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Usa usa On January 6th, 2021, the worlds most powerful nation lost control of its seat of government. For more than four hours, the mob ruled. Defend your constitution defender liberty usa fanatical supporters of President Trump role the u. S. Capitol hunting for legislators they accused of treason. Can i speak to pelosi . Were coming for you. Oh mike pence . Reckoning for you to trader they told the fbi some wouldve killed anyone they got their hands on. Knock knock right here thats where are they . Thats where the [bleep] is nancy . Where are you nancy . We are looking for you . Shes in jail. Nancy oh, nancy we won trump we want trump we won trump it was the biggest threat to american democracy since the civil war. In a joint collaboration, nbc news and the online Investigative Group bellingcat have reviewed and in cases uncovered thousands of hours of cctv footage intercepted audio, and cell phone video. Much of it taken by the rioters themselves. We have identified more than a dozen critical moments and individuals that together show the attack was both planned and improvised. While police were completely overwhelmed. At noon in front of the white house, President Trump is making a final bid to stay in power. We will never concede, it doesnt happen. You dont concede when there is theft involved. Hes urging his supporters to stop congress and his Vice President from certifying joe bidens victory. We love you we love you this year theyre using the pretext of the china virus and the scam of mailin ballots, democrats attempted the most brazen and outrageous election theft thats ever its a pure theft in american history. They while trump is still speaking, one point 35 miles away across the heart of washington, d. C. , a crowd is gathering by the Peace Monument in front of the u. S. Capital. Usa usa there are only a few hundred people here. They are ready for a fight. [inaudible] and they are about to test the perimeters defenses. Like in all battles, the terrain is critical. The Peace Monument where the small crowd is gathered is 205 yards from the capitals western steps. The Capital Building sits atop a small hill symbolizing it as the pinnacle of democracy. It is situated 50 feet above the Peace Monument. Six small sets of steps separate the two locations. 1776 1776 at 12 53, a small group of protesters by the Peace Monument makes a first tentative move to breach the capitol perimeter. They removed the fencing. [inaudible] a first, only a few cross over. Others but the police did not remove them, that launch shooter. Emboldened, the trick soon becomes a flood. Seconds after crossing the outer fence without resistance, the protesters are blocked by police. From multiple videos and different angles, we counted fewer than 20 officers. Up against hundred of Trump Supporters. The police are overpowered in 65 seconds. The crowd rushes toward the capital. Theyve only gone a few yards but they did it easily. The dam has been broken. At the front of the pack is Dominic Pezzola. 43 years old, Dominic Pezzola lives in rochester, new york. He graduated from a catholic high school. Classmates tell nbc news he was a gifted athlete on the boxing team. After graduating, he joined the marine serving six years, never deploying. His Military Service was a source of immense pride. But his finances appear not to have been stable. Over the last five years, he owed Tens Of Thousands back in texas. Some who knew him told the rochester nbc affiliate he had grown increasingly bitter and confrontational. At 12 59, pezzola and the others surged right up to the western steps of the capital. But this time, theyre stopped by a larger police presence. Inside, congresses meeting in a joint session to confirm president elect joe bidens victory. Normally, the Certification Process is a formality. But Donald J Trump refuses to accept he lost. Fight like hell, and if you dont fight like hell, youre not going to have a country anymore. Just after 1 pm, trump finishes speaking by the white house. Lets walk down pennsylvania avenue, i want to thank you all, god bless you, and god bless america. Trumps devoted followers would come here from all over the country, start marching toward the capital. On route to join the group by the piece monument that had already breached the outer perimeter. Reinforcements are now on the way. They customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. And by switching, you could even save 652. Thank you, liberty mutual. Now, contestants ready . Go why . Why . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1 . Ask about vraylar. Because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. Some medicines only treat the lows or highs. Vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. Proven, fullspectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable Muscle Movements which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. Sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. Ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. My asthma felt anything but normal. It was time for a nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon treatment for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma that can mean less oral steroids. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a Nunormal Witwe All Have Heroes In our lives. And for a kid like me, whos had 13 operations. And can now walk. You might think, that id say my hero is my doctor or nurse. Or even my physical therapist, and they are. But theres someone else, whos a hero to me and 1. 5 million other kids and counting. You may be surprised, but my hero is you. Is people just like you, who give every month. To shriners hospitals for children. And because of heroes like you. I can do things now that were impossible before. And i can walk. All of this is made possible because of heroes like you. Who go online to loveshriners. Org right now. When you do, well send you this adorable love to the Rescue Blanket as a thank you. And a reminder of all the kids whose hero you are. Each and every month. Our country has had enough, please call or go to loveshriners. Org right away. We will not take it anymore and this is what this is all about. And to use a favor term that all of your people really came up with, we will stop the steal. [applause] as soon as President Trump finished his rally On January 6th trump 2020, baby his most devoted followers march to the u. S. Capitol to stop congress from certifying the president ial election. We stormed the capitol, were gonna break the doors down, were gonna knock the doors down. They joined forces with the crowds who had already easily breached the capitals outer perimeter. Everybody is coming in, moms, dads, brothers, sisters. Weve got everybody. Everybody is coming to the barrier. Look at this, this is patriotism, yall free the people free the people [inaudible] but now stop the steal stop the steal Police Holding the line. You took an oath free the people we are devoted, and they stole it we want our [bleep] country back. 1776 the mobs battle cry 1776, the year americans fought for their freedom. 1776 1776 they think they are doing it again, now. Whose country is this . Hours whose country is this . Our house do you want your house back . Yeah take it once again, the terrain is critical. The capital is like a wedding cake. In front of it are three main tears linked by staircases. Two sets of bleachers have been installed over the stairs. To be Viewing Stands for president elect bidens upcoming inauguration. The bleachers on the left will prove to be a weak point in the capitals defenses. That isnt let us in let us in [inaudible] what happens next is difficult to see so we slow down the video. The man in the black hat, the former marine, Dominic Pezzola, as he and others wrestle with police. Pezzola is knocked to the ground. Going frame, by frame, you can see he grabs a police riot shield. He will soon put it to use. Inside, the joint session is certifying the Election State by state, alphabetically. The certificate alabama and alaska are up first. Trump won those. Republicans do not object. Next up is arizona which went to biden. 60 of my colleagues to object robert republican representative ted cruz and formally reject the results. House and Senate Members retire to their respective chambers to debate the objection. Outside, word quickly spreads. They just counted arizonas vote. Its about to get real. Police a fire flash grenades. But the attackers are unrelenting. We will not bend we will not break the crowds that attacked the u. S. Capitol were not ordinary protesters. Many came prepared. A detailed examination of the hand symbols, flags, insignias, and patches reveals that many were conspiracy theorists, guns rights activists, Anti Government extremists, or members of hate groups and militias. Confronting police with a baseball bat is robert gays wine. Although he is dressed in full combat gear, 24yearold robert gates why never served in the military. But he loves guns. Friends at the casino where he worked in colorado know him as machine gun bobby. He and a legal modification that allows a Semi Automatic Rifle to fire up to 800 rounds a minute. Whats next, semi autos . They had already arrived in d. C. The day before the assault and was openly talking about his militia back home. I have a militia and colorado, theyre the wild dots. [sound of gunfire] back in colorado, he posed for a photo outside shooters grill, the gun themed restaurant owned by republican congresswoman lauren boebert. [inaudible] were coming then [bleep] you back on the capitol westerns steps, police by now are fighting valiantly. But they are losing ground. [inaudible] multiple deployments thrown by capitol and npd. Once sitting ball deployed and authorized this is democracy. This is what you get with role of the mob and then the mob surges left. The rioters have been battling police for more than half an hour when they charge the left side of bleachers put up for the upcoming inauguration. The bleachers are built on stairs that lead right to the capitals doors and windows. The police are determined to defend this choke point. But again, they are outnumbered. Cruiser 50, theyre scaling the scaffold. They are scaling the scaffold to the capital. There is 1 million and a half behind us this is our house [bleep] gieswein, the Blackjack Dealer turn militiamen, sprays an officer with is near him carrying the Police Shield hes stolen earlier. You better be [bleep] scared. [inaudible] why