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Not going to happen. Now things are breaking down as only capitol hill can do. Searching if are a solution on syria for the un action be on the horizon to deal with president assad. The security koubl is mocounsel in. Its friday, september 27th. This is the daily rundown live from the Fred W Smith Library for the study of George Washington. Essentially the George Washington library. The library 216 years in the making. We are going to spend a lot of the coming hours dpifing a behindthescenes look of whats here. We have a lot of work going on across the potomac. Lets get to the first read of the morning. Its privately funded, not part of the National Archive system. Why is that approximate rnt . If the government shuts down, this library gets to stay hope and takes us to capitol hill where lawmakers seem intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Just when it looked like we would avoid a shut down for at least a week, it looks dimmer this morning. Its a mess. The senate tried to speed up votes to get the spending bill back to the house sooner, but senators ted and mike lee blocked the effort, frustrating republican colleagues. In particular, bob corker. I am not understanding what it is about having a vote tomorrow morning instead of tonight that would make a difference. The reason we are waiting is yall subject out releases and emails and you want everybody to watch. It doesnt seem to me that thats in our nations interest. A vote in favor of cloture is a vote in favor of the house bill and defunding obama care. If thats the case and the question i would pose to my friend from tennessee, why is harry reid going to vote the same way . Why is every democrat going to vote the way you are proposing to vote. Me what happens if the senate were not to invoke cloture on a bill we support. What then happens. I a esh prooiate that question and there pieces of of it with the House Republicans like for us not to invoke cloture. I spoke to over a dozen house members who explicitly said it would be fantastic if Senate Republicans could show the same unity we did and vote against cloture. Heres where things stand. The senate will take more votes. The cloture to get republicans to vote no and two votes to amend the bill and the vote to pass the shortterm government funding measure and officially send it back to the house. Its the Tea Party Republicans jamming the leaders. When the bill gets to boehner, there is no consensus of what to do next. This is a live picture of the house floor. Congress has shuffled through multiple strategies and the latest is that republicans plan to amend the bill before sending it back to the senate, possibly trying to repeal the medical device tax or keeping congressional members and staff from Getting Health Care subsidies. All this is unfolding before the debt limit fight gets under way. If you listen to the president , both expressed frustration, but boehners talk may have headed at how badly he wants to get beyond the fight with the funding and instead move to the debt limit. I will not negotiate on anything other than full pafaith and credit of the United States of america. Time is being put on governing. We will introduce a plan that ties on the spending cuts and pro growth reforms to a debt limit. The president said im not going to negotiate. Im sorry, but it doesnt work that way. At one point they would be voting in this hour. They would start voting this afternoon. This ensured my next two guests can stick around. A pair of Democratic Senators from virginia, they are both members of the senate committee. Both are taking part in the ceremonies here to honor the George Washington library. I want to start with you. You worked a lot with senator corker. You obviously have become good friends with him. Watching him on the floor yesterday. How divided in your mind does it appear Senate Republicans are some. There is a lot of frustration with a lot of republicans. There was a time to make sure the functions of government proceed. If we dont get something done, we will ask the soldiers and sailers to report, but they will not get paid. They will be support home with the paycheck as well. That does nothing for the economy and there is a real growing sense that you get anything you want or nothing. The frustrations are across the board. Senator, they will send back a continuing resolution, and the issue with congressional members. They shouldnt do it. Its the wrong way to do business. We have now amended and sent it to the house and say we will find government if you pass the farm bill two years in a row with 80 votes. You ought to pass the bill. We care about the bill, but its wrong to wrap it up with the shut down of government. We ought to continue forward and will debate about the farm bill and o baca care and immigration reform. You shouldnt wrap it up with a threat of a government shut down. Its dealing in bad faith and hurting americans and the economy. If its monday and the bill is sitting there you estimate the medical tax. Woe cast a vote in the senate on that. Its a pretty big number. The house will not sit down at a budget conference. That was six months ago this week. Thats where we have the battle about the medical price tags. Wi this debate should be about the balance sheet. 