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, welcome to a Holiday Edition of the last word. 1934 congressional elections, because 2022 was the First Time Since 1934 that first term president saw every senator in his party reelected. Every senator who is running. In 1934, first term democratic president Franklin Roosevelt sought every democratic Senator Running for ev election get reelected. President biden saw the same thing this year. And the democrats added a seat to their control of the senate when John Fetterman won in pennsylvania. A very difficult state for democrats to win. As is arizona and georgia. But, Democratic Senate candidates won in those states to. From my race in arizona, i had wide support by republicans. Republican mares and county supervisors, business leaders, law enforcement. You know, theyve come up to me frequently. But also, endorsed me. Republican mayors. Because, you know, theyre tired of what theyve seen over the last, well, six years now. And they just want to get things done, and you know, they just want the noise to be, you know, in the past, and they want folks thatll focus on the future. We knew we needed to make this race about two individuals. And given the choice of who georgians wanted to represent their families, they had to pick between the reverend or the running back. We set out to do that from the very beginning. We were clear about where we needed to go in the state to do that, who we had to talk to in the state to do that, and im very pleased with the result. I actually think when we pivoted to the runoff election, our team did a lot of work to prepare. We knew a runoff was a possibility we wanted. To win outright in november, and we put in the wake. We know what we had to do in the early vote period to bank the votes that we needed to to have in the bank before election day. We were successful in doing that. So i think its discipline. And i think voters in the state of georgia. And heres a republican explanation for why they lost. Well, President Trump lost again. And i know a lot of people in our party love the president , former president. But hes if you will, The Kiss Of Death for someone who wants to win a general election. Donald trump chose horrible candidates like Herschel Walker and dr. Oz to run for senate, which some republicans admit. Ive always said that there is no substitute for quality candidates, it all starts there. Its clear to me that among the voters in the middle of the electorate, which are the ones that decide national elections, and certainly swing state elections, they just werent having it. And then, of course, theres Donald Trumps breathtakingly stupid idea that no republican should ever vote before election day. Weve gotta find a way to get our people out earlier. We have got to do a better job as republicans of selling to our voters, go vote early. Dont wait to the last day. Dont wait till possibly rain, dont wait for bad weather. Again, weve gotten hammered, early vote. You just look. We got hammered. Joining us now, the strategist who hammered the republicans in every state won by the democrats. Gary peters of michigan, hes the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign committee. Thank you very much for joining us once again, senator. I have to say, ive watched people do this job, the impossible job of trying to manage successfully every Democratic Senate campaign. And ive never everyone can say now, theyve never seen anyone do a better job of it. When did you know that this was gonna be the outcome . Well, lawrence, i was actually very confident right from the getgo. We have to realize we would have to do a lot of work. We have to be disciplined. We have to be focused. But as we went into the campaign, i thought were in states that joe biden had won, you know, they may have been close races, but he had won. We had outstanding camp visits. Our incumbents were people have incredible character. Theyve had a record of we had good candidates running in open seats. So i felt that. And then when we looked at who is emerging out of the republican primaries, basically trump appointed candidates, and the fact that there were so extreme and had such deep flaws, i felt very good about this contest. But on the other hand, i also knew wed have to run really good campaigns, and all of our candidates clearly did. Because as you know, you can still be a flawed candidate, and unfortunately, still win an election. So you asked to run a disciplined campaign focused on your objectives and dont let noise get in the way. Just keep your head down, and certainly, as a dscc chair, you should never be making noise. You should just be focused on making sure that our candidates and our incumbents have the resources that they need, and ways we can help out. Whether its trying to define our opponents, but the thing we really focused on was making sure that we were fully supporting very aggressive Ground Campaigns to get those voters out early, make sure that their voice was heard, and do that in a systematic way to keep encouraging people will get out to vote. As you know, in the midterm, you already have a drop off and vote. So it was a critical strategy, and its why the dscc we made a strategic decision early to put more money into the Ground Campaign and the Field Campaign than we ever have. And it certainly paid dividends, both in the general and certainly paid dividends in the runoff. Do you look back at the campaign and think, maybe we shouldve put more resources into North Carolina or to any of the other states where you came up short . Well, we did put money into those states, and we wanted to play as aggressively as we could. But as you know, lawrence, that money is not infinite. So you do have to make some hard decisions about where the money goes, and i