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that is tonight's the last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, donald trump met his probation officer. we will look at a key step as sentencing approaches. the fate of hunter biden is in the hands of a delaware jury. nba legend steve kerr is here and why he speaking out about the stakes in the election as the 11th hour gets underway. good evening once again. we are 148 days away from election. today, one of the leading candidates for president met with his probation officer. donald trump brush off his guilty verdict set for a standard presentencing interview this afternoon, there was nothing standard about how this interview was held. trump got special permission to attend virtually from florida and to have his attorney todd blanche present. he's been complaining for months about it two tiered system of justice and he is right. is new public defenders pointed out today, most people do not get to login remotely from a resort in florida to talk to their probation officers. as for is what happens in these interviews, probation officers generally ask about financial resources, mental health, and any links to other convicted criminals. they also have to ask if you feel remorse for the crime you were convicted of. meanwhile, in delaware, the hunter biden firearms case went to the jury after both sides made closing arguments. hunter biden chose not to take the stand. here is ryan nobles with more. >> reporter: tonight, it's in the hands of the jury. six men and six women deliberating the fate of hunter biden, the first child of a sitting american president to be charged with a crime. many members of the first family in the courtroom throughout the trial. all of this is not evidence. gesturing around the courtroom and in the direction of first lady jill biden in the first row. people sitting in the gallery are not evidence he said adding no one is above the law. the special counsel's office use the president's son of lying on a federal back on check by checking the box claiming he was not an active drug user to purchase a gun. prosecutors used evidence from his laptop and called 10 witnesses, many describing hunter biden's frequent drug use including around the time he filled out the background check in october 2018. hunter biden's ex-wife testified she found drug paraphernalia inside his car in october 2018. his ex-girlfriend who was dating him at the same time singing hunter was smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the evidence was personal. it was ugly. it was overwhelming he told the jury today. it was also absolutely necessary. defense attorney abbe lowell argued they focus too much on his drug abuse over a four year period and saying no one witnessed actual drug use during the window of time he purchased the gun. >> with that, let's do smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. pulitzer prize for investigative reporter with the washington post sam stein acerra veteran federal journalist and white house editor for political and a neighbor of carol. former new york prosecutor and civil rights attorney charles coleman jr. is here. you know it's a big night so you get first crack. donald trump met with his probation officer. help us understand the purpose of these interviews and how do they go and what do we know about what was asked in this one? >> when your probation officer will ask you questions, what they're trying to understand is what your setup is around your life. how do you live. what your financial resources are and what would be the impact of a particular sentence of a judge decides to send you to jail. are there people who depend on you? are you associating with other criminals which we know in the case of donald trump, he is. we could go down the long list. steve bannon, roger stone, michael flynn, the list goes on and on. one of the things a probation officer is looking to ascertain, and you talked about this, is whether you have any understanding and/or appreciation for the crime you're actually committed up. i think donald trump has a difficult tightrope when it comes to everything he said in the public around this persecution rather than what he knows is actually in the prosecution by the das office, and that will be something that will be hard to get around. the probation report is going to be something the judge takes into account when they make their decision around what sentence they ultimate -- ultimately oppose. they will make the recommendation and trump's attorneys will argue for as lenient of a sentence as possible. >> sam, donald trump has been arguing for months and months that there's a two cheered data tiered justice system and its benefiting him. he got to meet virtually with his probation officer. his lawyer was there and when he speaks at his rallies he's always saying i am doing this for you. i am standing here for you. but any trump supporters were in his position, they would not get the special privileges. why do they keep buying this? >> you are right. when you think back to the gag order that was imposed on trump at various points in the criminal case, that was almost done with reluctance compared to what it would've been for any other person in the justice system. obviously, donald trump is a unique person in the justice system that he's running for president currently. it makes sense that some leeway is given to him. the justice system works in his favor and i would argue the second story, hunter biden's story, it is not a justice system. the presidents own department of justice is bringing a case against his son. if there was a thumb on the scale of the justice system on the part of president biden, one thing he would do it to alleviate the burdens on his son and maybe let it go away and the president sat back and watched this progress to the point where we will probably get a verdict in the next day or so. >> carol, get it's been a crazy last eight years and people have become desensitized. it is not even remotely normal for the presumptive gop nominee to be meeting with his probation officer. what is your reaction to this extraordinary moment in american history? >> i've thought a lot about that and how numb the country has become to everything that we have watched in the last eight years. nobody can forget and yet we almost act like it was no big deal when then republican nominee for president, donald trump, was caught on live tape talking about grabbing women in the using a course word and saying he could get away with it because he was a celebrity. starting then and continuing on, it was like a starting gun of every other week, every other two weeks, revelations about donald trump as candidate and as president that made us all gasp and wonder, can he survive this? donald trump is the republican nominee for president again. he is the front runner in this race by many polls, and he is a felon who has been convicted of 34 counts of crimes in the state of new york. the city and the town, where he once ruled. all of us are like, oh, yeah, that's how it is. that's sort of the standard now for the last eight years. it's important for us all to step back and remember that no president and no former president has ever been charged with a crime and now we have one who has been convicted and is seeking to return to the white