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This christmas sunday, as we wrap up 2022, we cant ignor the fact that its been a toug year over the past 12 months, theres been a recurring theme and the stories weve covered. The fight for democracy here and abroad we have witnessed th resilience determination of th ukrainian people as they continue to resist russia invasion over in a wrong, the death o mahsa amini sparked mass protests and civil unres against the ruling regime. Here in the u. S. , voters pushe back pushed back at the ballot box. Overcoming ideological differences to reject election denialism. And as we head into the ne year a new poll by ipsos showe that 65 of adults worldwide say theyre optimistic tha 2023 will be a better year for them then 2022 earlier, i spoke with the most reverend Michael Curry and dr. Barry see black. Chaplain of the senate who reminded us that in a worl that can often seem dark, ther is always one thing that can provide light and guidance hope the most reverend Michael Curry presiding portion of the Episcopal Church and dr. Barry see black, 62n chaplain of the United State Senate welcome back to The Sunday Show thank you, its good to b back with you. Bishop curry weve had a challenging year from our fight to keep our democracy to International Conflicts like the war i ukraine to economic woes what are your thoughts on th past year and how should w used to his experiences as w approach the coming year it has been a tough year. And dickens was right. These are the best of times an these are the worst of times all mingled together and part of one of the things that we ca do is to look back as the Ol Gospel Song says how i got over asked the question how i got over what resources you mobiliz internally what spiritual resources what emotional resources because you did get over your so here what did we do what did i do . Didnt think about other folks who have gotten over and who have made it i am a proud of her grandmothe whose life was farther tha mind she got over and im her because of her when i have a tough year, a ba year, i asked myself how did grandma, how did nellys how did my grandparents, m ancestors, get over. Im here to tell you they go over because they had a god an they knew they had a god and they knew if youve got a god, that god can help you get over Amazing Grace how sweet th sound that saved a wretch like me thats how you make it through tough times. Dr. Black, what about you same question to you john, thomas paine said these are th times that tried men souls i have hope and hope is feeling of expectation about something you desire it was hope that was expressed by martin king when he said have a dream thats hope. My hope is very similar to martin stream. I have hope because the arc of the moral universe is long but beds fence towards justice. I have hope for this natio because carlisle was right no lie can live forever. I have hope James Russell labelles ray. Truth forever on the scaffold. Wrong forever on the throne. Yet behind the yet unknown stands god within the shadows. Keeping watch above his own. I have hope because the bibl says we reap what we so. And so i am encouraged by th Apostle Pauls declaration i elation 69 dont become weary in doin what is right for in due season, you will reap if you think not i believe america can stil reap a rich harvest. I have a dream dr. Black all stick with you because as mentioned before you are also the chaplain of the senate youve been in that position next to you for 20 years since 2003 youve been through youve been there during times of divided government. And were about to go throug divided government again nex year are our institutions is our society to broken, to divided for us to work towards unity. To keep of that hope that he were just talking about . I dont think were ever to divided to work towards unit because there are too many believers in our society and they tend to rally when things really seem horrific there is a Wonderful Bible For A Second Chronicle 7 14 that i directed to believers. Im talking about those from the Abrahamic Faith Traditions , islamophobia, some christianity it states if my people, just m phone, called by my name wil humble themselves and pray and s turn from evil sin is a National Security issue exults a nation but sun is they will turn from Thei Wickedness Din says th sovereign omnipotent 90 got o the universe, i will hear from heaven forgive their sins in here all their land every wednesday for nearly 2 years, i have been at a bibl study with senators on the senate is in session both sides of the aisl represented. You would be amazed at the unity that is there. Every thursday that the senate has convened for nearly 20 years i have taught a bibl study. I have one senator who his onl missed one bible study in 20 years. Both sides of the aisl represented. There are covert agents. Believers. There are saints in caesars household. I will always have hope fo this land we love. There is so many followu questions i have for you o that particularly about th senators bishop curry, im coming t you. Not everyone practices the sam religion or has the same beliefs or ideologies this year we were reminded that more wor must be done towards havin compassion and understanding o one another. Whats your advice on how to work towards a more inclusiv society. The truth is i am passionately convinced that th kind of love that weve seen Jesus Of Nazareth is the kin of love that can see u through. That kind of love him talkin about is unselfish, it i sacrificial, it is a love, doctor king says the redemptiv love it is love that actually see the good and the wellbeing of others as well as the self thats what well see us through. Jesus told the parable of th Good Samaritan somebody who helps somebod else from a different religion different races, different nationality. I would even suggest a different political party. A different way of being a different religion and it help that persons. The person needed help and tha person was a fellow child of god. If you look Chaplain Blackness is better than i if you look on the flags of ou government the president ial flag. The flags in congress for th leaders of the senate and th House Of Representatives if you look, you will see th great seal of the united state with the latin words e pluribu unum those words from many, one come from the writings o cicero check this out i did some research during the pandemic through Writing Cicero its thought that cicero borro that phrase e pluribus unu from virgil. And cicero first used to borrowing it from virgil t talk about pesto how you make pesto how you take from differen ingredients and you make one a whole. E pluribus unum, from anyone thats what actually came from cicero used it in his writings talking about how the roma household was constituted. Not simply by blood ties but i was by people being brough together and he wrote, and i quote. When one person loves anothe person as much as he loves himself than E Pluribus Unum becomes possible thats how the United States o america will be the United States of america when there i as the old slaves used to sa plenty good room when i go to room. Plan to get a room for all god children thats how we make it. I am passionately convince when were committed to that being who Let America Be america to me when america is truly america, then theres plenty good roo for all gods children than there is liberty and justice not just for some but for all. Then america is a shining city upon a hill. I was going to ask as you leave us with some words o inspiration going into 2023. I am very much looking forward to see what you come up with bishop curry, after dr. Blac answers that question. Leave us with some words O Encouragement or Inspiration A we close out 2022 on thi Christmas Day and head into brandnew year with th difficulties that we still hav to face. There is the the image of god and everything and the philosopher pascal and his book talked about the Fragility O Humidity and the transcendence of humidity said an Exhalation A Drop Of Water suffices t destroy us but we are more noble than the universe for even when we die, we kno that we die. And the universe even in no its not its own power. My wife and i visited a museum and saw an exhibition called bodies by the time we got through a the reproductive system. I fell on my knees im sorry, it was a cathedra for me i could not i saw enough just in the fac that we are fearful ia wonderfully made that i fell o my knees my wife, of course, made intervention and i got up. The reality is there is so muc of the transcendent and so william Complexion Cannot for fun skin may differ but Affectio Twelves In Black And White the same were i so tall as to reach the pole or to grasp the ocean at span, i must be measured by my soul