was very focused to make sure that we were putting money just into those races that we knew were right on the edge, that we could win. My philosophy always is if youre gonna win the race, you dont need the dscc, if you cannot lose the race, we cant help you. But if youre on the edge, we want to make sure we get you over the hump. And so, in the end, you have to make some tough decisions, but certainly, we did provide so we put in what we could put in. But i never wanted to take the eye off the ball. First and foremost, we wanted to bring all of the incumbents back. That would keep us at 50, and then we go on the offense. But the number of central focus, everything we did with in the dscc was to bring every incumbent back, and that of course was a great success. Im pleased to be focused on that strategy. But we went on the offense and we were successful and helping John Fetterman who had a great race himself, and a great team that we worked with in order to have that very important 51st seat. Do you think youre gonna continue to stay lucky with donald trump as the cheerleader of the Republican Voters out there telling them all to stay home and dont even think about casting a vote until election day . I hope he keeps doing that. Its curious. Actually, in the past, republicans did that fairly well. They had early vote, specifically with senior citizens. It was part of the strategy. It makes no sense not to, because you want to make sure people are voting. Its convenient for voters. People have busy lives. Lets make it so that they can make sure their voices are heard, and they can do it in a convenient way. It also allows us to be focused and systematic. We identify first off those folks we know are gonna be voting for our candidate. And then, we keep reminding them to vote, and when someone is reminded to vote and they know someones watching them, as to whether or not they cast their vote, theyre much more likely to actually do it. So the numbers come through for you. And then, if anything happens on election day, bad weather event, or whatever may happen on election day, it really is comforting to know you have votes in the bank. Senator, ive seen some people take on this job in the past when the issue was, can they hold on to the majority, or increase the majority. Never under the level of pressure that you are under. Because this is the first time i have seen this job done where democracy itself was on the ballot. Did you feel that extra pressure . Oh, theres no question about it. I definitely felt that. And actually, thats a major reason why i was willing to take this job. You know, i just came off a really tough election in 2020, and the last thing you want to do after that is to get back into elections. I was humbled by my colleagues, who said, gary, you know how to win tough elections. Youve done that throughout your career in the house and the senate, in the key Battleground State of michigan. My wife, in particular, colleague, to make sure were gonna be in this together. But ultimately what made the decision, this is a pivotal time in the history of our country, where the Very Foundation Of The Great Democratic Republic is being shaken by the other side, who are Election Deniers, and trying to move this country in a very dangerous direction. And we thought, this is a time, let me use the experience, i will do what i can, i will work as hard as i possibly can, because so much is at stake. We have to win. And thats why i took the job, and why i was very fortunate to be surrounded by amazing people at the dscc. Kristie roberts, our executive director, everyone working there also shared that sense of mission. This was a mission to uphold democracy in this great country of ours. Senator gary peters, ive never seen a senator who has more people owing him big time, from the president of the United States to every democratic senator, to the people of the United States. Because this election was about democracy. And thats the side that you are on. Senator gary peters, thank you once again for joining us tonight. Its a pleasure. Thank you for having me on. Democrats also won big in state legislatures. Democrats won control of the state house and senate in michigan, the state senate in minnesota, and control the state house in pennsylvania. Here is incoming pennsylvania speaker, joanna mcclinton, in the Winners Circle at the last word. Future speaker, what did it mean for the democrats to be able to control the house in pennsylvania, a legislature that donald trump was turning to in 2020 to see if there was some way they could grab pennsylvanias electoral votes for him . It means that were turning the page to Election Deniers. When 60 of my colleagues, including our Speaker Of The House and all of the Republican Leadership in the senate and the house, signed a letter urging our congressional delegation to overthrow the election, it was completely outrageous. That was my introduction to being the minority leader. Its like, are we gonna start the session trying to throw out votes . Thats what happened. But voters in this election, this november, they are turning the page to it, and so are we. Joining our discussion now, jessica post, president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign committee. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. What were the Lessons Learned in your winning season . Well, lawrence, thank you so much for having me. One of the big lessons for us was no surprise. Similar to what senator peters said. We wanted to make sure that every state legislative chamber that was a democratic majority, we held. We watched everything from washington to oregon, which republican said at the beginning of the Election Cycle that they could bring home a win in. We also wanted to make sure that we were taking every opportunity to Flip Chambers on new maps. And that was a really key, important piece of the Election Cycle. We felt like we definitely had a winning message, and that was a key piece as well. So, we started with the no surprises philosophy, and similar to the folks in the u. S. Senate, we were able to hold every democratic majority since 1934, and win four new democratic majorities. The Republican Party has been concentrating at the state legislative level for a very long time. And thats why they have as much control as they do around the country. Has it been difficult to get democratic voters to concentrate on this . Because usually, in democratic campaigns, there tend to be political rock stars higher up on the ballot. Gavin newsom types for governors, barack obama running for president , and so it becomes difficult to get the concept across about how important your state representative and your State Senator is. It definitely is a challenge to get people to vote down ballot. We have a phenomenon we call ballot rolloff. Folks will vote at the top of the ticket, but they may not vote at the bottom of the ticket. So one thing we have to do with the dlcc, is communicate with voters to make sure that voters understand the stakes. Most of the policies that affect your daytoday life, these are made in state legislatures. So were always looking for ways to make sure we have the resources to communicate with voters, to make sure that people understand the stakes, but also understand the binary choice, that a republican might be an Election Denier that attended the insurrection, and we may have a great candidate in the democrats, someone who really wants to represent their community. And thats part of the reason why we cant just run trickle down campaigns. We have to run strong campaigns on the ballot. Jessica post, thanks very much for joining us in this Winners Circle discussion tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much, lawrence. Have a good one. Thank you, you too. Joining us now is simon rosenberg, democratic strategist and president of the new Democrat Network and new policy institute. Simon, thanks for joining us once again. Tonight, you are of course, as our audience knows, the person who never fell for the red wave propaganda, i think we can now call it, that was out there. And you were not surprised by the way the election turned out. What are the Lessons Learned for you in this election . Well, i think the most important thing is the Democratic Party is very strong today. I mean, we strengthened our standing in the key Battleground States for the president ial election. We showed Tactical Advantages i thought senator peters did a great job of explaining why what we did on the ground we you know, our campaigns are much bigger than they used to be. Much more money. And were spending it wisely, right . By focusing on turning out lower propensity voters and creating more democrats. You heard him talk about how we pushed the early vote, and the republicans just wont be able to catch up to us in the next two years on the ground. The third thing is that the party itself, you look up and down, gretchen whitmer, gavin newsom, to westmore, raphael warnock, i mean you and i have been doing this a long time. This is as strong a party as weve probably seen in our lifetime. So ive come away from this election thinking the Democratic Party is really strong, and the republicans still are all full of maga. And theyve got a great problem heading into 2024. Why wouldnt the republicans be able to immediately catch up on early voting just by telling people to vote early . Well, its not that simple. Right . As the senator said, you have to Contact People many times. We have large, developed field organizations. You grew up in the democratic side, you know a lot of us, including me, i got my start as a field organizer. Republicans have more regular voters. They dont have to work as hard to get their people to vote. And yes, they will be able to tell people, but its a shift in the way the party operates, the way their campaigns operate. They dont have heavily funded campaigns. Most of their money is in these outside groups. So at least for the next two years, and maybe even beyond, weve got a very significant Tactical Advantage in the Battleground States over republicans, which is why youre hearing them freak out so much. They dont know that this is gonna be easy to solve for them. It wasnt just one time thing. I mean, this is a bigger structural problem for them, i think, heading forward. So, are you saying, among other things, that the tv Advertising Campaigns that they run are geared toward election day . So like, in the old days, they were all kind of geared toward election day. So they became very, very heavy in october. But for early voting, you need them much earlier. Well, you also need to campaign. The thing is, our campaigns are raising far more money than their campaigns. Our politics is different from this. Ours are heavily funded campaigns and building out, so the outside groups, you know, spend in addition to the strong campaigns. In some of these house races, we had six to 7 to 1 cash in hand advantages over the republicans. In the senate races, we outspent them two, 3 to 1, right . By not having strong candidate campaigns, that means they cant do the stuff on the ground. The outside groups and the media cant do the ground stuff that we do. And so, we have a better system. And whats happened, the big change, lawrence, since weve been in this business, is the amount of money that the grassroots democrats are giving our candidates. Theyre making our campaigns muscular, stronger, and better, and more effective. The republicans are not gonna be able to make up that ground in the next two years. And so, as i look to 2024, i