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florida. where judge bruce says that he is inclined to unseal some of the affidavit used by the fbi to secure a search warrant of the former president's home in mar-a-lago. the affidavit contains important information like the fbi's probable cause, and specific details that witnesses. a lawyer representing the justice department is able to, quote, a potential interference in the investigation. should be released to the public? an important point. but after an hour-long hearing on thursday, the judge said that he didn't feel the government left the burden of proving the whole affidavit should remain sealed. he instead decided to side with media companies, including nbc. nose to say it should be held -- the judge ordered the justice department to submit his proposed redactions to the affidavit, and illegal memmel justifying that by next thursday. it was a little perplexing. about all of this frankly. is that for the last several days, donald trump and his allies have been arguing for the full release of a affidavit. yet, donald trump's attorney didn't file any official court papers to actually ask the court to make that happen. and we actually all know this from law and order episodes that when they want a court to do a thing, they file a motion. trump's lawyers did not do that. one of the attorneys who did attend a -- was asked by lauren ingraham to explain the rationale. >> we believe that the judicial watch in some of the other parties had argued it quite well and we believe it is very interesting encouraging that you have parties from both sides of the aisle, of course liberal media outlets covered with conservative watchdog groups really together on the same side but we really just chose to see how it will play out. >> we need to wait and see i can't be certain at this point because we haven't seen the affidavit, we certainly haven't seen the redactions and how it's going to play out. >> joining me now is david, the state attorney for his palm beach florida and also with us nbc analyst,. both legal efforts thought that they would keep the seal because of the governments active investigation. help us understand why the judge decided that the public interest was just too important to keep the entire contents of the affidavit seal? >> yes, hi zerlina great to be with. you and i think what happened yesterday is that the judge wanted people to buy into the criminal justice system. he wanted to turn down the volume. he saw what was going on out there and so he wanted to show that he is being very levelheaded, even handed, and he's not gonna make any absolutists positions. so instead he's gonna ask the government to suggest redactions. but in reality when this comes out in a week, certainly not, it's gonna be like swiss cheese. they're going to redact just about the entire document. there will be 5 to 10 words in my estimation that you will see on each page. it will be a disjointed mess, it will not be of any use for anybody but prosecutors, but at least now that maga folks are cheering, but i think their enthusiasm is a bit premature. because this judge, the former parole prosecutor. he knows that if you don't redacted, or if you release it in total, then you're going to expose your sources, you're going to tip off suspects, and you're gonna put witnesses at risk of tampering by trump world. >> it's so fascinating to see this unfold because it is completely unprecedented and because of, that i think we're in a moment where people say some things and maybe they don't realize what they're saying. so i don't want to play a clip of rupture leon e.. the president's former lawyer. former mayor of new york. he's attempting to explain why donald trump took these documents. but, in this clip you will hear him basically confessed. take a look. >> and now, they want to make him responsible for having taken classified top events and preserve them. really, if you look at the espionage act, it's not really about taking the documents. it's about destroying. they're or hiding the. or giving them to the enemy. it's not about taking them and putting them in a place that is roughly as safe as they were in the first place. >> glenn, what do you make of this, i guess. realtime proposal of a defense for donald trump in this instance? if they're gonna work? >> it's not gonna work and rudy giuliani, we are recently learning is a target in a criminal jen jury investigation in georgia for trying to assist donald trump in criminally overturning the results. of a presidential election. and i don't know what attorney is advising rudy to go on air and run his mouth about related issues, a potential crimes of donald trump and tried to assist donald trump in realtime but making these nonsensical statements. a system in avoiding being held accountable for his crime which is a little thing called accessory after the fact but i think what we have learned zerlina is that rudy is incapable of remaining silent. >> you know. i really would've skipped law school and all the student loans if i knew donald trump was gonna be the president give me a crash course in criminal law. didn't realize it would happen in this way but i would've saved a lot of money had i just waited for donald trump. david, one of the things that we've been paying attention to is some of the things that the judge did unsealed today, or on thursday. did what the judge unsealed today it, and including what they unsealed on thursday, did