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That cop to shoothim in his back. There are more questionsthan there are answers. Jennifer this was coming. There was too muchrage in everybody and its beengoing on for years. Steven next thing i know,i picked up a brick and threw it straightthrough the window. upbeat music Protestors Chanting r it all began on a noteof prayer and mourning for 15 year old phillippannell, shot to death by policeon tuesday night. Natacha it was apeaceful vigil. Everybody just wanted tocome together and find out, like, why did this happen . Then the evening came. The crowd was getting angry. The police were pushing back. And then thats whenthe riot broke out. William the night of the riot,i was there. Very, very quickly,it just got out of control. People werethrowing rocks, broke windows inthe police building. Bryan ive gotpeople that theyre inside in fear of their life. We tore up everythingin our path. I wanted that policestation to be burned down. Thats how i felt. You know, i mean,he just killed my friend. Natacha Somebody Smashed Apolice car window, and thats when the whole crowd flipped over the police car. Gervonn it was our community. And i remember mybrother, like, screaming at people like, this isour town. You know, stop. You know, this is where we live. These Kids Werejust going crazy. Breaking store windows. Man hey, hey, stop him. Woman stop, stop. Gervonn just actingout that despair. Power to the black people. People Screaming steven it was horrible. But we didnt killed nobody. Thats the way i feel. R a number of newsphotographers were attacked. R One Cameraman Washospitalized with injuries to his head and face. Al i saw it on television and i said, we need to get in there because this is goingto be the story. Not that this policemankilled phillip, but that these kids are wild and Reckless Andburning down teaneck. Protestor this System Wasset for the rich white people. Walter it was verysurreal to stand in this Reallyidyllic Suburban Communityand watch this happen. And at that moment,i realized that this is a result of notjust this shooting incident. This is the result ofdecades of believing your ownhype and not wanting to confront theugliness that was always there. But you chose tolook the other way. Jackie it was soearth shattering. I believed, for the mostpart that everybody was living happily together in teaneck. But it wasnt the utopia that ithought it was, for many people. Protestors Chanting broken glass shattering r boarded up businessesand broken glass, smashed by hundredsof young people, angry over the Police Killing of Phillip Pannellon tuesday night. Natacha i was like,what does this have to do with my brothersdeath, you know . And i was kind ofupset in a sense, because thats not how he was. You know, that like all ofthis happened to my brother. And then on top of that,all this violence and stuff. He wasnt a violentperson, you know, at all. Walter for us,the Strong Police presence sent the Wrong Messageto young people. William im justnot sure what else, you know, you know, we could do . We were not lettingthe crowd be everywhere because we wanted thecommunity to exercise theirrights, to demonstrateand protest and to do it in a peacefuland safe way. It was traumaticfor the department, but it was extremely traumatic for the entire community. Batron the next day itlooked terrible and it looked like anotherplace. It didnt look liketeaneck. My mother owned a Homebeauty Parlor for ten years. You know,nobody touched that because they know that my mothers shop, but a lot of businesseswere destroyed, and a lot of black businesses were destroyed, you know. Why . R and suddenly thiscommunitys selfimage wasshattered. Gervonn Teaneck Roadwas never the same. Mentally, emotionally, youknow, having that trauma. The whole community was angry. The Whole Communitywas outraged. I mean, i was angry. So even though iwas kind of in this little bubble. The bubble burst. All of that, we thought, and my parents had foughtfor, we advocated for it. Its like it didnt work. It just kind offelt like we failed. R mr. Mayor, back in 64, this community was thefirst in the nation to vote voluntarilyfor integration. Whats happened . Frank i think theres anunwritten chapter in that book Ona Teaneck History and this is sort of avery violent reminder. We have more work to do. Amadus i felt like thetown had come apart. There were people whowanted people to blame for that. Police chief bryanburke insisted today that outsiders hadprecipitated the violence. Bryan theres astrong feeling that there might have beenoutside agitation. Man they came from hackensack. They came from englewood. Just because they heard somethingwas going to go on and