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That program, slow rollout, only roughly 100 people signed up. Virtually every resident in the commonwealth is insured today. Health care reform in this state was a success. That doesnt mean it was perfect right away. Officials warn, the numbers would be low. That doesnt include those who enrolled in state exchanges. The state exchanges, which are essentially set up for free by the federal government in the states that accepted them, are doing very well. Its cranking out people that are joining up every day. Over the last three years, internal obstacles and bureaucratic molasses threatened the whole enterprise. When you go to the pulse center and find out how many residents in that state are being helped, you only shake your head as to why we arent doing that in every state of the union. All of this is in place right now. It is working right now. If there is a way that you can insure every one of your people or get them Affordable Health coverage, obviously, thats morally the right thing to do. Democrats, you just cannot give up you great to have you with us tonight. Thanks for watching. Everybody loves their dog. Im no different. I want to introduce you to my best buddy. This is buck. Hes 9 1 2 years old. I call him the buckster. And let me tell you something. There is no black lab in america that can hunt like that dog. He will hunt the same way every time. There could be one bird in the field, there could be 50,000. But let me tell you something. That loyal dog right there, that buckster, he gets after it. He knows how to get after it. And hes so great with the grandkids too. I dont know if you like black labs or not, i do. I think theyre fantastic. But this guy has been Something Special to our family. The only time he gets mad is when somebody is trying to take something from him. You know, if hes got a bone if you even walk near him, hes [ growling sound ] and we have another black lab named ducky, and ducky comes over and tries to grab the trainer from buck and thats when he really gets mad. Hes like a pitbull. He just will not let it go. Thats how we have to be. We have to be loyal to the cause, we have to hunt the same way every day, no matter how many birds or how much negati negativity is out there. We go after it the same way every time. Thats how you win. Maybe youre in the locker room tonight, which is okay with me. But ill tell you what, there has been an onslaught of negativity on health care in this country which just baffles my mind. Why is it that people in the media have a fascination with failure . They will take a number and they will make a negative story out of it. Well, sometimes theres only one bird in the field. But if you harvest in it, youre going to eat good tonight. Why is it that we have people in the media in this country that, as i said, are fixed on failure, or fixated with something negative that they just want to drive home. But do they understand the Human Element of this . About how this is hurting people if obama care doesnt succeed . Now i want to profoundly point out again, everybody who is in front of the cable cameras and everybody who is in front of the network cameras, theyre doing pretty well. Theyre not on minimum wage. And they have all got health care. Most of them have never had a Health Care Struggle in their life. But yet theyre almost like Promotional Items on negative numbers. Were america. Were americans. We have done a lot of great things generation after generation. Weve called on people to sacrifice, and we have survived as a great nation. Why is it that all of a sudden, we have this huge conflict in this pitbull mentality that we just wont give up . The mainstream media, i believe, wants obama care to fail. They look for every negative number they can find. Theyre afraid to do a positive story, because theyre afraid that somebody might not watch. The media is just cherry picking the bad facts that are out there, repeating them over and over again, and in many cases, theyre making stuff up. Well, here we go. The wall street journal now says well theres only fewer than 50,000 people who have signed up for obama care. Through healthcare. Gov. It must be a failure. Sure enough, heres what cable news looked like earlier today. Good morning, its tuesday, november 12th, im elisabeth hasselbeck. Well, the numbers are out and they dont look good for the white house. New reports this morning revealing that less than 50,000 people enrolled in obama care. New reports showing less than 50,000 people have signed up so far through the federal exchanges. This has a long way to go. Wall street journal reports fewer than 50,000 americans successfully signed up. Fewer than 50,000 people have enrolled through the federal health care website. Fewer than 50,000 have actually bought insurance. Less than 50,000 people signed up for plans on healthcare. Gov, in almost six weeks since the obama care marketplace opened. Its almost as if you can have one team produce for everybody. Because theyre all saying the same thing. The 50,000 number is only the federal exchange. It does not include the state exchanges. Heres a fact that you wont find on the curvy couch on fox. The same wall street journal article points out that roughly 7,000 people have completed applications in all 50 states for obama care. These people have not officially signed up. Theyre just kind of shopping, you know . Looking for the best deal. They dont have to do it right now. Heres another obscure number for you. Over 440,000 people have signed up for medicaid through obama care. These numbers would be even better if more states would have opted for the Medicaid Expansion. As of now, 25 states have decided not, not, not to expand. Why . Hell, i dont know. They hate the president. Its socialism. Its whatever they want to make it. Its nothing but a snub to the president , as every economist out there says that expanding medicaid would save states a ton of money in the long run. For example, a study from the urban institute shows that state and local governments pay roughly 10. 