it tell us anything new and relevant? >> i think it did. i think the most important part where the two words, willful retention. that was in the cover sheet of the search warrants and what that tells you is which part of the espionage act that the government is focusing on so and rudy giuliani says well this is about spying in there was no spying here so not guilty? he is wrong. that's as the analogy act is much broader than a julius and ethel rosenberg situation. it can include someone who has documents lawfully that pertain to national security and refuses to comply with the demands to return them and what does that sound like? it sounds like donald trump and since it's directed at mar-a-lago it can only be donald trump. obviously it is not the valley at mar-a-lago sort of tells you a couple things. it tells you that there is a statute that it is proceeding under which is still serious and going to be proceeding after. and it tells you that donald trump is in the doj's crosshairs. though they tell you that he is the one being targeted by this investigation. >> glenn do you agree with the analysis? we have talked from so many months now about what donald trump could actually be taken for in courts. in terms of what charges could actually stick. do you believe that this may be the case that ultimately is the one that forces him to go into a court and defend himself? >> this is one of them. and i agree with dave that when you look at the search warrant materials that were unsealed, you see that the prosecutors put in their three separate federal crimes that they believe were violated or criminally committed and they were searching for evidence of those crimes, and they convince the judge that they had probable cause and evidence of those crimes would be found on the property of mar-a-lago and it looks like they were right and those three crimes, zerlina, one of them is actually part of the espionage act of the federal code. and importantly, none of those crimes require that the documents be classified. so donald trump forever. i thought these things were declassified so magically they were? that's not a defense. it doesn't matter. so yes, this is some really dangerous territory for donald trump but let's not forget that there is a public service announcement. donald trump also launched an armed attack on the capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power. let's not forget about that little crime that may actually amount to treason. >> republicans want to say forget that but i did not forget that. glenn you're gonna have to remind me. i never will forget of what we saw on the day of the insurrection. and i don't think that any american should and perhaps will forget that day. thank you so much for starting us today, please stay safe. president biden prepares to tell the inflation reduction act, sheldon whitehouse, points out that the law does more than help to fight climate change, it also helps defeat sexual interest. we'll be right back after this break! >> democrats got together. we control the house. we could use reconciliation so we didn't need republicans in the senate. and we delivered and broke the grip of the two special interests. ecia interests. itis persists... put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when uc got unpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older... with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq... as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there, with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq. and learn how abbvie could help you save. hi, my name is cherrie. ask yi'm 76 and i liveogist on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. 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(vo) unconventional thinking delivers four times the 5g coverage of verizon. and it's ready right now. t-mobile for business. ukrainian ukrainian officials are warning that officials are warning that russia may be planning an russia might be planning an imminent imminent attack on the separation nuclear power plant. attack on the nuclear power plant. they told the workers not to show up to work at the. plante and the news of the plants could come after weeks after the come after week after th and you grandsons those vehicles were put there by russia. and nbc news i should mention has yet to verify this russian officials, we should also note that we have no indication of who shot the video or when. here to discuss, she's a former senior adviser to the u.s. state department. so naira, president zelenskyy tweeted that the world is on a verge of a nuclear disaster because of russia's occupation of this power plant. i've been following this for weeks, now how dire the situation on the ground right now? >> despite the fact that it's fallen out of the headlines, everywhere else i'm so glad that we have been focused on this. this is possibly a moment where world war iii starts. we have always been concerned about the russian continued invasion in ukraine. spilling over and requiring other european powers to get engaged in the united states. it's already supporting the ukrainians with massive amounts of military equipment and aid. only enough to make sure that there is a stalemate. the united states has not invested so much into ukraine, other russians could say that the united states is at war with russia. that balance may be interrupted if these nuclear assets come under attack. >> one of the things that a lot of analysts have