Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 202

Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708

states soon follow? it's "way too early" for this. good morning. and welcome to "way too early." the show that wonders if any political discourse is legitimate at this early hour. i'm jonathan lemire, on this monday, february 7th. let's start with the news, there's a lot of it. several leading republicans are backing former vice president mike pence after he openly rebuked donald trump before a group of conservative lawyers. here's the former vice president pushing back at trump's claim that pence could have overturned the 2020 election. >> this week, president trump said i had the right to overturn the election. president trump is wrong. i had no right to overturn the election. the presidency belongs to the american people, and the american people alone. and frankly, there's no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the american president. the truth is, there's more at stake than our party or political fortune. men and women, if we lose faith in the constitution, we won't just lose elections, we'll lose our country. >> the former vice president said his decision to certify the election on january 6th is rooted in article ii, section 1 of the constitution, asserting elections are run at the state level and the only role of congress is to open and count the votes that were certified by the states. republican senator marko rubio said pence is right, and republican senator morasso says the former vp did his constitutional duty that day. here is one of former trump's former advisers chris christie. >> i think the actions that the vice president took on january 6th, i'm glad he has finally put words to it, i don't know why it took him so long, but i'm glad he did. let's face. it let's call this what it was. january 6th was a riot that was incited by donald trump, in an effort to intimidate mike pence and the congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week, overturn the election. now, he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here, with correcting that stuff, but it's not going to change, he actually told the truth by accident. he wanted the election to be overturned. >> the republican national committee is facing growing pushback from some members of the party following the vote on friday to censure representatives liz cheney and adam kinzinger, the measure which was adopted by a voice vote at the rnc's annual meeting describes cheney and kinzinner as participates in a democratic prosecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse. let those three words sink in. legitimate political discourse to describe january 6th. several senators including murkowski, romney, and larry hogan, either criticized or question the movement to censure the two lawmakers. some members of the party are indeed taking issue with the rnc's characterization of the capitol attack as legitimate political discourse. >> did you see legitimate political discourse that day. discourse. i did >> did you believe january 6th was in any way legitimate political discourse. >> no, it was illegitimate political discourse because bass an assault on the first branch of government. >> i think part of the problem with my party is they view it as a weaponization of pelosi's weaponizing january 6th, politicizing it, to her advantage. but at the end of the day, i think the truth needs to come out. >> do you stand by the rnc's actions to these statements? >> as i understand it, they were referring to the peaceful protesters, when they said that. i do not agree with that statement if it's applying to those who committed criminal offenses and violence to overtake our democracy. >> i think that there's two mistakes here on the rnc. first of all they say part of the reason for the resolution is they want to keep the focus on joe biden and the failures of the democratic administration. how did that work for you? all anybody is stalking about this weekend is this -- is talking about this weekend is this resolution rather than talking about the failures of the biden administration. and secondly, it is not picking up on what is, as i sense, around the country, from traveling around, a shift that is occurring, which is that people are tired of hearing about the 2020 election, from donald trump, and from some who support him. >> coming up later on "morning joe," congressman adam kinzinger will be a guest on the heels of the rnc censure. turning now to overseas, the white house is warning that russia could launch an attack on ukraine any day now. national security adviser jake sullivan said yesterday any conflict would come at a quote enormous human cost but adds that the u.s. and its allies are ready to response to any contingency. >> we're in a window where something could happen, that is a military escalation, an invasion of ukraine could happen at any time. we believe that the russians have put in place the capabilities to mount a significant military operation into ukraine, and we have been working hard to prepare a response. >> sullivan's warning comes as a new u.s. intelligence assessment finds that moscow has already assembled 70% of the forces that it would need to launch a full-scale invasion of ukraine. the report says that if the kremlin were to attack, the ukrainian capital kyiv would most likely be captured in the early days of the invasion, possibly within the first 48 hours. it also says as many as 25,000 ukrainian troops could be killed or wounded, and up to 5 million people could become refugees fleeing the conflict. it is still unclear how the government arrived at those estimates. meanwhile, moscow continues to deny that it plans to invade, as new satellite images show details of a russian military buildup in belarus, near the border. joining us live from ukraine, nbc news foreign correspondent matt bradley. thanks for being with us today. as you just heard, u.s. intelligence had some pretty ominous findings that they released over the weekend, saying that russia has 70% of the forces that it could need to invade, ready and near ukraine's border. what are you seeing and hearing there? what's the level of concern on the ground in ukraine? >> reporter: yes, jonathan, thanks for that question, because honestly the level of concern here could not be lower. and it's really interesting that you mentioned this, all of these ominous sounds coming out of washington and other european capitals, we just heard that this, we just heard this from the defense minister of ukraine last night, he said in this statement, that we have all completeness, i'm going to read it a little bit, we have all completeness and realistically evaluate the information, many different hypothetical estimates and predictions can now be heard, especially in the foreign media. that's us. he scolded the foreign media once again. he says that this is happening now. now that the probability of a significant escalation as of today continues to be assessed as low. so despite what we're hearing from washington, despite these intelligence assessments that really are quite alarming and really show an enormous amount of forces all around the border, folks here, ordinary people on the street, they are not concerned, the government is not concerned and this isn't new, we have been hearing this two weeks ago from the government, from the president of ukraine, was essentially dismissing this, in the conversation with the foreign media, and once again, he scolded the foreign media, for basically drumming up panic, that he thinks is going to hurt the economy. that's one of the major concerns of the ukraine wran government here, is that all of this hand-wringing is going to dampen their economy. now, if that seems unrealistic to you, considering the hardware that we're seeing just east of here, it really is a remarkable disconnect. and we've kind of seen the government here veering back and forth. they have made some alarming noises as recently as last week. so far, this government and the people of ukraine are just not that concerned, jonathan. >> we're seeing some efforts of diplomacy here, and president biden is hosting the german chancellor today, french president macron will meet with putin this week, but as much as the ukrainian officials are downplaying with the rhetoric the threats, give us a quick sense as to what sort of military preparations ukraine has taken, if any, just in case. >> one of the things that was in the statement from the defense minister was talking about, he thanks foreign governments for giving so much material an weapons, but a lot of the defense preparations are being done by ordinary people, so yes, people are not panicked, but they're learning to fight. and this is something that the keeper, ukrainian government keeps reminding us, scolding the foreign media, we have been at war for eight years, this is not new for us, so a lot of ukrainians already have military training and refreshing and getting ready to fight in the streets if they have to. >> nbc's matt bradley joining us live from ukraine, we really appreciate it. still ahead, a major change in covid philosophy. the state that is dropping its mask requirement in schools. after having some of the strictest policies in the country. plus, we dive into trump's document destruction. new reporting on a bad habit of the former president that's also against the law. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back as we look at a pre-dawn u.s. capitol. at a pre-dawn u.s. capitol. i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trelegy for copd. 