5 b, billion, in uncompensated care each year. Now what is uncompensated care . Gosh, ed, this is a term i dont follow the news very much. Whats uncompensated care. That means people go to a hospital, they get care, they dont get any money, they get care anyway, and somebody else gets stuck with the beal. If more people had medicaid, the burden on the state governments would drastically drop. Republican governors are refusing to help their own people. They are all part of the mission to destroy obama care and protect the corporations. Now, next we have another fact that i think that we should all keep in mind. If you look back at romney cares enrollment in massachusetts, hey, it was a pretty slow start. In the first month of open enrollment, only 123 people have signed up. Thats. 03 of the total number today. Grasp that. A fraction of the people who have eventually signed up in massachusetts for romney care, this was the first month number. But you know nationally, can you do a comparison . You sure can. 50,000 aint bad. In fact, 50,000 is a comparable step to what we have seen here. By the end of the first year, 36,000 people had enrolled at the end of first year. This is the benchmark weve got to have. Now, if were sitting here a year from now, before the midterms and theres only 50,000 people that have signed up for obama care, im sold. It sucks. But just because obama care is off to a slow start does not mean that its going to fail. But every anchoring cable, whoa, only 50,000 people have signed up, it must be terrible. Off to a terrible run here. People still have four and a half months to sign up for obama care. Nobodys pressuring you. Its an option. And its a good option. Its the right thing to do. Meanwhile, after voting to repeal obama care 43 times, john boehner is now planning a different vote. The House Speaker is outraged that junk insurance policies are getting cancelled under obama care. Hes really concerned about all of these people that are getting notices. So boehner is planning a vote to protect Junk Health Insurance policies next week. He released a statement saying this. What americans want to hear is that the president is going to keep his promise. Thats why the house will vote next week to allow anyone with a Health Care Plan they like to keep it. Well, isnt that just fantastic . The corporations give you a lousy policy, the republicans are going to let you keep it. Arent they great people . If they throw a piece of junk in front of you, and you happen to like it, you can keep it. Its not good for you or your family or anybody around you or you, especially. But you can keep it. Thats how much the republicans love the corporations. Theyre even going to hold another vote. Theyre fixated on this comment that president obama made last week when he apologized to those who were getting cancellation notices. Not a very artful way to put the term, mr. President. You have been perfect on a lot of stuff. Could have used some different verbiage. What president obama should have said is that you may be getting a cancellation, but you can get a hell of a lot better deal in the exchange. Look, im not in charge of white house messaging or democratic messaging. Im just a guy from the middle of the country who has opinions and wants to say stuff nobody else is saying. Oh, by the way, did you know kentucky has now got over 40,000 people enrolled in obama care . Gosh. How could obama care have the state exchange in kentucky over 40,000 and nationally weve evenly got 50,000 . The state exchanges is what this was all about the states that have gone into the state exchanges and set up their own exchanges are widely successful. But you see, the people that put this health care together, this plan together called obama care, which the republicans hate, they were actually statesmen. They were doing it for the good of the order, the good of the people. And they didnt think there was going to be this pushback the way they have seen when it comes to obstruction. Just keep in mind, republican governors who have said no to the Medicaid Expansion are doing one thing. Theyre hurting families, and theyre hurting the poor and its morally wrong. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think. Tonights question. Are republicans only interested in protecting junk insurance . Text a for yes, text b for no to 67622. You can always go to our blog at ed. Msnbc. Com. Well bring the results later on in the show. I was going to have a text question. Do you think i should let buck hunt with dick cheney. But i thought we shouldnt do that one tonight. For more, lets bring in congressman Elijah Cummings of maryland. Good to have you with us tonight. Appreciate your time. Good to be with you, ed. Were you expecting this low enrollment early on, and are you alarmed as all the tv anchors are that only 50,000 people have signed up nationally for obama care . I expected a low enrollment, because i had studied the massachusetts plan just like you did, ed. And so, you know, i expected that. The other thing that i did not expect early on is that so many governors would have refused to expand medicaid. Because that would have taken care of a lot of people. But unfortunately, they did not. But i, like you, ed, believe that as time goes on, a lot of people will be sign uping up. The interest is phenomenal. And, again, weve had some problems with the website. But todd par, the technology superstar who is working on this, has made it clear that by december 1st, we should see vast improvements in the website. And so im looking forward to that. Would you see these negative reports out there, and theres no comparison to what has happened with massachusetts, their first month of rolling it out, why do you think the public is slow . Why only 50,000 . Is it because of the negativity in the media, the constant pounding, the 43 votes to repeal it, the mindset that this is bad and all the negative actually, its negative promotion. Its not negative reporting. I mean, theyre promoting something to fail, as i see it. Thats the way i view it. Your thoughts. Well, i think that there are a number of factors here, ed. Number one, is the constant drum beat of negativity. And then, of course, we have our republican friends who have spent a phenomenal amount of time voting against this over 40 times. Not always giving the whole truth and nothing but the truth about it. And so i think people can get a little pessimistic. But on the other hand, ed, when i talk to folks in my district, they are patient. They remember back in 2005 when we had the rollout of the medicaid part d, the prescription program, remember all the difficulties that came up with that. But my seniors are delighted with that program now. Theyre doing fine. Sure. And they barely remember it. So, you know, remember all the problems. And so i think we have to be patient. And one of the things that concerns me, ed, is that, you know, were supposed to be in a cando nation. A nation that says we can accomplish things and get things done. But suddenly we have a number of people acting as if america is not the great nation it is. We will get this done. Failure is not an option at all. Because like you said, ed, there are so many people. And i want to thank you, ed, for putting out those stories and letting people know how important this is to so Many Americans who dont have insurance. And it seems to me, ed, that there is a deliberate effort on the part of our republican friends to deprive me as a people of the opportunity to be to purchase insurance and have just that wellbeing, that feeling of wellbeing, that if they get sick, that they have at least some remedies to get well. Congressman Elijah Cummings, great to have you with us tonight. Really appreciate your time. Thanks so much for joining us on the ed show. Thank you. Remember to answer tonights question at the bottom of your screen, share your thoughts on twitter and facebook. And, of course, we always want to know what you think. You know, ive often thought that if someone who was economically challenged in their life, had some tough luck in the job market, and didnt have insurance, if they were given the news, what would it sound like . What would it sound like to all of us who would be viewing that particular person giving the news who may have a health issue and no insurance . What would it sound like . Sometimes i think we have a hard time in this business grasping who actually is watching and the people that we are affecting. When you turn to someone and you tell them that youre going to get insurance and you dont have to worry about going broke, all the positives that are out there, and then you think about politicians in washington who have voted over 40 times to take that away from americans, you have to question the moral compass of the country. Coming up. Well talk to a steel worker from ohio who lost his job. He claims Governor John Kasich has done not a whole lot for jobs. He lied to us. He laughed at us. He would have paid a dead deer along the side of the road more attention than he paid us. As a working mom of two young boys life could be hectic. Angies list saves me a lot of time. 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Where is your Christmas Spirit . The number three trender. Deck the halls. Isnt it amazing, the attack, the assault . Its just unbridled and seemingly unprecedented against christmas. You sit on a throne of lies. Sarah palin, lights up the war on christmas. There is an attack on christmas, which is kind of the tip of the spear when it comes to an even greater battle brewing. This is war. There are double standards being applied to those who wish to celebrate christmas. Those who would i refer to them as scrooges. And a bah humbug to you. They are usually angry atheists. Sounds like you love christmas. The number two trender. Supreme irony. Craig has undergone dna testing to determine genetic ancestry. Craig cobb, a white supremacist, is trying to turn a tooib north dakota town into an enclave of the. Cob is called one of the extreme white supreme efforts and neonazis in the country. A white supremacist from north dakota discovers his roots. 86 european. And [ laughter ] 14 sub saharan african. How could this have happened . A black white supremacist. You have a little black in you. Well, thats awkward. Hey, bro. In todays top trender. All the wage. The gop they really dont care what the country in general thinks. 7. 