said about the situation is that essentially, this is blackmail. the reason why this is unprecedented is because no other country before has had active shelling on purpose at a nuclear facility. normally those are off limits if you will. and and military operation, could speak to the idea that basically its russia's nuclear blackmail to the entire world. one of the options for us? for the west and united states? >> this is the chance for the united states and their allies not having any hopes on the ground. they all the millie rely on ukraine forces to be able to secure the space. the ukrainian army has clearly been up to the challenge so far. what we are seeing is about to be ukrainian armies still needs additional resources. the united states yesterday did say that they would stand in more technology, more advanced equipment to protect kyiv. now the capital is now under attack so this war is not over. we are seeing that the endgame has not been established. russia will do whatever it can to get the advantage and continuous pressure. >> i want to help people understand how many people will be impacted by a nuclear incident at the site. i don't want to scare people i don't but i want them to understand what is happening. as you said, this has been out of the headlines although i've been obsessed with it for a few weeks straight now. it is the one headline that scares me personally. >> it should because we have not seen an incident like, this one we have seen a nuclear meltdown in a place like japan, suddenly trade was stopped. we had concerns about the entire country being contaminated. chernobyl is the mountain that many people remember and an entire part of the country was uninhabitable. this is, shelling this is active firepower that could ignite the materials on site. and then result in spilling over into elsewhere in europe. it's not even just about ukraine, it's a type of activity that would trigger any of the treaty obligations. we already know that because of the attacks in ukraine,, 40% of the world's wheat has disappeared. africans are starving because of what russians are doing in ukraine right now. it will only get worse if russia's aggression is allowed to continue. >> the other thing i've been paying attention to is in the middle of all of this mess is brittney griner and paul whelan. sitting there in russian prisons waiting for negotiations to take place. they work with the state department, when negotiations that are happening in the diplomatic space. how does a de sapin in the military space and back those conversations? >> what is happening right now is brittney griner is that she is 100% a political prisoner. she had been going in and out of russia for ten years. she was a known quantity, when the war started that same, week putin found an excuse to effectively capture and hold a high-profile asset. knowing that people in united states would be appropriately outraged. -- but this now allows putin to do is to use her and paul whelan as leverage to get some of his own people back. there is an arm stealer that he would love to have back in russia, who's already served a significant amount of time here. what the military strength can do is they can get the united states more leverage and at the end of the day though militaries are not the ones that negotiate peace deals. the idea of winning on the ground does not necessarily mean that you are going to get what you want when it comes to the human impact. t comes to really complicated situation, the arms dealer that you mention is viktor bout, we have been talking about of a lot on the show. he is the guys played by nicholas cage in the movie lord of. or thank you so much for being, here please stay safe. coming up, we will discuss the post office abortion bans that are turning the southeastern part of america into an abortion desert. we will be right back. we will be right back. and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have 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eight hundred, eight million ♪ supreme court ruling, overturning roe the southern part of our country is essentially turned into an abortion desert. with nearly every state in the southeastern part of america either banning or adalee restricting abortions. and the carolinas, two recent rulings have had diverging impacts on abortion access in north carolina. a federal judge on one thing give the state the greenlight to enforce a near total ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. meanwhile down in south carolina, the state supreme court temporarily blocked the law that would ban abortions at around six weeks of pregnancy. the states republican attorney general has already pledged to fight that ruling. joining me now to break this all down, as the president of -- pro-choice america. help us understand, what it is like in the southeastern part of the united states, post -- >> right now it is really terrible. we have pregnant people, people who need access to care, and the face of these problematic bands. the shifting decisions. really having to work overtime to find access and travel ridiculous amount of time for basic health care. we know abortionists health care, this is not just about abortion, it's about attacks on the broader spectrum of reproductive health. we already, know many of these republican lawmakers, these extremists want to go after contraception. there is even talk of going after ivf. to look, we will place where a lot of americans are