thats the thats the image of god an humanity when we start seeing it in everyone, my god, you will sense what i felt when the bishop was giving for i was about to rejoin th church and the rebaptize you will see that because yo will feel the presence of th transcendent bishop curry, close us out. All i can do is say a man and a man in a word from Langston Hughes who said hol fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a bird with a broken wing. But hold fast to dreams. God has a dream for this world god has a dream for every on of us. And nothing as desmond tut said, nothing can stop god stream hallelujah. Bishop Michael Curry, docto barry see black. Our third christmas together thank you both very much as always for coming to th sunday show. Merry christmas, jonathan Merry Christmas and of next, the Eighth Chapte in turn a 45page january si final report is here and its a doozy after the break, well break down what the committee is recommending to the Justic Department and what it can mean for trumps 2024 president ial run. Much more sundayho sw to come. Dont go anywhere. Ible women savannah i wish they had those kinds of cool careers for women when we were growing up. Carson so in this flashback, were all the same age . Hoda yeah teacher what does everyone want to be when they grow up . Savannah if i say two jobs do i get extra credit . Teacher no. Girl 1 i want to make immersive video games. Girl 2 i want to revolutionize 3d printing. Girl 3 i want to analyze data from the cloud. Al i want to be a meteor girl 2 you mean meteorologist . Al no. Girl 2 thats great al. Follow your dreams. Carson for the record, i was a baby in the 70s. If you run a Small Business, you need the most from every investment. Thats why Comcast Business gives you more. More innovation. With our new gigspeed wifi, plus unlimited data. More speed. From the largest, fastest, reliable network. And more savings up to 60 a year on Comcast Business mobile. All from the company that powers more businesses than any other provider. Get started with fast speeds and advanced security for 69. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus ask how to get up to a 750 prepaid card nearly two years of the with qualifying internet. Deadly attack on the capitol the january 6th elec committees final report is no in the hands of the American People the 845 Page Document conclude that former President Donald Trump is largely responsible for the violence that day. The report also offers detaile evidence of the lengths to which trump and members of his inner circle went in an attemp to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The january six committe present nearly a dozen recommendations to ensur Something Like this doesn happen again including a proposal to borrow trump from running for offic again. Joining me now is congressma Elected Goldman of new york. Hes a former federa prosecutor who served as counsel for House Democrat during the first trump impeachment inquiry. This is my first time seeing you i think since you were elected congressmanelect. Welcome back to The Sunday Show great to see you, jonathan. Merry christmas to you thank you, whats you biggest take away from the january six report i think it is a incredibl eye, haitis indictment, but i really is an indictment of donald trump the january Six Committee from the outset determined that i was going to investigate muc more broadly than Th Insurrection itself on january 6th. What it found it put in painstaking detail was a series of multipronge attempt to overturn th election in 2020 that was led by donald trump and included many of his Close Associates and lawyers and others in broader scheme at first it was through Lega Recourse through the courts when that, failed it was tryin to Pressure State Legislatures when that, failed it was the fake electors scheme with that failed, it was tryin to coerce the Justic Department and ultimately, the end result was january 6th. And the violence that th Committee Makes no mistake i asserting donald trump kne about, in cited and caused it is a real focused Detaile Takedown of Donald Trumps efforts to overturn th election it also has som recommendations about what should happen. There is boring term fro office pull through congress to subpoena power increasing penalties for threats against election workers. My question to you is is tha enough to or should more remedies have been proposed by the committee . I think its important to consider these various remedies one has already been effectively implemented in the electoral count Reform Act T Prevent what transpired on january 6th in terms of making clear that the Vice Presiden does not have a role of an significance and that youre going to nee more than just one member of the house and the senate t object to the electors in particular state there are critical component of that that of the recommendations tha have also even in proposed i other legislation. I think that the critical thin for all of us to reckon with i how do we continue to maintain a robust democracy that is certainly somethin iran on. Which is to say that we are in unprecedented times where we have a routine regular and persistent onslaught on ou democratic institutions. On a democratic way of life. Its not something tha congress would have expected t have to deal with prior to 2016 it was taken for granted now that we are entering into new a new era where authoritaria forces have a group on the Republican Party we need to be thinking about ways that we can preserve an protect our democracy that lasts generations, not just on or two years the Committee Sources do that, i think its something we need to all be thinking about right, and i want to ta into that a little bit because youre a former federa prosecutor im wondering. Your thoughts and what impac this report could have on th Justice Departments own investigation. Will it have a Material Impact on what the doj is doing i think it really lays roadmap for doj to the exten that they have been determined that already theres no question when He Wa Out In Front of doj. The department of justice an Special Counsels Office Kno Undoubtedly will be readin very closely the report as wel as all the transcripts Fro Interviews that the committe has done it will require that departmen and the Special Counsel i thin to answer to congress if the do not charge donald trump in truth, there already is a investigation going on a robus of a stagnation into donal trump and his Close Associates for overturning the election i think it is helpful to the department but it will not probable probably not make a significan impact on their ultimate determination as to whether or not to charge him. What i do think that there are many things in there that need to be addressed. Separate and apart from whethe donald trump is charged or not we need to reckon with a violent domestic extremism there needs to be i think at additional criminal laws designed to root out Tha Extremism and to treat Tha Extremism as domesti terrorism. There is a fine line there but its something that we are going to need to address as we move forward real fast because weve got less than 22nd am i wrong in thinking yes or no, am i wrong thinking that Special Counsel jack smit is definitely going to bring charges against trump and hi allies i can answer that question. I wish i could i think there is plenty of material for him to evaluate im Gonna Have To Invite Yo back to give you more time congressman like danie goldman. Thank you as always for coming to The Sunday Show thanks for having me, jonathan coming up, what congress is brand new nearly 45 billio dollar defense package means for the course of the warm ukraine. Senior director for europe a the National Security counci amanda sloat breaks it allow d after the break. After the break. Will you make Something Better . Will you create something entirely new . Our Dell Technologies advisors provide you with the tools and expertise you need to do incredible things. 