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[sfx: voice relief] he's going to run right out of the stadium. >> that was my man. patriots quarterback jones under center in the fourth quarter, for the afc, in last night's return of the nfl pro bowl taking off running after officials blew the play dead and celebrating in the end zone. tackling was optional in what was a glorified game of two-hand touch where running was futile. combining for 92 pass attempts with each of six participating quarterbacking making at least ten throws and the teams had a whopping eight turnovers in the game, seven interceptions, six of those happened in the first half. the afc scored 13 straight points after the break to open up a 20-point lead before holding on to a 41-35 victory over the nfc. the afc holds a five-game winning streak in the pro bowl, the most irrelevant sporting event on the calendar. meanwhile, the miami dolphins have found a replacement for brian flors, hiring mike mcdonnell as the new head coach. mcdaniel who is biracial is the first minority candidate to be hired so far this off-season. he replaces flores who was fired despite winning seasons in miami. flores has sued the nfl and the dolphins and two other teams over alleged hiring practices and accused owners of paying him to lose games. that is not going away as the super bowl approaches. the chinese tennis star peng shuai has emerged in beijing. she became the subject of international concern when she vanished from public view last year after appearing to make sexual assault accusations on social media against a former high-ranking member of the chinese government. she touched on the allegations in a tightly-controlled interview published by french sports newspaper yesterday, delivering her answers in front of a chinese olympic official. she echoed comments she previously made to chinese language media saying there was a quote a huge misunderstanding in the outside world. the through he-time olympian and former world number one doubles player said her life had been quote nothing special since that day, and that she deleted the post herself. she also denied that she had disappeared. the 36-year-old also announced her retirement in this interview. the international olympic committee also worked to diffuse the situation yesterday. releasing a statement saying peng dined with the organization's president over the weekend but offered little details about the meeting and made no mentions of the allegations. this tightly-controlled interview has been met with great scent skepticism in the international community. to. so competition under way in beijing. a rough start for mikaela shiffrin's winter olympics. the 26-year-old defending giant slalom gold medalist crashed out on the upper portion of the first run attempt yesterday. eliminating her already from medal contention. it marks the first time shif rin did not finish on any giant slalom in more than four years. a streak including 30 races. but she should still get a handful of chances over the next two weeks to become the first al bine pine ski racer from the u.s. to win three olympic golds. team usa is off to a slow start having captured just three silver medals at the games so far. one in figure skating in the figure skating team event of the pandemic is jeopardizing the hopes of one member of that team for the first individual medal. u.s. figure skating announced that vincent zhou tested positive for coronavirus after a routine screening for competitors. officials are still holding out hope that it will be a false positive so zhou can return for the start of the men's short program later today. let's finish up by bringing it statewide to california for the pebble beach pro am turmts tournament and this is one of the most dramatic golf shots you may ever see, jordan spieth risked it all, taking the approach shot from the edge of the cliff. you can see him there, he is just a foot or two away from quite a significant drop. he hits it, and he most importantly keeps his balance, and doesn't tumble over the clip, and you know what, not a bad shot. he gets it near the green. jordan spieth, defying significant, any chance for real injury there to make that shot. who says these guys aren't athletes? time now for the weather and meteorologist bill karins, please don't do this forecast perched above a ravine. >> no way. jordan spieth is worth more than one shot, too. he was leaning backwards. this morning, on a little sneaky storm up the east coast, we are greeted with a glaze of ice in areas just outside of dc and north carolina and eventually up through new england, and not a big winter storm but the timing of the glaze this morning, especially with the morning commute will make things a little bit dicey. you can see the green there, that is rain. but the pink is ice. and we are watching the ice over long island. it may start as a little bit of brief snow but move over to freezing rain and slide into southern new england through the morning. ice forecast. it is not a ice storm. it will not knock power out. but again the coating of ice is really possible. new york city, northward and for that reason, we have the winter weather advisories that cover 30 million people from philadelphia to new york all the way up through central new england and into areas of maine. most of it will be this morning, and getting warmer later this afternoon. and our friends mainly in a little bit of snow out of this, too about two to four inches just enough to do a little shoveling and plowing. so the forecast this week, the east coast with the storm but the rest of the country mild week ahead through tuesday and wednesday. no big snowstorms coming our way. and the temperatures for about, you know, almost all of us, except the great lakes and the northeast, mild everywhere. enjoy it while you can. >> after a couple of weeks of really cold weather and storms, it looks like a little reprieve. we don't mind it. bill karins, thank you very much. and donald trump got elected to the white house in part for attacking hillary clinton and deleting emails. now he has been destroying his own official documents. before we go to break, we want to know why, are you awake? 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"new york times" reporter peter baker tweeted his response to the story, quote, trump got elected in part by attacking clinton for deleting emails that she deemed personal, and then spent four years destroying official documents despite federal law. joining us now, one of the reporters who chronicled former president's habit of ripping up documents, the white house bureau chief of the "washington post" and msnbc analyst, ashley parker, good morning, thanks for joining us. great story. give us a sense, though, as to what the actual repercussions might be for violating the presidential records act and how it plays into the january 6th investigation. >> well, the repercussions are a great question, because it is a violation of the presidential records act, experts we talked to said it is against the law, but they also said that the law as currently written does not have particularly great enforcement mechanisms, and one person put it, it is toothless, and a bit like the hack jack, this is something that people tried not to violate, presidents did potentially tear out hundreds and hundreds of documents, but what you've seen with the the trump white house, they have reeled for now, that this is something that is a norm that they could blow through and be at least, at least one u.s. president, impervious to the consequences. >> ashley, you covered the trump white house, as i did, and i wanted to shift back to some of the seismic republican developments over the last few days. what's your latest reporting on what went into former vice president's decision on friday to unequivbly say that trump was wrong in asking him to try to overturn the election and how is that being received by trump world and the former president? >> well, i think you saw a little bit of the reception by the former president just in the statement he put out, but it was a fascinating thing to watch, because former vice president pence is someone who spent four years being this incredibly loyal, basically subservient foot soldier to donald trump, and even after january 6th, even in moments when the pence people would say, you know, we're being very strong, we're being very forceful, sort of the most that pence would say it was a dark day. we did not see eye to eye about the insurrection. and so for him to come out and say trump was wrong was incredibly forceful. but it is for him, for pence. but it is important to note that it was a very limited thing that the former vice president was speaking to. he was basically saying, and this is because trump himself had come out and said some things to the country, and the vice president was saying that trump was wrong, and saying that pence had the power to basically overturn the election. and hand it back to trump, and that was sort of the north star, even in the administration, that pence would say, look, look at the legal memos you're giving me, listen to what your friends have to say, but i just don't think i have that power. but then, the top adviser marc short went on the sunday shows and quite forceful in certain ways in pushing back against trump but also said look, the vice president has a lot of concerns about the election, so i think it's important to be clear that this was not the sort of full-throated, you know, break between the two men. at least from the former vice president's side. >> i think you said it well. forceful for pence. the other of course headline that emerged over the weekend is the characterization from the rnc of january 6th as legitimate political discourse. they watered it down a little bit later, but give us, ashley tell us, is this yet further evidence just the tight grip that former president trump has on his party? >> i think that is what it is, and again marc short and top adviser, former chief of staff, when he went on the sunday shows, he did say, and again, this was quite forceful, and he said front row seat and keep in mind short and pence were in the capitol that day when people were chanting hang mike pence and they had to can evacuated and this is not legitimate political discourse and when you look at the republicans, there are so few and far between that say that sort of statement is unacceptable by the republican party values because donald trump, although he is not officially announced a run, he is very much the head of the republican party, just about everyone in the party is looking at running in 2024, and no one wants to do or say anything to displease him so you're seeing the republican party running around and scrambling to please their mercurial leader. >> ashley post, thank you for being with us today. still ahead, we are live with cnbc for a look ahead on wall street. and potential peloton reportedly kicking the tires on the struggling bike maker. 