has now been filed. state senate and house lawmakers are set to participate in limited debate this afternoon followed by a straight-up or down vote. gary is in austin. good to see you this afternoon. thanks for joining us on this. you got your hands on a draft version of the sb-7 bill. talk us through what's in it. >> reporter: i will absolutely do that. i just want to go to one thing, joe biden's statement just came out, president joe biden just released a new statement about this texas voting bill. he says, in part, it's an assault on democracy that we have seen far too often this year and often disproportionately targeting black and brown americans, so that was president joe biden just within the last hour. but you're right, the -- they're back in session here at the state capitol. they have a busy afternoon ahead of them. just this morning, they received a 67-page voter integrity bill from this committee that's been putting it together. it's not public yet. it's not on the state website yet.