17 trillion. We deal with revenue and entitlements and we cant get to a budget. Its a reminder of the budget conference and House Republicans successfully forced them. Do a budget. Do you think there was any chance there was consensus . Last fall, they spent two or three days here. They have time in the senate and the majority who would do that. We have not been so successful. I feel like this is one of the frustrations. You hear one thing behind the scenes. How much of you feel like the Senate Republicans . They did feel pressure, but you feel it on the floor of the senate. Lets stick with the party to defund government and say we are not for default on the debt. Thats why ted and mike lee and a few others have been making their case, but not winning in support from their Senate Republican colleagues. If they support them on the issue of the medical device tax or Affordable Care act, they dont support the default. Do you think it was a mistake a couple years ago that there was a negotiation of the debt limit . In hindsight the president is making this argument, you dont negotiate with hostage takers. You hear this argument, but they did once. No great nation has ever defaulted on its debt. In recent history the only that comes to mind is a are jen tina and people lost 60 of their net worth. This is a bad idea. Bad idea. Was it a mistake a couple of years ago that thats how it happened. In retrospect, even though a deal was reached, the stock market was affected. What was dangerous at the time is that you had members of congress who were saying who cares if we default on the debt. There was a strong belief and a sizable number of members of congress that went over the cliff. Do you negotiate and try to salvage something . Its hard to fault those who did it and we learned something as a result. We can talk about any issue, but we shouldnt combine it with government shut down or defaulting on americas debt. The constitution said the validity of the public debt shall not be questioned. Its unconstitutional to screw around with debt hoik this. Maybe you should get our colleagues to come down here. I was just going to say and i am curious. We are here today and we are 14 miles from the potomac that feels a lot further away. On the virginia side of things. What are the lessons that folks if approximate you did get members of congress that they should take a lock ok at. They laid out concerns about the dangers of Party Politics and talk about some of the earlier comments. He said we have debt and deficit and the taxes are a necessary evil. Wash ush was a fiscal conservative and you had to pay your bills. Somehow they put country first. That seeps to be lost by folks in both parties. The other thing about washington is his personal civility. He talked about the dangers of partisanship and his rules for living all emphasize that. We ought to keep it on our desk. The civility, he warned against regional factualism. We ought to think of ourselves as one nation and not different regions. The only thing that is odd that seems david is the way he expressed it all, you dont have a lot of people in politics doing that, but the wisdom speaks to todays issues. You brought it up and it is interesting. This is why he and jefferson split. Jefferson had a political faction and he seemed to split with them over the whiy idea of that. But what other parts of the i had brear do you think folks should take away from this . As far as history. I think you will see them. This is not the fedex fred smith. I think they should come down and get the scholars and see a major part of our history and the good and the bad and the fact that the challenge around slavery. Thats what we have been the last 30 years and that has been brought and the true part of American History has been back. We have been slow on that history with them. There is this evan wants to be uncomfortable about it. You want to feel patriotic. You cannot ignore the issues. You cant. I think its patriotic that if you look at washington and jeffersons best men, they were not perfect. We got better. There is something patriotic that you can do better tomorrow than today. Even the leaders were better today than we were in the past. Tomorrow you can hope for that. It would look like an awful lot of other countries around that are in main republics or democracies and you see them pass along. There were a number of countries across the mideast. Syria, for example. Its a democracy, but its following the sun. He set that recognition that we do better when we act with compromise. We talk about washington and the constitution that all of these guys sight. The great compromise. Its a great compromise. It could have shut down the republic and split it into two. Compromise is the blood of the organism of government. You set up three branches and you have two houses and something has to get through both. The framers believe, madison believed in cracking the constitution that there had to be compromise. Thats probably what we most believe. Compromise is a good thing. This was the great compromise. That was a compliment in the 1840s and 50s. It wouldnt be today. What do you say i will do a little bit of politics. What do you say when people say virginias change. What does that mean . Its not what it was when you ran for governor . Virginia changed because they are nationally recognized now. The best managed state. They regained that attribution and the best state for business. We are proud that we got recognized for the educational system. Virginia has become forward