not given any specifics about what he actually wants cut. for agreeing to pay the bills that america has already incurred. what was the big news of the night? it's seem to president biden got a verbal commitment from the republican house that entitlement cuts are off the table. so let us discuss and bring in robert gibbs. former white house press secretary under president obama and david plouffe. former obama campaign manager and senior white house adviser. david to first. you've known joe biden for many years. how would you say his speech was tonight? >> that part in particular i think was skillfully design and executed. what is interesting, it's not like the republicans in the house tomorrow going to say, biden was lying about us, we are actually four sub security and medicare cuts. i sort of think he boxed the man. and basically unmask this entire thing as not serious. as being consistent. i still worry, i don't see an exit ramp. the last nine or a few hours ago.