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Calling out those who would use this as a political game. So i ran over, Louie Gohmert had his scissors, steve was standing next to the barrier. I yell charge. A chief political battle. This is our consolation prize. You are embarrassing me our military, our vets our vets youre an idiot that it was okay to be stupid or dumb. To be a moron. The tide is turning. This is a matter of shutdown priorities. And away we go. Are you ready boots start walking well, the quitter has found a way to inject herself into the story. Shes a talent, theres no doubt about it. Good to have you with us tonight, folks. Thanks for watching. I have one heavy lift tonight on this program. Liberals, im going to convince you tonight that this guy right here, Mitch Mcconnell, is really a good guy. You can deal with him. Just take those Record Number of filibusters and cast them aside. They really werent real. Just lets cast aside that his numberone goal was to defeat president obama. Cast aside that his number two goal was to make sure that obama care never got implemented. Come on now. We can get harry and mitch together to do a deal. And everything is going to be okay, the shutdown will be over with, we wont default, well pay our bills, life will be good. And well be the america that we want to be. Im sorry, folks. Ive can take on some challenges, but i cant sell that one. I cant sell that one. And you know what . Because theres no way anyone could sell it, because it simply isnt the truth. Im telling you tonight, folks, this is the truth. You cannot deal with this guy. This is all about political cover right now. This is all about republican senators being able to go back home with some terrible poll numbers and say, its not my fault. Not my fault at all. Washington is broken. You know, i voted for the continuing resolution, but it was the house problem. And then we came back and did a deal with harry reid, and we got some numbers that were pretty good and i voted for that too. Im sorry the government shut down, not my fault. This is all about making sure republican senators are going to be able to go home and save a little bit of face. But at the heart and soul of it all, its still obama. They dont want this deal. They dont want anything to work with the president s name connected to it. So you mean to tell me that these two gentlemen right here, the Senate Majority leader and the Senate Minority leader, are going to be able to get together and do a deal at this hour and john boehner is going to accept it . Boehner is going to be able to take whatever these gentlemen come up with in the senate and go over to the house and say hey, guys, come on. Ive got some new tea for you to drink. It aint going to happen. This is nothing but false hope. I will be stunned if we dont default. I will be stunned if there is a deal. Now meanwhile, the backdrop of all of this, republicans who shut down the government are using our nations veterans as pawns in their battle to win back political opinion. Yeah, i constantly have to be ask yourself the question throughout all of this, where are the American People. What is our threshold. What do we want . Well, we want a government that works, we want a government thats open and we want a deal thats going to give the middle class a chance in this country. Americans overwhelmingbly blame republicans for the shutdown by a 22point margin. Thats a heck of a number. So why are the democrats even dealing with these people . With those numbers, the righties just keep getting desperate. On sunday, tea party allstar, sarah palin, ted cruz and mike lee, both elected senators, appeared at a world war ii memorial in washington, d. C. To protest the shutdown that they caused, they advocated for, and now were in the middle. They joined a group of protesters and veterans from the millionvets march, who moved the metal barriers at the memorial. Of course, these metal barriers basically have become the symbol of the shutdown. Sarah palin wasted no time running to the cameras in an effort to blame president obama for the shutdown. You look around, though, and you see these barricades, and you have to ask yourself, is this any way that a commander in chief would show his respect, his gratitude to our military . This is a matter of shutdown priorities. Well, the quitter from alaska, she didnt stop there. Palin actually had the nerve to say president obama is using our nations veterans as pawns. Our vets have proven that they have not been timid. So we will not be timid in calling out any who would use our military, our vets, as pawns in a political game. Well, as a result, it turns out organizers from the million vets march think republicans are the ones using the veterans as pawns. They released a Statement Today saying, quote, we feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. Ive got some more news for sarah palin, the quitter. 