It than members of the committee . The way to think about it is a corporate trojan horse. We can get president obama thinking correctly on this. There are still plenty of details to work out. But we are confident that we can do so. Pump up the jam good to have you with us tonight, folks. Full disclosure off the top. I gained six pounds in england. My back is sore. Im a little owly tonight. And normally when im owly, i tell it like it is, so fasten your seatbelt, okay . Now this show tonight is all about trying to get president obama to see the world the way liberals see it on this particular issue. We dont want to steer the president wrong. But this is one of these stories that the tea party and unions intersect. Thats right. See, the tea partiers are always out there saying we want our country back. Question is tonight, do you want to give it away . The tea partiers always say that theyre about the constitution. Well, lets talk about the constitution tonight in sovereignty. Now, good, middle class jobs are on the verge of being sold out. And theres very few people talking about it. And i want to know why. Theres in the news, the budget. Obama care. Now were talking immigration again. But there is also the transpacific partnership. And this, of course, is a free trade deal that is anything but transparent. That is the first red flag for every american. And i want to tell you, if this deal passes, it will be the largest Free Trade Agreement in american history. Thats not good. This is a story that every american i believe needs to Pay Attention to, and make no mistake, this trade partnership is dangerous for america. I dont want to use republican rhetoric talking points, but this is a fact. This is going to be a wagekiller. This is going to be a jobkeller. And there is simply no up side for American Workers. So tonight, im asking the democrats, can you make a full statement on this . I would like to hear where nancy pelosi stands on this. I would like to hear from the Progressive Democratic caucus. I would like to hear from the congressional black caucus. Because across the board, i dont think that democrats can go around the country talking about how they support the middle class and then fast track this hummer. The partnership would, of course, consistent of 12 countries. The United States, mexico, canada is going to be in there. And, of course, japan, singapore, vietnam and australia. And i should point out, there are disenting voices in a lot of those countries. South korea, by the way, is also considering joining the partnership, but, of course, negotiations are being held blind closed doors in secrecy. The white house has barred members of congress from discussing specific terms of the deal. But some members of congress are speaking out. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter of new york put out a press release highlighting the massive trade deficit with south korea. As of august, the trade deficit with south korea was over 14 billion. Congresswoman slaughter also wrote a letter to president obama, saying, i am increasingly concerned our trade negotiators are making the same mistakes made in previous trade agreements. Now, these agreements, she says, have decimated American Manufacturing jobs and companies. Amen to that, and the numbers are there to back it up. She is absolutely spoton. Since nafta was passed in 1994, its estimated that 5 Million Manufacturing jobs in this country have been lost. Over 60,000 manufacturing facilities have been closed. Now, to qualify that number, this is manufacturing jobs of 25 or more in a shop. 60,000. Ohio senator Sherrod Brown is also speaking out about the dangers of the deal. Heres what he told me back in september. The congress and administrations of both parties dont seem to have learned much about trade when it was nafta, when it was pntr, with china, a host of smaller countries and then it was kafta and each time promised jobs and each time our trade deficit grows. Im as concerned as you are where a company can sue a company has a right to sue another country, to actually sue the government of another country. That undermines all kinds of democratically attained health and safety rules and regulations. And senator brown from ohio is totally correct. About u. S. Sovereignty. This is where the tea party should be alarmed. According to a leaked document, Foreign Corporations within the United States would be permitted to appeal key american legal rulings to an international tribunal. Holy smokes, Michele Bachmann, where are you . A number of unions have come out against the deal, including the communication workers of america, and the aflcio. Cwa president larry cohen wrote an oped. U. S. Workers will again lose out, multinational corporations in this continuing race to the bottom well be happy to send jobs to vietnam and every other subsistence wage nation. Meanwhile, hold the phone. There seems to be only one democrat on board so far with the tpp. We can do even more when it comes to exports. Which is why im out there negotiating the transpacific partnership, and now Transatlantic Trade Partnership that will allow us to create a high standard, enforceable, meaningful trade agreement with essentially twothirds of the worlds markets, which is going to be incredible powerful for American Companies who up until this point have often been locked out. Time out. President obama, can you tell us who is counseling you on this one . Because youre getting some bad advice. Oh, by the way, you know is who is for this . The koch brothers. Wow. Thats what i thought when i started reading up on this. This