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>> that is absolutely right. reports that nike and amazon could both be interested in a deal for peloton. now, in my sense, it is something of a white elephant pandemic purchase, for some, you know, very expensive exercise bikes and only seems to be interest in the company and the shares seem to do well, when this are talks of major changes, like another big company consuming it, m&a activity and another call for the ceo to stand down but they want to see the company sold off. the company, like disney, like nike, like amazon, there's a lot in peloton, but with the data and the equipment itself and there is the exercise classes that it has, but as i mentioned. so beleaguered questions, over the last few months we saw the peloton share price fall 20% at one point in january on reports that it basically halted production of some of the bikes and too many sitting in warehouses and of course, featured quite famously recently, in this "sex and the city" reboot and it is a really interesting company to watch, and it keeps us interested here, but certainly if there is some sort of takeover, you might see the shares surge. >> the bike causing a heart attack, not the pr any company would want. thank you, we appreciate it. still ahead we will dive back into the former vice president mike pence's comments on the 2020 election. a republican senator is supporting pence's decision while seemingly trying to avoid making the former president angry. we will explain next on "way too early." n next on "way too n next on "way too early. (mindy) yep! 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try new downy light in-wash scent beads. it has long-lasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day. new downy light! well if he runs for re-election i believe he would defeat joe biden and i don't want kamala harris the power in congress to overturn the election and that's the same thing i concluded back in january of 2021. >> so donald trump was wrong? >> well, as i said, i just don't think the vice president has that power. >> senator marko rubio, says vice president does not have the power to overturn elections. but also in that sound bite, he predicts that donald trump has a good chance at winning back the white house in 2024. joining us now, senior columnist for the daily beast matt lewis. matt, good morning. thank you for being here. lots to get to. but let's first start with the former vice president's comments, rejecting trump's claim that he had the power to overturn the 2020 election, and the reaction it stirred up on both sides of the aisle and the speculation about pence's future. >> look, i think that mike pence is obviously a guy who wants to be president still, he's really perfectly cast to be a politician before donald trump and i think that's the inherent problem, just like marko rubio, like pence's chief of staff marc short yesterday on "meet the press," you have these sort of normal decent republicans and thank god for them, they actually were important in helping donald trump, in preventing donald trump's coup, but yet, they obviously, they know that they cannot come out and say the truth, so you have marc short yesterday on "meet the press," you know, casting aspersions on the january 6th committee and saying that there were questions about the 2020 election, even as he defends mike pence, and so i think that really, there's this incredibly thin needle that they're trying to thread, and do the right thing for the country, be a decent and honorable person and not offend donald trump. that is pretty much mutually exclusive. >> we've seen others try to pull that balancing act off unsuccessfully. >> and we've played senator rubio who agreed that pence did the right thing but made it very clear that he would support donald trump again, and that trump would have a strong likelihood of becoming president again in 2024. how do you assess that statement? and if trump runs again, aren't we going to see a repeat of the election fraud shenanigans of 2020? >> yes, first of all, as an analyst, i think it would be right, i think if donald trump runs again he at least has a shot at beating joe biden. first of all, as we've seen, sort of backing your way into the nfl playoffs, right? once you're in the game, you can win, even if you didn't have the best regular season, you are dangerous, and so but look, joe biden's got a lot of problems now, whether it is violent crime or inflation or whatever, and so donald trump would have a legitimate shot if he did so, and i think what we've heard however is a condemnation of donald trump for trying to steal the election for inciting an insurrection, rather than rubio engaging in political punditry. maybe leave that to us. >> matt, one more quick one for you as we assess. let's be clear, it is many years off, things could change between now and the 2024 campaign, but you're right, trump would be the favorite right now. but doesn't he have a ceiling of support? didn't we see that in 2020 or do you think he could pick up more votes this time around? >> first of all, this is dynamic. it depends on joe biden. joe biden has problems. and if voters are forced to make that choice, the lesser of two evils, it kind of depends what they prioritize. personally for me, you know, i think that things like preserving liberal democracy are priorities that probably take precedent over other ideological issues. but if you are a family that, you know, prices are going up or there's crime in your streets, you may see things differently. you may not -- the idea of preserving liberal democracy could be an esoteric idea compared to groceries being more expensive. again, you know, and trump doesn't need to get a majority of the vote. we've seen that before. i think that will be a problem for republicans trying to fix their situation because in the mid terms, you know, there's like an adverse selection where healthy republicans are being pushed out, sick republicans are being promoted, and there won't be a feedback mechanism because republicans, whether they do well or not, are probably going to do well -- are probably going to win in the mid terms regardless of what they say or do. >> right. >> so if you were expecting them to have a come-to-jesus moment and suddenly change, it will be a while. >> yeah, and we are certainly already seeing efforts by trump and his allies to potentially rig the system for 2024 in terms of counting the vote. ""the daily beast" matt lewis, we appreciate your thoughts. come back soon. earlier in the show we asked why are you awake. becca writes, got up way too earl towe watch the women's slalom. what do you have, dan? >> i got one from dominic. because our washing machine decided this was the morning to cross the rainbow bridge. >> oh, no. we're sorry about that. our condolences. another viewer shares this picture. new puppy. up at 3:30 a.m. and napping by 5:00. that's a brutal schedule but it is an adorable little dog. up next, a look at the "axios" one big thing. coming up on "morning joe," as i mentioned earlier congressman adam kinzinger is a guest this morning. he will weigh in on the rnc vote to censure him and fellow republican liz cheney. "morning joe" is a few minutes away. a few minutes a few minutes away and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪♪ joining us now a look at "axios" a.m., a political reporter from "axios," alexe mccammond. what is the one big thing? >> it is a look into the house republicans and their search in the january 6th. there's a formal january 6th committee led by house democrats and dnl leaders, but house republicans conducting their own investigation tell "axios" they plan to accuse the capitol security apparatus of negligence at the highest levels. that matters because you have seen the way republicans and the republican party tried to talk about january 6th and shape the narrative around it. this gives them an alternate frame to talk about what happened on january 6th. >> i imagine that perhaps will not be the most hard-hitting of investigations. do you have a sense of the timetable they are operating under when we might see their report? >> they tell "axios" they plan to release a report that will include action and they say they've absolutely discovered new evidence that would come before the fall terms. we know it is politically tied to the mid terms this year. >> shifting gears, there's a perception black history lessons taught in classrooms across america are coming under attack. what can you tell us? >> i have spoken to several presidents of hbcus and the debate going on around the country about the role of race and particularly about the school curriculum. they feel it is not taught in the same way, the same level but are stifled, insufficient and are under attack. a couple of the reasons that they've articulated is because you know well that black history is only taught during black history