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Trillion Spending Package that includes nearly 45 Billion Dollars the dish and a session to ukraine this support comes right o time as russian Presiden Vladimir Putin for the first time for first to his brutal invasion of ukraine as a quote war. Joining me now, especiall in the President Biden and senior director for europe a the National Security counci amanda welcome to The Sunday Show thanks for having me. Republicans assume the majority nineday so the most vocal members ar opposed to more aid fo ukraine. Should president zelenskyy worry about continued u. S. Support with a divided congress . I dont think he should so far over the course of th conflict, weve had incredible bipartisan support and i think we saw a overwhelming strong signal being sent by the congress thi week in response to his speech and the administration is also been working closely wit congress in recent weeks t finalize Supplemental Fundin bill enable the administration to continue providing ukrain with the security that it needs in the new year. So russias war on ukrain as you will know is almost two years old. Nbc news reports that ukraine furious russias Military Mayb laying the groundwork for bold new attack. Possibly a second assault on the capitol. Does the United States hav information. Do you have informatio confirming those fears im not going to share an new information at this stage. What i can say is we are going to continue supporting the ukrainian people as they fight to defend their country. Certainly the war has now been going on for over 300 days there has been grinding combat on the ground. We are committed to continuing to give the ukrainian people the Security Assistance they need which is why President Biden this past week announced another one point 85 Billion Dollars in Security Assistance for ukraine. You mentioned how hoping the ukrainians fight in the Filler Country during hi Press Conference with presiden biden. President s key said quote. We would like to get mor patriots he got one battery a patriots. Will he get more the United States has bee evolving our Security System ukraine as the condition change on the ground weve actually been working to provide them air Defense Systems over the last number o months with this Patriot Batter simply being the most recent and most advanced system tha we are giving them the administration is no committed to continuing to wor with our allies and partners t see what Additional Air defens capabilities they can give the as well as continuing to see what more we can do to enabl the ukrainians to defend themselves from the sky. What about the possibilit of more tanks and planes i found it interesting president zelenskyy was saying we can drive the tanks we can fly the planes. All we need for you to do is t send them. The possibility of tanks and planes for ukraine we have given the ukrainian a large number of armore vehicles over the last numbe of months as well as continu to work with them to refurbish the soviet era tanks that they have weve also been working with allies and partners who have given a large number of ne abilities to the ukrainians. And continue to have those conversations. Secretary austin has bee sharing the Ukraine Conducte Fence Group which will mee again in january and it will continue to rall the world to provide ukraine with the full range of securit assistance amanda, lets talk abou russian president Vladimir Putin. Because he in remarks this wee actually for the first tim called the war hes waging o ukraine actually a war what should we glean from that is that a significant, to you, and to the Biden Ministration, as it is to me im not going to speak to the attentions of Presiden Putin or his various wording it is very clear to all of u what he has been doing for the last ten months. Which is waging a brutal war o aggression on ukraine. President putin has the abilit to end this war as soon as today. Have you seen any signs tha he actually wants to do that no, absolutely not. He has been continuing to rain down missiles and drones on th ukrainian people its worth remembering a people Around The World Ar Celebrating Christmas that millions of ukrainians are without sufficient heat, power and electricity because of russias ongoing aggressio against them last week, the European Union agreed to a dynamic ca on Natural Gas Prices to bring down skyhigh energy cost du to russias war on ukraine but there are some eu countrie including germany who argu that such a plan will result i gas shortages next year. How will the Biden Ministratio keep europe united against russia as europeans spar significant economic hardshi this winter . Europe certainly has been contributing in a significan way to the crisis in ukraine including, as you say, on th energy front, the Cost O Sanctions as well as Housing Millions of ukrainians but so far, we have not seen any sign of Weakening Suppor for ukraine. President biden has been committed suicide beginning of this conflict to rallying Th International community. He said himself at the Press Conference earlier this week that he has never seen at nato or you more united with this being the first Majo Ground War In Europe since the end of world war ii. Nobody understands the stake better than people in europe amanda sloat, Special Assistant to President Biden senior director for europe a the National Security council. Thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show thank you up next, theater fans liste up youve got three weeks to catc the critically acclaimed run o arthur millers death of a salesman currently on broadway after the break, well talk to two of the shows biggest star about their historic portrayals keep it right here where will they take you . Silverado zr2, trail boss, and custom trail boss. Because adventure is everywhere. Wellqualified buyers get 1. 9 financing on all 2022 Silverado 1500 crew cab pickups. 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This season are the most ou of a Salesman Return T Broadway in a critically acclaimed run thats makin history. For the first time on the grea white way, the Iconic Lowman Family is black. Led by maduro Performances Freemantle Purists president for his starting rol on the wire. Ensuring de klerk. Who won and olivier for playin Window Lowman on the west end. Mario word of millers masterpiece was changed. This fall, i sat down with the two stars to discuss their historic portrayals. Sharon d. Clarke, windo period thank you both very much for coming to The Sunday Show. This play, death of a salesman with the pulitzer in 1949. Why do you think this play i still still resonates today . Its a classic. What make something classic is it speaks to an authentic part of our humanity. Across time and place. And long after work, on this will speak to the humans who are here after us because it keys and to something a Common Thread that is a part of who you are thats the thing and mak something classic. Intrinsically human its intrinsically human i think now with this retelling, we have opened up who this story can be told to and for and so its important that were doing this now in 2022 o The Frontier Of Time Making History doing it this is whats interesting about thi production of death of a salesman is that it is prett much All Black Cast. That the League Characters are black. Window, you are the first blac man to play the iconic role of Willie Lowman on broadway. As i said, this is the first time that black family has bee at the center of this. How did that impact do you think the telling of thi classic story. I think it amplifies it enrich is a, defense and, heightened sit in every way. It also just speaks to th level of specificity the more specific you are, wit the black family, the blac woman a family it becomes even more universal because our obstacles, our plate, our journey is so specific and the obstacles placed i front of them. The disillusionment about abou the American Dream is for black family 1949. It just heightens all th themes even more a black family 1949 and for black families today its still very resonant that Glass Ceiling is totall there. I think when you have people have said its an all blac cast its not an All Black Cast had it been an allblack castle hunt have the sam residents. Because you wouldnt see thi disparity. You wouldnt see the Glass Ceiling. The fact that you are able t see a black family try to ge on in American Society were a long way from Presiden Barack Obama were a long way from that acceptance it just makes things make more sense. There is a line in the pla where theyre in the hotel room. He signed her to come out. He thinks it may be when you see a black man and a woman in that situation. You can imagine that there may well be a lot about in massachusetts. Those kind of aligns ring ou stronger with the people i london were saying you must of change that. You put that in. No, thats part of the text its visceral now. Its tangible. You can feel what you can see it. When theyre ushered into the restaurant they saw you be more comfortable back here. People thought you guys pu that in. Im like now thats in the script im glad you brought that up because im sitting Ther Thinking its a long time since iv seen death of a salesman usually happens every ten years. Im sitting there thinking wait, its the restaurant scene. Did they do that specificall because 1949, segregation an their black. But nothing has changed. We are doing tough of salesman exactly as he rode it. When you have that blac family at the central part o the story, it heightens all of the inadequacies that we hav to