25 is totally obscene. What is the price that you want from these working men and women . When does the greed stop . Three quarters of americans back a minimum wage increase. Minimum wage just doesnt cut it for working families anymore. Wages have to keep pace in inflation and the only people who can make a difference are voters at home. We already have the overwhelming majority of the American People on our side. Joining me now, john nichols, washington correspondent of the nation magazine. John, profoundly, a lot of polling out there, i cant find one conservative issue that seems to be outdoing progressives issues. This is a very progressive number, when youve got 76 of the American People think that those who are on the lower income scale should be making more, raise the minimum wage. What do we take from this . Well, i think we take that this has really moved a lot. In fact, this is based off a new gallup poll, that 76 number, and that moved from 71 earlier this year. Whats really significant in this, 76 of americans want to go to a 9 minimum wage. And 69 want to tether or connect that minimum wage increase to inflation, so that future increases will come automatically. So weve really moved on this issue. What does this tell the democrats, liberals in 2014 run on Economic Issues, stand with workers . I mean, when you look at the largest voting block, which is that of independents, how in the world can you get a 76 of the American People want the minimum wage to be higher than it is right now, and not have independents . I mean, this is a knock it out of the park issue for the democrats. It absolutely is, ed. And heres the interesting thing. You win 91 of democrats. Thats important for democrats, because it gets their base out. You win roughly 75, 76 of independents. Thats important with them. But heres the wild thing. You win 58 of republicans in favor of that 9 minimum wage. So Chris Christie, okay, a lot made of his reelection last week. Fact is, he lost on this issue in new jersey. People thats right. People are willing accept candidate. But theyre also willing to address Economic Issues that American Families are struggling. We just had a report last week come out from the Social Security administration that the Median Income in this country is now down to 27,000. People get it. No, they absolutely do, ed. And heres the important thing. In new rsey, they up the minimum wage by 1. And the percentage of people in favor of increasing the minimum wage and tying it to inflation so it will automatically go up was the same as the percentage that voted for christie. Unfortunately, a lot of our media gets excited about the personality of Chris Christie, but misses the issue of this passionate support for increasing the minimum wage. And we ought to remember that across this country, a 9 minimum wage is not thats just a baseline increase. There are people fighting in other places for substantially more, in seattle for as much as 15 an hour. In congress, congressman miller and senator harkin have proposed a 10. 10 hour minimum wage. The fact of the matter is that new jersey increase up to, you know, a little over 8 bucks an hour, thats really just a start of where this thing could, and frankly, should go. Where are conservatives polling well . Well, thats a good question, ed. You know, the fact of the matter is that they seem to be looking for the picayune oh issues, the places where they can attack Something Like obama care, something that they see a problem with. But if you look at an issue where theyre aggressively promoting an idea, they dont seem to be doing very well. At all. And if there is a core issue, if there is a core issue, its these Economic Justice issues. And on these, again, were seeing majorities of republicans saying its time to get working on raising those wages for working americans. All right. John nichols, washington correspondent of the nation. Always good to have you with us tonight. Thank you. Coming up, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is being touted as a big 2016 contender. But thats not what a new nbc news poll shows. Plus, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker thinks a prank call was actually a message from god. But im taking your questions next. Ask ed live coming up. Stay with us. You get your coffee here. You get your hair cut here. You find that certain thing you were looking for here, but actually you get so much more. 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Yes, i do. Keep in mind, 14 republicans have already told john boehner, theyre quitting. Democrats right now, if the election were held today, feel very confident they could pick up 26 seats. They feel like they have to defend about 24 seats vigorously. So do the math. They win all of those, its going to be a change in this country. Our next question is coming from betty gouer. Why is lara logan still employed at cbs . First, i dont know if she is lying. But i know one thing her story was terribly wrong and just saying they made a mistake i think is really a little bit light after what dan rather went through. But somebody ought to be paying the price for this, with their job. Because and i think it should be pointed out that 60 minutes over the decades has been somewhat of the Gold Standard in journalism. And for them to pass off a mistake as big as they made on benghazi, which has been the focal point of what the conservatives have tried to bring this president down with, i think is pretty big stuff. The fact that Lindsay Graham wouldnt even call out cbs for lousy reporting i think speaks volumes. Keep in mind, on the benghazi story, there were House Republicans who were saying that they should impeach the president. Thats how damaging this story was in many regards. Stick around. Rapid Response Panel is next. Im seema mody with your cnbc market wrap. The dow lost 32 points. The s p 500 down 4. And the nasdaq up just under 1 point. Usairways and American Airlines are set to merge. This after reaching a settlement with the Justice Department to give up landing and takeoff slots at key airports. Small business sent the dow down in october as owners concerned about the Government Shutdown pulled back on hiring plans. 