they wanted todestroy our town. Its true. Were gonna pay for this. Theyre not gonna pay for it. Gervonn the narrativethat you have, all these other people comingin is such a misnomer. And we see that time and timeagain to justify what happened. Woman it doesnt happen here. We are an interracial town. People moved tothis town because they want to live in this town. Gervonn people say, oh,they were just agitators. You know,people from the outside. No, the people that livedhere were angry. They were upset. The issue was not youngpeople turning over cars. Charles the issue is ayoung man that was shot in hisback. Paul from the perspectiveof the kids, they were frustratedand whether the frustration manifesteditself through teaneck kids or from outside people thatwere here to cause trouble, to this day, i dont know. My concern was that peoplewere upset and angry. And this incident might havebeen the culmination of that boiling point,boiling over the pot. R now, racial tensionshere in teaneck, to say the least,are still very high. But earlier today,there was a peaceful, not even a demonstration,a walk through town. Walter were coming simplyin the name of peace. We dont condonethe actions that took place in teaneckthe other night, after the prayer vigil. But we do understandthe anger and the hurt that that communityis experiencing. Our time was spentwith the community in teaneck, talking to merchants and basically saying,were sorry this happened to you,helping them clean up. We tried to lower thetemperature because we knew that it was going to get very circuslike, and really intense asthe case moved forward. R while the townstruggles to come to grips with thislatest tragedy, lawyers for the family and the Police Department began a legal joust over a seriesof conflicting reports on just what happened. R the officer, gary spath, saidhe thought 16 year old Phillip Pinnell was reaching for a Gunwhen Spath tried to arrest him. R the chief said A22 Caliber Loaded Gun was found inthe youths pocket. Jennifer he held his handsup and screamed out very loud and iyelled, dont shoot. And thats when Thesecond Cop shot him in the back and hefell to the ground. Mike immediately afterphillip was killed, the authorities arranged for an autopsy to beperformed on his body. It allowed them toperhaps answer two very, very criticalquestions in this case. The first was, wasphillip, in fact, shot in theback . And number two, what werethe positions of his hands . Were they up or were they down . R the bergen countyprosecutor, john holl, said the case involvingPolice Officer Gary Spath Would Go Toa Grand Jury next week. The prosecutor Saidofficer Spath had been suspended with payduring the investigation. Police officers infull riot gear started assembling behindpolice headquarters. Prosecutor hollhad warned earlier force would be metwith force tonight. Walter its like, really,do we really need every officer armed liketheyre in the military . It was basically intimidation. And i think thats the thingthat shocked so many people, because after the town hadgained such a great reputation, no one would have thoughtthat this incident would have been the causefor the town to unravel. R overnight, there weremore signs of racial unrest in this town of 37,000that once prided itself as asuburban example of racialharmony. In this predominantly blacksection of teaneck, residents say dozens ofthese antiblack and anti naacp pamphlets were dumpedon front lawns and sidewalks beforedawn this morning. The crude pictures,complete with racist phrases,show a White Teaneck Police officer taking aimfor Target Practice at blacks. Walter the intensityof that moment, the vitriol and the hate. Peoplewaking up and finding racist, Derogatory Flierson their lawns. When you see that in thecommunity, you begin to wonder, will it ever get better . 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Golos changed my life in so many ways. I sleep better, i eat better. Took my shirt off for the first time in 25 years. Its golo. Its all golo. Its smarter, its better, it will change your life forever. R the body of 16 yearold Phillip Pannell arrived at the communitybaptist church, surrounded by acrowd of mourners. W everyone is taking it bad,whether theyre black or white, jewish or italian,it doesnt matter. Everyones taking it bad. Natacha the dayof the funeral. We had a private viewingthat was in the morning and my brother didntlook like himself. He was like 5 to 6 shadesdarker than what he was. And i remember mybrother looking like he was like in his lateforties, early fifties, you know, versusthe last time i saw his body. R it may have been themost difficult day so far for the familyof Phillip Pannell. The 16 year old wasto be