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Up. They widen the loved ones trust. We were taking him off the case. The case goes into an explosive reckoning. The world blows up. The world blows up. Almost surreal. No one can say they forgive the devil. Hello, welcome to dateline. Heather bogle was thrilled to get a job at the local whirl bool factory. Even if it meant working the grave yard shift. This way her days were free for her young daughter. Then the young mother was murdered. The search for her killer would lead to a handful of suspects, but heathers family have doubts and soon they find officials were hiding a mountain of dirty laundry. But would they find justice for Heather Bogle . Heres jagged. There arent too many places in america you will find americans making the things americans use. One of them is this plant in northern ohio. Inside these walls is where an astonishingly long and twisting trail began. By the time it ended, it had touched a shattered family, a stunned Law Enforcement agency and a surprisingly large collection of potential suspects. Whose names became known to all. Often on day one, we fill the stories of families and detectives who find themselves bound together by the same murder, who end up working sidebyside towards a common goal. Sometimes pursuing the same investigation from two different angles. And often each can wind up appreciating the efforts of the other. This wasnt that. At the center of this Human Cyclone of distrust is a young mom who worked in that plant. Heather bogle worked overnight one 8hour shift after another. A single parent with a singular mission. Her main focus was always her daughter. Heathers younger sister, jan. She wasnt too concerned about getting no a relationship. It was more being responsible and taking care of her kid. Making sure she was working enough hours to support them both. You look up to her in. Yeah, she was more like a parent to me than she was a sister. Even though she was only 18 months old if. Yeah. Because she always looked out for me. Reporter at 28, Heather Bogle was mostly looking out for her fiveyearold daughter mackenzie. She had never married her father and sister jan says Herrero Mantic Life never worked out to a social one. There was definitely a lot of guys that wanted to be her boyfriend, she was very pretty. When people say her smile was the best they ever seen. That was completely true. She was the closest of friends. She made an impact on people, she touched their soul, not their heart. Heather bogle sliced up each day into a life size jigsaw puzzle. After clocking out at whirlpool at 6 00 a. M. , shed sleep during day waking in time to pick up mackenzie from day care the two can have an evening together until the spin cycle began around 10 00 p. M. The factory job made it all possible. Her cousin was also a coworker. I remember the first day she got her first check, she was overjoyed, thrilled, almost like she hit the lottery. Reporter that schedule went like clockwork until april 9th, 2015. Thats heather, punching out at 6 17 a. M. Wearing a whirlpool teeshirt. We dont know for sure what happened next. We do know she didnt pick up mackenzie later that day. At first jen thought heather had overslept. I called and her phone went straight to voicemail, over and over and over. Which is unusual . Very unusual. Well, hours passed and no one had seen heather, the Family Called Police and were told to give it some time. That didnt work for jan, who along with a couple of heathers friends made these flyers and started putting them everywhere. With every passing minute you are getting a little more frantic. Definitely, i kept telling myself, shes okay. Well find her. Theres got to be some reasonable explanation. Except, there wasnt, so the family filed a missing persons report with the Sheriffs Office. That with detective Sean Oconnell, soon, oconnell was looking at heathers Phone Records. I think her phone was give or take around 9 20. That ping fixed heathers phone in an area nearly 6 miles wide. The cell company couldnt narrow it down more. Then her phone stops. Then her phone stops. Either her phone had been destroyed or of course was shut off or lost power in some form or fashion. Who ill the search continued, oconnell started finding out everything he could. One of the first things is he learned heather was trying something new. She was dating a woman. Which is where caramel la comes . Were you in love with her. Yeah. We 11ed too often and too well, love can lead to jealousy. They fought and oconnell heard they had recently broke up. What did you find about the nature of the relationship with caramela . I dont Think Heather wanted to be in from talking to family primarily. I Think Heather was mixed on do i want to be with caramela . Do i want to be with other persons . Then the wondering about where heather was stopped. The day after she