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Over which she will likely preside. Republican senators with the solemn duty to offer advice and consent are attacking the anonymous knows race and gender before we even know her name. We have a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Standing by to talk about the gops desperate smear campaign. And of course race is on the docket in courts across this land as the National Football league deals with a his tore rec lack of black leadership on the sidelines. Brian flores and his attorney is here to tell why he sacked the league with an historic lawsuit this week. And justice has yet to come for the family of Trayvon Martin nearly a decade after his senseless killing. His parents join us on what would have been his 27th birthday. We have a lot to get to, so joining me now is nor alex padilla of california. Senator, we mentioned you sit on the Senate Judiciary committee, so lets start with the Supreme Court. I would love to talk about the many qualified candidates joe biden has to choose from. And we are do so in a moment. But some of your republican colleague on the judiciary dont care about any of that. Saying this week he wants a nominee that, quote, knows a law book from a j crew catalog. Republicans probably cant stop this confirmation, but they can certainly try to debase the process and tarnish the nominee. Are you at all concerned about that . Im more than concerned. Im frankly insulted. Good to be back with you at such a critical time to think that before we know who the nominee is, several republican senator, not just senator kennedy from louisiana, shame on him, have come out the way that they have because of the president s commitment, his pledge to appoint the first black woman to the Supreme Court. He made the pledge as a candidate. He is keeping it. And im fully supportive of that. You know when i joined the senate last year, i became the first latino to represent the state of california. And in this important body. So i can attest firsthand representation matters. The perspective, the voice that we bring to these institutions is critical. And i look forward to being part of this history when we do confirm when we do confirm the first black woman as Supreme Court justice. Lets get to the nominees. There are a number of names out there, all of them with great life stories and qualifications. What i want to know is, republicans have been highly effective in identifying the socalled conservative values that they want for their judicial nominees. But what are the values democrats want to see on the bench . Yeah, and so for starters, yes, no doubt President Biden will select someone who is beyond very, very qualified. We know the names that are in the mix including a couple of californians. But whatever it will be will stand next to no one currently on the Supreme Court when it comes to education, when it comes to professional legal experience. If anything from my perspective has added value in bringing unique Life Experience to the deliberations. And it is one thing to say that well uphold respect for the constitution and the values that have made this country strong in our pursuit of a more perfect union, but the one thing that im looking for is also somebody who is willing to be bold and not shy with that voice and the deliberations at the Supreme Court. And now lets turn now to the fight for democracy. Yesterday the Republican National committee censured the two republican members of the january 6 committee, representatives liz cheney and Adam Kinzinger. In doing so, it suggested that what happened that day was, quote, a legitimate political discourse. I mean, i can only assume similar condemnation awaits former Vice President mike pence who yesterday said former President Trump was wrong in his claim that pence would have had the power to overturn the 2020 election. Republicans are at war over the future of democracy and it appears that the antidemocratic side is winning. Now that Voting Rights legislation seems stalled, what are democrats doing to try and combat this, senator . Well, too, we just got to continue to call it out for what it is. You know, too many republicans continuing to put allegiance to trump, head of a Leenlg Yanlgs allegiance of the constitution, not just Republican Voters or activists, but Republican Office holders including members of congress. Short term, we have to keep pressing the case, the urgent need for Voting Rights protection. That has not gone away and the conversations continue in the senate and congress. Im not giving up in figuring out a way around the filibuster to advance legislation this year. But november will be here before we know it and we will need to do what we need to do again to go to the polls. Imagine if we had 51, 52, 53 democrats or more in the senate how much easier it would be to advance votes rights protections. So we have to fight short term and long term, were not giving up. Before i let you go, as you said, you just celebrated your First Anniversary as a senator. Congratulations. But the clock is ticking down toward the midterms. And im wondering what else democrats can deliver for voters ahead of election day. Will we see some components of the Build Back Better act passed as smaller pieces of legislation . No doubt there will be some new version of Build Back Better maybe by a different name, maybe in one bill, maybe in two or three. There are just too many elements of Build Back Better that number one are popular, number two, are necessary. And you pick whether it is the need to invest more in access to health care, affordable housing, the Child Tax Credit that needs to be extended, environmental protection. We see the impact of Climate Change not just wildfires in the west including california, but hurricanes in the south, flooding in the northeast, tornados in the midwest, everywhere in between. So i think that democrats will, number one, take off from what we already