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Moderates that this country looks like its poised to turn bluer than a smurfs balls after dry humping a bottle of winbex. [ applause ] cant believe we have a picture for that. Here with us to kick it off arick newman. The jobs report is three weeks late, but what are the takeai ways . Its a big disappointment, the numbers are weak but this is usually such a big report, its the biggest economic statistic, the Federal Reserve based policy ton this. This one means less than other jobs reports weve gotten. For one its late, for another thing it doesnt take into act the shutdown. Were really looking ahead to whats going to come out november and december. Well have messed up jobs reports for next few months because the one that comes out in november will deal with the shutdown when we had these people off the payroll, back on the payroll. And the surveys might get screwed up going into november. So we might not really know whats going on with the job market for a couple of months. Scary. Thank you, tea party. Which is scary because the Holiday Season not that it matters or anything. It wasnt a free vacation, there are contractors who arent going to get money back. And i want to bring up the Holiday Season, right around the corner. And last year major retailers hired 750,000 holiday workers and nearly 40 of retailers plan on beefing up hiring this year. Lets be honest. We talked about the shutdown. There is a possibility of another shutdown just a few months from now, sadly. Any cant do it again. Its possible. One governor worker told the Baltimore Sun said her family is planning on giving out ious if the government can get its act together. Is there a real concern out there that americans are actually going to not go out and buy . I think Something Interesting is happening. This is the third sort of big showdown we had over the governments budget. I think people are getting inoculated to this. It sorts of upsets people and get enraged and less and less worried its going to wreck things. Were seeing Consumer Confidence goes down, a direct response. In surveys that are xtd how much do you expect to spend on gifts conducted after the shutdown . They are saying about the same as last year, maybe a little more. Almost as if consumers are saying, were starting to realize that nonsense in washington doesnt matter that much. They are going to kick their feet and stomp their feet and at the end of the day were going to kind of end up where we started. Lets just carry on. Thats what people seem to be saying. That normalization seems scary because it allows republicans to go further and further to the brink. They lose more and more each time it happens. Their folks are happy with what theyre doing but we heard over and over from the republicans like obama care is a jobs killer. Are you seeing that in the jobs number . It depends. If you want to see that in the jobs numbers, im sure you could find a statistic. There it is, i found it. The job numbers only go up to the end of september and the surveys are in the middle of september before obama care went into effect. Were not seeing anything and the one thing thats notable were not seeing it yet. Not seeing evidence that obama care is a huge jobs killer. This idea that companies are going to fire fulltimers and hire fulltimers instead, thats not showing up. Were seeing the opposite, fewer parttimers in the workforce which would be the opposite of what would expect if its going to kill fulltime jobs. But, these numbers are all from before obama care went into effect. Most are pragmatic about it, not going to make big moves before it happens. They are going to see what happens with their employees how much the costs go up . Right, for some companies this will be a benefit. We saw at yahoo where you were at as well as the wall street journal has run estimates on this, basically finding that snap shot, not seeing a big shift to parttime jobs. Thats important data point to toures question. A couple of questions that said they wanted to do that, the Restaurant Group said this makes sense, something you want your shareholders to know, there was a big backlash, not going to doing it. You think they are doing it for political reasons more than economical reasons . When you have bad news to deliver and theres a big explosion in the somewhere in the economy, its very veenlt to say, thats the reason. Thats the reason the numbers are down and were not doing so well. Well see some of that here as well. It will take months if not years to see what effect the law has. The other huge business story is the Justice Department cracking down on big banks, specifically jp morgan. The New York Times reporting on a huge settlement deal, the crackdown on wall street has gained some momentum and what weve seen is reports that jp morgan will settle with doj at the tune of 13 billion. Which is record breaking. What does that mean . 9 billion that would be basically some type of fines and fees. 4 billion would be relief directly to American Bank customers and mortgage customers, which is huge. I want your thoughts whether this affects other companies. To put that in context, what is 13 billion . More than most American Companies earn in a year. Only seven on the dow jones make that in a year and more than jp morgan pays its employees. How much do they make . 