house. >> charles, an appellate lawyer wrote that donald trump's chances of winning an appeal are pretty slim. what do you think? >> i think so. when you talk about what it is to appeal a jury verdict, the first thing people need to understand its an rare occurrence that the system will look at the decision that is made by our constitution where you get a chance to have your case heard in front of a jury of your peers, which donald trump did, and override that decision absent some extreme miscalculation by the judge or extreme actions by one of the attorneys. judge merchan does not get enough credit for the way he ran this trial. i think he was aware that all eyes needed to be dotted and all his teas needed to be crossed and that's why he did on such a -- run such a tight ship to make sure there were as few issues for appeal as possible. that doesn't mean donald trump's attorneys won't seek to find an issue but the likelihood of being successful is slim to none. >> sam, dal bragg says he will testify before the house about the trump case but most likely not until after donald trump gets sentenced. he knows what he is going to face with house republicans. how do you think he will handle this? >> i mean, we knew the house republicans were going to do this. they signaled they want to protect donald trump and want to go after the prosecution. there has been overtures they want to defund jack smith for instance. bringing alvin bragg to the hill is something we should've expected a long time ago. i'm surprised they didn't push harder prior to this. i would point to the fact that a jury trumps peers made the determination he was guilty of 34 counts. that's the aspect of the american justice system that trump was right to defense and he was given defense. there will be questions about, who was on his team and funding them? what it comes down to is this is how the american justice system is designed to work. trump at his day in court and had his defense. that is that. the decision was made by a jury of 12 and you have to live with it that's what we do. >> charles, let's shift to what sam was talking about. the hunter biden case. what did you make of both sides, closing arguments, and hunter not taking the stand? >> it didn't surprise me that hunter biden did not take the stand for a number of reasons. number 1 comments difficult for hunter biden to give testimony in any way that will try to exonerate him or at least defend against those charges without either incriminating him or at least admitting publicly about his substance abuse. i think that is something he wanted to avoid. i think his team wanted to avoid that and if you are looking at this, it's something that would not of been well for the biden administration to have in the headlines. not that that has an impact on hunter's actual case or charges per se, but i think it was part of the calculus here. with respect to what you heard from the prosecution, this was straightforward. many legal experts myself included understand that when the special prosecutor on the case that joe biden allowed to stay on the case brought the charges, that is, if anything that we've seen recently is a mass political prosecution we have seen. i say that because for these federal charges to be brought, you typically don't see that absent some additional violent events involving the actual handgun or the weapon that is in question. that's not the case here. hunter biden is not charged with that because we don't have those facts. robert hur decided to bring the charges against hunter biden and the case for the prosecution is relatively straightforward. none of this surprises me. what the defense did a closing argument is you work with the facts you have. they don't have gray facts so they have to call into question the time line. i don't know if that will be enough for a jury to either acquit him or result in a mistrial. >> sam, the president has already said he will not pardon his son. if he is found guilty, he could be taken into custody . how is the administration, campaign, going to react to this? >> they have been hands-off about a. they are not hiding the fact this is taking an emotional cole, mental pool, on the president. he is a there. when you ask about -- present enough, they are hands off. there's discomfort in the white house to even talk about the issue with the president himself. he does not want to discuss it. it's not that he doesn't think it's a political fallout but it's too raw for him. the question, will republicans tried to capitalize on a guilty verdict, and if so, what manifestation? we have a debate coming up. it's not beyond the realm that donald trump will not try to use something during the debate and what we've been surprised to see is how little republicans are talking about the hunter biden trial including trump himself. it doesn't come up that much. it used to be a topic of discussion but not recently. you wonder if that's because they don't want to draw attention to trump's own legal mishaps or tested it out and realize there might be boomerang effect where people are sympathetic or empathetic to joe biden if you go after his son, part of what the issue is, issue of addiction. >> carol, no topic. your paper, "the washington post", has this story out over the weekend about the trump ally with a quote post constitutional vision for a second term. the man's name is russell, what can you tell us about this? >> beth reinhard on our national investigative team for this great reporting that presages the future and right donald trump presidency. the kinds of people he is entrusting to make the plans for his new administration. he was a deputy omb director and had been in congress as a staffer for a long time and other federal agencies. he knows his way around the legislative and the executive parts of our government. he is using that knowledge to broadly expand the powers of the executive, if trump takes office. to the point of saying he will find a way for the justice department to prosecute and imprison those who he feels is wrongly gone after the president in the past including journalists. that includes political figures think the biden family members. he has said rather he is said to confidantes that he would work very hard to loosen the military's ability to take action at the president's command to stop protests that are against the president. to interfere perhaps in elections. the military would be an entity the president could send it to domestic situations and something we have avoided ever since the horrors of kent state for example. it's a person who believes in the unitarian executive theory but is proposing things behind closed doors. he may end up being the chief of staff for the president. he is proposing things that send a chill up the spine of those who really study democracy and its norms. >> here's my head scratcher. there's a lot of conservatives who say they do not like trump what they like his policies. these are the same people who are all about small government with limited power. this, this man and this plan. isn't that the complete opposite of small government, limited power? this is big government with ultimate power. >> well, i think one thing you have highlighted on your program consistently, if i can give you a hat tip, is the idea of the hypocrisy. the republican party for as long as i