month, so only one month out of the year. it is taught as something separate from american history or global history at large. a lot of the presidents said the learning around black history goes beyond the classroom, things like museums, book clubs, engaging with people in your community. they are encouraging people to look beyond what is mapping in the classroom and around the debate of critical race theory. >> we appreciate you being here. we will speak to you again soon. thanks to all of you for getting up way too early with us on this monday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. when you look at so many of the things that have happened, why didn't they go after hilary clinton for her e-mails? she had 33,000 e-mails that were deleted after receiving a subpoena from congress. >> so donald trump had a big problem with the thought that hilary clinton may have deleted thousands of e-mails, but apparently ripping up official documents beyond recognition was not a problem. >> i guess he kind of did that throughout his administration. they said, don't do that. >> tiny pieces. >> he shredded them into tiny little pieces. bizarre behavior. >> the new reporting on trump's widespread and indiscriminate shredding of documents while president, which is against -- >> it is illegal, yeah. >> -- federal law. meanwhile, republicans don't like cancel culture except, of course, when it comes to those who speak out against the january 6th insurrection. the gop is now punishing two of its own for standing up against the forces tearing down democracy. we will show you which republicans are actually calling out the rnc's attempts to white wash the attack of the capitol as, quote, legitimate political discourse. plus, if a vice president can overturn an election, what is stopping kamala harris from doing that in 2024? it is the constitution, of course. now some of the same voices who gave donald trump cover for years are finally speaking out. also making headlines this morning, new jersey is lifting mask mandates in schools with several other states considering the same. >> as omicron variant, the number of infections just dropped straight down. >> yeah. >> it is really, really on the decline fortunately. >> it is a big topic in georgia right now after a candidate for government tweeted and then deleted a photo that is sure to pop up in campaign ads this fall. and on the foreign policy front, the u.s. says the european capital could fall within hours of a russian invasion. according to the biden administration, war in eastern europe could break out any day. good morning

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Last , Subject , Accusations , Comments , Interview , Allegations , Front , Answers , Olympic Official , French Sports Newspaper , Chinese , Quote , Player , World , Olympian , Number One , Post , Misunderstanding , Quote Nothing Special , Situation , Retirement , International Olympic Committee , Peng , Organization , 36 , Way , Community , Competition , Mentions , Scent Skepticism , Time , Giant Slalom , Medalist , Shif , Medal Contention , Portion , Run Attempt Yesterday , Winter Olympics , Mikaela Shiffrin , Rin , 26 , Chances , Handful , Races , Al Bine Pine Ski Racer , Olympic Golds , 30 , Four , Team , Figure Skating Team Event , Medals , Medal , Figure Skating , Individual , Hopes , U S Figure Skating , Hope , Zhou , Competitors , Positive , Screening , Vincent Zhou , Men , Start , Golf Shots , Tournament , Pebble Beach , California , Jordan Spieth , Foot , Edge , Approach , Cliff , Green , Chance , Guys Aren T , Significant , Balance , Clip , Injury , Doesn T Tumble , Republicans Don T , Forecast , Bill Karins , Athletes , Ravine , Ice , Winter Storm , Glaze , Areas , Timing , New England , East Coast , North Carolina , Morning , Morning Commute , Rain , Long Island , Snow , Ice Storm , Coating , Ice Forecast , Freezing Rain , Most , Winter Weather Advisories , Friends , Philadelphia , Maine , 30 Million , Little , Shoveling , Snowstorms , Plowing , Rest , Temperatures , Couple , Storms , Everywhere , Northeast , Reprieve , Great Lakes , Emails , Hillary Clinton , Reasons , Documents , Bladder Leak Pads , Discreet , Pad , Protection , Layers , Nerd , Coughs , Teeth , Chantell , Works , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , End , Implants , Suffering , Awada , Everything , Psoriasis , Dental Implants , Cream , Choice , Otezla , Entrance , Choices , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , 75 , History , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Depression , Feelings , Thoughts , Number , Weight , Headache , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Age , Planning , Protein , Muscle Health , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , 16 , Out West , 5 , 2 , President Trump , Records , Couldn T , Committee , Papers , Staffers , Back , Being , First , Politico , Presidential Records Act , 2018 , Thing , Speech , Nancy Pelosi , Administrations , Files , Take A Look , State Of The Union , Document , Standard , Peter Baker , Story , Clinton , Analyst , Reporters , Bureau Chief , Washington Post , Msnbc , Ashley Parker , Repercussions , Violation , Experts , Enforcement Mechanisms , Hack Jack , Presidents , Hundreds , Consequences , Norm , Developments , Decision , Unequivbly Say , Vice President Pence , Reception , Foot Soldier , Eye To , Adviser , Hand , Memos , North Star , Look , Sunday , Course , Headline , Rnc Of January 6th , Side , Other , Least , Forceful , Full Throated , Evidence , Grip , Chief Of Staff , Pence , Mind , Front Row Seat , Sunday Shows , Head , Values , Anything , Everyone , Wants , Scrambling , 2024 , Peloton , Leader , Ashley Post , Tires , Wall Street , Cnbc , Bike Maker , Smoothest , Gamechanger , Bladder Leaks , Softest , Flings , Music , Depend , Jaycee , I Swear , Stop Taking Jardiance , Type 2 Diabetes , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Gain , User , Sweat , Coffee , 25 Million , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Boston , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Dehydration , A1c , Side Effect , Urinary Tract Infections , Yeast , Perineum , Reaction , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Help , Diabetes , Blood Sugar Levels , Glucose Control , Confidence , Drink , Support , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Hunger , Nucala , Trouble , Don T Stop Steroids , Back Pain , Lotion , Fatigue , Nose , Injection Site Reactions , Asthma Specialist , Tissues , Theo Blows , Puffs , Need , Lotion Tissue , Capitalism , Resilience , Many , Jobs Report , Job Machine , Remarks , Jobs , Revisions , London , Omicron Surge , Rosanna Lockwood , 467000 , Market , Inflation , Data , Investors , Consumer , Earnings , Numbers , Mammoth Jobs Report , Central Bank Rate Hikes , Fed , Eastern Europe , Banks , Cpi Data , Access , Naevg , Term , Central Bank Rate Hike , Spike , Result , Italy , June 2020 , Banking , Yields Spike , Ftse , Sell Offin Equities , 2015 , Commodities , Aluminum Prices , Players , Mining , Resources , Example , Twitter , Ryo Tinto , Company , Chart , Tracking , Futures , Tensions , Red , Rollercoaster Ride , 3 , Nike , Interests , Acquisition , Bidders , Deal , Amazon , Shares , Talks , Interest , Exercise Bikes , White Elephant Pandemic Purchase , Changes , M A Activity , Call , Ceo , Disney , Questions , Exercise Classes , Point , Peloton Share Price , Equipment , Lot In Peloton , Bikes , Sitting , Warehouses , Reboot , Production , Sex And The City , Takeover , Bike , Pr , Angry , Vo , Ultra , Way Too N , Mindy , Yep , Driftin , What S Next , Birds Flyin , Save , Clothes , Light Scent , Perfumes , Scent Beads , Light , Dyes , Re Election , Kamala Harris , January Of 2021 , 2021 , Lots , Sound Bite , Columnist , Daily Beast Matt Lewis , 2024 Joining , Sides , Speculation , Aisle , Guy , Politician , God , Coup , Meet The Press , Casting Aspersions , January 6th Committee , Needle , Thread , Others , Balancing Act Off Unsuccessfully , Senator , Likelihood , Again , Repeat , Election Fraud Shenanigans , Aren T We Going , Playoffs , Season , Problems , Crime , Condemnation , Whatever , Punditry , Doesn T , Didn T , Campaign , Favorite , Ceiling , Voters , It Kind , Lesser , Evils , Family , Prices , Precedent , Issues , Priorities , Preserving , Majority , Groceries , Liberal Democracy , Terms , Selection , There Won T , Feedback Mechanism , System , Daily Beast , Got Up Way , The Women S Slalom , Towe , Becca , Condolences , Picture , Washing Machine , Viewer , Puppy , Dan , Dominic , Rainbow Bridge , Axios , Dog , Napping , Schedule , Up Next , 00 , Entresto , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Hospital , Harm , Baby , Aliskiren , Arb , Stabbing Pains , Blood , Potassium , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Sharp , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Don T Take Ozempic , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Needles , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Pens , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , 25 , Prescription , Axios A M , Alexe Mccammond , Investigation , House Democrats , Search , Dnl Leaders , Capitol Security Apparatus , Matters , Levels , Negligence , Narrative , Frame , Timetable , Investigations , Action , Gears , Perception , Debate , Classrooms , Lessons , Hbcus , Race , School Curriculum , Classroom , Museums , Book Clubs , Monday Morning , Mapping , Race Theory , E Mails , 33000 , Recognition , Thousands , Thought , Subpoena , Pieces , On Trump , Behavior , Shredding , Culture , Capitol , Voices , Same , Mask Mandates , Cover , Omicron Variant , Photo , Topic , Decline , Campaign Ads , Georgia , Capital , Foreign Policy Front ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240708