70 of americans think republicans are putting politics ahead of americans when it comes to the shutdown. Americans are basically, i think, pretty much sick of all of this stuff. The stunt on sunday proves that republicans are basically going to do anything and try anything to get political favor. All republicans have done since the shutdown started is use the veterans as a footstool. Well, im going to show you the numberone climber. Take a look at Michelle Bachmann on the first day of the fwoun. Were trying to protect the lives and the health care of these wonderful veterans. Really . All of a sudden, theyre concerned about the veterans. When they have voted down numerous times Veterans Benefits to the level that the democrats have tried to help the veterans. Meanwhile, canadian senator ted cruz wasted no time in getting in on the action. The very man responsible for the shutdown, because he wanted to defund obama care and be Mitch Mcconnells puppet said veterans shouldnt be used for political gain. Our veterans should be above politics. Enough games listen, i want each of you to think about the park rangers who served, who have been asked by their bosses to stan in the way of veterans and stop them from coming to this memorial. That is not right. Well, ill tell you what. We should bring back psycho talk, dont you think . A short time later, and i want you to Pay Attention to this guy, larry clayman, came to the podium to speak. Now i want to make moat note of this. When you go to the podium at a rally and you pick up the microphone, and you are there, you are doing what . You are trying to make the case. And if someone gets up and says something very inflammatory and out of bounds and maybe even incites violence, and youre an elected official, does it matter . You Better Believe it matters. When you put your name, your reputation on that stage, birds of a feather flock together. You are endorsing everything that is said on that stage, and you cant piecemeal it. This guy is inflammatory. Listen to clayman. We are now ruled, quote, unquote, by a president who bows down to allah. This president is not a president of we the people. Hes the president of his people. I call upon all of you to wage a second american nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get out. To put the quran down, to get up off his knees. Come here and demand the resignation of obama and other leaders who have subverted the interests of oh our country. Now, i think its very profound statement that elected officials would stand with someone, advocating social unrest. And you know what, words matter. The result of this, the result of all this rhetoric, it turns out that the crowd was paying attention to klayman. The group wrapped up their protest by carrying all of the metal barriers to the white house and dumping them right on the sidewalk. Some members of the crowd got into a confrontation with law enforcement. Freedom tyranny oh, its all about the shutdown, and its all about the good faith and credit of the United States and paying our bills. No, its about the president of the United States. I think its also important to point out that john boehner and Mitch Mcconnell have not condemned the likes of cruz and senator mike lee. And, of course, palin. Shes just she is what she is. Shell be wherever she can get attention. Its because of these radical tea partiers, our nation is headed for a possible default. As ive said on this program repeatedly, these people are on a mission to discredit this president. They are on a mission to make sure that this default happens on his watch. The bill is there. The clean bill is there. All they have to do is vote on it in the house and boehner cant do that. So now were at a point, were supposed to believe that Mitch Mcconnell and harry reid are so close to a deal. Whose numbers are we using . Are we using sequester numbers, numbers worse than that . And how long is this deal going to be . Month, two months, three months . Mr. President , when you meet with the, quote, big four later on today, the leaders from the house and the senate, understand, sir, respectfully, that the people are on your side. The best negotiation is telling boehner what to do. Well deal with the numbers later on. The public is with the president and the democrats. They are in a position now to make sure that they go to the floor and take a vote on the continuing resolution to open up this government and then well talk numbers after that. Thats what this is about. Get your cell phones out. I want to know what you think. Tonights question. Is john boehner more afraid of the tea party or defaulting . Text a for tea party. Text b. For defaulting to 67622. You can always leave a comment at our blog at ed. Msnbc. Com. Now, there have been a number of opportunities that have been presented by the democrats to just put this shutdown off to the side, stop using it as a hostage, and do some real work for the American People. Let me bring in congressman alan grayson, who recently had something on the floor that would deal just with this. Congressman, great to have you with us tonight. Thank you. Do you think the senate will reach a deal, and will it have an effect on what unfolds in the house . I dont know. I think its too late. You may recall that during the brouhaha over syria, i pointed out they were wasting three valuable weeks. And now the chickens have come home to roost. Were out of time. We shouldnt be even involved in this fight. And we need to just get beyond it by the earliest, most quickest, most facilitating means possible. Ive introduced a bill called hr3213. The anti self destruction act that would fund the government at current levels for 12 months. And would raise the debt ceiling for 15 months. And thats where we need to be right now. We need to be dealing with jobs. With health care, with housing, with the real problems in everybodys lives. Not these artificial problems, these artificial crises stirred up by the republicans over and over and over again. Congressman, i want your reaction to the rhetoric that was at the world war ii memorial yesterday, n