vanished, Sheriffs Deputies found heathers 12yearold olds bolero in a parking lot. It wasnt where heather or her family lived. The car was locked. On the front seat, a handwritten note. That note is from caramela remember. Whats it say . It person tained to an architect, how much she loves heather and that type of thing. Detectives opened the trunk and then Heather Bogle was missing no longer. She had been shot twice and badly beaten. Bruises on her ankles and wrists indicated she had been bound. She was wearing a mickey mus teeshirt which wasnt hers and it didnt have any holes in it. Meaning son had dressed heather after she was murdered and that shooting been happen in the trumplg. Not enough blood there and no bullet holes and there was one more thing. Something downright weird. Heathers killer had taken a scissors to her long hair, cut it unevenly close to her scalp. With do you make of that . I thought it was odd and it made me believe whoever did this probably did it out of anger. Anger was only one of the emotions heathers family was feeling. Im in tears. My wife says, whats wrong . I said, they just found heather. My gut fell to the floor. I couldnt comprehend this was real life. It was. And now detective Sean Oconnell began a real life investigation. So whod want to kill heather bog until. You know, i dont know. It wouldnt take him long to find suspects. Thats suspects pleural. The detective gets his first lead from a neighbor in that Apartment Building. What did she see . Coming up. She calls me sometime between 1 30 and 3 00 in the morning and she sees the victims vehicle being parked and the subject getting out of the drivers side wearing some sort of a hoodie and taking off on foot. When detectives sent a search dog did next. The dog alerts on apartment b. When dateline continues. B. B. 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In nurse school, Heather Bogle auditioned for a game show. As a young woman, she wanted to be a nurse. As her mom, she loved her daughter. Now way ahead of time, she was gone. Sandusky county, ohios detectives Sean Oconnells investigation began with some basic forensics. Fortunately, the Coroners Office was able to locate some dna underneath her finger fails. Was that dna in the National Database . It did not come back to anybody. Oconnell started asking questions near where heathers body was found, near the sommertop apartments. I talk to a fe maim. She tells me somewhere between 1 30 and 3 30 she sees the victims vehicle being parked and the driver taking off on foot in the foreign direction. Man or woman . I couldnt tell. Thats my person responsible for dropping off the vehicle with the victims body. Investigators went looking for Security Footage that might help i. D. The person with the hoodie. At the same time its clear heathers car wasnt the primary crime seen. So oconnell says he brought in a cadaver dog, feeling that the killer was somewhere close by. So im looking for some place somewhat seclude, indoors this crime may have occurred. I didnt find anything. So i thought, you know what, lets bring the cadaver dog back to the sommertop apartments. The dog automatically alerts on apartment b. Which happens to be the apartment of quiana boar. Quiana boar was a 25yearold single mother who lived there about a year. He says he knew her through her longtime boyfriend, someone oconnell described as a drug dealer. An autopsy found that Heather Bogle had marijuana in her system and thought she might have gone to the sommerton apartments to buy more of it. So he paid quiana a visit. Quiana appeared to be very evasive, not wanting to talk to us for one reason or another. Which i thought very odd. Oconnell said Something Else madet suspicious of quiana. We went into her facebook account and she had a theme of Mickey Mouse Clothing that she was going to wear that was mickeymouse related. Because, remember when we found the victim, the victim was wearing an xl red teeshirt with a mickey mouse face on it. Heather wouldnt wear a size xl . No. Would qiafa boar wear an xl . Yes. Circumstantial . A Grocery Store seemed to show Heather Boggles car driving in the direction of the sommerton apartments. The video is of vhs quality. Its not real clear. It appears to be the victims vehicle and its the right time. The only other car oconnell saw in that car was a white suv. It was headed in the same direction. Toward the sommertop apartments. Oconnell wanted to know more about that car. You cant tell the make or modem . Cannot. Anybody drive away in a white suv . There were picture of omar satchel be taken where he is associated with a white suv. This is omar satchel. He was friend with quiana boar he was seen at the apartments, he had a lengthy criminal record, ranging from Drug Offenses to violent crimes. More importantly, this is a photo from omars instagram account, showing him in a white suv. That helped