the -- be on the cover of newsweek. these were his things. the were his talismans of hi life >> 100 assent so there is a special indignity. and i think a specia humiliation to having to wal into that courthouse where the central park five had to wal through, while he is sayin kill him, put him to death he has to walk in that scene building with a black da tha he showers with the suspect, and he is in no control. the whole manhattan myth o trump in the last thing i will say is, they filmed th apprentice in trump tower. but when i wrote my trump book one of the facts that i foun really fascinating was the took a conference room and the had to renault it, because trump tower was still 80s olds it wasn't new. it wasn't fresh. it wasn't sparkly. it is all a lie. everything about the apprentic and him is always a lie. >> i think, though, that if yo talk to domestic violent extremism experts, the paralle