21 billion is the record high. Maybe more depending on numbers but a huge bite out of jp morgan and any american company. Number one, what does this mean for jp morgan . Number two, will it affect other banks . Jp morgan got picked as the bank they were going to go after in washington it seemed. Its worth pointing out that we still have the problem that practically nobody has gone to jail for the big financial meltdown. We have this problem where nobody is really guilty. I thifrmg what theyve decided in washington, were going to hit these companies as hard as we can. The window of opportunity is closing for them to show they can be tough on the banks. Jp morgan will survive. Jamie dimon is safe, he has support of his board. He was there running the show the board he chairs. Thats right. They have said were comfortable and were going to take this hit and go on. The stock hasnt suffered that much. It seems like the kind of deal where the feds can claim victory and bank can say, we did our penance and were moving on. Does it impact other companies . What usually happens is companies have moved on to some other kind of game or gimmick by now. Were talking about practices that were going on in 2006, 2007. Everybody has learned lets not do that anymore and focus on something else. Lets go back to washington for a second. Part of what i think happens when we see the brinksmanship and tactics, part of the goal is obstruction and a smokescreen meant to distract from other things. Part of the things that happened in the shutdown in the debt default dance, now quester sequester has become normalized because the democrats felt the fire is other here, we cant deal with that and sequester they distracted from the o bam obama care rollout. The fact is that were no longer talking about rolling back the sequester. I think that was the hope of Many Democrats going into october, this is going to be a chance to take out those 100 billion worth of cuts and replace them with something smaller and less painful. That didnt happen and really looks like the sequester cuts are going to be in place for the duration for ten years. That is a scary, scary thought. Amen. The new normal, craig newman, thanks so much for joining us. Up next, obama care, the ebbs and flows of democracy. 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All the democrats have to do to gain like an 80 to 20 advantage in this country, all that stands in their way is a mildly competent implementation of the Health Care Policy they battled so hard to keep. Lets take a look. The word glitch has been used by the white house. That sounds promising. Lets hear more. Health care. Gov is plagued by glitches. Glitches. Glitches, snafu. The bugs or kinks whatever you wants to call this. Glitches. Yes, apparently the healthcare. Gov has 99 problems but a glitch is all of them. Welcome back. By now youve heard about the obama care glitches and youve heard the president admit mistakes. Nobody is more frustrated by that than i am, precisely because the product is good. I want the cash registers to work. I want the checkout lines to be smooth. Youve also seen obama care at work literally, call him dr. Barr ba rack. This is one of the most important portions of the law that was essentially stripped by the Supreme Court last year when many of us were focused on the headline about the individual mandate. Basically that part of the law was held up as constitutional but chief Justice John Roberts used the decision to strip a provision that states would have to supply medicaid funding on ten cents on the dollar and uncle sam would pay the rest of the tab. That was a big incentive except the court deemed it coercive and called it a gun to the head of the states. Now 26 states, which account for 60 of our countrys working poor, have now legally refused to extend medicaid. Our next guest argues that is the big headline here. Harvard Law School Professor noah feldman is back with us. Thanks for being here. Pleasure to be with you. Professor, explain this point you made in your bloomberg article. That basically a lot of attention on the individual mandate originally and now on the website, which is an important glitch, has jon stewart said, for 60 of americans, medicaid is off the table. Why is that . You know, the Supreme Court knows that most people toent read its opinions and that could be a source of great strength. They find out what the court did from the headlines and the headline a year and a half when the Roberts Court considered obama care was to say, yay, we succeeded and the law was upheld and court might have struck it down and it didnt and john roberts, the chief justice, usually a conservative cast the deciding vote and thats what we focused on. In the fine print he said the part of the law that told states that they needed to cover the poorest people and if they didnt they would lose all of their medicaid coverage was unconstitutional and said it was a coercion of the individual states and balance of powers between the federal government and the states. We only now are seeing the result, without that element, a lot of people tend to be the poorest people, arent covered. What makes this most per verse of all, people who can afford to buy health care in the exchanges, assuming they can make their way through the website, will get coverage. People