them at the time. And that was a perfect example the restaurant scene, not on word is changed. You see it differently. It brings out in your soul differently because its jus so visceral. I actually even said at one point. They were like well, the woman itll be a black woman i said no, let it be a white woman. They said everyone who did the initial reading they gave pushback and said no its so dangerous, it ca happen and i said thats exactly wh we have to make sure the casting is that way. The danger that they wer expressing the fish will be action that they had to it is exactly what was happening thin and how disillusioned will be lowman i that he would risk his and his sons life and endangering i at a time one year after the scottsboro to have an affair with a white woman at the time because he thinks its going to get him into so his wears. It heightens all the pressures that are part of the play. It ups the stakes in a majo way. Even the race isnt eve mentioned. There is no verbal illusion to it nothing. And yet, it stop this play am i reading that right . Youre reading a righ because of interpretation that we brought to it to place it in centralize it that this man going on thi journey in this world, 1949, all the inadequacies, the micr and macro aggressions. And the disillusionment of containing the American Dream. What is capitalism it actually speaks to us today because the inadequacies, th gap between the haves and th havenots is widening. And those who claim to B Capitalists are not actually expressing what capitalisms definition really is which i you want everyone to hav access more ideas, more growth. We practice the capitalism today which is exclusionary. Its a zero sum. They just heightens it in th play to have this family i think thats why it speaks even more today. It amplifies with ou interpretation the depth of it for me in this situation it speaks so much. Its being able to bring tha to a new generation of young folk and young black folk wh this interpretation will ope it up for them itll go this is not just good reading at school which doesnt apply to me. This is something were gonn actually physically put myself and see Manchester Summe Generation and the fights that weve had to come through. Wendell peer, sharon de klerk. At the name of the production death of a salesman. Thank you both very much for coming to The Sunday Show. Thank you, jonathan thank you again to Shar Anti Clark and Window Purist if youre in the big apple you can catch daffodils men on broadway through january 15th. Up next. A once Innovation Cold has claimed the lives of several american sum of Tens O Thousands stranded or in the dark well check in on what t expect for Holiday Travel with a live report when we come back i am down to my last life. When you only have one life. Thats what makes it special. 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Serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. People 50 and older with at least one Heart Disease risk factor have higher risks. Dont take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. Ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. Rinvoq. Make it your mission. Learn how abbvie could help you save. That massive winter storm i still wreaking havoc on th east coast and midwest thi christmas. Lake effect snow is blanketing some areas today including buffalo new york which had already set a dail Snowfall Record on friday. An arctic blast is als hammering those regions with lifethreatening col temperatures and hazardous whe conditions wind chills. Smack in the middle of all thi are moons people struggling to get back home for the holiday. Nbcs jesse is in new york city. Jonathan, Merry Christmas good morning to everyone watching at home its pretty cold here. This is nothing compared t what we are seeing reports o another parts of new york an other parts of the country unfortunately, as you mentioned, all of these Weather Headaches have made it so that som people are not going to make i home in time for the holiday one man for example we spoke with at an airport yesterday said that he told us by phon that the earliest you can ge home is tomorrow that gives you nutty of what some people are going through. We met someone who said he slept overnight on the heate at the airports. It will pay for hotel. He was trying to stay warm because of our cold it is here on the east coast. We are not out of the wood yet. Flightaware which tracks plane across the country is alread reporting for today over 100 cancellations nationwide this morning, its a Whit Christmas for Many Americans but this storm is not pure joy this holiday weekend, Hundreds Of Thousands Lost Power Amid Bone chilling temperatures as Tens Of Millions face windchill alerts if you can go without the lights inside your house turned on, that may be the difference between one extra house out there having power i understand for those wh are dealing with a cold hous that this is ver uncomfortable. In some ways, could be lifethreatening officials blame the dangerous weather for at least two dozen deaths acros multiple states. Vehicles stranded. First responders stretched thin overnight the brutal Winte Storm Pummeled Buffalo with th blizzard conditions. Right now, a travel ban is i effect new yorks governor declaring State Of Emergency and deploying the National Guard Buffalo Airport will be closed at least until 11 a monday i think thats going to be unfortunately very disruptiv to those who want to leave o arrive and spend time with family over the christma holiday. The dayslong weather woe causing widespread fligh cancellations and delays leaving christmas plants i limbo across the country this Family Scrambling for awa from new york to washingto d. C. For the rebooked flight thats supposed to leave today a lot of people have it a lot worse than we do well make it through. Well be all right one of research was given flying altogether. Saying they drove almost 120 miles from florida to ohio some of it through the storm t get home to their families there are some Silver Linings out there if thankfull on this christmas morning. We also are seeing reports o the number of Power Outages across the country, across multiple states. We now have reported at leas 32 deaths that are related t this Winter Weather which ha been battering the country for days now i hate to pass on even more ba news, jonathan, unfortunatel because of planes being stuc in places that were no supposed to be even as the weather improves its going to take day potentially for airlines to ge their planes and their crews back on track. This is definitely a time to b a patient traveler if you can. Hopefully, were able to fin some way to celebrate. Whether theyre with their loved ones are just making a phone call this christmas, jonathan that is a great message tha don. Jesse curry, stay warm, i ca tell from where you are, you are close to the office. Get in there and get warm. Thank you very much. The pretzels medulla better today. Youve got it. All right and coming up. A new biography of hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor and ho her activism paved the way for the modern social medi influencer well also go live to ukrain amid president zelenskyys warnings to congress tha russia could launch an Attac Over Christmas and later, sunday show favorites in my aunt glori stops by to share a little holiday spirit much more to come on thi special christmas edition of The Sunday Show. The sunday show. What will you do . What will you change . Will you make Something Better . Will you create something entirely new . Our Dell Technologies advisors provide you with the tools and expertise you need to do incredible things. Because we believe theres an innovator in all of us. My a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. Rays a1c is down with rybelsus®. Im down with rybelsus®. My a1c is down with rybelsus®. In a clinical study, oncedaily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill. In the same study, people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. 