have been a reporter which i'm embarrassed to tell you how long it has been, has always been about criminal justice and serious tough law enforcement. it's been the party of being concerned about foreign adversaries, rough it -- russia chief among them but that's all out the window now with trump as president. putin is a great guy and the new republican party. he is a fan of donald trump therefore he is awesome. getting tough on criminals? not important anymore because we really want to support certain criminals who have been unfairly, and to use this in quotation marks, unfairly persecuted. that is the line the republican party is pushing. again, this notion of big government as being anathema to the government party is out the window as well. if it suits donald trump. that's the litmus test for republicans who want to stay in power. >> people can vote how they like but it's our job to shine a light so people understand exactly who and what they are voting for. carol, was great to see you. sam, charles thank you. nine months into the war and five americans are still being held hostage by hamas. why the white house is considering a new strategy for negotiations. after months in a dead heat in the polls with trump, president biden is revving up his engines and maybe even changing lanes. the 11th hour just getting underway on a monday night. da. with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? 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>> the most effective way to achieve that, get them home, is through the proposal on the table. let's see if we get an answer from hamas. >> for more, peter baker white house chief correspondent for the "new york times". is this a sign the white house is frustrated with the pace of negotiations between israel and hamas? >> obviously, it's been nine months and these american hostages have been there the entire time. the american government has deferred to the israeli government when it comes to dealing with the hostages. they have dual citizenship and israel is on the ground and united states is not. it suggests an in patients with the biden administration that its own hostage, american hostages, remain in limbo while netanyahu and hamas remain at odds over the cease-fire proposal. you heard secretary blank and say that it's hamas that has yet to accept this proposal. i think that's important point they want to make that israel has agreed to this despite the public ambiguity. right now, they're frustrated it's taking so long and seems to not be heading toward a conclusion and they seem to be willing to think of ways to get the americans at this point out if there's a way to do it. >> president biden is not the only one expressing frustration. benny gantz just resigned from israel's work cabinet saying it's a prime minister and he is standing in the way a real victory. what does that signal to you about the state of the war effort and prospects for new elections over there? >> it's a big deal and it's been remarkable to work cabinet has hung together as long as it did. benny gantz has run against netanyahu multiple times and the idea they sat together in this work cabinet is a remarkable situation. it's hard to imagine joe biden and donald trump sitting together in a unity government. at this point, he's decided enough is enough and it's not working. the prime minister netanyahu is an obstacle toward a resolution to the conflict rather than a leader. that puts netanyahu in an awkward position but it may require him to rely even more so on his far right-wing coalition to stay in power. he has to appeal to the parts of his coalition that he himself might affect comfortable in order to keep his majority they can avoid further elections. we will have to see where it leads. there's not much chance or at least not a lot of optimism for prime minister netanyahu they could win another election but he's been an enduring figure for a long time and israeli politics. >> let's stick with the right wing and change locations. you were just in france and when president biden was there, he spent a lot of time trying to reassure nato allies who are nervous about a second trump term. i want to know how his message was received and we keep hearing about our european allies, worried about trump, but there were a bunch of elections that took place last week in europe and they were big winds for the far right. it's not just a u.s. issue but it's happening over there as well. >> it's not just a u.s. issue. the european elections on sunday were a remarkable shift in power toward the right. you saw macron of france who host a president biden the night before at the state dinner where they held hands and effect in favor of establishment politics, and also rock that he's calling new elections in france himself to see if he cannot win over his own public where he is not very popular re-there. these guys will get together in italy at a g7 meeting and they will talk about these issues like gaza, ukraine, do. president biden has a low approval rating, his at home is higher than some of the other leaders who will be at the summit. there's a time when the establishment politicians of the major industrial powers are on their back heels a little bit amid this right-wing populism we are seeing in europe and the united states. >> peter, you always make a smarter. thank you for being here. when we come back, stubborn polls and has the biden campaign getting a read data revving up the race in the 11th hour. hour. if you're one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. 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(announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! the biden campaign is making big changes after listening to months of public and private concerns from democrats. their switching up the style and launching major policy initiatives both to lockdown voters already on board while trying to pull new ones in. i want to bring it msnbc contributor brian tyler: and former adviser to george w. bush and john mccain. were not talking one or two small changes. the president is revamping his policy portfolio and will refer to trump is a convicted felon and he sitting for interviews beyond traditional media. you to sit down with vice president harris. what do you make of these changes? >> i think it is smart. reach people where they are. people are getting their news from less traditional outlets and people are watching the news less frequently anyway and people are checking out. it's smart to reach these people where they are and find them where they are not paying attention to the more traditional issues. the biden campaign recognizes whatever it has to do as we head toward crunch time. >> this is not just about his base. it's nikki haley voters, independence, and never trumper's. the people who could make or break the election which is currently by a lot of polls in a dead heat while press -- former president trump is not looking beyond his base. will this work for biden? >> well, yeah, he has to look beyond the base. that's where the election will be decided. i remember when the bush campaign was in trouble in 2000. we had to do a reset and we got pushed into it. we didn't want to do it and ultimately we decided we needed to because we had to. part of it was making changes but a big part is doing a reset for the press and