spur oconnell forward and even though he had no murder when pop and no eyewitnesses, oconnell says he continued to pick up talk that omar satch em, quiana boar and as many as two others were somehow involved. He says he heard from an informant that someone had disposed of a gun in the Sandusky River right after the murder. Oconnells drivers couldnt find it. That did not make him think twice. You still think its enough for an investigation . Yes, i do, i truly do. So oconnell had omar satchel arrested on unrelated charges, hoping hed beability add murder to that he may be a suspect. He put it in the newspapers. The day of reckoning was coming. One suspect is about to make an explosive accusation of her own. Aimed at her accuser. Coming up. You knew them before all this began . Correct. There was bad blood between the two of you . Correct. Why the family think this is detective is blowing the investigation. My gut instinct is sean wasnt doing what he was supposed to be doing. Everything he was doing was wrong. When dateline continues. Detective Sean Oconnell thought he was on his way to figuring out who killed Heather Bogle. He named three suspects, all headed to the sommerton apartments where her body and car were found. His theory is she had gone to that apartment complex to buy drugs. I am thinking she is there to buy drugs for personal use and something on the pad side had happened at that point. He suggested she may have bought drugs from quiana boar who was living there. Have you ever sold marijuana to heather . No, i never sold drugs. Someone thought they may have seen her in that Apartment Building before. I dont recall seeing heather. I pretty much stayed to myself and minded my business. Why would a Cadaver Dog Lead police from the trunk of heathers car into your building and almost to your apartment . I dont believe they led them to my door like they told the media. I believe he just fabricated that piece of evidence. Accusing Law Enforcement of making up evidence is usually a losing proposition. Quiana boar said this was all about history. You knew detective oconnell before all this began . Correct. And there was bad blood between the two of you . Correct. What was the nature of that . He pretty much had a personal vendetta against my childs father flu is think you just get caught in the middle of that . Correct. I think i was a familiar place at the right time for him. A perfect opportunity. Remember, oconnell says he believed quiana mickey mouse ap apparel. Quiana says that isnt true, either. That wasnt your teeshirt . No. Detective oconnell says when they came to your door and asked if you knew Heather Bogle, you seemed evase it. Correct. Why would you have been evasive . I was evasive because i was snow covering marijuana and a knock at my door and i crack the door and police was at my door. So if you seemed evasive and closed the door . It was because i was smoking, actually. Oconnells other Primary Suspect was omar satchel. Did you know Heather Bogle . No. Never met her in. Never been in the same room with my life. I didnt know what somebody looked look until somebody showed me on their phone. He says oconnells investigation was essentially a frame job. Honestly, i just think they were looking for someone to pin it on. As my lawyer tells me at the time i was the perfect scapegoat. Why were you the perfect scapegoat in. Im africanamerican and i had priors. I had a record. That he definitely does. This is your record and it is the proverbial record that is as long as my arm. So, its not exactly shocking that they thought you could have been a suspect in this . I mean, i understand that. But i cant help you, i dont know anything about this. What do you want me to do . I volunteered my dna. I volunteered a mouth swab. And omars dna was not a match from what was found under heathers finger nails. Oconnell thought his friend might have played a part in the killing. But he wasnt a match neither. Neither was quiana boar. Omar had an abuy for the day of the murder and as for that photo of omar in the white truck. Ive taken a picture. That picture was taken two years before i ever even came to fremont. That truck has never even been in fremont, ohio. After having their patients try for four months, heathers family came to the conclusion that Sean Oconnell was dead wrong. My gutted instinct was sean wasnt doing what he was supposed to be doing. Everything he was doing was wrong. Reporter heathers family thought the real suspect was someone much closer to heather and thought the best clue might be that haircut given to Heather Bogle by her killer. Coming up,ers to of bad blood between heather and her brother. They were fighting a lot. Oh, yeah, he knew what to say to get under her skin. It was fair to assume that heather and jackson seen eyetoeye. Heather, i seen her doing the right things. Do you regret sending that text in. Yeah, definitely. And concerns about her exgirlfriend carmella. It was never a question that carmella love my sister. The question is did she love her this much that she went crazy and killed her because she couldnt have her in. I remember telling her, youre dead to me in the note. Youre dead to me . When dateline continues. Continues continues but did you know that new customers who bundle and save with progressive can save an average of 800 . Shh. Sleeping baby. I love you, too. When theyre sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. Wherever they rest protection nothing kills more viruses, including the covid19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. Lysol. 