scared, they are worried and you know we have seen the recent study out of an npr earlier today. talking about how the same states that are enacting these really problematic bands and restricting access, also are some of the worst places in the country from maternal mortality, access to childcare, access to paid leave. a whole host issues that folks who want to figure out how to plan their families need and these moments. we are not even seeing any ability for folks to have the support from the state to plan a family if they are forced into pregnancy. we are seeing a complete application of any sort of responsibility for these people and the states. >> it is so insane to me that we essentially have government policies that as you said forces people into pregnancy. with policies that are creating a dystopia. >> it just doesn't feel right. >> it's not an accident either, you covered it really well on the show. some of the same extremist i want to force pregnancy at the same folks who want to ban gender affirming care, the same folks who want to ban access to social services for folks who need them. it's an effort to really got and paralyzed social services the government, democracy, public education. these are the extremist who just don't believe and taking care of the american people. and the good news is, the american people are beginning to catch on to this by fighting back in significant ways. >> one of the interesting thing that is happening is the republicans who fought to get these abortion bans suddenly realizing that the real implications that these pants. i want to play a clip of south carolina state representative, neil collins. he voted in support of the fetal heartbeat law but says he now regrets that decision due to the dire consequences it had on the teenager in need of an abortion. take a look. >> a 19 year old girl appeared at the er. she was 15 weeks pregnant, her water broke. and the fetus was on viable. the attorneys told the doctors that because of the fetal heartbeat, build because a 15-week gold had our, the doctors could not extract. there is a 50% chance, greater than 50% chance she will lose her uterus. there is a 10% chance that she will develop sets in herself and die. not weighs on, me i voted for that bill. >> it is so important for people to realize the consequences of some of these policies. basically, forcing women to just plead out, almost to the point of death. then doctors can intervene because they don't want to appear like they are doing an abortion. talk about how some of these lawmakers sleep at night? how do you think they actually justify letting women bleed to death, almost bleed to death just so that they can you know assert that they are pro-life quote unquote? >> i think the clip you just played a so interesting. i'm grateful that this legislator has had this eye-opening experience. the truth of the matter is, advocates for reproductive freedom have been sharing these examples with legislatures across the south, particularly our friends in the justice movement. that this proportion of the fact that one color and communities for decades, we have been trying and screaming from the rooftops. this is what happens under abortion bans. a ban as had been in a climate of fear like we have, now of course lawyers will advise doctors not to take the adequate actions to say the uterus of a 19 year old. it is completely predictable, it's completely shocking to me that anybody can act like they did not understand the consequences. last positive or a minute, maybe they did not understand the consequences. now when extremist republicans are having to face is the truth of what they have done. i don't know how they sleep at night. what i do know is that we are going to sleep a night a lot better when we get them out of office. it was completely irresponsible for any one of these legislators to vote for legislation that they did not fully understand the consequences of. and act like they were not given that information by advocates in their own state. >> sometimes i am, like if you did not realize that these were the consequences, number one you either don't listen to women. and people when they are pregnant they're telling you these are the consequences. and we are not qualified to make policies on those issues and you don't understand the consequences. >> maybe both. absolutely right, most of these legislators are frankly woefully under qualified. should not be an office, and frankly this is an opportunity for us as advocates to really shine the light on how important state legislators are, to the day today lives of the american people. the average american is not paying close attention to the legislator. now that these big issues are shifting to states, religion maddock ways. it's an opportunity and i'm grateful to you, and other folks in the media who are covering the stories about what legislators can and cannot do, how they're frankly acting in completely irresponsible ways. thank you so much for being here. it's always great to see you and have you on. please stay safe. coming up! trans americans are now protected under the americans with disabilities act. we'll talk about what this ruling means for the trans community. that is up next! that is up next! i've already told everyo ne! 