safety on january 6th? a bloodthirsty mobs of hundreds outside -- with no security check, who knows well weapons are carrying. what if one of the riders is carrying an ar-15? many of us are thinking the same thought. i wonder where all this chaos is taking us, whether tabatha, hank, and julia are safe at the capitol. whether they'll be rescued soon. whether i should try and turn back and find officers, whether these insurrectionists have firearms. whether donald trump's allies planned to escalate the violence. whether we're facing an insurrection, a coup, or even a civil war, whether we will finally impeach the trader for setting loose the dogs of war upon us. perhaps invoke, at last, the unsung 25th amendment, whether deer merica will survive this appalling headfirst descent into political madness. i feel curiosity, anger, resolve, but there's one thing i do not feel as, we travel down down, down, down as we are