leaning if are a long time. Virginia spent a lot of time looking backwards and you had a great history. We are a diverse state that politically is also getting a lot more competitive. The single most competitive state of the world. We changed from 1770 to 1840. We had the most votes in the nation. We went into an eclipse because of slavery and because of jim crow and massive resistance. We were not on the main stage with the spotlight. We have gone back to being competitive and a Battle Ground state and people view us in a national light. Thats good for us. Its returning to the virginia of washingtons day. We are learning and we are both proud of this. We try to get stuff done. Rather than blaming the other side for the problems. Thank you both for doing this together. I have to add it to my list of libraries that i checked off. We have much more ahead here at mount vernon. We will take you behind the scenes of this new library and show you the letters and books that survived a revolution and the first u. S. President ial terms and the count radioeys earliest political maneuvers and how they are preserved and displayed here for the first time. First a look ahead at the politics planner. If you see the president today, you will see him very quickly. He is meeting with the president of india today. You are watching the special edition of the daily run down live from mount vernon. Mom always got Good Nutrition to taste great. She was a picky eater. Well now im her dietitian. And last year, she wasnt eating so well. 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The Washington Library here in mount vernon is not techni l technically a 39ial library since its not part of the archive system, but it will be tough to tell the difference. The 106 Million Library has a treasure troph of goodies including a draft copy of the bill of rights and washingtons personal copy of the constitution. One of the Amazing Things is how long it took to build it. Its the culmination of a 150yearest to preserve washingtons personal library and materials and comes 216 years after he left office. Other Founding Fathers are waiting for a library to call their own. Thomas jeffersons library is called the university of virginia. The papers are at the massachusetts historical society. The bulk of jeffersons documents are at the library of congress and 30,000 papers of James Madison are at the university of vir very. Modern president s have been given a home quickly. Herb bert hoover got a library in 1962. It took only years for george w. Bush that opened in texas earlier this year. It is surprising that it took so long to build for the nations first president. Washington is allaround us. Hes on our money and our monuments. Cities, towns and counties are named for him not to mention a state and a capital. Whats amazing is how little so many people seem to know about washington himself. Hes a bridge, a university, a city, even money. While hes everywhere in our lives, Many Americans even at the foot of the Washington Monument know very little about him. Cutting down thor whichy tree. Wooden teeth, couldnt tell a lie. The house at mount vernon . Now on the grounds of his home, a place to fill in the plarchgs. Our first president , the last to have a president ial library. We today have 650 of the volumes and we are continuing to collect them. That wasnt chlorto anyone. The director took me into the book vault that includes a kaub of don quixote written in spanish. Unlike most, you wont find a wing for the first first lady. She burned almost every letter she ever received from her husband. This library has rescued a few. I retain an affection for you which neither time or distance can change. A love letter. Thats right. I am going to copy that. One of the more interesting pieces also in the library collection. Its a letter to then president john adams. Washington still participated in a little politics in government after he left office. He accepted adams to return to the army in order to raise troops amid a conflict cold war style with france. They pass and create the new provisional army and make washington the Lieutenant General of that army. Essentially like the chairman of the joint chiefs. Thats what he creates here. Thats right. Adams remains the commander in chief, but washington who has military experience. This letter was written from washington to adams. And publicized. This became a political letter and its a letter shared. Its interesting here. A letter that is shared for the public and adams has a political statement he is trying to make. If you look at the handwritten letter, none of this text is in capitalization. Somebody on his staff said we need to point this out. It says this is from washington to adams. Believe me, sir, no one can more cordially approve of the measures of your administration. Saying hey, look at this. The founding father loves me. We will have much more from the Library Still ahead and Chemical Reaction with a breakthrough at the United Nations and the efforts to strip syria of chemical weapons. We will get the on air shout out on this special edition of the daily run down. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. 