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go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. federal appeals court this week ruled that transgender people are protected from discrimination under the americans with disabilities act. the decision stands from a 2020 lawsuits from a lyndon named keisha williams. that was incarcerated in a immense present despite going through replacement theory or pay for over two decades. she was a nurse, and a deputy, alleging that the president had violated the a.d.a. and rehabilitation act. in failure to actually treat her gender dysmorphia. joining me, diana, officer of the program at the foundation. so help us understand what this decision actually means? >> thank you so much zerlina. william kincade is a monumental surviving case. the ruling really does, for the first time, actually bring the transgender community under the umbrella of connections under the a.d.a.. this is not without complications. for decades, the trans community, when expressing their issues and their health needs, were criminalized. worth sterilized. where experimented on. were subjected to eugenics. and that does not make it comforting for those in that community to deal with the disability. for many folks, actually making that disclosure came with a lot of fear and a lot of concern, however over the last few years. the reality is that the number of trans activists activists have been talking about the physical impact of gender just for a. which is covered by the a.d.a.. we also know that the trans media is more likely to have the chronic illness over an time because of being discriminated against with the care. >> really important point. and i thank you for correcting me. it's gender dysphoria not dysmorphia. my eyes play trick on me. it's very poor eyesight. >> that means you count as part of our community to! welcome, we've been waiting for you! >> thank you very much. i love being included. and, i would love to be in your community. it is a privilege to be in your community. how do you think this is a when? is this a win in your view for the community of people who really mean more access to resources and care? >> this is a win for both the trans community and the broader disability community. the power of the definition of disability in the a.d.a. is the expansiveness. it is big enough to include people with alopecia, it's big enough to include kids of flint michigan fighting for drinking water. now it's a big enough to include the trans community. and this means, this is huge. this means employment protections. this means, protections around public accommodations and ssd transportation. this actually means that the exclusion of the transgender community violates the equal protection clause and the a.d.a.. it really does give new energy to this pushback on all of these bills that are trying to segregate marginalized communities. >> that is such an interesting point there at the end. do you think that that can go a long way in helping to remove some of the stigma that these individual communities, while they are siloed and fighting on behalf of their own rights. do you think that stigma can be removed in some way by this decision? >> definitely. i think you can go a long way. and to me, knowing my friends and family in the trans community and how long they have fought for just the right to be out in society. that is something that so resonates with the mainstream disability rights and justice movements. the last thing that is really important is that, while all of this is happening. the a.d.a. is under constant attack. even right now in the house of representatives there is legislation to limit title three. which is a public accommodations peach. and it actually passed the house, to actually get rid of title three in the a.d.a.. so it is important to know that while we are very excited about this. what this means is that there are even more people to stand with us, and help hold the line. and say, the a.d.a.'s law. and at no point in time should we start limiting who is counted. and what accountability measures and enforcement measures need to be in place to defend that law. >> quickly, before we go. help us understand what title three does. >> title three is access to public accommodations. so for people with disabilities. it means the right to be able to reach or atm. the ability to leave your house and going on a date with the expectation that the restaurant that you looked upon line, it's gonna be accessible. it is just being able to be in the public space. and that has been the law offered 32 years at this point. but yet we still don't have full, physical accessibility. for people with disabilities in this country. even as of the last election, 60 the 80% of polling places were still inaccessible in one way shape or form for the sake of americans. >> i teared up as you are talking. it's not just because of what you're saying. but because my mother, her entire career was spent working for the department of developmental disabilities in new jersey. and what you said is exactly what she said to me every day growing up about public accommodations in the near to support the community. people with disabilities. so i just touch my heart when he said that. because it was like hearing my mom and my you're growing up. rebecca, thank you so much for being here. it's always great to have. you such an important issues. please stay safe. >> thank you. and thank your mom. as a mom raising two kids with disability here in new jersey, i appreciate the tremendous groundwork that she and so many other moms do. >> thank you so much again for being here. have a great weekend. >> coming up! history could be made in north carolina this november. we'll head to the cardinal state to learn more about the woman running for the senate who could be the states first black senator. we'll be right back! 