who are poorer than that arent going to get covered. Noah, you wrote a hard hitting piece against the tea party suggesting they will die because democracy is selfcorrecting and this is what you write, when a politician acts in a way that doesnt serve the voters interest or desires, demand for that Persons Services should decline. Another candidate who fills the demand will get elected. I agree with that wholeheartedly but it doesnt seem were fighting to put forward more mod ral representatives that really serve the interest of the voter. Whats going on here . The Republican Party will really have to make its own choice. It redistricted state by state to set up districts which are safe spots for republicans and the result was that you got districts where the median voter, man in the middle was way to the right of where the ordinary american is and you got the tea party elected in those places. They redistricted to assure they would have control of the house. But once they done it they got people elected going to take them in the direction which is not what the public generally wants. That puts them over a barrel. They either have to change districting to get tea parties folks not get elected or ordinary voters have to realize they might want republicans but not tea party rpz and have to vote for different party. If they dont do either, the tea party will bring down the Republican Party and i dont think they can allow that to happen. I think thats mostly right. Any article that is titled how the tea party will die will certainly draw me in. I want to push it further on one of your assertions because you say its a new thing, powered by fiscal irresponsibility, absolutely correct. Part of the tea party thing that theres multiple motivation depending on what region youre from or class youre from. Its not really a new thing. Its a very old thing coming from an antigovernment impulse that a lot of people have, har ard professor, some who do go back to gold water and birth society, their angle comes from the part of the older conservatives that they are losing their country. That they are the true americans and they are losing control of american politics. When you look at it like that, antigovernment impulse, loss of control, demographic trending away from them. You see this is not going to end any time soon. Possibly. But you know, i think its important to break down the different components, even of old Line American conservatism. It has a libertarian component that says government off my back. That perspective is sometimes overlapping with that of liberals and civil libertarians. Take the drone strikes issue where rand paul whom i never agree with was spot on in pushing the Obama Administration to rethink its policy on drones or take some cases of encourage. To privacy coming from the government where many liberals think we need to be concerned about and libertarian libertarians Tea Party Types think the same thing. On the deficit, we all recognize something in the long run needs to be done. The question is what and how can you do it without sacrificing social well fare problems . There are elements in the Tea Party Program that are not going to go away and there are elements that might be associated with older generation of voters that will fade with time. The key elements is if the tea party pushes the Republican Party into a place where it cant win the presidency, that might be a great thing for democrats perspective but the Republican Party wont be able to tolerate that. It will have to change. One thing talked about is local and states rights which fits back into the point about health care. How do you draw a line, whether its a political line or in the court, between respecting some of what the states get to do and are good at and really an american constitutional principle, and what it seems like you accuse Justice Roberts of doing here, which is yes, upholding the aca, but then not allowing in a way inviting the states to duck the federal policy here, which is you point out gets us to this per verse place where poorest people are doing the worst . I think the rules should be what the federal government gives the federal government can take away. If the federal government is choosing to Fund Medicaid in the states to a very High Percentage of whats paid and in fact in this case the government was willing to pay 90 to cover these folks in the long run, then its up to the federal government to make that decision. If states dont want to do it, fine, they can do away with medicaid. But i dont think the idea should be that the government once its provided something for the states has to keep on giving it rather than continue some other form. It doesnt make a whole heck of a lot of sense because tomorrow the government can take away medicaid tomorrow for everybody and pass that law and that wouldnt violate the constitution. Given that, doesnt seem to make sense to me to have official rule of law which we have which under the constitution if the government is giving you something, has to keep on giving it to you, not only if youre a state, if youre an individual the government can take it away any way. If the government can give it, they can take it away. Thank you, professor feldman. Thanks for having any. The president s appearance in the rose garden pushing the Affordable Care act and what he did a lot of people saw was give the phone number for the Affordable Care act exchanges that led a friends of the show dana milbank to equate it to the selling of other things. Here on the cycle as a salute to dana, we offer this. Call now, within the next 20 minutes. Get your questions answered by real people, 24 hours a day in 150 different languages. The phone number for these call centers is 18003182596. When you see the 800 number on the screen, please call it. 18003182596. Youve got to call now. Conservatives wanted to make government more like business. There you go. Now on quts morning joe, miikka dialed the number and got right through. We wanted to ask you if you think mik as lead might be a way around this. Picking up the phone works just fine. 