december could it be their buying themselves enough time to ge the rest of the case, th broader case against trump o get in line? allen weisselberg, who i really the linchpin to all o this, get out of rikers tw weeks from tomorrow. we know five days from now h retained new council, becaus trump or it was not happy with the counsel he had thus far, nicholas gravante. he's now being represented by different trump paid for lawyer, which is to say in plain english, the lawyer that he is retained is being paid for b the trump organization they're clearly worried abou weisselberg being, you know, pressure to testify, maybe i future or ongoin investigations so, i think, you know, there's a statute of limitations piece here that dictate some of th timing, right, in terms of thi piece of the trump's wrongdoing but the broader fraud that may have taken place, the bigger c vance, the case with its origins in cy vance's office that may not be over under the stewardship of alvin bragg and the great andrew weissmann said on air it might not b over so, i listen to him, and i think that, you know, the ke players in this are maybe no done testifying. >> i think the thing that is i