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Life with Crohns Disease ois a daily game of what ifs. What if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts . What if i eat the wrong thing . What if . What if i suddenly have to go . What if . But what if the most important question is the one youre not asking . What if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation . For help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit crohnsandcolitisadvocates. Com to connect with a patient advocate from abbvie for onetoone support and education. Thanks for watching tonight. The 2016 president ial election, its more than 1,000 days away. But, of course, its never too early for polls, is it, especially when you have names like this. The marquis names from both parties are right there, front and center. Since winning his reelection, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is the new media darling. Hes been hailed by many in the media as the gops new hope. Thats largely because christie managed to do something most republicans are desperate to accomplish. Hes captured both the hispanic votes and the womens vote in his state. But those numbers would mean nothing if Chris Christie was up against Hillary Clinton today. According to the latest nbc news poll, clinton has a tenpoint lead over christie in a hypothetical matchup, 44 34 . Clinton also leads christie among africanamericans by 80 points. Clinton leads christie among 18 to 29yearolds in this country by 14 points. Clinton leads christie among latinos by 11 points. Keep in mind, those are the same voting blocks credited with getting barack obama elected twice. So where is Chris Christies advantage . He leads by four points among whites. Three points among seniors. The big shocker here, 12 points among respondents who make 75,000 a year or more. Not exactly solving the dire demographic challenges the republicans have right now. But certainly the most encouraging numbers any republican has put up. But up against hillary, it would be a big lift. Joining me now, our rapid Response Panel, bob shrum. Democratic strategist, professor at nyu, Pulitzer Prize Winning National columnist, connie schultz. Connie, lie i look at these numbers from hillary, its amazing. She is polling fantastic in the south. She beats Chris Christie everywhere. Is there too early a judgment being made here . Could we be susceptible to hillary burnout . What do you think . Is it too early . Lets just look at what happened last week in the virginia governors race. Do you remember that . You and i talked about it last week, and the poll numbers looked really great for now governor elect mcauliffe and he barely won. So, yeah, i think this is a little early. I think most americans have no idea who Chris Christie is. And i think his big blow hard image in new jersey is not going to play well, particularly here in the midwest. Only 32 of republican respondents said they would vote for christie, while 31 said they would rather have another candidate. Bob shrum, whats his heavy lift . Inside the Republican Party. If you look within those numbers, he does pretty well and in fact quite well in the northeast and mid atlantic states. He does badly in the west, in the south, in states like iowa. And thats those are the states that are going to control the republican nomination. He is hes just not the right cup of tea for these folks. Look, you have senator jim inhofe from oklahoma complaining he gave obama the election because he did his job son sandy instead of playing politics at the time. This is a guy who as conservative as he is favors some little bit of gun control and also somebody who refused to appeal the Marriage Equality ruling. He was going to lose that appeal flatout. So he didnt do it. So i think youre going to see huge resistance. Hes the establishment favorite. But on the other side, you have the tea party fanatics, and i think they may control 2016 in the Republican Party. Connie, give us a pulse. Who plays better in ohio right now, which, of course, is always going to be a linchpin to the election . In ohio, Hillary Clinton, or oh Chris Christie . Because you look at the womens vote that took place, unmarried women, single moms, in virginia, heavily it went to terry mcauliffe. Now, in ohio, i think the states somewhat are pretty much the same on some issues. Your thoughts on that. Who would take ohio right now . Well, the womens issues loom so i hate to call them womens issues because men who love women should also care about these issues. Sure. And theyre looming so large here in ohio, with whats going on with our state legislature. So that issue is key for Hillary Clinton. I am one of those, though, as much as i love the thought of a Hillary Clinton candidacy, i dont want us acting like its a given that she is going to be the nominee. Because i think that really hurt her in 2008. And keep