washington, and also what unfolded in front of the white house. What is this a sign of . Im sure that the republicans feel that we should be grateful they did not burn the president in effigy. Is there more to come . I mean, is this really who the republicans are . Is this just a side bar show, or is this the conventional thinking of these folks . We see who they are. A recent abc Washington Post poll found that 31 of republicans, basically the tea party republicans, thought that a Government Shutdown and a default on the debt would do tragic harm to the u. S. Economy and they wanted to do it anyway. Look what theyre doing right now. Theyre basically saying, if you let us steal your car, which is obama care, then we wont burn down your house, which is the economy. Thats extortion. Are we to believe, as liberals, that if harry reid and Mitch Mcconnell do a deal that theres going to be just a clean vote on what have they decide in the house . I mean, i just think that is a pipe dream. I think that this is just a joke. Theres no way in hell that john boehner is going to bring anything these two gentlemen come to agreement on, and i think its false hope. I want your take on that. Well, i agree with you. John boehner used to be dr. Jekyl and now hes mr. Hyde. The john boehner that nine times avoided some kind of National Tragedy by allowing democrats and republicans who are sane to get together and pass a bill, thats the same john boehner that wouldnt let lee even rename a bill last friday, saying, yes, were doing this piecemeal thing, but we would much rather be doing a comprehensive and clean cr. He wouldnt even let me rename the bill that way. And thats the john boehner were facing right now. I think john boehner has to go. So why are the democrats even entertaining negotiation at this point with Mitch Mcconnell, when a clean bill is sitting right there to open up the government . I mean, what could i mean, what could they possibly be talking about . Why give anything to the republicans . You have been in business. You know what confiscatory rates are. Sometimes you lose everything. Sometimes you have to just do what youve got to do for the good of the order and for the good of the company. Well, for the good of the country right now, what boehner has got to do is put this on the floor, get it done and come back and fight for another day. And he simply wont do it. No, because hes being held captive, like all the rest of us, by the tea party loons, the people who feel that its best to shut down the government, best to default on our debt. The ones who actually look forward to that. Thats the problem that we all face right now. But he has to rise above it. Hes failed to do that, and therefore, boehner has to go. Are we headed for default, congressman . I think its quite possible. And i i deeply regret it. I think that the Republican Party has become the largest suicide pact in history. Im just hoping they dont drag us down with them. Congressman alan grayson, thanks for your time tonight. I appreciate it so much. Thanks for being with us. Thank you, sir. You know, i was mentioning confiscatory rates. There are times in business where there are no options left because youve got to move on. Cut your losses and move on. He cant do that, because its about bringing down obama. Its about bringing down the president. This is what this has been about all along. And if democrats dont recognize that, at this 11th hour, then youre in denial. Liberals, these people have shown us by their actions who they are. Mitch mcconnell, a Record Number of filibusters, Mitch Mcconnell, who made it his number one goal to defeat president obama, all of a sudden is going to turn around and be the good guy to the liberal left and cut a deal and are we going to get the numbers we want . I dont think so. Remember to answer tonights question at the bottom of your screen, share your thoughts on twitter at ed show and on facebook. We appreciate that. Coming up, glenn beck, and oscar the grouch have a lot in common. Well tell you why. Plus, paul ryans new war on women. Love your tweets. Keep them coming. Were back, social interaction. [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me . And you hear your voice . Oh, its exciting [ man ] touchdown confirmed. Were safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] hi. [ baby fussing ] help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Time now for the trenders, the social media. This is where you can find us, facebook, twitter, and, of course, on the blog at ed. Msnbc. Com. And on the radio, catch me noon to 3 00, sirius xm channel 127. The ed show social media nation has decided and we are reporting. Here are todays top trenders voted on by you. If you really want to see something crafty, look at this. The number three trender, trash talk. Oh i love trash are we allowed to pick up the trash . I dont even know anymore. Im your garbage man. Glenn beck cleans up the ball and trashes the government. Theres no honor, theres no integrity. Whether youre the guy who lives on the street or youre the guy who lives down the street in the big white house, were all the same. You break the law, you go to jail. Some more roan stuff. Were at an amazing point. The whole world is going to change. The system doesnt work. So the west will reset. It will. Its nothing to be afraid of. Yuk. The number two trender. More trash talk. Eddie schultz is back. Im back. The fact republicans want to use the debt limit to take away your health care is downright