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states soon follow? it's "way too early" for this. good morning. and welcome to "way too early." the show that wonders if any political discourse is legitimate at this early hour. i'm jonathan lemire, on this monday, february 7th. let's start with the news, there's a lot of it. several leading republicans are backing former vice president mike pence after he openly rebuked donald trump before a group of conservative lawyers. here's the former vice president pushing back at trump's claim that pence could have overturned the 2020 election. >> this week, president trump said i had the right to overturn the election. president trump is wrong. i had no right to overturn the election. the presidency belongs to the american people, and the american people alone. and frankly, there's no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the american president. the truth is, there's more at stake than our party or political fortune. men and women, if we lose faith in the constitution, we won't just lose elections, we'll lose our country. >> the former vice president said his decision to certify the election on january 6th is rooted in article ii, section 1 of the constitution, asserting elections are run at the state level and the only role of congress is to open and count the votes that were certified by the states. republican senator marko rubio said pence is right, and republican senator morasso says the former vp did his constitutional duty that day. here is one of former trump's former advisers chris christie. >> i think the actions that the vice president took on january 6th, i'm glad he has finally put words to it, i don't know why it took him so long, but i'm glad he did. let's face. it let's call this what it was. january 6th was a riot that was incited by donald trump, in an effort to intimidate mike pence and the congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week, overturn the election. now, he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here, with correcting that stuff, but it's not going to change, he actually told the truth by accident. he wanted the election to be overturned. >> the republican national committee is facing growing pushback from some members of the party following the vote on friday to censure representatives liz cheney and adam kinzinger, the measure which was adopted by a voice vote at the rnc's annual meeting describes cheney and kinzinner as participates in a democratic prosecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse. let those three words sink in. legitimate political discourse to describe january 6th. several senators including murkowski, romney, and larry hogan, either criticized or question the movement to censure the two lawmakers. some members of the party are indeed taking issue with the rnc's characterization of the capitol attack as legitimate political discourse. >> did you see legitimate political discourse that day. discourse. i did >> did you believe january 6th was in any way legitimate political discourse. >> no, it was illegitimate political discourse because bass an assault on the first branch of government. >> i think part of the problem with my party is they view it as a weaponization of pelosi's weaponizing january 6th, politicizing it, to her advantage. but at the end of the day, i think the truth needs to come out. >> do you stand by the rnc's actions to these statements? >> as i understand it, they were referring to the peaceful protesters, when they said that. i do not agree with that statement if it's applying to those who committed criminal offenses and violence to overtake our democracy. >> i think that there's two mistakes here on the rnc. first of all they say part of the reason for the resolution is they want to keep the focus on joe biden and the failures of the democratic administration. how did that work for you? all anybody is stalking about this weekend is this -- is talking about this weekend is this resolution rather than talking about the failures of the biden administration. and secondly, it is not picking up on what is, as i sense, around the country, from traveling around, a shift that is occurring, which is that people are tired of hearing about the 2020 election, from donald trump, and from some who support him. >> coming up later on "morning joe," congressman adam kinzinger will be a guest on the heels of the rnc censure. turning now to overseas, the white house is warning that russia could launch an attack on ukraine any day now. national security adviser jake sullivan said yesterday any conflict would come at a quote enormous human cost but adds that the u.s. and its allies are ready to response to any contingency. >> we're in a window where something could happen, that is a military escalation, an invasion of ukraine could happen at any time. we believe that the russians have put in place the capabilities to mount a significant military operation into ukraine, and we have been working hard to prepare a response. >> sullivan's warning comes as a new u.s. intelligence assessment finds that moscow has already assembled 70% of the forces that it would need to launch a full-scale invasion of ukraine. the report says that if the kremlin were to attack, the ukrainian capital kyiv would most likely be captured in the early days of the invasion, possibly within the first 48 hours. it also says as many as 25,000 ukrainian troops could be killed or wounded, and up to 5 million people could become refugees fleeing the conflict. it is still unclear how the government arrived at those estimates. meanwhile, moscow continues to deny that it plans to invade, as new satellite images show details of a russian military buildup in belarus, near the border. joining us live from ukraine, nbc news foreign correspondent matt bradley. thanks for being with us today. as you just heard, u.s. intelligence had some pretty ominous findings that they released over the weekend, saying that russia has 70% of the forces that it could need to invade, ready and near ukraine's border. what are you seeing and hearing there? what's the level of concern on the ground in ukraine? >> reporter: yes, jonathan, thanks for that question, because honestly the level of concern here could not be lower. and it's really interesting that you mentioned this, all of these ominous sounds coming out of washington and other european capitals, we just heard that this, we just heard this from the defense minister of ukraine last night, he said in this statement, that we have all completeness, i'm going to read it a little bit, we have all completeness and realistically evaluate the information, many different hypothetical estimates and predictions can now be heard, especially in the foreign media. that's us. he scolded the foreign media once again. he says that this is happening now. now that the probability of a significant escalation as of today continues to be assessed as low. so despite what we're hearing from washington, despite these intelligence assessments that really are quite alarming and really show an enormous amount of forces all around the border, folks here, ordinary people on the street, they are not concerned, the government is not concerned and this isn't new, we have been hearing this two weeks ago from the government, from the president of ukraine, was essentially dismissing this, in the conversation with the foreign media, and once again, he scolded the foreign media, for basically drumming up panic, that he thinks is going to hurt the economy. that's one of the major concerns of the ukraine wran government here, is that all of this hand-wringing is going to dampen their economy. now, if that seems unrealistic to you, considering the hardware that we're seeing just east of here, it really is a remarkable disconnect. and we've kind of seen the government here veering back and forth. they have made some alarming noises as recently as last week. so far, this government and the people of ukraine are just not that concerned, jonathan. >> we're seeing some efforts of diplomacy here, and president biden is hosting the german chancellor today, french president macron will meet with putin this week, but as much as the ukrainian officials are downplaying with the rhetoric the threats, give us a quick sense as to what sort of military preparations ukraine has taken, if any, just in case. >> one of the things that was in the statement from the defense minister was talking about, he thanks foreign governments for giving so much material an weapons, but a lot of the defense preparations are being done by ordinary people, so yes, people are not panicked, but they're learning to fight. and this is something that the keeper, ukrainian government keeps reminding us, scolding the foreign media, we have been at war for eight years, this is not new for us, so a lot of ukrainians already have military training and refreshing and getting ready to fight in the streets if they have to. >> nbc's matt bradley joining us live from ukraine, we really appreciate it. still ahead, a major change in covid philosophy. the state that is dropping its mask requirement in schools. after having some of the strictest policies in the country. plus, we dive into trump's document destruction. new reporting on a bad habit of the former president that's also against the law. those stories and a check on the weather when we come right back as we look at a pre-dawn u.s. capitol. at a pre-dawn u.s. capitol. i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. trelegy for copd. 