aches, and scratchy throat since christmas, summoned the strength to head over to the city empty on wednesday morning to get tested. the clinic was dark. she wander off to find another testing site hoping she would not have to stand in line to meng in the cold. what it is just one of thousands if not millions of stories around the country. how worried are you about a possible tsunami and the closure that that brings? the ability to help the sick looking for help? >> chris, i am on service at bellevue hospital right now. and a number of our own staff are out sick. something like a third, i believe, our nurses are out sick. many of our doctors are out sick. we are having to pull from outpatient clinics. people who would normally be on vacation for the holidays right now are being asked to come in. and we are still short staffed. we are still having a really hard time keeping up with the patient loads that we have now. we are trying to do what we can to prepare for the inevitable