could be president obamas worst move ever. We need to make sure he doesnt do it. This isnt about being against president obama. This is about being for American Workers. There is no way that democrats can go around this country and claim they are supporting the middle class and let this go untouched. It is the height of hypocrisy to allow this to be fasttracked, with no pushback whatsoever. The tpp has been crafted behind closed doors. I cant say that enough. There has been no public debate. I mean, id love to come out here and tell you every damn detail about this deal, but i cant. Its impossible, because of the secre secrecy. One thing i do know, this deal verifies that multinational corporations control the economy of the United States. I would like to know, who is president obama listening to . Fair question. We should not be handing over our u. S. Sovereignty to Foreign Corporations who are pissed off the way we do business or pass laws in this country it is bad for workers and president obama needs to stand up and rethink this entire thing. And let me point out that labor carried president obama to two terms in the white house. And i think you could make the case, if it werent for labor, president obama might not even be in the white house. Now, there were a lot of things that were gelling to get the president elected and reelected. But lets face it. Labor boots on the ground, their infrastructure, they had a heck of a lot to do with it, and they have a heck of a lot to lose right now. Democrats need to stand up and fight on the tpp, or oh at least can we have an open conversation about it . It should be a wakeup call for the middle class in this country. And no, im not a turn coat on president obama, nor am i a turncoat on the democrats. Im for American Workers, and have been for years. I am for rebuilding the middle class in this country. This story is headed in the wrong direction for democrats. And workers in this country. And i find it very interesting how the tea party is so silent about the National Sovereignty issue. This might even qualify for a march. What are all these radical right wing talkers who claim theyre for america. Oh, this is free markets . No. Bottom line, folks, this is a point where we have to draw the line. We have to have some level of protectionism in this country if we are going to rebuild the american middle class and be a strong economic engine again. If you think 7. 2 unemployment is good and things are getting better, you pass this, youre going to see a lot of jobs in vietnam for 25 cents an hour. I tweeted out today, if youre a parent, think about your son or daughter a few years from now, losing a job to somebody in vietnam for that kind of wage. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think. Tonights question. Should president obama give the country more details on the tpp . Text a for yes, text b for no to 67622, always go to our blog at ed. Msnbc. Com. Well bring the results later on in the show. Let me bring in congresswoman Louise Slaughter of new york and the president of the communication workers of america, larry cohen. Great to have both of you with us tonight. Congresswoman, you first. Why is president obama advocating for this . Whats the up side . I will tell you, theres absolutely no evidence that any of the trade agreements that the United States has made since ive been in congress have benefited in any way the american manufacturer or the american worker. Weve been desperately hurt. I represent an area in upstate new york, rochester, new york. Eastman kodak when nafta was signed was a great going concern and has now just gone through bankruptcy. Something that nobody would have ever expected. Im worried about tpp, because Hickey Freeman is one of the last wonderful Iconic Companies in my district. And we understand that tpp benefits vietnam to the extent that they will have privileges that we dont have. I also have a bill to stop what were doing and to give us an opportunity with snapback and the way we regard these things. Remember, ed, its not the tariff that hurts us. What hurts us are the the barriers that they throw up to keep them from accepting our oh goods. Sure. Why is the president i find it very i dont know. We talked i talked with him before korea. There were 26 car dealers and all south korea that sold american cars. And now as you pointed out earlier, that we are really coming out the short end again on this trade. Its like we cant call ourselves a super power if everything in the world that we need in this world is made someplace else and we have to import it. Okay. It makes no sense to me. None. Larry cohen, how can democrats run around the country, say theyre for the middle class and allow this to slip through . They cant do it. But they cannot do that. But fortunately, not only member slaughter, but 133 other democrats have already signed on to a letter authored by rosa de lore of connecticut and George Miller of california saying to the president , no fast track, no trade promotion authority, unless we get workers rights and environmental rights. The environmental side is at at least as bad. And for us to continue on this track, is insanity. What about the u. S. Congresswoman may i . Go ahead. I just want to tell you, the reason you dont have fast track is in 2007, i was chair of the rules committee. Fast track is part of the purview of the rules committee, and we took it away. Okay. And im im working with george and rosa to say that were not going to the president is asking for fast track. The president is asking for fast track in his economic meeting, thats