buried. Thelma that day oh, my god. My legs. I remember my legs. I was moving. Then again, i wasnt moving. And again, i was sayingthings and i wasnt saying. I would just followingthe light that day. I was justjust following the light. When i got to the church, you couldnt evenhardly see the ground. It was so many people. I mean, you can see nothing. It was so many prominentpeoples were at the funeral all the black Clergy Counselorswas there, the naacp. And then i rememberi seen all of clints friends was just looking at me,crying with the head down. And then soon as it got out ofthat hearse, they just started rubbing on the casket. R outside,friends of the slain teenager comforting one another. Their world of adolescentconcerns was shattered. Batron No Human Beingshould go through nothing likethat. You know, itwas just wrong. Wrong. Im sorry. sniffing sobbing im sorry. It was wrong. Nobody should. Nobody shouldbe treated like that. Upbeat Gospel Music r inside the jammed church,reverend Herbert Daughtry told the audience that phillippannell, in the manner in which he died,cannot be forgotten. Herbert we mustbuild a monument so that as long as thesun rise and set this city,this country will never, ever forget. Phillip clinton pannell. Audience Cheering and clapping natacha as the civicleaders spoke, i was sittingthere in front of mybrothers corpse just praying that it willhurry up and be over. It was like this wasntreally happening. Like it was a bad dream. R one of phillipsfriends, albert hannibal, could barely speak. He covered his face with his hands,sobbed out some words that soundedlike, please, god. Think of the family right now. Thelma it was something thati couldnt believe it. I just couldntbelieve he was gone. After the two hour service, the Funeral Procession traveled to fairlawn, new jersey,to bury Phillip Pannell. Then when i closed thecasket for the last time, thats when i couldnt take it. I couldnt take it. Going in that cold ground. R at the end,after the bronze casket had been borne down thesteps, the mother came toenter a limousine. She sat in the frontseat for a long time, waiting for the procession to get underway. It was a very long wait. She seemed dazed, alonein her shock, her grief. Walter its a horrible thing togo to a childs funeral. When you look back at thatmoment, the immediate aftermath, we were overwhelmedby the media. I dont have much time r for some of pannellsfriends, it was their first look at him since he waskilled tuesday night. For a few, their first lookever at death close up. Walter like, yes,i understand it from a journalistic perspective, but this is about child. Like you have to at leastgive us the space to grieve. Paul i felt sadness. I felt we were the focalpoint of the news media on the local and national andpossibly International Level that Accentuated Somethingthat happened in teaneck, that was an anomaly. It was the perfectstorm, so to speak. R more than 250 people marchedthrough Downtown Teaneck today protesting the shootingof a black teen. Reverend al sharptonled todays rally focusing attentionon the investigation. Many blacks and Whites Ofteaneck said al sharptons presence would nothelp this situation. Alison i can just saythat there were some people who were absolutelyglad he was here, and there were somepeople that wished he would go away and sawhim to be an opportunist. W1 Demagogs Do Notcare about teaneck. They only care about themselves. vo with verizon, you can now get a private 5g network. So you can do more than connect your business, you can make it even smarter. Now ports can know where every piece of cargo is. And where its going. dock worker right on time. vo robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. foreman nice work. vo and retailers can get ahead of the Fashion Trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. With a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. Giving you more control of your business. We call this enterprise intelligence. 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Ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. Pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. Psomebody. le as zero dollars al the Phillip Pannellsshooting and the movement after was early in mytrajectory, nationally we had foughtseveral cases that known in the region. They had become well i understoodinstitutional racism. But what even ididnt understand was the institutionalsuburban racism. So i became intriguedwith it to the point that i wanted theteaneck Phillip Pannell situationto be our model. Sort of like king usedchicago as his model. Mike in the late 1980sand early 1990s. Reverend sharptonvery much wanted to establish himself as a National Civil rights