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You bet i have. kathryn we have worked with so many amazing causes and made a difference. vo by the end of this year, subaru and our retailers will have donated over two hundred and fifty Million Dollars to charity. brent its about more than just selling cars. phil the subaru share the love event going on now. You want to see something cool . Xfinity rewards is how we go beyond saying thanks. So were going to spread the joy this Holiday Season, the xfinity way. Take your trusty sidekick to see Puss In Boots the last wish whats a Puss In Boots . He is me. With buy1get1 movie tickets, on us. In theaters now. Join for free on the xfinity app. Elizabeth taylor, i celebrit xfinity rewards. Our thanks. Your rewards. Am flew answer i sit down with her ne biographer to learn more about the actress and activist the latest on the january si committee, now that we have it final report and it wouldnt be christmas without my aunt Gloria Stoppin by, because she. Well mine jonathan capehart, this is a whole new hour The Sunday Show. We now have our hands of th january Six Committees highly anticipated final report a full accounting of its finding on donald trump efforts to keep himself in power after losing the 202 president ial election. The report says trump engage in a quote, Multi Part Conspiracy to overturn electio results and failed to act to stop his supporters from attacking the capitol. After conducting interview with more than 1000 witnesses, obtaining millions of pages of documents, and holding ten public hearings, the panel concluded that trump shoul never hold Elected Offic again. The report also highlighted th failure of both federal an local Law Enforcement leadin up to the attack on the capitol, when they had intelligence predicting violence on january six. The report contains legislativ recommendations aimed at preventing a similar spo including maine which was passed by the hous on friday. That reform would clarify th role of the Vice President , an county now looked world vote and raising the threshold fo objecting to results joining me now, former u. S attorney and Deputy Assistan to attorney general, harr lippman. Harry, good to see you welcome back to The Sunday Show youve reviewed the fina report, will it be helpful t the Justice Department and Special Counsel, jack, smith overseeing the Doj Investigations Into Trump . If so, how first, Merry Christmas. Thanks for having. Me it would be very helpful. As prosecutors, is n information that you dont want this is a mountain, as you say there are sort of set pieces that we saw in hearing after compelling hearing there is also dozens, hundreds of sort of stray pieces that they can pursue. There are some downsides i think expectations are tha high throw theyre movin quickly. These potential crimes, growin at a january six, are not goin to come to fruition and that quickly, in contrast, say, wit maralago it also might give rise to certain obligations to share information with perspective defendants nevertheless, were talkin about huge amounts O Information that they either didnt have before, and there a lot they didnt have before, or they havent roughly form that is very helpful for a prosecutor to sort of put side by side, two different statements or accounts b different witnesses. Probe them, see what the rea truth of, see, what they hav to defend, against a trial basically, it is so cold mine. Platinum mine, with a fe little difficulties or inconveniences that occasions. Im going to ask you question that i aske congressmanelect, annua goldman, and the first hour. He didnt have time to answer. Do you think that this report, or actually not just thi report, but the Special Counse jack smith, is this close to indicting donald trump do you think thats going to happen well, what the hack the answer is, yes maybe this close then on maralago the lines are strong that th documents cases simpler, mor developed, much stronger precedents i do think that will happen. Among other things, that Wil Complicate the january six crimes, because consider whe you think of bringing those to a grand jury, you already have under indictment that will color that eventua decision down the line yes, on maralago january six, we have to keep i mind, notwithstanding so compelling as the report is, there are many more steps, among other things, as best as we know, jonathan, they don really have a good cooperating witness yet. That is normally a kind of, yo know, necessity for a Case O Conspiracy to that point, harry, the committees final report details new evidence linking giuliani and trump to the earl fake elector effort. Reading from the report, quote on the 13th of december, mille texas some of his colleagues t check in about the fake electo meetings he let them know that giuliani had told him, quote, potus was aware, that they were filing litigation and four states jus to, quote, keep the effort going. Harry, this is damning, isn it you bet one of the Big Takeaways Fro The Report is that the lengt of the conspiracy beginnin even before the election whe stone abandoned said, we dont care, were going to say a few and we won, and going after th election with phony fundraising. The length of it, and th breadth of, that its amazin the number of contacts, of fak electors, as your sane there is so much to work with. So that said, i would say ther are six, ten, really very well suited potential cooperating defendants normally in a setting like this, its a race to the Prosecutors Office for them because ther is a Real Advantage to being first. This, like so much else, i kind of a unique situation will they actually be that a two persons. Giuliani is a problemati defended for a number of reasons. Mainly, not to mention towards hes kind of crazy you know, mark meadows and eastman, and clark, and others are really telling made to B Cooperators here there are plenty O Coconspirators to go around. Harry, the report says trump, or his inner circle, engaged unquote, at least 200 apparent acts of public or privat outreach, pressure, or condemnation, targeting either State Legislators or state o Local Election administrator to overturn state election results. Harry, is that illegal what needs to be done to prevent this from happening in the future first, the detail, it ble my mind, jonathan. I saw the rawsonville thing, but giuliani said there are couple hundreds more conspiratorial effort. Is it illegal to call up legislators and put pressure o them if its a, frog bottom donna big lie, and youre Trying T Perpetuate the fraud, you bu its illegal, and theres at least two crimes the biggest one would be conspiracy to defraud th United States. What needs to be done . As you mentioned up top, there are a number of legislativ recommendations. When you have the kind o figure, unprecedented, in th white house, that you have wit donald trump, a lot of the normal structural protection go out the window. Clearly, what needs to be done is vigilance on the part o Elected Officials, republica party, all in all, theyve bee very happy to just count the the big lie and the like it stands with our Elected Officials. A fair number of whom, i should, say did stand up, do the right thing. Rusty bauer, et cetera that is why were not and even worse shape than we are. Harry, really quickly, is it a mistake that the committee didnt focus more on Law Enforcement . Failures on one sex. What does this, and i aske that because i wonder if you think it plays into th republican narrative that th probe was politicized . Look, it does play into it. Second, they really skate to hear our, jonathan theres a huge noise the signa ratio normally that the bureau is getting, but were talkin about documented instances o direct, 1 to 1 communication between reliable confidentia informants, and the fbi. Nothing happened that is a scandal. I was in favor of this reports focusing on trump, but the fbi which is now, you know, fuel plus the old tired, i though they were doing, and i thought they were doing it it just doesnt cut it yeah, there are problems her that need to be addressed. I add, the risk is, they wil be set to the side now its good the report focused o trump, but there are tru documented problems. Harry lippman, as always, thank you for coming to th sunday show. Up next, well get a liv update from ukraine with nbcs matt bradley well break down what fridays 45 billion Dollar Congressiona a package could mean for president s a landscapes effort to change the course o russias war on his country. Keep it right here for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. Puffs has 50 more lotion and brings soothing relief. Dont get burned by winter nose. A nose in need deserves puffs indeed. Americas 1 lotion tissue. A nose in need deserves puffs indeed. This rental car is so boring to drive. Lets be honest. The rentacar industry is the definition of boring. And the reason can be found in the name itself. Rent a car. You dont want a friend. You want the friend. You dont want a job. You want the job. The is always over a. Thats why we dont offer a car. We offer the car. Sixt. Rent the car. Get it. Slip it, cuff it. Check it. 