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A boston woman who sleep walked on a group of train tracks, right off the ledge and into the pit when complete strangers got her out before another train pulled into that station. The comedy duo of tina fey and amy poehler was price less at the golden globes. Theyll be back for the next two years and getting paid 4 million for each showing of the golden globes. Thats incredible, according to radar online. All i hear all day long at school is how great marsha is at this or how wonderful marsha did that, marsha, marsha, marsha. Hey, first borns should be preeminent because were better. Fist born children tend to be smarter and perform better in school as opposed to ari, the second of two or abby the second of like 17 kids. The study says first time parents are scared of messing up and looking to set a reputation within the household so they have tougher expectations and first borns have higher iqs and more accomplished by their own parents, i dont even know why im stuck spinning with two second borns but whatever. Poster child for first born, wow. I grew up with knowing this family of six. And the kids themselves used to joke with first child, you better be on time for dinner, not a minute late, by the time the sixth one got around, dont smoke your joints in the living room, ended up doing time later. I see as parent with the first one, you have expectations, we have to make this one perfect and hold them up higher and pressure is there. The second one, you cant maintain that and get more realistic and theyll be fine, just dont mess up. I would argue that the oldest child is probably the smartest, but it doesnt always show, clearly. This is what the author of the piece that pegs this conversation lets call your brother. Its my sister. Oh, excuse me. Clearly. This is how the author describes himself. Im a first child myself, well known within the family for being unorganize, forget until and persistently caught day dreaming in the middle of conversations. Thats how i would describe my sister. The first born, i hate to rip on her im number two on the family, all of the attention is put on first one. Thats why they end up being a little more forgetful because they can be forgetful because your parents are following them every step of the way. The second child comes around and they have to fend for themselves and figure it out on their own. I ran away from home a number of times because you were so happy in your home . Because i wanted to get attention. I was a curious person. The better question is, who is better to handle real world situations when youre in utah, where do you run . When you ran away from home, did the secret Service Bring you back . I was much older then, but thats a better question. Who is better capable of handling real world life situations . The smarter one or one who had to figure it out, all of those years not being babied and pamper pampered . That was your laugh, not mine. Ari . Where do you run in utah . I run to a farm. Run in the mountains, actually. One time i tried to catch the bus but i got lost. One time i ran out to the highway. How old are we talking . Five years old, six years old. You guys are curious about the running away thing. I want to hear your story, ari. My story is this and im sticking to it. When i looked at this study that they had and this article in the atlantic, how does this work, why do first borns seem to do better. You find that the first born child controlling for other variables gets 20 to 30 minutes more time than other children born sequentially. Thats remarkable because it adds up. What do we know children, this is true if you want to generalize from its better to not be hungry and better to have a roof over your head. We know Children Care a great deal about attention and love and feeling safe and secure and getting parents attention. What is fascinating with the studies, including that one, its cross cultural. We spend a lot of time looking at the things that change and Money Matters a great deal. No one denies that. But it was interesting that across communities and world, that idea, more time which apparently for the reasons toure was touching on anecdotally and really a think of getting tired so to speak, they are putting more time into the first born. Your mind share gets broken down. When you have one child you put everything into that child then when you have the second one your head space is divided. You never have this single minded focus on the second one. But the parents are so concerned about the first one feeling left off