dangerous. Hes frothing at the mouth about treasonist john boehner. Handy targets me over treason. The word is treason. The treasonist, john boehner. They will shut down the government and they will not pay the bills to get their way. What about williams and brokaw and lawyerer think of this knucklehead. Ive got to tell you, sean, thats what carl marx believed. And todays top trender, ryans hope. Im very proud of my pro life record. Paul ryan adds the war on women into the shutdown debate. We need to completely rethink governments role in health care. There is an extreme faction in the house of representatives that just cant let this go. We dont want a country where abortion is simply outlawed. We want a country where it isnt even considered. So sean hannity goes to name calling on big eddy. Sean, wherever you want to debate, you name the place, the time, you can even take the gate, because i know you like doing that kind of stuff, okay . Come on. Give me a chance, sean. Lets see if im the knucklehead that you think i am. Lets have a debate, handy. Certainly youre punching up, in my opinion. Im joined now by congressman bill pass cell of new jersey. Always good to be here. The big trender is paul ryan. He is considered the numbers guy. And he has been relatively quiet, and kind of in the backdrop of all of this. But now he has stepped forward, and he has made some comments when it comes to abortion, and what the deal should actually involve. Is he just beholden to the social conservatives . Well, yeah, i think hes looking at 2016, and the president ial race. Theres a lot of these folks are. They have the right to do that. The problem here, were talking about the debt limit, which is going to go in effect in a few days, and were talking about opening up the government. And of course, theyre going to try every string to attach it to whatever we pass. Im glad that harry reid and Mitch Mcconnell are stepping up to the plate, trying to put a package together, not complicated. Something that will take us into 2014 that will be sensible and that we can have bipartisan support with. And you know what, i feel badly for john boehner. Hes not a bad person. I happen to like him. But john let these guys and gals get away with everything since 2011. And now hes paying the price. So were going to have to bail him out too. Well, congressman, why would the democrats agree to something that Mitch Mcconnell would put his name to after what he has done to president obama . Why would the democrats say that all of a sudden Mitch Mcconnell is an honest broker and give boehner that opportunity when the public is clearly with the democrats right now . You have all of the cards. The public is clearly with us, but weve got to get a resolution of the problem, ed. And you know that just as well as i do. And either whether it comes to mitch mccome come or mr. Boehner, as long as we can do that and not simply talk about saving face, but standing on our principles. The president is supported by the democrats in both the senate and the house and is not going to negotiate the debt deal and hes not going to negotiate whether we have a budget or not. We need these things. These are necessities. Then we can debate later on. Were not backing off that principle, ed, by any stretch of the imagination. So what kind of deal are we talking about here . And what kind of numbers are we talking about . Were talking about a deal that will bring us to january. Both on the debt and the continuing resolution. Which will be in the number which the republicans have pushed, which we compromised on. Yes. Which is the lower deal. Which includes sequestration between now and then with negotiatable parts of that within the next four or five months. Thats something we can begin to live with, as long as we can open up this government again. And never and not and not agree that sequestration is going to be the name of the game over the next two years. You know, congressman, this, as i see it, and i respect your take in a big way. You and i have had some good conversations on the radio over this. Yes. If it the democrats do this, this opens the door for a fight on the left. Because obviously, were going to be pushing democrats to hold the line on the big three, and not take the cuts in the food stamps, not take the cuts to the social programs, medicare and medicaid and Social Security. And this buys the republicans more time to look like they are negotiators in good faith. They are not. They want this president out at all cost. Yeah. I watched those clips from yesterday. They were an absolute disgrace with the sign in the background, impeach the president. He just got elected, you fools. You dont know the time of the day. And thank god you have nothing to do with the negotiations. Well leave that to reasonable people in both parties. And i am telling you, ed. If we can live with this sequestration for a few more months, change it, because many republicans do, including chairman rogers. He wants to change it. He knows it cant work. When you are cutting right across the bow, and youre cutting everything the same, doesnt make any sense. Well but in order for us to get a deal, a clean deal, ed, we may have to swallow something, not as we did with the number. That were agreeing on, which is less than 1 trillion. We have to cut the deficit in half, this president. Absolutely. We have cut the deficit in half. And they wont agree to it. Look, theyre not going to give him a pat on the back, the president , for anything. It