leader. Al good morning. How are you all doing . Al okay. Mike The Problem Withreverend Sharpton was the fact that he had also been tied to an extremely controversialstory involving Tawana Brawley,an africanamerican teenager who claimed that she had beenraped by a group of white men. R the grand jury reporton Tawana Brawley is officiallyreleased, concluding she lied when shesaid she was abducted and raped by agang of white men. Mike serious questions had beenraised about her truthfulness and how reverendsharpton had handled his role in thatparticular story. So by the time hegets to teaneck, his reputation wasextremely controversial. R some residents todaywere fearful of still moreviolence, skeptical of themarches organizer brooklyn minister, al sharpton. Jackie i didnt havea good feeling about al sharptons desireto be in teaneck. I may feel differentlyabout him now, but i didnt feelhe had credibility. And i felt theresenough diversity, enough divergence ofopinion among teaneck people to cometogether and come to some Consensus Ofhow to move forward. M1 there are clearlypeople who are attempting to use a situationfor their own political benefit. Then thats not helpful,thats destructive. Protestors Chanting mike for theentire summer during this grand jury investigation, on the streets of teaneck, every Saturday Therewas A March Led by followers ofreverend al sharpton, often led by reverendsharpton himself. Upbeat Gospel Music Protestors Shoutingthrough Megaphone al the big mistake people make is to have one rally,one march and go. You got to keep going. You got to keeppublic attention. You have to keep people focused. A lot of the attacks ihad then and now is that sharpton just wants publicity. Thats exactly what i want. You only showingyour racism, to ask what am idoing in teaneck . What was king Doingin Selma . He was there becauseinjustice was there. Unless you can keeppublic attention, youll never make change. Mike well, after reverendsharpton came to town, some of the politicalestablishment in teaneck was looking for anantidote, so to speak. And so they reached out tothe reverend jesse jackson. They were really Hopingthat Jackson could bring in some sense ofcalm to the town, but also hedtaken on the mantle of the post kinggeneration as a real nationalleader. Hed even run for president and done very well. Jesse in too many instances,the police fear and paranoia is translating into violence. We must draw the line. Thelma all i want isjustice for my son, the way he got killed. R the Pannell Familysays they still want a special prosecutorinvolved in this case. And the Reverend Jessejackson says he will take that request directlyto governor jim florio. Jim we had a Very Productivemeeting with jesse jackson. He asked for aspecial prosecutor. I said, were not going todo a special prosecutor. But we are going to take itout of the local area and lift it to the state level. The attorney general, bob deltufo, to oversee prosecution and therefore take away thepotential for conflict of interest. I guess what we allwant is justice, and justice is whatim committed to. R tonight,new jersey governor jim florio revealed hewill move a grand jury from Teaneckto Trenton because the mood there will be calmer. The grand jury is expected toconvene in trenton in about a week. Now, when jesse jacksoncame, he was more popular than alsharpton at the time. But ive neverseen him again. He never came back. Al sharpton, i appreciated him. He put numbers out hereto make us stronger. We cannot have hypocrisy where you fight apartheid3000 miles away, but its all right to Shootblack Kids in the back right here inteaneck, new jersey. Thelma that man,let me tell you, maybe he might bea little harsh, but in this world, to fight for somebody like me, mean blacks, we cant just sit backand be soft spoken. Were not goingto get anywhere. That was my child. Al the issue is notwho is coming in. The fact iseverybodys coming in if you dont arrest and chargewith murder, this policemen. Mike when al sharpton referred to spath as a murderer,there was understandable shock. That immediately helped toreally draw some significant lines in this disputeover what really happened. Amadus whateverwe thought we didnt usethat language. We were trying to use, youknow, deescalating language. Crowd Chanting jackie i certainly didntbelieve that the shooting was murder. Gary spathwas called out of fear that there was somebodyrunning around with a gun. Al it is immaterial whetherphillip had a starter pistol, a water gun,a hand grenade if he was shotin the back. The fact of the matter is,Phillip Pannell was executed. Batron batron i believethats what it was. Thats what he got. He got executed. He got shot inthe damn back. Al were here becausewe are against murder and we want murderersput in jail. New astepro allergy. Now available without a prescription. Astepro is the first and only 24hour steroid free spray. While other Allergy Sprays take hours astepro starts working in 30 minutes. So you can. Astepro and go. When moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis persists. 