when the second one comes. The poor second child, ari, i know you feel the pain. Did you ever rye to run away . Only if i live in utah. Like right now maybe. Up next, jfk was a conservative . What, the author of a thoughtprovoking new book says the 35th president was more reagan than lbj. First, well take you to break with our cycle team thats my sister and kids. Americans take care of business. They always have. They always will. Thats why you take charge of your future. Your retirement. Ameriprise advisors can help you like theyve helped millions of others. Listening, planning, working one on one. To help you retire your way. With confidence. Thats what Ameriprise Financial does. Thats what they can do with you. Ameriprise financial. More within reach. See, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. Thats when i talked with my doctor. He gave me some blood tests. Showed it was low t. Thats it. It was a number. 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Tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. In a clinical study, over 80 of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. Talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. Get the blood tests. Change your number. Turn it up. Androgel 1. 62 . Within the past week, unmistakenable evidence established the fact that missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. The purpose of these bases can be none other than to provide a Nuclear Strike capability against the western hemisphere. That was jfk 51 years ago today addressing soviet arms buildup in cuba. The next daye broke with his more dovish advisers, that coupled with a sometimes hawkish Foreign Policy and concern about excessive deficits have led to argue he is not as liberal. Arguing that conservatives may want to claim jfk as one of their own. New book, jfk, conservative. Happy to be here. In this book, you tell us why jfk is a conservative . He pioneered supply side tax cuts and built up the military while restraining domestic spending and wanted to reform welfare. He appointed to the Supreme Court the justice who wrote the dissent in the Abortion Case of roe v. Wade. He was religious and believed america was locked in the war against the godless soviet u. N. John. They were pretty godless, lets be real. The thing that jumped out to me, some of this obsession or fixation on the conservative aspect of kennedys legacy leans heavily on religion, language and rhetoric and so the question there is, what do you say to people who say, sure, he positioned some of his ideas in universalistic or conservative context in order to appeal to everybody . You have to look at not just what kennedy said but what he did. His big domestic policy achieve xt was the tax cut, not just the income and Capital Gains tax cut but also a tariff cut. He cut taxes on imports into america like bill clinton did with nafta and labor unions were against it. He clashed with labor unions and investigated them as a senator and went down south and talked about corruption being a cancer on unions. So for all of those reasons, he opposed capital punishment, even though people were against it at the time. Liberals at the time opposed the tax cuts, those are some of the reasons, including the military buildup, why kennedy was conservative. I take issue with the idea that a person being religious means they are conservative. My parents arevy very spiritual, very liberal. Showing him as a person who looks as government as a way to solve problems, not the problem itself. You get Government Intervention in segregation in schools, executive order pushing affirmative action and protection of Voting Rights and overhaul of immigration facilitating latin American Family reunification, these are using for 40 or 50 years, the white racial anxiety way to woo voters. How do we rectify . I think kennedys record is mixed in a way that doesnt always make him look so good in retrospect. Martin luther king complained that kennedys record on civil rights was cautious and defensive. Civil rights act act was only proposed by kennedy in 1963, three years into his administration. A arthur sleginger says liberals were upset instead of pushing for civil rights and medicare, he was push being for these tariff cuts and free trade. When kennedy met with civil rights leaders after the march on washington, the first thing he said to them wasnt how can we Work Together and pass this law. He said, why cant you blacks be more like the jews and focus i love blacks and jews coming together we experience that every day. To be clear, youre not suggesting that the kennedy civil rights record was in the conservative part of the Democratic Party at the time . It was. In fact that he was more kennedy was endorsed in the 1960 campaign by some of these segregationist southern governors. You endorsed them. There were the the reason kennedy called Coretta Scott king during the 1960 campaign was that the black vote was up for grabs. There were lots of liberal the democrats used to be a southern conservative party dating back to the civil war. And when kennedy called Coretta Scott king, i write about this, Martin Luther kings father said i would have never voted for kennedy because he was a catholic. He was extraordinarily radical, extremely left, even to be relating to king and coretta in that way is surely to risk the