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Show lets turn to ukraine, where russian shelling Saturda Pummel toes on the Southern Ukrainian Cit abandoned by russia last month the attack left at least tended, and 68 injured last night, Ukrainian President , Volodymyr Zelenskyy, called th citizens to have, quote, patience and faith a defiant christmas message, h noted the destruction came a ukrainians Were Beginnin Christmas Celebrations that, for many Orthodox Christians well call in a traditiona celebration of january 7th today, russian president Vladimir Putin is insisted O State Television that he was willing to negotiate over hi invasion of ukraine. A repeated statement dismissed does not made a good faith joining me now, out of kyiv is nbc Foreign Correspondent matt bradley matt, thank you for being here thanks for having me, jonathan yeah, were talking about no is christmas in ukraine. Christmas is kind of comin early this year. As you mentioned, normally Eastern Orthodox adherence would celebrate christmas on january 7th, but this, yea theyre trying to celebrate, a lot of people here, are trying to celebrate its when we would celebrate it, On December 25th that is because its not a theological question its mostly about identity folks here are trying to distance themselves from Russian Orthodox church, whose patriarch has been a close friend and colleague o lattimer pond him self, and wh has publicly supported russia invasion of ukraine. Instead, they want to associat themselves with wester tradition. With western europe, and asser themselves as a wester europeans. I was actually invited into th home of a young woman and he family who celebrate christmas for the first time On December 25th, who were celebrated by candlelight, over a gas cook stove. This is because the Constabl Barvinkove Electricity this is left much of the country and blackouts. This is what she had to sa about why She Celebratin Christmas today. After we also are starting to get to know more about our culture. Its early, closer to what w want to celebrate. Also, we feel culturally close to the western world then to the orthodox oldworld the people in countries who ar still is this a rejection o russia its partly you know, also, st. Michael cathedral, which is behind m as you can see, Beautifu Church we were just there thi morning. They had, for the first time 100 years, a Christmas Mass On December 25th. The church itself is changin the dates and moving christmas up jonathan incredible. Matt bradley, coming to us liv from kyiv. Thank you very much. Joining me now is noah haynes, professor at the George Town University school of foreign service. And security fellow at the truman National Security project. No lab, thank you very much fo being here she is msnbcs matt bradle just outlined for us how Som Ukrainians are aligning with the West Decelerate Christma in the 25th, over january 7th, The Traditional Easter Orthodox Celebration what is your take on the significance of that first of all, im so happ to be here Merry Christmas to be you. Make christmas i think it signals democracy president s ellen ski was ver clear about that in his visi last week. He was very clear about th role that democracy plays. Not only that, its abou sovereignty. Its about respecting all th tenants up democracy, which is why the ukrainians are fightin this war the way that they are they want their freedom. Its all about democracy, an when you think about that, wha that means in the larger scope of things, you want to align yourself with the people tha you want to be buddies with, essentially, versus the people who will kill you. Ukrainian president zelenskyy release the define christmas message on saturday, hours after Officials Say te people were killed by russia selling in kherson what are your takeaways from his address over the holiday especially after his quick tri to washington and the messag he delivered to the American People, let alone the world. You know, i dont know if i think of it as being defiant more than i see a man who is standing up for his country. He realizes that he is the leader of that country he is speaking from Position O Strength [inaudible] i think its important for the leader to be strong okay, looks like we los nolas camera there, no let, are you back okay. Take it from the top. Okay, here we go. Zelenskyy is a very strong leader, and i think the worl has seen that. Hes just continuing to be tha figure, to be that figure fo his country, to rally them you know, lets put this i context, when oh, man it looks like the christmas grinch has taken nolas signal. Were just going to have t leave it there i do want to say before we let no lines go, i want to say hello to noahs parents who know are watching. Their Faithful Sunday show watchers thank you very much. Thank you know lines o georgetown coming up, if youre looking for lastminute gift, ne family authorized biographie are telling the story of hollywood icon, Elizabet Taylor, like youve never hear it before. Ill chat with the author, after the break. Keep it right here with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. Feel the difference with downy. What will you do . Will you make Something Better . Create something new . Our Dell Technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you. If you still have symptoms of moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis or active Psoriatic Arthritis after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. Stand up to your symptoms with rinvoq. 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Wellqualified buyers get 1. 9 financing on all 2022 Silverado 1500 crew cab pickups. Or, 1,500 total cash allowance on this silverado with a 2. 7l engine. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. The life and legend of ico Elizabeth Taylor has bee documented across dozens and dozens of books, films, an other media. Now, a brandnew biography authorized by taylors famil is telling the Trail Blazing Actresses Story and an o paralleled fashion with the help of more than 700 never before seen letters an diary entries, more than 10,00 photos, Elizabeth Taylor, th grit and glamour of an icon, highlights taylors role as on of the First American celebrit activist in florence and entrepreneurs to pave th way for countless celebritie to do what they do today last week i sat down with Kate Anderson brown, author o Elizabeth Taylor, the grit and glamour of than icon joining me now on set i Kate Anderson brower, th author of the newly published, Elizabeth Taylor the grit and glamour of an icon kate, thank you very much fo coming here on this christma morning. I want to read something, an excerpt from your book i think it encapsulate Elizabeth Taylor, and i want you to flush it out. Heres what you said about whe she would visit a. I. D. S. Patients you said taylor wanted to look perfect for every visit. I hope i have it over done it, she joke shed always arrive with ful hair and makeup, and the famou 33. 19 asher cards diamond on her left ring finger she wanted to the patients t see her the way they imagine her to be. That jumped out of me. Explain why that, in just on vin yet, show the power of Elizabeth Taylor she was able to make commodity of Elizabeth Taylor. It was created for her when sh was a young star, and national velvet, into actual dollar signs for a cause that she cared about. When she would go to aid hospices and visit with people she wanted them to see the beautiful movie star, to fee like they unmet a movie star before they passed away. When she did that, i thought i was incredible shed have the department store, and the perfume company, matur donations to the hospices sh would visit. She truly made her fame into a commodity. It saves lives in fact, you write that whe she did those two perfumes, an she traveled around the countr promoting net, as part of th promotion, and she would g into Aids Hospices and that with the demands the demand will come from. It was incredible to talk t the nurses who were there, whe she would come and visit they still wore tearful abou these visits because they knew how uplifting it was to thes men, who is mostly gay man, wh were dying at the time there was no treatment for aids she wanted to give them, you know, the special moment with movie star she truly cared about them she would ask, you, know she would write to their mothers or if she couldve range for their dogs to be walked. These little Creature Comforts when nothing else could really be done. She had a lot of power, she had a lot of money, because sh was a movie star you are right, she was the las studio created hollywood star. The first star, correct me i im wrong, who earned 1 millio dollars for a movie. Yeah, the interesting thing about this book is that wa given access to her diaries, her letters by her family. I could see that she was a fighter, all of her life she fought for cleopatra, fo that role. She is the first actor, man or woman, to get paid 1 Million Dollars. She said, if you wont pay me Million Dollars, i wont do it she was gutsy and body, tough. She was willing to walk away she knew her value at a time when a lot of women were still being undervalued. You mentioned cleopatra, mean, the