speech of jeff merkley's lifetime. and he's not, you know, stylistically the most compelling speaker on the senate floor. but he delivered the single most thorough historical analysis of the 60-vote threshold rule, the cloture vote so-called, in the senate that has ever been delivered on that floor. and there were some great speeches today with a lot of important historical references including from angus king pointing out that hamilton and madison warned us against any kind of supermajority voting. but boy, jeff merkley, who is the authority on this, the democrats have deferred to him on it all the way through, he was really -- it's a masterful, i don't know, 15 minutes or so that takes you through everything you'd ever want to know about it. and really compelling style. >> you should just do late-night coverage. you can have my re-air hour and you should just play it. i hereby give you the baton. go on.