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>> no, no. we usually see them in the other counties. >> why do you think that state right now? >> well again being a rural county, we just had a lot of voters. >> be safe in a republican -- ted budd. giving her a shot at becoming the first black senator from the tar heel state. -- her race also seen that some of the democrats red chances to pick up a senate seat. >> with the frustration that some voters have out the biden and the administration with the economy and inflation, has the president heard your chances here? >> you, know i certainly understand why there are people who are frustrated and who are disappointed in what is happening in washington. they expect more and they deserve more. >> bc's republican opponent, happy to hammer the president. >> every single county is now a border county because of joe biden's policies. >> critiquing her judicial record when meeting with police groups. >> i haven't upon a right, now she may not admit, it she will try to run deceptively so as a moderate. >> and because his campaign stop and roll counties, it was abortion rights driving the conversation. >> it's not a contradiction to on the one hand, protect fundamental freedoms. and on the other hand, support women who want to have their baby's. >> has it angered people? change voters minds? >> it does. i think people want as far as women, they want to have control and make decisions that will benefit their bodies. and not to be told what to do. >> with less than three months a day before the election, she is betting on rural voters. she needs them and they need somebody who will not forget them once in washington. >> it felt got here today? right it's all good fearing in the county, it felt good in richmond county. nobody should feel discounting, no one should feel a sense of disengagement. >> she also mention that sherrie beasley was the chief justice of the north carolina supreme court. she is history making. for more reasons than, one antonia hylton thank you so much for that report. coming, up pandemic fatigue is becoming a real thing for so many people throughout the world. but what about those people with long covid still suffering months and months, even years after they first had the virus. we will talk about them up next. m up next ything you were looking for on apartments-dot-com. i mean c'mon, look at this place. it's got... ...twelve-foot ceilings, modern appliances, in-unit laundry, city views, free parking, close to good restaurants. whoopsies. bing-bang-bing-bingity-dingity dingity. and central a/c. 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astrazeneca may be able to help. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. make your home totally you. astrazeneca may be able to help. i did with wayfair. sometimes i'm a homebody. can never have too many pillows. sometimes i'm all business. wooo! i'm a momma 24/7. seriously with the marker? i'm a bit of a foodie. perfect. but not much of a chef. yes! ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need. ♪ for a two and a half years into the covid-19, pandemic in over 1 million american families have lost a loved one. mixed messaging from the cdc is continuing to confuse all of, us and on wednesday, the agency announced its plan for an overall. after an internal review of its response of the pandemic. and so many people suffering from pandemic fatigue, the biden administration has gone along with the cdc's recommendations to rollback mitigation efforts over the past couple of months. but according to john hopkins university, the pace of desks has remained pretty steady since may. despite an uptake this summer to about 400 a day. two and a half, years into this pandemic, 400 people are still dying every single day in america. and countless other americans are going to be left with long term health complications from their initial covid infections. called long covid, that is not acceptable. that is not okay and we should not act like this pandemic is over. i don't care what anybody says, why would the cdc recommend pulling back and mitigation efforts rather than enforcing them. joining me, now kristen pisa. she is the cofounder of the advocacy group, marked by covid i am obsessed with this because i don't think we are talking enough about long covid. i first want to get your reaction to the new cdc guidelines. i will basically shift responsibility away probably government officials in terms of public health. two individual decisions. why do you think this is dangerous? >> it is dangerous because it was the responsibility on individuals to assess their own risk. at a time whenever there is absolutely no true knowledge as to how much of the virus is spreading. what your risk assessment actually is. public health is not my, health it's about the systems that we put in place to ensure that the most vulnerable. all of us can thrive. this is going to result in more cases, more cases of long covid. unfortunately, more cases of death. despite vaccines. >> it's a really important point. more cases mean more deaths, obviously there is a percentage of the case numbers. people that are unfortunately will passed away. we need to pay attention not just of the people who are dying in ending up in the hospital but we