Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word 20130214 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word 20130214

Minimum wage to 9 an hour. Raise the minimum wage. Oh, look at me, im the president. Lip service and liberalism. I support people making more than 9. I dont think the minimum wage law works. Delivering a combative republican response. More government is not going to get you ahead. It is going to hold you back. It is a horrible position to be in, what is the deal with the water bottle. If he was thirsty, he should take a sip. He is good at it. If Congress Wont act soon, i will. President obamas emotional appeal. Gabrielle giffords deserves a vote. That is what i think is going to stick in the minds of the people. The continued revenue. They deserve a vote, at least to have a vote on the new gun laws is a long way from lets get this passed. The families of newtown deserve a vote. Will emotional appeals Push Congress to act on gun control. The members of tucson, they deserve a simple vote. As he begins his second term, president obama knows exactly how many days he has left as president. And he means to use them well. An american jobs act, the manufacturing hopes, the tax reform, and entitlement reform. A comprehensive Immigration Reform bill in the next few months. A bipartisan marketbased solution to climate change. Give every responsible homeowner in america the chance to save 3,000 a year by refinancing at todays rate. The demands of a high tech economy. Change the Higher Education act so that affordability and value are determined. Raise the federal minimum wage to 9 an hour. Today, the president went to asheville, north carolina, where he toured an auto parts plant and emphasized his plans to implement a manufacturing sector. And train the workers for the job. But he had to admit he cant do it alone. Now ill do what i can just through administrative action. But i need congress to help. I need congress to do their part. I need congress to do their part. I need congress to take up these initiatives, because we have come too far and we have worked too hard to turn back now. We have to stop with some of the politics that we see in washington sometimes that is focused on who is up and who is down. Lets just focus on the same kind of common sense and cooperation that were seeing at this plant. And we see all across the country. Today in washington, republican congressional reaction was predictable. Mitch mcconnells comment was republican boiler plate. In short with his impressive delivery and trademark style, last nights speech was pedestrian, liberal boilerplate that any democratic lawmaker could have given at any time in recent memory. And why stop there . Why not compare the president to hitler, stalin, or castro . Well, Republican Leaders dont have to do that. That is what Rush Limbaugh is for. Throughout history, dictators, for example, have never really been blamed for the bad things that happen in their countries. Hitler, stalin, mao, castro, none of them blamed by the rank and file citizenry. They were, instead, the leaders of the revolution. They were the great figures trying to change all the evil that was happening to everybody. Here is obama. This is what agitators do, rile people up, and then come in and try to calm everybody down and fix it. Krystal, the president gives an hourlong speech, and what we realized is, it could have been shorter. Taken out the rhetoric and just have all the programs mentioned. But really, not a single republican response that actually takes on what he said. Not even marco rubios. That is exactly right, and of course, marco rubios response was written long before the speech was ever given. It was not really a response. But theyre still married to attacking a straw man. Theyre not actually wanting to engage on the policy substance, because the substance on it, the policies, everything he advocated for which has been called liberal and aggressive, all of those things, is also very popular. Are you going to be the one who says we dont support paycheck fairness or pre school for children . It is not the place where they want to be, so instead they have to say president obama just wants Big Government. He doesnt think that the pirate sector can do anything good. He is a socialist, mao and castro, as well. Howard dean, what would you have advised the republicans to try to embrace in the president s speech, without sacrificing their principles . Were there things you thought if the republicans would meet them half way, on some of the things . Sure, that, im going to pay the president the highest compliment you can pay, i think, which is this is the first speech i saw him give was brilliant. It was brilliant in terms of his politics. All of those things he mentioned had been tested in the 60s and 70s. I shouldnt say that, he mentioned five or six things that the public really wants and then the republicans fell right into the trap. They looked like Mitch Mcconnell always looks like he ate quints before he goes on the air. They talk about things that lost them the last election. And Rush Limbaugh is the biggest favor that ever happened to us. Im just in shock. I thought the president did a really brilliant job. From a political point of view, we can talk about the policy and argue about that. And the republicans were their usually completely wasted self. Rubio, i thought did a decent job in terms of his presentation, he didnt have anything to say. But he was a fresh face for the Republican Party. And Mitch Mcconnell, he is smart, but god almighty maybe not the best messenger. I want to listen to what the president said about paying our bills on time. The greatest nation on earth. The greatest nation on earth cannot keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next. We cant do it. Lets agree lets agree right here, right now, to keep the peoples government open and pay our bills on time. And always uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of america. Krystal, i believe john boehner is sitting behind him at that moment thinking, he is exactly right, we shouldnt be tampering with this stuff. We will lose as a party, republicans in the house, if we do get caught tampering with this stuff again like we did on debt ceiling. But how does boehner try to keep control of his side on this . Well, and that has been the big question. It is remarkable, actually, that we were able to avoid the fiscal cliff. I mean, we sort of went over it and we were able to keep that intact. And the republicans basically blinked, they realized on some level that they were becoming known as the party of manufacturing crisis. This was all they that they had to offer the country. If they go down that path too many times, their Approval Ratings are already at alltime lows. They cant sink any further in the publics estimation. And were looking at sequester and continuing resolution. Were going to have another debt ceiling debate in the summer. Now rather than the burden being on the democrats to figure out the problems, i really think the burden is on the republicans because if they have cause these crises time and time again, the American Public sees what is going on and understands who is responsible. The president is offering them the chance to avoid the disaster. He is doing it with a combination of lets raise some revenue through tax loopholes on the rich. But he also made an offer on mower mar medicare last night. Well rooster subsidies to Prescription Drug companies. And ask more from the wealt wealthiest. Well bring down the costs by changing the way the government pays for medicare. Because our bills shouldnt be based on the number of tests or days spent in the hospital. They should be based on the manner of care our seniors agree. I am open to both, as long as they dont violate the security for retirement. I think we have to see what is in the fine print. To say you dont want to pay by the number of tests that are ordered is a very good thing, to say you dont pay by quality, that is pretty nebulous. We have to reform medicare, that is too expensive. It is not medicares fault, they are actually run better than other areas. But he is not wrong, i dont think he will get much cooperation from the republicans because theyre so radical, but he is right. Let me point out one thing on medicare, one of the best kept secrets, the president has reformed medicare and made a reformed start on controlling those costs. This past one really since medicares inception, it was not the cost of medicare growing, it was the aging population growing that was the driver of the cost in medicare. Thank you both. Coming up, a last word exclusive. The shooting victim who ted nugent attacked after the stateoftheunion address. And how did marco rubio do in his audition for the president ial nomination last night . Was a star born . And later, more read iings from the nras enemys list, and why does the nras enemys list have so many jewish organizations on it . [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. Executor of efficiency. You can spot an amateur from a mile away. While going shoeless and metalfree in seconds. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. Now this. Will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. Just like you. Go national. Go like a pro. What does the Antidefamation League have in common with the ywca . All three of them on the National Rifle association enemys list, as is richard gere and lou gosset jr. , it is the craziest list you have ever heard, and it is on tonights rewrite. [ male announcer ] coughequence™ 8. Waking the baby. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. Robitussin®. Dont suffer the coughequences™. And sure enough, were family. But youre not even shredded. Youre. Crunchy . that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. New frosted miniwheats crunch. Its a big breakfast. [ crunch ]. In new a little biscuit. Americans who believe in the Second Amendment have come together around common sense reform, like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun. Senators, senators of both parties are working together on tough new laws to prevent anyone from buying guns for resale to criminals. Police chiefs are asking our help to get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets, because these police chiefs, theyre tired of seeing their guys and gals being out gunned. Each of these proposals deserves a vote in congress. Among those not applauding president obamas mass control proposals was House Speaker john boehner, but here is what president obama said last night that actually provoked Speaker John Boehner to stand and yes, applaud. Hadiyas parents, nate and cleo are in this chamber tonight, along with more than two dozen americans whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. They deserve a vote. They deserve a vote. Gabrielle giffords deserves a vote. The families of newtown deserve a vote. The families of aurora deserve a vote. The families of oak creek and tucson and blacksburg and the countless other communities, ripped open by gun violence, they deserve a simple vote. President obama won over at least one republican senator. He put forth some good ideas, i agree we need to vote on guns, lets have the debate, lets have it out there. Lets talk about what the constitution says and what the bill of rights is, and what tenth amendment rights are and second memoamendment. I think we ought to have votes. Wayne lapierre has announced he will respond to the president s stateoftheunion address tomorrow. Where else . At the National Wild Turkey Federation convention. Nra board member and paranoid mad man ted nugent said this about president obama just a few months ago. If barack obama becomes the president in november, again, i will either be dead or in jail by this time next year. Nugent was, as