have, the bipartisan Trump Campaign package that has been signed in to law, that is why we see record job numbers that the president announced yesterday. Record wages and wage increases, that is a good thing, and the picture will only get better between now and november. Thank you, Senator Padilla, for being with us tonight. Now to the news from the world of pro football. As the number of black head coaches who survived this current nfl season with their jobs intact has dropped down to just one, Drawing Criticism from black fans. As one black former head coach addressed his own grievances against the league with a potentially historic lawsuit, he joins me now, former nfl head coach brian flores and his attorney. Thank you both for joining us here tonight. Certainly we appreciate you coming in live. I have to start with some added context for our audience who might not follow football. This week you filed a federal suit against the nfl contending that in addition to a pattern of Racial Discrimination across the league, you say in the lawsuit that your most recent employer, the Miami Dolphins, asked you to intentionally lose games against your will, while two others, the New York Giants and denver broncos, effectively used their interviews with you to check a box on diversity, manipulating the nfls own rules to close the gap. In a league that is still about 60 to 70 black as far as players but has never had more than 20 black head coaches and now down just to one in 32 teams, of course we have to point out that the nfl and those three organizations have issued statements denying your claims. Make your case, coach flores. Clearly you turned a losing team around. And you got fired. You are doing interviews for other jobs. Why would you put your career on the line . Well, i would say Senator Padilla just said it a few minutes ago. Representation matters and there is a lack of representation for black and minority coaches and executives and just representation in leadership positions as a whole in the National Football league. And that has to change. This lawsuit isnt about me. It is about that lack of representation. It is about the people and generations that will come behind me. And it is about the young people, Young Boys And Girls like my kids. Ive got three young kids that are 9, 8 and 5. They are not limited to just being players. They can be coaches, they can be executives. They can be owners. But, you know, as it sits right now, there are no examples of that. John, as attorney, lets go on the record. The Miami Dolphins claimed that the firing was because of organization issues, other than owner steven ross said that an organization can only function if it is collaborative and it works well together. He also denied that they paid the coach money to lose games. The giants said that brian flores was in the conversation but ultimately we hired the individual we felt was most qualified to be our next coast. The broncos say that the allegations are false and that their processcst. The broncos say that the allegations are false and that their processcoachst. The broncos say that the allegations are false and that their processcoacht. The broncos say that the allegations are false and that their process. The broncos say that the allegations are false and that their process was fair. And the nfl released a mem toe to all 32 teams titled our commitment to decide versity, equity and inclusion saying that the results of the nfl coaching Diversity Efforts are unacceptable. And stating that racism and any form of discrimination is contrary to the nfls values. And that we understand the concerns of flores and others this week. Attorney, i mean, facts are the facts. 32 teams, one black coach. No black owners. Never was a black other than. Flores doing interviews for the jobs. When do he thing that they can just buy Chicken Dinners and throw money at social Justice Groups that dont fight Social Justice and deal with the systemic problem in their league . Well, rev, now they are forced to deal with it because coach flores lent himself, his career, to this cause. And you hear different statements from the various organizations and even from the league, but the numbers speak for themselves. You know, this situation is not limited to coach flores. This is a situation that every black minority candidate whether for coaching, executive positions, they experience this all the time. As you know, this is not just limited to the nfl. The issue is that our country really goes and takes leadership from sports. Especially the nfl. So how you know, we have to really fight against the nfl, the racist policies, and we have to stand up and were doing that in this lawsuit and saying it is not going to happen anymore. These Window Dressing Statements of a commitment to diversity are not enough. Especially when you dont see it. You know, coach flores, this being Politics Nation, i was interested to read that the same week the washington franchise finally settling on a name, several former employees of that organization mostly women testified before a Congressional Oversight Committee alleging a pattern of abuse and Sexual Misconduct involving senior leadership. Some players and the teams other than Daniel Snyder in an email statement from the team, snyder apologized again for past misconduct that took place in his organization but denied the new allegations. And im not asking you to comment directly on those allegations. But i would be interested to hear if you think the league is due for a wider investigation by federal authorities because watching from afar, it seems like the culture of the organization is continually exposed as being toxic. But the money keeps rolling in. So it is tolerated. Would you testify in front of a Congressional Committee about what is going on in terms of Racial Discrimination . You know, let me jump in first because i dont know if weve committed him to testifying or that is something that well discuss with