need to pay tension to the people of long term consequences. we on times of seeing headlines are passing references to brain fog in articles. that have to do the long term impact of covid. do we need to be talking more about the brain? and the impact of covid-19, the virus on the brain and not just sort of putting it this vague description of brain fog, really the neurological impacts because even after a mild covid infection, there was a new oxford that he this week not oktibbeha you're mood changes. personality changes and psychiatric changes in your brain after a covid infection. we should be talking about this all day. every day. nonstop. and according to the cdc's own guidance. upwards of 20% of individuals who contract covid and up having long term effects. or long covid as it is known. but just to be really clear here. 20% of every one who gets a covid case. not just people who end up in the hospital or in the icu on the ventilator. but that mild sniffle. where you feel it's like a bad flu. you have 20% chance according to the cdc of having a long term effect which could be debilitating to your abilities. not only to keep a job. but to be able to navigate the essential needs of cooking for yourself and taking care of yourself. you're seen as millions of people across the country in the world. who have been living in this sort of destitution for upwards of two years now. >> that's really frustrating to see. the change in the car headlines that basically puts us back where. it's in my view, we don't need less medication. we need more and mitigation. we can't do it like other countries do it but i'm watching around the world. i don't understand what the differences between the people here, in the saw korea. when they're given directions, where mass on their favorites -- in your view. what do we need to change? here in this country. and what is the change in the cdc's messaging in your opinion, from this point on so that we capture not just the risk of death and severe illness, but also what we're talking about today. one covid? >> we first of all. we have to hold up politics and big business from our public health response. the reason why we have recommendations here in the states has nothing to do with public health. it has to do with a false dichotomy between choosing between health. and choosing between the economy. i also don't buy that the cdc, or that people are completely fatigued. we're seeing poll after poll seeing really engaged with having to have a mask mandate with a surge. or are having limitations on gathering indoors. and information that they need to keep their families in themselves safe. beginning in a? serge beginning of the year. so we need all the medications back now. if we have any chance of getting over this pandemic sooner rather than later. >> i'm so glad that you said that. because i feel like i'm the only one who thinks that. other than all of the doctors that we have on the show. they all agree with you. but for the most part, are public health officials have not been willing to admit that we have been in a surge. why do you say where in a surge? since january? >> we've been in a surge because if you look at the numbers, we have had sustained level of transmission. and this is looking at the actual transmission rates and not necessarily the hospital rates. this is actually under reported two because less and less individuals are getting tested. so it is out there and we have been told since basically february or march of 2022 this year that we are fine and we have the tools that we need to be able to take care of this but who have access to those tools? another people in my community which is mostly latino do not have those tools. this is really essential that we get on the same page to protect the folks that have been working day and night to keep this economy going and they should not be about who has access and who does not. >> important point. one of the last questions i have for you is essentially in this pandemic how do we get to a place where we can care about the collective? it is more of a philosophical question. but i feel like that has been lost in this pandemic and it is one of the things that makes me the most that. it's that my parents taught me to care about other people and my mom always says. you're not the one who only exists in the world. she said stop being selfish and self absorbed but the world doesn't revolve around you and i think it's a lesson that others may have skipped. >> i like to remember that time in the pandemic, right in the beginning where people came together to help the neighbor and where we were supporting our elderly neighbors and getting groceries, and part of what made that possible was that the government out to support us stay home. and i think that we need to not only put this responsibility on ourselves in our communities. but also pushback on our government. whenever it is trying to force us to go to work sick. which is leading to more cases and more deaths. >> thank you so much for being here today to talk about long. covid it is always great to talk to you. please stay safe. that does it for me! i'm zerlina. you can find me monday through friday streaming on peacock through the msnbc hub. be sure to follow us on facebook, twitter, tiktok and youtube. more news coming up right here on msnbc up right here on msnbc this is the katie phang show live from miami florida, we have lots of news to cover and lots of questions to answer so let us get started. one of donald trump's attorneys claiming his client's fourth amendment rights were violated when the fbi search mar-a-lago and they plan to file a legal challenge quote very soon. we will dig deeper with legal analysis from a former federal prosecutor. plus wagons and for the safety of fbi agents as one florida house candidate says, that if he is in charge, residents will have permission to shoot the feds on site. asked about the fo