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Talk to your childs Eczema Specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment. Good morning, im steven romo. Heres whats happening. The beijing ceremony, attendance was limited and some of theatleads sidelined after Testing Positive for the coronavirus. In the stands, russian president Vladimir Putin who met earlier in the day with chinas president xi jinping, the two issued a statement opposing nato expansion and blaming the west for growing tensions between ukraine and russia. Now, back to dateline. Detective Sean Oconnell had what he thought were three, possibly four, good suspects in Heather Bogles murder. The way he saw it, she had been the victim of a drug deal that had turned violent. Heathers sister jan and her cousin pat thought oconnell was way off base. Was heather involved in drugs . No, she smoked pot. She never did anything other. Less than a spoonful. It was to help her anxiety. Your family and the Sheriffs Department were very much not on the same page. That came pretty quickly. Quickly. Id say about a month into it. Jan and pat thought oconnell should be looking closer to home. A lot closer. And at someone with whom heather had a volatile relationship. That person was heathers brother, josh. They were fighting a lot . Oh, yeah. According to jen, josh sent heather an ugly text message just hours before heather went missing. Berating her for failing a nursing exam. Too stupid to pass the lpn battery exam, low expectations of yourself. Typical trash like your mom and dad. He knew what to say that would get under her skin. It was fair to assume that heather and josh didnt always see eyetoeye. Oconnell said josh was less than cooperative when approached by versions. Josh would have his good days on wanting to talk to us and josh would have his bad days of not wanting to talk to us. At one point oconnell said he asked for joshs dna, just to rule him out. He wouldnt give it to us initially. Thats got to make you sit up a little straighter . It did. I sat down with josh. What was it like to be accused of having play a part in killing your sister . I feel like, you guys are crazy to think i would do that. You loved your sister. Definitely. The only person in my family who i felt like wanted me to succeed was my sister heather. Josh agreed his angry text message was hurtful. He explained that by saying it was simply a misguided attempt at tough love. I felt in my mind if i shame heather, i shame her into doing the right things. But it was the wrong approach, clearly. It was abusive. Do you regret sending that text in. Yeah, definitely. So why josh refused to give up his dna. According to police, when they went to you and asked for your dfa, you said no . It never went to me. Josh said oconnell never asked him for it. They never tried to ask for my dna. At the end of the day, im innocent, opinions are opinions. They thought someone else should be looked at with suspicion, someone familiar, her exgirlfriend carmella. Do you go book and forth between carmella and josh being involved . I did. They were the only two that made sense if my behind. Jen said it was Common Knowledge caramel la and heather fought. About what . Mostly jealousy stuff. Something was the way heathers killer cut her hair. Heather died her hair a lot. It was kind of fried. She didnt think carmella like her hair. I was instantly, her hair is cut off, what do you mean . Who would touch her hair . Nobody made sense except for caramel la. They shared their feelings with detective oconnell. When you investigate, when have you somebodys haircut, theyre dock it as a means of getting even or as a means of anger, frustration. Add to that the note from carmella found in heathers car. I remember telling her, youre dead to me in the note. Youre dead to me . Hard words that carried weight like knives. I didnt know the weighing of them. I took her for granted. Do you regret writing that in. Oh, yeah, in more ways than one. Reporter carmella says there was never a serious argument about heathers hair. I would have never said anything to make her feel bad or think that her hair wasnt looking good. It was just the color preference. I said i