doesnt matter what it is, ed. And you and i are going to talk until were blue in the face. It aint gonna work. So what we need to do is reconcile our differences by thursday. Heres the best place, in my opinion, for the democrats. Theres this chanthey think cal the continuing resolution that passed in the senate. Boehner has to bring it to the floor. He wont do it. Okay, then, we default. Its on them, its on their party, and this is the way it is. I hate to look at it that way, but this is because this means that theyre going to be able to come back to this point again, again and again, and do the default, do the shutdown, to get what they want, to piecemeal it right back, and slowly try to get the American People on their side. Knowing what hes dealing with, known from the very beginning if you give them, its not enough to go to the next thing. This is performance over the last twoandahalf bars. Not honest broker. Congressman, great to have you with us tonight. I appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Coming up new developments in the fight to raise the debt limit and reopen the government. Our Rapid Response panel is next. And later, in peachy keen congressman Louie Gohmert lands in tonights pretenders after his latest attack on the president. But next, ask ed live. Stay with us. Thrusters at 30 i cant get her to warp. Losing thrusters. I need more power. Give me more power [ mainframe ] located. Ge deepsea fuel technology. A 50,000pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. Our Current Situation seems rather extreme. Why cant we maximize our. Ready. Brilliant. Lets get out of here. Warp speed. Want to cover warpand corrtry this . Cc creams from covergirl olay. Covers spots and lines instantly as you correct skin tone over time. Goodbye, spots, hello, beautiful. Cc creams from covergirl olay. Get em on the spot. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. 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Well, if its a serious question, if i were president lets just say if i were counseling the president , okay . Lets bring it down a notch. I would go campaign in their districts. And i would do it again and again and again. Because i think that this is what the president has to do. There is an old saying, you either have to fish or cut bait. Its time to do one or the other. Its time. Its time for the president to point out these folks in their own districts, no matter whether its red, blue, green, black, political, whatever. To go after these guys. Because these are the people that are obstructing. Stick around. Rapid Response Panel coming up next. Im josh lipton with your cnbc market wrap. The dow finishing up 64 points. The s p 500 gaining 6. And the techheavy nasdaq climbing 23. A preliminary estimate find People Living on Social Security will see their benefits increase about 1. 5 next year. 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Thanks for watching tonight and welcome to day 14 of a partial Government Shutdown. Were just three days away from the United States facing default, first time ever. After talks between House Speaker john boehner and president obama failed, negotiations obviously focused on senate leadership. Majority leader harry reid and Mitch Mcconnell met today, and they are looking like the last hope for a deal. Constructive goodfaith negotiations continue between the republican leader and me. Im very optimistic that we will reach an agreement. Its reasonable in nature this week. I deeply appreciate my friend, the minority leader, for his diligent efforts to come to an agreement. Let me just echo the remarks of my good friend, the minority leader. We have had an opportunity the last couple of days to have some very constructive exchanges of views about how to move forward. Those discussions continue, and i share his opt oh optimism that were going to get a result that will be acceptable to both sides. I must have miscalculated. Actually, everybody in washington just loves in each other. An afternoon meeting was postponed to allow leaders in the senate time to get along even more and continue more progress towards a solution. It all sounds great. But remember, any deal reached in the senate would have to be agreed upon in the house very fundamental stuff where there arent a lot of folks calling each other friend. The democrats, they better understand something. What goes around, comes around. And if they try to humiliate republicans, things change in american politics. And i know what its like to be in the majority and in the minority. And it wont be did he use the word humiliate . You mean to tell me that john mccain and the republicans are in such a weak position right now that he has to say to the democrats, you better not humiliate us, you better not do that. I mean, we dont have a good negotiating position right now, but dont come in here and human ill ate us because some day the pendulum might swing. I dont think so, senator, you were ominously silent. And 30 years of wages being depressed in the middle class, i dont think youve been an advocate for the middle class. I dont think the middle class voted for you in 2008. So this just exemplifies how frustrated the republicans and how weak their position is. To the point where please dont humiliate us. You better not do it, because someday there might be a different political way in america. Doesnt matter. Youre the ones that wont open up the government with a simple cr vote on the house floor. Joining me now, Rapid Response panel, michael