governor of black people in texas? other than when he is denying them the right to vote? >> well, first, a shout-out to mayor turner who i am a big fan of down the road here in wimberly. so big fan of his for everything he is doing. i'm amazed we're having this conversation. you know today is august 20th. 1619 is when the first 20 or so african slaves were brought and sold in this country. as -- today, 1619. we are having this conversation, still. they don't think they're the -- they don't think they're the leaders of all texans. they have acted like this over and over and over, again. it's not just the public-health crisis. it's on every cultural issue. it's on the economy. it's on healthcare. it's on the expansion of medicaid. it's on everything. they do not think -- they only want to represent the million people that vote in the gop primary. that's all they want to represent. 5% of the state is all they're interested in representing, at this time. and -- and what we have is the three top leaders in texas, the governor, lieutenant governor,