whole his whole president ill jump in here. I think its real interesting what youve been writing. When you look at post president s since jfk, who in your mind best represents his legacy . Well, theres a whole last chapter in t book sort of takes it up to the present day, through reagan and clinton and carter and even obama who some people have said it a lot like kennedy. I reject the Obama Kennedy comparison. I think the president most like kennedy was actually ronald reagan, who based his 1980 campaign in former kennedy retreat in virginia, used to talk constantly about kennedys tax cuts on the campaign trail, talk about ken dipnedykennedysn Foreign Policy and military buildup and used to say, which is still true, when conservatives talk about kennedy like this, it makes liberals tear out their hair. Moderate Movement Conservatism starts with gold water after kennedy is gone, its like comparing different eras that didnt touch each other . Nixon, who was the republican that kennedy really faced off in the 1960 campaign, wrote in his memoir, that kennedy successfully left people after the debates with the idea that kennedy was to the right of nixon on communism. Look, its an interesting book. I dont agree with some of it but i like how much youre pushing us to think about these figures in a different way. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Up next, what one woman didnt know she was agreeing to when she said i do. Building animatronics is all about getting things to Work Together. The timing, the actions, the reactions. Everything has to synch up. My expenses are no different. Receiptmatch on the business gold rewards card synchronizes your business expenses. Just shoot your Business Card receipts and theyre automatically matched up with the charges on your online statement. Im john kaplan, and im a member of a synchronized world. This is what membership is. This is what membership does. 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Her new family in afghanistan and crash course of gender apartheid, oppression that planneded the seeds of future in human rights, phyllis chessler, professor of psychology at the city of university of new york. He new book an american bride in kabul, detailing the struggles that made her one of the most respected voices for women today. How did you ever get from being a nice jewish girl in brooklyn to being a bride in kabul and when did you realize this is not at all what i signed up for . I was a romantic. We fell in love. We were soul mates, exo tenlist bohemians and never mentioned his father had three wives and never told me i had to live with my motherinlaw. It never came up in conversations. When we landed in kabul and i knew him for two and a half years, hes a westernized guy, when we landed, and official took away my american passport. That meant i became a citizen of no country and the property of this large wealthy polygamist afghan family. Then i got to live not for many years, just for five long months, in a harem and begin the book with i once lived in a ha r. E. Harem in afghanistan. It reminds me from out of africa. My romance was with Islamic Culture and central asia, with all of the westerners who have yearned to go east and met their doom or their fate, came down with malaria, pair sites, hepatitis as did i and because of the cost of this grand adventure is very high. Not many people can say that. Its interesting that a lot of people look at folks like that as they are backward, when you talk westernized, not backward at all, but then sort of social customs are. How did you get from being this bride sort of captured in this gender apartheid to them being a feminist . Well, i was already using the word pat tree arcal in diaries i kept before feminism. When i saw women at the back of the bus before rosa parks, i said, not for me. I have to leave. I said to my husband, you will not be able to realize your dream of bringing this country into the modern era, leave with me, which he couldnt do because he really hoped to be able to do just that. He said it would be on its way out. Understood something. About the plight of women, especially muslim women in the world today and muslim dissidents who dare to critique being scented or veiled. And understood that human rights is universal. That means its not just me here, were okay. But im concerned with people everywhere, if theyre okay too. I also made a shocking discovery for a radical person. America is not the worst country in the world. Because i had lived in places that were so povertystricken and filled with cruelty and corruption and nepotism and rivalries, feuding, that i understood that here it is better. And then when you came back, when you landed back on u. S. Soil, after all of that, you kissed can the ground at jfk. Not many people would say they have done that. What was the feeling you had at that moment . It was idlewald airport then and i said im alive and im back in the land of libraries and liberty. And i went home to brooklyn for a little while, and then back to private college. And my family never told a relative that i had just sailed off to afghanistan. So no one knew, which tells me, in retrospect, they expected i would be back. I dont regret this. I did nearly die there. The education is really tremendous. I have never forgotten the kindness of people to me there. And