found it harder to get the drugs they needed for until that time what was a standardized threedrug protocol. Everyone was doing the same thing that they were copying from an oklahoma doctor who originated it in 1977. Its not even clear it was a great protocol. Once it fell apart, became impossible for states to procure different drugs the wheels came off. You had states either getting Illegal Drugs from europe as you suggested, holding themselves out as hospitals in order to get Illegal Drugs from europe or going to compounding pharmacies that were unregulated by the fda until this fall. Literally you did have untested amounts, untested drugs, people who are not doctors administer ing drugs on the day of the execution. It was described by a dissenting judge as a chemistry experiment. Patently illegal in georgia where the d. E. A. Had to raid the department. Essentially black market, sec are rhett methods including subterfuge or impersonation to acquire drugs to be kwused in what must be seen by anyone wherever you are on the political spectrum as essentially the most solemn undertaking that a state can undertake. There is a paradox because a lot of the folks who have no problem with executions say, look, if youre killing him and you kill him in a different way, is this really a huge constitutional crisis . In oklahoma, quite literally they accidentally killed him while they were trying to kill him. People make that argument. The thing we have to remember is that we are bound by the 8th amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. When people are gasping, wheezing and twitching on a table or it takes hours or they scream as occurred once, i feel like im burning, i feel like im on fire, we have crossed into cruel and unusual. Clearly this is all hell breaking loose in the states. It is compounded by the secrecy that allows the states to say, nobody, not judges, not courts, nobody gets to the look at what we are doing. It feels like the wild west. Someone needs to come in and produce order. Thank you. Thank you. When we come back, the story of a victim of the texas death row inmate who tried to save the man who shot him in the aftermath of 9 11. Avo waves dont care what age you are. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedesbenz has pioneered many breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in design. Breakthroughs in safety. In engineering. And technology. And now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. Presenting the cla. Starting at 29,900. Karl rove the anyway walking back his latest embarrassing attack on a democrat. That story ahead. First a massive mining incident in turkey where Officials Say up to the 151 workers were killed when a Power Distribution unit exploded. The Energy Minister telling nbc news 787 people were inside the coal mine at the time of the blast. Some 363 have been rescued already. The explosion and subsequent fire left 76 miners injured so far. Authorities say between 200 to 300 miners are still under ground preparing for the possibility that the death toll could jump dramatically. Turkeys worst mining disaster was a gas explosion in 1992. 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Mark strawman of texas who had been in and out of prison and bounced between jobs watched the aftermath of 9 11 unfold. In the month of after 9 11 fuelled by reruns that he was watching, that we were all watching seeing the plane over and over again hit that tower, i think something clicked in him that was this is what im here to do. A journalist came across a story of stroeman and turned it into a book. The true american, murder and mercy in. He was convinced he had to do something. What does he do . He gets into his thunderbird, goes to several gas stations three in the dallas area, walks in to the mini mart in each station. Seeing a brownskinned man in each case behind the counter, shoots him point blank range. He killed two men. Two of them die on the spot. A third man survived. His name, race buyan. He came from bangladesh. He earned a degree in air gnaw ticks but in dallas worked at a convenience score. In 2001 stroe man walked in and pulled out a pistol full of birdshot. To save his own life he played dead and collapsed in a pool of blood. Eventually he called 911 and was take ton a hospital. He didnt have insurance. Turned out being shot in the face was a preexisting condition. So he was let out of the hospital the next day. Hes shot in the face and let go the next day. Right eye caked with blood, not moving. He can barely grown. 39 pellet miss the face. The short ordeal in the American Hospital left him debtridden and homeless. He saw himself as a victim of 9 11, as part of a larger number of things that happened. He called the red cross. He said, im one of the 9 11 victims in texas. They said, there is no 9 11 victims in texas. As for mark stroman he contemplated a counter 9 11 but he was ap reare hended by police. He did not express remorse. It was like i had no control over my body. I acted on instinct. I did what every other american wanted to do but didnt have the nerve. In april 2002 he was sentenced to death. We think of texas as doing this in a fast food way, but its actually a complicateded Legal Process to sentence someone to death. His trial are has two phases. The first is innocence or guilt. The second half of a capital murder trial is sentencing. In a death sentence case they actually end up having a trial about your life and character. Are you worthy of existence . Can you be changed and is there anything in your past that mitigates what you did. Thats a trial about your nature. Your parents, how you were raised. He came from a world in which not to excuse anything he did it was hard to argue that he had a chance to be much different than what he became. Abused from the youngest days. A mother who told him if she had 50 in her pocket