spurious grounds ginned up by the veenle adam schiff, you'll only not grow the party, you'll loss everythi lose everything. >> so, rick, whoa, first of all. number one, d.j.t.j. is that some olympic gaslighting that we're witnessing. and number two, to ms. ingraham's point, what you just saw there, that's what whips do in congress. that's majority whip kind of stuff done usually in cloak rooms in the back room. >> well, to first don junior, irony dies on hannity pretty much on the daily, but that was a moment where the national irony reserves were drained. the well is empty. it's done. it's over. i mean if this family -- if the trump, you know, syndicate hasn't been lavishly profiting off of these things, i would be shocked, you know, to find anyone who would believe that.