would much rather be asked than them. I mean, not only do we strengthen ourselves in the battleground, we have Tactical Advantages, but joe biden, assuming he runs for reelection, the economy is gonna be strong, were gonna see the fruits of the investments that we made in chips, infrastructure and the climate bill, and republicans, i think, are gonna have a very difficult time shaking their connection to maga. I mean, just seeing it in the last few weeks, and what it means for them is that were gonna be even stronger, probably, in 2024 than we were in 2020. And theyre gonna have three consecutive elections now where people havent voted for them because theyre too crazy. So theres gonna be that muscle memory of, well, have they really changed . And i think theres gonna be a very high bar for many voters to believe that somehow, this isnt the very same old maga party they voted against in the last three elections. Simon rosenberg, thank you very much for sharing your Campaign Wisdom with us. I am always guided by it. You are the Guiding Light for me getting through campaigns. Lawrence, thank you, thanks for all that youre doing. Its been a crazy year and we are feeling very good about where we are. Thanks. Coming up, Rachel Maddow will join us to take your questions. Rachael returns to the last word, next. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Gillette presents. 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Hes got tears streaming down his face. But all he will say to her is, i cannot talk about it. And, i have gone too far to turn back. That is how Rachel Maddows dramatic, brilliant podcast, ultra, begins. Getting you hooked from the very first words. In eight episodes, she tells the story of right wing extremism in americas past, that reflects the present. After the final episode was released, rachel joined us and i let you ask the questions. I said that i want the audience to ask all the questions here and i will stick to it. And i think the basic story of this podcast is going to emerge for people who are not familiar with it. And if it does not, they desperately have to go out and listen. Turn on those phones immediately. Listen to it. This is goldie, who, by the way, is a big fan. She says, how did you get interested in this story . Find out about it to get started . So, i was interested in researching something that happened a little bit later on. I was interested in holocaust denial. And the origins of holocaust denial. And how it has persisted, this guy, nick fuentes, who had the dinner with trump last week, he is a holocaust denier, and he is part of this movement on the ultra right right now to try to keep that nonsense alive. I was interested in the origins of that and how it kind of persisted through the 60s and 70s. And ended up finding a back story to that thing that i was otherwise interested in that went back to the Sedition Trial. And went back to what the United States was doing during world war ii, particularly among people who did not want us involved in world war ii or who wanted us to be fighting on the other side. And when i got into the Sedition Trial stuff and realized what had gone on with this nazi agent operating in congress, i realized i had to tell that story before i did anything else. Lets go to erica griffith. She says, what was the most fun thing you did, learned, most surprising thing, most valuable take away, and before you answer that, any one of those questions, rachel, i need to give you the final note of her tweet. Also, i miss you nightly and hi from new zealand, please visit and do a talk i would love to come to new zealand. I have no plans to do so. But if im going to new zealand, im probably fishing before i do anything else. That is very nice. Most fun, most interesting, biggest take away a lot of it, i mean, it is obviously dark stuff. It is hard to say that it was fun. But tracing these folks in the world and finding where they ended up, and part of, i think, the reason why this is a forgotten story, is that the political cost that was paid by a lot of people who were involved with this nazi in congress is that they got voted out of office and they died in obscurity. That was their accountability for being involved in the stuff. Therefore, rediscovering them out of obscurity means its like you are meeting whole new people. The senator who opens up episode one of the podcast, senator earnest nobody remember that he existed at all. So it was like finding a new character in fiction, who had this whole backstory, this amazing wife and this incredible story after his death that all emerged that told what he had been doing before he died. And so, that sort of pleasure of discovery i think was more than you usually get out of a history project. Because so many of the people involved who were powerful members of congress and powerful senators, did get flicked off the edge of the page of history because they were freaking nazis or because they were involved with nazis, and that made them obscure, and it made it more fun to discover them. This is Rachel Maddow doing a podcast so there is fun because you are fun and you had some real fun with the senators wife and her hats. She is also a dark character if we give her a second thought. But there is fun around this thing. This question, theres a lot of versions of it. Would you ever give any consideration to making a visual version of this podcast . And then, rachel, after that there are many questions about what is there going to be a movie . And i will just speak for the movie value of this. Okay . I know a little bit of something about hollywood. This is the most sought after movie rights package in the history of podcasting. We will no doubt be hearing about this at any moment. Rachel, talk about their other questions in here