being wounded in the leg, he hopes that he'll come out just fine. lindsey. >> just a tragic story here. as we continue to learn more, the governor of the mexican state where this all unfolded said the four victims were found in that small house and a 24-year-old was guarding them and has been arrested. how much can we learn from him and what we're look at on our screens right now? >> there's a lot in it for the mexican government to be transparent here. this is a deep embarrassment to them, this is an absolute tragedy that occurred. mexico and some of these bordering states have turned into somewhat lawless regions. this is a terrible tragedy, two americans were killed, a couple of things you have to keep in mind. the state department has been clear on warning americans from travel in this area. people need to heed those warnings. at a greater level is the state of kind of lawlessness in mexico