in mind, she did very well here in ohio in 2008. Yes, she did. She did very well. Where is that competition going to come from, bob shrum . I dont think theres going to be a kind of huge competition to her for the nomination. I think the situation is different than it was in 2008. First of all, i think democrats who really wanted change in 2008 and she ran as a candidate of experience, are going to look at 2016 and say we really want to win this election. The Supreme Court is at stake for a generation. The kind of numbers youre talking about today are going to be very powerful. Secondly, i think the desire for a woman is very high. Thirdly, by the time she was winning ohio in 2008, she was a very effective candidate. She wasnt in the early part of the process. I think she will start where she left off in 2008. And if she doesnt run, you know, then i think youre going to see a kind of wideopen field. But the idea that, for example, l Elizabeth Warren who signed a letter asking her to run is going to run against her is hot air and her journalism. Connie, does it if i could frame this question without getting in too much trouble, doesnt hillary almost have a caulki calling, a duty to do this . She is one of the most Accomplished Women in this country. I mean, former first lady, former senator, secretary of state. Her name recognition through the roof. She and in this poll, nbc news, she is polling very well in the south of all places, which, of course, plays to the womens issues that i know you dont like to call them that. But what am i supposed to call them . No, no, i wasnt objecting. Because you care about them too. Doesnt she have almost a calling to do this . I would like to avoid all messiahic references. You hear politicians all of the time say well, i had to run because so many people were asking me to run. Which means his mother called and said honey, you should really do this. I think we should really avoid all talk that way. And its a huge decision to make. You know the toll it takes to well, none of us knows as intimately as someone who has run for president. It is a big undertaking and i want her to be in because she is all in. Not because she is dragged in. I think that makes a huge difference in what kind of candidate we get. And it is going to be the middle class vote again, the middle block income in america is the biggest voting block. Bob shrum, how do the republicans win that . I dont see how they do in their present posture. Right now theyre out there fighting against the middle class as you pointed out earlier in this show, fighting against raising the minimum wage. I agree entirely with connie. These womens issues are issues that matter to a lot of men. After all, were married or have daughters. And we care about their future and their rights. So look across the broad swath of middle class issues. And you say, the republicans dont have much. Even Chris Christie is more style than substance when you get to these bedrock Economic Issues in the middle class. What about rick perry, being a conservative in new jersey may not be a conservative for the rest of the country . Connie, what about that . I know i hang on rick perrys every word. You have to, connie. Otherwise you might miss something. Im not going to take his authority on much of anything in this country. I dont think he knows whats going on in texas half the time. Thats very true. But, of course, you have to give me credit. Theyve got a weak bench. Im trying to do something. I know you are. But i want to say this, though. I am very excited to ever hear the name Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton in the same sentence. That means were talking about women plural, possibly, running for president. And im 56 years old. Ive waited a long time for this conversation. Well, thats kind of the line of the questioning i was bringing forward. I mean, i think there are a lot of people in this country such as yourself that would like to see hillary do this. What about Elizabeth Warren . She is more liberal than hillary. Is that debate needed . Well, she is certainly resonating, i think what she is doing. She has been so consistent in her fight on behalf of working americans. And she is really taking on wall street, which also resonates. But i dont think she is going to run. I believe her when she says that she is not going to run. Okay. Bob shrum, connie schultz, great to have you with us. Thanks so much. Coming up, ohio governor, john kasich, promised job creation. But failed to stop an aluminum plant from closing. He could have done more. Ill speak to one of the workers who wants answers. Thats next. Stay with us. Retirement plan. I started parttime, now im a manager. My employer matches my charitable giving. Really. 