>> "morning joe" starts right now. this segment with meredith vieira really has it all. obscure british tradition, revolting food, and the biggest twig in england. >> back in the old days the molds were made of wood or copper. you have obviously modernized that now with plastic? >> we find all our jelly molds on the computer. >> yes. did you hear that, john? he used all of his skills of design and computer. he took all those years of schooling, and a decade of sell bacy to get a jell-o mold to look like a giant red [ bleep ]. >> oh, my lord. good morning. it is tuesday, april 26. we're live again from london's tra fall ga square. welcome to "morning joe." we have once again espn soccer champion bennett. and also katty kay. >> katty is going to be talking in a few minutes about the decline of the united states of america. i will, of course, be defending the red, white, and blue. >> katty is my patient planner and travel agent. >> i sent her to london. >> how exciting. i asked her to do the same. she sent me to topeka, which i love topeka, so it worked very well. >> that's perfect actually. topeka is lovely. how are you liking london? >> oh, i've always loved london. i always loved coming here. >> i love it. there's really good rum in here. have you made it out to the football stadium? real football? >> it's going be an absolute blast. >> mika may be coming. i told her not to come because she may get a little too attached to the game. >> oh, i'll be fine. >> katty, let me ask you about this. this is the front page of "the daily telegraptelegraph." and wikileaks reveals london may be the hub of al qaeda here. talk about the struggle. a vrg open society, a very liberal -- i mean that in the positive sense. >> right. >> i spoke with a man from france who moved here and told me yesterday he moved here because london was so accepting. but with that comes some very serious concerns regarding al qaeda and terrorists. >> we've had a much already more radicalized muslim population than you have in america for a long time look at the attacks of 7/7. it was home-grown muslim terrorists. that's much more worrying to people here. one of the amazing things about america is how moderate the muslim population has been. >> why is -- is there a class system in britain that is harder for muslims to crack than say america? why is that? >> i think it's the -- muslims come to america and th identify themselves as americans before they identify themselves as muslims, and that's a real tribute to the country. whereas here there has long been a sense that you have a muslim population that felt excluded from mainstream society that stayed in groups where there were large population groups that came from pakistan, stayed together, and often went back. some those involved in the 7/7 went back. the links were kept and they were much stronger, whereas themuslim population came to america whereas many come, they felt part of the population. they felt proud to be american. that's starting to change. you're starting to get a more radicalized muslim population in the country, but it's still less here. >> i've heard them say it's ironic, america's attacked by al qaeda, but for many muss limits, they're more free and have more rights in the united states of america than any country on the face of the earth. >> that's applying the laws of rationial to terrorism which don't apply. so logic system not what -- >> let's look right now at the front of the times. this is a story that's really unraveling, roger. there was a grand coalition obviously between the liberal democrats and the conservatives. it was a wonderful marriage much like diana and charles for a while but it seems to be coming apart at the seams. the liberal democrats have come out in the past few days accu accusing cameron, quote, of lying. if this fall ace part, the british government is up for grasps. >> i would be a little too hasty to compare the government to diana and charles. there's no third party in that marriage. what they're trying to do is posture because both sides have been criticized for being too consensual and being too happy, clappy. once they go by, they may expect business to carry on as usual. >> i get the sense, katty, yesterday frrks ni yesterday, from nick ferguson that he's doing what he has to do, roll up his sleeves, punch cameron a couple of times, but he has nowhere to go. >> this is the best chance of power that they've ever had, being part of this coalition government. remember, they're basically a party that was in many ways to the left of the labor party, and yet they have signed on for these huge counts. hundreds are going to loose their jobs in britain this year. of course, the base of the liberal democratic party is saying what are you doing, implementing these draconian deficit-cutting measures when we are a much more party. why aren't you protecting the poorest and the most vulnerable in society, and they have a very disgruntled face. >> and, mika, this is the first time in well over 50 years that the democrats have had this much power, so they've made a political deal with what they would consider or their base would consider the devil, but it's working out for them because they are empowered. >> it's great to get a sense of the political situation here. there's also a lot growing back home. the white house republican and democratic leaders are butting their heads. yesterday, speaker john boehner attacked president obama for not embracing the ideas from the bipartisan panel that he created. >> what did the president do? he took exactly nonele of his own deficit reduction ideas. not one. it's time to grow up and face the country. i can't tell you how disappointed i was with the president in not being honest with the american people about the big problems that we face and fact that it's time to own up, fess up, and quit whistling past the radio. >> come on, man. >> that's what you say all the time. boehner went on to say, along with, k with, come on, that he and o'connell have said they would not get behind any plan that would raise taxes. in an interview with politico boehner said in part, quote, if the president doesn't get serious about the need to address our fiscal nightmare, yeah, there's a chance the debt limit