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Personalized Home Security and automation. [ lock clicks ]. That lets you be closer to home. Thats so cool. [ male announcer ] get 100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. Limited availability in select markets. Ive got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. Its time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that wont relieve all your symptoms. New alka seltzer plusd relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. Oh what a relief it is. The five permanent member of the security counsel agreed on the wording of a resolution that syria turn over the stockpiles and allow access to inspectors that president assad doesnt comply, they can adopt a second resolution that would approve military action. Thats the compromise with the russians. Inspectors responsible for tracking down the stockpile could be in syria as early as next week. Arizona senator john mccain said he doesnt think this deal is going to work. I speak the disappointing. The russians said they would not enact a meaningful sanction if they failed to comply. There is no requirement. The only requirement is to go back to the security counsel and the russians have never agreed. This is a better deal they could have gotten and guaranteeing the second vote to talk about military action in and of itself allows the president to bring the threat back in. We shall see. In texas wendy davis is planning to run for governor. Davis who is known for the nearly 13hour filibuster she held against a new texas statewide bill that would have enacted more abortion restrictions that won national attention. She is expected to announce the campaign where she went to high school. Aides would not confirm she is definitely running, sources in the state told the dallas affiliate she is in. She tweeted a woke from today i am announcing something big. Can you chip in now to show the strength of our Grass Roots Network . Greg abbott is the Presumptive Republican nominee. It will be an interesting race for 2o 14. More from mount vernon. We will show you George Washingtons Owners Manual for leading the nation. We will dig into the other artifacts from George Washingtons presidency. Stay with us for more of this special coverage on the daily rundown. Well be right back. announcer answer the call of the grill with new friskies grillers, full of meaty tenders and crunchy bites. Then youll love lactosefree lactaid® its 100 real milk thats easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. Lactaid®. For 25 years, easy to digest. Easy to love. He becomes president of the United States and this is the Owners Manual. The u. S. Constitution and hes reading it for the first time, trying to figure it out. He writes down next to the number of the pages where its the power of the tts. He will be commander in chief and writes down powers and said the president will give the advice of the senate. He writes down required when he said that the president is required to present on the state of the union on occasion. Then he writes the word required. He didnt have to do it every year . This is his homework assignment. That was washingtons copy of the first actions of congress. Its one of the highlights of the collection here. Our first president has been called the most famously elusive figure in American History. More than 200 years after his death, a 45,000 square foot collection of books, letters and man scripts aimed to help america get to know the man on the dollar bill. Joining me are the president and the director of the library itself which is called the Fred W Smith National Library for the study of George Washington. Welcome both. Congratulations. Tell me, when did this we know that washington planned this 216 years ago. When did you guys first start saying this needs to be done . Shortly after the ladies built a museum, they decided that was a moment to plan for a campaign. I will say as early as eight years ago, it took two years to put them together. It was a magnitude that is fast paced. Tell me about what you hope the library becomes. Its an institution and a think tank . All those. They want to be the center for George Washington. Its known as a great place for educating people who come here and we want to contribute to educating people around the count row and around the world. Fellowships and conferences and evens open to different groups you can learn from washington. The modern libraries are part of it and has to do with something. Is a big initiative. The Clinton Initiative and the work he does. What are the modern ways that you think that maybe you guys will develop and do your own studies. They are hoping to collaborate in the system to lock at how this is made by the various president s. You discover quick low that it was hard. There was competing place in washington. They correcteded that to make it happen. Also of course as we talked about in the service of the nation, he would regularly yield power and gave up the chief and presided over. It was interesting you bring that up. President obama when he went to africa where their struggling is with a new democracy. In praising mandela, he said he understood the way George Washington understood for a democracy to drive, thru to know when to leave. Its the most interesting lesson. Its a story, but Lamar Alexander talked about it at the inauguration this year about this idea that washington said the test of our republic is not the first president , but the transition of power to the second president. The presidency itself and there is a lost these libraries and you talk about wanting to use this and find out about decision making. The