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I suggest the title be Something Like this. Are you there, god, its me scottie. In the book, walker says one phone revealed god had a plan for him. The governor references a recorded conversation that showed just how corrupt he truly is. Well, we were thinking about the crowds planting some troublemakers. You know, the well, the only problem with because we thought about that. My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that that would scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has got to settle to avoid all of these problems. Oh. Walker considered putting nonviolent protesters in harms way for his political gain. He did not follow through, but he did not deny having the disgusting idea in a press conference the next day. Weve had all sorts of options brought to us by staff, options brought to us by staff, by the lawmakers, by people all across the state. As you heard of the tape we dismissed it. Were wondering what devine plan walker says god had for him. All he did next was lie. In the same book walker says he never considered putting troublemakers in the crowd. The governor has never made the truth a priority. But if he thinks outright lying is gods plan too, he can keep on pretending. Aaah aaaaah theres a guy on the window do something, dad aaaah aaaah what is happening . Theyre rate suckers. Their bad driving makes Car Insurance more expensive for the rest of us. Good thing theres snapshot from progressive. Snap it in and get a discount based on your good driving. Stop paying for rate suckers. Try snapshot free at progressive. Com. Is caused by people looking fore traffic parking. Y thats remarkable that so much energy is, is wasted. 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More than a thousand workers in Southeast Ohio are out of a job and frustrated after the corporation aluminum plant was forced to shut down. Ormit closed its plant last month after state utility regulators rejected portions of its proposed deal for reducing electricity costs. Governor john kasich has framed himself as a moderate guy who changed the face of the Republican Party but he has done nothing to help them. Im very angry at john kasich. The governor could have made one phone call and wed all still be working. I cant start over. Why should i have to start over . It does not have to be this way. Just a little help, we can get this place going again and everybody can go on with their lives. Weve requested a sitdown interview with the governor, but have not accomplished that as of yet. Kasichs Spokesman Says the plant received nearly 350 million in power discounts from American Electric power customers. But it wasnt enough to, quote, overcome industry conditions. This economy has stalled and people dont know what the futures going to bring. And when people are uncertain about the future, they sit on their wallets. And thats why were not seeing the kind of Economic Growth that we need to see thats so vital to creating jobs here in the state of ohio. Kasich ran on a promise of growth, but ohio is 44th in the nation for job creation and Income Growth is nonexistent. As a congressman, we need to point kasich voted to outsource jobs. As governor, kasich is responsible in the eyes of some for the closure and has done nothing to bring the jobs back to the state. This is another example of the gop using greed and politics to hurt hard working americans. Today hundreds of members of the united Steel Workers union, former employees of ormit and their families asked to sign a petition calling for governor kasich to save these jobs. For more on this, lets turn to tom welch, one of the workers impacted by the plant closure. He joins us tonight. Mr. Welch, good to have you on the program. I want to ask you what could john kasich do . What do workers want governor kasich to do . All the governor had to do was make one phone call and tell them to ask aep to give us another break. We werent asking for a break forever. We had the intention of building our own power plant. But we needed a break until that happened. He didnt make the phone call. He didnt care enough. What kind of break . What did you want the governor to do . Make some guarantees that these jobs werent going to go away at all costs . We needed a Payment Program with aep that we could survive on. The aluminum has been down for quite some time, but its starting to show some signs of recovery, scene we were hoping to get a power break so we could survive long enough for the aluminum industry to recover. We think its going that way. You think its going that way. Now, it would seem to me that conservatives would be saying this is just Market Forces taking place. Is that what youre hearing . It we keep hearing that theres a lot of reasons why the aluminum industry hasnt recovered any faster, but there is some plants that are restarting. And we kind of hoped we would keep going so wed be there when the price did get better. Didnt work out that way. Has governor kasich made any effort to inject his executive authority to make something happen for the workers . Has he done anything . Oh, yeah. He shot us down. He hasnt done anything positive. And the comment about the dead deer, that could have been a thousand dead Steel Workers on the side of the road and he wouldnt look at them either. He didnt care. He simply didnt care. He took care of his friends. He listened to aep. They did what he told them to do. That was it. We were up against it. We were done. Is so you think that governor kasich chose sides instead of thinking about jobs and economic development. You think he made a political decision as much as anything else . Absolutely. A thousand families on the far eastern banks of ohio overlooking West Virginia, he couldnt care less about. These hill counties he never cared about. Ohio doesnt start until the ground gets flat. Ohio these hill go ahead. Its just that everybody around here always said that a high doesnt start until the ground gets flat. Theyd give these counties to West Virginia if they would take them. Hed give away a portion of the state if theyd take them. To enable the plant to resume full operations. It seems to me that kasich has got some allies on this as well, correct

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