right? he was a little fun he did his biden-ing -- including tyre nichols ' parents. but i feel like he baited them throughout. the parts were kevin mccarthy could not stand showed his weakness in the caucus. you could not stand up for democracy, for ukraine, things that would have, in the past, been solid republican issues. he could not stand up. it's remarkable. >> the part of the speech that got -- i think the other thing that is now forever changed is because maga has taken over the chamber. we now are going to see things like this. and i think it would rattle a different politician. not only was joe biden not rattled. it unleashed the ability to ad lib. because that's what the moment called for. not because he needed to find a space or sort of make a point in his sort of voice in his colloquialisms. but when they started -- also know now we're all the