most bipartisan in the administration and you think about it in hindsight. In his cabinet who would turn to be as polar political opposites. Washington is a man who brings in president best people. He wants to get the people people to solve the problems. It turns out they disagree. His ability to manage those different personalities and visions are crucial to the success. Would he ever have when you look back, do we say washington was no the a member of a political party, but he was a federalist . I would say really hes above party. He is elected unanimously for both of his terms and still beloved by the vast majority of people when he resigned. He is associated with the federalist party, but its not like a modern political party. It wasnt yet. It wasnt yet a modern party. I think he stands bof as a great representative nonpartisan figure for the country. Hopefully when people add this when they go to mount vernon, you remember that as well. This messages to the millions of people who cant or dont visit mt. Vernon. What is missing that you hope to acquire . We are continuing with over 100 volumes from his library and continue to buy those. We are continuing to do other things to turn this into a research. Monday morning you are open for business . Ready to go. And from the George Washington university will be teaching his class from monday morning. Today we will hear from david who is probablyt is best living examine of that. He is known as a man that believes that history is not the sequence of events, but stores of people. He is one of the best in drawing up humanity with a variety of people. Washington has a human being and getting away from the caricatures that people can understand and getting the sense of the man himself. Just interviewing various people at the Washington Monument. What they did and didnt know. The wooden teeth here, guys. We think thats to the point. Thats our mission here. To make him approachable and understandable and relevant to this time. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you very much. Nice weather. Just right. The weather is just right. For even more on the library, check out our website and we have exclusive behind the scenes photos on the daily rundowns brandnew instagram page. I have to tell you what the white house soup of the day is. Friday staple, seafood gumbo. So we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. I want peacocks. Peacocks . Walking the grounds. In tuscany. [ man ] her parents didnt expect her dreams to be so ambitious. Italy . Oh, thats not good. 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You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . The findings on the war on the assassination of john f. Kennedy may now be disclosed to the public. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated president kennedy and did it alone. He was not part of a experience either domestic or foreign. It was this day in 1964 when the president s commission on the assassination of president kennedy released the nearly 900 page report. The commission called the assassination a cruel and shocking act of violence directed against a man, a family, a nation and against all mankind. They did little to dispel experience theory that existed to this day and launched an industry of kennedy experience theorists and authors. We want to bring you developing news out of cuba. Nbc news confirmed that the cuban communist government is shifting away from decades of official policy and now allowing the athletes to compete in leagues overseas. Heres what this means. Athletes who play in other countries would be allowed to return to cuba as well as keep money earned if they pay taxes in cuba. Those who stay in cuba and receive bonuses that mean we may see the beginning of a professional cuban baseball league. Trivia time. We asked George Washington is buried here in mount vernon. Where was he supposed to be buried . Believe it or not, the u. S. Capitol. It was planned to be washingtons final resting place, but in his will, washington specified that he was to be buried in the family vault at mount vernon. So that crypt in the capitol is empty. Congratulations to todays winner. Send your suggestions to the daily rundown. 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Well hear from many members of the virginia delegation elected. You saw the two senators here. The governor, by the way, is going to speak and also the keynote speaker, the man whos going to channel George Washington is David Mccullouch so who else better to do that. Ramesh, this is a very uplifting day. A president that tried not nonpartis nonpartisan, tried to be above it all. The irony of today, its a total mess. In some ways i think George Washington would be impressed with how much less rancor there is nowadays than in his day. No real talk of secession, for whiskey re bebellion. Ted cruz is still alive. So we can get caught up to the daytoday fighting of politics but lets not losing some perspective here. Okay, youre right. Were not burning anything sgloun but this is exactly what George Washington was worried about, dueling factions. That the country would devolve and nothing would get done. Actually he worried about the destruction of the union but what were seeing here is drawn from the extreme wings of the parties taking over and not being able to compromise. So its an interesting juxtaposition between being here and just down the