eric dyson, msnbc pannist, ruth conna, and msnbc political analyst jonathan alter. Jonathan, whats unfolding . What kind of deal are we talking about and can it be reality . Well, theyre talking about a kick the can down the road deal. Which would essentially say that the continuing resolution would a clean continuing resolution would go until january, february. Same thing for the debt ceiling. And that in the time between now and then, with nothing agreed to in advance, there would be conversations on the budget. But i understand that they are not going to include any kind of a deal on the medical device tax for obama care, because the white house and harry reid and the democrats are absolutely firm on this. That they will not negotiate on obama care. Even if that gets changed sometime down the road. They will not negotiate with a gun pointed to their heads. And they are sticking with that. And this deal will not include any concessions by democrats. Simple kick the can down the road deal. You think Mitch Mcconnell is going to go along with something that boehner is going to put a stamp of approval on. Yes. Mitch mcconnell, you know, is, for all, you know, the ridiculous things he said over the years, in saying his top priority was getting rid of obama and so forth, he is a washington insider, a dealmaker. Okay. And also, he understands, as does john boehner, that when it comes to the debt ceiling right now, theyre playing with matches in washington. In a room full of kerosene. Ruth i disagree about what you said. It would not be good for this country for working people in this country. Im not saying it would be good. We cant we cant let that happen. And the good news is no, but wait a minute, jonathan. Respectfully. We are at a point its not going to happen. We are at a point where the republicans have got to be responsible for the way they treat this president i agree. They have got to be responsible, and they are bringing us to default. And for the democrats they are to go out and do any kind of a budget deal to kick the can down the road with any kind of concession is not the right thing to do. There arent any concessions. Its just going to be kicking the can down the road. So who are we talking about here . Well, as was indicated to you, they are going to leave the sequester in place, but only until january. Okay. Because even the republicans recognize that this sequester stinks. Ive got to get to ruth con i have, your take on this. I agree the sequester stinks. And really, the democrats didnt go looking for this fight. So despite the republican efforts to say dont put us in this position, this is terrible, clearly its the tea party element within the Republican Party thats caused this problem for them. Their ridiculous protest at the world war ii memorial where they made it seem like they wanted to reopen things they caused to be closed didnt work. And its the American Public that blames republicans, 53 versus 31 for democrats for being responsible for this. Theyre in big trouble, dick cheney charity. 24 for the Republican Party overall. Theyre worried about losing seats in both houses. Michael eric dyson, here we have john mccain playing revenge politics here. You better not do this to us. Yeah. Well, look, dont do this to the American Public. I think the democrats are absolutely right. Hold to your gun, so to speak. Do not negotiate, because if you negotiate with these terrorists, these rhetorical terrorists, ideological terrorists, all youre doing is begging for a fight that will continue to give them strength, and will ultimately undermine the economic i think integrity of the american economy. So they have got to stick to it. They cannot give into the right wing tea party, especially. And you know, its time for john boehner to stand up and be a true speaker. Hes got to fight back against that vicious remnant of the right far right wing in his own party that continues to bully him. Hes got to stop being bullied. We talk about all these bullying tactics. Hes got to stand up and show some backbone and spine. Dr. Die son, who says john boehner is going to bring this to the floor for a vote . I think, look, ed, if the reality that we face is that this will be the first time that we have gone into default like this, thats got to apply a pressure to john boehner that not even the tea party can leverage especially since boehner said he will not allow default. He has been very clear about that. So he has to go with the Mcconnell Reid deal. Also said obama care was the law of the land and they werent going to try to repeal it. Right. Terrible situation. All right. Its embarrassing for him and its a bad situation for him. Across the board. Theyre going to lose. Theyre going to lose. But its still a fish or cut bait situation for the democrats. Its on them. And theres no better time and no better position of strength for the democrats to who had the line on this and say youve got to put that vote on the floor. You cant trust Mitch Mcconnell at all. And im not sure that boehner is going to go along with kicking the can down the road either. I dont know if hes going to bring that to a vote. Well see. Michael eric dyson, ruth, great to have you with us. Coming up, a dangerous situation behind closed doors could put labor jobs and middle class jobs at risk. More on that. Stay with us. Life for your fam, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave the world. We have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. We are morgan stanley. And were ready to work for you. 