vote dmoultd happen, fwhau's not my goal. however, the obama administration continues to quote the catastrophic dangers of not raising the limit. would just say simply that those members of congress who have suggested that are dead wrong. there are severe potential consequences to not raising the debt ceiling. it's an assessment shared by independent economists across the board both here in america and around the board. it would be a terrible folly to play games with this. >> so, willie, thoerks we've cede it before the republicans are very serious about not moving on raising the debt ceiling. by the way, you're smirking. mika's here. nightmare. >> it took her 24 hours. >> you're speaking in british now. >> sorry. >> i'm so -- we're talking about it for a couple of weeks. the republicans are very serious. come at us with serious cuts or we're not going to raise the debt ceiling. >> there were some indications the white house would be open on this to get the debt ceiling raised pchlt but the question is what does it mean to give a little? i wonder if the republicans wanted to come to this. are they really going to allow us -- >> i'm sorry. someone's got to convince me? >> and perhaps convince me? >> why are you saying that? do you really thinking they want to be responsible for the ramifications of that because you know it will be on them. >> no, it won't. you know why? they even seen katty with this president. this president is so concerned about turning the economy around. i'm not saying it's good or bad on the debt ceiling pafrmt i'm just saying this president is a lot more concerned about the debt ceiling not being raised than are the republicans in the house. the republicans in the house will go back home and brag to their constituents. it's just like government shutdown. democrats to shut down the government, that is the worst thing in the world for the conservatives. that's a week well spent. >> i wonder. i wonder if really they want to get the sage of not raising the debt ceiling, the markets panicking, the prospects of interest going up. >> what happens though -- katty, war game it though. what happens when the markets start to panic and the republicans are sitting there? suddenly the republicans are in a position saying we've got a $15 trillion national debt. the markets are panicking. what are you going to cut? what are you going to cut? england has cut, greece has cut, portugal has cut, ireland has cut. come on, mr. president, what are you going to cut? >> i think in theory that's what they could say. but if they actually get to a state where they don't raise the ceiling, the markets panic, interest rates go up, they could say you americans are feeling the pain of what's going to happen. you'll feel it because your mortgage payments will go up, car payments will go up, college payments will go up because the interest rates go up. i think around the kitchen table where people are not necessarily talking about debt ceilings, th that's -- is that what americans are talking about? if the interest rates go up, their bills are going to go up. know, mika, you're skeptical. i tell you if i were government speaker -- forget the government shutdown. this, the debt ceiling, this is an argument i could win every day. >> you think the government drama was a real drama? you don't think people are getting a little tired of this and see this as a political game on both sides? and you don't think the scenario that katty described, with the republicans basically letting their reality crumble for politics? >> i'm telling you what, baby. roger bennett? when you go there, you're desperate. come on, please. >> come on, man. >> i'm telling you -- >> when i go there, what i'm telling you is this is a winning hand for the republican party. don't see it. >> it is real, but republicans can say -- you know, i can say -- i voted against raising the debt ceiling when they wanted to raise it to $5 trillion about ten years ago. thain said it was a responsible thing to raise the debt ceiling to $7 trillion. then they said the responsible thing was to raise it to 9 trillion and then $14 trillion. the responsible thing, barack obama, the responsible thing is to stop spending. even under paul ryan, we raised the debt $5 trillion. under obama's, $5.5 trillion. the debt crisis is global now. >> let me ask you. you've been here since saturday, you've been following david cameron. what do you think his initiat e initiatives have set for america because the consumer is city lying, gdp has dropped. we'll find out whether this quarter is actually growing. how do you see that playing? >> you know, actually i wrote an article in politico today saying that cameron and whoever the republican -- let's say paul ryan -- they're in a position that thatcher and reagan were in back in '79 and '80, but they should not expect a flowering of the same movement. they're going to behave like exterminators and get the rats out. i think the conservatives, if they do the responsible thing, they're going to be punished. cameron is not going the survive for ten years. >> you know, the trouble with the decisions that are being made now and i'm not an economist, is the toreys of bank in the median term or long term will benefit the economy. in the short term they're hurting the economy. >> i don't think these cuts help grow the economy. i just think they -- they help in the long term stop england and the united states from collapsing. can i ask a very important question of willie? >> because it's willie and he's so cute. >> who won? the red sox lost. >> all right. much more ahead. much more straight ahead from london. coming up, we're going to talk to congressman barney frarngs foreign policy expert mark brzezinski and eugene robinson and billy bush. >> billy's my man. >> after the break, political's top stories. >> how about billy bush? >> i can't wait to meet him. >> have yu met him before? >> i've never met him. >> he's a great guy. he did this thing on trump a couple of years ago. >> what was his show? >> i think he's "access hollywood." is that an abc thing? >> oh, my gosh. i can't wait to meet him. >> we don't know. seriously, we don't know where we are. she's speaking like british now. >> i'm sorry. we'll speak with bill karins on a check of the forecast. bill, don't lie to me. please don't lie. >> not today, mika. here's your royal wedding forecast. yes, rain is in the forecast on friday for the big wedding day. it looks like some light rain shouldn't really ruin too much. it's not going to be a sunny day unfortunately. back here in the state, a warm day for you. look at this. 80s in new york city with thunderstorms up through areas of new england and cooler near boston. as far as yesterday, tornado outbreak. we've got two more days of this to go. we're going to see severe storms today in areas of arkansas, possible tornados. and tomorrow we'll have more tornados too in areas of tennessee. we'll have historic flooding on the mississippi and ohio river. it will be that way until the weekend. you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. 