road. Complete stalemate. He was worried about the Political Parties devolving and having these power struggles. Whats interesting today is if the two Political Parties were the ones in charge, i think we would see instead its interest groups, its outside groups that are having an influence on whats going on on capitol hill right now. Thats whats splitting the Republican Party into two, is it not . And differences of opinion among elected officials. Part of whats going on in the u. S. House is the Party Division is so intense, that youve got to cobble together a majority if youre the republicans from that one party. And unfortunately when theres a division of opinion inside your party, that becomes impossible to do. So whats going to happen over the next i still when you have the leadership of the Republican Party, liz, that says that doesnt want to have a shutdown, knows if the government shuts down even for a couple of days, totally undermines the strategy on the debt ceiling, how does he get through it . Its interesting because Speaker Boehner could decide to bring a clean bill to the floor and see what he gets. Hasnt been ruled out. They say its a remote possibility but fascinating to me that they refuse to rule it out. Its also fascinating who boehner is. Hes an oldschool politician who wants to do big things. What weve seen for the last years is the far right has, you know, put him in a position where hes unwilling to break the hastert rule. Wait a minute. I want to stop there. This is not the hastert rule, because the hastert rule says majority of the majority. It doesnt say that all 217 in this case votes has to come from one party. So he doesnt have to violate the hastert rule to get this passed. Well, the question is could he have gotten at any point in the last couple weeks a socalled clean cr without the defunding obama care language with a majority of republicans and some democratic votes. I think that a lot of House Democrats are really enjoying watching the republicans tear each other up over this. You dont think you dont think a clean cr . I disagree. A clean cr . They would have wanted more money than the sequester allows. I disagree with you. I disagree with you. I think a clean cr would have happened. A clean cr. If just for a temporary move, i think it definitely would have happened. Absolutely. I think theres too much on the line. Especially because the Senate Democrats would have wanted that and thats what theyre passing. And watching the republicans eat their own. You want to be part of a solution, you dont want to be part of the shutdown. Let me ask you this, did cruz and lee make a mistake by holding it up. Now its not harry reid jamming john boehner. You have bob corker who went on the senate floor and said this is not the republicans, this is two republicans. So he has basically given cover to harry reid. Well, senator cruz and lee obviously dont worry so much about this kind of division in the Republican Party. And they are perfectly look, its not as though the people who have been with them all along are going to say, oh, now were with very senator corker. Theyre going to say why is this guy, corker siding with the democrats and doing their dirty work for it. But is it siding with the democrats for a clean cr . I think that is what senator cruz and senator lee supporters are going to say. Theres just no downside as far as i can tell politically. Politically for senators cruz and lee for taking the position that they have. Even if boehner jams them. If boehnanoehner gets jammed an republicans get blamed for the shutdown. What youve seen the last few days especially is the Republican Party divisions on display in an enormous way. Its not just limited to capitol hill but you look at whats going on in senate races and gubernatorial races across the country. This is a bad moment for the gop. I agree that its bad for the party. I dont think that the interests of the individuals are lined up with the interests of the party. Were hearing the patriotic music. When you hear that, it means we should go back to some patriotic ways, the George Washington library. Shameless plugs. Richard brookheiser started his second career as a founding father historian with the book founding father about George Washington and its a terrific read. If youre incredibly confused about the budget, the health care bill, everything thats going to happen on tuesday, go ahead and take a look at the news guide that Nancy Bennett did for the a. P. , it walks you through step by step. My shameless plug is to all the amazing, Historic Places you can go around washington, here and when i say washington, d. C. , now you add the library. You can go see madisons not far away, jeffersons is not far away. So many ways to study our history all around us. Thats it for this edition of the daily rundown. Have a great weekend. Its going to be a long one here in washington. Coming up next, chris jansing. Byebye. [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever. You raise her spirits. We tackled your shoulder pain. You make him rookie of the year. We took care of your cold symptoms. You take him on an adventure. Tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol®. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Have hail damage to both their cars. Ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. Maxwell is not. Hes on geico. 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