the larger public to say, we heard the message. we are doing things differently. it makes sense practically speaking and make sense of the speaking that you are sending a message that you heard the message and we are doing things differently. in this campaign, it's so razor thin that biden has to do everything right and this is one of them. this is good. >> one of the things he needs to do is turn up the volume on the things donald trump is saying. they are seizing on some of the comments that trump made it his nevada rally this weekend. i will share a bit. >> you feel that? i don't want anybody going we need every vote. i just want your vote. i don't care about you. >> what i just heard him say, i don't care about you. i just want your vote. did the rally attendees here this? what? >> did they hear that? they have selective hearing. donald trump can say anything on god's green earth and they will cheer on cue. it's important that americans more broadly here it because that's him giving the game away. he doesn't care about anybody. trump's only goal is to keep himself out of prison. to make prosecutions against them go away. he has brought forward no plans to lower costs. nothing to lower health care costs. nothing to increase the amount of jobs. he has no plans for housing or inflation. his campaign is predicated on keeping himself out of prison, out of the courtrooms, and making the cases go away. and a revenge tour against the people who deign to hold him accountable for his crimes. it's a rare instance, less rare these days because he has a proclivity to see the quiet part out loud. he is saying it. if you want an example of someone who treats supporters with nothing but contempt, it someone like donald trump standing there on that stage and basically telling them what he thinks about them. >> what i like to hear about is the truth mark and billions of dollars in infrastructure funding has made its way across the country thanks to president biden's massive infrastructure bill now law. suddenly, we are seeing some house republicans taking credit for these jobs that were created but for facts say, the same republicans voted against the bill. to their constituents who might not pay attention to traditional politics or watch the news, do they know the new truth? these guys are taking credit for things they voted against. >> they are not going to hear the truth. let me make another point on the las vegas speech and the ad. there is another ad i think the biden campaign which is the best of the campaign which is donald trump in his voice talking about veterans. i think they should leave that up through election day. it's spectacularly good and impactful. trump has been complaining about it and we call that as hit dogs barking. you know he's feeling the pain so it is working. as a former ad guy, the most effective thing you can do is not say what you think the person said but let them say what they said themselves. it is great. >> brian, i want to go back to the infrastructure point. if you the biden campaign are running and local elections, what do you do about the fact that you have some house republicans patting themselves on the back, taking credit for passing things they voted against? >> i think they done an effective job at exposing these people. biden said it out loud when he was in lauren boebert's district that she tried to take credit for the infrastructure plan. it's getting into these districts and doing the side-by- side. the media has been great about showing side by sides where it's donald trump railing against toilets not flushing and trying to keep himself out of prison and biden talking about $35 inhalers. $35 insulin and $2000 a month health care plans and things that will impact regular people. they been good about that side- by-side but it's getting out there and hammering the message over and over and over again. >> they often say what is the one thing that a politician did to change your life or help you in some way? you got to show people. thank you both for being here. stay up for this. coach steve kerr when he talks, everybody listens. the nine time nba champion is here next. is being endorsement in the selection and is taking caitlin clark's first month in the pros. pros. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. are you still struggling with your bra? it's time for you to try knix. makers of the world's comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ and sizes up to a g-cup, changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that's going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to in the last 10 days, we have had elderly black people killed in a supermarket in buffalo. asian churchgoers killed in southern california and now we have children murdered at school. when are we going to do something? ! i am tired. i am so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families out there. i am so tired of the excuse -- i'm sorry, i'm tired of the moments of silence. enough. >> steve kerr is best known as an nba champion player and coach. most sports fans know him as a fantastic communicator and every postgame press conference where he broke through and spoke to america was when he spoke from the heart after the mass shooting in uvalde, texas. last week, steve kerr announced he will be endorsing joe biden for president and we will find out why. he joins us now. it's a pleasure to see you. tell us why this endorsement and why now? >> it's clear that president biden is interested in implementing gun safety measures. common sense gun violence prevention measures. i have been doing a lot of work the last 10 years with a lot of different gun safety prevention people like brady, giffords, sandy hook promise, march for our lives. i have learned so much and i know we can prevent lives. president biden is adamant that he is going to push for commonsense laws that can do that. i know trump will not do that, and so it's a simple choice for me. >> are you voting for joe biden against donald trump? >> i am voting for joe biden. i think the biggest thing for me, everybody needs to vote their conscience. i am voting on a few issues, but this is the main one. i lost my father to gun violence when i was 18 years old so i know how much pain people go through every single day in this country. i know gun violence is the number 1 killer of children in america. i know there is so much we can do about this. i think most people out there agree with me whether you are republican or democrat. 