insiders. they didn't subpoena any, sort of, career folks who weren't either privy to what the trump team was doing or on the trump team itself. they're the closest people to donald trump at the white house, the people running his campaign, and the people who organized the event that he had planned on january 6th. but the committee keeps saying publicly that they have lots and lots -- liz cheney called them exceptionally interesting documents. mark meadows, who is potentially about to be held in criminal contempt. what a bizarre legal strategy he has undertaken. but they have so much already. and the idea of these documents sort of coming in like water and filling in the cracks and the gaps is what has to keep team trump up tonight. >> phil rucker, it is a bizarre choice, as nicole put it, for so many of these people who have had public careers to choose to have contempt of congress as, in effect, the last line in their résumés, in effect, the first