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Mike in the weeksafter the shooting, the Town Councilbecame A Vortex for a lot of thedifferent feelings in the Community Thatwere kind of bubbling up. Paul at the time i was acouncilman in teaneck, there was a lot ofanimosity, mistrust, and there were mostly people who were speaking angry at the town. What are you goingto do about it . W3 We Want Teaneck The Wayit was before. Furthermore. Mrs. Heart would not. W3 let me finish my statement. Paul we heard itfrom every direction from those supportive of thepolice to those antipolice. Thelma if that was a Black Copthat shot a white boy, he would not be outwalking in the streets. Face reality. Face it. Paul there was anger,there was frustration, there was anticipation. Of a trial,wasnt pleasant to be part of. M1 and we come to a towncouncil that i believe truly wants to dothe right thing. But because of ignorance, it does not know how. Mike you had africanamericanactivists, people who wanted to address the question ofPhillip Pannells shooting, but also wanting to broaden thediscussion into other issues. R teaneck residents came totown Council Meetings to demand that more blacks be addedto the police force. But no aspect ofthe racial issue gripped the communitys emotions more than the chargethat White Teaneck cops were abusing thetowns black youth. O. J. well, what hadhappened to me in an event on august 24th, back in1989, i was harassed by two officers whoheld me at gunpoint. Pushed their gun into my eye. Immediately after thatincident, i went to the police stationto fill out a report, but i was deniedby the lieutenant in charge to fillout the report. He told me to get thehell out of the police station. Paul that was the first time i really heard anafricanamerican couple say to me, we had togive our kids the talk. They were worried abouttheir children, primarily males. How they deal with the police. These were things ihad never heard before. Gervonn as a mother of threeyoung black men, raising them as boys, you know,taking them to the mall. They were going tothe mall with their friends,their Black And White friends. But i always had tomake sure i told my friends,leave your backpack in the car. Dont keep yourhands in your pocket. Make sure you have your wallet. If youre talking, make sure you greet people,look them in the eye, you know, so they dont look likeshifty or anything like that. Now, im sure thatit wasnt a reverse if a white mom wasdoing the drop off. She didnt have tohave that conversation. Walter its those what icall low grade fever incidents that i think rubpeople wrongly in a way thats probablymore personal than some of the moreegregious incidents, because youre just trying to go about your life andits interrupted by these interactionswith police. I remember beingstopped three times when i was in gradschool coming home on the newjersey turnpike. And you always heard fromyoung black People Living in those communities ofthese issues with police. Cop one of the main problemsis that its just a blank complaint all thetime, harassment. Theres never any specifics, which we tellthem, what, what incident . And theres neveran answer to that. Just, you know,were harassed. William theres alwaysbeen some tension between police and theafricanamerican community. But for the 8 hoursthat i was there, nobody was getting harassed. You broke the law. You got the law applied toyou just like everybody else. You know, some people gotcut, breaks or, you know, if personsyoung, you know, you try to divertthem and you try to take them hometo their parents. I mean, those are some of thethings that that i used to do. R surprisingly at the timeof the shooting, teanecks Police Department includedonly five black officers in a force ofmore than 80. Mike the problemhere is the Police Department was stilllargely made up of a bunch of white officers andthat was one of the many issues in the town that blackactivists really wanted toaddress. W4 the main message that i want you to get tonight as mayor is that you have no right tospeak for any africanamerican. Not in this state,not in this city. No where. And im going to tell you why you dont have abit of interest in Working Withthe Black Community to find out what makes us tick. What upsets us, what we need sothat this thing can go forward. Loretta it was the firsttime i heard