liked it better blond. But it still looks nice, thats little e literally all that was said. There was never a fight about her hair . No, there was no fight about her hair. If something was off, you can communicate about it. I cant tell you how many times we agreed to disagree. Reporter carmella said the investigation ultimately built a wall between her and heathers family. Of course, im hurt. Why would they even suspect me . Well, heres why. There was never a question that carmella loved my sister. It was did she love her this much that she went crazy and killed her because she couldnt have her . Heathers family was convinced carmella was a big suspect. They were very well cohen vined. You were not as many up . I was fought as much convinced. Josh said he didnt have anything to do with it either. They had become so frustrated with oconnell, they called his bosses to complain. We were begging them, take him off the case, hes not doing anything, hes not looking in the lead, even talking to us, you know. They kind of sugarcoated it and well, hes the best detective we have. We trust hes doing his job. He cant tell you everything. Well have him update you guys once a week. Is that fair . Were like, we want to know whats going on, tell us what itself going on once a week. Did that happen in. No, it didnt. All he needed to say is he needed a little more time. Instead, all the clocks suddenly stopped. The world blows up . The world blows up. Coming up. An arrest. But its not one of the suspects. I was actually dumb founded. It all made sense why we werent getting any answers. Then startling news turns the case upsidedown. Its not the way i wanted to end my Law Enforcement career by any means. Tough. Very tough. When dateline c the news reports were all about failure. Heather bogles murder was still unsolved after 16 agonizing months. There had to be a point where you thought this was never going to be solved . There was lots of points where we thought this was never going to be solved. By now pat and jan lost all faith in the sheriffs investigation and sheriff detective Sean Oconnell. I knew he was off track right from the beginning. I even called him incompetent a couple different times because i was very frustrated. So frustrated. Jen and pat finally decided to take matters into their own hands, appealing directly to the community for help. It was like electionstyle science, justice for heather. We wanted to keep it going. If theyre not going to do it. Were going to do it. Something happened no one expected. There had been an arrest. Although, it wasnt of the killer. It was of the sheriff, himself. I was actually dumb founded at first. The sheriff was caught stealing Prescription Pain Pills held in county custody. Your sheriff had a drug problem . He did. And he was supporting his habit by pilfering mo infrom a county fund. He eventually pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years in prison. To jan, it was yet another indication of a Sheriffs Office in disarray. It all made sense of why we werent getting any answers. That turned out to be just the beginning. Soon detective Sean Oconnell was under investigation for how he was handling or mishandling the Heather Bogle murder case. The state attorney generals began looking into he was tampering evidence and coercing witnesses. You are sort of accused here of misleading, concealing, slanting all to fit your theory you had blinders on in. Yes. Did you . Absolutely not. No what i was doing, josh, was following the leads on where they were taking me. To heathers family, the announcement that detective oconnell was under investigation came as welcome news. Anything that didnt fit into what he thought was going on, he just kind of dismissed and didnt look back at. He just wanted to be able to pin it on somebody and somebody go to jail for it. Facing possible criminal charges, oconnell resigned from the Sheriffs Office and began managing a mcdonalds. Its not way i wanted to end my Law Enforcement career by any means. Tough. Very tough. You saw a side of the Sheriffs Department most people dont ever see. Yeah. We just never thought wed be a part of that. You trust them all. The monumental job of restoring the countys faith in the Sheriffs Office as well as jumpstarting the Heather Bogle investigation. That fell to the newlyelected sheriff chris hilton and his new le appointed detective. What was the condition the case was in . In trouble. It was a mess. Was detective oconnell just over his head or just wrong . Or deliberately trying to focus the investigation on people who didnt have anything to do with it . In my opinion it started off with probably going down the wrong path. I think where it ended up for him was sticking to that path so that he wouldnt be wrong. He began by looking at oconnells three main suspects, omar satchel, quiana boar and kayrejeffrey. He found exactly nothing connecting