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[sfx: voice relief] he's going to run right out of the stadium. >> that was my man. patriots quarterback jones under center in the fourth quarter, for the afc, in last night's return of the nfl pro bowl taking off running after officials blew the play dead and celebrating in the end zone. tackling was optional in what was a glorified game of two-hand touch where running was futile. combining for 92 pass attempts with each of six participating quarterbacking making at least ten throws and the teams had a whopping eight turnovers in the game, seven interceptions, six of those happened in the first half. the afc scored 13 straight points after the break to open up a 20-point lead before holding on to a 41-35 victory over the nfc. the afc holds a five-game winning streak in the pro bowl, the most irrelevant sporting event on the calendar. meanwhile, the miami dolphins have found a replacement for brian flors, hiring mike mcdonnell as the new head coach. mcdaniel who is biracial is the first minority candidate to be hired so far this off-season. he replaces flores who was fired despite winning seasons in miami. flores has sued the nfl and the dolphins and two other teams over alleged hiring practices and accused owners of paying him to lose games. that is not going away as the super bowl approaches. the chinese tennis star peng shuai has emerged in beijing. she became the subject of international concern when she vanished from public view last year after appearing to make sexual assault accusations on social media against a former high-ranking member of the chinese government. she touched on the allegations in a tightly-controlled interview published by french sports newspaper yesterday, delivering her answers in front of a chinese olympic official. she echoed comments she previously made to chinese language media saying there was a quote a huge misunderstanding in the outside world. the through he-time olympian and former world number one doubles player said her life had been quote nothing special since that day, and that she deleted the post herself. she also denied that she had disappeared. the 36-year-old also announced her retirement in this interview. the international olympic committee also worked to diffuse the situation yesterday. releasing a statement saying peng dined with the organization's president over the weekend but offered little details about the meeting and made no mentions of the allegations. this tightly-controlled interview has been met with great scent skepticism in the international community. to. so competition under way in beijing. a rough start for mikaela shiffrin's winter olympics. the 26-year-old defending giant slalom gold medalist crashed out on the upper portion of the first run attempt yesterday. eliminating her already from medal contention. it marks the first time shif rin did not finish on any giant slalom in more than four years. a streak including 30 races. but she should still get a handful of chances over the next two weeks to become the first al bine pine ski racer from the u.s. to win three olympic golds. team usa is off to a slow start having captured just three silver medals at the games so far. one in figure skating in the figure skating team event of the pandemic is jeopardizing the hopes of one member of that team for the first individual medal. u.s. figure skating announced that vincent zhou tested positive for coronavirus after a routine screening for competitors. officials are still holding out hope that it will be a false positive so zhou can return for the start of the men's short program later today. let's finish up by bringing it statewide to california for the pebble beach pro am turmts tournament and this is one of the most dramatic golf shots you may ever see, jordan spieth risked it all, taking the approach shot from the edge of the cliff. you can see him there, he is just a foot or two away from quite a significant drop. he hits it, and he most importantly keeps his balance, and doesn't tumble over the clip, and you know what, not a bad shot. he gets it near the green. jordan spieth, defying significant, any chance for real injury there to make that shot. who says these guys aren't athletes? time now for the weather and meteorologist bill karins, please don't do this forecast perched above a ravine. >> no way. jordan spieth is worth more than one shot, too. he was leaning backwards. this morning, on a little sneaky storm up the east coast, we are greeted with a glaze of ice in areas just outside of dc and north carolina and eventually up through new england, and not a big winter storm but the timing of the glaze this morning, especially with the morning commute will make things a little bit dicey. you can see the green there, that is rain. but the pink is ice. and we are watching the ice over long island. it may start as a little bit of brief snow but move over to freezing rain and slide into southern new england through the morning. ice forecast. it is not a ice storm. it will not knock power out. but again the coating of ice is really possible. new york city, northward and for that reason, we have the winter weather advisories that cover 30 million people from philadelphia to new york all the way up through central new england and into areas of maine. most of it will be this morning, and getting warmer later this afternoon. and our friends mainly in a little bit of snow out of this, too about two to four inches just enough to do a little shoveling and plowing. so the forecast this week, the east coast with the storm but the rest of the country mild week ahead through tuesday and wednesday. no big snowstorms coming our way. and the temperatures for about, you know, almost all of us, except the great lakes and the northeast, mild everywhere. enjoy it while you can. >> after a couple of weeks of really cold weather and storms, it looks like a little reprieve. we don't mind it. bill karins, thank you very much. and donald trump got elected to the white house in part for attacking hillary clinton and deleting emails. now he has been destroying his own official documents. before we go to break, we want to know why, are you awake? 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"new york times" reporter peter baker tweeted his response to the story, quote, trump got elected in part by attacking clinton for deleting emails that she deemed personal, and then spent four years destroying official documents despite federal law. joining us now, one of the reporters who chronicled former president's habit of ripping up documents, the white house bureau chief of the "washington post" and msnbc analyst, ashley parker, good morning, thanks for joining us. great story. give us a sense, though, as to what the actual repercussions might be for violating the presidential records act and how it plays into the january 6th investigation. >> well, the repercussions are a great question, because it is a violation of the presidential records act, experts we talked to said it is against the law, but they also said that the law as currently written does not have particularly great enforcement mechanisms, and one person put it, it is toothless, and a bit like the hack jack, this is something that people tried not to violate, presidents did potentially tear out hundreds and hundreds of documents, but what you've seen with the the trump white house, they have reeled for now, that this is something that is a norm that they could blow through and be at least, at least one u.s. president, impervious to the consequences. >> ashley, you covered the trump white house, as i did, and i wanted to shift back to some of the seismic republican developments over the last few days. what's your latest reporting on what went into former vice president's decision on friday to unequivbly say that trump was wrong in asking him to try to overturn the election and how is that being received by trump world and the former president? >> well, i think you saw a little bit of the reception by the former president just in the statement he put out, but it was a fascinating thing to watch, because former vice president pence is someone who spent four years being this incredibly loyal, basically subservient foot soldier to donald trump, and even after january 6th, even in moments when the pence people would say, you know, we're being very strong, we're being very forceful, sort of the most that pence would say it was a dark day. we did not see eye to eye about the insurrection. and so for him to come out and say trump was wrong was incredibly forceful. but it is for him, for pence. but it is important to note that it was a very limited thing that the former vice president was speaking to. he was basically saying, and this is because trump himself had come out and said some things to the country, and the vice president was saying that trump was wrong, and saying that pence had the power to basically overturn the election. and hand it back to trump, and that was sort of the north star, even in the administration, that pence would say, look, look at the legal memos you're giving me, listen to what your friends have to say, but i just don't think i have that power. but then, the top adviser marc short went on the sunday shows and quite forceful in certain ways in pushing back against trump but also said look, the vice president has a lot of concerns about the election, so i think it's important to be clear that this was not the sort of full-throated, you know, break between the two men. at least from the former vice president's side. >> i think you said it well. forceful for pence. the other of course headline that emerged over the weekend is the characterization from the rnc of january 6th as legitimate political discourse. they watered it down a little bit later, but give us, ashley tell us, is this yet further evidence just the tight grip that former president trump has on his party? >> i think that is what it is, and again marc short and top adviser, former chief of staff, when he went on the sunday shows, he did say, and again, this was quite forceful, and he said front row seat and keep in mind short and pence were in the capitol that day when people were chanting hang mike pence and they had to can evacuated and this is not legitimate political discourse and when you look at the republicans, there are so few and far between that say that sort of statement is unacceptable by the republican party values because donald trump, although he is not officially announced a run, he is very much the head of the republican party, just about everyone in the party is looking at running in 2024, and no one wants to do or say anything to displease him so you're seeing the republican party running around and scrambling to please their mercurial leader. >> ashley post, thank you for being with us today. still ahead, we are live with cnbc for a look ahead on wall street. and potential peloton reportedly kicking the tires on the struggling bike maker. 