when she got pregnant she would have aborted him and wishes she had the 50 bucks. His lone surviving victim rebuilt his life. He worked at a restaurant and got a job at a safety ware company. He paid off his medical debt and made a pilgrimage to mecca. He became an american citizen undeterred by all that happened to him. He felt freer in his country now. He wanted to think about more broadly how do i serve . Wednesday texas plans to execute mark str are oman. He killed two and injured another in a rage over the 9 11 attacks in 2001. What one man is now trying to stop the execution. It is the last person you would expect. Im praying god to spare his life, give him a chance. We all make mistakes as a human being. He decided he wanted to forgive mark stroman but lead a campaign against texas, the governor announcing a run for president that month to save his attackers life from the Death Penalty. He wanted to use the attention to address the broader problem of the world that mark came from. Following years in prison mark stro areman was a changed man. My split second of hate and anger after 9 11 caused many people lifetimes of pain. I are regret that to this day. Despite pleas for clemency from the families of stromans victims he was executed on july 20, 2011, nearly ten years after his killing spree. Forgiveness is not only for the perpetrator. Forgiveness is for the victims. To me, forgiveness is something that you let go of the anger from your heart and the space now becomes available are. You can fill that space with a lot of peace and love. In his reporting on the story, he concluded this is a story of two americas. A first world america and a third world america. It was a first world america that an immigrant from bangladesh accessed and thrived in. The third world america, a man from texas was born into and never left. Once again the book is the true americans. Fantastic read. When we come back, rand paul on voter i felt d. , you know we can hear you, right . I love to eat. I love hanging out with my friends. I have a great fit with my dentures. I love kiwis. Ive always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. 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We grow escape, bragging rights, happier happy hours. So lets gro something greater with miraclegro. What will you grow . Share your story at miraclegro. Com. Just one year after defending republican voter i. D. Law hs in front of a crowd at howard university, no less, rand paul seems to have come around. After meeting with the coalition of africanamerican pastors in memphis this morning, senator paul told the New York Times the gop needs to lay off voter i. D. Its offending people. Because i am an optimist, hoping people will see the light i was encouraged by what senator paul said on friday. Quote, everybodys gone completely crazy on this voter i. D. Thing. I think its wrong for republicans to go too crazy on this issue because its offending people. I thought this might be the turning point from which republicans from a purely strat are jik standpoint make the calculation that their obsession with stopping people from voting was hurting them more than it was helping them. Today, the hopes were dashed. The brave truth teller willing to take bold stances rand paul, today in an amazingly feckless act even by the standards of a gop president ial sent an aide to walk back the statement he made to the New York Times. His Senior Adviser said the senator reiterated a point hes made before that while there may be some instances of voter fraud it should not be a defining issue. The Republican Party as it is an issue thats perhaps perceived in a way it is not intended in term thes of the specifics of voter i. D. Laws, senator paul believes it is up to each state to decide that type of oh issue. The up to each state dodge. The republican candidates favorite brand which would be a fine response, i suppose if it were the case that it is the Republican Party that rand paul belongs to. That party that in state after state after state after state keeps pushing restrictive voter i. D. Laws and other voting restrictions. Until that changes, talk from rand paul or anyone else is cheap. Reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . Look mommys new vacuum cat screech you feel that in your muscles . I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. A new way to bank. A better way to save. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. [ whispers ] the boys start to smell. This bag filled with baseball clothes. Lets just say its got a powerful scent. Its kind of gross. But with tide sport, i can throw the whole bag in the wash, clothes and all and it comes out fresh as a daisy. Tide sport. Thats my tide plus. Clothes and all and it comes out fresh as a daisy. Predibut, manufacturings a prettin the United States do. Means advanced technology. We learned that Technology Allows us to be craft oriented. No ones losing their job. Theres no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. 