the agenda. the challenges are so formidable for the secretary of state. he's gonna be talking about what life is going to be like after israel, or if israel achieves its goals in gaza, primarily destroying hamas. it's gonna be talking about trying to get humanitarian aid into gaza, trying to get people out, hostages out of hamas detention. so, there's a lot on his plate. but the big one, yasmin, it's gonna be dominating and taking up all of his time, and the reason why this is one of his most sprawling trips of the ones he's taken so far. he's taken five days. he's been jumping all around the region, it's because he has to tamp down tensions region wide. yasmin, for as long as you and i can't remember, there has been war in this part of the world. this is the closest that this entire region has come to engulfing itself in one single conflict. and that's because iran is backing all of these groups that have been firing shots at israel, and united states targets throughout the entire region. and the u.s. and israel have