dont you shut up, okay . I took this from a [bleep] officer. Cruiser 50, theyve screeched the scaffold. Let capital know they have breached the scaffold. They are behind our lines. You need to pull back our resources. If you need to go inside or pull back if theyre gonna be behind you. You dont have enough resources. If i give this up, theyre going to have direct access. At least the scaffold we can defend. We gotta hold what we have. Theyre going in lets go when the rioters reached the upper level, they are nearly at the capitols entrance. A few officers hold them off. For about 30 seconds. And then its over. Theyve won. A 2 11, pezzola finally uses that stolen Police Shield. Gieswein its one of the first to go in. Pezzola follows. The capital is now breached. When youre through with powering through, its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. Moderatetosevere eczema. It doesnt care if you have a date, a day off, or a double shift. Make your move and get out in front of eczema with steroidfree cibinqo. Not an injection, cibinqo is a oncedaily pill for adults who didnt respond to previous treatments. And its proven to help provide clearer skin and relieve itch fast. Cibinqo continuously treats eczema whether youre flaring or not. Cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Do not take with medicines that prevent blood clots. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers, serious heartrelated events, and blood clots can happen. People 50 and older with Heart Disease risk factors have an increased risk of serious heartrelated events or death with jak inhibitors. Its time to get out in front of eczema. Ask your doctor about oncedaily cibinqo. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Uhhhh. Here, ill take that. [woo hoo ] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. Flu symptoms hit harder than the common cold. So it takes the right tool for the job. To keep it together. Now theres new theraflu flu relief with a max strength fever fighting formula. The right tool for long lasting flu symptom relief. Hot beats flu. This is our capital just after 2 pm, a brides mob of Trump Supporters has broken into the u. S. Capital on its western side. They are shocked and exhilarated by their triumph. This is awesome. They believe they are saving america from tyranny. [inaudible] they are marching through now these people broken from the western side. But its not the only way in. On the eastern side of the capitol, the mobs are closing into. They just breached it. Were storming the capital. Hell yeah the eastern side of the capital is the official entrance. Its now or never charge lane on them were going in, were going in. They stormed it, they stormed it. We were invited by the president of the United States 1776 1776 1776 here, they managed to break a window. The advise they are requesting Additional Resources on the east side as they broken into that window and theyre trying to get in. But police stop them. For now. Oh save us that Star Bangle Pander in the wind pushed back after breaking a window, trump selfdeclared patriots get ready for another charge. For their land of the free, and the year of the free. A group forms a stack. A Military Formation used to enter and clear buildings. In the stacks Jessica Watkins. 38yearold Jessica Watkins served in the army and deployed to afghanistan. Watkins is a transgender woman and according to her own account, she received an other than Honorable Discharge when the army determined her presenting as a female was unacceptable. She ran a bar in ohio with her boyfriend. Earlier on, january 6th, shed been that President Trumps save america rally. Providing security, she claims. With a group called the oath keepers. A militia largely made up of former military and police. As watkins walks from trumps rally from the white house to the capitol, she speaks on a Walkie Talkie app on her phone. The conversations suggests advanced planning. What kind of numbers do we have going to the capitol . And he estimates . What percentage of the crowd is going to the capital . 100 . Everybody is marching on the capitol. All million of us. Its insane. For about two blocks away from it now and police are doing nothing. Theyre not even trying to stop us at this point. The a reporter from npr overheard and recorded the communications. We have a good group. We have about 30 or 40 of us. Were sticking together and sticking to the plan. But we will see you soon, jess. Airborne. Roger that, brother. Godspeed and fair winds to us. A man, sister. Stay safe. Watkins had been preparing for a months. And text from november 2020, she wrote a potential recruit. I need to fighting fit by inauguration. In another text she wrote, biden may still be our president. If he is, our way of life as we know it is over. A republic would be over. And then its our duty as americans to fight, kill, and die for our rights. As the crowds from the trump rally closer to the capital, watkins gets progress reports. Yeah, where one block away from the capital now. Im probably Gonna Go Silent once i get there because all be busy. The Walkie Talkie app shes using allow supporters to join him through a group chat from anywhere. The u. S. Military news this reporting that the National