any of them to the murder of bogle. We stopped looks at them at that point. We followed the investigation. It took us a different way. It not only focused on them, named them publicly. Nothing pointing to them in. No. Next he focused on josh and his fractious relationship with his sister. Investigators obtained joshs dna and compared it to the mystery dna under heathers nails. And hes negative, hes not the guy . That is not his dna. So then what happened to Carmello Badillo . You look at her for a while. It certainly piqued my interest. Carmello was extremely heart broken, anything she can do to bring Heather Bogle to justice, she was going to do. Carmellos dna didnt match. When detectives asked her to take a polygraph. She agreed and passed. So she, too, was cleared. As soon as i passed the polygraph, the first thing i said, now will you do your job . For those who had been publicly named by oconnell as heathers suspected murderers were no longer suspects was little reason to celebrate. What itself this all done to you . This has destroyed my life. Its hard for me to get employment. Anybody ever apologize for sort of making you famous in a way you never wanted to be . No, they pretty much just, its over with, move on with your life. My face was put in the paper, murder suspect, murder suspect. Three to five times a week. It still bothers me, you go certain places, people look at you and then you know they recognize your name or your face. They give you those looks. And so the major wiped the slate clean. It was a start over case. I needed to go back to the beginning. And to heathers last known whereabouts. 6 17 a. M. , leaving the whirlpool parking lot. He examined the Phone Records, woes phone last ping told cell tower 9 20 p. M. In an area not far from the plant. We had a radius. How big . 5 miles. Its a pretty big area. If only there were a way to narrow it down and then investigators found one and it turned tout the Prime Suspect had been right under their noses the whole time. Coming up. Did that name come up in the investigation before . Not to our knowledge at this point. Then eye popping details. Why does he work . Whirlpool. The same as Heather Boggle . Correct. We got weak in the knees. When dateline continues. If anyone knows about resilience, its athletes. But today team usa isnt the only team being put to the test. Businesses are facing mountains of their own. And just like our athletes, theyre rising to the challenge. Relying on the nations largest gigspeed network and the worldclass secure solutions from comcast business. For todays Olympic Winter Games and every day after, well be there, keeping businesses ready for whats next. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. â„¢ welcome back. A new Lead Detective was retracing Heather Bogles steps on the morning she vanished. Cell Phone Records tied her last known where abouts to roughly a six mile radius. Now investigators were about to use a powerful tool to narrow those miles down to feet, in a case complicated by scandal and alleged misconduct, the biggest twists were still ahead. Heres Josh Mankowitz with the conclusion of jagged. Major Nick Cassopolis and his team worked overtime trying to answer a bankers box full of questions. Starting with, what happened to heather immediately after she left whirlpool . Information from cell towers in and around Sandusky County provided little help but what about Satellite Information . If your cellular device is communicating with a gps satellite, it will continue to do that once in a while and in this particular case, Heather Bogles phone did communicate with a satellite. It was one of the many avenues Sean Oconnell had not pursued previously. We were able to retrieve that data through a Search Warrant that we served. That data was manna from heaven, it pinpointed the location of heathers phone with far greater precision than a cell tower ever could. It puts her phone very close to a trailer in the Emerald State trailer park. To within just a few feet of the trailers front door. Who lives there . Daniel myers. That name come up in investigation before . Not to our knowledge at that point. Suddenly, cassopolis had a fresh lead. He began to dig. Daniel myers, age . Late 40s. Married or single . Single. And where does he work . Whirlpool. Whirlpool, same as Heather Bogle. Correct. It later emerged that detective oconnell had assumed other detectives would handle what turned out to be critical interview with whirlpool employees. Thats how he never picked Up Myers Trail and missed or failed to followup on an email sent by a Tipster Pointing him in the direction of daniel myers. Any indication the investigator did speak to that person . No. Because if they had, they would have realized they had a liar . Correct. Cassopolis and his partner were paying myers a visit. How are you doing, dan . He could have said were friends, she