about a book. Why a podcast . How about that. Because there may be other things that happened after it. But why a podcast . Part of the reason why is because i think some of the audio that we found is amazing. A bunch of people have asked me, where did you find these actors to do these great 1940s accents . There is no actors in it all of the audio, all of the tape is all original and authentic to the time. And so, focusing on that, people were getting the news through the radio. These are all Radio Broadcasts that we used in the clip. And, so doing that in the Podcast Environment just felt real and direct and connected. But there is definitely going to be a book about it. Im already working on it. And the Book Environment let me not only tell these stories in a way that i was able to in the podcast, but also lets me sort of follow some of these plots further along in time. And tell you sort of with more detail in chapter versions how some of these things came together. So, the book will be a more intensive version of this, but im already deep into that. Anyone if you are alan, and you are watching, this is your night. If you know allen, call him right now, because after this break, the first question to Rachael Maddows going to be from alan. It is a great question. It is exactly one of the things that i was wondering about this. And rachel can i google him in the commercial break . He is just a guy on twitter. I dont know. He is famous now. Have another sip of tea. And we will give allen a few minutes to get to the tv or race home if he is not there yet. We will be right back with more from Rachel Maddow. And sustain tissue health. Ensure with twentyfive vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. Power e trades easytouse tools like dynamic charting and riskreward analysis help make trading feel effortless and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market with powerful, easytouse tools Power E Trade makes complex trading easier react to fastmoving markets with dynamic charting and a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity im feeling better. Body pain . Headache . Nope. All in one and done. Cuhcongestion . Better. Cough . Fever . Better. Mucinex all in one relieves 9 symptoms in 1 dose. Celebrate your comeback with 5 cash back. Hey dad, im almost out. I got you. Any questions, chris . All good, thanks maura healthier is managing all your familys prescriptions in one app. Okay, america, he waited long enough for adam left his question. The Rachel Maddow. Here it is. Its a great question. Allen says, how was the America First movement and its plots impacted by the u. S. Entry into world war ii . Was our Massive National mobilization against germany central to snuffing out this right wing extremism . Would something of a similar scale be required next time . Thats very interesting question. It kind of cuts both ways, i think, in history. The investigations that have the whole basis for the first half of the podcast all started before the u. S. Got into world war two. But the actual great Sedition Trial, thats the sort of basis for the back half the podcast, it takes place starting in 1944, during most of 1944, by which point or deep into the war, and part of the way they brought those charges was not just that there were ultra right fascist groups planning to overthrow the u. S. Government, but there are doing so in conspiracy with the nazis, what the Hit Government in germany, which we were then at war with. So that affected, i think, the way that they charged. But i would also say that when we won the war, and the war ended, and we sort of moved on as a country and started doing all the other stuff that we needed to do in the post war period, i actually think that contributed to all that Sedition Defendants and all their betters in congress being let off the hook. People thought, hey, in terms of nazis, we went over there and fought them there and beat them and that threat is now over and we dont want to think about it. So these people who didnt get successfully prosecuted by the Justice Department sort of melt back into the sauce of american extremism. And in some ways, theyve haunted us ever since. Here is one from pescis poll. Its not a real name. One of those twitter names. What would you think is the number one take away for doj if they listened to the ultra podcast . Which, im sure they are. Its the number one podcast on the planet, you know Merrick Garland is listening to that at the gym. A, thank you for the question, and maybe theyre not listening to the podcast, but they are listening to you. Got to tell them right now, the takeaway for the Justice Department is, do not be smug about this asserted value that nobody is above the law. The Justice Department doesnt have a great record of Holding People to account by the criminal law if they are a person who has a lot of political power. And saying that the Justice Department is not influenced by political pressure, isnt influenced by people threatening them politically, either threatening them in congress or from the executive branch, the historical record shows that the Justice Department has been pushed around. That a senator threatens to increase oversight of the Justice Department unless a prosecutor gets fired. An Attorney General fired a prosecutor for that reason. The president pressured the Attorney General to fire another prosecutor because that prosecutor had one of his friends in his sights. The Justice Department has not been great at Holding People to account when they have a lot of political power. And they cant content to the American People that that is not part of what happens in the United States unless they are honest about that past and they take steps to confront it and defeat those forces when they inevitably have knocked