Capital has been breached. Thats right, mother there [ bleep ]. This is a can of whoop [bleep] made in america. Yeah. Witnessing history watchdog. You are executing citizens arrest. Arrest this assembly. We have probable cause, acts of treason, election fraud. The advise theyve breached the senate door on the side of the building as well. Treason treason treason watkins and the other oath keepers managed to break in. We are in the mezzanine. We are in the main dome right now. We are rocking, at their thrown grenades. Theyre freaking shooting people with pinterest be safe. God bless and godspeed and keep going. Get it dress, do your [ bleep ]. This is what we have left up for. Everything we [bleep] trained for. Glory, glory hallelujah. Awe and like so many of the attackers, she and another Oath Keeper Pose for selfies. Rover at the capitol. In the capital. We are in the [bleep] capital. Jessica watkins isnt the only one who didnt come here by accident. Up the stairs up the stairs below the rotunda, assuring people to go upstairs is Riley Williams. 22yearold Riley Williams graduated from mechanicsburg in pennsylvania. She didnt attend college and took a job as a Home Health Care worker. She lived with her mother. But much of williamss life was spent on line where she was a fixture on White Supremacist websites. This is also Riley Williams. Hammer was right all along. There is no political solution. All that is left his acceleration. Hail hitler. The Group Bellingcat first obtained the video from one of its volunteers. Together, we verified it. Comparing it to other videos of riley, including several suggestive ones she posted exposing tattoos which, along with the dress she wore, her glasses, and ultimately a Light Fixture confirmed her identity. Inside the capitol, riley is encouraging people to go upstairs. Upstairs is speaker pelosis office hey. Many of the rioters believe Speaker Nancy Pelosi try to stop the for donald trump. This is her office. The Department Of Justice says this is Riley Williams voice. Im in nancy on the desk is one of pelosi s laptops. Dude, put on gloves williams is accused of stealing the laptop but the jury could not reach a unanimous decision while on trial. Riley williams turned herself into police. Her mother says she was just swept up in the moment. There is no political and her lawyer wont confirm or deny this is williams in the video. When youre through with powering through, its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. 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Now theres new theraflu flu relief with a max strength fever fighting formula. The right tool for long lasting flu symptom relief. Hot beats flu. You work for us the capital is known as the peoples house. Rioters who broke in to stop joe biden me from becoming president say its their house. This is our house. Thats it. Our house our house they believe they are saving america from a plot to subvert democracy. A conspiracy created by President Trump. Usa usa almost immediately after breaking in, the rioters start hunting for lawmakers. They approach a Doorway Block by one officer. Eugene goodman. His hand is on his pistol. Dont do it dont do it he doesnt draw. These people have no weapons. These people have no weapons were here for you keep running [ bleep ]. Hes one person but the police are not the main targets. You dont [bleep] want this. The rioters want to find the legislators that they accused of treason, a crime punishable by death. They are traitors [inaudible] theres a [bleep] million of us out. There and we are listening to trump hiring mike pence hang mike pence the fbi believes some of the rioters would have killed Government Officials if they found them. Can i speak to pelosi . Yeah, were coming to [bleep] oh, mike pence, were coming for you to [bleep] trader. But the capital isnt an easy building to navigate. Nancy pelosi nancy guess what . America showed up the capital is 175,000 square feet. Miles of hallways, 600 offices, faced from the west, the senate is on the left. The House Of Representatives is on the right. The dome rotunda is in the middle. Supported by room of arches known as the crypt. Throughout the massive complex, congressional staffers take cover. They barricade the doors. Vice president mike pence is escorted to safety with an Aid Carrying Codes to nuclear weapons. When rioters enter the senate chamber, they find it empty. Lets take a seat people lets take a seat. Whereas nancy pelosi. Lets they occupy what James Madison described as the most stable member of the government. Get out of the chair no, this is our chair. I agree with you brother, but its not ours. It belongs to the Vice President of the United States when hes in here. Its not our chair. They can steal an election, but we cant steal a chair . No. There is gonna be something we can [bleep] use against them. Ted cruzs objection to the arizona vote. He was going to sell us out all along. No, hes with us. He is with us. Its an insurrection of madness. Yeah. [bleep] a man. This is jacob chansley. 