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Although thats not a permanent state of affairs because karl rove has his eye on the white house and its potential occupants at an event in los angeles last week rove speaking off the cuff insinuated Hillary Clinton may be suffering the from brain damage. Heres how the New York Post quoted him. 30 days in the hospital . When she reappears shes wearing glasses that are only for people with traumatic brain injury, we need to know whats up with that. Heres karl rove doing a classic thing, starting a whisper campaign. Since he was away from the cameras there is a chance he thought people might get the impression that, i dont know, maybe Hillary Clinton is brain damaged and this could be a thing people believe. Of course none of this is true. Everything rove reportedly said that was quote bid the New York Post was wrong. Hillary clinton was discharged from new york City Hospital after three days of treatment not 30. The glasses she was wearing are for people suffering from double vision, not, quote, only for people who have traumatic brain injury. A clinton spokesperson said karl rove deceived the country for years. There are no words for this level of level. She is 100 . Period. Rove spent time on fox news i guess trying to clarify what he meant. How did this comment come up suggesting Hillary Clinton may suffer from brain damage . Where did that come from. No, no, wait a minute. No, no. I didnt say she had brain damage. She had a Serious Health episode. Hillary clinton wants to run for president but she would not be human if this didnt enter in as a consideration. And my other point is this will be an issue in the 2016 race, whether she likes it or not. If this disregard for anything approaching decency is surprising then you dont know the history of karl roves work in politics. Joining me skbrosh with a green from Bloomberg Business week. The reason i want you here is you wrote an incredible profile in 2004 in the atlantic about karl roves history as a political operative. It turns out like casting wild rumors out is part of his m. O. Palestine tell me about the Supreme Court justice race and a guy named mark kennedy back in the day in alabama when karl rove was a young pup. This was back in 2004 when the alabama Supreme Court where they elect Supreme Court justices. The Business Community brought in rove to try to lekt a slate of candidates is. 1994. One of the ways he attacked kennedy was kennedy did a lot of volunteer work. He served as president of the National Association for abused and neglected children. Some of his ads showed him Holding Hands with children. Kennedy isnt a big macho alabamaian. Hes a small, neatly dressed man so rove spread a rumor according to former staffers that kennedy was a pedophile. He did it in a dooefs way. He told republicans at the university of alabama that when they went home on vacation they ought to spread the rumor to create the effect of a rumor coming from every corner of the state to lend credence. It was devastating to kennedy who managed to eke out a win but didnt seek reelection. Just to be clear, i dont want toru mor monger myself you had Campaign Staffers telling you this in your reporting. Thats correct. 1994. Rove is running a campaign against ann richards. Rumors start popping up about her sexuality including a push poll about whether people would be more or less likely to vote for ann if they knew she would be a lesbian. You are injecting into the political dialogue rumors that have the effect of either impugning your opponent or changing an unfavorable political narrative into one thats more favorable to your candidate. It seems to be what he was attempting with Hillary Clinton. I think hes getting an early start on trying to shape the political narrative in a way thats disadvantage wous to democrats. I remember when george w. Bush had john mccain as you know, someone that basically karl rove started a rumor about john mccains mental capacity as well. That was emanating out from his min i dont knows. It is always emanating out from his min i dont knows. It usually goes after the target source of greatest strength. Right . So with john kerry it was his valor as a war hero. Same thing with john mccain. With kennedy the judge we talked about, it was volunteer work with abused children. I dont know. I suppose Hillary Clintons brain is her greatest asset in the race if she decides to run. This is a little bit different though in a way that shows that rove might be slipping. Alabama rove was smarter than washington, d. C. Rove. He always did this as a whisper campaign. Nobody was able to pin it on him and go to him and say, defend these charges you have made. What he did yesterday with the comments about Hillary Clinton backfired. Yes, we are talking about whether or not she has brain damage which is sad and embarrassing but the onus isnt on clinton to defend herself. Its on karl rove to back up the charges he made. As we saw in the fox news clip hes not willing or able to do it. He got defensive about when he was asked why did you say this. It was like, no, no, i was just floating it. Its something shell have to deal with. And karl rove will be a player in 20 the 16. Hes not watching from are the sidelines. His group crossroads is raising money. Karl rove will put his stamp on the campaign one way or another. Joshua green, thank you. Good to be with you. What does it take to disqualify someone from being a serious candidate for office . How about Climate Change denial . W. M. D. Trutherism. Those Little Things still get you. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. 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If you missed our report about the man shot after 9 11 who worked to save his attacker p from death row you can view it on our website all in with chris. Com. Its worth watching and sharing. Meanwhile you know what we havent heard in a long time . I have reason to believe there was weapons of mass destruction in iraq. Huh. A rationale between jod jody eartzs belief in wmd next. In the nation, its not always pretty. Add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance. And well replace destroyed or stolen items with brandnew versions. We put members first. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side is all ready the brand ofstate the year. D Berkshire Hathaway home services. Good to know. To prepare our kids to compete main todays economy . Way woman a wellrounded education that focuses on science, math, and Career Training for students who dont choose college. Man and thats exactly what superintendent of Public Education Tom Torlakson has been working on. Woman because every Student Needs the real world skills for the jobs of tomorrow. Man torlaksons Career Readiness initiative is helping schools expand job and Technical Training across the state because it makes a difference. Woman so tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for the career and Technical Training our students need. Im joan ie ernst. I grew up castrating hogs so i know how to cut pork. Thats by far the most successful ad of the 2014 campaign cycle. It is really good. It catapulted obscure candidate joni ernst into contention in iowa. The problem with making a splash is people Pay Attention when you go unscripted. It turns out the candidate who boasts about pig castration might be the candidate who tells people there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. We dont know that there were weapons on the ground when we went in. However, i do have reason to believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. What is that reason . My husband served in saudi arabia as Sergeant Major of Central Command for a year. Thats a hot button topic in that area. Thats true. It is a hot button topic. Joni ernst stepped in it because she said despite what you just saw in the video what she really was trying to say is that iraq had once had wmds sometime in the past. That awkward attempt to move on is at least an implicit acknowledgment there can be disqualifying claims in american politics. A Lesson Learned by president obamas then green jobs czar van jones in 2009. So on top of auto the radical, progressive, communist nonsense coming from van jones you can now add thinks the Bush Administration blew up the World Trade Centers and covered it up. That is beyond extremism and radical ifrl. Thats psychotic paranoia, a pl malignant politics. The claims hes making that he would sign this letter it is crazy he has a job. Van jones said he never signed the 9 11 truther petition that prompted that outrage and said it didnt reflect his views. Just that little brush with trutherism was enough to get him drummed out of the white house. This got me thinking what should constitute a disqualifier when it comes to those who want to hold Public Office or work in the government. Christina bellentoni and the kbek tif editor of the nation. Com. Im interested in the boundaries of taboo and consensus and the things that politicians can argue about and placed them off the table. I thought it was interesting to see the campaign felt the claim about wmd was an off the table claim they had to then deny which i found to be progress. Are there things that should be in the off the table category that arent currently there . Sure. I would start with if you dont have support for a robust Voting Rights act for example. If youre running for National Office and you dont feel qualified americans ought to be guaranteed the right to vote, that should disqualify you. Voting rights act or opposition is off the table. Here is the thing thats tricky. No one comes out. Youre right. Thats actually rhetorically where we are in american politics insofar as no one will be like, i dont like the Voting Rights act. Dont you agree . No one would say that. They dont have to say it. Im saying you need to be forthright in your support of a robust Voting Rights act because you need to be forthright in americans right to vote. Rand paul has come close. With the civil rights vote. That package of legislation and that infamous moment with the long train wreck of an interview in which he basically said im not into pun lick accommodation part of the Civil Rights Act was him flirting with the line of disqualifying. Is it actually disqualifying . These are things your opponents would use against you. That was the example i would site. Think about what mitt romney said about self deportation or rick perry getting booed during the debates when talking about the dream act and compassion for undocumented immigrants. That moment, the moment where he said if you dont believe in this, you dont have a heart ended up being disqualifying for rick perry. Whats tricky is its disqualifying but what if it is your candidate who comes out with a disqualifying position or statement . I remember im old enough to remember way back when jimmy carter talked about he had no problem maintainsing the ethnic purity of neighborhoods. That didnt make democrats run out and vote did he say that . He uttered the phrase ethnic purity. Yeah. And murphy supports an assault weapons ban. He thinks guns are a pub rick health issue. They are when you have a machine that can kill people. His nomination is being held up for those beliefs. You actually have a much tighter constraint of views that are disqualifying if you are trying to get confirmed. If you are trying to work in the white house, youre running for office. I wonder if there is a mismatch. You can say anything and get elected here. You cannot say any old thing. You have a rallying side that builds it up and keeps everybody going. You can still win elections by doing things like this. Its really tears. You should never talk about a womans body. Thats just off the table. Not something to talk about. Thats not true, right . Youre saying specifically in the case of the famous comments. Aiken, murdock talking about legitimate rape or what happens when a woman has an abortion. In general thats something thats decided. Decided law is a different thing than disqualifying. The gap is interesting. Its fine to say i think roe was wrongly decided. Todd aiken made a preposterous claim about the female body that was just biologically wrong and also was offensive. And became disqualifying. Arent we glad we know that now . It was ferreted out. Arent we glad joni thinks there were wmds . It concerns me. You can see vetters eliminating these candidates. Im glad we know these people believe these things and republicans support that. The example i like to use is in the virginia democratic party. You have a big democratic primary going on. The candidates want to say this candidate didnt support gay rights ten years ago are. Show me one who did. In virginia they couldnt have that line. Thats the interesting thing about the line. It moves. There is movement on one of my own issues im passionate about from wmd to Climate Change, more on what should be a disqualifier next. Avo waves dont care what age you are. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. The numbers are impressive. Over 400,000 new private sector jobs. 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Serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. Tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. So. What do men do when a numbers too low . Turn it up [ male announcer ] in a clinical study, over 80 of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. Talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. Get the blood tests. Change your number. Turn it up. Androgel 1. 62 . Let me get this straight. You dont think human activity, the production of co2 caused warming to our planet . I dont believe human activity is causing the dramatic changes to the climate the way the scientists are portraying it. What information, reports, studies or otherwise are you relying on to inform and reach your conclusion that human activity is not to blame for Climate Change . Well, again, headlines notwithstanding, i have never dispute thad the climate is changing. I pointed out that climate is never static. Its always changing. Nice change marco rubio. The reason i want to play that, he stepped in it in the john carl interview. He Department Think it would be a headline. You can see the passive aggressive note about headlines notwithstanding. He tried to walk it back in an incoherent way. The fascinating aspect is it looked to me for the first time in a long time that denialism was looking like a thing that was a disqualifier or at least something to be defensive about in a way i havent seen in a while. Nowadays it is. This is an issue that we are all threatened by this. The planet is in danger. Something needs to be done. If you are going to deny this is occurring, it means you will be blocking the policies that we need. It should be a disqualifier. The key to me here is the con spir toirl thinking it requires to think that thousands of scientists across the globe are engaged in this massive hoax which is basically what james imhoft is saying. Believing that is cuckoo. Thats really out there. I cant believe im going to take the other side on this. Obviously i dont believe these views. I think they are lunatic and really dangerous. On the other hand, large percentages of the American Population believe that. Dont they have representation in that political process . I worry that if you have this circle of disqualified opinions and you grow the circle that rewards an incentive structure that depends on absolute certainty of emotion. Like really an intense belief. To keep feeding that, if the facts on the ground dont match you invent a set of facts. Thats what happened to the Republican Party. They produced the outrage. Youre saying against litmus test. Let the democratic process play out. People should vote things down. Im claiming a specific thing. The candidate that appeals to the Business Community tends to be the one that will win the general election. This is an area in the Republican Party in particular. In general. You have to be palpable to them to sit in the white house. With the Business Community shifting on this issue or on minimum wage issues or on other labor issues, thats where you start to see shifts. That guides the politician. You are identifying precisely the me the fars undercurrent of discussions about whats disqualifying. Right . That goes with what richard is saying. You are saying the people actually drawing the line are the u. S. Chamber of commerce. That will decide if youre a whacko. The conversation is completely changed since 20052006 when people were angry at george bush because he supported immigration reform. Now it is sort of a moderate republican view. Or Marriage Equality. I have never seen an issue go from contention to one in which opposition is becoming taboo. The truth is you can only do this as a hypothetical kpexerci. There was a time no one could get elected if they were in favor of gay marriage. Now in many elections it is a disqualifier if you are opposed. That makes hopeful about the force of this. As opposed to this being something that constrains consensus its a tool, right . Well, but its a tool of progress when we say certain things like opposing Marriage Equality are not the things that main stream american its a doubleedged sword. Things like supporting a 90 tax rate which was policy in the United States. Thats a very good point. Would be a completely disqualifying characteristic. If you came forward and said i am for a 90 mortgageal tax rate which is what it was in the Eisenhower Administration before the first round of tax cuts. Exactly. Bob herbert. And richard kim of the nation. Com. None of you are disqualified in my book. Thats ail in. Rachel mad maddow starts now. Good evening. Good evening, chris. That was awesome. Thanks for joining us this hour. Every four years in the great windup to the president yal election there is one christmas that happens during the primaries aside from actual christmas. Its the civic high holy day of the primary season called super tuesday. Super tuesday was created in 1988 by southern democrats who thought if a bunch of their Southern States held primaries on the same day they might get a National Democratic nominee the south liked. 1988 is the year they ended up running Michael Dukakis against poppy bush. Im not sure the plan worked but super tuesday has stuck with us as the high point of the president ial primary calendar

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