on their door again. Rachel, the podcast is fantastic as i have said. I would like to dwell, if we have the time, and im being told by the control room that we dont, on all the credits in this podcast. I want to talk about the music. I want to talk about your Technical Director and what he does exactly. Because it is such a magnificent presentation on every level, every second of it, the mood of it is perfect. The sound and the sound is more than just the sound of your great podcast voice. It is just a fantastic production at every level. It is the favorite thing ive listened to of its kind ever. Thank you, lawrence you are being very nice about it and i will repay you someday, my friend. You are very kind. Thank you, rachel. Thank you so much, lawrence. Coming up, schools in malawi have more desks this year and more girls are attending high school in malawi this year. All thanks to your kindness. That is next. We all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10 of us get enough each day. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plantbased fiber. With the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. The kind fund. One of the. Unicef msnbc delivered that schools and malloy were the clear that those with an embarrassing death. Because honestly, one day hopes become dr. Hamilton, now sitting on a desk thanks to your generosity. [speaking nonenglish] for this arrived at the school of month, students had to sit on the floor all their. Which if you try it for one hour, wewill find is more than just a bit difficult. Because hadnt used their needs to balance paper through right. Thanks to your support of kids out of that, we were able to deliver 50 tasks to the school and planted with a more in the future. I have never seen more joy in a school and the spontaneous outburst of song and enthusiasm at a school in malawi, when the desks arrived. Most of the kids in the schools have no possessions. Many of them have never owned shoes. But they immediately take possession of their desk and pride themselves on carrying the desks into the classrooms themselves. Ruth, the deputy head teacher at a Primary School in malawi told us that girls face unique challenges to stay in school. During my time, we had no data. And it was very difficult for girls according to our nature to participate in class. We know to allow girls to get up before your more comfortable and youre getting a death. That increases their chances of going from Primary School to high school. But most girls in malawi do not do. One girl to make it too high school, their Graduation Rate is half of the most Graduation Rate. Because among other reasons, public life was not free in malawi. If a family can afford to send a child to high school, they are more likely to send a son and either other. That is why the kind fund also include scholarships for girls to attend high school. The scholarships include School Uniforms and other necessities. Including the sanitary supplies that a teenage girl needs. These scholarships help girls like 16 year old laker juma, a student at st. Monicas school. Her father died when she was eight years old. Moving with her uncle. In a family of 11 medically to 7000. Her mother struggled to pay for school fees well supporting her 13yearold brother and two sisters ages seven and three. Before the, like was very tough. Because at home, my mom cannot even afford it for one day. So that means that she can right now, unicef is paying school fees for me. She is not getting worried as much. Why i want to thank for unicef, so that they can continue. Describe her School Struggle for kind fund for him. Back then, my performance was very. Because at that time when i was going to grade school these, i was missing some of the lessons. And had some thoughts that, where are we . Like i collect this will be from . I was thinking about the school fees. Not about studying. That was very poor. But when i do pat. You can help send more death to schools and then go to high schools by contributing any mouth. You can specify your contribution is forecast for scholarship. And you can get a desk or scholarship as a gift to anybody on your Holiday Gift List and unicef will send them an acknowledgment of you get. Inspired me, the doctors, i dont know their names. But from doctors helping people. Whenever i see a doctor, ive always been inspired by them. And violently come like them, so that i can help everyone. And i also want to be one of the people helping girls and inspiring them. So they can continue their studies. People who are helping me, those continue helping other girls. And inspiring them. So that they can become what they want to be. And their future should be bright. I can see my future is already bright by them. So i want to say thank you. Like a thank you, i thank, you and student sitting out there as thank you for your continued support of the kind fund. My name is austin james. As a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. Thats why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. With a painless, onesecond scan, i know my Glucose Numbers without fingersticks. Now, im managing my diabetes better, and ive lowered my a1c from 8. 2 to 6. 7. Take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. Now you know. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us when youre ready to go, but static says whoa. try bounce lasting fresh dryer sheets. More freshness. More softness. Less static. Less wrinkles. Yeah its the sheet. New bounce lasting fresh dryer sheets. Its the sheet hey, man. You could save hundreds for safe driving with Liberty Mutual. They customize your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need whoo we gotta go again. Only pay for what you need. 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