80% of people in this country want universal background checks , doesn't matter your political affiliation. we can do this but we have to steer the cruise ship. it will take time. we need to implement laws that the vast majority of our country want and president biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes. >> you have said in the past that before you lost your father, as you said when you were only 18, you felt her life was impenetrable. nothing could get you down and bad things did not happen to you. what do you say to the folks out there who thinks gun violence is a problem but it will not affect their life so they don't make it a voting priority. >> you just don't know. it's such a common occurrence. the chances are likely that you will not be impacted, but there's a good chance that you will also. that is a scary thought. i have a granddaughter who is 18 months old. i am thinking about when she goes to kindergarten and she will have to go through mass shooting drills, and the trauma the kids all across america go through just from those drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation. it is so traumatizing, and it's a terrible thought that all our children are feeling this way. again, we know that comm laws save lies. they absolutely do. there's so much we can do and it's my civic project that i like to work on is trying to help get, as i said, the ship moving. it will take a lot of work. it's up to us as private citizens to insist the government take the necessary moves to make that happen. >> there's a lot of public figures who share your views. many did endorse president biden in 2020, but many are staying quiet now. expressing public views right now is getting more and more difficult. the backlash is real. this is not going to be easy for you and you will get heat by all sorts of people. why did you decide to speak out? >> it's too important to save lives and it's important to do something that's important for our country. not that i can do anything by myself, but i do have a platform. if i can get the message out there, it is so important for families to talk about this issue. neighbors, friends, this is not an attack on the second amendment. this is about implementing things that can save lives. again, it could be your own child. your own mother or father, could be you. we have to understand the gravity of gun violence in our country and not just pass it off as this is the price of freedom. that's what a lot of people say. we have to have the freedom that the second amendment provides us, but it should be kids able to go to school and not being afraid. there are ways to do this. we can protect the second amendment and protects citizens with simple laws. we just have to get everybody on board. it is such a political hot button but it's not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. it is not. 80% of people want universal background checks. we should have that, and that alone would save hundreds if not thousands of lives every year in america. >> you said it right there. it's a political hot button but not when you go in people's homes and use it other tables and talk about what matters to them. i do want to talk about something else that matters to you that you know a lot about and that's obviously basketball. you played with michael jordan. you know how this superstar was treated early, and the attention he got. given your first-hand knowledge, what do you think of caitlin clark's treatment so far in the wnba? >> i think it is a rite of passage for young players whether the wnba or nba. other players will test you. she reminds me a lot of steph curry. a lot of people may not remember this but in his first couple of years he was not a superstar. he is not who he is now. he had to get stronger and had to understand people were coming after him. that is what is happening with caitlin right now . it's all in the name of competition. she is handling herself beautifully. she is an amazing player but like every college player who comes in, it takes time and they've got to get stronger and more used to the contact, physicality and athleticism. she will be fine and everything she's going through now is part of being a pro. >> what do you think of the fact she won't be at the olympics? >> i am so excited. i am sorry that she won't be there but she'll have a great chance in four years. when you put these teams together, all you care about is winning. it's probably going to take caitlin a couple of years to be at the top echelon. the women's team is taking the 12 players they think can help bring home the gold and that's with the men's team did. that is the name of the game so no politics in the olympics. we just want to win. >> and i sure hope you do this year. nobody remembers when steph curry was not an absolute superstar. it's always great to see you and thank you for joining us tonight. we will have more of the 11th hour. 11th hour. rt working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. thank you for watching. we were just talking about the summer olympics, it's worth noting, that minutes from now, we will officially be two years out from the 2026 world cup that will take place right here in the u.s. after 30 years, and you can stream all the action live on telemundo and peacock so get your countdown clock started now. on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me. okay, there is a lot going on tonight.

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, Head , Cheek , Finger , Facial Hair , Paper Product , Calligraphy , Eyelash , Moustache , Sunglasses , Hand , Writing , Paper , Thumb , Beard , Doesn T Mean Donald Trump , 11th Hour , Word , Stephanie Ruhle , Phenomenon , Audience , Aerospace Engineering , Electronics , Automotive Window Part , Air Travel , Landmark , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Tourist Attraction , Roller Coaster , City , Metropolis , Nonbuilding Structure , Recreation , Park , Skyscraper , Darkness , Wheel , Movie , Midnight , Metropolitan Area , Tire , Stock Photography , Night , Screenshot , Tourism , Urban Area , Human Settlement , Newscaster , Government , Speaker , Television Presenter , Journalist , News Conference , Tower , National Historic Landmark , Cityscape , Lighting , Skyline , Downtown , Tower Block , Travel , Evening , Dress , Human , Condominium , Commercial Building , Daytime , Mixed Use , Corporate Headquarters , Neighbourhood , Aerial Photography , Headquarters , Urban Design , Residential Area , Landscape , Hotel , Symmetry , Suburb , Hunter Biden , Steve Kerr , Probation Officer , Fate , Hands , Nba , Step , Sentencing Approaches , Delaware Jury , Public Event , Senior Citizen , Management , Institution , Meeting , Ear , Photo Caption , Gesture , Luxury Vehicle , Ceremony , Bodyguard , Family Car , Coach , Player , Circle , Flight , Atmosphere , Anime , Petal , Macro Photography , Basketball Moves , Basketball , Sports , Basketball Player , Championship , Ball Game , Team Sport , Basketball Court , Tournament , Sport Venue , Competition Event , Fan , Sports Equipment , Basketball Official , Arena , Slam Dunk , Competition , Election , Stakes , Team , Net Sports , Reflection , Panorama , Horizon , Spire , Electricity , Nature , Television Program , Veterans Day , Newsreader , One , President , Nothing , Interview , Verdict , Brush , Candidates , Set , Holiday , Memorial Day , Debate , Justice , Todd Blanche Present , It Two Tiered System Of , Permission , Two , Christmas Eve , Tree , Crime , Jury , Criminals , Sides , Closing Arguments , Resources , Hunter Biden Firearms Case , Mental Health , Links , Remorse , Delaware , Adaptation , Police Officer , Organism , Reporter , Stand , Women , More , Men , Ryan Nobles , Six , Mode Of Transport , Public Space , Pedestrian , Campus , Fence , Grass , Lawn , Walking , Watercolor Paint , Sketch , Painting , Comics , Fiction , Artwork , Figure Drawing , Evidence , Jill Biden , Trial , Courtroom , Wall , Family , Members , Direction , American , Row , Fictional Character , Jaw , Animal , Physicist , History , Son , Office , Back , Law , Special Counsel , Gallery , Document , Parallel , Diagram , Triangle , Cash , Money , Banknote , Label , Currency , Daylighting , Siding , Sash Window , Roof , Porch , Shade , Estate , Balcony , Window Film , Mansion , Research Institute , University , Houseplant , Gun , Drug Use , Ex Wife , Prosecutors , Background Check , Drug User , Witnesses , Laptop , Drug Paraphernalia , The Box , 2018 Hunter , October 2018 , Flyer , Computer Monitor , Multimedia , Flat Panel Display , Multimedia Software , Gadget , Computer Program , Street Light , Town , Light Fixture , Road , Street , Cloud , Lane , Asphalt , Street Sign , Wind , Public Utility , Land Lot , Plaza , Infrastructure , Traffic Light , Electronic Signage , Cable Car , Intersection , Signaling Device , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Smoke , Atmosphere Of Earth , Geological Phenomenon , Dust , Meteorological Phenomenon , Haze , Water , Square , Mouth , Selfie , Hunter , Ex Girlfriend , Car , Dating , Eye , Black And White , Style , Makeover , Identity Document , Abbe Lowell , Drug , Four , Stage , Rock Concert , Music Venue , Talent Show , Animation , Sam Stein , Bacerra , White House , Help , Leadoff Panel , Washington Post , Pulitzer Prize , Club , Nightclub , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Television Studio , Gambling , Auto Show , Mid Size Car , Lcd Tv , Monday Night , Prosecutor , Neighbor Of Carol , Crack , Charles Coleman Jr , Editor , New York , Civil Rights , Elder , Questions , Purpose , Judge , Life , Sentence , Impact , Setup , Interaction , Behind Closed Doors , Case , List , Steve Bannon , On And , Michael Flynn , Roger Stone , Everything , Public , Persecution , Appreciation , Tightrope , Something , Decision , Prosecution , Probation Report , Account , Das , Attorneys , Data Tiered Justice System , Recommendation , Lawyer , Supporters , Trump , Position , Privileges , Gag Order , Points , Friendship , Photobombing , Muscle , Furniture , Shelving , Justice System , Reluctance , Sense , Story , Favor , Leeway , Chest , Fixture , Thing , Part , System , Presidents , Scale , Department Of Justice , Hair Coloring , Point , Progress , Burdens , Sat , Nominee , Reaction , Gop , Eight , Lot , Country , Nobody , American History , Kitchen , Learning , Deal , Course , Tape , Tooth , Revelations , Starting Gun , Celebrity , Candidate , Gasp , Wonder , Pope , Cardinal , Stadium , Race , Red Carpet , Carpet , Felon , Polls , Runner , Counts , Crimes , Standard , Sort , Like , Chances , Appeal , Motor Vehicle , Automotive Design , Personal Luxury Car , Compact Car , Windshield , Occurrence , Constitution , Jury Verdict , Religion , Way , Chance , Credit , Peers , Actions , Miscalculation , Front , Endurance Sports , Music Artist , Singing , Singer , Performing Arts , Issues , Ship , A , Eyes , Teas , Protest , Parade , Festival , Triathlon , Cheering , Issue , Won T , None , Likelihood , Dal Bragg , Organ , Laugh , Academic Conference , Social Group , House Republicans , Instance , Overtures , Alvin Bragg , Jack Smith , Defund , The Hill , Sign Language , Fact , Defense , Determination , Aspect , Collaboration , Court , Shift , Hunter Biden Case , Comments , Charges , It Didn T , Reasons , Testimony , Administration , Incriminating , Substance Abuse , Wrinkle , Crop , Headlines , Calculus , Respect , Per Se , Anything , Joe Biden , Special Prosecutor , Experts , Question , Weapon , Handgun , Events , Facts , Closing Argument , Robert Hur , Time Line , Result , Mistrial , Guilty , Custody , Ecole , Discomfort , Enough , Mental Pool , Car Dealership , Parking , City Car , Driving , Electric Vehicle , Minivan , Police , Personal Protective Equipment , Public Transport , Security , Iron , Fallout , Executive Car , Playground , Manifestation , Realm , Attention , Topic , Hunter Biden Trial Including Trump , It Doesn T , Discussion , Boomerang Effect , Mishaps , Addiction , Empathetic , Weekend , Rally , Quote Post Constitutional Vision For A Second Term , Name , Reporting , Oman , Russell , Beth Reinhard , Plans , Presidency , Kinds , Entrusting , Deputy Omb Director , Congress , Knowledge , Powers , Executive Parts , Executive , Staffer , Agencies , Legislative , Buzz Cut , Flag Of The United States , Department , Microphone , Audio Equipment , Military , Confidantes , Figures , Journalists , Family Members , Ability , Elections , Action , Protests , Command , Situations , Entity , Example , Chief Of Staff , Horrors , Kent State , Unitarian Executive Theory , Democracy , Conservatives , Chill , Norms , Spine , Head Scratcher , Plan , Power , Policies , Isn T , Opposite , Idea , Program , Hypocrisy , Hat Tip , Criminal Justice , Law Enforcement , Party , Russia , Adversaries , Guy , Rough It , Putin , Quotation Marks , Tough , Notion , Anathema , Litmus Test , Voting , Pc Game , Batman , Heat , Americans , Hamas , Hostage , Negotiations , Strategy , War , Five , Nine , Superhero , Beanie , Knit Cap , Cap , Headgear , Hat , Fashion Accessory , Military Officer , Engines , Planes , Fda , Morning , Sunset , Sunrise , Dusk , Calm , Waterway , Afterglow , Dawn , Sunlight , Red Sky At Morning , River , Backlighting , Historic Site , Black , Monochrome , Monochrome Photography , Moonlight , Celestial Event , Peach , Carmine , Tennis , Racquet Sport , Racket , Ping Pong , Racketlon , Paddle Tennis , Matkot , Table Tennis Racket , Ice Cream Cone , Gelato , Ice Cream , Frozen Dessert , Dondurma , Soft Serve Ice Creams , Sorbetes , Dessert , Dairy , Food , Middle Eastern Food , Flavor , Cuisine , Turkish Food , Nail , Arm , Mobile Phone , Telephony , Communication Device , Telephone , Portable Communications Device , Feature Phone , Cordless Telephone , Cellular Network , Telephone Booth , Satellite Phone , Payphone , Footwear , Shoe , Smartphone , Cowboy Boot , Hot Air Balloon , Summer , Ecoregion , Air Sports , Online Advertising , Paragliding , Trench Coat , Overcoat , Hardwood , High Heels , Human Leg , Tile , Wood , Foot , Wood Stain , Wood Flooring , Concrete , Brick , Bumper , Desk , Computer , Education , Netbook , Personal Computer , Hard Hat , Engineer , Blue Collar Worker , Construction Worker , Handyman , Bricklayer , Plaster , Leather , Fur , Leather Jacket , Living Room , Molding , Bathroom , Cabinetry , Countertop , Hall , Class , Indoor Games And Sports , Tabletop Game , Home Door , Bed , Drink , Alcoholic Beverage , Drinkware , Christmas , Wine , Meal , Temple , Happy , Floral Design , Floristry , Eating , Lunch , Major Appliance , Hospital , Refrigerator , Home Appliance , Kitchen Appliance , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Tap , Plumbing Fixture , Bathroom Accessory , Sink , Bathroom Cabinet , Bathroom Sink , Bathtub , Door Handle , Plumbing , Shower , Toilet , Drawer , Shower Door , Hardware , Cooking , Hairdresser , Tablet Computer , Graphics Tablet , Cardboard , Plywood , Composite Material , Textile , Portrait Photography , Shirt , Chair , Couch , Curtain , Window Blind , Small Appliance , Shower Head , Metal , Coffeemaker , Flesh , Pet , Dog Breed , Canidae , Golden Retriever , Dog , Sporting Group , Retriever , Carnivore , Labrador Retriever , Animal Shelter , Chip , Companion Dog , Puppy , Mammal , Vertebrate , Snout , Hound , Gun Dog , Shelf , Hardware Accessory , Website , Bidet , Ceramic , Shower Panel , Restaurant , Brunch , Model , Hair Care , Exercise Machine , Steel , Stairs , Handrail , Linens , Tableware , Mattress , Elbow , Lighting Accessory , Sconce , Jewellery , Bridal Accessory , Treadmill , Exercise Equipment , Physical Fitness , Fitness Professional , Elliptical Trainer , Exercise , Office Chair , Knee , Calf , Bottle , Alcohol , Glass Bottle , Wine Bottle , Liqueur , Distilled Beverage , Beer , Whisky , Plaid , Motorcycle , Trunk , Irish Setter , Setter , Spaniel , English Cocker Spaniel , Ball , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , String Instrument , Guitarist , Abdomen , Percussion , Tattoo , Sidewalk , Road Surface , Alley , Walkway , Driveway , Jeans , Brickwork , Home Fencing , Shrub , Outdoor Structure , Cobblestone , Shed , Backyard , Gate , Garage Door , Bridge , Suspension Bridge , Fixed Link , Skyway , Cable Stayed Bridge , Extradosed Bridge , Concrete Bridge , Beam Bridge , Overpass , Viaduct , Girder Bridge , Water Transportation , Watercraft , Naval Architecture , Boat , Freight Transport , Passenger Ship , Marina , Yacht , Motor Ship , Unesco World Heritage Site , Columbus Day , Monument , Training , Listed Building , Pain Won T , Pain Relief , Passions , Solution , Anesthetics , Absorbine Pro , Clock Tower , Cruise Ship , Steeple , Seat Of Local Government , Classical Architecture , Ferry , Brutalist Architecture , Biome , Barechested , Tribe , Wildlife , Flowerpot , Flower , Bonsai , Garden , Herb , Annual Plant , Wrist , Pro , Bad News , Xfinity Mobile , Norman , Med School , Wifi , Flower Arranging , Bouquet , Botany , Local Food , Creative Arts , Liquid , Deodorant , Personal Care , Fluid , Spray , Cosmetics , Perfume , Energy Shot , Personal Lubricant , Icon , Operating Theater , Medical Equipment , Medical , Service , Medical Assistant , Surgeon , Clinic , Health Care , Medical Procedure , Patient , Physician , Health Care Provider , Nursing , Baby , Medical Glove , Birth , Sleep , Scrubs , Doc , Savings , Gig , The Go , Screen , Television Set , Calling , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Medical Technologist , Radiology , Statue , Cat , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Felidae , British Shorthair , Whiskers , Black Cat , Domestic Short Haired Cat , Burmese , Korat , Russian Blue , Chartreux , Asian , Kitten , Abyssinian , Havana Brown , Fur Clothing , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , Love , Junk Food , Banana , Snack , Banana Family , Breakfast , Apple , Dish , Baking , Fruit , Produce , Cup , Serveware , Porcelain , Still Life Photography , Ingredient , Sweetness , Recipe , Comfort Food , Vegetarian Food , Asian Food , Bookcase , Play , Toy , Tabby Cat , European Shorthair , Cool , Stomach , Dreadlocks , Bedroom , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Mother , Hostages , Nbc News , Video , Release , Forces , Israeli , Officers , Refugee Camp , Family Home , Latest , Middle , Gunfire , Andrea Mitchell , Three , Astronaut , Ice , Snow , Soldier , Helmet , Boot , Winter Storm , Army , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Zoo , Wetsuit , Explosion , Disaster , Riot , Automotive Tire , Automotive Wheel System , Crossover Suv , Vehicle Door , Prison , Firefight , Names , Daytime Mission Leader , Back Room , Andre , Natural Environment , Woody Plant , Branch , Soil , Forest , Rainforest , Leaf , Palm Tree , Arecales , Plant Stem , Tony Blinken , Rescuers , Palestinians , Cease Fire Negotiations , Death Toll , Hamas Seven Fire , Idf , Seven , Earthquake , Slum , Waste , Natural Disaster , Demolition , Pollution , Rubble , Glitter , Scrap , Tsunami , Art Exhibition , Exhibition , Airplane , Airliner , Airline , Aviation , Aircraft , Business Jet , Pilot , Narrow Body Aircraft , Airbus , Wide Body Aircraft , Airbus A320 Family , Airport , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Boeing , Jet Aircraft , Aircraft Engine , Twinjet , Proposal , Everyone , Terror Attacks , Music , Aerospace Manufacturer , Boeing 767 , Airbus A380 , Track , Train , Rolling Stock , Military Vehicle , Father , Being , Boyfriend , Motorbike , Face , Publication , Magazine , Grass Family , Field , Plain , Prairie , Camel , Desert , Aeolian Landform , Horse , Hug , Kiss , Romance , Marines , Troop , Military Organization , Infantry , Birthday , Coming Home , Comfort , Daughter , Presence , Aunt , Knees , Mom , Contact Sport , Dry Cleaning , Car Seat , Run Gazan Health Ministry , Celebrations , Death , Combatant , Pride Parade , Marching , Thoroughfare , Traffic , Children , Rescue Mission , Move , Woman , Crew , Jersey , Sportswear , Priority , Officials , Most , Negotiating , Cease Fire Talks , Ginger , Qatar , Talks , Anywhere , Well Being , Wouldn T , Air Force , High Speed Rail , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Flight Attendant , Goggles , Peter Baker , Answer , New York Times , Let , Library , Public Library , Bookselling , Book , Librarian , Author , Self Help Book , Citizenship , Ground , Patients , Historian , Military Uniform , Military Person , Non Commissioned Officer , Military Rank , Special Agent , Airman , Netanyahu , It , Cease Fire Proposal , Limbo , Odds , Ambiguity , Taking , Ways , Work Cabinet , Frustration , Conclusion , Benny Gantz , Prime Minister , Prospects , Cabinet , Signal , Victory , War Effort , Situation , Times , Resolution , Leader , Obstacle , Conflict , Unity , Coalition , Parts , Majority , Order , Optimism , Politics , France , Wing , Locations , Stick , Figure , Message , Place , Allies , Bunch , European , Second Trump Term , Nato , Demonstration , Social Work , Winds , Right , Europe , Reading , Biden The Night , Establishment , Effect , State Dinner , Macron , Guys , Fre There , G7 Meeting , Gaza , Ukraine , Italy , Leaders , Politicians , Some , Summit , Approval Rating , Back Heels , Populism , Smarter , Data Revving , Throat , Red Eye Effect , Earth , Tent , Meadow , Grassland , Picnic , Outdoor Recreation , Spring , Yard , Woodland , Adventure Game , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Extreme Sport , Cumulus , Lawn Game , Pasture , Landscaping , Rural Area , Inflatable , Camping , Swimming Pool , Sphere , Pergola , Garden Buildings , Beam , Pull Up , Net , Mesh , Chain Link Fencing , Tool , Hand Tool , Plastic Bottle , Plastic , Baby Products , Water Bottle , Varnish , Dishwasher , Cupboard , Chest Of Drawers , Baggage , Laminate Flooring , Granite , Marble , Granola , Birdhouse , Gas , Museum , Art Gallery , Garage Door Opener , Electrical Wiring , Security Lighting , Deck , Shorts , Handbag , Bag , Waist , Bromeliaceae , Paint , Wallpaper , Coffee Table , Baluster , Guard Rail , Carving , Stone Carving , Musical Instrument , Woodworking , Leggings , Lampshade , Sleeveless Shirt , Sweater , Blouse , Wire Fencing , Lens Flare , Dehumidifier , Security Alarm , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Control , Low , Millions , Dexcom G7 , Electronic Instrument , Science , Secretary , Game Changer , Nowhere , Dr , Oswamy , Recliner , Sofa Bed , Artificial Turf , Navel , Undergarment , Thermostat , G7 , Announcer , Highs , Lows , Futon , Mobile Device , Portable Media Player , Pedometer , Output Device , School , Denim , Leisure Centre , Factory , Grocery Store , Academic Institution , Land Vehicle , Van , Commercial Vehicle , Rv , Light Commercial Vehicle , Mercedes Benz , Minibus , Compact Mpv , Compact Van , Volkswagen , Microvan , Mercedes Benz Viano , Mercedes Benz Sprinter , Garage , Hybrid Vehicle , Mercedes Benz Vito , Hatchback , Volkswagen Transporter T5 , Honda , Toyota , Fashion Design , Whiteboard , Street Fashion , Runway , Haute Couture , Fashion Show , Photo Shoot , Fashion Model , Flash Photography , Business School , Freestyle Motocross , Sports Gear , Motocross , Stage Equipment , Sports Uniform , Changes , Lockdown Voters , Listening , Concerns , Policy Initiatives , Democrats , Brian Tyler , Adviser , Ones , George W Bush , John Mccain , Msnbc , Fedora , Internet Meme , Humour , Harris , Policy Portfolio , Traditional Media , Outlets , Work , Press , Base , Voters , Independence , Trumper S , Nikki Haley , Campaign , Reset , Trouble , Cowboy Hat , Speaking , Razor , Dining Room , Volume , Vote , Anybody , Nevada , Bit , Baseball , Care , Rally Attendees , Game , Hearing , He Doesn T , God S Green Earth , Cue , Prosecutions , Goal , Costs , Health Care Costs , Flag Day Usa , Marching Band , Jobs , Cases , Housing , Courtrooms , Amount , Inflation , Someone , Revenge Tour , Proclivity , Truth , Mark , Hit Someone , Contempt , Billions , Infrastructure Funding , Infrastructure Bill , Thanks , Dome , Basilica , Byzantine Architecture , Place Of Worship , Medieval Architecture , Courthouse , Synagogue , Baptistery , Ancient Roman Architecture , Republicans , Constituents , Bill , Sad , Best , Las Vegas , Election Day , Impactful , Veterans , Voice , Spain , Hit Dogs Barking , Things , Infrastructure Point , Side By , Lauren Boebert , Infrastructure Plan , District , Districts , Dress Shirt , Side , Inhalers , Insulin , Railing , Toilets , 000 , Politician , Health Care Plans , Hammering , Everybody Listens , Referee , Endorsement , Pros , Champion , Selection , Caitlin Clark , Chocolate , Trust , Machine Tool , Cookware And Bakeware , Slow Cooker , Dutch Oven , Loudspeaker , Subwoofer , Gas Stove , Stove , Pottery , Clay , Sand , Engine , Vehicle Audio , Bearing , Automotive Engine Part , Microwave Oven , Cook , Kitchen Stove , Oven , Kitchen Sink , Grilling , Red Meat , Meat , Barbecue , Steak , Kobe Beef , Beef , Churrasco Food , Horse Meat , Roasting , Baby Carriage , Side Dish , Vegetable , String Instrument Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Guitar , Wine Glass , Sandal , Brassiere , Cooktop , Rim , Toaster Oven , Clothes Dryer , Bread Machine , Espresso Machine , Gps Navigation Device , Desktop Computer , Emblem , Drain , Lungo , Juice , Orange , Espresso , Tomato , Food Processor , Blender , Studio Monitor , Electronic Drum , Portable Stove , Tartan , Gardening , Botanical Garden , Wildflower , Shopify , Groundcover , Farm , Pollen , Gardener , Herbaceous Plant , Heracleum Plant , Herbal Medicine , Plantation , Flowering Plant , People In Nature , Superfruit , Dietary Supplement , Superfood , Vegan Nutrition , Herbal , Natural Foods , Grape Seed Extract , Vitis , Disc Jockey , Recording Studio , Audio Engineer , Seminar , Shooting Range , Function Hall , Party Supply , Beer Pong , Drinking Game , Display Case , Satin , Cg Artwork , Box Spring , Mattress Pad , Nap , Infant Bed , Bed Frame , Scene , Kettlebell , Cable , , Chiropractor , Duvet Cover , Pillow , Slope , Studio Couch , Slipcover , Loveseat , Hand Luggage , Luggage And Bags , Cradle , Loft , Ladder , Tights , Active Pants , Yoga Pant , Display Board , Bedtime , Tablecloth , Suite , Boutique Hotel , Dance , Enterprise Software , Chemistry , Robot , Office Supplies , It S Time , Ibra , Knix , Makers , Revolutionary Support Without Underwires , Wireless Bras , Lingerie , Swimwear , Glove , Briefs , Lingerie Top , Underpants , Leotard , Sports Bra , Sizes , G Cup , Abra Today , Knix Com Hi , Swimsuit Top , Swimsuit Bottom , Fitness And Figure Competition , Bodybuilding , Bob Cut , Cream , Prescription Drug , Medicine , Pharmaceutical Drug , Skin Care , Packaging And Labeling , Weight , Habits , Golo For Life , Jason , Rabbit , Carrot , Rabbits And Hares , Collar , Cuisine Classique , Longboard , Skateboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Skateboarding , Bicycle Motocross , Longboarding , Bike , Bicycle Helmet , Cycling , Cycle Sport , Mountain Bike , Bicycle Clothing , Freestyle Bmx , Road Cycling , Road Bicycle , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Individual Sports , Bicycle Frame , Hybrid Bicycle , Racing Bicycle , Bicycle Part , Bicycle Racing , Road Bicycle Racing , Bicycle Pedal , Spoke , Bicycle Saddle , Bicycle Wheel , Pedestrian Crossing , Bicycle Handlebar , Bicycle Tire , Bmx Bike , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Rickshaw , Cottage , Parking Lot , Scale Model , Cyclo Cross , Bicycle Fork , Racing , Track Cycling , Crankset , Groupset , Flatland Bmx , Duathlon , Stunt , Tennis Player , Badminton , Manager , Churchgoers , Children Murdered At School , Buffalo , Southern California , Poker , Families , Condolences , Silence , Excuse , Sports Fans , Press Conference , Communicator , Heart , Shooting , Uvalde , Texas , Pleasure , Gun Violence Prevention Measures , Gun Safety , Common Sense , Implementing Gun Safety Measures , Lives , Promise , Brady , Giffords , Sandy Hook , Commonsense Laws , Choice , Gun Violence , Everybody , Conscience , Killer , Background Checks , Matter , Affiliation , Laws , Impenetrable , Folks , Problem , Voting Priority , Don T Know , Thought , Granddaughter , Kids , Kindergarten , Trauma , Mass Shooting Drills , America Go , Kind , Drills , Possibility , Project , Comm Laws , Lies , Citizens , Get , Views , Many , Moves , Backlash , Sorts , Platform , Child , Attack , Neighbors , Friends , Second Amendment , Freedom , Price , Gravity , Amendment , Hot Button , Thousands , Hundreds , Homes , Tables , Matters , Superstar , Treatment , Wnba , Michael Jordan , Players , Steph Curry , Rite Of Passage , Couple , All In The Name Of , Caitlin , College Player , Contact , Olympics , Athleticism , Physicality , You Care , Teams , Top Echelon , Gold , Operating System , Relief , Source , Rt Working On , Advil , Nerve , Payment Card , Hippeastrum , Anthurium , Amaryllis Family , Marine Biology , 4xl Shirt , Break , Filing Cabinet , Toilet Seat , Layered Hair , Wardrobe , Sliding Door , Screen Door , Closet , Lamp , Bathing , Box , Sport Utility Vehicle , Gown , Cylinder , Vacuum Flask , Still Life , Wedding Dress , Bride , Bridal Clothing , Wedding , Groom , Veil , Jacuzzi , Chignon , Bun , Iphone , Valentine S Day , Lumber , Lobby , Chapel , Church , Swat , Ballroom , Cathedral , Little Black Dress , Tradition , Barware , Stemware , Old Fashioned Glass , Beer Glass , Cocktail , Wine Cocktail , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Highball Glass , Performance Art , Casino , Card Game , Poker Table , Saving , Poker Set , Swimming , Water Park , Synchronized Swimming , Swimmer , Underwater , Sun Tanning , Sunlounger , Luxury Yacht , Outdoor Furniture , Chaise Longue , Boating , Terrestrial Plant , Attalea Speciosa , Elaeis , Pine , Pine Family , Borassus Flabellifer , Entertainment , Disco , Grave , Concert , Musical Theatre , Song , Dancer , Theatre , Album Cover , Orchid , Worth , Summer Olympics , Football Player , World Cup , Countdown Clock , Peacock , Note , Telemundo , Super Bowl , Soccer Player , Christmas Lights , Colleagues , Networks , Crescent , Wind Turbine , Shadow , 3d Modeling ,

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