33 year old chansley as an unemployed voice actor who lives in phoenix, arizona with his mother. He spent two years in the navy as a Storekeeper Seaman Apprentice but was discharged after refusing to take an anthrax vaccine. Hes a fixture at pro trump rallies where he evangelize about the Conspiracy Theory qanon. He is known as the qanon shaman. And leads a prayer inside the senate. And gods holy name we pray, amen while the rioters search for proof of the conspiracy in the senate, on the other side of the capitol, the House Of Representatives is not yet fully evacuated. Stay down. Officials and journalists inside fear for their lives. Get down under your chairs, if necessary, we have folks entering the rotunda and coming down this way. Stay calm. The police here are ready to defend the chamber with lethal force. Your trader the [inaudible] at 2 41, a group of rioters advances down the hallway leading to the house. Among them is ashley babbitt. 35 year old Ashli Babbitt is a she put it for a bomb of, then trump. She lives in san diego with her husband and their girlfriend. Her social media shows she was enraged about california politics, illegal immigration, and much more. Where is kamala where is kamala . Talking about ices like kkk. We you know what . We have thousands of people on the other side of the border you people cant get to work our economy is going to take an absolute take because you guys refuse to choose america, america, over your stupid political party. There we first see babbitt entering the capitol through a window on the west side. As she traverse as the building. Moving upstairs, circling the rotunda, and ending up in the hallway just outside the house chamber. Four [inaudible] i want you to go home go go there, the rioters are blocked by a partition. On the other side, police are ready to shoot. There is a gun, there is a gun. Hes got a gun. Hes got a gun. This is about to get dirty, man. As babbitt climbs through the partition. That sounded like a [bleep] gunshot. [sound of gunfire] shots fired shots fired. Flashlight, flashlight. Was she hit . Where she hit . The rioters police of murder. You did that. You did that. They get in the way of Police Attempts to save her. Get back we can tell her if you are screaming at me. Ashli babbitts death is the beginning of the end of the insurrection. Weve got to get out. After trumps fanatical supporters from their way into the u. S. Capital and ran amok for 40 minutes [inaudible] Police Reinforcements finally arrive. They start to clear the building. With tear gas and force. As the rioters make a last push to get back in. President trump issued a statement later that afternoon. He had been watching all of this on tv. I know your pain, i know youre hurting. We had an election that was stolen from us. We love you, youre very special and we know how you feel but go home and go home in peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. For Severe Eosinophilic Asthma. Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a nunormal with nucala. Limu emu doug hey, man. Nice pace clearly, youre a safe driver. You could save hundreds for safe driving with liberty mutual. They customize your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need [squawks] whoo we gotta go again. Only pay for what you need. Liberty Liberty Liberty liberty struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1 . Ask about vraylar. Because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. Some medicines only treat the lows or highs. Vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. Proven, fullspectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable Muscle Movements which may be permanent. High blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain and high cholesterol may occur. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. Sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. Ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. Why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best . Egglands best. The only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. Plus, superior nutrition. Which is now more important than ever. Because the way we care. Is anything but ordinary. Only egglands best. Under the by 5 30 pm, the Capital Building is finally been secured. The siege has failed and Congress Returns to finish certifying joe bidens victory. Joseph i biden junior of the state of delaware has received 306 votes. Donald j trump for the state of florida has received 232 votes. In the days after, the police for a face down the mob revealed how dangerously close the rioters came to their ultimate goal. You think they wouldve killed people if they found senators, congressman . There is not one thing they did or said that would lead me to believe otherwise. Harry dunn has been a Capitol Police officer for 13 years. His first glimpse of the chaos came as rioters stormed the capitols western side. I had a rifle that day, a long gun. And we were told that they wanted us to stay away from the crowds. So we took a position of advantage. We were overseeing the crowd. You had a military salt rifle, you show up, and you show up on the upper tier, looking down on this riot . What do you see . Just seeing thousands and thousands and thousands of people. And theyre continuing to come. These waves of them. And they are fighting with the officers down there. Once on the frontline, you see the rioters down there, they have their weapons. They have Hand Grenades and smoke