usual, lying, of course. He is neither dead nor in jail. But that lie earned nugent a secret Service Investigation for possibly threatening the pare president. And it earned him an invitation to the last nights address, and the newest nut, steve stockman, democratic congressman, jim langevin, who was paralyzed from a shooting, told reporters that it was an odd choice for a member of congress to invite somebody who threatened the life of the president. Ted nugent who never breaks his part as a madman, then said he probably has crap for brains. Nbcs luke russert took on the hopeless task of trying to make sense of what nugent said. He lied, claiming that somehow i didnt feel sorry for the victims of violent crime. Is that an appropriate thing to say that would take genuine fecal material, instead of brain matter, to actually continue such a vicious, hateful lie. That it is an appropriate thing to say in the United States capitol about a disabled is it appropriate for him to claim that i care less about crime victims than he does . Are you kidding me . Joining me now for an exclusive interview, democratic congressman jim langevin, congressman, did you say, is it appropriate for you if you did say, that ted nugent cares less about crime victims than you do . I said ted was an odd choice to bring as a guest of the state of the union, after the comment he made, the weird comment about bringing harm to the president of the United States. As you pointed out, which prompted a secret Service Investigation. As simple as that. But im not going to let ted nugent distract from the real message or the things we were involved in. I was proud to organize a group of my colleagues, each of us gave up our ticket, to those who have been victims of gun violence, who lost their lives, shattered by gun violence. Because i believe it is important that we establish the universal background checks, and the assault weapons ban, and an elimination of these guns that hold 30 rounds of ammunition that are designed for nothing other than weapons of war, designed to kill large numbers of people very quickly. It was fascinating to watch what republicans do not applaud for when the president is speaking. But there came that moment when the president was asking for a vote, repeatedly asking for a vote on this, that eventually john boehner as we just showed in the video, eventually stood and eventually clapped. What did you make of that . Well, i glad that Speaker Boehner, something resonated with him there, that he agreed, that yes, thei victims of gun violence, the families who lost their lives, they deserve a vote. And let us debate this issue on the floor of the house, let us make or case and have an up or down vote. And i believe we can make the case for responsible, sensible gun safety legislation so that we keep guns out of the hands of criminals. If Speaker Boehner wont bring the bill to the floor well never have that opportunity. So i implore him to bring that bill to the floor, and let us have a vote, up or down. Lets listen to what the president says he hoped can be achieved with this legislation. Our actions will not prevent every senseless act of violence in this country. In fact, no laws, no initiatives, no administrative acts will perfectly solve all the challenges i have outlined tonight. But we were never sent here to be perfect. We were sent here to make what difference we can. That is something we keep hearing from the nra side of this argument. Oh, this wont stop every mass murderer. Well, no one says that every law stops every one who is interested in breaking that law. Well, that is absolutely right. And were not looking for the perfect solution, because there is no such thing as the perfect solution. What we are is looking to try to manage the risks. Close that incident of vulnerability if you will, so that we take as much risk out of this as possible. It means that we take guns out of the hands of criminals or those who are have some sort of Mental Illness that would preclude them from owning a weapon, because they have a form of Mental Illness that would bring harm to themselves or others. Look, in my case, as you pointed out earlier in the program, i was a young police cadet, i was 16 years old when i was accidentally shot and paralyzed. I was in the Police Locker room, the bullet went off accidentally, cut my spinal cord, i was paralyzed accidentally. Now, the accident happened with two police units, in the most safest environment. It just shows you the accident can happen anywhere, it was an accident. It just goes to show the answer to keeping our kids and communities safe is not more guns as the nra would suggest. Congressman, thank you very much for joining us tonight. And thank you for making the state of the union for meaningful for all of us, by coming up with the idea of inviting people who are victims of gun violence. Thank you, my guest was the man who lost his sister to gun violence, and many have powerful stories to tell. It puts a face on a really important issue. Well post some video on our website of what your guest, jim tyrell, had to say. Thank you. Coming up, Wayne Lapierre has an enemys list, and youre probably on it, especially if youre in a union, since the aflcio is on it, and im on it. Because the unions im in are members. And it is more likely if youre in any jewish organization. The madness and the antisemitism is in tonights rewrite. And more on the worldwide demonstrations against the abuse of women. Actor activist and board member, Rosario Dawson joins us, with the last word. In the u. S. , real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany . At t. Rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. Its just one reason over 75 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper average. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Request a prospectus or summary prospectu

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