by the image. >> within seconds the dumpster was in flames, and brewer was incinerated. >> were you afraid of kasey that night? >> that night, yeah. >> what were you afraid of? >> i was afraid of getting stabbed. i didn't have nothing on me to protect myself. >> since link is already convicted and sentenced for his part in the murder, he is eligible to serve his time in a general population dorm with far fewer restrictions than the confinement unit. that frustrates kasey ackerman. >> he is in general population right now. but they want to keep me behind this door. it's not right, you know what i'm saying? i feel like i'm being punished and at this point all i can do is prepare my mind for the worst and hope for the best. >> you going to be all right? >> in the next cell over, brian singletary is also frustrated with being in confinement, and it's only been a little more than a day now. when he first arrived at intake,