grenades. They had bare spray, they had gas masks on. They were prepared. They knew that this was going to happen. One officer, brian sicknick, died. About 150 police were injured. They were calling out the whole time, traders join us we are the good guys. We like they had a good way of showing that. How did it sound to you when they were like, where the Blue Lives Matter guys, we love the cops, we are on your side, help us . It enrages you, it and rages you. You literally want to just say, get the hell out of here. They had the nerve to be beating officers with a Blue Lives Matter flags. And people say that didnt happen. Its on tape. They got some nerve saying that they are doing this for us. What . In what world does that make sense . As the capital was overrun, officer dunn was called to respond inside the building. You called in because the building has been breached. And other six of you, and you guys know the building. What do you see . You walk up the steps and you just see 100 or so people running around like its a rave. Theyve got their arms around statues, taking selfies. After a moment i just paused and thought, this cant be real life. What do you do . Do you say, you gotta go . You fire in the air . You yell at them, you put your hands on them . What do you do . Get the [bleep] out. You are not welcome here. Get out. This is our house. This is my house and i said youve got to go. You have people coming up asking where the bathroom was. People are saying, where is that access it . The same way you came, and get the [bleep] out. The calls on the radio got more severe. They went from, hey, theyre breaching this window, or hey, they are overwhelming us here to, hey, you have an officer trapped surrounded by people. You have staffers that are calling police because they are hearing banging on the doors. In this video shot by West Virginia lawmaker, officer dunn is seen trying to reason with a group of protesters. Officer down. What about the fact that you are a black officer and there were guys and that were wearing Camp Auschwitz tshirts. Being a black officer there, was it a different expense for you . Is that a big factor for you . There was a time, one instance, it was off the rotunda area and it was Still Holding the whole way and people started yelling, so i started talking to them. We started talking about why theyre there. And joe biden didnt win the election and its stolen that kind of thing. And they i. C. E. Are talking about voting. I voted for joe biden. And one person said, you hear that . This and word voted for joe biden. And they started bullying me. And the people that were with them joined and with them. They said oh this and word, if you. This and word voted for joe biden. A few, a few. Who but do you think it means about the state of when america, where we are today . Now that youve had a little bit of time to process it . Weve got a long way to go, weve got a long way to go. And what makes that even scarier is that people still dont acknowledge what happened as bad. When it wasnt cool but it wasnt a big deal. It wasnt a big deal . What if they succeeded . Hang mike pence would it be a big deal if they succeeded . They wanted to hang mike pence. What if they did . What that have been a big deal then . Kill nancy pelosi where are you, nancy. Were looking for you what if they did . It wasnt a big deal . The police, we did our job, fought like hell. To protect democracy. It wasnt a big deal. Almost 900 protesters have been charged for the capitol breach. Dominic pezzola is in jail, awaiting trial on ten counts including conspiracy and from the peoples house. Its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. My name is austin james. As a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. Thats why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. With a painless, onesecond scan, i know my Glucose Numbers without fingersticks. Now, im managing my diabetes better, and ive lowered my a1c from 8. 2 to 6. 7. Take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. Now you know. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us moderatetosevere eczema. It doesnt care if you have a date, a day off, or a double shift. Make your move and get out in front of eczema with steroidfree cibinqo. Not an injection, cibinqo is a oncedaily pill for adults who didnt respond to previous treatments. And its proven to help provide clearer skin and relieve itch fast. Cibinqo continuously treats eczema whether youre flaring or not. Cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Do not take with medicines that prevent blood clots. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers, serious heartrelated events, and blood clots can happen. People 50 and older with Heart Disease risk factors have an increased risk of serious heartrelated events or death with jak inhibitors. Its time to get out in front of eczema. Ask your doctor about oncedaily cibinqo. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Business can happen anytime, anywhere. So help yours thrive and stay connected with the voltaren. The joy of movement. Comcast business complete connectivity solution. Its the largest, fastest, reliable network. Advanced gig speed wifi. 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