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>> that is absolutely right. reports that nike and amazon could both be interested in a deal for peloton. now, in my sense, it is something of a white elephant pandemic purchase, for some, you know, very expensive exercise bikes and only seems to be interest in the company and the shares seem to do well, when this are talks of major changes, like another big company consuming it, m&a activity and another call for the ceo to stand down but they want to see the company sold off. the company, like disney, like nike, like amazon, there's a lot in peloton, but with the data and the equipment itself and there is the exercise classes that it has, but as i mentioned. so beleaguered questions, over the last few months we saw the peloton share price fall 20% at one point in january on reports that it basically halted production of some of the bikes and too many sitting in warehouses and of course, featured quite famously recently, in this "sex and the city" reboot and it is a really interesting company to watch, and it keeps us interested here, but certainly if there is some sort of takeover, you might see the shares surge. >> the bike causing a heart attack, not the pr any company would want. thank you, we appreciate it. still ahead we will dive back into the former vice president mike pence's comments on the 2020 election. a republican senator is supporting pence's decision while seemingly trying to avoid making the former president angry. we will explain next on "way too early." n next on "way too n next on "way too early. (mindy) yep! 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try new downy light in-wash scent beads. it has long-lasting light scent, no heavy perfumes, and no dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day. new downy light! well if he runs for re-election i believe he would defeat joe biden and i don't want kamala harris the power in congress to overturn the election and that's the same thing i concluded back in january of 2021. >> so donald trump was wrong? >> well, as i said, i just don't think the vice president has that power. >> senator marko rubio, says vice president does not have the power to overturn elections. but also in that sound bite, he predicts that donald trump has a good chance at winning back the white house in 2024. joining us now, senior columnist for the daily beast matt lewis. matt, good morning. thank you for being here. lots to get to. but let's first start with the former vice president's comments, rejecting trump's claim that he had the power to overturn the 2020 election, and the reaction it stirred up on both sides of the aisle and the speculation about pence's future. >> look, i think that mike pence is obviously a guy who wants to be president still, he's really perfectly cast to be a politician before donald trump and i think that's the inherent problem, just like marko rubio, like pence's chief of staff marc short yesterday on "meet the press," you have these sort of normal decent republicans and thank god for them, they actually were important in helping donald trump, in preventing donald trump's coup, but yet, they obviously, they know that they cannot come out and say the truth, so you have marc short yesterday on "meet the press," you know, casting aspersions on the january 6th committee and saying that there were questions about the 2020 election, even as he defends mike pence, and so i think that really, there's this incredibly thin needle that they're trying to thread, and do the right thing for the country, be a decent and honorable person and not offend donald trump. that is pretty much mutually exclusive. >> we've seen others try to pull that balancing act off unsuccessfully. >> and we've played senator rubio who agreed that pence did the right thing but made it very clear that he would support donald trump again, and that trump would have a strong likelihood of becoming president again in 2024. how do you assess that statement? and if trump runs again, aren't we going to see a repeat of the election fraud shenanigans of 2020? >> yes, first of all, as an analyst, i think it would be right, i think if donald trump runs again he at least has a shot at beating joe biden. first of all, as we've seen, sort of backing your way into the nfl playoffs, right? once you're in the game, you can win, even if you didn't have the best regular season, you are dangerous, and so but look, joe biden's got a lot of problems now, whether it is violent crime or inflation or whatever, and so donald trump would have a legitimate shot if he did so, and i think what we've heard however is a condemnation of donald trump for trying to steal the election for inciting an insurrection, rather than rubio engaging in political punditry. maybe leave that to us. >> matt, one more quick one for you as we assess. let's be clear, it is many years off, things could change between now and the 2024 campaign, but you're right, trump would be the favorite right now. but doesn't he have a ceiling of support? didn't we see that in 2020 or do you think he could pick up more votes this time around? >> first of all, this is dynamic. it depends on joe biden. joe biden has problems. and if voters are forced to make that choice, the lesser of two evils, it kind of depends what they prioritize. personally for me, you know, i think that things like preserving liberal democracy are priorities that probably take precedent over other ideological issues. but if you are a family that, you know, prices are going up or there's crime in your streets, you may see things differently. you may not -- the idea of preserving liberal democracy could be an esoteric idea compared to groceries being more expensive. again, you know, and trump doesn't need to get a majority of the vote. we've seen that before. i think that will be a problem for republicans trying to fix their situation because in the mid terms, you know, there's like an adverse selection where healthy republicans are being pushed out, sick republicans are being promoted, and there won't be a feedback mechanism because republicans, whether they do well or not, are probably going to do well -- are probably going to win in the mid terms regardless of what they say or do. >> right. >> so if you were expecting them to have a come-to-jesus moment and suddenly change, it will be a while. >> yeah, and we are certainly already seeing efforts by trump and his allies to potentially rig the system for 2024 in terms of counting the vote. ""the daily beast" matt lewis, we appreciate your thoughts. come back soon. earlier in the show we asked why are you awake. becca writes, got up way too earl towe watch the women's slalom. what do you have, dan? >> i got one from dominic. because our washing machine decided this was the morning to cross the rainbow bridge. >> oh, no. we're sorry about that. our condolences. another viewer shares this picture. new puppy. up at 3:30 a.m. and napping by 5:00. that's a brutal schedule but it is an adorable little dog. up next, a look at the "axios" one big thing. coming up on "morning joe," as i mentioned earlier congressman adam kinzinger is a guest this morning. he will weigh in on the rnc vote to censure him and fellow republican liz cheney. "morning joe" is a few minutes away. a few minutes a few minutes away and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways. if you've had chickenpox, the virus that causes shingles is already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪♪ joining us now a look at "axios" a.m., a political reporter from "axios," alexe mccammond. what is the one big thing? >> it is a look into the house republicans and their search in the january 6th. there's a formal january 6th committee led by house democrats and dnl leaders, but house republicans conducting their own investigation tell "axios" they plan to accuse the capitol security apparatus of negligence at the highest levels. that matters because you have seen the way republicans and the republican party tried to talk about january 6th and shape the narrative around it. this gives them an alternate frame to talk about what happened on january 6th. >> i imagine that perhaps will not be the most hard-hitting of investigations. do you have a sense of the timetable they are operating under when we might see their report? >> they tell "axios" they plan to release a report that will include action and they say they've absolutely discovered new evidence that would come before the fall terms. we know it is politically tied to the mid terms this year. >> shifting gears, there's a perception black history lessons taught in classrooms across america are coming under attack. what can you tell us? >> i have spoken to several presidents of hbcus and the debate going on around the country about the role of race and particularly about the school curriculum. they feel it is not taught in the same way, the same level but are stifled, insufficient and are under attack. a couple of the reasons that they've articulated is because you know well that black