entrance to rome i one of my alltime favorit scenes in a movie. You write about just, what was going on Behind The Scenes it was terrifying for her. Why . It was. At that time, the vatican ha condemned her for he relationship with Richar Burton she actually thought that al of these extras, these hundreds, thousands of extras on the set might throw stones at her, might scream profanities at her, and instead, they all yields bocce. Thats kisses. She was close to tears she they loved her even though the vatican had condemned air. Thats the kind of sexism that she fought against just for having an affair, the Catholic Church condemn terror it was kind of a sign of tha era, what she was up against you say overall tha Elizabeth Taylor was the first social, the first social media influence there that the actor as we see today, and these influencers we see today, they wouldnt be there had not been for Elizabeth Taylor oh, yeah. You cant overstate he influence on politics. She is the reason why Ronald Reagan gave the first majo address talking about aids in the first case, in the earl 80s, president reagan didnt talk about it until 87 that was because of Elizabet Taylor using her influence Behind The Scenes, visiting hi in the oval office, an pressuring him and one of the excerpts tha was published in the washingto post, you are focusing on he very Washington Life she was the wife of a senator. Yeah, its amazing. Thats why i came to the book. I came to know jon warner, who was her six husband, the republican senator for virginia he still loved her he thought that the younge generation should know how powerful she was she absolutely hated here in washington and she said it turned her int a drunken, a junkie. You know, she didnt have a lo of friends, she had imagined that partnership, once see helped him win his senate seat she thought shed be by hi side for votes, does tha legislation, it wasnt tha way. She had a vision of what political spouse would be. Today, her aspirations than ou one of political spas coul actually do today. Except Go On The Floor for votes. I mean, you still get i trouble. I think she envisioned it more than hillary clinton, bill clinton, Partnership It turned into isolation on farm in middleburg, a lot of drink gain, a lot of sitting around, watching old movies. It was a tough, tough time a lot of isolation for her a that time. Kate anderson buyer, th name of the book is Elizabet Taylor, the court and glamou of an icon thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show thank, you john thank you again to Kate Anderson brown next, the pop culture classi film, house party, is gettin the new reboot for moder audience it is making history in th process. Well chat with producer regional after the break. Share the love event, subaru and our retailers have donated over two hundred and fifty Million Dollars to charity. In fact, subaru is the largest corporate donor to the aspca. And the National Park foundation. And the largest automotive donor to meals on wheels. And makeawish. Get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru and our retailers will donate Three Hundred Dollars to charity. Peaceful state. Full plate. Wait, are you my blind date . Dancing crew. Trip for two. Nail the final interview. Buy or lease . Masterpiece. Inside joke. Artichoke. Game with doug. Brand new mug. Come here, kid. 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Sorry. 30 years ago, that Famous Dance Scene took the world by storm and branded the civil come in if age movie apocalypse are classic now not only is a Remake Set T Hit The Big Screen Next year but the classic hazara soap an added to the National Film registry at the Library Of Congress i sat down with reginald huntland, producer screenwriter, and director o the original house party, an the remake out next year reginald, thank you will, come back to The Sunday Show by christmas Merry Christmas glad to be here, thanks fo having me. Sure. Has party was the first movi you wrote and directed it led to a the black movies and that young black people. Its a Staple Of A Ver Compelling Culture now, its been entered into th Library Of Congress and th National Film registry one, congratulations on. That talk to me about th significance of this lates honor of yours, and th significance of house part overall on the culture thank you look, its wonderful because whats great about the fil registry is such a high honor. When you look at what else i on the list, its like, oh heres the godfather you know, heres goodfellas. Here is some of the gone wit the wind here are some of the greates beliefs ever made in america history. To be placed among those fello members is a very high honor indeed im really grateful for th Library Of Congress, and all the amazing folks who voted to admit it house party is really stood th test of time you now, for me, its a movi that was inspired by a classic like american graffiti, Like National lampoons animal house like risky business. I just wanted to make a movi that celebrated young, black teenagers, and their lives you, know them having fun, the falling in love, them having a party, them getting in trouble them being hustled by police and the fact that it has stood the test of time, and that young people still are discovering the movie, levin at, the fact that folks say, o my gosh, that movie was such a milestone in my life, it inspired me. People of all races. It really means a lot to m that you make a movie that i truly, from my heart, from m personal experiences, to resonate on a global basis across time. Its pretty wonderful. I have to get you int things one, why did you feel that thi is the right time for a remake of house party to reintroduce the story t todays audience i didnt decide that, it lebron james who has a dea with Warner Brothers side, hey we want to remake house party. Warner brothers said, sure, go on a duet. Snow theyve made a remake its coming out next month oh, im going to get my tickets. Go see it. Reggie, the latest Golden Glob Nods around, abcs avi elementary, marvels blac Panther Wakanda forever have notable not of nations eddie murphy is being honore with the cecil beaten mill award. You worked with eddie murphy o boomerang. Talk to me about the impact of his work on pop coach or, an is it true that you guys are working together again it is true, were working together again 30 years ago, we mad boomerang. It is a movie, again, like house party, that has resonate over the years its talked about as one of th best block, best romanti comedies, black or white, no racial factor in it. You know, you look at th careers that from chris rock, marti lawrence, so we are coming Bac Together For A Christmas The Movie called Candy Cane Lane were making this for amazon we actually sell, we get t work on that in january, i will come out next christmas ill see you next christmas. Well talk about that movie. Thats a date, i like peopl cain i like people cain snow reggie, look. You and i, you are a scan set and talk politics for hours. Id love to get your thought on what you make of th attempts that are happenin around the country to basicall keep the truth and history and culture out of classrooms. Keeping culture from being taught i understand it, because th fact is those forces are losing the fact is, the generations who are acutely aware of wha the truth is about america history, about World History this is why the majority o voters, the majority o americans, they want diversity they won fair and, as they wan meritocracy. These people are scared of that the fact is, they cant compet at a fair competition. Whether its competing for jobs, running for office, they literally dont measure up they have to put the feet on the scale. They had to miss educate people this is how a lot of America Education is always been there is this blip in the 60 and 70s and 80s, war suddenly, things start opening up. We start telling the whole american story, which doesn hurt america, it makes america stronger that puts a lot of pressure on the Entertainment Business because we have to supplemen what schools may not be able t do, or schools are failing t do we number one, we have t entertain. If we dont entertain, peopl arent paying attention. As we entertain, if we can raise peoples consciousness, i we can show people things that they may not know, that help make a difference for all of society. Original thailand, as always, thank you very much for coming to The Sunday Show Merry Christmas, and tell chri i said my christmas as well. Absolutely. Merry christmas to you and yours, and everyone at msnbc thanks a lot. And thank you again to Origina Highland for coming to The Sunday Show. You know what, she is back on gloria steps by to spread a little Holiday Cheer dont go anywhere. Limu emu doug its nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Showtime. Whoo im on fire tonight. limu squawks yes limu, youre a natural. Were not counting that. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. People couldnt see my potential. Only pay for what you need. So i had to show them. Ive run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that im more than what you see on paper. Today im the ceo of my own company. Its the way my mind works. I have a very mechanical brain. Why are we not rethinking this . I am more. Im more than who i am on paper. At fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. With the right balance of risk and reward. So you can enjoy more of. This. This is the planning effect. The Holiday Season is the time to reflect on the past year an into support the new year will bring. Its also a time to connec with friends and family, and theres no better way to celebrate this Christmas Day than with the Sunday Sho Favorite joining me now is gloria abbott, better known as and gloria Merry Christmas, and gloria. Merry christmas jonathan. Its great to see you. Great to see you too. Lets get some serious busines out of the way before we acted full the january six committe report includes a proposal asking congress to borrow trum from ever Holding Office again what do you think about that he should never hold office he should be in jail you know, we should not let millionaire try to take over the country. If he wants to do fast, ther is another Billionaire Who D the same he was not qualified he should not be an office he has no integrity, he just has money. Its just sad to see what he considers the president ial, th white house and everything hes just not interested, hes more interested in himself right i love every time i ask yo about him, and gloria, you first answer is always, he should be in jail. But the other thing is, mayb its just that christian charity, and it is christmas that you said repeatedly i that last answer, that donal trump just has money you know, there are a bunch of folks out there, mysel included, who wonder if he really does. Thats just me would you be disappointed if the department of justice, which has been doing its own investigation into him, if the dont charge him or brin charges against him . Ill be very disappointed you know, you open up, where the United States of america we should be an example. If you let someone like this try to disrupt our democracy someone else is going to com along and try to do the same thing. We have to show that we ar strong, we will not let even a president get away with trying to take over the government. We want to maintain ou democracy. We have to stop him now. There will be others ive never seen anything lik this in my life. I hope i never see it again. I think he has to go to jail what else is he gonna do hes going to continue thi until somebody says hes president. I dont think anything wil stop him unless they say youre going to jail he will fight everything he knows how to get around the law but are the most crux. Right well lets talk about some folks who are and electe office lets talk about the vic president of the United States you know i interviewed vic president harris on monday she reflected on her accomplishments as vic president s so far, pointing ou how a lot of what she does hasnt received much Media Coverage what do you think of the job shes done this year i think she has don excellent. What we dont see as Media Coverage we need to see her i dont know why she is not, n ones covering her i think the next two years, we need to see her quite a bit. She is our future. I think she needs to be seen we know shes doing things, no one talks about it i really would love to see her more, even in news, National News we need to know what shes doing. Im not sure why its not been shown. Well, i mean, maybe when yo get two of you to get there, im sure the Vice President ha some thoughts on why she is no being covered. Also, to tell, you i hear, rumor has it, she watches th shell. Maybe she just heard what yo said also, since we read the column you know that she is itching t get out of washington now that she doesnt have to be chain t the senate because of ti breaking votes so weve talked about Vice President harris, now let talk about your boy, president joe biden. What grade would you give hi for 2022 oh i gave him an a i think hes good. Its amazing he is the type of president we want hes prepared for this his whole life he knows how to govern he knows the people. Hes doing an excellent job. What can you say i dont think anyone els couldve held this job considering all the things going on in the world. I think he will close some o the things out, if he decide not to run again, but before the next election, he will close out a lot of things. I think russia will not wi over ukraine i think theres a lot of thing he can do in the u. S. The whole country. I think he was made for this position this was the right time. You know what, and gloria you reminded me, president s landscape, did you have chance to watch a speech or here any snippets of th speech i saw some snippets hes a tough guy he really is i like him the fact that he wont give up and the people wont give up its kind of amazing in this day in time, that we have someone like putin, who wants to just have mor property why . People were happy, his peopl were happy, ukrainians wer happy. This man wants to take over th country, i guess the world, whatever. We dont need that anymore i think that could be settle sometime ago people arent looking, the Younger Generation are looking for war. They are happy, their content. Not interested in fighting for war, for what . I dont get it and gloria, we have les than two minutes left. Todays christmas. Folks are celebrating, but man are not in the spirits for a whole host of reasons. Well quickly, whats your message to those having a toug time, or those for whom th holidays are just not joyous my message is, be thankfu for what you have. Dont worry us so much about what you dont have. Be thankful. Think of all the things you ca help its amazing that we have so many people on the street who, and this country, no one shoul be on the streets. My message to everyone, bu down your phones, if your standing near people, talk t them you never know what people are going through. You need to communicate. You need to be thankful fo what you have. Everything is not going to b perfect. No ones life is perfect, bu if you are positive, youll be fine dont worry about the little things, we are grateful fo what you have. Merry christmas everyone thats wonderful. As always, and every conversation with anglers, out there is always a golden nugge piece of advice, and this time its put down your phones. And gloria, as always, think you very much for coming bac to The Sunday Show, we all loo forward to seeing you more i 2023 maybe even live on sat im going to get you here. Im gonna get you here you just get ready okay. Thank laura, thank you, Merry Christmas. Merry christmas and thank you at home for watching The Sunday Show our last show of 2022. Happy holidays, ill see you i the new year right here, msnbc, 10 am eastern. 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The Powerful Velshi Winter Storm thats what, the acros the country is powerful winter storm still causing havoc that swept across the from a deadly road country its still causing will conditions to blackouts blizzard conditions, blackouts freezing rain. Well get warnings, freezing rain it wouldnt elaborate a live report, coming coming up up plus, it it was was a brutal a brutal defeat from defeat fo Donald Trumps yearslon donald trump serious lon campaign to campaign to hide his tax hide his tax returns when house returns one host democrats voted thi week to stomach rats voted thi released that week to releas that publicl publicly we learned a lot from that ive still got some questions. In moments, i will be joined b the best possible person answe them all someone who won a pulitzer plies. For her teams investigation o the fields ex president s finances publishers are rushing to prin out books book additions of the januar Six Committees final report three of which are already bestsellers on amazon. Later in the show, on a talk t the veteran of the watergate investigation. Former congresswoman liz holtzman who wrote the forward for one of these folks then where the midterm losse the last straw republicans finally tired of winning a stall trump promis they would be . If they start with him a conversation about what th naming and shaming it on trump might actually mean for th Republican Party for America Politics and for democracy right ahead. Velshi starts now. Good afternoon that is something im not used to saying. Its sunday, december the 25th Merry Christmas to all of

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