the expressioninstitutional racism. I had never heard that before. Somebody had to tell meexactly what that meant. When you want toknow what racism is kids, this isracism right there. Sitting right in front of me. Mike by the same token, therestarted to be some pushback by certain elements of thetown, largely white, who were so angry that theyhad been unjustly targeted. Audience Clapping idajean there was a Lot Ofepithets being thrown. Both sides. It was a veryemotionally charged time Thelma Thelma andbelieve when i say some stuff gonna come down onall of you thats covering up. Might not cometoday or tomorrow. Might be next year. But you will getwhats coming for you. Audience Clapping continue to contaminateyour own bed, and one night you will suffocatein your own waste. Eleanor uh, your time is up. Charles no, im not finished. Eleanor well, time is up. Charles because theshooting is Inherentlyquestionable Eleanor were gonnaclose the meeting. Charles because phillippannell was shot in the back and because it appearspannell was not menacinganybody. Walk away onon your own ignorance. Thank you. Loretta the fight was this lackof recognition like. Okay, stop it. Yeah, i know were in model town, usa,but we have problems. Why cant we talk about them . Paul listen, this was a tragedyfor the spath family. This was a tragedy forthe pannell family. But phillip was a kid who hada gun who shouldnt had a gun. Mike it presented a dilemma formany residents in the town. They didnt want to seea 16 year old boy shot. But on the other hand,it was difficult for some of them to embracephillip as a victim. W we feel that this shooting was not a raciallymotivated incident any person brandishing a gun, asks for trouble. Jackie there waspart of me that felt it happened because ofhim and i was so upset that here was this kid with a gun. Walter even if phillippossessed a firearm, you cant shoot a firearmwith your back to the officers. And so i think when policesay he was a threat, thats become thestandard response. As an excuse for theirreckless behavior. I think white peoplehave a tendency to ignore these incidentsof Police Violence because its easyto cast things out and say the officerwasnt racist. Were not a racist community. And so the questionbecomes, when will a black life matterto white people in this Country Thatthey are as outraged as we are when one of ourchildren are murdered . Shingles. Some describe it as an intense Burning Sensation or an unbearable itch. This painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. It could make your workday feel impossible. The virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. If youre 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. vo a thin painted line. The only thing between you and a lifechanging accident. But are these lines enough . A subaru with eyesight. kid vo hey dad vo . Watches the lines for any danger. And can automatically stop itself. mom is everyone ok . kid im ok. vo your family is safer in a threerow subaru ascent. Love. Its what makes subaru, subaru. She was supposed to be the one. I used to believe in the one. And then i realized, theres plenty of savings in the sea. What . 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W i certainly wouldntlike the kids r theres a lot of thing thatkids do and parents dont know. W well, then the parentsshould spend more time with the kidthat is what it comes down to itsthe parents job. R youre telling me hewasnt brought up correctly. W well, his parents. R his parents what . Loretta at Thattime Teaneck was really an emotionalwreck in a way. There were extremistson both sides. There were very, i mean,i dont know if i would have used the word atthe time right wing from the white communityand their narrative was we were the Perfect Communityand Phillip Pannell was the bad kid and dont Blame Thecops for what happened. So it became, oh, youre either defending the police oryoure defending phillippannell. W why did he run . M yeah, he wasjust scared. He probably hadproblems with the police r but this isstill no reason to shoot him in theback and kill him. Mike in assessingwhat happened here. Its important to talkabout what we call the battle of the photographs ofPhillip Pannell at thenewspaper. The Photograph Thatwe received from the Police Departmentwas a mug shot. This became a pointof controversy. Natacha thats all myfamily and my mother, everybody was seeing justthat mug shot of my brother. And in that mug shot, his face, he looked older than what he wasbecause his his eye was black. And then he had likelumps on his forehead. Mike the familyobjected to that. And so they gave usa picture of phillip when he was alittle bit younger, was one of thoseschool pictures. The