history is only taught during black history month, so only one month out of the year. it is taught as something separate from american history or global history at large. a lot of the presidents said the learning around black history goes beyond the classroom, things like museums, book clubs, engaging with people in your community. they are encouraging people to look beyond what is mapping in the classroom and around the debate of critical race theory. >> we appreciate you being here. we will speak to you again soon. thanks to all of you for getting up way too early with us on this monday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. when you look at so many of the things that have happened, why didn't they go after hilary clinton for her e-mails? she had 33,000 e-mails that were deleted after receiving a subpoena from congress. >> so donald trump had a big problem with the thought that hilary clinton may have deleted thousands of e-mails, but apparently ripping up official documents beyond recognition was not a problem. >> i guess he kind of did that throughout his administration. they said, don't do that. >> tiny pieces. >> he shredded them into tiny little pieces. bizarre behavior. >> the new reporting on trump's widespread and indiscriminate shredding of documents while president, which is against -- >> it is illegal, yeah. >> -- federal law. meanwhile, republicans don't like cancel culture except, of course, when it comes to those who speak out against the january 6th insurrection. the gop is now punishing two of its own for standing up against the forces tearing down democracy. we will show you which republicans are actually calling out the rnc's attempts to white wash the attack of the capitol as, quote, legitimate political discourse. plus, if a vice president can overturn an election, what is stopping kamala harris from doing that in 2024? it is the constitution, of course. now some of the same voices who gave donald trump cover for years are finally speaking out. also making headlines this morning, new jersey is lifting mask mandates in schools with several other states considering the same. >> as omicron variant, the number of infections just dropped straight down. >> yeah. >> it is really, really on the decline fortunately. >> it is a big topic in georgia right now after a candidate for government tweeted and then deleted a photo that is sure to pop up in campaign ads this fall. and on the foreign policy front, the u.s. says the european capital could fall within hours of a russian invasion. according to the biden administration, war in eastern europe could break out any day. good morning

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Last , Subject , Accusations , Comments , Interview , Allegations , Front , Answers , Olympic Official , French Sports Newspaper , Chinese , Quote , Player , World , Olympian , Number One , Post , Misunderstanding , Quote Nothing Special , Situation , Retirement , International Olympic Committee , Peng , Organization , 36 , Way , Community , Competition , Mentions , Scent Skepticism , Time , Giant Slalom , Medalist , Shif , Medal Contention , Portion , Run Attempt Yesterday , Winter Olympics , Mikaela Shiffrin , Rin , 26 , Chances , Handful , Races , Al Bine Pine Ski Racer , Olympic Golds , 30 , Four , Team , Figure Skating Team Event , Medals , Medal , Figure Skating , Individual , Hopes , U S Figure Skating , Hope , Zhou , Competitors , Positive , Screening , Vincent Zhou , Men , Start , Golf Shots , Tournament , Pebble Beach , California , Jordan Spieth , Foot , Edge , Approach , Cliff , Green , Chance , Guys Aren T , Significant , Balance , Clip , Injury , Doesn T Tumble , Republicans Don T , Forecast , Bill Karins , Athletes , Ravine , Ice , Winter Storm , Glaze , Areas , Timing , New England , East Coast , North Carolina , Morning , Morning Commute , Rain , Long Island , Snow , Ice Storm , Coating , Ice Forecast , Freezing Rain , Most , Winter Weather Advisories , Friends , Philadelphia , Maine , 30 Million , Little , Shoveling , Snowstorms , Plowing , Rest , Temperatures , Couple , Storms , Everywhere , Northeast , Reprieve , Great Lakes , Emails , Hillary Clinton , Reasons , Documents , Bladder Leak Pads , Discreet , Pad , Protection , Layers , Nerd , Coughs , Teeth , Chantell , Works , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , End , Implants , Suffering , Awada , Everything , Psoriasis , Dental Implants , Cream , Choice , Otezla , Entrance , Choices , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , 75 , History , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Depression , Feelings , Thoughts , Number , Weight , Headache , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Age , Planning , Protein , Muscle Health , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , 16 , Out West , 5 , 2 , President Trump , Records , Couldn T , Committee , Papers , Staffers , Back , Being , First , Politico , Presidential Records Act , 2018 , Thing , Speech , Nancy Pelosi , Administrations , Files , Take A Look , State Of The Union , Document , Standard , Peter Baker , Story , Clinton , Analyst , Reporters , Bureau Chief , Washington Post , Msnbc , Ashley Parker , Repercussions , Violation , Experts , Enforcement Mechanisms , Hack Jack , Presidents , Hundreds , Consequences , Norm , Developments , Decision , Unequivbly Say , Vice President Pence , Reception , Foot Soldier , Eye To , Adviser , Hand , Memos , North Star , Look , Sunday , Course , Headline , Rnc Of January 6th , Side , Other , Least , Forceful , Full Throated , Evidence , Grip , Chief Of Staff , Pence , Mind , Front Row Seat , Sunday Shows , Head , Values , Anything , Everyone , Wants , Scrambling , 2024 , Peloton , Leader , Ashley Post , Tires , Wall Street , Cnbc , Bike Maker , Smoothest , Gamechanger , Bladder Leaks , Softest , Flings , Music , Depend , Jaycee , I Swear , Stop Taking Jardiance , Type 2 Diabetes , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Gain , User , Sweat , Coffee , 25 Million , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Boston , Kidney Problems , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Dehydration , A1c , Side Effect , Urinary Tract Infections , Yeast , Perineum , Reaction , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Help , Diabetes , Blood Sugar Levels , Glucose Control , Confidence , Drink , Support , Asthma , Nunormal , Add On Treatment , Hunger , Nucala , Trouble , Don T Stop Steroids , Back Pain , Lotion , Fatigue , Nose , Injection Site Reactions , Asthma Specialist , Tissues , Theo Blows , Puffs , Need , Lotion Tissue , Capitalism , Resilience , Many , Jobs Report , Job Machine , Remarks , Jobs , Revisions , London , Omicron Surge , Rosanna Lockwood , 467000 , Market , Inflation , Data , Investors , Consumer , Earnings , Numbers , Mammoth Jobs Report , Central Bank Rate Hikes , Fed , Eastern Europe , Banks , Cpi Data , Access , Naevg , Term , Central Bank Rate Hike , Spike , Result , Italy , June 2020 , Banking , Yields Spike , Ftse , Sell Offin Equities , 2015 , Commodities , Aluminum Prices , Players , Mining , Resources , Example , Twitter , Ryo Tinto , Company , Chart , Tracking , Futures , Tensions , Red , Rollercoaster Ride , 3 , Nike , Interests , Acquisition , Bidders , Deal , Amazon , Shares , Talks , Interest , Exercise Bikes , White Elephant Pandemic Purchase , Changes , M A Activity , Call , Ceo , Disney , Questions , Exercise Classes , Point , Peloton Share Price , Equipment , Lot In Peloton , Bikes , Sitting , Warehouses , Reboot , Production , Sex And The City , Takeover , Bike , Pr , Angry , Vo , Ultra , Way Too N , Mindy , Yep , Driftin , What S Next , Birds Flyin , Save , Clothes , Light Scent , Perfumes , Scent Beads , Light , Dyes , Re Election , Kamala Harris , January Of 2021 , 2021 , Lots , Sound Bite , Columnist , Daily Beast Matt Lewis , 2024 Joining , Sides , Speculation , Aisle , Guy , Politician , God , Coup , Meet The Press , Casting Aspersions , January 6th Committee , Needle , Thread , Others , Balancing Act Off Unsuccessfully , Senator , Likelihood , Again , Repeat , Election Fraud Shenanigans , Aren T We Going , Playoffs , Season , Problems , Crime , Condemnation , Whatever , Punditry , Doesn T , Didn T , Campaign , Favorite , Ceiling , Voters , It Kind , Lesser , Evils , Family , Prices , Precedent , Issues , Priorities , Preserving , Majority , Groceries , Liberal Democracy , Terms , Selection , There Won T , Feedback Mechanism , System , Daily Beast , Got Up Way , The Women S Slalom , Towe , Becca , Condolences , Picture , Washing Machine , Viewer , Puppy , Dan , Dominic , Rainbow Bridge , Axios , Dog , Napping , Schedule , Up Next , 00 , Entresto , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Ace Inhibitor , Ace , Hospital , Harm , Baby , Aliskiren , Arb , Stabbing Pains , Blood , Potassium , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Sharp , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Don T Take Ozempic , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Needles , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Pens , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , 25 , Prescription , Axios A M , Alexe Mccammond , Investigation , House Democrats , Search , Dnl Leaders , Capitol Security Apparatus , Matters , Levels , Negligence , Narrative , Frame , Timetable , Investigations , Action , Gears , Perception , Debate , Classrooms , Lessons , Hbcus , Race , School Curriculum , Classroom , Museums , Book Clubs , Monday Morning , Mapping , Race Theory , E Mails , 33000 , Recognition , Thousands , Thought , Subpoena , Pieces , On Trump , Behavior , Shredding , Culture , Capitol , Voices , Same , Mask Mandates , Cover , Omicron Variant , Photo , Topic , Decline , Campaign Ads , Georgia , Capital , Foreign Policy Front ,

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