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Nurse , Dad , Cool Guy , 960 , 60 , 0 , 30 , Fasenra , Add On Treatment , Geek Friend , Network , Geek , Buddies , Asthma , Rescue Medication , Asthma Attacks , Steroids , Conditions , Eosinophils , Trouble , Infection , Headache , Sore Throat , Number , Protein , Age , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , 16 , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Contestants , Liberty , Pay , Jingle , Go , Discrimination , Lawsuits , Replacement Theory , Deputy , Keisha Williams , A Lyndon , 2020 , Diana , Gender Dysmorphia , Program , Failure , Foundation , Ada And Rehabilitation Act , Time , Connections , Umbrella , William Kincade , Complications , Health Needs , Criminalized , Eugenics , Worth Sterilized , Disability , Disclosure , Concern , Impact , Illness , Activists , Not Dysmorphia , Eyesight , Eyes , Trick , Privilege , Win , View , Disability Community , Kids , Expansiveness , Definition , Alopecia , Flint Michigan , Accommodations , Fighting , Employment Protections , Protections , Drinking Water , Ssd Transportation , Enough , Pushback , Bills , Energy , Exclusion , Equal Protection Clause , Stigma , Rights , Behalf , The End , Something , Movements , Society , Mainstream Disability Rights , House , Title , Peach , Accountability Measures , Disabilities , Measures , Enforcement , Atm , Restaurant , Expectation , Public Space , Don T Have Full , Polling Places , 32 , 80 , Mother , Career , Form , Sake , Shape , Heart , Rebecca , New Jersey , Groundwork , Moms , Mom Raising , Weekend , History , Cardinal , States First Black , Skin , Nothing , Skyrizi , Senator , Hand In , Plan , Everything , 3 , 90 , 4 , Starter Doses , 2 , Symptoms , Vaccine , Biologic , Dermatologist , Baby , Steak EntrÉe , Ain T , Shrimp , Dollar , N Nothin , Applebee S , One Dollar , Clothes , Downy , Dyes , Perfumes , Towel , Gentle , Payments , Transaction Fees , Customers , Godaddy , Insurance Company Enwasn T Fair Ity Y Ca , Llll Theararnes Rmrm , Uld , Idd , Fillion Idd Soit , Call Eouout Hii , Cacalledhehe , Quesonons Eouout Hicacase Yy Son , Midterm Election Two G , Antonia Hylton , Race , Majority , Voters , Minds , Parts , Top , Hello Family , Sherry Beasley , Counties , Seat , Centers , Kind , Corporations , Votes , Thousands , Color Set , Charlotte , Raleigh , 401 , Richmond County , Politicians , Grammar , Shot , Budd , Ted , Economy , Administration , Chances , Inflation , Frustration , County , Washington , Opponent , Bc , Record , Police Groups , Right , Campaign Stop , Meeting , Moderate , Border County , Hand , Abortion Rights , Contradiction , Conversation , Fundamental Freedoms , Decisions , Control , Make , Bodies , Somebody , Nobody , Chief Justice , Discounting , Disengagement , North Carolina Supreme Court , Sense , Sherrie Beasley , Fatigue , Reasons , Report , History Making , Virus , Appliances , Ceilings , Laundry , Apartments Dot Com , Twelve , Restaurants , Free Parking , City Views , Bing Bang Bingity , Dingity , Whoopsies , Central A C , Razor , Shave , Blades , Defense Bar , Venus , Dot Com , Brad , Patented Irritation , Storm , Unknown , Crashes , Answer , Answers , Worry , Uncertainty , Teamwork , Innovation , Exploration , Succulent , Chefs , Ingredients , Masterpiece , Secret Aioli , Panera , Buttery Brioche Roll , Mayo Clinic , Made Fresh , Chef , Breztri , Chicken Sandwiches , Delivery Fee , App , Speechless , , Symptom Improvement , 52 , Medication , Astrazeneca , Homebody , Pillows , Wayfair , Marker , Bit , Momma , Foodie , Perfect , 24 7 , Pandemic , Messaging , Cdc , Loved One , Review , The Agency , Covid 19 , 1 Million , Recommendations , Response , Rollback Mitigation Efforts , Pace , John Hopkins University , May , Desks , Uptake , Half , 400 , Health , Long Covid , Term , Mitigation , Advocacy Group , Cofounder , Marked , Pisa , Public Health , Reaction , Guidelines , Individuals , Knowledge , Risk Assessment , Cases , Systems , Vulnerable , Deaths , Case Numbers , Percentage , Vaccines , Hospital , Brain Fog , Tension , Articles , References , Brain , Description , Mood Changes , Personality Changes , Changes , Oxford , Contract Covid , Guidance , Effects , Nonstop , Icu , Ventilator , Sniffle , Abilities , Effect , Job , Flu , Needs , Millions , Destitution , Cooking , Change , Car , Countries , Differences , Favorites , Directions , Around The World , Korea , Opinion , Politics , Big Business , Poll , Dichotomy , Surge , Limitations , Mask Mandate , Serge Beginning , Medications , Numbers , Transmission , Level , Transmission Rates , Hospital Rates , Tools , 2022 , March Of 2022 , Questions , Question , Collective , Parents , Stop , Self , Lesson , Others , Beginning , Neighbors , Neighbor , Groceries , Stay Home , Peacock , Hub , Msnbc , Katie Phang Show , Facebook , Tiktok , Twitter , Youtube , Lots , Fourth Amendment , Candidate , Safety , Prosecutor , Agents , Charge , Wagons , Fo , Permission , Residents , Feds ,

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