our legal team. But the reality is Congress Needs to step in and conduct hearings. That is not a secret. Ten years ago, we conduct hearings on steroids in baseball. So when the nfl is discriminating against black minority candidates and executive and upper management positions, is that not worth Congress Time in. I wont ask you if you will testify, but let me what ill say, what we do need is change. That is we know that and i think that this lawsuit, this is this is going to be the vehicle for change. And we need as many people to get behind this lawsuit to support, you know, what were doing. Because it is a class action suit. It is a class action suit. And my story is not the only one of its kind around the National Football league, from black coaches, minority, women in the nfl. I dont stand alone here. But it is hard to step out against the National Football league for a lot of reasons. Number one being we love to coach. I love to coach. And you are putting that in jeopardy when you challenge the National Football league. But it is bigger than football, it is bigger than me. And this is not about me at all. Clearly it is not about you, you are risking your coaching career. You know, on the field protests popularized by Colin Kaepernick and others is now six years old and the league is still dealing with the optics and fallout from that moment. And i thought about that reading some of the numbers from the university of Central Floridas institute in diversity and ethics in sport. Which found a nearly 12 drop in the number of black players in the nfl from nearly 70 in 2016 to about 58 last year. Have you gotten any sense that black athletes are turning away from the league now popular as it remains . I cant speak to those numbers. I know the players that im around, they love to play, they love to practice, they love to prepare. And i love to coach them. So i really cant speak to those numbers. When you say you love to coach them and i turned literally a team around and we all have heard about how you mistakenly got a text that was intended for a white named brian saying brian, congratulations, and this is forgetting a coachs job that you were getting ready to interview for, he thought that he was congratulating you in advance. And it wasnt that. When you read that, when you see the systemic elimination of people that have excelled like you have, how does it make you feel personally . As a wave of emotions. I think that text message confirmed a lot of the things that, you know, black coaches and minorities in the National Football league felt like were happening this back rooms and back room conversations. It just confirmed that. And that was really the day that i felt like, you know, we couldnt be silent anymore. There comes a time where silence is betrayal and dr. King said that. We cant stay silent on these issues anymore. You know, one of the things that struck me, john, about the coach here is that he comes from brownsville. And i grew up in brownsville. A little before him. He comes from a tough neighborhood and i grew up there and it is tough. But he, his mother who you said used to watch me doing rallies and tough, his mother and them fought to get him into a Good Prep School in brooklyn that you went to and my daughters went to. I didnt even know that my daughters knew the coach until this happened. And you made it. I mean, you wrote out of brownsville, made something of yourself, a roll model to people that they can break out. And then you are treated like this. I dont know if they know how tough you are because if you had to come off on ambor street and where we came from, you know, we can take a lot. But i think that the fact that you got out and didnt say im out, im going to protect i mean, it is something that i really admire about you. Thank you. I mean, i think you mentioned my mom and she passed away three years ago. She was adamant about us giving back to the community and not forgetting where we came from. And that is a big part of why we filed the lawsuit is it is not about me, it is about, you know, those who come behind me. I spoke to a team yesterday and talked to them about, you know, this sacrifice is for them. And i believe that. John, in the coming days i hope some of the celebrities and others come out and support and this being a class action suit, im sure knowing you the way that you work, that there will be other announcements of others joining on. Are you concerned that the nfl will attempt to derail the suit through arbitration before it ever goes to court . There is no derailing this train, rev. One of the things that the nfl may try to do is move the case to arbitration, which quite frankly if they are sending out statements saying that they are committed to diversity, why would they and you should watch for this as you follow the lawsuit. Are they going to try to move this litigation from a jury in the public view to behind closed doors. Because then the question needs to be asked how committed are you to diversity if you are continuing to try to take these very real issues that where the numbers dont lie and sweep them under the rug behind closed doors. So if their legal team tries to take that approach, that is telling about their socalled commitment. And that is one of the reasons that i as president of the National Action network, National Urban league, all of us wrote to the commissioner and said we need a real meeting to sit down and deal with the details of this lawsuit and why we support it. Not going and getting guys that they make activists but people that have a solid record in that. And that are not looking for anything other than to see justice around this lawsuit which helps everybody else. And i think that that is the important thing here. And if they cannot deal with civil Rights Groups or deal with the public, then i think that that tells us a lot. And lets not forget, many of those stadiums are built by investments from municipal, state and taxpayers. And