saying, storm surge is going to be an issue for you. >> absolutely. and especially because we have king tides. we've had pictures showing that it is going over the docks at our intracoastal restaurants and i'm worried about tomorrow when we really get the waves from dorian to our coast. >> what's the sense of preparation that your residents have taken? at this point, you're not encouraging anyone to evacuate who hasn't left. >> correct. you know, basically with the storm north of us, we don't feel that it's coming south so it's just waiting until the state of emergency's over with and i think sometime tomorrow afternoon it should be all good. >> all right. mayor, we'll pay close attention to how it's going and stay in touch with you. mayor steven grant of boynton beach, florida. just ahead, our breaking news coverage of this historic storm that's already claimed lives in bat haul hamas. i'm going to talk to a bahamas