stopped by and i had a cup of coffee and she left and i never saw her again. Except Daniel Meyers didnt say that. Did you know her at all . He was trying to distance himself from her. You dont yet say that she and her phone were at your address the day she vanished. No, not yet. Did you know her to have friends in this trailer park. No, i didnt know her very well. Did you ever see her back here . No. It certainly made him look more suspicious than initially. That led us into Search Warrants. Including one to search myers trailer. The investigators found that several parts of that Trailer Sub Flooring had been replaced. Almost as if you were going to fix some damage he had done to his trailer by firing some bullets into it. Cassopolis also secured a warrant for myers dna. And suddenly, that mystery dna under heathers nails had a name. We about fainted. It was in fact daniel myers. I will tell you i got a little weak in the knees. Two years after heathers body was found, daniel myers was arrested and charged with her murder. Cass op list thought myers might have Lured Heather to his trailer, hoping to have sex with her. And attacked her when she refused. Did you ever hear the name danny myers before. Never. She never talked about him . Never. Myers sat in jail for a year and a half. And then came word of a deal. In exchange for no death penalty, myers agreed to plead guilty to heathers murder and receive life without parole. At sentencing, then the d. A. Tim brawn gave the bogle family a glimpse into heathers last moms. This is her body as it was discovered. As for heathers cut hair, brawn said that was not just the final insult in a crime of passion. It was, he said, Myers Deliberate and futile attempt to remove all trasz traces of his dna from her body. Heathers is the real hero because she bought back and that evidence was in her finger nails. She really helped solve her own murder. Yes. Mr. Myers, did you wish to make a statement . I have nothing to say. Heathers loved ones did. They were allowed to speak to daniel myers, just before he was led away to begin serving his life sentence. I want you to know, daniel myers, i do not forgive you. No one in this room can say that they forgive the devil. Im excited for your future, i know its going to be a short one. I hope you rot in jail [ bleep ]. When you think about her, what do you think about . I think about the memories that i had with her. And its like i can close my eyes and i know she is out there, i can still see her. Are you going to be okay . I think at this point, were all repairing the damage that has been done. Not the least of which was the damage done to carmel las relationship with heathers family. At some point, you realized you had been wrong about carmel la. Part of me didnt want to believe the whole time. Feel bad . Horrible. Me too. What did you say to her . We hugged. She tried to apologize and i stopped her and i said no, dont, because thats what you felt, and that was your sister, and it was justified. Bottom line, we were fighting against each other for loving the same person. Daniel myers would not be the only person sent to prison as a result of the Heather Bogle murder case. In july, former detective Sean Oconnell accepted a plea deal of his own admitting to evidence tampering. Other charges including Witness Coercion and Dereliction Of Duty were dropped. His punishment . Two years in prison. I can assure you that at his sentencing, oconnell spoke directly to heathers family. Again, you apologize to the bogle family. I truly do. I can assure you that i was just doing everything in my power as a Police Officer to find those persons responsible for heathers death. For all of those swept up in this investigation, this was a long journey to justice. Involving not just a search for heathers killer. But a battle with a Sheriffs Office run amuck. A battle jen bogle was determined to win. This girl was tough, she was up at night working, taking care of kids. Our number one priority is healther. I would think your sister would be proud of you. Thank you. You feel any better . I feel relieved, we finally know what happened. Yeah. And you know who. Yes. And you know who it wasnt. Yes, exactly. Thats all for this edition of dateline. Im natalie morales. Thank you for watching. M natali. Thank you for watching welcome to the show, im zerlina maxwell. As we near the end of the first week of black history month, i find myself thinking a lot about Fulton County georgia District Attorney fani willis. Not every single day that you get to investigate a former president of the united states, or his alleged efforts to intimidate an election official and overturn an entire States Election results but thats exactly what is the predicament that willis finals herself in today. She is one of three prosecutors trump sicced his mob

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