so even if you are not a football player, we are paying for stadiums that our kids cant be coaches and our kids cant own the team . So we may be going to some City Councils with some flores legislation. You didnt say that, i did. Thank you both for coming in. We certainly will follow this up. I admire your strength. Up next, Shirley Whis Chis whom led the way and ill show you how we can fight voter suppression. And Ten Years After Trayvon Martin was shot and killed, still work do. His parents with join me live. But first richard lui with todays top news stories. Good saturday. As we finish this week, some Breaking News this hour for you from buckingham palace. In a statement there queen elizabeth, she says that she wants to see at the moment Prince Charles wife camilla become queen when her son ascends to the thrown. The announcement comes on the eve of the 70th Anniversary of elizabeths ascension to the throne. Well have more on that a little later. Also the u. S. Warns china faces potential embarrassment if it backs russia on ukraine. Russia and chinas president s met facetoface on the eve of the Beijing Olympics friday. A joint statement made no mention of mounting tensions between russia and the ukraine. Or International Reaction to this development. And the 2022 Winter Olympics will be the final ride for shaun white. The three time Gold Medalist says he will be retiring from the sport after this years games. More Politics Nation right after this. 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She was the first black woman elected to congress in 1968, just four years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law. She immediately went to work as a tireless advocate for domestic workers, teachers, immigrants and mothers. And for that alone, she would go down as an american icon. Shirley chisholm didnt stop there. In 1972, a year before rowe roe vs. Wade because the law of the land, she ran for president. Owe vs. Wade because the law of the land, she ran for president. We vs. Wade because the law of the land, she ran for president. E r. Wade because the law of the land, she ran for president. Ro wade because the law of the land, she ran for president. Roe wade because the law of the land, she ran for president. First woman to run for the Democratic Party ticket. Last week we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of her announcement. If you werent there at the time, it can be hard to fathom how revolutionary her campaign was. Not only did chisholm have to fight off racism from whites but also sexism within her own community. I know that because i was there. As a teenage are i work order Shirley Chisholms campaign and i got to know her well. She was an educator by profession and so she made sure that we spoke well and she would tell us that we could be anything we dreamed of becoming. She inspired my interest in politics and my own run for the presidency. A half a century later, there are five black women running for governor and between 16 and 20 who are running for senate or considering it. And the path is still frustratingly difficult. Although we see many more black women in the house and in state legislators, they still struggle to win statewide races. No black woman has ever been elected governor and there are no black women serving in the u. S. Senate. Shirley chisholm passed away in 2005, but i sincerely believe if she were alive today, shed be elated by the progress made but also champing at the bit to fight for more. She would be as driven as ever to not only push for even more black female representation, but also to push back on the resurgence of racist and antidemocratic attitudes in this country. She would consider it her patriotic duty as a dedicated black woman to rise up, bring us back from the brink and show us the way forward. Well be right back. Way forward. Way forward. Well be right back. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot wouldnt you like to get away . Sometimes you want to go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came music waiter heres your salad. Who said you have to starve yourself to lose weight . Who said that only that style looks great . Who said only this is good . And this is bad . Who said you cant do dinner . 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What he had to say was this i heard this week that President Trump said i had the right to overturn the election. But President Trump is wrong. Now, donald trump responded that same day and disagreed with pence and then pushed more claims of voter fraud. What do you make of mike pence coming out against trump, david . Look, it is a welcome voice. Certainly we dont want to discourage mike pence finally telling the truth. But i think those who have observed that mike pence had the days from november 3 until january 6 to ring the alarm bell and say that donald trump is putting in place all of the elements of what could lead to an insurrection, you know, mike pence served as counselor to donald trump during that period, not as a whistleblower. And so i think that history also needs to record that. I do think, and we saw this at the rncs actions this weekend, the future of the Republican Party remains in Donald Trumps hands, not mike pences. So while mike pences voice this week was welcomed, it is late to the party and it is not going to be the future of the party either. Mya, staying on the topic of trump, the New York Times reports that after the 2020 election trump considered using the levers of the federal government to seize Voting Machines in swing states in an effort to stay in power. What is your reaction, how confident are you in the guardrails that prevent this had from happening the first time can stop this from being a consideration the next time . Not confident at all. I think what the january 6 committee has found is that there was a widespread premeditated conspiracy to steal the election from joe biden. And that donald trump was aware of