also the cruelty. Both exist. When you hear in our political culture people use words like freedom. What do you think of that now . Oh. Freedom means youre allowed to leave your house. You can go out without male permission, without a male escort, without having to wear a face veil or even hijab. Moving from country to country without permission from your family. It means being able to live on your own without being unemetered, as happens to muslim girls in the west, as well as in muslim majority countries. And to hindu girls and boys in india. So when i think of freedom, i think of all these things and the freedom to fight for rights, our own and other peoples in the world. This is something that heroic muslim dissidents are doing as best they can, extraordinary. And theyre dying for it. Amen. Fantastic story. Fantastic book. Congratulations. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Were going to take you down abbeys road to a better america when we come back. Las known definitely for its traffic, congestion, for the smog. But there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. And now that the buses are running on natural gas, they dont throw out as much pollution into the air. So i feel good. I feel like im doing my part to help out the environment. [ male announcer ] old el paso frozen entrees. Now in freezers. Her busy saturday begins with back pain, when. Hey pam, you should take advil. Why . You can take four advil for all day relief. So i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil . Youre joking right . For my back pain, i want my aleve. The black keys said it best. For republicans, its the same old thing. If theres one thing we learned from the 2013 government shutdown, its that shutdowns never work. Its no matter how one feels about the government, we still depend on it for, yes, goods and services. For those who remember, this aftermath was no different from the 1995 shutdown. The gop looked unreasonable and handed democrats a political victory. Heres something ted cruz, the openmouthed senator from texas does not understand. You dont win by confusing the policy differences between the parties and leaving the public feeling even more disenfranchised from you and the entire political process. Lets put aside that political failure and the foolish behavior. On policy, the economic threats of the Tea Party Wing have hurt, antagonized and undermined the conservative constituency that is the backbone of our economy. Business. Yes, the men and women who pay for all this. Politicians are always talking about jobs. Well, lets be clear. 72 of employed americans worked for businesses. Only 13 work in the public sector. So our recovery actually depends on business, big and small. Thats justi the reality. And for the most part, Business Leaders have trusted the gop more, because the party of economic innovation, thats what theyre known for, sensible policies to encourage growth, discipline, public spending, pro growth, tax policy and fairness. The tea party undermined those principles by practicing economic blackmail over obama care. Rather than letting the public judge the obama care rollout for itself, how is that going this week, by the way . Instead tea partiers put division and weakness on full display. And not only that, there was no coordinated strategy, zero. Who goes over a cliff without a plan . Well, maybe thelma and louise or the road runner fleeing after while e. Coyote. These republicans were in such a rush, they ran right over the cliff without a plan and looked down only when they hit rock bottom. As my old friend, john mccain, likes it is, its always darkest right before it goes completely black. It can get worse. Dont take my word for it. Here is a republican ceo speaking for many conservative Business Leaders when he says, im a republican by definition and by registration, but the tea party seems to have split into two factions. While both parties have extreme elements, only in the gop did the extreme element exercise power. And he makes a comparison that wall street has actually taken to heart. The extreme right has 90 seats in the house, occupy wall street has no seats. Stable markets arent just good for business and jobs, theyre a prerequisite. And we know when emergencies rattle the markets, everyone suffers from wall street to main street. But this was not an emergency. It was a selfinflicted political choice. Boardrooms, Business Leaders and entrepreneurs want a commitment to stability markets, a commitment to solving problems. But you know what else they want, they want some stake in the game. Their voices heard. Its no wonder theyre openly talking about challenging tea party couples with primaries. Can you blame them . What is even more frightening here for republicans, today, democratic operatives are seizing the chance to credibly say they were better for wall street this year. The job creators always thought they had a friend and a home in the gop. But as long as the tea party calls the shots, the party is at risk of losing their core constituency. And heres the thing about entrepreneurs. They know how to find new friends. As they say, just follow the money. That does it for us. Its time for our own money man, martin bashir. All yours. I wish. Thank you, abbey. Good afternoon. Its

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