Police Departmentobjected to that. They said, well, heslooking too much like a choirboy. Thats notaccurate either. And this was always a tension that really kind of separatedboth sides in a really big way. Walter to see a 16 year oldboys mug shot sends a powerful message to the communitythat the Police Officer was right in doingwhat he did because he was dealingwith a criminal. Youre just killing thisfamily again and again andagain. Meanwhile,theyre facing a Community Calling him a threat,calling him a thug. R spaths attorneyadds that the juvenile had anextensive record. Robert having focused onwhy people are not beingeducated and why theyre not inschool, why theyre on probation,why theyre bashing heads in,and why theyre carrying Loaded Gunsat the age of 16. Steven they weresaying, he deserved it. He was a thug. Oh, i heard heused to go over and rob kids and rob old ladies. I said, what . Im no. He aintrobbed nobody. Natacha even at 16, he wouldstill play with Action Figures and things like that. But they were trying to say that my brother had likethis huge criminal record. But when my brotherwas arrested, it was like a big brawl of kids. So they arrested everybodythat was in the fight. It wasnt like he wasjust being assaultive. I think more so it washim defending himself. Walter phillipwasnt a criminal. He was a kid likemany teenagers who got into littletrouble as a juvenile. But that is creating thisnarrative about their son that just wasnt true. Paul there were othermembers of the community who said Phillip Pannellhad been a gang member. W every community has themparticular clusters of youth. Now there is onecalled the violators. And Phillip Pannell,i understand, was part of that. Batron the violators, it was just a name. You know, we wasnt a gang from the bronx, you know, what im saying, or from staten island. We were just a Bunch Offriends that protected eachother. We had town rivals hackensack, englewood, you know,and theyre like, well get into these fights andthen a cop comes break it up. But we wasnt a gang. We were just trying todefend ourselves, you know . We were alwaysoutnumbered. Al the demonizing of phillippannell, casting him as a thug. It had nothing todo with the shooting. That was not known Tothe Officer when he shot him. He didnt know whether hewas a choirboy or convict. Mike another Thing Youneed to understand about what happened in teaneck in april 1990 whenphillip was shot, was you got to turnback the clock a year to the centralpark jogger case. Now, we all Knowthat The Central Park Jogger Case was atravesty of justice. But at the Timethat Case jumped out to particularlywhite people in the suburbs as anexample of violence from the black community,specifically young black men. Alison in the eighties,teaneck went through a very roughpatch with drugs. And if you Take A Look At Thecrime Statistics at the time it was enough to make membersof the community wary. And so a lot of Old Peoplewere afraid of black teens. A lot of black older peoplewere afraid of black teens. It really boils down to the perceptionthat were dangerous, and that feeds into theactions of officers take,whether consciously orunconsciously. Officer spath perceived that he was being threatened,that his life was in danger, and the individual may have beenturning while he had the weapon and he took the action that, you know, he was allowed totake under those circumstances. R the victimsfamily speaks out. The family of phillippannell hopes the Grand Jurywill indict officer gary Spath Forlast aprils teaneck killing. At issue is whetherpannell had his hands up begging for mercywhen he was shot as witnesses testified or was grabbing a gunas police testified. Mike one of the mostdifficult aspects of this investigation stems fromthe original autopsy. They were trying toline up the bullet hole in phillips coat with Thebullet Hole in his body. And by doing so, theythought they could determine where his arms mightbe when he was shot. The original autopsy says that phillipshand was in his pocket. M were lookingat the probe at 13 and the Hole Inthe Garment at 18. So were talking a fiveinch difference in displacement. Peter dr. Jensen,the pathologist, was convinced thatwhat we observed, there was evidence of thehands being at the side. Several months afterthe Autopsy Report, i took anotherlook at the video. It was clear that dr. Jensen was inserting the probein the wrong place, and it becamereadily apparent it was a serious problem becausethe arms to the side, The Hole In Thejacket was way below the Position Ofthe fatal wound. So, i immediatelycalled the Attorney Generals Office to inform them that there had been a seriouserror made in the first autopsy. Shh stealth mode . Yeah. [cricket sounds] shh shh [light switch clicks] dont pta meetings end at nine . It ran. Late. Oh got lost. The lexus rx built for modern families. Its nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need limu squawks hes a natural. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. vo get the new iphone 14 pro on us. 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I said,a living person can do things that are difficult to tryto replicate with a dead body. But the grand jury was inprogress, and they wanted to have me get My Testimony Inbefore The Grand Jury ended. So i think i basically had a weekend to accomplishmy experiments. Looking at the trajectory of the fatal bullet, the fact that its leftto right across the torso, we can concludethat mr. Pannells body was turned would be45 degrees to the shooter. I took the measuredlocation of the entry wound from the Autopsy Report andon the living volunteers i wanted something thatcould be felt that was palpable. Lucien in there is a small leadsphere taped to the measured in shoot site where thelaser is now oriented. This is a Smallmetal Detector and i placed On The Inside Ofthe Coat A small lead sphere just oppositethis defect in the coat. And if i turn this correctly. Metal Detector Beeping okay. We can see weve gotsomething metal right there. Its not representedanywhere else. Metal Detector Beeping and right,basically where the laser is is where the othersphere is located. With the arms to the side,the hole in the jacket associated with thefatal wound was way below the Position Ofthe palpable marker, and it became readilyapparent it was a seriousproblem. And lets, first of all,just extend it forward. So you have a subject out beyond this wall and youregoing to point a pistol in your pocket. Okay. Extend your armforward, forward, forward. Metal Detector Beeping peter i was puzzled and ithought, well, maybe i can resolve the issueby having him raise both arms. Metal Detector Beeping lucien all right,stop, stop there. Metal Detector Beeping right now,what id like you to do is respond as thoughyoure rotating to my call, coming fromover your left shoulder. So rotate to your left. Metal Detector Beeping that, of course,has caused the garment or his body Torotate Inside of it. So we have themessentially coaligned. Metal Detector Beeping walter this isforensic evidence that phillipshands were raised. The bullet holesin his jacket lined up with the bulletholes in his back. When his arms were raised. R sources say themedical examiner mistakenly found thatthe teenagers hands were at his side. That would havesupported the spaths story that pannell could have beenreaching for a gun. But an independent report showed the youths handswere in the air. Raymond the symbolof raised hands is nothing new andis not obscure. It is known topeople in combat, even though theymay speak different languages and havedifferent cultures. Its known in law enforcement. Its even known to Little Children Whoplay cops and robbers. It means i will offer no moreresistance and i am not armed. Thelma its provenevidence that he gave his handsup. He surrendered. He surrendered. Thats murder. He justshot him when he gave up. It was a lie when theysay he reached for a gun. That was a lie. And when the truthcame out that his hands was up, i said, god,thank you so much. Thank you so much. I just wanted to know the truth. M Phillip Pannell wasshot in the back. His hands were raisedhigh in the air. And your answerto thats gotta be [cross talk] bernie and we heardthe autopsy said, you know, philhad his hands up. We were all like that. Thats it. Hes going toget indicted. Hes going to go tojail for what he did. music Protestors Chanting william it was avery challenging time to be a policeofficer in teaneck. Cop we are here todayto send a message. M police didnt want to march. They had no choice. Cop he had a gun. Crowd Chanting he had a gun. r in a few minutes,the trial of Police Officer gary spath will begin. Mike it is extremely rare for Police Officers tobe put on trial. M when you said that Yousaw Phillip Being shot. Witness i didnt say i sawphillip get shot. M just asking he motions, i give up. Then pow. Shot went off peter but wevebeen waiting a long to hear from officerwayne blanco, one of the only other people in authority at thetime of the shooting. Thelma i looked and i saw all white jury. I said we dont have a chance. New details on this weeks january 6th hearing. Plus quid pro quo to ron desantis give the contract for charter flights to a gop donor . And as russia loses ground in its war in ukraine. Im Ayman Mohyeldin lets get started. What all right folks save the date its next week nick

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