it as a very early time. And that they had tried to execute on various aspects of this plan. Now, the January 6th Commission has it within their you power if they can actually advance this investigation over the next several months before the Midterm Electionou power if they can actually advance this investigation over the next several months before the Midterm Electionu power if they can actually advance this investigation over the next several months before the Midterm Election power if they can actually advance this investigation over the next several months before the Midterm Electionpower if they can actually advance this investigation over the next several months before the Midterm Election to execute on the 14th Amendment of the u. S. Constitution which actually says that if there is a conspiracy to commit an insurrection against the United States of america, then people who are involved in that conspiracy will not be eligible to run for elected office or if they hold elective office, they will have to actually be deposed from their positions. I think that that is where we need to go as a nation and i think that we have now gotten evidence that donald trump was directly involved in every aspect of this failed coup. David, according to a new poll that shows donald trump is barely beating Florida Governor ron desantis in 2024, what do you gather, are you surprised . Ron desantis has been working his way toward the white house since he was a back bencher in the congress, as a Freedom Caucus member. And i ran against him when rubio was briefly running for president. Ron desantis is very focused on the white house and he has intentionally positioned himself as the perfect offramp to donald trump for the party. And what i mean by that, it is not a real pivot from donald trump. Ron desantis is Donald Trumps mini me without the criminality. He pr provides that angry Conservative Populism without the down side of the criminality. You can argue about some of the extra constitutional authorities that ron desantis would take. But nobody has yet to overtake donald trump, but ron desantis might have to face a decision whether to run against him in 2024. And according to the New York Times, auditors in Washington State found that the mail ballots of black voters were being rejected at four times the rate of white voters. Similar trends have been seen in other states. The rejections were a result of signatures missing or did not match those on file. What procedures need to be put in place as more people decide to vote by mail . Frankly, rev, we need to actually standardize elections in this country in terms of standards for how people can qualify for and take part in our elections. I think that all of these state various state requirements, you know, have the effect of actually suppressing the vote. We know that in Washington State in texas and other places around the country, that africanamericans and people of color generally and women are having, you know, disproportionately negative effects in terms of their ability to cast their ballots. And so we need to, you know, do what is necessary at the federal level, but we also need to make sure that these studies continue to come out and that we challenge the rules that are undermining the ability of people to vote freely and fairly in american elections in this country. David, there is an incident in tennessee, memphis Activist Pamela Moses was sentenced to six years and one day in prison this week for attempting to vote after she was told that she could following her felony conviction. That is a hefty sentence compared to the men who were all convicted of voter fraud in 2020 in the 2020 election. These republicans cast ballots for their dead relatives and most received probation with one person getting three days in jail. She got six years and one day. What message does this send . Briefly, please. Rev, i can tell you a white male republican in the villages in Central Florida who voted illegally would not get six years. They might not get any charges brought against them. There is clear racial disparity. It is obvious in a deep red state that that probably is part of the nature here. I would also point out that very few of those who caused the insurrection participated in the insurrection and caused violence at the u. S. Capitol to overthrow democracy itself on january 6, very few of if i of those will serve the sentence that this woman in tennessee will. It is an injustice and it should be called one. Thank you both. After the break, the parents of Trayvon Martin will join me on the eve of the 10th anniversary. Their message to families who have lost loved ones to gun violence, next on Politics Nation. Xt on Politics Nation. 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Sabrina, tracy, for our viewers who have joined us in the last decade since you first joined us on this show with your son see sons story, i wanted to play a clip from that time. See sons story, i wanted to play a clip from that time. When you heard the 911 tapes, im sure this is probably one of the worst moments of your life, how did you feel and what what reaction inside as a mother did you have hearing the actual encounter with the man that ended up killing trayvon . When i heard the 911 tapes, i was absolutely sure that it was my baby crying for help. It hurt my heart. My heart was aching. Ive known you personally and while this is no comfort, i know that i would argue that the time should never diminish just how much your son has meant to the culture, to black america, to black parents everywhere. Not the least of which is barack obama. Sabrina, what has it meant to you in this last decade . In the last decade, ive come to realize that it is not just about Trayvon Martin. It is about all the other Trayvon Martins that we dont say their name, that we dont know their tragedy, we dont know their story, but we need to remind ourselves that this is still happening in this country. Tracy, you