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Get up to 140 in mailin rebates when you buy four select tires with the Ford Service Credit card. Whered you get that sweater vest . Your ford dealer. And in pretenders tonight, misguided and terribly uninformed congressman Louie Gohmert. He was caught at the value voters summit spreading his ignorance. Would you let us default on our debt . No. That would be an impeachable defense by the president. Oh, gohmert is trying his very hardest. But he still has no idea how his job works. He has no clue how the debt ceiling works. There is no reason we should ever, ever default on our debt unless the president and the treasury secretary conspire to make us default. The best thing that could happen to this country is that obama care goes away. Thats right. Absolutely. And the debt ceiling is not raised. The second best thing we have enough money coming in every week to pay our debt to keep from defaulting. Its your job to raise the debt ceiling, Louie Gohmert. Congress must act or the country defaults. If Louie Gohmert wants us to believe his perns ignorance is grounds for the president s impeachment, he can keep on pretending. [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me . And you hear your voice . Oh, its exciting [ man ] touchdown confirmed. Were safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] hi. [ baby fussing ] help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Welcome back to the ed show. This is the story for the folks who take a shower after work, the workers of america. And you need to be on alert, laborers. U. S. Trade officials are trying to reach a deal in the Transpacific Partnership by the end of this year. Trouble is this agreement would send american jobs overseas. The Transpacific Partnership has giant implications for working families. It sure does. The socalled tpp is looking at a trade block from vietnam to chile to japan covering about a third of the worlds trade. And nearly 40 of the global economy. Folks, this is dangerous for america. It will put u. S. Workers, jobs, and businesses at a distinct disadvantage. All of the negotiations have been behind closed doors. And congress has been given limited access to negotiation documents. Congressman mark pokan of wisconsin is Encouraging Congress not to fast track the agreement for approval. He joins us tonight here on the ed show. Congressman, you have seen this. I realize because of Security Issues theres only so much you can tell us, but what are your main concerns about the tpp . Well, the Transpacific Partnership is the biggest and baddest of trade deals yet. It has hit so many countries and so much economic risk involved. It has Great Potential to take away more american jobs and really hurt the middle class in america. Were very concerned about what is coming out and one of the things last last week was the white house announcing this could be finished and negotiated by the end of the year. Is it true there would be a stipulation that we could actually lose our sovereignty through Multinational Corporations who have a hard time dealing with United States law that they would go to a higher power of decision makes process to make sure they could get their products into the United States . One of the problems with these trade deals again, well have the see the exact language that comes out. I have no reason so believe and ive seen some of the language, the language renegotiating, that this is definitely not going to be any better than any of the past deals and could potentially be worse. When you take a country like vietnam and put it into it, they dont have any labor standards. Theres problems. When it comes to usurp laws, thats when part of the past trade deals im expecting itll be part of this trade deal. Are there provisions we have so to as a country accept so many products from their country . Well, it all depends on the exact language. But very likely if weld do anything, like a buy american provision. This would take away our ability to have things like that. By american laws, by local laws. Is that scraps america right there. Exactly. The International Trade deal would tell the congress what laws they can pass when it comes to our own products. And a company a Multinational Corporation could challenge a states law or the u. S. Law even based on if theyre losing access to a market which could take away our ability to buy american or things around food safety. How do the democrats run around saying theyre for the middle class and then sign onto Something Like this and were just given the basics here . The good news is were aggressively working, were getting people to sign a letter to say dont go so fast to the fast track. We want to have a say as congress. Im guessing well have a majority of the democrats sign that letter by the time its done. Were doing everything we can even in the middle of all the craziness in washington, were trying to make sure were ready for that fight. Why are there 600 corporate consultants that know more about it than congress. Thats part of the problem. To help have input to it when i have to make sure the middle class families in wisconsin, the companies in my district are still able to do business like theyve always done. We dont want to give away that ability to vietnam which could happen. I want to give airtime to anybody whos a proponent of this whos going to tell me this is going to be good for the

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