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>> it is my esteemed pleasure to introduce mr.and mrs. donald trump. >> it's the donald. oh, my god. >> interesting fact. carlton went on to become chairman of the rnc. >> that's just wrong on so many levels. big ben. welcome back to "morning joe" live from london. tyke to take a look at the morning papers. we'll start with the morning times. it shows a tunnel dug into afghanistan. >> this is a problem. no one make any jokes because it's almost painful. >> let me break this down. so these are the people who next year or the next couple of years, we're going to turn over their own security. they're watching the taliban. these guys dug a 1,000-foot tunnel. they saw-shanked their way with. complete with lighting and air conditioning in the tunnel and the guards didn't know it. >> and they used jacks to break open cars to make the hole. >> way to go. washington times, two years after running for governor of varks terrance mcauliffe. chris-crossing virginia, promising to create thousands of jobs for green energy pictures, his itinerary includes jurisdictions in which he lost heavily in the preliminary pry mafrmt terry mcauliffe back again. david beckham says he will attend the ceremony despite having a match with the los angeles galaxy the same weekend. beckett plans to travel some 10,000 miles over the weekend in order to return and meet the team for their match in dallas. and the mississippi "sun herald" haley barbour will play his match and go to the royal wedding. in the latest news he's not going to run for president this year saying he lacks the, quote, fire in the belly. he slipped into the second tier of candidates, romney and huckabee. which brings us to our top story in politico's playbook. >> for that we turn to patrick gavin. good morning dwrouchlt it sounds like haley just said i don't want this ten-year investment. as joe said, i don't have fire in the belly. >> he has those reasons. hee looked at the process as a ten-year investment. a couple of the members of his family, including his wife, expressing reservation, that they weren't totally excited about if he won, moving to the white house and having to go through all that. he said he could be most powerful by being a power broker. he's obviously well connected in washington. there are people who have said if they can get him to be their campaign chairman years. what's really going on? >> he didn't jump into the polls the way he wanted and he was afraid of the optics. the optics are not good. >> elderly white guy, young black african-american president. i think -- from the south. >> it looks tricky. i think, you know, some of the things he said in the past, he was always going to have a writ f little bit of tricky issue with race. i think age is something. >> whether it's fair or not. >> whether it's fair or not, he was always going to look like a different generation. >> as i explained to some people close to haley, they had to be extraordinarily careful with the optics because the obama campaign and the media whole wereling turned bill clinton into a racist. here's the man who was called, willie, the first black president by people close to bill clinton. >> and by himself. >> and by himself. and yet even bill clinton was called a racist in the middle of that campaign against barack obama. >> yeah. and haley barbour, again, if you want to take the context or not had some things in his past that they could use. bill clinton they sort of had to manufacture a little bit. >> that's the point. haley bar dour did some things that were tone deaf even over the past several months that would have caused grave concerns for candidates. you take a guy like bill clinton who was focused race his entire life, the and yet he was turned immediately into a racist when the media and the obama campaign thought it suited their promises in south carolina. it got very ugly. >> they pulled that card out of the deck when they that needed to use it. patrick, who do you think helps the most when they get haley barbour out of the way? >> i think are a couple of potentials. one, mitt romney. with haley out of the way, there's nobody who can match him, his prowesprowess. it could gravitate toward mitch daniel's run. what this means is there'sing are not a prominent southern candidate in the gop race making some gop folks wondering if the south has got a big question mark on it. >> by the way, great news, great news, willie. they got another cat. isn't that exciting? this is their 12th cat. so excited. >> patrick, we buried the lead. congratulations to the new baby, a human baby, we should point out. >> that's good. i'm very shocked i'm in charge of another human life. so far, two weeks in, we're surviving. >> what does that mean for your cat population? some babies are allergic. >> scout, our daughter, has been sneezing a lot, the second we brought her home, good news for joe, the kitties might have to go. aisle keep you posted. >> there's a way to get writ of the cat. i'll tell you later. cat heaven. coming up -- >> seriously -- >> i'll take cats. i love cats. >> coming up, why napping on the job might turn out to be a good thing for air traffic controllers. actually i knew this. also do, you recognize this man? he's a former u.s. diplomat. his brother host as sunday morning political show, and now he's running the shop over at the los angeles dodgers. sports is next. we