what he talked about, which i find puzzling. There is no doubt that this is going to be a wage killer and a job killer. This is going to be outsourcing on steroids. Let me just add, ed, its not only the 25 cent an hour minimum wage in vietnam, which is 3 of our pathetically low minimum wage, 3 . But also service jobs. And the philippines alone, which is poised to become number 13 or 14, because other nations can join. 750,000 Call Center Jobs have gone there in the last ten years, almost all the customers are in the United States. How do we expect to revive an economy if we send those kinds of jobs out of this country . No other nation does it. Only this country is doing it. Thats not growth. Its not. Congresswoman, what about the u. S. Sovereignty issues . Well, i weve given it away. You know, it started you mean to tell me in this agreement, in this if this agreement goes through, multinationals are going to be able to go to an International Body that will circumvent u u. S. Law. World trade organization. They complain about our clean air, clean water, our environmental legislation. As a trade barrier to them. How stupid is that . Are all unions against this, larry . I think, again, we work in a broader front. I think virtually all unions are against it. But just as importantly, its green peace, its the sierra club. Its food safety organizations. Its consumer groups. This is a broad array of organizes with millions of american members that are saying to this president , you know, listen to us. Not just the 600 multinationals who dont care where they earn their profits. Their profit is going to be earns anywhere. And, in fact its easier to turn the profits abroad. Once they have earned those profits abroad, they want to bring them back here, no taxation. Thats true and they want to park it off shore. We are still the biggest market in the world and we would be foolish again to give away the jobs that we have in our future. Congresswoman, why the secrecy . Why is this behind closed doors . A lot of consultants know more about this than congress . Of course they do. And i think when you pointed out there is not a lot of talk about it, bless you for doing this. I dont know of any other commentators who are really concentrating on this. There is no talk about it, because nobody knows about it. Now im going to go up next week to some secret spot and look and see what theyre doing about the world trade in vietnam. As far as i know, thats all i get to look at. It makes no sense. I thats one of the reasons we dont want fast track. Am i wrong to assume the economy still has a chance to say something. Am i wrong to assume that these constitutionalists over in the tea party who are concerned about sovereignty where are they on this . I never know where they are, to be honest with you. See a number of them join in, and as you said, its a weird coalition for all of us. But frankly, for American Workers and for those who care about the world environment, we dont have a choice. Well take whatever it takes to stop this and to change it. We want the president to have a trade promotion authority, fast track, that makes sense for the environment, makes sense for food safety, makes sense for jobs. Its not too late, ed, and i think if you continue to bring this out, we can get some momentum behind this issue. Well, and were talking about the budget and obama care and now immigration. But this as alan grayson says is a punch in the face to the middle class. And thats you agree with that, congresswoman . Absolutely. And i was not a left to send american jobs somewhere else. Well put. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, great to have both of you. I will not get off this story. Ive done this story once or twice before on this program. But there will be new developments. What we need to do is give this as much exposure as we can from middle class americans who are going to be affected so maybe the president will come out and hold a press conference or at least send his consultants out, whoever is counseling him on this, and explain to the American People, just give me the up side. Just give me the up side. Remember to answer tonights question at the bottom of the screen, share your thoughts on twitter add ed show and facebook. By the way, i really want to be wrong on this last story. Coming up, Rush Limbaugh makes an offcolor comment about Breast Cancer awareness. Plus jpmorgan has been slapped with a 13 billion fine. And conservatives are crying foul. Actually, they ought to be happy nobody is in jail. Bp had two bi help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. 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Time now for the trenders, social media action on this television show. This is where you can connect with us, facebook, twitter, and, of course, ed. Msnbc. Com. And we do take story ideas. Join the team. And this is where you can find me on the radio. Sirius xm channel 127, monday through friday, noon to 3 00 p. M. The ed show social media nation has decided, and we are reporting. Here are todays top trenders, voted on by you. On wednesdays, we wear pink. The number three trender. Caller commentary. The chickification of everything is taking place. I dont know if there is any question. You dont put the nfl in pink for a month. Im a middle linebacker in the nfl. If i can wear pink, anybody can wear pink. Rush limbaugh thinks pink does more than promote Breast Cancer awareness. People in the National Football league think about pink not as a color but lifesaver. Basically, its a critique against masculinity. Real men wear pink. The number