sat in this building and talked to me about your son. And it was your appeal that really made me listen to ben crump and come down and Bring National attention and marches and other groups got involved. As we anticipate possible federal action on policing, criminal Justice Reform, is there anywhere specifically that federal action could make a difference in cases like the murder trial of your sons killer . Yeah, i think that federal legislation and action could play a huge part in cases such as our son. The feds could have stepped in early on in the case. And had the Police Department do a thorough and impartial investigation from the beginning of the trial, from the beginning of the casey never really felt as though that they did a good job. I dont think that they had i dont think that they saw it through the lens of a black fathers eyes. I dont think that they saw it through the lens of a black mothers eyes. And so, you know, when you have a child that has been murdered and he is on trial, where in america dont you have Character Witnesses to come forth and be the voice for that person . And so certainly in our case we didnt get the opportunity to have Character Witnesses step up and speak up for trayvon. And so this is where federal legislation can really step in and be a part of the criminal Justice Reform when it comes to cases pertaining to our young black and brown men and girls. And that is what weve been rallying for. And sabrina, you and tracy have been i cant think of any issue that you all have not been there over the last ten years as symbols of this Movement Starting anew with mothers of the movement that you have been helping to speer. And i remember the first big rally we had in is an toward sanford on the day that my mother died and we went forward anyway. And there is a justice for amir after the Police Killing of a mere locke, a 22yearold black man. I talked to his parents on the phone this morning. What message would you have for them as they start this journey of grief . I would tell them to be careful of people who comes around who have their own agenda, make sure that they surround themselves with positive people, praying people, with people that are open minded and people who are trying to push their agenda forward. And also make sure that they connect with legal counsel. I think that was one of the main points, the main things that helped us out was the fact that we had crump to guide us through this process. Because i had never really dealt with the justice system. So this made a big difference to know that i had attorneys to explain things to me, to walk me through things, and to answer certain questions i had. So the family needs to make sure that they have somebody that they can depend on, somebody that is professional, and somebody that can guide them into the right direction. Absolutely. Well, i will be there with you tomorrow in miami and well be doing the show from there. Ill talk to the parents. And tracy, i have to say after playing that tape, why do you and i look so much older ten years later and a brie that looks the same . We have to talk about that. Yeah, well talk about it. Sabrina, tracy, the struggle continues. But im glad that were in each others lives unfortunately the way that we came in. It is something that you can never replace. But you have done for others what many hopefully will try to continue to do with you. Thank you for being on tonight. Up next, my final thoughts. 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Oh i cant wait to go there or reunite there, start here. Walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. Schedule your free covid19 booster today. Tomorrow on Politics Nation, i will be talking to the parents of amir locke, a young 22yearold block man shot and killed by Minneapolis Police this week. Body cam video shows officers entering an apartment without knocking as they execute a noknock warrant. On the video he is seen wrapped in a comforter beginning to move with a pistol in his hand just before an officer fires his weapon. Lockes family said that he had no criminal record. And he had a license and Concealed Carry Permit for the gun. Which they said that he had for location because he worked in the minneapolis st. Paul area as a driver for a food delivery service. During a press conference thursday, the interim police chief of minneapolis said that officers on the scene had to make a Split Second Decision when the gun was spotted. Though police admit amirs name was not listed on the warrant that officers were serving. And i go back and think about how right in minneapolis we dealt with george floyd and then dante wright ten miles outside of minneapolis. That is why we need federal laws and federal laws enforced because every time that we make steps forward, there were convictions in the trial of the policemen that did what they did to dante wright. The police woman. There was convictions in the trial of the kneeling on the neck of george floyd. But convictions alone will not give justice until we change the laws. And as i spoke to amirs parents and attorney ben crump, i told them that is why some of us are not out here for a season, some of us are out here for a reason. And to be here as long as it takes. To have the law work for everyone. We mourn as we did last week on this show for policemen being killed. We need to mourn when policemen cause unnecessary deaths and find a balance that will protect both. That does it for me. Thanks for watching. Ill see you tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. Eastern for another live hour of Politics Nation oig. Alicia menendez picks up our coverage now. Thank you, rev rend. Hello, everyone. Political discounts is the official line of the Republican National committee on the january 6th capitol riot. Those words written into an official Republican Party Resolution Censuring liz cheney and Adam Kinzinger of

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